Book Name - A Terribly Beautiful Life
Author Name - Masrur Chowdhury Meed
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Today I am going to write about an important thing. Although the word "significant" depends on the stake, putting myself in that person's place puts so much emphasis on the word "significant". Today I suddenly want to write about 'Nafs', I know there are many words about 'Nafs' in Quran and Hadim, but I will only highlight the issue of "Nakam" that happened to me.
What do you mean if you don't question yourself? Then the word memorized in that textbook will come in the answer, as means bad instinct I forgot to memorize this topic from childhood, what is bad instinct? That is, I did not have time to understand the meaning of the original word in the memory, I do not know who has been like me, whether it is a good thing or not, it is not enough to understand, yet the word Nafs is very dear to one, our heart means my heart, me too. At first, I thought that as is a bad thing that prevents people from following the path of Allah. But seeing the real meaning and form of self, I lost that idea. Naam is simply the soul, which Allah Almighty has breathed into us - and which will leave our body at the time of death. Now knowing the types of names will help us to understand the matter.
Any question about Nafs Nafse Ammarah: We can call these Nafs the deceitful Nafs or soul, usually we talk more about these Nis, otherwise why do we call Nafse Ammarah the Nafs of bad instincts instead of calling the flesh evil inclinations. However, it is these that create evil within the nafs. 13 questions arise in my mind sometimes, questions are such that sometimes I want to do bad things, 3. Sometimes you want to do good deeds, sometimes the soul is calm and sometimes the soul indulges in self-purification, so why does the soul change so much? * I got different answers to this question. Another question that raises my mind is: Who will I make responsible for my whole body? Many people may be nervous after hearing the question there is nothing to press here, the eyelids of our whole body "the eyelids of the body and the emotional carrier are two different persons, by the person I do not mean the humanoid Buji. However, one of the eyelids and the carrier is the brain, and the other is the mind, now I have a question about whether to make Zimmadar, but on the face of it, I think it would be better to make the brain responsible. But let the feelings that flow from the measurement of the mind defeat the brain's insistence. Makes a fool of himself, the things that I like to do, that is, the things that create a kind of addiction, are often a kind of fun in the name of amaranth, that is, the design of the soul, which is motivated to be. Attracts us to it. will be done
2 Nafse Lawamah: This nafs can be called the repentant Naksanta a bad regret is created from our naps after we engage in rap activities due to the influence of noise amaranth. This is usually the result of cause laura mah. We can say that the naps that cause regret in people's hearts after committing wrongdoing or being ashamed by indulging in shuah are safe lawamah, in other words, it wants to leave shunah again and indulges in sin without knowing it. What we have to do is to try to contain this obsession, this feeling, whenever regret arises in us under the influence of Nafse Lawamah. Just as fish is preserved by freezing it in the refrigerator, we need to preserve this feeling of regret so that we don't want to die. I heard a saying from one of my elder brothers, Ahnaf Bhai, "Repentance after sinning should be such that tears come to the eyes upon seeing the object of sin and the feeling comes to the mind that what I have sinned with this object, what I have disobeyed Allah Amala." May it at least no longer be mine " The soul that comes next is: by
Ta Nafse Muta Mayillah: We can call this Nafs Prashantaksha Nafs, that is, this Nafs agrees with Allah, becomes happy, this Nafs is busy with the voice of Allah in any situation. And in all situations busy with making a relationship with Allah, Allah Ta'ala is also pleased with this nafs. Thousands of things can be said about this income, but we have to try to make ourselves such. Allah has made man in such a way that even with a little effort, man can do many things. Therefore, Allah has left many things and we all try to trust in God and create such a soul that all the savings will be happy with God.
4/ Nafse Mulhimah: We can say that the nafs, which is the pure star that is always guided by 'Elham' received from Allah Ta'ala, does not do any work of its own will is called Nafse Multi Mah. Surrender your life to God. Shouldn't that be the case? Not leading our life according to the rules of the one who created us, is a primary matter, a necessary matter, yet we should be so ignorant to accept this matter. There is so much displeasure and annoyance in leading life according to the rules of Allah Ta'ala, if any person in the world helps us even a little bit, then we remember that help forever, and Allah Almighty has given us such a beautiful life, but we have so many problems, so many troubles in following His rules If you try to create Mulhimah in your soul, Allah will not accept any law It won't hurt.
5/Nafse Rahmaniya: Rahman is a special name of Allah Ta'ala, which means kindness, mercy, etc. A person reaches this stage and attains complete liberation and attains the nature of the Supreme Soul, i.e. stays at the level of Abda Bakabillah and attains complete exaltation by merging with the caste of Allah. It is very important to acquire such qualities of the soul. Below are some ways to become Ammarah in Nafs:
I think the first thing that should be done to control these nafs is to practice not sleeping after Fajr. Then try eating and drinking a maximum of 3 times a day, and eat a little less than what you need to go each day. Avoid talking unnecessarily. The habit of dhikr should be developed in the morning and evening. Hilarak's Anat Amey must be atyas. The amount of sleep should be moderate. Practicing exercise after Fazl prayer, practicing Tahajjud, and finally praying two Rakat naval before sleep. If you do this, Hinshaw Allah Naqsh will come under your control
Allah and Jam. Finally, I want to say that there is no substitute for dua. May Allah give everyone the right understanding.
"A sad, sad day." Getting upset is a common feature of human life How many reasons can be upset, it happens. But sometimes it suddenly gets upset. Without any reason Yes, there is no reason for that And being upset for no reason is a little different. At the same time, it is strange.
As such, usually, when someone is upset with someone, various symptoms are manifested. People who are upset with him, try to convince him by various hints, if not directly, "Listen! But I am upset with you". And according to this arrangement, various surahs are made jurisdictional. Maybe sitting in one place continuously with puffy cheeks, or looking unblinkingly at the sky with gorgeous red eyes. All this is a sad message.
And man naturally wants his loved one to always hold him, especially when he is upset. He wants to get the most importance from his loved one. And that's why it's normal to get some hint of upset from the outside.
But this senseless strange kind of upset? There are no loved ones, so there is no need to attract the attention of loved ones. No one has anything to ask for or get. There is no way to understand the state of pride inside the mind from the outside. And even if it is understood, who is there to ask?
There is no one to understand such sadness in this outwardly loving city! The city is full of love. In a city where standards are constantly broken and built, the anecdotes of new relationships are truly surprising.
However, long ago we forgot the real, correct, and beautiful association of relationship, love, value - shame, beautiful - ugly. About fifteen hundred years? But he has brought everything to us thoroughly. And he will protect her until doomsday. But we, the unfortunate ones, could not keep the beauty in our hearts.
Abdullah is walking. Hetubeen walks with that strange kind of sadness. But the interesting thing is that he does not understand the reason for this upset. What do you
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.10.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-2247-1
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