
Chapter 1 – The Fall

I never thought I would fall, not me. I thought I would live forever no troubles. Fate and destiny seemed to have other plans. I won’t forget my old life, ever. But then again I didn’t expect to die so young either.

“Rhiannon Elizabeth Jones, you know I had to do this. Stop crying you silly little girl.” My new mistress screamed in my ear. With her voice still echoing in my ears I wiped away the tears picked up my tiny battered bag and went to the servant quarters. I was seventeen years old, miles away from home and working for a much respected family. I was supposed to be grateful to my mother for sending me away, but the beating I had just had made me resent the fact she had ever sent me away.
Now if I had been paying attention to what was happening around me I would have noticed him entering the room. I saw him when I first arrived but as I didn’t know his name, to me he was still him. As soon as I saw him I shot to my feet and wiped all my tears on the back of my hand.
“Sorry sir, I didn’t see you there.” I mumbled hurriedly.
“Firstly I’m no sir, I work with the tailor, and I noticed you crying and came to see if you were ok. And secondly my name is Daniel. If you don’t mind miss, your name is?” he calmly said, his voice was deep, almost hypnotising and his eyes were such a bright blue, my reflection shining back at me.
“Rhiannon. I don’t really know anyone round here, am really scared.”
He smiled and brushed his almost white blonde hair over his ear. With that he stood up and reached down to help me up. I hadn’t noticed that he was so tall.
“How old are you?” I enquired
“Eighteen, you?” He looked at me with interest
“Seventeen and ten months”
“So almost eighteen.” He laughed looking deep into my eyes, almost as though he was trying to look into my soul.
“Rhiannon!” mistress smith screeched as she turned the corner “ where have you been you useless child! And Daniel your master is looking for you he is ready to leave.”
“Thank you. Hopefully we shall meet again soon Rhiannon. Take care.”
And with that he was gone.
I worked with my new mistress until well after sunset choosing her dresses for the following day and for the ball she was attending with Lord Joseph Smith, her father. I was grateful to finally reach my bed around eleven at night.
I woke at two thirty and looked out the looming window at the end of the room, and there he was, looking up at me. He smiled when he saw me, with an almost silent giggle I opened the window wider. Smiling down at him I leant slightly further out of the window. And that’s when it all slipped, it felt almost as though time itself had slowed in an attempt to stretch out the fear and pain of slipping out of the window. I felt myself fall out of the mansion window. I screamed “Save me!” then the blackness surrounded me. I was gone.

Chapter 2 – Awakening

I woke with pain running through my body, screaming and reaching out for someone, anyone to stop the pain. I felt someone holding my hand telling me to breathe and that it was all ok.
“How is it ok?” I gasped
“I’m here Rhiannon” Daniel’s familiar voice whispered into my ear.
“Don’t let me go, please” And with that I let the drowsiness take over.

I woke in a comfy four poster bed. Daniel was curled up in the chair next to my bed, I slowly reached over and ran my hand over his silky hair. He sat up instantly.
“You’re awake!” he said with obvious surprise.
“Yea, I thought I was going to die when I fell. I’m so sorry.” I croaked my throat felt so dry.
“You shouldn’t be the one apologising. I am so sorry I had to do that to you.” He muttered with tears running down his cheeks.
“What... what do you mean? What did you do?” I demanded feeling myself getting angrier and stronger.
“You need to rest, or you will really die. You were supposed to die that night. I had to do it. To save you. How could I let someone so beautiful just die like that? I am no monster.”
“What! What do you mean I was supposed to die? How did you save me? and how could you be a monster?” my anger boiling I flung the sheets away from me, got out of the bed and stood fists clenched slowly backing towards the door.
“Rhiannon please stop. I will explain everything when you are stronger. Please calm down.” He pleaded looking straight at me for the first time this whole conversation.
“No I need to know. I need to understand. What di... did you.” I was becoming breathless and suddenly weaker. “I... I can’t do... understa...” with that I started to collapse but someone caught me. It couldn’t have been him, but I could have sworn it was Daniel.

