
Chapter 1

"The perishing world is all around us now. The old world is not here anymore.”


The perishing world is all around us now. The old world is not here anymore. There was something going on underneath the ground, something big. There was a reactor big enough to destroy the world, bit by bit. The world was perishing right in front of us. Buildings perished, Streets gone, and most of the weak disappeared. I need to get help from the other Scientists that created the reactor. If I can’t find some of them then the world will disappear. We need to fix the world so that nothing else happens to it and living organisms on it.


Finding the Scientists is top priority right now. I’m glad I put the trackers on their Lab coats. I think there were nine other Scientists. If I find them we can make five miniature reactors into a star to fix the world. We are the instigators so we have to fix this. I know that there are two couples. I only see 6 of them, including me. So I’m missing four other Scientists. I’m going to find the other five Scientists so that we can find the rest of the Scientists. I will find them. Let's see here, one of them is very close. I think they're trying to fix the problem. I’ll try to help them so that they can help me afterward. Okay, I'm here at the location, I can’t believe it. It’s my ex, is she trying to fix the world, like me. Hey Isabella, you’re trying to help the world too?


Isabella says “oh, hi Raymond” in a soft and quiet voice. Hey, Isabella, I got a question. Are you trying to fix the world? Isabella says “yes, I'm trying to fix the world”.  Can you help me make a miniature reactor? Isabella says “what is the miniature reactor for?” If we make the five miniature reactors we can stop the world from perishing. Isabella says “I'll help you in any way possible." Ok, we're going to make the reactor. It took one day to make the reactor. "Bye", Isabella, I'll see you when the world is fixed.


I went on the hunt for the next Scientist closest to me. It took me three days to find the next Scientist. I see him, its Anthony. He needs my help, I coming for you. Hold on tight, on the last second he falls and I grabbed his arm. Anthony says "Thank you, I couldn't make it if it weren't for you." No problem Anthony. May I ask you something. Anthony says "Yea, go ahead. You're the one who saved me." Why were you on the edge of the cliff? Anthony says "I was sleeping outside and when I woke up I was near the edge. I almost fell off the cliff." I'm glad you’re here. We need to make a reactor. Anthony says "WAIT, WHY?!?! The reactor was the problem that caused this mess." If we make a reactor it can stop the world from perishing. Anthony says "Ok, ok. I'll help just tell me what to get."


Ok, let me tell you this. If you make five miniature reactors you can stop the world from perishing. Anthony says "I'll turn on the reactor when we're ready." I'm heading out to the next location, so take care of the reactor. It's been three days since. I'm heading up to the location. I don't see the Esrel couple anywhere. It took me one hour to find them, but I only see one of them. Hey Estel's, what are you doing? Matthew says "he's dead, he killed himself." WAIT, WHAT?!?! No, this can't be, let me see Matthew. Matthew says "he said, he couldn't handle this, and the world he caused." I'm sorry, really sorry for your loss.


I'll need your help to stop this world from perishing, so please help me. Matthew says "Will it bring Kody back. Please tell me he will come back to life." I'm sorry that can't happen, science can't bring people back to life. Then I can't help you, Raymond. I'm going to where he went. NO, DON’T! Stops him from killing himself. If you help me save the world from perishing, will you get rid of the sin that we have? Will you live your life for Kody? Matthew says "fine, I will live my life for Kody. I swear that he will not die with that sin."


Chapter 2


It’s been three days again. I see only one of them on the radar. I looked over the hill and see one of the Scientists. Bethany turns around and says "Raymond over here!" I'm coming, just hold up. So what's up Bethany. Bethany says "I've come up with an idea for fixing the world." Wait you did? I did as well but, let me hear yours. Bethany says "I've made this device here to stop the world from perishing." Wait you got the same idea as me. Is it a miniature reactor? Bethany says "Yeah, why?" Let me give you a chip to connect the other reactors. Bethany says "wait you made a device like this?" I've been traveling around the world for days now trying to fix the world. Bethany says "Wow, I'll let you put the chip in the device."  Ok, I put the chip in the device so that we can connect the others. Stay here and watch the reactor so that it can be turned on. Bethany says”ok, I’ll watch the reactor.”


It’s been three days as always. I see two markers on the radar. I go to the location and see the lab coats on the ground. Wait, why is Christine’s and Jacobs lab coat on the ground? They never take off the lab coat off, they only take it off at their house. I see multiple tracks of vehicles, I’m going to follow the tracks. I see a fire and people above the fire. Wait, that can’t be. Jacob and Christine are roasting over the fire with people around them, I hear them chanting something. I got in closer and I hear them chant kill ‘em, kill ‘em, kill ‘em. I’m glad I have a gun in my pocket, wait.  


