
Author's Note

 Dear Readers,

This is dedicated for my lovely sister, but it is also written for readers like you. I hope this might get your heart beating rapidly, or get you on the edge of the chair. Hope you like it! :p


                                                                                                                Alexa Kim :D


It’s damp. It’s dark. Jace. I’m wet. Jace. I hear the waves crashing, and the soft sand melting in my hands. I open my eyes, and see the beautiful sunrise. ‘Where was I?’ I looked down at my hands, and I saw a silver necklace in my grasp. It had 2 delicate angel wings, and there was a name, Alexa carved on it. I was cold, and the only barrier I had against the water was a flimsy white dress. I looked up, shivering, and a teenage guy jogged towards me. His eyebrows pulled together, and he started to talk to me,“Who are you?”

My mind raced. Who am I? I thought of the silver necklace in my hand. My throat felt like I swallowed a pile of sand, and my lips stung from the dryness. I spoke barely in a whisper, “Alexa”. But then that name came back to me.


Chapter 1


A pair of brown eyes were staring at me. He had brown curls, but he didn’t seem to like them. He was tall, and was staring at me with a concerned look. His name was Percy. His hair was in tangles, and he slid his hand through it. He looked like a pretty cute 16 year old, but his eyebrows were pulled together. At least, I was warm. I had a blanket wrapped around, but my teeth were chattering. I bit my lip to stop the chattering, and he started to talk.


“So what you’re telling me is you have no idea who you are, and you just magically appeared on the shore.” I nodded.His frown got deeper.


“At least you know your name. That matters right? If you didn’t I would have to name you like Isabelle..” I gave him a disgusted look, “…or Lucy..”. I glared at him. “…fine, maybe it would be weird.” He sighed, and put his head in his hands.


“Do you at least know your parents?” I shook my head.


He glanced at me through his fingers, “How old are you?” I shrugged. He sighed again, “Right, you don’t know anything but your name. Well you look 16 years old, and I think you should still go to school. Do you remember trigonometry? or Calculus?” I gave him a punch in the arm.


“I think I haven’t forgotten my basics,” I told him.


“Great. That’s where we start. Your a girl, who has like Amnesia or something. You’re Alexa with this unique blazing red hair.” I punched him in the arm.


“Stop with the glares and the punches, I think I currently have like 7 bruises on my arms,” he complained, “but you need to go to high school.” I groaned with disgust. “at least you are a normal teenager with the dramatic complaints.” I glared at him,


“You think I’m one of those girls who batts their eyelashes for every guy?” I asked him, and he tried not to smile. He nodded.

I kicked him in the shins. He winced, “That’s a new one.”

Chapter 2


I wake up in a guest room of Percy’s. The room was pretty neat, with a brown comfy sofa on one side, and a desk next to it. When I got up from bed, my feet touched the cold wooden floor. I had my dry crinkled white dress on from last night, and as I stood in front of the mirror, I was shocked. It look like a stranger was staring back at me. She had bright red hair. No wonder why Percy described it as “Unique”. I touched my hair, it was orange and red, with a tint of amber. My eyes were green, and they stared back at me, judging me. I was pale and my lips were a rosy. I looked better than I expected, but Percy came in, and he started to laugh.

I glared at him, he stutterd, “You-sh-ould have seen your face. First time seeing yourself?”




“Well I mean you look 16 years old, with those judgemental eyebrows and-“ I started to laugh, and quirked them up, giving him a silly face in return. I pushed him out of the room, and locked it.


“Hey, it’s my house you know. You can’t just lock-“


“-I’m changing” I shouted. I grabbed a tang top from a closet, and shorts. I put on a brown leather jacket which he had in the guest room, and glanced at myself one more time.


I hate this. I don’t want to get thrown into a random high school, because I have to face more problems. How do I know, I was suppose to be 16 or 20? Who knows, maybe I didn’t go to high school. I walked into the school with Percy. He was the one dragging me to school, and according to him, his father, the principal let me go to this school, without any contracts. I don’t believe him. He sends me off to my first class. I step into the class, and everyone’s eyes swivel towards me. I feel their curious looks, and in front, sits the chemistry teacher.


“Class, Alexa is a new student, who came from…” glancing at me.


“Hawaii” I answered quickly. I went to the back of the room, and sat down next to a guy. He looked at me. He was handsome. He had dark hair, with these beautiful intense dark blue eyes. I could almost see a hint of silver in his eyes. He had the right tone of skin, and he had a badass grin on his face. He seemed perfect. He stared at me, and it felt as if he was trying to figure something out. He tilted his head, and as if he was questioning me with his gaze, he gave me a boyish grin. He was attractive, and I felt myself flush. As if on cue, his eyes laughed at me.