Chapter 3 – A life changing truth

I woke with a start, the night mare of me falling brought it all back. There he was looming over me was Daniel.
“Get away from me!” I screamed. He jumped back again surprised, looking almost pained from my screaming at him.
“What did I do?” he muttered as he sat in his chair
“That’s what I have wanted to find out since you said I was supposed to die. Who are you to decide who lives and dies?”
“I’m sorry I scared you. And maybe I had no right but if I didn’t have the choice you would be dead.”
“How did you decide? I need to know.”
“Tell her.” A young woman’s voice interrupted his excuses and apologies. “She needs to know, now that she’s one of us if you don’t tell her I will have to take her to John. You don’t want that now do you?” Her eyes seemed to burn through him, with her fiery red hair perfectly framing her almost white face, she looked almost angelic. Her gaze suddenly turned to me and her expression changed to a welcoming smile.
“Welcome to our house, my name is Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie. I’m very sorry this has happened. If you will excuse me I must go. Rest well Rhiannon, and try to listen to Daniel. He did stop you dying.” And with a flick of her hair she was gone.
Daniel slowly stood and moved the chair closer to the bed.
“I’m so sorry I got so angry before but I’m so scared.” I said trying very hard to hold back the tears.
“It’s ok, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you straight what happened. But now I have to I have no choice.” He said looking at the floor, obviously upset and hurt.
“You were smiling at me when you fell. I tried to catch you but I was frozen by the fact you had fallen I didn’t know what to do. I held you in my arms crying as you started to die. I suppose really to explain how I saved you; you need to know what I am.”
“What do you mean what you are?” I felt fear starting to build again.
“Please let me finish. Well me and everyone in this house are... well we are what some people would call... um ... vampires. Are you scared?”
After thinking and looking deep into my emotions I replied “no, I’m not scared more confused.”
“About what?”
“How does that make you a monster and why didn’t you tell me after I woke. Not knowing who or what you were was scarier than knowing.”
“I have killed people, many people. And how could I tell the most beautiful girl on the world I had made her a monster to?”
“When I was holding you in my arms I couldn’t let you die so I... I um... changed you. I’m so sorry but now you are a ... vampire like me... I am sorry I had to do that to you.”
“Stop. It cannot be true.”
“I’m sorry but it is.” Then with incredible strength I stood and picked up the mirror on the side of the bed and hurled it at him. With an inhuman speed he dodged out the way.
“Please stop! I am so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you but I couldn’t lose you.” He pleaded with tears streaming down his face. Still throwing various things from inside the massive bedroom I screamed “Get out! I hate you! I never want to see you again! Get out!”
And with the slam of the door he was gone. I stood alone and crying against the door and slowly let myself fall to the floor. I curled up on the soft fur rug and cried myself to sleep.

Chapter 4 – It begins

I didn’t know how but I knew I had to keep running through the woods. She was coming. I didn’t know who she was. But she was going to kill everyone. I could hear children and women crying and men preparing for battle. But this was a war the men would never return from. I could feel it. Even though the battle was 3000 men against one woman, they would all die. I was still running, and then I slipped. I felt her bony cold hands grab me around the throat and raise me in the air.
“Where are the Edwards? And why are you alone you poor pathetic child.” Her voice seemed welcoming and soft unlike the now tightening grip around my throat.
“Why would I ever tell you? And I’m not so pathetic! You should fear me” I tried to sound braver than I felt. But her chilling laugh made me shiver in fear. Then it went black.

“Rhiannon wake up. Wake up!” a voice I did not recognise called my name. I shot upright on the floor. And I spun round to face the girl who had woken me. Her perfectly straight black hair was cut so it was just below her jaw, and her ice blue eyes looked concerned.
“Who... are you?”
“My name is Anne. I came in because you were screaming. I was worried.”
“I’m fine it was just a really scary realistic dream. What is this family’s surname?”
“We call ourselves the Edwards. Why?”
“Oh nothing don’t worry. I need to find some day clothes.”
“John has made you a dress I will bring it up in a minute. I will go get it now.”
“Thank you. And if you see Daniel can you tell him I am sorry?”
“Of course. I will be back in a few minutes.”
I got up and went to the huge mirror on the wall. I looked paler than ever, and my once dark brown eyes were now a shimmering green. But the biggest difference was my hair. No longer a deep dark brown, it had changed to a shining blonde, only slightly more golden than Daniel’s. I felt so awful for what I had said to Daniel, I did not hate him. Just severely disliked him at that moment in time. Anne returned with a beautiful pale yellow dress, she helped me change. We spoke about each other; well I asked Anne a lot of questions about her. She died at the age of twenty one, she had been in love with Matthew, and Matthew changed her so they could be together forever. That was one hundred and sixty years ago.
“John wants to talk with you. Don’t worry Lizzie will be there and me. John will never hurt you. You are quite safe here.”
Gently linking arms with Anne, I slowly made my way down to wherever John was. Fear filling me.

Chapter 5 – The Family.

