


People say that love is beautiful. Grand. Instantaneous.
Their wrong. Love is harsh, ugly and destructive.
Some people fight tooth and nail for the right to love or be loved; only to have it thrown back into their faces.
Some people realize that the other person isn't worth fighting for.
Others follow their supposed lover blindly thinking that if they do the love will be unconditional and eternal.
Only to be betrayed and left behind while the other lives his or her life carelessly.

But sometimes....sometimes it’s worth fighting for them. Fighting till the end. This love is the only real love that will ever exist. And it will be pure and true.

Deafening Silence - chapter 1

Hunter's pov

It was a Saturday. A normal Saturday that started like any-other. Getting waken up by the arseholes I call my best friends, get dressed, then going to the dining room for breakfast. The same things that I did every morning- everyday- but it was when I went into the dining room that my life changed. For better or worse I didn't know, and frankly didn't care. I didn't even notice when I first walked in or when she walked out- it was later that I would realize that today was the actual beginning of my life. And it all started with a rainy Saturday morning.

Present Day....

"Hunter!! Get your lazy god damn ass out of bed or we're gonna miss breakfast!!", that ladies and gentlemen was how I woke up this morning; to my soon to be departed best friend Chris Andrews shouting in my ear.

"Uuuggghh." I groaned as I buried my head into my plush soft pillow. Tucking one arm underneath the pillow, the other grabbing the second pillow and using it to cover my other ear while I grumbled, "Leave me alone you arsehole. I'll get up when I'm ready to."

Chris huffed and replied," 'When you’re ready' isn't good enough." He grabbed my left foot and tried in vain to drag me out of bed.

"Come on," he groaned releasing my foot which I curled back underneath into the warmth of my sheets. "Billy and I are starving cuz you won't get your ass outta bed!" He whined - annoyed with the fact that unlike some people I didn't like to wake up before Jesus on a Saturday. A Saturday for god sake!

"You have five minutes to get up and dressed before I come back in here with Billy and drag your ass out!" Chris called as he exited our room, slamming the door as he left.

Groaning I threw my pillows and blanket to the side I got up and stretched my feet over the side of my bed- before running a hand through my hair. Sighing I stretched my back- as I got up and of the bed and headed to my closet. Grabbing a black T- shirt and low rider jeans; throwing them on before quickly running my hand through my ebony hair.

Glancing at my reflection in the mirror before three rapid knocks on the door made me jump.

"Dammit, Hunter! Hurry up in there before I go back in there-"

I cut Billy off by causally strolling through the bedroom door- after throwing on my favorite leather jacket, " And do what exactly Bill", I questioned him with a raised eyebrow; smirking down at him I lifted my hand and ruffled his hair causing him to huff, "You’re not exactly the intimidating type." I chuckled as he grumbled under his breath as he fixed his hair. Don't get me wrong, Billy can be a scary guy when he wants to be but to Chris and me - his best friends- he wasn't that all frightening. With his lanky figure and bright neon blue eyes- but that little shits fast- and can pack quite a punch.

Speaking of Chris and his fists- he just hit me pretty, freaking hard on my shoulder. “Asshole" I muttered under my breath, while my other friend Chris just laughed at us. Chris was taller than Billy but still shorter than I am, with dark brown hair and eyes to match. Chris I have to say is actually one of the smartest people I know. He can hack any computer system, phone line, you name it. And last there’s me- the tallest and apparently the scariest in our little group- with my ebony hair and bright blue green eyes. Billy, Chris, and I are best friends- practically brothers, since we have grown up in the same house for practically all our lives. Even when different families adopted one of us- we never lost touch. Ever. Adoption has really never worked for any of us- and since we are turning 18 next year; this is basically our home stretch. Just a little bit longer until we are home free and I plan on never looking back. That is except maybe Sara. Yeah Sara I'll never be able to forget. Sara James is the woman in charge around here. The girl looks after, us like we are her real family. But everyone here just calls her 'Big Momma' or just Sara.

"So, what classes do you have this semester?” Billy questioned as we walked down the hall towards the stairs.

"Umm... I think I have academic chemistry, tech, English, and gym." Chris stated whilst jogging down the stairs- in a rush to get to the table before al the younger kids eat all the good food.

"Of course you do smart ass," I retorted with a smirk," I think you'd claw your brains out if you didn't have Tech."

Billy and I chuckled when he replied with," Damn straight I would."

As we entered the kitchen we were greeted with the smells of pancakes, bacon, and syrup- and the sound of at least a dozen kids running around and talking. It was always noise to say the least; but it kind of had an at home feel to it - but i guess after living here for a few years would make you feel that way about the place.

Chris, Billy, and I sat down at our usual seats- with our backs facing the wall and across from the table there was the stove, cabinet, and as well as a small window showing- what usually is a bright green grass with kids playing and laughing on it. But not today. Today it was raining so all the kids that where usually outside were inside making the place seem a little more crammed then usual- even though there were only about a dozen kids under the age of 13 and 3 more above the age of 14 besides Chris, Billy, and I.

Whilst we were eating and talking about school that was approaching faster than we thought- Sara entered the crowded room. Sara James was on the good side of her forties- with pretty dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Good morning everyone!" she called in her usual contagious cheery tone- to which everyone to with the same happy tone. Well besides me. I grumbled a hello before she started to talk again looking more excited than normal.

"I have a surprise for all of you today," she squealed loudly causing my ears to bleed. Grinning like a mad woman she continued, " I have someone I would like you to meet." she reached beside her and whispered to the person of whom she was grabbing.

She gently pulled the and that was clad in a long sleeve shirt to reveille a girl -that looked to be the same age as Billy, Chris and I. She had long ebony hair that almost reached her hips, sun kissed skin, and the oddest colour of eyes. They were a dark midnight shade of violet, mixed with tints of black, grey, and white. She had on a long sleeve black shirt with black skinnies and a pair of thin rimmed glasses. She wasn't short but not really tall- about 5'8-5'9. The shirt she was wearing was kind of baggie- so you couldn't real tell what kind of body she had.

"This," Sara said excitedly gesturing to the girl standing next to her," is Calla- everyone say hi!!"

The room erupted with 'hellos and 'HI’s- awhile the girl- Calla- kept her eyes on the floor. She didn't say anything just kept looking down. The way she was standing made it look like she was almost curled into herself- almost as if she was protecting herself from something.

But what?

Deafening Silence - chapter 2

Hunter’s pov

After breakfast everyone headed either gone upstairs to their rooms or into the living room, to watch TV. Billy, Chris, and I decided to go down to the basement to play some pool- since our jobs were more of a night time scene- we usually either stayed home or went out on the town during the day. Unless it was during the school year- then we would sometimes go to school. We reached the bottom of the stairs in silence- not bothering to start a conversation until he broke the balls.

“Don’t you think it’s weird how Sara just let her go back upstairs after breakfast?” Billy questioned after he braked.

“Yea”, Chris agreed as he lined up his shot. Squinting he said, “She always makes them meet us first; remember –“crack! The ball sounded loudly as it hit against the others- sending them in frenzy as they scattered across the table.

There was a pause when I stepped up to the table and leaned against it- watching the balls roll around in a mix of colors.

I continued to watch as Chris added, “She doesn’t like them to feel left out. She wants them to feel ‘at home’ here.” He put air quotes around the words ‘at home’.

I smirked, “maybe she gave up on all that crap- like she should of after the incident with Dalton.” They both chuckled darkly at the memory. See a few years back when we were around the age of 7 this kid Dalton came here after being sent away from a nearby foster family. Sara introduced Dalton to everyone and everything was fine and dandy till he met Damien. Damien was one of our old friends here that left only 2 or 3 years back- him being older than us and being thrown out earlier than the rest of us- Lucky prick. Anyway, when Dalton saw Damien; he started cursing and yelling that Chris was a vile mistake of god – you see Damien is black and apparently Dalton was a tight-belted catholic kid. After about 30 seconds of him yelling in Damien’s face- let’s just say nobody talked about that morning ever again.

