

12:16 am on a Saturday morning in the biggest mansion in a small town. Zoey Frye believes what other people say about her and doesn't believe in herself.

“Dear diary,

When people in this town hear the name Zoey Frye they either think; Oh, that freaky college student who is always so pale. The girl that's 5 foot and 4 inches tall with blue eyes and light brown hair. Or they see me as the vampire with powers. There is way more to me than that. If I were to tell people about myself I would say; My name is Zoey Frye. I  live in a small town of vampires. My family is the head of them all, so we are like royalty in the vampire community. Everyone says that's why I have acquired my powers at 20 years old, while the average age is 22. I  have a twin brother named Blake. He doesn't look anything like me. He has jet red eyes, dirty blonde hair and is 6 feet tall. I was betrayed by my mother, my brother, my now ex fiance, and ex best friend. How, you ask? Well first my mother and brother paired, second my best friend Amy was kissing my fiancé Kyle, and third my powers went out and lastly I  kissed my best guy friend Justin.......”

"Zoey!" my mother called me from downstairs. She was screaming because she forgets I  can hear better than other vampires

"What, mom? You're screaming at me again!” I roll my eyes not wanting to move from my queen sized bed. "I'm busy!"

"Come down here, it's time for your training." I  got up with a groan and started to lock my diary that I have been writing in and I hid it once more, before walking out of my room. I made my way down the spiral staircase to the study where I over heard my brother Blake and my mother, Sarah whispering to each other.

"Are you sure she is ready for this?" Blake asked as I  was eavesdropping.

" I have no idea babe, but she must know, we can't keep it hidden much longer. Your father gets back from his business trip today and we can't hide it," My mother said to him.

" I know father won't accept this. What will he say?" Blake started to say, as my mother sighed, so I  walked in hoping they wouldn't notice that I  heard everything

"Oh! Zoey um...we need to talk before your training," Blake said to me as he laced his fingers together. The only time he does this is when he was nervous. Now I  think I  understand what is going on between them.

"Sure, whats up?" I  put a smile on

"Mother and I ..." He started, but stopped and looks at our mother. She stared back at him with her bright green eyes that were almost covered by her dark brown hair.

"You and mom what?" I was becoming worried but then my mother cut Blake off before he could get a word out.

"We are seeing each other honey. We have been a pair since the night you and your father went hunting," she said, then looked at me.

I  was in shock then...and that was about 4 months ago

"You have been seeing each other for months now, and you


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Rosie Toledo
Bildmaterialien: Rosie Toledo
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.04.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-4753-1

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