John smiled welcoming to me. He looked about thirty years old like Lizzie, the room was a beautiful lounge.
“Anne if you could leave us. We have a lot to talk about. Thank you Anne.” His deep voice sounded similar to Daniel’s but even deeper and had a more commanding presence about it. She looked into my eyes squeezed my hand and left.
“Rhiannon, I have a lot to ask you and to tell you, so please, take a seat.” I walked over to a deep red sofa and sat, stroking out the folds of my dress.
“Thank you for the dress.”
“Not a problem you are now a member of this family.” He looked concerned. “Rhiannon, every vampire has an ability. Like for example, Lizzie’s is mind reading, mine is invisibility, Anne can make things move with her mind, Matthew can control people and Daniels is extreme speed and shape shifting. Whenever a vampire uses their power their eyes turn black, the whole eye looks black. When Anne woke you earlier you eyes had turned black. She said that you had had a dream.”
“Yes it was horribly realistic and I knew stuff that I couldn’t even see. A woman was looking for you, she had killed so many and men were preparing for war but I knew they were all going to die. I knew I had to keep running because I was faster than her and Daniel. I had to get to you guys to tell you to get safe.”
“You knew you were faster than Daniel?”
“Yes why?”
“He is the fastest vampire I have ever met. We are all faster than humans but I have never found anyone faster than him. I think I know your powers, speed and the ability to see the future.”
“And strength.” Daniel’s deep voice interrupted. I spun round smiling. He returned my smile than spoke to John.
“She picked up the mirror the one that was screwed down and threw it at me; it is still stuck in the wall. The only bit showing is the very top.” He turned to me “all vampires are strong but I have never seen that. Most things will only go into these stone walls by about five centimetres. “
“How can she have three powers? I will have to inform my elders, this is unheard of. If you don’t mind Rhiannon I need to talk with Lizzie alone.” John looked fascinated and scared.
“Thank you. Daniel can I talk with you?”
“I will speak with you later father.” Daniel looked deep into his father’s eyes. He took my arm and we went out into the garden.

Chapter 6 – More changes.

When we got into the garden I found a stone bench and sat down. Daniel lowered himself next to me.
“Daniel I’m so sorry. I hope I didn’t hurt you or your feeling I don’t hate you really.”
“It’s ok. I reacted the same way after I was changed. And besides we heal very quickly. But no you didn’t hit Me.” he said with a smile, almost proud of the fact he managed to dodge my attempts to hurt him.
“So you’re a shape shifter? What can you change into?”
“Any big cat. My favourite is the black jaguar though.”
“So how long have you been a vampire?”
“Only seventy five years.” I lowered my head onto his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. I don’t know how long we were there but when I woke it was dark and Daniel was waking me for dinner. Then a thought struck me.
“What do we eat?” looking rather concerned.
“We normally eat animal meat but rarely we get real blood from the blood bank, that’s only every few months but that’s all we need.”
“That’s ok then. I was getting worried then.” We laughed as we both walked into the house. But suddenly I fell to the floor screaming. They were back. She was attacking.
I wasn’t in the garden anymore I was in a house. The moon outside was full. I could smell blood. People were dead. As I turned into the nearest room there she was stood over a child holding a blade above his throat.
“No! Stop, why are you doing this?” she couldn’t seem to hear me, with a sudden movement she slashed the boy’s throat and then drank like an animal from his throat. I thought I was going to be sick. I fell to the floor.
I woke still in the garden surrounded by people. Only one of the faces I did not know but I assumed was Matthew’s.
“They’re all dead. She killed the boy. They died all of them, all eight people dead. A baby gone.” I rolled to my side and was violently sick. John bent down to talk to me,
“Who were they? Think Rhiannon.”
“The Martinez family they live in Rome.” I wept holding Daniel close to me.
“Daniel, take her to her room I will talk to you later.” James stroked my hair away from my eyes. With one smooth motion Daniel picked me up and carried me to my room.
“Everything will be fine just rest now.” He gently kissed my forehead. I was still holding him close I didn’t want him to leave me. He seemed to understand this and moved me over slightly so he could lay with me holding me close. I slowly drifted off to sleep.
I woke when I felt Daniel rise but I kept my eyes shut. I heard James’ voice calling Daniel outside.
“Your bond with her is already very strong.”
“I know. I felt all her fear when she saw... well when she saw the woman attacking. I don’t want her to ever leave me.”
“I can see that. Her vision meant we managed to save two of the family. A young boy his throat was slashed pretty bad but he will survive without being changed. Miranda wiped his memory and his older sister as well. The sister wasn’t dead just lost a lot of blood and had a cut going across her chest and down her arm. Rhiannon saved them.”
“John. May I sleep in the same room with her tonight?”
“Of course, she is obviously your one.”
“Thank you. Goodnight.”
“Good night.”

