
Mourning A Hero

The night was young and a group of dragons crowded around a stone slab with words curved into it, "Spyro: Hero of The Dawn." A dark scaled dragoness stood at the front of the group hearing the elder dragon speak about the hero that had saved the Dragonrealm from the Dark Master. She had her head low and tears were shelling in her eyes, a yellow dragon stood next to her he looked down at her and nuzzled her softly "he did what had to be done Cynder." Cynder looked at the yellow dragon known as Volteer "I guess, but why did he have to die." Volteer shrugged and replyed in tone of saddness "I do not know why Spyro sacrificed himself, we could have stopped the destroyer sooner had we known that Malefor himself controled it." Cynder nodded and turned away pushing threw the crowd and walking down the streets of Warfang City. She walked threw the gate and soon was out of the city, slowly walking away. Cynder felt she had to get away from everyone, had to find a way to redeem herself for leading Spyro into Malefor's trap. If Cynder hadent gotten caught by Gual 3 years ago then Malefor would have never been brought back from the dead and Spyro would have not had to save her." Cynder walked on for hours until she saw a flash of purple light and rushed to see what it was. Cynder slide down a gully and fought herself looking into the eyes of a purple dragon. This one was female, with swirling horns and bright green eyes. The dragoness smiled at Cynder and said "just as I thought, I made it here first." Cynder frowned and asked "made it here fire? Who are you?" The purple dragoness laughed and bowed her head "your just like you are when your an adult only diffrence is your little Mama." Cynder gasped and the pieces slowly came together "your my daughter?" The girl nodded and continued "and Spyro's that is if you can save him in time." Cynder backed up in confusion then asked "save him from what?" The girl sniffed the air a bit and grinned "from dying what else? You see I'm from just one of the many outcomes of a single night, Daddy said that Malefor was brought back on a day of eternal darkness." Cynder nodded and thought back to the day when Spyro had come to save her and had faced off agenst Gual the ape king. Spyro had lost all control of his powers and he transformed into a dark version of himself. Cynder had saved Spyro from the darkness any sevral occasions and she even began to take on a dark form of her own, well really she already did but it only ever came out once. That was when she and Spyro had first met, Cynder had been turned into a monster at birth and tryed to bring Malefor back herself. But Spyro did not give up on her and he saved her from what would have been her death. Cynder returned to the present time and said "what do I have to do?" The purple dragoness jumped for joy "simple dont leave the temple." Cynder was about to ask what that ment when she was sucked into a time vortex and sent back 3 years.