I snorted, “but that’s probably the least likely scenario- you know can you imagine a kid just going up to Sara and saying’ yea I don’t really even want to be here so if you could just stop cramming this ‘family’ and ‘respect’ shit down my throat it would be great!’”

This sent all of us into fits of laugher. Don’t get us wrong –the woman is as sweet as candy and we love her but- insult her family and it’s WWIII.

After our laugher died down we continued the game. And another. And another. When the clock reach noon we decide to emerge from the basement, onto the ground floor and into the kitchen- to tell Sara we were leaving. After that we head outside in the rain where it was to loud to continue a conversation and into the jeep. When in the jeep we headed out of town to go to work. Unlike most kids our age we didn’t flip burgers- we flipped people. I was a fighter and Chris and Billy are my manager and trainer. Every night I put my life on the line fighting people twice my size for a few minutes of the thrill and a few hundred to even a thousand.

"Hey dreamy!” Chris called from outside the car banging his fist on the window, “come on we got a training to do."

Another day in hell, I thought grimly walking out of the car and towards the bar. luckily my days are numbered.

Deafening Silence - Chapter 3

Hunter’s pov

Jack, Jim, and Brandy. Those were the only other real friends I have - besides Chris, Billy, and Damian of course. Sad but true- but I am happy that way. I don’t give 2 fucks what anyone thinks about it. It’s just the way I am, and nothing gonna change it.

Hunter’s pov

It’s 1 o’clock in the morning and we are just getting back from the fight. Everything went as per usual – meaning that I won. I never lose. Never have never will- it’s just the way things are. Ever since my very first fight I’ve won them all.

On our way back home, Chris was gushing over how well I did last night.

“One of your best,” He complimented as we drove the long way back home.

We pulled it to the silent neighborhood, and drove up the driveway and came to a abrupt stop in front of the house.

Hopping out of the car and lazily walking up the path laughing loudly at something that Billy just said- knowing all too well that everyone in the house was already nodded off to far, to wake up – stumbling up the steps, Chris drawled out the keys from his pocket.

“Are you guys gonna head upstairs?” he asked unlocking the door and stepping in, whilst pulling his coat off. ”Seeing as it is a school night.”

“Dammit,” I cursed, “that’s tomorrow?” I asked and he nodded.

I paused- thinking about it for a moment.

I shrugged, “hasn’t stopped us before.” I laughed and the chuckled in agreement.

Taking another swig of whiskey, and heading to the living room before a voice stopped me-

“And what exactly do you think you are doing boys!” Sara’s clipped tone coming out of the door frame.

We jumped and turned around to face her.

“Hey Sare Bear!!” I chirped happily swooping down and catching her in a bear hug. The guys grinned and joined me in squeezing the living day lights out of her.

“Get off of me!” she cried, swatting at us with her hands. Finally after a moment we let her go and ducked out of reach of her flying hands.

She huffed and fixed her hair that we had ruffled up, whilst we had been hugging her.

“I’ll be dammed if either of you 2 finishes school- being as immature as you are!” she said waggling her finger at Billy and I.

Suddenly her chiding was stopped by the soft sound of feet coming down the stairs.

We all turned our heads to the stairs when we saw a figure come to the bottom of the stairs.

Rubbing her eyes and looking in-between Billy, Sara, Chris and I- Calla looked more innocent than the children currently sleeping upstairs. She was wearing a long sleeved Black t-shirt – like the one she was wearing at breakfast- and knee length shorts. Her hair was knotted and mess atop her head- but she looked like she didn’t care. Most girls would be fixing, or running their hand through their hair to try and fix it- but she just left it.

Sara gasped, “I’m sorry Hun!” she exclaimed. “Did we wake you?”

Now this is the funny part- any normal girl would say no, or say that she was already awake. Calla just gave her a flat look saying ‘No I was just riding my purple unicorn in my room and herd you down here’.

I couldn’t help but snicker softly under my hand.

Violet orbs looked at me questioningly when Calla’s head turn towards me. I couldn’t breathe. When I said that she looked innocent before, it was nothing compared to how innocent she looked right now- when I was looking at her. In her odd violet eyes you could see nothing. They were unreadable- but she had such a breakable vibe. Like even if you looked at her she would break- let alone if you touched her. Her black hair fell like a curtain in front of her eyes, hiding her dull purple eyes- that were blank of any emotion let alone happiness. It was then in that moment whether I knew it or not- I was forever trapped in a sea of violet.

Calla’s pov

A quite laugh brought my attention to a man with dark black hair and bright blue/green eyes. The man stood about a foot or so taller than I, with a black shirt and jeans on- along with a leather jacket. The shirt outlined the muscles that hid underneath, and for a split second I imaged what it would feel like to run my hand along the contours of his chest. Quickly snapping out of my thoughts I chided myself internally, someone like him would never want someone like you, I told myself bitterly as I looked up into his eyes that seemed to be deep in thought until I look at him. His eyes then showed curiosity and something else that I had never seen someone look at me like before. Probably disgust, the voice inside my head told me.

Fighting tears that had found themselves in my eyes somehow- I turned to Sara and gave her an apologetic look and walked back up the stairs trying not to run. As soon as I reached the door to my new room- I let out a sob. Nobody deserves me, I thought brokenly as I opened the door and was greeted by darkness. I crawled under the cold blankets on my new bed and stayed there. I didn’t sleep but I also didn’t stay awake. I was somewhere in-between just like I had always been. Not being able to sleep soundly through the night- yet too tired to stay awake. Always stuck in-between.

Deafening Silence - Chapter 4

Calla's pov

A few days later-

Getting up in the morning I remembered that today is the first day of school. Sigh. Climbing out of bed I sulked towards the closet. Quickly grabbing a pair of skinny jeans, and black tank top, along with a massive black jumper. Placing the clothes on my bed, I hopped in the shower and took my time washing my long hair. Exiting out of the shower- trying not looking at my reflection in the mirror- I wrapped a navy towel around my waist and another for my hair. After dressing I slipped on my black ankle boots and wandered into the deserted hallway. Walking down the rickety stairs and peeked into the kitchen, only to see all the children laughing, talking, and eating around the room. Creeping by the mess of people, and swiftly grabbed a green apple, from the fruit basket on the island. Just as I was about to walk out the front door I was stopped by Sara.

"Hey Calla? Do you mind if I talk to you for a minute?" Her voice was hesitant and hopeful.

I sighed, shut the door and nodded. Turning around to face her - only to find that she wasn't alone. Behind her were the boys from last night. The one with the black and blue streaked hair flashed me a bright smile.

The man standing next to him gave me a smirk.

“Hello there, gorgeous," he purred making me shiver in disgust.

"Easy there Chris," warned a deep and masculine voice. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw the man with the black hair and Caribbean blue eyes that made my body shiver with something that wasn't disgust." You don't wanna scare the poor girl." he smirked. Offended I spun my body on the balls of my feet to face this mystery man. He was leaning against the foyer door frame; he donned a tight white t-shirt and dark blue jeans. He flicked the wayward strands of ebony hair out of his eyes, and eyed me up with just a hint of a smile quirking at the ends of his lips. Suddenly our eyes met and I drowned.

He didn't break eye contact until Sara started talking again- almost making me jump in surprise.

"Boys!" She snapped scolding. “Leave the poor girl alone- before I tan you're hides!"