Chapter 7 – A day to remember

I slowly woke, it took me a while but I remembered where I was. As I realised Daniel was sleeping next to me, I smiled and stroked his hair. He opened his eyes and smiled.
“Good morning my angel” he whispered,
“Good morning darling” I bent down and gently kissed him on the lips. He pulled me close and we kissed passionately. As we pulled apart we both smiled, I slid down the bed slightly and rested my head on his chest, as he played with my hair I smiled.
“I have a question.” His hands stopped playing with my hair. I turned my head to look at him.
“What did John mean when he said it was obvious I am your one?” he laughed and went back to playing with my hair.
“Every vampire has a one. I think most people would call it our soul mate. Everyone in this family apart from me had met their one. Until I met you, basically a vampire cannot truly be in love with anyone else but their one. John and I both agree that you are my one. And I hope that I am your one.”
“I am almost certain you are my one, you make me feel so different when I’m with you.”
“Did you also hear that two of the Martinez family survived? Your vision came about an hour before it happened. You saved them.” He sat up slightly and I moved my head, he kissed me again and whispered. “Your wardrobe is full of clothes now, pick a dress then later you can wear your training gear.”
“Training gear?”
“We need to train you to control your powers. Especially your speed and strength. It is fine. Do you want Anne to come help you pick out a dress?”
“Yes please. Are we having breakfast?”
“Yes but we are going to the lake for breakfast. We are having bacon and sausages with eggs. I will go get Anne now. Love you.” He smiled at me and kissed me passionately before he left the room.
I slid out of the bed and went to the mirror, my hair just took a quick brush and I noticed my eyes now were an even brighter green. I just smiled, then Anne entered wearing a beautiful flowing periwinkle coloured dress.
“Morning” she almost sang. “Matthew is excited about finally meeting you properly. Now I think you should go with a nice pale coloured dress with a pearl chocker and bracelet with these large pearl earrings.” Finally I picked out a cream coloured dress with matching shoes. I slowly made my way downstairs. Daniel was waiting for me with Matthew at the bottom of the stairs. Matthew nudged Daniel and he spun round to face me. His smile glowed up to me. We went out and all got in the carriage that wait for us. We talked and laughed most of the way and I held Daniel’s hand the whole journey.
When we arrived at the lake everything was set up for us. I sat between Daniel and Lizzie.
“Matthew it has been a pleasure meeting you properly.”I laughed, Matthew laughed then nodded.
“Same to you welcome to the family.” We all sat and enjoyed our meal. I wasn’t sure how it would taste with it only just cooked but it was truly delicious. After breakfast me and Daniel went walking in the forest. Then just to test it I ran to the huge oak that I could see in the distance and before I knew it I was there. Unfortunately I had ripped the skirt of my dress giving it a tattered look on the skirt. Daniel ran up to me and looked at my dress smiling.
“Now that’s better.” He said smiling at me seductively. I slowly slid my leg through the ripped material showing my almost perfect leg. He bit his lip gently, I slowly walked over to him and held him close and we shared a long passionate kiss, whilst we were kissing he picked me up and carried me to the base of the ancient tree. He lowered me to the ground then lay next to me, softly kissing my neck and running his hand through my hair and the other over my stomach. His touch made me shiver with excitement. I felt him move slightly and he kissed my cheek then whispered
“Marry me please? Rhiannon my angel now and forever, will you marry me?” I heard him hold his breath.
“Of course. I love you so much.” I turned to face him and kissed him, the kiss seemed to go on four hours but I wouldn’t have stopped it for the world.
“Oh my gosh!” at the sound of Matthew’s voice we suddenly pulled apart. Anne was stood next to him and she playfully hit him.
“Typical man! Can you not leave Dan alone, especially seeing as you could tell he was with Rhiannon?”
“They have some news to share!” he announced.
“And we will wait till the whole family are here thank you.” Daniel replied laughing
“Rhiannon what happened to your dress?” Anne asked sounding horrified
“Went for a run” I burst out laughing still hugging Daniel. We headed back to where James and Lizzie agreed to wait for us.
“Well what’s this news then?” said Matthew enthusiastically. James glared at him then laughed.
“Me and Daniel have decided to get married.” Everyone congratulated us; Anne was in tears with happiness.
After spending the whole day at the lake we all went home and me and Daniel made our excuses and went to our room. We lay in embrace and went to sleep happy in the thought of us being married.