The Temple

Cynder's eyes opened and she gasped at where she was, Cynder was in the dragon temple, the same one she had left out of guilt before. Now was her chance to fix all that she would not leave this time and she would aid Spyro in anyway she could. Cynder heard the sounds of foot steps coming from close by. Then the door opened and he stepped out, Cynder gasped and whispered to herself "Spy, Spyro alive." He walked up to her and said "what are you doing out here Cynder its not safe outside the temple at night?" Cynder gazed at him her mouth wide open and her green eyes wide. Sparks fluttered in front of her and snapped his fingers "hello, Miss demon lady that tryed to kill us a week ago Spyro asked you a question?" Cynder snapped back into place and said in a fast tone "I just want to gaze at the moon thats all." Spyro cocked his eyes in confusion and asked "more Malefor nightmares?" Cynder looked in his eyes and replyed "more like Malefor visions, in a way I'm still connected to him. I can feel his anger and his pain, I sometimes wonder is Malefor the true victom of this darkness not us?" Spyro shrugged and said with a snort of mild anger "it dosent matter the guy's been stopped and everything's back to normal." Cynder looked back at the sky and noted just how oblivius Spyro was to the coming threat. Then Spyro began to look sick and all at once he fell to the ground knocked out. Cynder rushed over to him and looked at Sparks "get Ignitus now!" Sparks nodded and fluttered off into the temple, a few moments later he returned with an aged red dragon with a concerned look on his face. Spyro was still knocked out and Cynder was in a panic, she looked up at Ignitus and said "he just . . . went pale and fell to the ground, Ignitus do you know whats going on here?" Ignitus shrugged and leaned down and said "lets get him inside, Cynder wake the others I fear a storm is coming." Ignitus stood on two feet and lifted Spyro up and walked back inside, Cynder looked at Sparks and asked "has he done that before?" Sparks looked at her in anger "not since you came lady! What did you do to him?" Cynder growled and said in a snarl "I did nothing, and even if I did Sparks Spyro wouldent just fall over he would have known something was wrong." Sparks turned away and crossed his arms and said "whatever." Cynder rolled her eyes and rushed into the temple leaving Sparks alone, he watched her go and went after her saying "hey! dont leave me out here this place is creepy at night!" Cynder ran down the halls and entered the sleeping chambers and ran to the three dragons sleeping, Cynder pushed them and rammed them trying to get them to awaken. They finally did and Cynder gazed on Volteer, Cyril, and Terrador. Terrador stepped forward in anger and asked "Cynder what is the meaning of this?" Cynder shrugged "Ignitus wanted everyone up, I think he wants us all to meet in the main chamber." They all hurried to where Ignitus, he had sat Spyro on the ground and looked up at them "good everyone's up, Volteer, Cyril cover the skys around the temple. Terrador guard the balcony." The three guardians nodded and went to work, Cynder looked at Ignitus and asked "what about me?" Ignitus smiled and replyed "you are already doing your task Cynder, I know Nina has contacted you, and I know of your mission." Cynder gasped and turned away then asked "how do you know?" Ignitus laughed and replyed "lets just say me and the Chronicler are good friends and leave it at that." Then Spyro caughed and his eyes slowly opened, Sparks fluttered over to him and said "dude are you okay?" Spyro looked at him and shrugged "something is about to happen, everything is about to change." Cynder frowned and let the dark memerys fill her mind, Malefor's dark army was coming and only she and possibly Ignitus knew about it. Cynder then asked "what vision did you see?" Spyro looked at her and found himself frowning "he has contacted you too?" Cynder shrugged "in a way, who contacted you?" Spyro looked at the ceiling "he called himself the Chronicler, I think he's on our side but I'm not sure, said something about eternal darkness." Cynder then started paceing back and forth "eternal darkness is coming, Malefor is still alive, then my connection to him is still working well, I can feel it or is it something worse." Ignitus looked at her with a nod and Cynder knew he had met the Chronicler, Spyro looked at her like she was crazy and said "so has this guy given you visions too?" Cynder looked at him and replyed "no the Chronicler is only interested in you Spyro but I have been contacted by someone who works for him, so I guess in a way, however I think my visions have a diffrent meaning?" Spyro walked up to her and cocked his head "like what?" Cynder looked away from him and said in a tone of anger "sometimes a dark time calls for a dark hero, someone who knows the shadows in and out." The thought came to Spyro's mind and he looked at her in confusion "but that makes no sence I thought we were trying to keep him dead, Malefor is evil remember." Cynder smiled and said "he once told me that at one time his soul was whole and everything made sence, then something happened to him that shredded his soul to pieces. I think Malefor may have been trying to explain something that may aid us later on. But if he was lying then, well I guess its not much help." Ignitus laughed and walked up to them "of corse Malefor would still try to aid us, parts of his soul was never currupted which means he can be saved." Sparks flutted by Spyro's ear and crossed his arms "you sure Cynder's still not just under Malefor's control, we cant trust her." Spyro growled at Cynder and replyed "Sparks has a point since when did you care for Malefor, Cynder I can only wonder if a simple necklace was all it took or if theres something else Malefor used." Ignitus stomped his foot and said "stop it, I trust Cynder due to the fact that Malefor was a good dragon at one time and he could be again." Cynder gasped and smiled "of corse! thats what she ment by saving more then one life!" Spyro looked at her and shrugged then turned away "come on Sparks were out of here." Cynder looked at him and said "wait, Spyro I stayed because I felt like I had a chance to redeem myself for what I've done, that maybe I could make the nightmares go away. I know what I'm saying is crazy but trust me." Spyro looked at her and his eyes widened with joy "well when you put all them pretty words together why not bring Maley into this, but if you really are still under his control I wont be saving you from him again." Cynder nodded and Volteer bolted in and said "Ignitus Gaul's soldiers are attacking the temple we need help!" Ignitus nodded and looked at Spyro and Cynder "go aid the other guardians as best you can, I will get you ready for your quest to find the first piece of the Dark Master's soul, the Dragon Stone." Cynder nodded and fallowed Volteer, Spyro looked at Ignitus and asked "do you really trust what Cynder was saying?" Ignitus began walking away "sometimes young dragon, the most insane of tasks is often the nessisary task." Then he exited the main chamber, Spyro and Sparks headed after Cynder and Volteer.

