
"I love you"

"Do you love me?" She asks.
As always I smile. "Of course I do." I said.
"Let me hear you say it." She said.
"I love you." I said.
She kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear. "I love you too."

I kiss her and she slides her tongue in. I felt the melt of her tongue ring in my mouth. She wraps her legs around me and I kiss her neck. With her legs wrap around me I carry her to the bed. I put my hands under her shirt and go up to her breast. She giggles as it tickles her.I kiss her and she kisses back. She began to unbutton my shirt and felt her cold hands against my chest. He hands traces my 6-pack and my scars.

I left her shirt over her head and kiss her all the way down. I pull off her panties and unzip my pants. As I put in I hold her hand and she moans.

"I love you!" she screams.
I smile cruel and whisper in her ear. "Me too."

My phone rings and I wake up. I get up and look around in a daze. For a second I forgot where I was at. Now I remember; I was in Vicky's bed room. I glance down at the soundly sleeping girl next to me naked under the white sheets. I smile and carefully not to wake her go to my phone.

My phone was in my pants pocket on the floor. I walk over to them and get my phone. I look at the caller ID and it was Macy. I smile and glance over at Vicky still sleeping. I then grab my boxer that laid next to my pants and went to the bedroom bathroom.

"Hey babe." I said into the phone. I held the phone with my shoulder while I put my boxers on.

"Hey Hun. What are you doing?" Macy asks.
"Hanging with a friend." I said.
"Oh, am I bothering you?" She asks.
"No, I was just about to leave." I said and turn on the sink water.
"Can I see you?" She asks.
"Sure, where at?" I ask. I splash the water in my face.
"Poem's?" She asks.
"Sure." I said.
"Okay bye..." She said. "I love you."
I smile cruelly. "I love you more."
She giggles into the phone. "I love you most...Bye."
"Bye." I said. I hung up the phone.

I turn off the sink water. I peek outside the bathroom to see Vicky still sleeping. I tip toe over to my pants and shirt. I grab my socks and shoes. I put my pants on and half way button up my shirt. I put my socks and shoes on.

"Where you going?" I heard a soft voice mutter. I look up to see Vicky was awake.
"Home." I said.
"You can't stay for dinner? Mom making-"
"No, I got to go now....Mom wants me home to me her new boyfriend." I lied.
" me..." She said sounding disappointed.
"I will." I said going to the door.
"I love you." I heard her call.
I almost laugh. "I love you too."

I got into my car and dove out her drive way. I smirk.Girls, are such fools......

All you need to do is tell them you love them and buy them so things and they'll spread those legs.

I saw Macy at the booth near the window. I came slowly to her and she quickly got up and came to before I get there. She wraps her arms around me and kiss me heatedly.
I pull away and smile. "What was that for?" I ask a bit confuse. Macy wasn't the type to kiss in public.

"To tell the other girls who are looking at you your mine." She said.
I look around and notice many girls looking at me like I was a piece of chocolate. Some of there boyfriends glare at me. I'm so use to people staring that I don't even pay attention to people staring at.

I grab her hand and lead her back to the table. She sits down at the booth and I across from her.

I reach across the table and held her hand. She squeezes my hand and I squeeze back.

"Remember?" She asks. "The first time we met."
"Yea, I was here in poem's we met right?" I chuckle. " I remember you didn't like me at all....You wouldn't give me the time of day."
She giggle. "So you remember....I wasn't that bad was I?"
"Yea, you were pretty mean to me. I remember one time when you were upset I ask you what was wrong and you fuss me out for no reason." I said.
"Aha, sooorrryy about that." She said.
"It's okay. You ask my forgiveness and I said I would if you went out with me. And poem's was our first date right?"
She nodded her head slowly and smile a little. "Lex, what do you like about me?"
"Hmm, what not to like? Your beautiful, fun to be with and your smart...lets not forget great kisser." I said. Macy was fun to be with and she is beautiful. She had strawberry blond hair and nice blue eye. He lips were pink and small. She had rosey cheeks and nice soft skin. She looked like a virgin and she was a virgin. Smart? Not so much, if she was smart she would had figure out I was using her for sex to feed my sexual desires.

