

I am Samournai Ezio Laxius,#467 in the Games of Bablon. A vampire-succubus mix, placed upon thousands of downworlders in a match to the death, in hopes of gaining the crown of New Babalon. It's killed or be killed. No mercy for the weak and nimble. No hiding places for those who wish to cower under the preasure. No peace or sanity, just aberration and pandemonium.

A week has passed, 8,058 are dead. No one knows who are left. The tough and willing are surviving through out the shadows. I, on the otherhand, am waiting. Looking for something to feast on, prey that will quench my thirst for blood and beating hearts. Searching for bodies that I could litter the streets with when i get hungry. I stay out in the open, only those who aren't confident hide. Many mistake my frail,pale 5'6 frame ro be my weakness. But in fact, it suits me well.

I've only been living for 18 years, but I've seen it all. Losing my parents to the ones that made them into what they are. Fighting in between the streets since I was 9. I know what I am capable of. That factor was introduced to me when I was 11. But no need for the life line, I know what it is I want to accomplish.And It's avenging my parents, that is keeping me in these games.

Watch out King Larcuis, I'm coming straight for your head...


     I traced my fingers over her dessicated lips, as she sat there, staring at me in animosity and malady. Bound to a steel chair, only one wing in exsistence, blood trilling down her spine, as our eyes locked for a brief second. A smile threatened it's exsistence upon my lips, I slapped her. Making her rock inside of her chair. No words came out. I figured that much since she already knew her final fate was in my hands. For moments, in silence, my eyes surveyed her battered body. Cuts coiled around every inch of her body, allowing blood to flow abundantly from her face down. Bruises color her pale, frail skin. Dried vomit makes a fine crust around her lips and neck. An abominable mess, she is, but I must keep her alive so that her torture could fufill my need of contentment.

"What a beautiful fallen angel." I mentioned wickedly."I meant, look at you now."

Stopping in front of her, I reached over, grabbing for the corners of her face, but she averted my touch. "Oh, so you want to play the game that got you here, ok then."

Abruptly I seized her by the neck, glaring into her hazel eyes. Tightening my grip, I granted her, her last words. "I hope the Lord spares no mercy on your atramentous and twisted heart. Grinning I spoke to her the last words she'll ever hear: "May God find a place for you too." With that I slashed open her chest cavities, pulling out my prize: her heart. Visciously savoring ever last morsel of it; eating away at the rest of her deformed body.

Leaving the scraps in the cellar, I made my way out into the world. I could tell it was midnight by the way the moon was positioned. Not quite fufilled, I crept in between the trees, letting the brisk breeze air ravage her and my scent. I sensed the presence of another, though my eyes have failed to let me see them. Forgetting my distraction, I continued towards my destination: Alym River. That is the place where my favorite meals lie, the sirens. Their sweet nectar-like blood, flowing easily down my throat, floats around in my head as I make my way closer to the river. Shrills of laughter ricocheted off the tree trunks, I knew they were unaware of the ft that they will be my meal in a matter of seconds.

Before I could approach them, the presence of my shadow was stronger than ever. Turning around, I turned on my sixth sense, searching for who ever decided to lurk after me. Seconds later, there he was. I didn't know who., but something told me he was a force to be reckoned with. He had piercing emerald green eyes that look as though they were going through my non-exsistent soul. His jaw-line was chisled and set, his cheekbones complimented his set jaw. He had tempting, vivid red lips that curved into a sinister as I stared, trance-like, at him. His skin was pale, his body slim, but strong. I couldn't help but admire his adonis-like stature.

"Who are you?" I asked eyeing the beautiful creature suspiciously. No answer, he just stood there, staring at me, letting the moon's light highlight his incredible features. I stared right back at him, in his eyes mostly. Trying to use my ability to read, to get into who he is.

"It's not going to work" He stated matter-of-factly. I reeled myself out of the trance to look at him again.

"Fine, then tell me who you are and why you're following me." His smile crept it's way back onto his face.

"I'm Elliot Veial Kilston, leader of the fallen shifters."