Chapter 8 – The breath before the plunge.

I didn’t understand why I was on the floor. But when I stood I knew, she had been here. I turned round looking at the carnage. This battle had happened I could tell. There she was in the centre of the warzone looking as perfect as she did before. Her white hair made her black eyes stand out like coals in snow. She wiped her huge sword on the ground then placed it in its sheath on her back next to her bow and arrows. Her black dress seemed to be made from metal and it came to just above her knees. She looked terrifying. And she could see me. She smiled, but the smile would have been so much more welcoming if hadn’t seen her trying to kill that little boy.
“Stay away from me!” I yelled sounding fierce and with anger I didn’t recognise as my own.
“You think you can stop me?” she laughed
“I have more powers than you know” I glared at her. I suddenly knew I had more powers than any of us knew.
“Don’t worry you and you pathetic excuse of a family are next on my hunting list.” She grabbed my wrist and I could feel her trying to crush it. With that I woke screaming with Daniel struggling to hold me down with the help of Matthew and John and Lizzie, Anne was talking calmly to me. I stopped fighting them and they let go.
“James, quick look at this.” She held up my wrist, a hand print bruise was starting to come up where the woman had grabbed me. I had tears streaming down my face and I was holding Daniel’s hand tightly. As James bandaged my arm I told him everything that had happened in my nightmare. He looked concerned and turned to Daniel and whispered something that I didn’t quite catch but Daniel left and returned with clothes and gloves.
“I will see you in a little bit. I will leave you two alone.” James smiled and left. Daniel sat next to me and started to unfold the clothes that he had brought down. A corset style bodice made of leather with shoulder guards, armlets with a leather skirt, leggings and shin guards with massive leather boots. The gloves went over my elbows. All of the training and fighting gear was decorated with brass plates. Daniel helped me change and as he did up the corset he kissed me softly on the shoulder. I held him close drawing in his scent.
“I’m so scared. She’s coming and it’s my fault.” I whispered whilst tears continued to stream down my cheeks. He grabbed my shoulders moving me away slightly; he wiped away my tears and looked deep into my eyes.
“This is not your fault. You made us know she was coming for us.” He pulled me close again,”I will always be here for you” we kissed passionately and with that he got down with one knee and pulled out a small black box.
“I know I asked to marry me so here’s your engagement ring.” I smiled and hugged him and kissed him. “Come on then we need to get you to training and find out exactly what you can do.”

Chapter 9 – Discovering a new person

As I arrived in the training room I realised that they had converted the whole of the basement into a training room. As I entered I noticed everyone was waiting for me.
“Right firstly we are going to test your strength. Don’t worry this lot are all going running in the woods.” James shouted from across the hall. He kissed Lizzie goodbye and ran over to me showing me a massive concrete block that looked about the size of the cottage I was raised in.
“I can’t move that” I said full of horror. James just laughed and said
“You will be surprised by what you can do now. Just try it. Don’t lift it just push it” I gave it a shove not really putting my full effort into it and it moved about a hundred meters away from me, shocked I stepped back.
“Good now put in all your effort, go from the other side now so we want it at the other end of this room.” that made me laugh the room was easily a mile long and just as wide. “I’m not joking” I saw James’ face was dead serious.
“Oh. Right ok then.” I walked round the concrete block and shoved with all my might. It flew down to the other end of the room and split into two halves. Neither of us could believe it. I ran down to look leaving James still stood with shock.
“Catch!” I shouted as I picked up one of the halves and tossed it effortlessly to him. He moved out of the way. By the end of the day we discovered I could shape shift, move smaller things with my mind and turn myself and others invisible by touching them. We were still trying to work out if I could read minds. Some things I managed to read but others I couldn’t. I started to feel really weak by the end of the day but to finish off me and Daniel agreed to go out to the woods for a race and for me to practice woodland running. We sat down and planned the route then got ready to race. We shared one final embrace then got ready to go. I changed into a simple top and trousers for the run I didn’t see the point in wearing my armour.
At the start line the adrenaline rushing through my body had brought back the energy I had lost through the days trials. With the gunshot we were off. The trees rushing past us and the wind whistling as we rushed through unknown land. I suddenly realised that I couldn’t see Daniel anymore. I stopped and looked round and in that second he rushed past. I turned laughing and ran as fast as I could and quickly over took him. I beat him to the halfway mark with about three second’s difference. I turned and rushed back then as I was coming up to the finish line I heard a whisper and an arrow came shooting thought the trees and hit me in the chest and went straight through to my back. I heard Daniel yell out and felt him catch me as I started to fall. People believe that vampires don’t bleed but we do the same as a human, we bleed. I felt the blood soaking into my clothes.
“Daniel she’s here. We have to run tell everyone to run, get us home Daniel.” I gasped throughout the pain. Tears were rolling down my face as he lifted me slightly higher to make it easier to run.
“Everyone get home now! She’s here! Go!” Daniel screamed to everyone. I felt everything spinning as we arrived into the house.
“Get her into my office I can help her there. Everyone else make sure we weren’t followed. Lizzie call the elders tell them we need assistance. Anne calm down.” James spoke with authority. I was rushed into a room I didn’t recognise and it was getting harder to breathe. James looked deep into Daniel’s eyes almost as if they were having some unheard conversation.
“I can’t do that.” At last Daniel spoke.
“If you want to save her you will have to.” he whispered “I’m so sorry.” Daniel looked at me tears building up in his eyes.
“Baby I have to make you sleep, I have to bite you. I’m sorry. It’s going to hurt, I’m so sorry darling.” He whispered so softly into my ear following my kissing me on my fore head.
“Do what you have to do my angel. I know you are only doing this to save me. I love you. I love you so much.” I gasped. He gave me one last kiss then sat me up slightly so he could rest me head on his lap leant forward and bit hard on my neck. The pain ripped through me almost as though my body was on fire. And I screamed and shook Daniel held me tightly gently kissing the top of my head and I could feel his tears landing on my head.
“I’m so sorry my angel am so so sorry, I never wanted to do this I’m so sorry.” he whispered repeatedly. Then when the burning became almost unbearable everything faded to black.