Macy blushes. "Stop. I'm not beautiful...I'm plain and a fun killer...I only know how to kiss because you taught me."
"Stop lying to yourself." I said.
"Um....Lex?" She said. "I love you you know that right."
"Yea I know." I said.
"You love me too?" She asks.
"Yes I love you and only you." I lied.
"Okay good....I-I'm ready." She said.
"For what?" I ask confuse.
"You know..." She then blushes.
I think for a while and then I realize. She was ready for sex.
"You mean?"
"Are you sure?"
"So do you want to go to my place now?"
"Um, couldn't it be more romantic?"
"Oh, maybe after a date?"
"How about next Saturday."
"Wear something fancy and nice."

My phone rung in my pocket. I took my hand away from hers. I look at the caller ID and groan.
"Who is it?" She asks.
"Ugh Eric." I said rolling my eyes. I pick up the phone.
"What?" I ask annoyed.
"Sniff Sarah broke my heart." He said.
"So and I care why?"
"Because your my friend! I need some helpful support."
"Since when was I your friend?" I ask. "I don't even like you."
"You are so cruel." He sob into the phone.
"Dude, are you crying?" I ask.
"N-no." He said.
"God, your such a baby." I said.
"Where are you?" He asks.
"Poem's why?"

He then hung up the phone. Crap did I just give him my location?

I look at Macy. "I need to go before he get here."
"Who?" She asks.
"Eric." I said. I got up from my seat and was about to leave through the door.
"Call me later!" Macy calls.
"Okay." I call back.

I open the front door and Eric wraps his arms around me. I groan; it was too late he was here.
I shove him off me. "Dude, not in public. What's wrong with you?"
Eric eyes were red and puffy. He looked really uncool right now.
"Come on lets go to my place." I said. I smooth my hair back.
We walk to my car.

Friends and Foes

I gave Eric a cup of coffee. He took it but didn't drink it.
"What happen this time?" I ask. I took a sip of my coffee and learn against the corner.
"Sarah broke up with me!" Eric said.

"So, I told you she was a bitch. You should be singing happy days are here again." I said. Sarah Moore was a bitch. She only went out with Eric to get to me. She tried to put moves on me but I don't like girls who are easy to get. I like girls who want to be chase. I never told Eric though but many times I told him to dump that bitch.

"No, Lex! She was the one and don't call her a bitch she the sweetest thing ever!" Eric said.
I rolled my eyes and I hated myself for asking this. "What happen then?"
"Well, I heard Sarah was cheating on me...."
"Really?" I said trying to sound like I didn't know anything. I been known that; everyone at school knew it except Eric.

"Yea and I been hearing it for a while now around school but I ignore it." Eric said.
"Okay..." I said.
"Okay, so I saw Sarah with this dude at the club yesterday. I was with Chris then."
"Hmm..." I took a sip of my coffee.
"I knew it couldn't be her. But when I saw her today she had a hickey on her neck. I knew it wasn't me because I never had sex with her. Plus she told me she was a virgin."

I spit my coffee out in the sink and busted out laughing.
"You really..haha...that she was a virgin....hahahaha!"
"haha...okay okay sorry..." I said. I was still snickering.
"Okay, anyways....I ask her was she cheating on me...."
"And..." I ask.
"She said YES! Then she said she was sick of me and wanted to break up!"
"What did you do?"
"I beg her to not to leave me and she just walk away...."
"No wonder she left....Have some back bone..." I mumble.
"What was that?"

We both fell quite. I look at Eric and he looked really sad.
I sigh. "Go take a nap in the guest room and then in an hour take a shower....I'll let you have some of my clothes....then we'll hit the club."
" thanks." Eric got up and hug me.
I shove him. "Dude, that's gay..."
"Hehe I know..." He then went up the steps.

I sat down at the kitchen table. Eric is a really good guy; I wish I could be more like him. He's the type of guys who are good for girls but girls don't see whats good for them until their hurt over and over again; in some cases the girls are too late.Most girls just go for players like me hoping they could change me but never can. He's not a player like me; he gets along with everyone and he's faithful to his girl. I became everything like my mother...a whore....

"You already told Kalo about the club right?" Eric ask me.
"Yea, man, he said he has to sneak out the house." I said.
"Damn he got grounded again?" Chris said.
"Yup, he got caught smoking in his room." I said.
"Why the hell would you smoke in your room?" Chris said.
"Shit I don't know man...He's just stupid like that. Smoking fried his brain that's why I don't smoke." I said.