"You're a shifter?" "The last one."  Eyeing him again, I glanced at the symbols coiling from his neck on down. "Where are you from and why are you following me?" I asked finding some similarity from the symbols.

"I'm from the city of Maerze. Seeking a way into the kingdom."

"Why are you following me?"

"Because..." "Because, what?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Because you need me more than I need you."

"Yea right." I turned away, continuing towards my tempting meal.

"Suits yourself."He stated mockingly.

Slowly, I began to feel lightheaded. My vision was blurring and all I could see afterwards, was his sinister grin. "See you soon." He mouthed as I passed out.

My body was stiff, eyes began to slightly flutter open as I glanced into the same piercing green eyes I saw the night before.

"What the hell? What did you do to me the night before?" I exclaimed bitterly.

"Oh you mean that sleeping venom I injected into you four nights-"

"Four nights!! What gives you the right to just come out of nowhere and give me some random sleeping drug like-" He cut me off with a gentle, quick brush of the lips.

"Now, are you finished?"

Astounded, I stood there, admiring the softness of his lips. Though it was brief and faint, the feeling still lingered on. "Yes. I suppose, since you decided it was best to quiet me down. That brought a smile to his face."Well, you wouldn't want me to be rude and hit you, or to scream out: YOU'RE MAKING MY EARS BLEED!, now would you?" I became absolutely quiet, letting the question at hand evaporate into the atmosphere.

"Ok, I take that as a complete no. Are you hungry?"

"Nah, not really, I can't really eat with  someone who injects inconspicuously with venom, then asks me for breakfast." I said all too soon. My stomach began to rumble loudly, contradicting the words I have just spoken.

"Come on. You've been out for three days and I'm honestly sorry about that. At least let me make it up to you and your resounding stomach. Plus I know a place where we could get some great sirens."



Giving in, I allowed him to lead to the way of the food...


  We walked and talked for about an hour before we got a few yards from our destination.

"They hang out at that the Aslym River." He whispered lowly to me.

"We're behind them now so the attack will come at a surprise." He said tracing the markings on his neck. 

"Fine by me." I whispered lowly.

At this time, it was the brink of midnight, this was the time of the sirens and fallen angels. The moon outlined their already pale bodies as they capered around, naked inside the black river. There were only two of them, so Elliot and both would have our fill. I could feel my transformation occuring before I feed, my eyes turned red and silver, my fangs extended and my nails were razor sharp. Elliot on the otherhand stayed the same way he was.

"Hey, why aren't you adjusting to the feed?" I asked staring at him in his same formation.

"Trust me. I have already changed."

"Huh?" I

Within seconds he sprung through the trees, grasping onto the first siren he seen. Her screams filled the air as both tried to flee from the grasp of Elliot. Quickly I sprung out too, latching on to the other's neck with my fangs before she had the chance to escape.

"Where are you going?" I growled into her ear. She screamed louder than the last, swiftly, I silenced her scream with a quick insicion to her neck. Soon I began to tear into her, careful not to harm her chest, for my dessert lies inbetween the chambers. Elliot's chamber wasn't quite dead yet, but she wasn't much alive either. She was repeating a name, in low raspy whispers. Briskly, I finished my meal. Tearing out her heart with only my index finger and thumb. Squeezing all her sweet, glorious nectar down my mouth, letting it fill my lips with pleasure. Ending it off with a nice heart for a treat. Casting her corspe away, I made my way towards Elliot, who seemed to be enticed by every last piece of meat left on her skeleton.

"Are you finished yet?" I asked somewhat impatiently.

"Almost. Hey do  you know someone by the name of Hades?" He asked me, his mouth pooling over with black blood.

"It sounds familiar, but not too much. Why?"

"The siren kept repeating the name over and over again. That's why I had to take out her windpipe." He held the instrument up to show me.

"Oh, well if I remember I'll tell you." I said quickly trying to end the subject.