Chapter 10 – And so it begins.

When I awoke there was no pain, my wrist was no longer bruised or bandaged and there was a bandage going all the way around my chest. Sleeping with his head on the arm of his chair was Daniel. I smiled as he woke up and looked at me.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” he asked drowsily.
“Am feeling really well actually. My ribs are feeling so much better. How long have I been out?”
“Only a day. We will look later at your chest in a bit let me go get your clothes.” I smiled at him as he left the room. After he left I slowly lowered the blankets and undid the bandage. There was a tiny scar just below my breast. It looked like the wound was years, maybe even decades old. I heard a knocking at the door; I quickly pulled up the blankets and called to say it was ok for them to enter. James, Lizzie and Daniel all entered. After inspection my wounds James said I was good to continue as normal. After I had spoken with them about what had happened whilst I was unconscious I discovered that they had removed the arrow bandaged me and let me sleep. Daniel never left my side. I smiled contently.
After they left me and Daniel lay holding each other kissing passionately, after some time we got up and he helped me get into my armour. Then he left me to think for a while. I was terrified at the prospect of having to fight for my survival. But I knew it had to be done. I went down to the training room. There were so many people here. Daniel came to my side the instant I entered the room. Him holding my hand is what made me feel ready to face the world and whatever it had to throw at me.
I met so many people that day it was hard to remember them all. I met the Miranda who had wiped the Martinez children’s memories. She welcomed me gracefully and introduced me to many different vampires of all different shapes, sizes, ages and abilities. Everyone here was training to fight this woman. I knew I had to practice my sword fighting, archery and shifting shape. I was in the middle of archery practice when the vision began. Letting myself fall into a vampire called Richard, the world tuned black.
I was stood in the garden. Armour and weapons ready. I was alone. But so was she.
“So I can make you come to me it would appear.” She laughed
“You have no control over me.” I growled back.
“Really that is why you have been training yourself to defeat me? Foolish Rhiannon.”
“At least have the decency to tell me your name.” She threw back her head and laughed hysterically
“You don’t know who I am. My name is Arian, foolish girl.”
“A few things you should know about me Arian. Firstly I am no fool, I am a woman not a girl and thirdly you do not scare me!” I glared smiling at her with a devious smile, speaking in a voice full of strength and anger. “You have hurt me enough. I will win this battle”
“We shall see child. We shall see.”
I woke and stood up, I ran straight to James.
“We are fighting Arian” I announced. I suddenly noticed how afraid James looked. “Do you know her?”
“She was banished for a hundred years after the last battle we only just won because we had an amazing queen who managed to defeat her but it cost our queen her life. We no longer have a queen.”
“We can do this; she will be attacking at midnight. I need help being trained we have fifteen hours until she arrives. Who is with me?” a massive cheer went up from the crowd but when I turned to James he was gone. A tear ran from my eye. I thought he would stay with me.
I spent the rest of the day training hard learning new tricks and techniques. Everyone pitched in to help. Daniel stayed with me the whole time. He worked with me on the shape shifting as he was the only vamp who could shape shift. It was eleven thirty when James finally returned. And in his arms were bags of blood.
“You will need your strength for this battle. And there was a note for you outside.” He smiled at me as he opened the first bag and emptied it into a cup for me. The note read:
Rhiannon, to death we shall fight. From Arian.
“James read this.” I looked at him puzzled “does this mean she is after me?”
“I believe so.” he said glumly.
“Then I shall fight her alone. No one else shall die because of me.” Daniel looked horrified. I looked straight him and forced out a smile, I went over to him and kissed him passionately.
“Please... don’t do this.” He begged.
“You know I have to. I don’t want any more death.” I started to cry. He pulled me close and whispered gently into my ear.
“We would be dying for a good cause.” I could tell he wanted to cry but he wouldn’t in front of this many people.
“I shall lead you all into battle.” I announced as I held onto Daniel tighter. The clock struck quarter to midnight. We all prepared to fight. I dried my tears and shard a tender embrace with Daniel and kissed him as much as I could.
As I walked away I heard him say
“I will always be by your side. No matter what happens to us.” I didn’t want to think what I would do if he died, but I knew what he meant. He felt the same way. We held hands and went to the garden, everyone behind us.

