
First Day

I am starting to regret going to school here. Of course there are certian groups like: the populars, nerds, bad kids, loners,and then theres me. I don't like being around people so I just keep to myself. The "populars" call me mute cause I dont give the time of day to talk to them. That is why I'm standing here in front of the head (stupid) cheerleader ,Sammantha.

She had a fake smile on her fake face as she said,"So mute girl, like why do you even go to school here no one likes you."

I didn't say anything back like usual and kept a bored expression on my face. When you first look at Sammantha you would think she was a nice girl ,blonde hair and dark blue eyes, but no se is evil and just basically a mean person to everyone cause she thinks she's better than them. If she really new what I was she would run and tell the whole world only to be called crazy.

Without waiting to see what else she had to say I walked around her and headed to my first hour class. If your wondering my name is Gabriella and I'm not like other kids but we will get back to that later. I just came to this school two days ago and already dont like it. I came here on my own cause both my parents left me to fend for myself two yeas ago I got my own fake ID and my own apartment and of course a car cause im 18. Im also a Seraphim that just means I have wings they are huge and black with red tips.

Thats the reason I got kicked out of my house. I was so deep in thought that I didn't even watch were I was going and I bumped in to someone. I looked up and there right in front of me was standing the hottest guy ever. He had black hair that fell over his green eyes.

He shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Um.. I'm sorry i wasn't watching were I was going."

I just said, "It's okay I wasn't paying attention either."

He looked shocked for a second but quickly regained himself. He held out his hand for me to shake when he said," Well, my name is Jaxon Hayes. And you are?"

When I touched his hand I felt shocks going up and down my arm and it felt good, "Oh um my name is Gabriella." He gasped so he must of felt the shocks too, he muttered a goodbye and walked off. Ok, now im confused. I just need to get through the rest of the day then i can go home. With that thought I went to my first class ready to face the day.

First Date

After school I walked to my car, a red SSC Ultimate Aero. This has to be my favorite car for two reasons one: its fast and two:its fast. "Nice car." I turned around and saw Jaxon"thanks." I dont know why but he looked kinda nervous and it was cute. NO I cant be doing this once he figured out what I was he would run.

He cleared his throat and said,"I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go out later or something." NO!! I wanted to say but my mouth betrayed me, "Yes." OMG why did I say that? He smiled obviously happy and said,"Great I'll pick you up at five."


When she said yes I litteraly had to stop myself from from jumping up and down on the spot. When I first touched her this morning I knew she was mine ,my soul mate, everyone in my clan has one. Your probably wondering what the heck i'm talking about well i'm a vampire. I'm also second in line to ruling my clan. Back to Grabriella well she is just beautiful. I just love her all of her, her jet black hair and blue eyes. Wow im so whipped. But I do love her.


When I got to my apartment I made me something to eat. My place isn't that big it just has a living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a walkin closet. My living room has a black leather couch, a flat screem tv, and a coffee table. My bedroom has a king size bed, two dressers, and a tv. My parents didn't give me money my brother did hes the only onewho actually cared and didn't want me to leave.

I looked at my clock and saw it was four. Great, I better get ready. First I went to go take my shower when I got out I went to go get my cloths. I picked out a black shirt that hangs off the shoulders with a red rose and designs going up the side. Then some skinny jeans and a black pair of pumps.

I looked back at the clock and it was four forty. Just enough time for make up, I went to my bathroom and put on a little bit of black eyeliner, red lipstick, and a little bit of eyeshadow. Right when I walked in the living room the door bell rung. Wait, how did he know where I lived? Oh well I opened the door and there stood Jaxon in all his glory.

He was wearing a black button up shirt and dark blue jeans mann he is hot. He smiled a breathtaking smile," Wow you look beautiful."

"Thanks and you don't look so bad yourself."

He grabbed my hand and led me outside and said,"So shall we get going?" I couldn't help but smile I cant wait for tonight.



Old Friends? or not...

Jaxon has been driving for fifteen minutes and I still dont know were we are going. I guess I could ask one more time,"Jaxon please tell me were we are going."

He just smiled and and said,"No.. I dont want to ruin the surprise. After that I stopped asking, the rest of the way we kept talking about random things I found it easy to just talk with him there was not one akward silence. Finally we stopped outside a nice resturant, it was maxican, I love mexican food.

Jaxon got out and opened the door for me me and helped me out. He wrapped his arm around my waist and suprisingly I was comfortable with it. He led me inside and the waiter showed us to our table. After we sat down and ordered our food he asked me,"So do you like the date so far." I decided to have a little fun with this," well...." I started and his face fell I just laughed and said," I was kidding I love it."

He immidiatly smiled again, man he could be a model, right when he was about ot say something I heard a voice I was all to famillar with, "Look who it is Gabriella. I haven't seen you in like what two years?" My smile was replaced by a scowl I looked up to see the idiot who put my life through hell. He still looked the same, messy blond hair and grey eyes I used to love. I said," What are you doing here?" My tone was not nice at all. Jaxon just looked confused, very confused.