In actuality, I did know Hades. Hades Marcilus Corvente, the prince of the underworld. His father, the king of this utopia Babalon. Hades is a demon mixed with vampire and a ruthless killer with no heart. But I guess I made him the way he is today, because I did eat the heart of his step-mother. Technically it wasn't me, it was my pernicious side, I call him Yakunan, which means evil in Japanese. He was released on his own,8 years ago, I had no control over the murder of his step-mom. Funny, I didn't mind being controlled by what was inside, it felt delightful taking her heart, making her scream and wail in agony, seeing the blood poor from her lips one final time before I her corspe to rest. After they found her body in the garden I killled her in, they began to search for her murderer. Before I left, I saw him. His ruby red eyes bore into me as I stared, not even in the double digits, unphased by the one who wished to annihilate me.

"I will see you again..." He stated in an acrimonious tone. After that I went out in the shadows. Awaiting the day he finds me.

"Samournai?" Elliot's soft voice reeled me out of my trance.

"Oh, sorry. Were you saying something?

"Uh, yea. I was asking you did you know any place where we could rest for the rest of the night.

"There's a tree not too far from the river. We could stay there until morning."

"Great. Lead the way Nai."

"Oh ,you gave me a nickname so soon?"

"It's not that hard, it's like my specialty."

"Hm, then I'll give you one."



"Simple but ok."

With that we set off to the Tree of Hidden Dreams.


As soon as we got there, he dropped to the ground, sprawling out over the tree's roots. 

"Hey where am I going to sleep?" I asked towering over the half-sleep shifter.

"Anywhere you want. I'm sleeping right where I am."

I growled lowly, making sure I stepped on his stomach as I climbed onto the nearest branch.

"Ouch!!! What the hell you do that for??" He asked briskly.

"What do you mean? I'm just risking my life for 8 hours of sleep on top of a loose branch." I said with same animosity.

"All you had to do was ask me to move over Nai, not step on me." He moved over giving me a spot on his right side.

"Fine," I said wriggling down from the branch. "But don't think of this as some daily procedure, because you aren't going to be here that long are you?"

He didn't answer, instead he snored loudly and turned over. I quietly slipped next to him, pressing my back aganist his to supress some warmth. Within a second I was engulfed inside his clement arms, his warm breath dancing aganist my neck. I growled lowly, not necessarily fine with this show of likening.

"Hush, it's about time you warmed up to someone Samournai." He whispered into my ear.

"Huh?" I asked slightly perplexed.

"You'll know I mean later." He said touching my neck daintly.

Slowly, my eyelids became heavy, though I fought to keep them open,they shut down. I realized Elliot gave me sleeping venom. I dreamed, a very haunting dream. But it wasn't pictures I saw, it was words. A sweet alluring voice chanted this to me:

{Banish my soul…

And scatter it upon the barren winds.

Take who I am and burn it into something repulsive and disparate.

For the single-minded flesh I have taken possession to, is no longer in use to me.

Shunned…from the society that pollutes the minds of those that are unwilling.

Banned...From any reconciliation within the imprudent world we humans call home…


From the family that I thought still loved me.

I am not spiteful.

Although the thought of vengeance has infatuated the last bit of sanity I had left.

I am not deceitful ….

For I have spoken the truth

And have kept my former identity.

I am not insubstantial .

For the shunning I that I have tolerated.

Has proved my very existence.

I do not dwell in wickedness.

Nor do I wail in agony and yearn for blood shed.

When the taste of pure annihilation dance across my desiccated tongue.

Can I forgive?

No, it is hard to forgive those that have ruined me.

Hatred is the only thing that fuels my ever-burning fire.

So please...fulfill my wish.

And banish me to the unknown lands.

For my soul is in submission.

And the war is already won.}


  I woke up the next morning, drenched in sweat and out of breath. His arms still kept me entangled inside him. I slowly made my way out from him, panting as I recalled a line from the hauting poem. Hatred is the only thing that fuels my ever-burning fire. I sat aganist the trunk, looking beyond what my eyes could see, wondering why that particular line stuck to me. It was when his soft warm hands embraced mine,that was taking me out of the trance.

"What happened Nai?" He asked sitting upright next to me.

"I hear this dark poem recited in my head, one line in particular sends chills down my spine."  I wanted to say to him aloud, but truth of the matter is, I can't trust no one.

