
Dream Weaver

The sand turned in the wind. Making it stick to my face drenched with sweat. While the others were walking behind and in front of us. We who were in the middle had to deal with the infants. Their constant scream for food, change or sleep. Left us exhausted in the middle of the night. Almost every night we would stay awake and whisper stories of our future even though we knew they would never come true so long as we were being sold.
Being sold for the family wasn't as easy as it sounded. It actually hurt very much to be abandoned by your family for food, drink or money. This might sound unsightly to those with present ears. Might sound like child abuse...I don't really know what it sounds like to tell the truth only I know what it sounds like to be a story weaver.
I make up stories of the seas and royalty to amuse the rich masters who own me. I tell tales of doors that a appear at night with only a few words. I tell stories o not so harsh dream lands so others seek a better life. But every night with my friends I would tell a tale were doors opened for those who wished so badly for an escape. A World were you could walk on clouds. And the sun was blue instead of yellow. Were trees grew upside down in the sky and animals could talk their minds. Were shooting stars would touch your forehead to bless the hero's.
I whispered my tales to sooth my friends and the other children and they would look around themselves as if they were already there. I cried sometimes over my own tales because sometimes it hurt to see the awe in their faces. What was I doing but only lying to them. They were my friends and my new family. Why was I telling tales that got their hopes up?
I thought my life was going end the moment we first got into the cities. Some of my friends by then had already died. I hadn't mourned them when they left the world. What a good friend I was to not mourn her friends. When I walked past booths selling their wears. They stopped and starred and pointed at me. I must at admit for a slave girl I was too pretty to be a slave but the never the less I was never bought. Something about being cursed for a slave. When we set up shop in the middle of the square people came instantly. Pawing over my friends and the children. It hurt to see most of my friends go. As well as the other children.
Nivirae, Nivirae, the children called to me. Tell us a tale, Nivirae. Make us forget this place for only a little while they pleaded to me. I sighed, knowing this was the only thing I was good at. Find me a stool I whispered to one of the near by children. The child came running back eagerly with a stranger in tow, saying the stranger would only lend it to us if only he could listen to my tale. Sighing, I nodded.
I sat and patted my lap for any one willing child. One very small child that I called mouse came towards me hesitantly. Smiling I beckoned to him. He had kinky brown hair that that fluffed out in all directions and it was almond colored. His skin too was that color because of the dirt and grim. He came over and lifted his arms. I picked him up and settled him on my lap. Now what do want me to tell a tale about I asked the little children all sitting around me eagerly.
Insisting hands rose to get their chance at their say in a tale. But a tale came to mind in my head . So I gestured with my hands for silence. They all instantly fell silent and dropped their hands. I began a tale with a circus bear... The circus bear rolled on his ball standing on his hind legs wearing a pleaded vest and hat. He spoke too, He said; come one come all come see our legends of animals. See a dragon, see a werewolf and come see our beautiful fortune teller Missy.... While I was telling my story the children began to stand play around as if they were in the circus. Doing leaps and twirls and roaring like a dragon. I laughed at mouse when he got on to another boys shoulders and started towards me smiling his cute smile. The Stranger who was sitting next to me was looking at me... How are you doing this he asked me. I stopped my tale with; And the dragon roared a mighty roar that spouted fire from his lungs. When I stopped. All the children stopped as if they were only puppets with expecting looks on their faces.
I thought about my answer towards the stranger. I walked over next to the stranger lowered my head close to his ear and whispered. I am merely a story teller your prince. Knowing I caught him of guard. I smiled and continued my tale where I had let off.
When I was done I realized I had attracted more attention than I had wanted. For all the people in the square were silent and watching. Getting up and off the princes chair I brushed the dirt off of it and handed it to him. Mouse came up and tugged at my hand. I knelt and he drew letters in my hand. He wrote, Don't leave me Nivirae, Please take me with you.
I smiled and said I am not going any where with out you my sweet and dear little Mouse. The prince was arguing with the slave seller. When I looked up I caught his and looked down at mouse and looked up again. He knew what I wanted and nodded his acceptance. Finally the slave trader grudgingly agreed with the prince on a price. The slave trader walked up to me, Mouse and my best friend Dreamer.
You have just been bought he smiled his cruel greedy smile at us. Smiling at each other I knew my friends and I shared a secret know one but us knew.


The next morning I woke up on the floor, something warm and heavy was cradling me; it was the prince. Moving slowly and carefully as to not disturb him of his sleep I sat up and moved over to just lay next to Mouse. I lay there watching and listening to my surroundings. Watching the coming dawn. Nivirae wake up, the prince wants to get moving. Groaning I got up. You can tell the prince I've been up for the past two hours and ask him did he sleep nicely. Dreamer cursed and mumbled something that sounded awfully close to,
"Fuck off I'm not a messenger bird."
We went shopping for meat water and traveling tigers instead of an aircraft bike. Suddenly the grounds shaking people are screaming, children are crying. Buildings were collapsing. I ran outside to see a violet light streak across the sky. I raced after it not listening to Dreamers demand to stay put and take cover. It landed in the sand making the sand spray in all directions making a crater in the land. I slid down the side to stand before a stone as tall as me. Shaped like an egg it vibrated and hummed. It constantly changed color. I felt an electric pull towards it; stepping closer I began to hear a melody in my head. Lifting my hand I placed my palm on it's glittering surface. Suddenly the surface started to crack. I scrambled away just in time for it to reveal a creature with wings. I gasped in awe of the creature before me.