Well I might as well, introduce them, "Jaxon this is Damion, Damion this is Jaxon." Damion's smile faded when he saw Jaxon and something dangorous flashed in his eyes. I don't know why but I feel really protective about Jaxon. I looked at Jaxon and he had this possesive/protective look on his face. Jaxon stood up and said," It was nice to meet you but we were just leaving." Damion sent me a look that said we will talk later.

I hope we won't. Jaxon put his arm around me possesively, sent a warning glare to Damion then led me outside. When we were back in the car Jaxon said,"So who's that Damion guy?" I will just tell him half of the truth,"He used to be my friend but he betrayed me by telling my biggest secret."

He looked thoughtful for a minute then said,"Well he must be an idiot for letting you go and sorry that our date was ruined" I just gave him a half smile and said,"Its okay i still had a good time with you." He looked relieved to hear that and turned back to driving.

I realized that we weren't going the way to my aparment. Uh oh... I hope this isn't the part were he tries to kill me, keyword try. As if reading my mind Jaxon says,"Relax we are going to this really cool place I know about." The rest of the car ride was silent but it wasn't akward it was comfortable. Soon we came to a stop in a clearing in the woods. "This isn't the part were you take me and kill me is it." He just smirked and said,"I dont think so...." If he wasn't playing I would have knocked him out by now.

We got out and He said,"Close your eyes." I sighed loudly, "Okay since I trust you so much cause I just met you I will." He laughed quietly and I closed my eyes. We were walking for about five minutes then he told me to open my eyes. When I did I gasped, "Its beautiful." It was there was a waterfall and the water was crystal clear you could see little golfish swimming aroung by the edge there was a huge rock you could sit on. The rest of the day was great me and Jaxon Stayed out there till dark we talked about everything and anything. I learned alot about him but I could still see secrets in his eyes. I think im staring to really like this boy.




yay another chapter so tell me what you guys think ok COMMENT!!

Surprise Surprise.....

BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! ugh I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. Time to get ready for school. Yay!! Note the sarcasm. I wonder if Jaxon is up yet. Just the thought of him brought a smile to my face. Last night was great he was great. Oh, no now I sound like a love sick girl, wich I probably am.I know im falling for him and it scares me.

What if he finds out about me and leaves me I don't think I can go through another person leaving me. I got up to go and get my shower and walked o my bathroom. I looked in the mirror I guess i was pretty i had straight black hair with red tips and ice blue eyes.

I got my eyes from my mom. Looking Away from the mirror I quickly took my shower. When I got through getting dressed I heard someone knocking on the door. It's probably Jaxon. With that thought I skipped to the door with a smile on my face. When I opened it my heart dropped.

It was Damion. He had this preditory smile as he said,"Well... Hello love looks like I found you."

"What do you want?""What? NO hi damion nice to see you?"I narrowed my eyes at him threatingly he knows I can kill him. "You need to leave because I need to get to school." He smirked and said "guys." ,Three big guys came up behind him "Grab her." The frst one tried to grab me but I kicked him in the groin. When he fell down I used that time to kick him in the head and knock him out. But I forgot about the other guys so they both grabbed my arms.

I was able to hit one but the other one injected something in my arm and I Blacked out.



I was driving to Gabriella's apartment to suprise her but when I got there she was unconscious and being carried by two big guys then I saw Damion walking in front. Of course he is the leader I knew there was something wrong with him when I met him. I decided to follow them. If they harm her I will kill them. I love her and I will not let her get hurt.

I followed them all the way to a warehouse but I parked were they wouldn't see me. I got out of my car and went through the door. I hid behind this big crate thing. I peered around the corner and saw she was tied to a chair and all three guys was around her. I wanted so badly to go over there and snap all there necks but I wanted to know why they took her.

Soon she started waking up. She lifted her head up and looked around then her gaze settled on Damien. He smirked and said, "Gabby baby! Did you miss me?"

That made me mad when he called her baby..... She is MINE! Ok I got to calm down.

She just laughed at him,"please why would I miss you?" She tried moving probably to get the ropes off.

Maybe now I should help. I stepped out from behind the crate and cleared my throat. All heads turned to look at me.


Im in love with a vampire.. WAit WHAT?!?!

When Jaxon came out of no where The first thought that came in mind was what if he gets hurt. Damion laughed and said,"Well, well, well the boyfriend comes to the rescue." Jaxon just glared at him. Wow, if looks could kill damion would be gone right now. The two other guys went for Jaxon and I tried to get out of the ropes with no luck.

Before the two guys even touched him he moved with inhuman speed and snapped both their necks. When he looked up he had two long fangs. I was so stunned and speechless and that doesn't happened alot. Damion Just looked scared like he was going to poop on himself. I am in love with a vampire.

suddenly I got an idea I smiled sweetly at Jaxon and asked,"Can you please untie me so I can have a word with Damion here." Damion looked scared even more. After Jaxon untied me I let my wings come out ,Jaxon gasped in shock, and since I was wearing a tanktop it didn't tear because it had slits in it. When Damion saw my wings he was backing away. I need answers," Why did you take me?" He gulped,"I don't know I was just given orders to find you and take you." "i'll ask one more time WHO?" He just shook his head ok now im mad.