Chapter 11 – The end of Days.

Outside a thunder storm had taken hold, with the torrential down pour we were all soaked through very quickly. All I could think was thank god we could not feel the cold. I knew it was midnight before I saw Arian. James had made me a helmet to go with my armour but left a hole at the back for my hair to go through after I tied it into a ponytail. I pulled on my helmet and stood there not even reaching for my weapons yet. I focused on her and her thoughts only.
“This shall be an easy battle.” I laughed at that. She just froze,
“You silly girl why are you laughing?” she enquired
“I keep telling you I have more powers than you shall ever know of. And I am no girl.” I laughed. She withdrew her bow and arrows and aimed straight for me. Before she even had the chance to release I had run over and taken all her arrows.
“Looks like you will need another plan.” I regretted saying it immediately. She let out a wild growl that sounded more like a lion than human as she withdrew her sword. With one fast smooth action I withdrew my sword and leapt towards her. Our swords clashed and scraped violently. Hitting each other with hard blows caused pain in my left arm where she had previously crushed it.
“Turn and slash the girl down on her legs” her thoughts seemed to scream at me, the moment she turned I grabbed her and threw her into the wall of the house. Small pieces of rubble fell down from the wall and there was a large crack going up the height of the house. I stood hoping and praying I had been triumphant. I lowered my sword and she launched herself at me from the hole in the side of my home. She made a small slash across my chest. It stung but I knew I had to keep fighting.
I stood up from the floor and retrieved my second blade from the sheath. I approached her with even more ferocity than before. All the people I had seen dead in my visions flashed back before my eyes giving me the strength I needed. I turned kicking her squarely in the chest followed by a slash of my blade cutting over her bodice. The cut was deep but nowhere near enough to stop her. I saw her reach for a small blade I swung for her but she had already thrown it and it had hit Daniel in the centre of his chest. His eyes closed and he fell to the floor. I screamed. Not him anyone but him. The pain, anger and hatred burned through me. I closed my eyes and let one single tear fall.
I spun to face Arian with a growl that was not at all like me. I flung one of my blades as hard as I could it went through her bow arm and into a tree behind her. The rain pounded down hard now. I stood there water running down my face. I charged towards her pulling the blade from her arm as I ran round her. She swung hard for me it cut my leathers and sent me flying across the garden. The branches scratched my face as I landed. I spun round in time to see her blade coming towards me, I ducked. I pulled her sword out of the wall of the house and threw it towards her, sadly missing. The fury kept burning through me making me fight harder than ever. She looked at me terrified, I knew why. All the anger had built up to this.
She tried to run. I let out a huge roar and chased her into the woods. I knew I was faster than her pulling my blade from its sheath I stormed after her in no time at all she was back in my sight. I ran up a rock and pounced onto her raising my sword high above my head I made one slashing motion which just caught her neck she spun terrified but my anger took over I raised the sword and with a swift motion pushed it through her chest as slowly as possible to cause her the most pain and her lifeless body went limp the ground soaked with a mixture of her blood and the rain.
I fell to the ground next to her and whispered.
“I shall forgive you but I shall never forget.” I stood and removed my helmet and untied my hair. I bent down and picked up Arian’s dead body and carried it back to the mansion.
When I arrived James and another man I did not know took Arian from my arms and burned her body. Then fully exhausted I lay in the doorway and fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 12 – The calm after the storm.