I would have laughed at the expressions on the two boys faces - but if I had been in their place I probably would have been just as scared. I settled with a light snicker behind my hand. The ebony haired boy that been chuckling lightly at his friends- stopped when he heard me laugh.

His gaze was fixated on me until

Sara said, “Hunter! Introduce yourself, Chris, and Billy."

Gaze still on me, the boy with the black hair righted himself from the wall and approached me- hand out stretched - and quirked the ends of his lips up in an almost smile that didn't reach his unreadable eyes and said," I'm Hunter."

Hunter's pov

"I'm Hunter."

Those where the first words that came out of my mouth, whilst I peered at deep pools of Violet. Calla stared at my hand and glanced at me from underneath her thick lashes, and nibbled on her bottom lip.

Tossing her hip length ink hair over her shoulder she gingerly grabbed my hand. I assumed she was just going to shake it. I could not have been more wrong.

Using my hand, she pulled herself into the encirclement of my arms- taking me by surprise, she placed a chastity kiss on both of my cheeks and murmured, "Blessings".

When she took a step back there was no noise between us but the silent hum of electricity. Her lips turned up at the corners slyly- whilst my lips parted in surprise.

The silence was soon ended by a low whistle from Chris.

"Hot damn," he muttered before grinning and opening his arms up wide. "Me next!" He chirped.

Snapping my head towards him, I snorted, "As if she would touch you with a ten foot pole, Chris."

Sara snapped her fingers in my direction- causing me to switch my attention from Calla's rolling eyes- to her. 'Get on with it', she mouthed, then covered her mouth with her hand- trying not to laugh as she assessed the situation in front of her.

Giving a dramatic sigh, I stepped towards Calla and said, "Lily, this is Chris-" I pointed at my smirking best friend-" and Billy." Billy- being one of the nicest people you could meet- gave her a friendly wave and a kind smile.

I turned towards Calla to tell her she is gonna ride with us today- only to find she was staring at me.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I asked her, “What?"

She opened her mouth then shut it, then opened it again- making her kinda look like a fish.

"S'wrong Lily? Cat got your tongue?" I chuckled.

She gaped at me then composed herself enough to blush lightly and drag her eyes down to the floor- as if she suddenly found her shoes fascinating - and muttered-

"My name isn't Lily."

I paused.

I didn't really notice that I had called her Lily.

I shrugged," I like Lily-" I paused and reached over a grabbed a wayward strand of wet black hair that fell on her face, and tucked it behind her ear - before shoving my hand back in my pocket before I continued." It suits you."

She raised her gaze to look into my eyes- and just like every time she did -it felt like she could see my soul.

I shiver and Sara interrupted our moment by clapping her hands.

"Alright!" She chirped, “Time for y'all to get going. Go on scoot!"

She shoved us all out the door - but not before having Chris, Billy and I kissing her cheeks and a hug- as she handed all of us our bags with our lunches tucked away inside.

As Chris and Billy sauntered over to the car arguing about only god knows what- I trailed behind them, laughing under my breath as they continued to act like an old married couple. Just out of the corner of my eye I saw Calla walking towards the bus stop. Remembering what Sara had talk to me and the boys about this morning, I jogged in her direction.

"Lily!" I called, "wait up!"

Luckily she heard me and stopped walking.

When I caught up to her, I said, "Come on." I jerked my head in the direction of the car. “You’re gonna ride with us this morning." And every other morning, I added in my head with a chuckle.

I looked down a saw Lily looking at me with the most dumbstruck expression on her face. She shot me a look that just screamed 'why?’.

Just as I was about to answer her- I heard a car horn and Chris call, “Come on you two! We’re gonna be late!"

Cursing under my breath, I looked at her and gingerly placing my hand gently on the small of her back- only to have her cringe away from me.

Retracting my hand I bent down to her level and said, “Look neither of us have time for me to explain this right now- but I promise I will tell you about it in the car."

She hesitated and peeked at me from the corner of her eye. Finally she nodded and started walking over to the car. I sighed and shook my head as I followed her towards the car. How am I going to explain this, I thought running a hand through my hair.

Deafening Silence - Chapter 5

Calla's pov

I don't know what possessed me into agreeing to go to school with Hunter. My thoughts as I slipped into the car that his friends were waiting, impatiently in- weren't really so much as thoughts than prays that they were not going to kidnap me.

Sliding over so I'm able to touch the window on the right side, Hunter gets in after me.

"Calm down asshole- we're not gonna be late." He muttered under his breath.

Chris shot him a disgruntled look, and I held back a giggle.

I turned to Hunter and gave him a pointed look.

"Ok I know I promised an explanation, and you'll get one- but you might think I'm lying."

I raised my eyebrow, but motioned for him to continue.

"Okay," he took a deep breath and started, “so Sara came up to us this morning and asked us a favor-" he paused and glanced at me. I nodded my head at him and he kept going."- she asked us to look after you."

I was speechless- Speechless and pissed.

"I can take care of myself." I snapped quietly, glaring at him.

He raised his hands in sigh of surrender, "Hey! Don't snap at me! She’s the one that told us, to look after you."

I huffed and turned to look out the window, "I can take care of myself." I repeated quietly.

Watching the scenery fly pass us, I fished my headphones, and iPod out of my pockets and put it on shuffle- ignoring everyone else in the car- silently singing along to Low Life.

I Know the feeling....

Hunter's pov

She tuned us out and listened to her iPod. When we got to school I was hoping that she would ask us to show her to the office or to her classes- but instead she jumped out of the car before it even came to a complete stop.

Jerking to a stop, Chris stepped out of the car and tried calling her back over.

Billy and I slipped out of the car and I sighed, "Don't bother,-" I watched her weave through the crowd, with her head down, and iPod cranked-” - She says she can look after herself."

Billy looked at me incredulously, "And you believed her! She smaller than a toothpick- for Christ sakes she’s gonna get trampled in there!!"

I shrugged and started to walk towards the front doors," It was her choice to turn down our offer- And She'll be fine."

Chris sighed and followed me, "Sara's gonna kill us." He said glumly.

“I know." I breathed Stepping through the large wooden gates to hell.

Deafening Silence - Chapter 6

Calla's pov

With music blasting in my ears, I ducked and weaved my way through the crowded hallways- Finally reaching my destination of the main office.

Inside the small office was a petit old lady wearing her glasses on a chain and her long white hair in a messy bun. Gliding across the floor to her desk, I popped one of my headphones out of my ear and turned the volume down. The woman looked up at me when I cleared my throat.

She smiled at me and I smiled hesitantly back," You must be Calla," she said. I nodded, and she dug through the pile of papers on her desk whilst furrowing her brow, muttering, “I know I put your schedule somewhere over here."

As she searched for my schedule, the door to the office opened- thinking it was one of the guys- I ignored it, turning my music up a bit more.

The secretary looked up at the newcomer and threw him a smile and said, “Just a moment Jason- I just have to give Ms. Knight, her schedule."

"That’s alright," came a husky reply from behind me. "Take your time."

While the Secretary continued to rummage around her desk and mumble to herself; I snuck a peek behind me, only to come face to face- more like face to chest though- with a god. The boy - Jason I think his name was- had short dirty blonde hair and sparkling green eyes, he was at least 6'2 and extremely buff.

Catching me glancing at him -he turned his gaze from the bare wall -and gave me the full force of his alluring eyes. His eyes widened slightly and his jaw noticeably slackened at the site of me.

“Here we go!" the secretary cried out cheerfully. Handing me a piece of paper, with my classes written down on it.

"If you have any trouble at all, sweetheart," she told me waggling her finger at me." Don't be afraid to come back here for some help."

I nodded at her and took a few steps away from the desk; glancing down at my schedule, whilst biting my lip. It looks like I have chemistry first with Mrs. Carson in room 113- now I just have to figure out where the hell that is.