We were sitting a bar a mile away from the club. Just chilling for now until Kalo gets here. It wouldn't be the same without him.

"That bar chick been eyeing for a while." Said Eric.
"I know and you think I care?" I said.
"What? She fine too; you aint going to hit that?" Chris asks.
"Naw, I already have 7 girlfriends.....speaking of which Macy Clerk is about to have cherry pop." I said.
"By you!?!"Chris asks.
"Hell yea who else." I said.
"Dang it's about been waiting for 8 months now." Said Eric. "I thought you would have given up."
"Naw, I like a challenge. And she was really a challenge....I'll dump her a couple days after I'm done with her." I said.
"Damn dude that's mean." ERic said.
"Don't hate the player hate the game..." I said.

Kalo just then walk in. we all smile and did our group hand shake we came up with when we were 9. We then felt out the bar and to the club we went.

I watch Eric, Chris, and Kalo dance with some girls. I just sat at the table and chill. I was text my girlfriends. A few bold girls came to sit next me and tried to get me to talk but I just wasn't into it. They gave up and left me alone.

I felt suffocated in the club so I went outside to take a breather. It was too hot in the club. The cold night air felt good on my skin. When I went around back to my surprise I saw the nerd from 2nd period. He was smoking and he had his hair smooth back. He learn against the wall. I walk over to him.

"I never thought Gabriel Jones would be smoking at a club." I said to him.
He ignore me.
"Hello I'm talking to you."
"I know and I ave nothing to say to your ass."
"You trying to start something?"
"No, I'm just trying to chill but I don't like your tone."
"Macy Clerk..."
"Huh? What about her?"
"If you hurt her I'll fucking kill you..."
I laugh. "Okay Bro, I wont hurt her....why do you care anyways?"
"Just don't hurt her." He then thew his cig on the ground and walk away leaving me alone.

I learn against the wall. What the fuck is problem?Shit Macy my girlfriend I can do whatever the hell I want...mother fucking nerd....shit....I'm piss now.

I hear a gagging noise and I look to see a chick throwing up. I look around no one was back here.
"Hey you okay?" I ask.
The girl then came running at me before I could run she was on top me on the ground. I kept punching her in the face but it had no effect. She was trying to bite! Her teeth were unusual sharp and pointy.
She then slap the crap out of me and I felt like some threw a a brick at my head. I was seeing stars.
I then felt something sharp going into my neck. I gasp. It hut like hell. Like someone just stab me. I fought but soon my body went limp...I couldn't feel anything.......I slowly blacked out....


I was walk on to of water and the sky was grey with. I just kept walking never looking back or wondering I was at. All I could think it was so peaceful. I just kept walking and walking.......I came to an small patch of land with a mirror.... I walk over to the mirror and look at myself. In the mirror was no I but a girl with long blackish blue hair and blue purplish eyes. She was tall, slender, had nice breast and had on a white mini dress. She was beautiful. I smile and she did the same.I reach out to the girl and she did the same motion to me. I felt cold hard glass. I frown and she did as well.

I look around and I saw a small boy of 7 years old looking at me. He was standing on the water holding something. I walk toward him and I notice the boy was me. He was shirt less and he was shaking clunching on to something. I swatted down in front of him.

He slowly unwrap his hand.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"No more....No more..." He cried. Waterfall of tears flowed down his face. "No more...No more....Please...."
"Hey what's wrong?" I ask.
He then unclunch is hand. In it was a blue earring that was crack into pieces. Then there was a red earring glowing brightly.

The water we were standing on began to fall apart. The boy vanish only echoing no more.
I woke up floating in dark. There was a mirror.


I woke up in a white room and sat up. That was a big mistake cause my head hurt like crazy. I laid back down in the bed. I then realize this was a hospital bed. I wonder what happen to me. I only remember seeing Gabriel then...My head started to hurt....
I heard someone coming in. I got back up and my started thumpng. It was a nurse in a pink scrubs.
"How are you feeling miss?" She asks.