I woke alone. I forced myself out of bed; the sunlight was streaming through the curtains. I went into the wardrobe and pulled out a deep blue dress. I brushed out my hair; someone must have washed me and tended to my injuries. There were no bandages but I was clean and smelt fresh. I went downstairs to find Anne sat in the lounge.
“Morning, how are you feeling?” She said and stood immediately.
“Where’s Daniel? Is he ok? Can I go see him?” I rushed out the questions.
“Daniel is fine and he is right behind you.” She replied with a smile. I spun round and sure enough there he was smiling down at me. He pulled me close sliding his arms around my waist.
“Was worried about you baby.” He whispered into my ear. I smiled as he leant in to kiss me. We stood there in romantic embrace sharing our passionate kiss. Even though I felt exhausted from the last few days I had never felt so alive. I took him by the hand and we went walking in the sunlit garden that still showed signs of the war that raged just two days before. As we walked round we talked about the plans now for the future. We were excited and scared about what may lay ahead but we knew we just had to live our lives.
We went back to the oak where he asked me to marry him and just lay there. The sound of the breeze in the highest branches of the ancient tree and the birds singing their melodies to help send us into a deep sleep.
I don’t know how long we lay there but it did not matter. For once the world as I knew it was at peace. I had a family who was always going to be there for me. I cared for a man who loved me the way I was and I, for the first time in my life, was respected. I couldn’t ask for more.

Chapter 13 – For forever yours.

It had been a year since the battle against Arian, I was fully strong again, we had moved to a new home and Anne and Matthew were expecting their first child. I woke in my room, I was alone. I heard a gentle knock on the door.
“Just come on in Lizzie and James.” I laughed
“Hey sweetie how are you feeling?” Lizzie asked beaming with pure excitement. As she entered I noticed she was carrying a dress box. Her floor length deep purple dress looked amazing on her. James entered wearing a black tuxedo with a blood red tie.
“I am so excited you both look amazing. I am so glad you are both here for today.”
“Where else would we be?” James smiled
Lizzie lifted the box up onto my bed and lifted off the lid. Inside was a beautifully decorated dress, with the corset style top was covered with sequins and pearls and lace. And the skirt was a beautiful lace skirt with so many different layers. It was perfect.
“James thank you so much. This must have taken you hours.” I gasped at its sheer beauty
“Anything for the girl who makes everyone in this family so happy. And you deserve a stunning dress. I’m going to leave you ladies to get ready.”
After Lizzie had helped me into the dress she curled my perfectly straight hair and got a tiara with a pure white veil with several layers of lace. With my matching pearl set that I had worn the day Daniel asked me to marry him I looked into the mirror and smiled. I never thought I would ever be a bride and in a dress so beautiful. I did not wear any make up. It would have spoilt how beautiful I felt and looked.
When I was ready me and Lizzie linked arms and walked down the huge stair case. At the bottom was James in his tuxedo with Matthew in a matching Tuxedo and Anne was wearing a beautiful floor length gown that matched her mother’s dress. Outside in the garden was chairs and an arch under which a man I did not recognise and Daniel in his white tuxedo waited for me. There were many people here I recognised from the day of the battle. I was nervous but excited at the same time. As I took James’ arm to walk down the aisle I whispered.
“Thank you for everything.”
“Thank you for being an amazing person and you and Daniel will be so happy.” He smiled. He gently kissed me on both cheeks as we reached the arch. I saw his eyes shimmering with pride. I walked up to Daniel and took his hand. He looked at me and grinned.
The service was beautiful. After we had exchanged rings the leader of the service gave us his blessing and announced us man and wife. I let the roses fall from my hand as I pulled him closer; never wanting this moment to end we kissed tenderly holding each other in gentle embrace.
The celebrations continued as we had a massive banquet, danced and celebrated for the whole night. Many people met others there and some fell in love. It was a beautiful thing to behold and the best day of my life.
We left to go to Rome for a few weeks. We didn’t know what was going to happen in the future but right at that moment in time that didn’t matter. As long as we were together we were happy. We would face whatever came when we had to.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.11.2010

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Thanks to all those who inspired me and always made me see what i could do with my life. You know who you are :)

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