"Now what may I do for you Hun?" Woman asked Jason kindly.

"I just came here for my...."

I tuned them out to the sound of Bangarang blasting from my headphones, while giving my sheet a look over.

"Doesn't that sound like a great idea, Calla?" Mrs. Connelly- the secretary- chirped.

I looked up at her- totally confused by what she had said.

Reading my expression she said," Jason here just volunteered to show you to your classes today." She turned and beamed at him whilst say playfully, “And they say chivalry is dead."

I cocked my head to the side and peered up at him through my lashes. He was chuckling at what Mrs. Connelly had said- but I didn't find it funny. Not one bit. What was with people today? Did they not understand that I wanted to be left alone? Did I have a sigh on my back that said, 'Lost puppy, help at all cost'?

Supressing a sigh I nodded my head at Jason in answer -He practically glowed with happiness.

"Do you mind if I take a look at your-" he didn't get to even finish his sentence because i was already handing him the sheet. He smiled at me and murmured a 'thank you'.

After a moment of looking at the schedule, he handed it back to me and said,"Mrs. Carson’s class is upstairs - come on. I'll show you where it is."

Swiftly following him down the hall- making sure to stand halfway behind him, so it was easier to navigate through the sea of people- they were greeted with eager 'hello's and 'who have you been's, as well as the odd high-fives. Well they weren't but Jason was. Looks like he was pretty popular around here- Fantastic. It’s like god is shitting on me on personally.

We reached the stairs, I was force beside him.

He looked down at me and asked, “When did you move here?"

I replied with a shrug, as I switched songs to listen to 'saving me.

"Do you know anyone that goes here?"

I thought about his question as we rounded the corner and continued up another flight of stairs. He didn’t ask if I had friends that went here- just if I knew anyone.

Looking back up at him I nodded.

His lips twitched into a half smile and he brushed a wayward strand of my hair, placing it back behind my ear, "Your very quiet." he stated.

Cringing slightly away from his hand; when it lingered around my neck, “Not all the time." I muttered throwing him a smirk as I climbed the remaining stairs effortlessly, chuckling quietly as I turned and saw him trying to recollect what I had just said.

He rushed to catch up to me at the doorway at end of the stairwell, and opened the door for me. I quickly murmured thanks, and started reading the door numbers on the wall- looking for the number than would set me free.


Finally we reached 113; I was surprised to say the least when I saw Hunter and Chris waiting by the door- talking casually until Chris spotted Jason and me. His back went taut and he nudged Hunter- leaning down to whisper something in his ear.

I turned my attention back to Jason when he started talking again and peering down at the schedule in my hands.

"Don't worry about Mrs. Carson- she’s pretty awesome. I'll meet you back here when class is over." Before I could protest he said," We have the same class anyways so I thought it would be easier if I were to meet you up here.'

He stopped and scratches the back of his neck with a hopeful look. I sighed and nodded okay. He beamed and said a quick goodbye before heading down stairs to his class.

The bell rang just as he rounded the corner of the stair case. I turned around to walk into the class only to see Hunter glaring at me. Chris muttered something to him and Hunter jerked away from him and looked at him angrily before stomping inside. today’s going to be a long day, I thought grimly as I entered the classroom.

Deafening Silence - Chapter 7

Hunter's pov

Fucking bullshit. Those were the first words that entered my mind when I saw Calla and that freaking' tool walking to class together. I clenched my jaw as had to practically drag myself into the classroom and not yell at calla. She told me she just wanted to be left alone - but then she just walks in here with the biggest tool I have ever seen in my entire life. And that tools name was Jason Mathers. Jason Mathers was the fakest person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He manipulates people like their just little puppets and he's their master. In a sick way I kind of respect the guy, because he works pretty hard to get where he is - and I respect that. Well 'did'; that was until he messed with me- well calla more like it but it's the same thing. He and I have a mutual agreement, in which he didn't mess with me and my family- and in return I left him and his pretty boy friends alone. But now that he had the balls to play around and try to get on calla's good side- let’s just say shits gonna hit the fan.

Calla's pov

I raced to the other side of the room just in time to grab the last window seat, besides a glass case filled with butterflies and beetles. Sliding into the seat I reached for my books, from the inside of my bag (glancing towards the board to see what page number to go to).In front of the board there was a woman, whom appeared to be in her early sixties- wearing a pair of casual slacks and a lab coat cover in different scientific words, quotes, doodles, and elements.

After she moved I could see that the lesson for today; turn to page 394 (A/N: XD) and wait on further instructions. Nodding along to the music playing in my head, I flipped to the page in my science text book and waited for the lesson to start. Before the final bell rang- I took out my headphones out, turning off my iPod, sighing. Hopefully the day would pass by quickly. Something knocked against my foot causing me to look down to my feet- only to see a wayward pencil. I was about to grab it when I heard the teacher speak up from the front of the class-

"Good morning everybody!" she chirped, happily- as if it wasn't 8'oclock in the morning. "Today we will be studying..."

She continued on talking, but I was distracted by the person sitting next to me- whom was moving all of his books around looking for something. I thought for a second then glanced down at my foot then back at the boy sitting next to me. I bent down and picked up the pencil, then placing it on top of his desk. He sighed in relief than turned to thank me- only for his jaw to drop to the floor just like mine.

"Cals?" he whispered- wide eyed.

I was just about to reply when the teacher called out," Johnny Anderson?"

Johnny's head whipped towards her and he managed to stutter a, 'here'. Turning my attention back to the teacher I quickly mouthed at him, 'we'll talk later'. He nodded and looked back at Mrs. Carson- but not before he glanced at me one more time from the corner of his eye. I didn't miss the small glimmer of happiness in his eyes, before we turned our attention toward the teacher.

__________________________after class________________________________

Calla's pov

A soon as the rest of the people had exited out of the science room, Johnny had enveloped me in a humongous bear hug; I couldn't help but squeal as he did this. I hadn't seen Johnny in so long- nor had I had any willing physical contact with anyone- I had forgotten what it felt like to be safe. Returning the hug in full force- probably squeezing the living daylights out of him but I didn't care at the moment, I was just happy to finally see a friendly face.

"It’s been so long," he whispered, his voice muffled by my hair.

I nodded into his chest, whilst letting out a loud sob-"I missed you. I missed you so much!"

He shushed me and gently rubbed my back in soothing circles, while murmuring comforting words in my ear. After a little while he pulled away, and asked," Estis vos Licuit?"

I shook my head, no, no I wasn't. When have I ever been?


author's note:

Hello wonderful dreamers!!! i just wanted to thank you for reading my book!! And just a little warning my book will contain some Latin and maybe Italian or Spanish as well- but don't worry! at the end of each chapter i will be posting the translation at the bottom or sometimes next to the different language!

Here’s todays latin class- Estis vos Licuit? translates to- are you alright?

all translations are curtsey of google translate. if i get them wrong please in box me right away!! ohh and before i forget thats a pic of johnny on the side!!

Dream out!

Deafening Silence - Chapter 8

Calla’s pov

After a while I realized that we couldn’t stay in this moment forever. Slowly I slipped out of our embrace, wiped my eyes clean. I glanced at the clock and realized that my second period class started in in less than 5 minutes and I still had to get down stairs.

"Simus questus ad scholam," He said before turning towards the door- knowing by past experiences that I would follow him, without question.

I gently grabbed his sleeve, wandered aimlessly behind him- glancing around the hall.

"Where is your next class?" he questioned as we stepped out of the science room. I reached for my bag, pulling out the slip that I had placed in the side pocket and handed it to him.

