
It is sometimes hard to cross that bridge,
try something new,
or make that change.
But once you do, you will realize
that things are usually never as bad as we imagine.


Life is short,
break the rules,
forgive quickly,
kiss slowly,
love truly,
laugh uncontrollably,
and never regret anything that made you smile.


The past is what we always tend to look back on,
but remember the future is what we look to, to move forward.


If I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the sea,
But all these things I'm finding
Are impossible for me


I cannot build a mountain,
Or catch a rainbow fair,
But let me be what I know best,
A sister who's always there


I can honestly say, My dream has come true
And you'd never believe Just how much I love you.
I may not be queen And you may not be king
But together we're perfect Just like in my dream.


You hold my hand, I caress your lips,
You look into my eyes and my heart beat skips.
I stroke your back skin so soft and smooth,
I admire your face, every line, every groove.
We move in a little closer, our bodies entwine,
you touch my neck, it sends shivers down my spine.
You whisper that you love me and I know it's true
because I feel it in my heart and I love you too.


I make this solemn promise to you:

To be your lover when you need to be loved,
your doctor when you are ill,
your army when you go to war,
your umbrella when life rains down on you,
your rock when you get weary,
your shield when you need defense,
your spirit when you are drained,
your pillow when you need to rest,
your voice when no one can hear you,
your ear when no one will listen,
your comfort when you feel pain,
your hero when you are under duress,
your sunshine when darkness falls,
your answer when questions arise,
your inspiration to overcome obstacles,
your hand to hold when you are frightened,
your kiss that wakes you everyday,
and your "I love you" each and every night.


'Neath velvet cloth of night and shadows,
my heart confessed its thoughts to the wind.
I could feel your smile from a distance
with the touch of your closeness profound.

The sun reached behind a fading sky,
so the moon could take its proper place.
Day to darkness, brightened by the stars,
leaving upon the blue waters
a shimmering portrait of your face.

You, with all your savoring sweetness,
tenderly pierced the walls of my soul
as you wove a new tapestry with
the golden threads of your hope and love.

Yesterday you offered me courage,
today you endowed me with your strength.
Every moment together, a gift,
Every day a celebration of life.

How lovely the music of your heart.
You are the air I breathe, sound I hear
and the spirit that gently moves me.
I don't wish for the moon, I have the stars.


My Princess:

My love, my heart, my soul is my gift to you
Your smile, your love is the only reward I would want


recious, like a gem made by angels to shine forever

eleasing the passion inside me that burns for you

ntertwining our destinies, so that we two soul mates

ow and forever, can live out our hopes and dreams

reating our own bond of life, to overcome the challenges

xplore the mysteries, and to enjoy life as it should be

haring the peace and love, that everyone looks for

o in the end I want nothing, because I have everything I need


As the sun filled my room with warmth it reminded me
Of the warmth I feel from within your heart
I walk outside into the beautiful warm sunshine
A gentle breeze brushes softly against my face
It reminds me of your soft kisses, your gentle touch
I stand and close my eyes, I feel your hands touch me
I feel your breathe softly on my neck
I turn and as I take you in my arms
I whisper softly
What a beautiful day!


One kiss is all I want
To take away my tears
And give me a health smile
One kiss is all I want
To give me hope
And take on life
as it comes
One kiss is all I want
To show you I love you
And be there for eternity


I have thought about you in every way
Just sitting and wondering about that day
That day with you was so great
And everyone passing is only more wonderful
I love you more now, than ever before


You are so amazing
When I look into your eyes
I feel nothing but cravings

You make me feel so ecstatic
Chills rush down my spine
My heart beats fast
I feel warmth throughout my body

All I hope for is just one kiss
Your sweet lips against mine
My arms around you
Holding you until the end of time

You're the only one I want
The only one I think about
The only one I truly love
Be with me for the rest of time
I'll give you my heart
And you give me your mind

Even though we are not together
I care about you more than ever
When we talk I feel so close to you
I don't know what I'm supposed to do

When I write this now
I start to think
How happy you make me
For you and only you I must thank


The sun reached behind a fading sky,
so the moon could take its proper place.
Day to darkness, brightened by the stars,
leaving upon the blue waters,
a shimmering portrait of your face


In your arms, where I’m meant to be
Filled with the perfect love you've given me
A bond so strong, a hold so tight
To know you're the one; my ‘Mr. Right'
A blessing sent from up above
In you I’ve found my one true love
Our lives entwined to be as one
Upon this journey we've just begun
Where you & I will find no less
Than eternal love and happiness


The first time we met, I could see,
That you and I, were meant to be
Your eyes were so gentle, your smile so true
When you first held my hand, I just knew

Now the time has gone by, through laughter and tears,
These days I shall cherish or years upon years
Those memories we have, shall never fade,
For those are the steps, that we have made
That was the past the future is near,
I anxiously wait, for what will appear

New homes, more laughter, and children so dear
everything will be wonderful,
as long as you're near


Two souls with but a single thought,
Two hearts that beat as one.
Friends will keep you sane,
Love could fill your heart,
A lover can warm your bed,
But lonely is the soul without a mate.
Two lives, two hearts joined together
in friendship united forever in love


What is Love?