Battle For The Temple

Cynder and Volteer rushed into the court yard and saw apes hopping about with torches and swords. Cynder growled and fired a shadow beam taking out sevral apes at once. Volteer launched balls of energy at the apes and shocked a few of them horridly. Cynder then charged and rammed a ape with a septer and knocked him into the air. Then she jumped up and formed a shadow twister throwing the ape down on a large group entering the court yard and knocking many of them down. Cynder landed on the ground and found herself panting, she was confusied by it there was no way she shoud have been tired at least not yet. A ape run at her from behind and raised a club high above his head. But as he brought it down a turrent of flames massed around him and burned him horridly. Cynder looked at Spyro and nodded "thanks, your still watching my back I figured you dident trust me." Spyro shrugged "I just figured your mind is still healing from breaking free from Malefor, at least thats what I'm hoping." Cynder nodded and dodged as a ape lunged at her, she twisted around and lashed out with her tail jabbing it into the ape's cheast and lifting him off the ground then she threw him off the balcony. Spyro locked horns with a large ape holding two swords, Cynder recanized him as Gaul and snarled oh how much she wanted to ram him. Cynder then turned to see Volteer shove a group of apes over the balcony and into the dark below. Cynder saw as Gaul slowly overpowered Spyro and raised one of his arms up intent on bringing one of his swords down on Spyro's head. Cynder let out a gasped and charged then felt a tingle in the back of her mind and a dark familiar voice entered her head "so you still drawl breath child." Cynder stopped and closed her eyes and let out a pained cry "he's here!" Spyro looked at Cynder and growled "not good." Then pushed forward overpowering Gaul and pushing him over the balcony. The rest of the apes fallowed there leader down, Spyro rushed over to Cynder and asked "are you ok?" Cynder looked at him and said in a low voice "he is still connected to me, I dont know if I can even trust myself Spyro I may lose control again if so-" Spyro cut her off "no not going to do it Cynder, your a great friend and we need your help to find the pieces of Malefor's soul and destroy them if you were smart." Cynder sat down and sighed then looked at Volteer who let out a sigh of his own then said "looks like this was just to our horns up, Gaul surived that fall no doubt and will be heading back to his lair I guess we should all get some sleep." Sparks appered behind Spyro and said "wait! there's still no more threat in the temple sitting there the evil she-dragon." Spyro looked at Sparks clearly annoyed "do you ever hear the things you say." Cynder let out a shy smile and said "its ok Spyro, not everyone is easy trusting like you anyway it dont matter anyway. Besides I agree with Volteer we should all rest and wait til morning." Spyro nodded with a sigh and walked slowly away and entered the door into the sleeping chambers, Sparks fallowed intent on getting as far away from Cynder as he could. Volteer and Cynder both just stood there and gazed out at the sky. Volteer looked at Cynder and asked "are you worried about what might happen if Malefot comes back as insane as he was when he died.?" Cynder shrugged "I'm worried that Sparks is right, that I cant be trusted. I felt him in my mind Volteer, I heard Malefor's voice in my head as if he were standing beside me. I think the darkness that overtook him is now over taking me as well." Volteer let out a laugh and stepped over to her and leaned his head down close to her's "we all have a choice to do things, weather they are the right thing or the wrong thing is your choice. Prohaps Malefor feels comfort in the mind of someone who shares his curruption and over seeks to hold there until the time is right for him to rise." Cynder looked into his yellow eyes and replyed is a whisper "I'm scared to think that he shows so much intrest in me, that I am still his apprentice." Volteer nodded in understanding and formed a ball of lighting in his hand and put it in Cynder's face "it is formed threw my power and that of the yellow gems I have absorbed, I know you feel out of place Cynder but understand that I and any of the other guardians here would have gladly taken you on as an apprentice if we could have changed your fate. You may have been currupted but that dosent mean we can find a way to prohaps lift the curruption out of your body and remove those dark powers." Cynder smiled alittle and nodded "I would like that, to have this horrid curse removed so that I could forget about all that has happened." Volteer let out a faint laugh and replyed "we all wish we could forget what had happened but now is not the time to dwell on the past now is the time for rest and wait for day to come." Cynder nodded and fallowed him into the sleeping chamber to rest, she knew she would not have nightmares tonight.


Texte: all characters in this series belongs to Avtivison
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.11.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to Activison, makers of the Legend of Spyro Series. Thanks for making a great series and keeping Spyro alive

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