He threw his arm around my shoulders as we strolled through the halls; girls gazed at Johnny with lust and me with envy. They turned around and started to converse with each other- often glancing back at us with sneers on their faces. Before i could say anything about it- a familiar face popped up in front of me.

Jace eyed me with evident relief before smiling widely at me, "Hey I've been waiting for you! Class ended quite a while ago. For a second I thought-"

His rambling was cut off by Johnny," I apologize. I saw dearest Calla -I didn't think that she had anyone waiting to escort her to her classes." He clapped a hand on Jason's shoulder and looked him dead in the eye- send a clear message of, get lost! "Don't worry about her, Jason. I'll be escorting her to the rest of her classes today."

Jason glared at him hatefully before forcing a smirk on his face," It's okay - Calla and I have next class together, so why don't I just take her to class."

Even though his tone left no room for argument- Johnny scowled at him and shook his head," I think Calla would rather be shown around by someone she knows and trusts- right amica."

Now they both turned their attention to me; I looked between the two of them and finally settled on the ground. I shuffled closer to Johnny- silently wrapping my arms around his torso.

Jason sucked in a breath and nodded at us. He gave me a smile and said a quick 'see you later', than disappeared in the hallway among the other wandering students.

Johnny rescued his arm around my shoulders after I practically ripped myself from him, as we continued down the hall. He hummed a familiar tune under his breath, as we made our descend down the stairwell.

When we finally reached my classroom he grabbed my arm before i entered the room, "I'll meet you for your next class," he said sternly. "Don't leave here without me."

I nodded at him and reached up before placing a kiss on his cheek, " Utique frater. Videbo vos postea." I murmured before going to class.


authors note!!

hey guys a quick update!!

here are the translations for today!!

Simus questus ad scholam- we should be getting to class

amica - sweetheart

Utique frater. Videbo vos postea - of course brother. I'll see you later.

P.S. i would like to thank Meggiemegz for my new cover!! please go read some of her books!! they are amazing!!!


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Deafening Silence - Chapter 9

Calla's pov

The next two classes passed in a blur. I met Johnny at his locker – which was right next to mine.

We didn’t say anything, as we trailed down the hall towards the caftateria. As I entered the café- which was filled to the brim with screaming teens, and the horrid smell of the ‘food’ they sold here- Burn it to the ground pierced my ears. I couldn’t help but smirk at the irony; Johnny pulled me toward a table in the back that’s was right next to a floor to ceiling window. The people we walked past were oblivious to my presents- greeting Johnny as we walked by them. Girls’ threw him suggestive smirks- some even daring to run their hands across his arms as they past us.

I had to bite back a grin when I saw his jaw tick with annoyance. But it was a totally different story when the guys stopped to talk to him. Instead of scowling and trying to walk around them- he eyed them impishly, or checked them out before he smirked.

I let out a small giggle at his suggestive behavior, whilst taking a seat at the table. I dropped my backpack on the pristine white floor- reaching into my bag and producing a book. I curled my feet underneath myself, shrugging out of my jacket and placed it on top of my bag on the floor. When I reached for my book that I had placed on the grey speckled table- I noticed that there were a few more seats at the table. My brow puckered, as I nudged Johnny on his shoulder. When I had his attention I glanced back at the empty chairs and eyed them questioningly.

He sighed, “I am having a couple of my friends sit with us.”

Before I could ask him who was coming to sit with us, I heard a familiar voice call his name. he turned his head around and gave the man a wicked grin.

“Hey Chris.”

I whipped my head around to see Chris, Billy, and Hunter walking towards us. I gave Johnny a death glare as they took their seats across from us. I was about to make a run for it but suddenly john steeled his arm around me- making an escape impossible.

“Don’t even think about it,” he scowled at me disapprovingly, “I ran in with Chris earlier and he said that you had been quite rude to them this morning.” the Disappointment was clear in his voice- making me drop my gaze to the table, blushing.

“Et dixit mihi, et noluisti amicorum praesidio oblatam.” He shook his head angering at me. “What if I hadn’t been here? I know you think you can handle being by yourself but you can’t.”

The condescending tone he was using angered me.

“paenitet si ego eum non appetunt aliquam completum alieni sequentes me circum; - quid acciderit, non confidens alicui sed invicem?!!” I snapped quitly at him.

His face hardened, “you need to open your eyes amica- you need to learn that things are not always what they appear to be.”

I scowled at the table, not uttering a word. He sighed after a couple of minutes and gently re-wrapped his arm around me. He pulled me into his side- begrudgingly I leaned in to him and huffed.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair before turning to the boys -that had been waiting patiently for us to finish our argument- and discussing with them about their offer to watch over me.

I heaved a sigh and picked up the discarded book on top of the table, opening it to the last page I read. I felt eyes on me – but when I turned my head to see who was looking at me- it disappeared. I went back to reading my book- whilst unbeknownst to me someone was planning something. A plan that would have catastrophic consequences.


Hey readers!! Here are the translations for today!!

Et dixit mihi, et noluisti amicorum praesidio oblatam- he told me that him and his friends offered you protection- and you refused.

“paenitet si ego eum non appetunt aliquam completum alieni sequentes me circum; - quid acciderit, non confidens alicui sed invicem?!!” - Sorry if I didn't want some complete strangers following me around - what happened to not trusting anyone but each other?!?!

Amica- sweetheart

Deafening Silence - Chapter 10

Callas pov

Lunch ended much too quickly. I had my earphones in the entire time – blocking out the sound of their conversation. This was bullshit. I’m not a little girl anymore- I can take care of myself, and I have for quite a while. I know that Johnny is just doing what he thinks is right but it was so frustrating. I just wanted to be left alone. I’m glad that he is here and all, but I don’t want all of these other people coming between us. I want it to be like we were younger- just the 2 of us. I sighed as the bell rang standing up; I walked towards the doors when I felt something grab my wrist- jerking me to a stop. Annoyed, I glanced behind myself only to see hunter was the one with the death grip on my wrist. The burning sensation that I got from his wrist touching mine- was enough to have me yank my wrist back forcefully.

He huffed at me when I moved to walk away from him, “were you not listening to J?”

I looked at him incredulously, and then motioned towards my headphones.

He dragged his hand through his hair and down his face. “If you had been listening at all, you would know,” he stated sarcastically, “I’m taking you to class.”

I rolled my eyes at him. Yeah right – that was going to happen. I strode towards the door, only to have him follow me there. I huffed again in annoyance; this kid would not give up. I spun quickly back on my heels, causing him to whack into me. I took a step back and looked up at him- giving him the darkest look that I could muster.

“I know you think you’re trying to help- but I don’t need any.” I raised my hand and poked him in the chest,” I am perfectly happy without anyone watching my back for me.”

It was his turn to glare, he towered over me- on the inside I was screaming, but on the outside I remained calm. “Look, I didn’t volunteer to babysit.” His voice was Livid, and his face set in an angry scowl.

On the inside I flinched at the anger in his voice, but on the outside I raised higher on my feet- letting my rage take over my body. “Well no one asked you!” I snarled right back.

Surprise flashed across his face for a split second- as if he was surprised that I had actually yelled at him- before going straight back to furious. “Johnny did- and trust me if I could, get away from you I would.”

I didn’t think that it would hurt that much – him insulting me- but it did. It was a wave of pain, crashing against me. I sucked in a deep breath and pivoted on my heel and headed back towards the doors- ignoring the sound of footsteps behind me.

All through the day he followed me to every class. Every –freaking- one of them. By the time school had ended I have never been angrier at someone in my entire life. When I saw john standing at Chris’s Jeep, talking with the boys- I practically ran at him. When I was close enough I sent my fist straight into his gut.

He grunted when my fist made contact with his skin, rubbing his stomach with his hand afterwards.