I don’t have my gun in my gun pouch. I think the weapons perished because of the reactor. I can’t do anything to save them, there’s a car over there I can use. I’m going to run them over before they kill them. I sneak into the car and try to start the car. I think they hear me, come on start. This piece of shit of a vehicle, why don't you start. The car starts, they hear me. I start driving around the fire trying to back them off from them. They start to attack the car with whatever they can find. I can’t keep this up, I need help. If I can’t save my friends, I should just die like the others I couldn’t save.  


When I say that, there comes a few armored trucks coming this way. Is that backup? They came out of the trucks and starts to shoot the people. Blood on the vehicles, the ground, and their faces. I was terrified, I couldn’t move an inch. They asked me if the others on the pole, roasting over the fire were my friends. I couldn’t respond to them, I was drenched in fear. I stuttered I said “Th-Th-Those ar-are-are my-my friends. I remembered that I couldn’t let my friends die. So I jumped out of the car and ran towards them pulling them off of the pole. I was struggling to pull them off and asked for help. They were bleeding from the side, I was so depressed when I found out that they died. The group of people helped me in any way they could. So I told them to get specific pieces for the reactor. They got the pieces and I made the reactor. I put it where it goes and told them to protect the reactor.


I ran out of gas in my car, so I asked them if I can get some. They said “sure, take as much as you want.” So I took two gallons of gas and started the hunt for the Wilkins. I think it’s going to take three days to make it to their location. I was correct, it’s been three days since the last encounter with the other Scientists. I see their markers on the radar, I'm coming up on them on them. I see them, they're fighting each other. I wonder why they're fighting? HEY, YOU TWO! STOP FIGHTING! Stops the fight. What was going on between you two? Parker says “We had an argument about personal reasons.” Amanda says “I’m glad that you stopped the argument.” Amanda and Parker say “what’s up?” We need to create the last reactor to stop the world from perishing. Amanda says “How do you know how to stop the world? The world is perishing because of the last reactor.” Parker says “ Amanda is pregnant with a boy and we don’t want him to see this world.” Amanda says “We want him to be happy, we want him to make friends, and we want him to explore the world.”


I know you want him to be happy. This wouldn't happen it didn't come, it's because I’m the one who had this idea, I had a backup just in case this happened. I’m from a different Universe and I lost my family. I lost them all. I lost my wife, my two daughters, and my youngest, my son. They all fell into the pit where that happened. Amanda says “I’m sorry for your losses. I didn’t mean to..” It’s fine, that’s why I’m here to start another life. That life that I’ve been living here is ruined because of the same incident. I want the kids to be happy, I don’t want them to suffer because of me but, that already happened. That's why I'm leaving after I fix this world, unlike my world that I couldn’t save. So, would you two help me fix this world? Amanda and Parker say “We will help.” Ok, let’s do this. It’s been hours. We got the last one, let’s activate the reactor. The other reactors started to turn on but, one.


Why isn’t that reactor activated? I’ll call Isabella, “ring, ring, ring, ring. This is Isabella, I’m not on right now, so call me later.” What happened to Isabella, we need that one to activated or something will come out of the pit. Calling Isabella over and over. Pick up the goddamn phone, I don’t want my friends to die in this world either. Please… please… please pick up the phone. As I’m crying for my life, somebody picks up. Hello, hello Isabella you there. Isabella says “I… I… I’m he… her… here. What’s going on with you Isabella? Isabella says “I’m going to activate the reactor before it’s too late.” As Isabella's trying to withstand the blood she lost. Isabella says “Ray… mond before I die I want to tell you something, please live for me.” Isa... bella wha- what - what’s going on w-wi-with you? I activated the reactor so live, live on with your friends, please. Isabella drops the phone and animal-like sounds starts, there are crunching sounds. Isabella, Isabella, ISABELLA! It’s my fault, it’s all my fault. I already got over the deaths of Christine, Kody, Jacob but, now Isabella. I can’t, I can’t live.


I’m going now, the world is alright now, people don’t need me at all. Bye, I’m happy that the world is done perishing. Tell the other that I’m glad that I’ve met them, that I was happy besides them. I was really happy when we all hanged out and spent time together as a family. My time has come to an end. Amanda says “It’s been three years now since that incident. We all honor Raymond for stopping the world from perishing. He’s a hero and a savior. He survived something we couldn’t bare. We're trying to locate him but, it’s been impossible.” Bethany says “ Where is he at?”


. . .