"Um, why am I here?"
"You were knock out beyond a club and had lost a lot of blood." She said. She pointed at the tube next me. I look at my arm and blood was flowing into it.
"What happen to me?" I ask.
"Don't remember?" She asks.
I shook my head.
"Do you know who you are?"
"Yea, I'm Lex Vance."
"Um not that a boy name Lex. Your a not him Miss."
"What do you mean!? I am Lex and why do you keep calling me 'miss?' I'm a boy!"
"Um, not your not miss....your a girl..."
I look at her confuse.
"I'm a boy."
She look at like I was mad. "No your a girl."
I was starting to get piss off now. "NO I"M A FUCKING BOY!"

She step back and carefully pull out a makeup mirror. She then walk over to me and handed me the mirror. I snatch the mirror out of hand and flip the mirror open.
I gasp and saw my eyes get big. My once brown eyes were blue with purple and my once tan skin was pale and my eyelashes were long and curly. My hair was blackish blue and my bangs fell on my head nicely.My lips were small and red. I was a girl and a beautiful one at that. I touch my face and it was soft. I look at my hands; the were small and hand sharp nails. I drop the mirror on the bed and touch my chest. I had breast full and plump. I then touch my butt small in round.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!" I scream.
"Miss come down." Said the nurse.
I glare at her. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME!!????!!!!!!!"
She backed up to the door and vanish.

I then was about to get out of bed. The tube held me back. I snatch out my arm and blood went every where. I heard foot steps in the hall running towards me. No way in hell was about to stay here.I saw my cloths I had on at the club; the jeans and t-shirt. I grab them and walk out into the hall. I heard foot steps from the left so I went to the right. I rand down the hall way. I heard the microphone go on and a woman call out; "A patient is missing and maybe dangerous. stay alarm for a girl with blackish blue hair and pale skin."

I ran into the man bathroom and lock the door. I then change out my gown and into my shirt an jeans. The were baggy on me and my pants wouldn't stay up. So I had to hold them up as I sneak out the bathroom. I heard footsteps heading towards me and I went into the janitor's closet. I then found a old Panther football hat. I push my hair under it and put in on. I lower the hat down to block out my eyes. I went out the closet.

Someone grab my wrist and I snap around. It was Gabriel and I got piss off. I open my mouth to say something and he push his finger to my lip.
"Sshhh." He said. He then pull me into a patient room.
There was an old woman laying in bed soundly sleeping.

"Here." Gabriel handed me an old fashion dress from the closet. I took it and was about to take off my shirt. I was right at the breast when I notice Gabriel watching me closely.
"Can you turn around?" I ask.
Gabriel snap out of his thoughts and turn around.
"Don't peek." I said.Why do I need to say that? We're both guys....maybe because this isn't my body....

I put the dress on and it went down to my ankles. I put the hat back on.

"Here." He said.
He then handed me some old slips. Why was he helping me? I wonder.

"Your going to act like an old auntie." He said.
I nodded my head. We then step out of them room.

I were driving nowhere for hours. I kept feeling Gabe's eyes one me as I sat in the passenger seat. But ever time I look at him his eyes were on the rode. We got out the hospital easily.

"Um, thanks..." I said out of nowhere.
"Your welcome....what's your name?" He asks.
"Lex...Lexa....." I said. Lexa since I was a girl now and I didn't know the name of this chick's body.
"Do you have a place to stay?" He asks.
I nodded my head. My was out of town for 2 weeks...That's enough time for me figure out how to go back to my old body and out this girls.
I told him my address and he follow what I told him.

We were now at my place and I got out. He got out as well.
"I hope you know this is Lex Vance's place..." he said.
I rolled my eyes. "I know dude."
"Why go to him? Are you dating him?" He asks.
"No, he's my cousin....I'm staying with him for awhile..." I lied.
"Anyways thanks for the ride."
I then walk up my front porch and got the secret key from under the rock. I unlock the door and I felt someone beyond me. I turn to see Gabe close to me, too close.
His face was the same level as mine. His kiss me and my eyes got big. I felt sparks flying in my head. I then felt myself kissing him back.

What hell are you doing Lex? Your kissing another guy! Are you gay!?!

I then force myself to pull away.
"Can I see you tomorrow?" He asks me.
"Um...sure..." I purred. Okay why did I just say yes? I fucking purred!

I then open the door and slip into the house.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.03.2012

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