"Love is when you look into someone's eyes and see their heart."

"Love is when you look into someone's eyes, and see everything you need."

"Finding love is like finding one answer to all of your prayers."

"You know you've found love when you look in their eyes and find yourself."


A little piece of me

I lie on the ground,
and stare into space,
the stars start to move,
into the shape of your face.

I see you there now,
looking down at me,
with that cute little smile,
that I like to see.

You say "close your eyes",
"tell me what you see",
I see only two people,
just you and me.

We're walking the shoreline,
with our feet getting wet,
the horizon turns pink,
as the sun starts to set.

We make love through the night,
on that white sandy shore,
then I hold you while thinking,
I could want nothing more.

Oh I wish I could be,
in that one special place,
as I lie on the ground,
and I stare into space.


One Special Night…

As I sit here gazing at my computer,
Instead of writing, I’m daydreaming of you...
And wondering if while you’re in your own world,
You’re thinking of me too.

What lies ahead, down the road to love?
Can it possibly be what I’ve been hoping for?
All my goals, dreams, passions, hopes...
Glaring now before me with great anticipation.

No one knows what tomorrow brings...
One can only wish and believe...
I have abounding faith that God will take care of me,
And bring the right person into my life.
Could it be you?
Time will tell...
I feel a special bond starting between us,
And so I’m truly hopeful that it is you..


My pillow

Enveloping me in your soft folds of comfort.
Eyes closed, your gentle caress soothes my concerns
and carries my thoughts to a bed of pure contentment.
Completely satisfied, I lay in your sweet embrace,
longing to remain indefinitely.

This is love.


Morning Whisper

That morning whisper A gentle kiss A suspended moment Of perfect bliss

That precious feeling As eyes first meet Bodies entwined In sleepy heat

Fingers touching Breath as one Hearts in rhythm We greet the sun

Content, in truth Just to be Simply enjoying You and me



When all about you is black with gloom,
And all you feel is pending doom.
When your bones are racked with grim despair -
When every breath is a gasp for air.
Keep on going, though you need to grope,
For around the bend is a ray of hope.

A ray of hope is perhaps all that's left,
As your will to live has been bereft.
You've lost it all, it's just no use!
You can end it all, you need no excuse.
But throw away that piece of rope,
And give yourself a chance of hope.

Just give yourself another day,
Brushing aside what your thoughts may say.
This is your life and you can make a new start,
By ignoring the brain - just follow the heart.
Taking baby steps in order to cope,
And minute by minute you'll build on your hope.

Build on your hope,. one day at a time,
Though the road be steep and hard to climb.
The hurts of the past - they should be dead.
The fears of the future are all in your head.
Just live in the present and refuse to mope
Your life will sparkle for you're living in hope.


"My Dream Come True"

When I close my eyes Late at night,
I can feel you beside me
Holding me tight.
Your close touch And gentle embrace,
I softly gaze Into your smiling face.
A dream soars Throughout my mind,
The image of us Begins to bind.

You give me that warm feeling Deep down inside,
Everything I feel for you
Is difficult to hide.
I wake up Wondering if it's real,
I know my heart beats
For the love I feel.

The connection between us is clearly strong,
Being wrapped in your arms
I feel I belong.
I'd sacrifice my life Just to keep you safe,
Nothing can harm you
Or take you away.

My heart dances in circles Beneath the moon light,
I know my love for you Is well worth the fight.
The comfort you give Brings a soft smile,
My love is true Nothing false or vile.

One kiss from you Makes my heart feel whole,
The power of love Takes over my soul.
As I look into Your gorgeous green-blue eyes,
My fears seem to fly Away through the skies.
You give me the strength To make it through each day,
I know I'll always be by your side
Here to stay.

When you're feeling The bluest of blue,
I'll always be there To tenderly comfort you.
I knew From the very start,
That you would be the one Holding the key to my heart.
If you need help I'll show you the way,
You're all I ever wanted And I need you to stay.
Your warm touch Makes my heart sing,

To me
You're my everything.



Texte: Kiana Dreamfairy
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.04.2012

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