Instead, I say this: "I'm fine. How did you sleep?" Though I could honestly care less.

"It was great, though I can sense the carelessness in the question you just asked me." He said grinning.

I couldn't help but smirk, he could read people but it didn't define what or who he really was. I got up, stretching my tired body, deliberating about what my taste buds might want to feast on.

"Nai, there's a club called the Pixie's Lair. We could go there and eat." He said sliding next to me.

"What types downworlders go there?"

"All types," He said cheerfully. "But we have to wait until midnight, that's when the club opens."

I sighed loudly making my way towards the deepest part of the forest to lose time.


Midnight Supper

  Glitter like dust exuded from the two story brick building. I made sure I wore my most seductive outfit, so that I could lure my prey in more quickly. I had my white hair in a messy bun with ringlets spiraling down on the side. Red lipstick enhanced my lips to a full extent, with gold eye shadow complimenting my black lace dress. I was arousing, my eight inch heels complimented my full curves. My full breasts peeked over the tight bustier,  I told Elliot to meet me at the club, I didn't need him to stray from our main mission.

The ground pulsated under my feet as I made my way to the light filled building. He stood there waiting for me talking to what looked like a siren. When I finally approached him, I could tell he was slightly excited by the way the middle of his pants rose up.

"H-Hey Samournai. You ready to go in?" He stammered nervously.

"Of course I am." I said intertwining our arms. "Have fun." I shot snidely to the siren that was left outside.

It was a wave a bass filling the atomosphere when we got in. Bodies were grinding againist each other in the packed enviroment. The smell of lust and sweat filled the air as we made our way down to the main platforms. A pixie with short pink hair and silver eyes stamped our hands with the symbol P.L  and pranced away once she finished stamping Elliot, shooting him an enticed glance as she went.

"You could go pursue her if you want to." I said loosening my grip.

"I'm fine, I'm looking for the one that'll keep me fufilled for days and not hours." He replied tightening the loop.

"You're going to have to let go sometime. Transform into that charming, devilish being I know you could become." I said unraveling our arms. "Come meet me here in about 3 hours."

"Fine." He released my arm storming into the crowd, moving farther and farther away from me.

This was my chance to get what I wanted without much of a hassle. Eyes fell on me as I made my way to the bar, a couple of lustful glances didn't fail to capture my attention. A green haired, golden eyed bartender greeted me as I sat down on one of the stools.

"Hello," I purred, tilting over the counter. "May I have the Bay Breeze."

"Sure sweetheart." As he made my drink, I could feel someone slipping onto one of the available stools next to me.

"Hello." A deep, thunderous voice breathed into my ear.

I turned to face the potential suitor, meeting his profound gray eyes.

"Hello to you." I said grabbing hold of my drink and taking a small sip. "You must have a cargo amount of confidence."

"How do you figure that Ms.-"

"Samournai, and drop the Ms. I'm only 18."

"Oh really." He said showing his amusement. "How do figure I have such an abundance of confidence.

"Well for one thing, you have the balls to put yourself next to me and try to start a conversation." I replied my voice full of debasement.

"Well of course. Who wouldn't."

"Someone who has some intelligence." I said rudely.

 "Touche, what makes you think that." He suggested sinisterly, his gray eyes staring into my teal ones.

For a moment, I didn't answer his question, instead, I marveled at his attractiveness. His jet black hair that fell perfectly at his shoulders. His eyes were enchanting, the gray was light and dark at the same time. Something about him screamed familiar. His tall slim, yet firm stature was intriguing.

"You see something you finally like?" He asked, obviously amused at my staring of him.

"Suprisingly, yes. The only reason I won't have you now is because I have a hunger for female blood. Now excuse me, I must find the one that'll quench my thirst."

"Well before you leave, my name is Hades, just in case you wanted to know."

"Thank you, but I would've found out eventually." I said disappearing into the crowd.



Texte: Ni'ellis Dorren
Lektorat: Ni'ellis Dorren
Übersetzung: Me Foo!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.04.2013

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