“What the hell was that for?” he whined, his face set in an attractive pout.

I felt blood rise to my head in anger,” What the hell did you do?!” I asked him incredulously.

“You left me alone with a complete stranger- and trusted him to look after your own sister!”

”That is not true and you know it!”

“No I don’t! Why would you do something so- so stupid?”

“I trust Hunter to look after you!! Can’t you understand something so simple?”

His words sliced through my heart. He was my brother- I couldn’t believe that he would think I would trust someone besides him.

He breathed through his nose, clearly still angry. “Now get in the car. I don’t have time to deal with this.”

I quietly climbed in the car with everybody else- no one dared to question J when he was upset.

He slammed my door shut and tapped the roof of the car, before jogging towards his own car. The ride to the house was a lot more quiet then the one on the way to school. I felt eyes on me but I ignored them, looking out the window and watching the scenery pass by in a blur.

________________________________________________________at home______________________________________________

When we got back to the house, I practically jumped out of the jeep while it was still moving. I sprinted to the front door – ignoring the sound of tires rolling up the driveway. I slammed the door – causing all the windows in the house to rattle with the great force. I managed to stumble up the stairs just as the guys were coming in the door. I refused to look at them, not wanting to show them the tears in my eyes. I ran up the rest of the stairs and into my room - I dropping my bag on the floor, face planting on to the pillows.

I hear some shuffling behind the door, “amica.” His voice is soft and reproachful.

I ignoring his voice, I walked over towards my dresser and pulled out a pair of his old dark blue sweat pants and matching grey hoodie. After a while I gave up and opened the door for him. Not making eye contact with him, I walked back over to my bed, sitting on the edge. My eyes were on the ground when suddenly his feet came into.

He sighed, “I’m sorry for yelling at you, amica.” Pause. “It’s just that- your acting as if you don’t trust me as much as you did, when we were younger.”

I raised my head, “I do its just-“I lowered my gaze to the ground again.”- I don’t know them. They scare me.” I whisper my last words.

John hushed me, getting on to his knees. He reached out and cupped my face in his hands,” Amica,” he crooned softly. He patted my hair down,” you know I would never endanger you in such a way.” His eyes were soft and caring as they roamed across my face, my body as well. He smiled softly at me, “seeing as you are already dressed- why don’t you crawl under the covers and have a nap.”A nap - Something so simple, yet it calmed me almost instantly; I slipped under the covers, whilst J rose back onto his feet. When I had finally settled down in the bed, he gingerly smoothed out the blankets and sat down on the edge of the bed. He reached out, gently smoothing down my hair; I closed my eyes in comfort- even though on the inside I was still hurting- this was the closest to happiness I had been in a long time.

The light beside my bed went out and J bent down a pressed a single kiss on the top of my head, “Sleep well, amica.”

The last thing I heard before I slipped into oblivion was the sound of the door being closed.

Calla’s pov

Waking up in the morning was one of the many, many things that I hate about life. It was so rare that I ever got any sleep- so I liked to cherish every second that I got. Last night had been one of those unusual sleeps where I had no dreams what so ever. Most people wouldn’t care if they had dreams or not- but to me it was either nightmares or no sleep whatsoever. I rolled on to my side to look at the clock- only to see that it was about 5 am. Groaning quietly, I climbed out of bed- walking towards my bathroom to start my morning routine. After I had gotten out of the bathroom- I quickly dressed in a pair of dark wash skinnies and large white long sleeve top, with a tight black tank top underneath.

Throwing my pack over my shoulder- along with my jacket- I wandered down the dark halls only to find no one else was a wake. I grinned- perfect.

Hunter’s pov

I woke to the smell of waffles, eggs, and bacon. I bolted out of my bed- almost falling over my sheets and on to the old wooden floor. I ruffled my hair and glance around my dimly lit room. The aging white walls were slightly cracked, and the paint peeling in some places. Sara had offered many times over the years to fix the room up- but every time she asked I refused; I didn’t want a single thing about the room to change. I had grown up in this room; spent my first night in a bed here, meet my best friends- and even had my first beer here. This room was my center of the universe- besides the warehouse. Throwing on a pair of sweat pants and grabbing a shirt, I strolled out of my room- trying not to wake up the guys. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I pulled the wife beater over my head- following my nose to the kitchen, where I saw something I defiantly didn’t expect.

Instead of seeing Mum at the stove – standing in front of the stove, was Calla. My eyes wandered around the kitchen, only to find that we were the only ones in here.

I walked toward her whilst glancing at the stove clock- it was only 5: 30. Stopping behind her I realized why she hadn’t noticed my presents- Dautry blasted from her headphones. An idea formed in my head; grinning wickedly I jumped onto an empty section on the counter. She let out a scream when she saw me sitting there – following it up with an angry glare.

I reached over and pulled out one of her headphones, “what are we having for breakfast, Lilly?”

She glared menacingly at me before facing the stove again, “what are you doing up- I thought low lives didn’t get up until noon on a Saturday.”

“Smelled the food- J didn’t tell us you cooked.” I replied, ignoring her attitude.

I saw her tense at the mention of John,” he talks about me?” she asked, whilst cutting up peppers for the eggs.

“All the time,” I told her, quickly grabbing a piece of red pepper. “I knew I recognized you from somewhere.” I said whilst munching on the sweet pepper,” he described you pretty well.” My eyes flitted across her figure- causing a blush to make its way on her face.

She hesitated before asking, ”Are you good friends? You and Jonathan?”

“Yeah- Ever since we met- he’s a really cool guy,” I nodded.

She chewed on her lower lip, “I must apologise to you and your friends,” she hesitated before continuing, whilst turning towards the stove to add the vegetables into the egg mix, “I was very harsh toward all of you- it’s just that I’m used to being alone or with Johnny.”

I shrugged, “that’s okay- I probably would’ve done the same thing. I’ve only really ever trusted Chris, Billy and our friend Damon.” I paused before continuing, “I would have gone all ape shit if someone tried to get between us.”

I heard a harmonious laugh, “the way you talk about your friends- it’s like your brothers.”

I nodded in agreement, “We have been friends ever since we met- we’re really close.”

“I know how you feel,” she sighed leaning against the table, so she could face me. “Was only 10 when I met Jonathan- I was reluctant to be friends with him at first- but the bond we have could clear forests.”

I hopped of the table, moving closer to her, “why are you here?” I asked, her eyes widened- her face panicked, “I would have thought you would have been picked up by now.”

As I spoke, she pushed by me- her entire body shaking, “I don’t want to talk about it.” Her voice was an only whisper, but the pain laced within her tone- was not to be reckoned with.

I nodded at her back, moving beside her- helping make breakfast. With the sun streaming through the window behind us, we put the finishing touches on breakfast. It was as if the glow from the sun awoke the whole house. The first one up was Sara- tired and holding a sleeping toddler. Calla quickly took the child from a grateful Sara. The next ones up were the other teens- as well as the guys who moaned when they entered the kitchen; making Lil and I roll our eyes- the last but not least the kids. Lilly sat with us for breakfast, placing little Ryan on her lap and feeding him some of her food. In the calming morning; something formed even though we didn’t realize it, it would soon be revealed.

Authors note!!

Hey guys dream here.

I hope you like this update :P

If you don’t remember Amica means sweetheart in Latin!!

Deafening Silence - chapter 11

Calla’s POV

We spent the remainder of the morning inside the kitchen- preparing and eating breakfast. After breakfast the boys offered to help wash the dishes – but I declined, with a small smile working its way onto my face.

As I was washing the dishes in the silence of the empty kitchen – the sound of the others roaming around the house drifted through the open door, like whispers- when felt a presents approach me from behind. I turned my head to the side slightly, just to see past my pony tail to confirm my suspicions.