"Hello Nivirae a voice said." Startled I looked around but there was no one there. Suddenly I realized it was the creature that had spoken. What are you I asked. I am your Dragos and you are my master. Whats your name, I asked. My name is Catastrophe.


Damn off all the women who had to be my best friend it was one who didn't take advice at all. and to top it off Mouse has disappeared as well. Now what I am supposed to tell the prince after he's done buying the tigers. Now the only thing that could make this day worse is Nivirae showing up with an adopted strange creature. And it just got worse. Nivirae was side by side with a creature with wings and more meat in her arms. Sighing in disgust at my awful luck I went to interrogate Nivirae.


Catastrophe was funny and understanding although when he heard about my parents selling me he was very quite for a moment or two. I knew he was holding any comments about them to himself less he upset me. I was relieved to fianly tell someone everything it felt as if though my sorrrow my hate and misery all just dissapeared. Catastrophe said that he was 1.6 billion years old in his worlds constillation time. In our time he's of only six years old.
I asked him how long he'd been in the egg he said 1.6 again. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the time he spent in his egg. It must've been so lonely. But apparently it wasn't. He said that dragons were so advance that they were able to gather magic through science. They apparently lived just like us only their home's floated in the sky. I could only imagine a world were there was no garbage on the land no pollution it was a wonderful place in deed.
He said that because of the magic they were able to lock it into the dragos matreas thus enabling the birth of magic dragos. Apparently the magic dragos'es are only born every 15 years in their constellation time. And only one is born from each Matreas. no execptions; except for the royal family. Once a magic dragos is born they are not able to give birth to any magic dragos. He said that the doctors go in and drain the magic from the matreas so that they can implant it in the female dragos who has no magic thus rebirthing the cycle again every 15 years.
It was fasinating really how he explained it. It sounded so... well incontrol. He also said that the dragos magic or not have an imprinted rider. They call out to them with their soul funny thing is though I didn't know my soul called him. I asked him why he was named Catastrophe, he said I am called Catastrophe because when I was born my magic was stronger than the royal family. The royal family fearing my power ordered my matreas to name me Catastrophe after that they launched me from my home planet and into space to only drift and wait for my rider.
I can only hear their thoughts and see the images they see. We dragos are conected to the ancient sleeping Dragos Acheron. He shows us the past the present and the future so that we may see our choices thus constantly changing our future. He asked me if I wanted to know my future, I reused said I would like to experience it not expect it. He laughed at that. We were just coming up to the tigrad tavern when Dreamer looking as furious as ever marched over to us. He had a look on his face that said he was pissed.
Imperiously I held up my hand to stop him from speaking or in this case yelling. Where's Mouse, I asked. I don't know he hissed. He disappeared at around the same time you did. I suddenly felt sick. Suddenly there was a tug on my slave dress. Turning around I saw a little girl holding a doll with a tear streacked face. I knelt down and asked what's wrong little one. She pointed to a house and tugged my hand. I knew she wanted me to go over. I went inside the house and saw a couple sitting with their faces in the table. The girl whispered I tried waking them up but they won't move. Mama was supposed to feed my brother and she hasn't yet. Looking at Dreamer because I knew he had followed me, I said take the girl out side and let me have a talk with her parents.
Catastrophe came in. I asked what happened to them. He said they died from sort of disease. I asked how he knew that and he said smell. Suddenly there's crying. That must be her brother I said. Walking into the parents room I walked over to the crib and picked him up. He was hungry and he needed a change. I changed him first and then i pulled up my shirt to feed him. Catastrophe was curious as to why I gave the baby my breast I said, the baby needs a mothers milk.
Walking out with the baby still clamped to my breast I saw Dreamer scolding Mouse for disappearing. I walked over to the little girl and said her parents had soold her to me for money. This was a lie. She didn't seemed shocked by this more happy by it. I asked her why she had cried. She said, I cried because I was worried about my brother. I also asked her why she didn't care about her parents she said, they hurt me, well mama didn't but papa did he stuck something in me that hurt. I wanted him to stop but mama told me to stop lying and be a good girl.
I knew then that her father had rapped her. So I told her you and your brother are my children now because from now on I am your mom. I asked her what her name was. She said Saba. She said her brother didn't have name yet because it was supposed to confuse the spirits.
Walking over to Dreamer and Mouse I explained the situation to them. They seemed to understand. I was worried about how we were going to provide for them for the rest of the trip the baby I could feed breast milk but the little girl was the main worry. Catastrophe heard my thoughts and said he could provide it through his magic. I thanked him for being so kind.
When the prince came out he didn't ask about the extra entourage which I was glad for. I really didn't know how I was going to explain to him about the situation. Five minutes later after waiting for the tigrads. The cavern keeper came out with our rides. Nivirae called Catastrophe in my thoughts. Yes what is it Catastrophe. I am to young for you to ride me yet but I can give a ride to the little girl. But I wont be able to fly yet either. I understand and Catastrophe; Yes Nivirae? Can I call you Astro? Yes Nivirae you may call me Astro.

Mouses Spy adventure.

I noticed we were being followed ever since we left the slave city. I wanted to see who or what was following us. So when Nivirae left it made an opportunity for me to find out. Sneaking through the back alley behind the tavern. I stalked towards their hiding spot remaining unseen. To them I looked like a child. But I wasn't I was a seventeen year old criminal hiding with the slaves. I go by Mouse but my real name is Digger. I kept this a secret from the others knowing that they would be mad at me. Plus they were the only people i really could call friends.

*I know they're very short chapters but please tell me what you think of it.*


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.12.2011

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