He tried to run away but before he could I grabbed him by his throat. Just when I was gonna squezze harder I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw Jaxon he said,"You don't want to do anything you will regret." he was right I might regret this ,maybe,"but he kidnapped me I want him gone." He smiled at me and I lossened my grip on Damion,"Look I know he hurt you but I will be here for you that will never happen again. Just come with me." I looked in his eyes and they held so much promises.

I don't know what to do trust a guy who I just met or kill the guy who ruined my life. I mean I really love Jaxon and he has been nothing but nice to me but everyone else has let me down. Why would they stop now? How is he so different than them "Jaxon I......"


mwahahaha cliffhanger im sorry i just had to do that :) please comment

A change

"Jaxon I..... trust you but please don't be like everyone else that has hurt me because I dont think I can deal with it, if you leave me." He looked suprised but there was something else in his eyes love maybe? No that can't be right why would he ever love me like that? He smiled reasuringly at me,"It's okay I will never leave you or let you down." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I started folding my wings back but I felt a sharp pain in my side. I looked down and saw that Damion stabbed me with a knife.

I could faintly hear Jaxon scream my name as I slowly started falling and let go of Damion. He tried running away but I saw Jaxon get to him before he could. Stupid Damion...Then I started seeing big big blotches in my vision until everything went black.shizz



After I finished off Damion I turned around to see Gabriella laying on the floor. I rushed over to her saying over and over again for her to wake up but she didn't. She still had a pulse so I picked her up and took her to my car using my vampire speed. I can't belive she got hurt while I tolde her I wouldn't let her down. I also cant believe she is a nephlim ,my angel, but i cant think of that right now I have to save her. I drove way over the speed limit to my house since my dad is a doctor.

I got her and ran to the house as fast as I could once I was inside I starting calling my parents, "MOM!! DAD!!" They both came running from upstairs and froze when they saw who I was holding. I told them about her the day I met her. Dad was the first one to break the silence asking me what happened. I told him except for what she is thats for her to tell. My dad took her up to the guest room to tend to her wound.

After he stopped the bleeding and stitched her up I went in there to see her. She looked so vulnerable and pale but still beautiful. I sat down Beside her bed and grabbed her hand with mine. Dad said she will wake up in a couple of hours dince she was healing fast for a human but i knew she wasnt one. I plan on staying here until she does. I love her with all my heart. She is my everything and I will never let her go. I plan on spending the rest of my life with her and I will tell her. I still don't know what I did to get a beautiful woman liker her for a soulmate. Now I just got to wait. For now I will act like edward and watch her sleep.



Once I started to wake up I felt something warm in my hand. All the memories from yesterday came back to me. My eyes shot open and I tried to get up but my side hurt. I looked around and found Jaxon asleep in a chair next to the bed holding my hand. He looked so cute when he is sleeping. Now I feel like a stalker looking away from him I took in the room it was expensive. The curtains were red silk so was the covers on the bed. The bed looked like a king size.

Then in front of the bed was a flat screen TV. Even the dressers looked like they cost alot. I guess I should try and wake up Jaxon. I took my hand out of his and he woke up instantly. He had this panicked look on his face as he looked around the room. When he saw me sitting up he relaxed. He took my hand back in his and said,"I thought I lost you. Gabriella I need to tell you something-" he got cut off by a knock on the door.

A older version of Jaxon opened it when he saw I was awake he smiled warmly at me,"Oh your awake. I hope your side doesn't hurt to much I took the bullitt out and it did not hit any organs or any thing so you should be fine." He then looked at mine and Jaxon's hands and smiled even bigger then when he was about to say something Jaxon cut him off,"Gabriella this is my dad,dad this is Gabriella." I smiled at him and said,"It's nice to meet you Mr. Hayes."

He waved his hand dismissedly,"Please call me Robert, Jaxon has told me so much about you."

I smiled curiosly,"Oh he did? Well what did he say?" I looked at Jaxon and he was blushing!!!! Oh my gosh he is so cute. Before Jaxon's dad could say anything Jaxon pushed him out saying bye. When Jaxon shut the door his face was serious he said,"Gabriella we need to talk about what happened at that warehouse with Damion." I knew this was gonna happen but my back was uncomfortable I looked at my back and my wings were still out. "Look Jaxon help me sit up so I can tuck my wings away then we can talk cause they are uncomfortable."

He nodded his head and helped me sit up I stretched out my wings and it felt good. I looked at Jaxon to see what his reaction was and he was looking at them in.... awe. I put them back in my back and cleared my throat trying to hide my blush. He snapped out of his daze and said,"First things first they know where you live so you need to move here." I just looked at him in shock what?!?! I kinda wanted to though.

I said, "Are you sure? I dont want you to feel like you have to do this.."

He just laughed and said," Believe me I want to do this."



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.07.2013

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