Turning my attention back to the dishes, smiling slightly, “I already said I don’t need help, Hunter.”

“And if you knew me at all – you would know that I don’t listen to instructions that well.” I could almost hear the smirk in his voice, as he teasingly wrapped his arms loosely around my body and placing his head on my shoulder.

I sighed and continued washing the dishes – whilst trying to ignore his insistent humming. His arms wrapped around my body didn’t bother me – and that bothered me. Usually even the thought of someone touching me was enough to make me puke- but for some reason his arms didn’t; I took a moment to glance down at his arms. Intricate tattoos wove down from mid fore arm, and disappeared into his t shirt on his left arm. A tribal looking band wrapped around his upper fore arm, on his right.

Suddenly he chuckled,” I thought you were washing the dishes- not the floor.”

I shot him a questioning look, but he just gestured to the over flowing sink. Over flowing sink. Shit.

Blushing, I quickly turned off the taps- spilling so water on myself in the process. I sighed and threw a cloth on the wet floor, leaving it to soak up the water.

“Got a little wet now did we, Lilly? “

I glared hatefully at the sink whilst he laughed at my accident.

Suddenly his chuckling came to an abrupt stop,” what’s that on your arm?”

At his question I felt my face grow hot,” nothing!” I snapped.

I felt him shake his head, “yes it is.”

“No it isn’t.” I insisted.

“Yes it is,” he persisted.

“No it isn’t!”

“Yes it is!”


“Yes!” he was laughing by now.

I blushed harder, “No!”

He chuckled whilst reaching in front of me to turn the taps off, “IF there isn’t anything there,” he paused and lifted me up onto the counter.” Then it shouldn’t be such a big real.”

He was smirking triumphantly at me whilst I dropped my gaze to the floor, crossing my arm over my chest- grumbling under my breath.

He grabbed my arm and before I could protest- he was rolling up my sleeve. Mortified I closed my eyes so tightly that I saw stars.

I heard an intake of breath followed by the feeling of his fingers skimming my arm.

I slowly opened my eyes to see his eyes following his fingers along my arm. I dropped my gaze to my arm following his fingers.

My wrist was dusted with fading scars that were a terrible trinket from my past- they were the reason I wore long sleeves all the time, I didn’t want to look at them and be reminded. His fingers slowly trailed upward and came to rest on the inside of my elbow, gingerly turning it over. On the other side of my arm there was the tell-tale black ink that lead further up my arm; the white shirt I was wearing was thick enough to not show my tattoos- but when I had splashed water on my sleeve, the water revealed them. The ink lead all the way up my arm and onto my shoulder and to my back, down my opposite arm – in one continuous tattoo. Wings.

I looked up at Hunter’s face, to scrutinize his expression. His face was hard, but his eyes swept over my skin with a look of wonder. He pressed his thumb gently into the nook of my elbow, breathing out heavily through his nose. I hadn’t noticed how close we were until now. He was standing in between my legs, leaning forward slightly- a curtain of black locks falling in-between us. I drawed a breath past my lips, a leant back slightly- startled by the wild look in his eyes as he studied my eyes. He leant back as well- when he noticed I was uncomfortable with how close we were. He released my arm and praised his hand on either side of my thighs; his eyes still scanning mine with an apprehensive look on his face.

“What?” I whispered quietly at him. I was confused. It was like he was searching for something in my eyes.

He reached forward with one hand and dragged it down my cheek, his eyes turned mournful when he pulled his hand away, “I’m sorry.”

I looked at him- even more confused than before. I glance down at his hand and was shocked to see that it was damp. I reached my own hands up and touched my face – only to find that they got wet to. I looked up at hunter to ask him why I was crying when suddenly, my through felt dry. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. A sob found its way past my lips. I reached up to cover my mouth whilst I still remained eye contact with him. Tears were streaming down my face by now- sobs tarring themselves out of my through. I was fighting to breath. Suddenly his arms wounded around me- his lips buried in my hair. He shushed whilst I cried hopelessly into his chest. What was wrong with me? I was so pathetic. Those words made the tears run faster and my sobs louder.

I buried my head into his chest whilst wrapping my arms loosely around his waist. He rocked me side to side, as he gently ran his hands through my hair. I pulled back a little to tilt my head to look up at him. His eyes were closed peacefully; his lips pushed softly to my hair, soothing words caressed my ears like a lullaby. My sobs slowly ceased, and my breathing gradually was going back to normal. My tears were stopping almost all together- only a few wayward tears slipping out of my eyes.

Hunt pulled away after a few more minutes, his eyes softly sweeping across my face, “Better?”

Exhaustion hit me like a brick, before I even had the chance to answer him. I collapsed onto his chest, basically falling asleep on contact.

I heard him chuckle, and suddenly I was in the air. “Come on, Angel,” he grunted whilst lifting me into his arm and making his way to the stairs. “I think you need a nap.”

I was so tried I almost didn’t notice his new nick name. Angel. I had never had someone besides J show me any type of affection before- I crinkled my nose at him whilst muttering, “Don’t call me that.”

I felt him smile into my hair as we started to climb up the stairs, “why not, Angel? I think it fits you perfectly. You even have then wings for it!”

I blushed at his cheery tone- burying my face into his shoulder, and wrapping my legs gently around his waist. I heard him give a sharp intake of breath, and he stumbled up the last few stairs a little bit. This caused me to gasp and tighten my grasp on him. We didn’t say anything as we made our way down the hallway; the only thing that could be heard was our mixed breathing -and Hunters heartbeat. The two put together were lulling me into an unpreventable sleep. My eyes had drifted shut by the time we came to a stop. Muttering a curse, Hunter gingerly moved me so he was holding me with one arm – so he could open the door.

When the door was opened, two voices drifted into the empty hallway. As we entered the room, the two voices greeted Hunter only to have him shush them quietly. They murmured apologies as he kicked the door shut- I recognized the voices as Billy and Chris. He took me to his room? I questioned myself. Normally I would have probably jumped right out of his grip and called him crazy if he thought that I was going to sleep in his room- but right now I was just too tired to argue. I felt one of his arms disappear from my back and the sound of sheets moving was heard. When I felt my back hit the softness of the bed – I almost moaned I was that tired. Hunter gently tried to unwrap my arms and legs from his waist and neck. I whimpered quietly at the loss of his arms around me.

I opened my eyes to look at him pleadingly- my eyes were still glassy from crying. I reached out towards him whilst wiggling my fingers at him – gutting out my lip in a pout. His eyes dragged over my appearance as he tucked the sheets up to under my chin. He sighed when his eye reached my face- giving in, laying on top of the sheets and pull me to his side. I sighed peacefully, gingerly tucking myself into his side -my head resting where his heart was. His hand gently brushed my hair- that combined with the comforting sound of his breathing, and his soothing heart beat- I slowly closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep. Sensing this hunter leaned down, pressing a kiss to my head. Snuggling deeper into the softness of the sheets, whilst listening to his constant heartbeat and breathing -I drifted off into the worst nightmare I have ever had.

Deafening Silence - Chapter 12

Have you ever woken up and remembered nothing about where you are or how you got there?

That's exactly how I felt when I woke up in Hunter's bed for the first time. A dim glow of light was streaming in from the window, caressed the white chipped paint on the walls making the whole room appear to glow. The room itself looked more like something you would find in an abandoned house- with cracked walls, ceilings, and old wooden floors- rather than a room for three teenage boys. I shifted slightly in the bed, lifting myself up onto my elbows- the sheets pooling around my waist- feeling the softness between my fingers as I sat up, leaning back against the head body. Running a hand through my birds' nest I was passing off for hair, I re-adjusted myself on the bed so I was on my side so that my legs tangled comfortably in the sheets. Across the room from his bed there were two more - one green and one coffee colored- neatly made beds, which I assume are Chris and Bills beds. And along the walls there were a few shelves with books and pictures, most of them being boys when they were a lot younger- grinning impishly into the camera. My favorite was probably a recent picture that they took that was sitting on Hunter's bedside table; they were sitting down at a bar, Billy and Chris were standing on either side of him laughing - but what I loved about the picture was Hunter's face.

