

Prologue -

Nobody seems to understand me. Not my parents. Not my friends. Not even me at times. Being a teenager, life’s hard but you learn to struggle through it. Eventually. But some of us don’t, do we? I sure didn’t. My life sort of gave up a while back. Back when I hit 14 years of age. I’d always wanted to grow up, but now, I regret that decision. I wish I could turn back time but scientists won’t hurry up and invent that. Everybody says nothing‘s impossible. But nobody ever tried slamming a revolving door and succeeded did they? Therefore, some things ARE impossible but people just don’t want to admit that it’s true. People lie. People cheat. People hurt others. You suffer heartbreak. Blah, blah, blah. Well, life’s tough. Deal with it. I couldn’t and look where it got me? Nowhere. Stick with your decisions, never go back on your promises and don’t be fake. Be who you are and don’t change and mould into the person other people want you to be because quite honestly darlin’, you’ll never be perfect. And that’s coming from an expert. Trust me. I’ve been through it all and now I can’t even figure out who the original me was. So, here’s my life. I’ll try not to bore you but I’m not making any promises. Mostly because I know I probably couldn’t keep them but here goes…

Chapter One

Ever had the feeling that you really can’t be bothered doing something that sounds so boring? We’ve all had it. Don’t tell lies. You know you have. Most teenagers have it sometime or other. Well, moving in is just like that. We’d just moved to a seaside town called Blackpool. Considering it was a seaside town, the weather forecasts always predicted rain, rain and more rain. We’d been unpacking for a week or so and Mum had gone shopping with me to get my new uniform for a stupid school called Pembrook High. I wasn’t looking forward to it and trying on all those clingy blouses and tight blazers was a real drag. They had white blouses and a black blazer with a black and white tie. I can’t believe we have to wear ties just like boys. In our old school we had no ties and just jumpers instead. I will admit, I was slightly nervous and didn’t know whether I’d be accepted into the school by the pupils but to be honest, I don’t care. If they don’t like me for who I am, why should I change? But I did, didn’t I. My little brother, Oliver, was going to the primary school here but his uniform isn’t as embarrassing as mine. I look fat in my blouse and blazer because of the way they hang. It’s seriously annoying. I start tomorrow on Monday. Mum keeps saying “Leia, you’ll be fine” or “Stop worrying Leia”. She doesn’t understand. High school kids are a lot different to primary school kids. Primary school kids suck up to you and want to be your best friend. In high school, people just stay out of your way or stare at you like you’re an alien. It’s unnerving. We’ve moved countless times so that’s how I know. I’ve never settled down in any of them and never got remotely close to anybody because I know it’s only a matter of time till we move again to run away from our troubles, like we always seem to do. Sometimes, I wish we could just chain ourselves to a house and stay there since I hate moving about. It doesn’t help that Mum and Dad always seem to be arguing. So, that’s my first chapter. Just a small part of what my life is like.

Chapter Two

My first day of school. Sounds like one of those small writing assignments they give to little kids that have just started in a new year. Seriously though, this is some scary stuff. Mum came in with me as we pulled into the gravel parking-lot behind the school. It was big. Very big. There was three massive tall blocks that went higher than the rest that contained about 4 different floors. We went into reception. The waiting area was empty. Mum tapped on the glass that brought the attention of a young woman to us. She was stocky looking and had shoulder-length hair. She was wearing a tight pinstripe suit and high-heels that made that irritating clippy-cloppy sound when she walked. “You must be Mrs Finch and Leia. Nice to meet the pair of you” she said and stuck out her chubby hand. Mum shook it and so did I…reluctantly. “Leia will make a great addition to the school I’m sure. I’m Mrs Higgins and I’m in charge at reception. Here’s your timetable for today Leia. You’ll get another one in the morning but this one’s a substitute for today. I assure you that everybody will make you feel welcome.” she smiled and I just nodded, frozen to the spot. Mum waved at me as Mrs Higgins took me down a long narrow corridor. I looked over my shoulder and felt like I was a 3 year old again. I suddenly wanted to just run and leap into Mum’s arms and have her take me away from this frightening new place. But I couldn’t. I was considered too ‘mature’ for that. Hah. Yeh…right. “This is the Science block. There’s 4 floors. If you go straight ahead and reach a set of double doors, you’ll come to a staircase. That leads up to English block but if you carry on to the next set of double doors, you’ll come across Maths block. You’ll soon get the hang of it.” It all sounded easy-peasy but seriously, it is so nerve-racking. We climbed 2 sets of stairs in Science block and she pushed open a door to reveal a teacher stood at the front of the class. About 30 eyes clasped onto my image. I was sure I’d blushed. I was far too shy for my own liking. Mrs Higgins ushered the Science teacher, who was a tallish slim woman, out of the door to speak for a few moments, presumably about me. I let my eyes sweep around the classroom. A boy was staring at me and grinning, elbowing his mates and winking at me. I pretended I hadn’t seen him, turning my head. I’d gone red, I could feel my skin heating up with embarrassment. The boy had his blazer raggedly thrown around him and his tie twisted and loose. He had a black fringe that fell across his grey eyes. I noticed another boy who shushed the boys that kept making me feel uncomfortable. He was blond and freckly with bright blue eyes. He put his head down as soon as he met my gaze though. It felt like a century until Mrs Higgins and my Science teacher finally opened the door again. Mrs Higgins stuck her head around the door, “This is Miss Evans, your Science teacher.” she whispered ever so loudly. Miss Evans smiled at me warmly as the door closed behind the chubby receptionist. “Class, this is Leia Finch. I’d like you all to make her feel welcome. Who’s offering to show her round for the day?” she asked. I felt my heart sink. I hated it when I got someone to follow around all day. Nobody was willing to do it though, except for all the childish boys in the corner that kept whistling at me. Thankfully, Miss Evans saw through their sudden act of kindness and picked a tall, slim girl with unnaturally long hair called Olivia. Science was ok. I was a little put out at the practical stuff though. I’d never been good at practical’s. It didn’t matter though. I filled out the worksheet and Olivia and the blond freckly boy from earlier did the practical. Afterwards, they copied my worksheet and handed their books in. My first school period was over. What was next I hear you ask? Next was History and then break. Great…

Chapter Three

The end of the school day…bliss. History was boring and I was sure I’d fallen asleep at some point in the lesson but somewhat couldn’t remember, at break I followed Olivia out onto the school yard but she wasn’t really that interested with me and found me annoying I think since she just started chatting with her mates instead of introducing or even acknowledging me. After that we’d had English then Art. I learned the name of the blond freckly lad from earlier. He’s called Zachary. He seems to just prefer Zach. I met quite a few people in English. There was Jem, Lucia, Rachel and Amber. Those where the tomboy types. I’m not really into being a glamour girl. There’s a lot of different types of people in high school and they fit into different categories which means they are usually labelled. There’s the nerds, the glamour girls (who can’t BEAR to live without make-up), the tomboys (who are generally always picking fights with glamour girls and vice versa) and then there’s the bad boys/girls. The rebels. The one’s that like to show off by making a scene out of nothing. I seem to of met A LOT of them. Olivia’s one of the glamour girls and has made it quite clear with her behaviour that she’s going to turn on me if I go with the tomboys. But what the heck, stuff her. She didn’t seem at all bothered with me throughout the school day and stayed with her gaggle of friends instead. So, the tomboys seem to be my only source of proper friendship right now. Let’s hope I picked the right group of girls to hang with and become one of.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.12.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This story is dedicated to my family, friends and all the haters and heartbreak I've gone through. I couldn't have written this without experiencing the emotional bouts in my life. Thank you.

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