Chapter 3


It’s been three years since I left that world. I’m exploring the Universe trying to find a new world that I can start a new life. I’ve found over 100 livable planets so far but, only 20% of them have human-like creatures. I’m going to The planet 0495, I named that planet after Christine’s first initial, Kody's first initial, Jacob’s first initial, and Isabella’s first initial. I’m landing on it. It’s about the same size of earth, it has more land than Earth. It looks like the population is half of Earth’s. This would be great to live here if there were more animals. I’ll make genetically modified animals so that I can live here. I don’t want to live here just eating plants for a living.


It’s been three days, there was no one near me, I wonder why? There are loud noises outside of my house but, when I check outside I don’t see anyone or anything out there. It’s been a week now, I still hear noises out here. It’s morning, I’m checking the area where they live. I see a few of them, I don’t see all of them from before I landed on this planet. I created a device that looks at the population of living organisms. I have to collect all of the living organisms and that means I have to go on a journey.


I have all the equipment for the journey. I only have a limited amount of time. I’m going to a cave I found while looking for the humans that live on this planet. There are not really many materials, I think that’s why their homes are not as advanced like Earth. Wait I see a light source down here. Who’s there, anyone down here? Hello, hello, anyone? The light source is getting farther. I’m going after it, come back here. My name is Raymond F. Elliot. The light stopped, I see his or her face. It’s nice to meet you, sir, what’s your name. The old man says “My name is Richard Elliot, it’s nice to meet you son.” WAIT, I-I-IT CA-CAN-CAN’T BE. My father died twenty years ago. He died in a plane crash, I was the only one who survived.


Richard E. says “oh, your from that world.” Oh, Ok. I get it now your from the first Earth and I’m from the second Earth. I went to the first world to stop the reactor because I messed up on my planet. I let them all die because of me. That’s why I went to the first world to save them. May I say something to you. Richard E. says “yes, go ahead.” I saw your son while traveling here. Richard E. says “WAIT, WHERE!?!?” I checked it out, there was a dead body, no vital signs. I’m sorry. Richard starts crying in front of me. I helped him with the sadness. It’s ok, you can get through this. Richard E. says “I’m glad that you told me that. I looked for years for him.” It’s been a day since we stopped crying. So can you tell me about this planet? Richard E. says “This planet is very strange. I don’t know most of the living organisms on this planet. All I know is that whenever you go close to the people they'll hide in their buildings.” I’ll try to figure this planet out. See ya Richard from world one.


   I’m on my journey to figure out this planet. I’m gathering all the living organisms on this planet. I got most of the plants, I see a big plant over the hill. I think it’s going to take a day or two to get that plant. Wow, this jungle is amazing, I wish I could stay in here. A loud roar coming from out of nowhere. What was that “looking all over the place to figure where it came from.”  A wild beast came out of nowhere. It looks like a mix of a tiger, cheetah, and a lion, with web feet and feathers on its legs.


This planet is crazy. Staying still to see if it doesn’t come after me. The beast pounced on me but, I got passed it somehow. I need to run, staying still isn’t going to do anything. I need a weapon but, I don’t have one with me. Richard E. comes out of nowhere, capturing the wild beast with a high tech device. Richard E. says “I got your back, Raymond.” Thank you for helping me. Richard E. says “No problem, these beasts are hard to tame so I need you to get some ingredients that are rare.” Wait, did you say tame. Richard E. says “Yes, if we tame the beasts on this planet we can travel farther. Here are the ingredients.”


Taming Ingredients


Ravager eggs


Tinky Mushroom


Flippered Plants


Ord Bark


And Ridged hair


Richard E. says “These are the ingredients for taming this creature.” OK, the only thing is, how am I supposed to know what they look like? Richard E. says “You’ll know when you see them.” Ok, I’ll see you when I’m done getting the ingredients. I’m off to look for these weird things. So the first thing I’m going to get is the Tinky Mushrooms. It would be great if he told me what they looked like. Well, I didn't ask him soooo... that's my fault. Well then, this is going to be hard. I think I know what the Tinky Mushrooms look like. Tink means a high pitched sound sooo... the mushroom has to make a sound that nobody else hears. I got, a high dog whistle pitched sound. I'll make a device to follow that sound. "It's been three hours since." I made the device and made a weapon. My weapon is called the "Clockwork Blade." Now that I have the device and my sword, I can look for the Tinky Mushrooms. I'm following the sound, it's leading me towards a cave. It's dark, I'll get out my light.


Texte: Russell Spears
Bildmaterialien: No one
Cover: No one
Lektorat: Russell Spears
Übersetzung: Someone
Satz: Something
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.01.2019

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