Laughing softly I reached out, tracing their faces in the picture. Only Hunter could sport black eye, a split lip with a little bit of blood trailing down his chin and a shit eating grin all in the same picture.

I heard a chuckle come from the bathroom door and I didn't have to turn to know it was him.

Keeping my eyes on the picture, I felt the bed shift down near my feet. "How was your sleep?"

I turned to look at him- his voice was guarded, cautious as was his face. I felt my brow pucker. What was wrong? How long was I asleep? Did something happen? Questions spread through my mind like wild fire. I was so busy thinking about what could have happened- I didn't realize that I had started to hyperventilate.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down," he got up from where he was sitting and came over to where I was sitting, kneeling down in-front of me. "Nothing's wrong, calm down angel."

His voice was calming as his hands started to stroke my arms reassuringly. My breathing slowly returned to normal the farther time went on. I closed my eyes, leaning forward onto Hunter's shoulder- as I felt him climb into the bed with me. His hair was slightly wet, telling me that he just had a shower. I felt him gently pus me over so he could have some room on the bed- which was fair because he was at least twice my size and weight with his muscles. After a few minutes my almost panic attack was nearly over. My breathing had returned to normal and my shaking had almost completely stopped - yet I hung on Hunter's arms like they were life rafts.

"All better now, Ang?" I blushed, embarrassed about my almost panic attack.

I gave him a small glare and followed it up with a smack on the shoulder. I pushed myself away from him, putting my back against the wall- ignoring the shiver I got from the cold wall. He leaned back as well, shifting his weight onto his elbow- his muscles tightening with his every move.

When he caught me staring at him, he smirked, "See something you, like?"

My blush deepened as I dropped my gaze to the sheet, drawing random shapes on them.

I heard him chuckle again, "How did I get in here?"

And just like that his laughter died, "You don't remember do you?"

I shook my head, peeking up at him through my lashes. His face was dark, his eyes swimming with anger, hatred, and another emotion that I have never seen on someone's face before. The intensity of his anger and hatred on his face, made me shrink back against the wall; in a vain attempt of an escape.

His face softened slightly, "You kind of freaked out down stairs. I took you up here to help calm you down."

I nodded, rubbing my arms with my hands, even though I felt as if he was hiding something from me.

A cellphone went off and Hunter groaned in annoyance. Pulling out his phone, he made a face at the caller id-

"We'll be there on time- Jesus Christ Chris stop calling!"

He angrily ended the call and got up from the bed. Once he was standing he looked at me expectantly.

I raised my eyebrows at him and he huffed, "Come on, we got to leave soon."

"To go where?"

"I have a fight tonight," he replied opening his closet and grabbing a jacket. "And you're coming."

My eyebrows flew to my hairline in surprise. I looked at him bewildered, "why?"

"Because," he said walking towards the mirror that hung above the dresser on the far side of the room. "I - we promise J that we'd keep you saf3e while he was away."

My mouth formed an 'O' shape whilst he turned his head to smirk at me up should go put on some warmer clothes - we are taking my bike."

"Why can't we take the car?" I questioned, rising from the bed and swinging my feet to the side.

"Chris and Bill took it to go get the place ready for us."

Placing my feet on the freezing floor I moved towards the closed bedroom door, "okay. Come to my room when you want to leave."

Just before I shut the door I heard him say, "I don't know which room is yours though."

"That's your problem not mine," I retorted before closing the door with a soft click.

When I got to my room I took a quick shower than got dressed. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, matching them with a white tank. Running a brush quickly threw my wet hair I pulled it in a messy bun- pulling on a pair of chucks, I fast walked back to the bathroom I applied some mascara just as I heard a knock on the door.

I heard the door open and a voice call out, "Are you ready, yet?"

I rolled my eyes at his impatiens- of course he wouldn't knock before coming in.

"Yeah, one sec." I pulled on a loose grey zip up hoodie, only zipping it up half way before stepping out of the bathroom.

He was looking around my room, unlike his my wall where full intact and a deep red color. The walls had no posters of any kind and the only thing that the shelves had to show for were a few books, others were scattered around the room - but besides that my room was perfectly clean.

Smirk upon his face, Hunter leaned over and pick a book from my unmade bed. "Ah- wonderful story to read before you go to sleep."

His sarcasm was lost on me as he held one of my favorite books in my collection, in his hands. Lord of the flies. Moving closer to his back I shrugged, "it's my favorite."

"Really?" he turned head around to look at me incredulously- his eyebrows almost disappearing into his hair line, a small smile replacing the smirk.

I nodded gingerly taking it from his hands, turning and placing it on my bedside table- stroking the cover lightly before I raise my eyes to meet his.

I lifted one of my eyebrows, motioning towards the door. He sighed heavily, walking towards the exit with me trailing silently behind him. We didn't speak as we made our way down the stair to the kitchen- this made me raise my eyebrows slightly at hm.

"The door to the garage is through here." I nodded in response.

A noise came from behind us and suddenly I was being pulled forward by my arm.

I yelped and scampered after him. When we entered the garage I ripped my arm from his grip, giving him a harsh glare. He rolled his eyes at me and walked over to his midnight black motorcycle.

He straddled the bike and motioned for me to get on behind him. Hesitating for a moment then slipping cautiously on to the back of the bike- only having a split second to grab on to him before we were speeding out of the garage and on to the roads.

Most people would think that riding on the back of a high speed motorcycle would be terrifying - and for the first few seconds it was, but when I started to relax a little - it was amazing. I love the blur of the city lights as we whizzed on by, it was something that I knew as soon as I got back to the house- I would spend the night drawing.

We slowed to a stop as we reached and old warehouse building. The dull streetlights above us flickered as we stopped and climbed of the bike. I glanced around at the empty streets as I pulled off the bike helmet,

"Where are we?" I asked quietly as Hunter parked the bike farther away from the building- hiding it behind the old sigh for the warehouse.

He glanced up at me, "a warehouse." A coy smirk played on his lips as he came out from behind the sigh and started to walk towards the building, whilst cast a glance at me from over his shoulder," aren't you coming?"

I stride to catch up, gently hooking on to his sleeve with my index finger. As we got closer to the building, I saw light filtering through a basement window.

I shot Hunter a curious glance as we approached the window; it looked just big enough to fit 2 fully grown men. When we finally reached the window, Hunter got down on his knees and gently pushed the window open - right before slipping into the warehouse. My mouth popped open on its own accord. What the hell, I mentally freaked when suddenly a voice floated up through the window,

"what are you waiting for?"

I stared at the window incredulously. There was no way in hell that I was going to jump in that window.

An irritated sigh came from the window, "just jump."

I shook my head as if he could see me; there was no way I was going to jump down there.

"Angel, if you make me come up there, so help me god..." his threat made me pause for a pregnant moment. I squeezed my eyes shut and said a quiet prayer under my breath as I slid throught the window. There was a whoosh of air and then firm arms catching me by my waist.

My eyes flew open and I was meet with a pair of bright blues ones- place right above a cocky smirk, "that wasn't so had was it?"

Glaring, I slapped his shoulder muttering," jerk."

His smirk grew as he placed my feet on the cold stone floor, and release me from his arms. When he turned around I was shocked to see what was behind him.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.02.2013

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