“Hey,” I smiled at him.


“Hey, if you came from Hawaii, why are you so pale?” he smirked. This first impression wasn’t going too well, but I managed not to punch him. “Well, maybe I don’t get tan easily. What’s your name?”



       It was too good to be true.

Chapter 3


My girlfriend, Courtney was chatting me. She was going on about how she should change her hair for the upcoming winter party. Asking me, if her hair was glamorous, and she was thrilled. On the other hand, I was bored. Like I cared, I was only a cat with it’s mouse. I looked out at the window, and it was the usual sunny boring day. I was in the chemistry class, bored, and someone stepped in. My eyes flickered to the person walking in, and I for the first time I was speechless. She was beautiful. She had radiant red hair, as it fell down her shoulders. Her lips parted and took a scan of the room. I could almost see the tiny sigh of disgust through her shoulders. Her pale skin, let her features stand out, mostly her eyes. Her eyes. They were emerald green, and piercing with such intensity and curiosity. They were like the eyes of a cat, but at the same time they looked far into the distance. Her eyes met mine, and her gaze pinned me down like a helpless butterfly. Then her gaze shifted to the teacher, as he introduced her. He asked her where she was from, and she said: “Hawaii”. Maybe it was me who only saw a glimmer in her eyes that she was thinking furiously for a place. A lie. This got my attention, and she was oddly familiar. Her brilliant green eyes met mine again but they looked as if they were looking at my soul. She walked down the desk with charisma, and hesitation. Alexa smiled at me, and I was stunned. My heart beat faster, and almost as if she noticed, she said, “hey”. Her green eyes sparkled, and an odd sensation overwhelmed me that I knew her for my whole life. Why did she feel so familiar? She sat beside me, and I could smell fresh lemon scent flowing from her vibrant hair. She asked me my name, and I told her it was Jace. Her eyes widened in surprise, and I wondered, who she really was. I watched her during the class. She seemed to be listening, but her eyes were still distant. Then her face got paler, and her lips got more rosy. Her bright green eyes, got more radiant, and then I saw her red hair grow brighter. It was like a fire, and I looked at her, who only stared back at me with panic. “Miss, do you need to go to the nurse?” the teacher noticed, and the class stared at her. I saw her bite her lips, and she got her bag quickly and rushed out. Her eyes had fear in them, and they glanced at me with confusion. Those eyes were pleading with help, and for the first time in years, I felt worry heavy in my chest.


I don’t know what’s wrong with me. When I was in the classroom, my thoughts were far from chemistry. I don’t know what happened, but I felt everything was heightened. I could hear the wind breezing, and the rustle of the leaves. The sound of eyelids closing, and the faint breath of all students. I could even hear the steady heartbeat of Jace, and the thudding of a pencil against a desk. The pulse in my wrist felt as if something was beating with life. Even worse, my whole top back and shoulders cried from pain. It felt as if someone stuck a knife right between my shoulder blades. It brought tears to my eyes, and I had to rush out of the classroom. Now outside, I don’t know what to do. I brought out a phone that Percy gave to me, and searched up the symptoms of what I experienced. None of the medical diseases had the similar symptoms. Then I hear footsteps, and suddenly a girl was beside me. She had hazel brown hair and eyes, with such pink lips, I thought she put lipstick. She had a hearts shape face, and quite a cute girl. She snatched up the phone, and read my search.

Quickly glancing at me, she brought me to the back of the school. “Okay, first thing first, don’t tell this to anyone. Second, stop trying to show it so much. Third-“ She looked at me, and must have felt bad. “You don’t know what I’m talking about do you?”

I raised my eyebrows, “Who are you?”


She hesitated, “I’m Ashley, but Ash is better”. Ash took out a very thick book, with torn pages. The cover was worned out, and she placed them in my hands. The cover said nothing, it was blank, and it was very heavy.


"Read this, and you are on page 97."

Chapter 4


In wonders lies the heaven with a hierarchy of 9 choirs of angels. First, the “Seraphim”, of which lies angels who are guardians before God’s throne. They who burn with passion and love for the Holy Lord. They have 6 wings, 2 on their head, feat and the 2 majestic wings on their back. Beneath the Seraphim lies the “Cherubim”. They who guard God’s glory, and to protect the Tree of Life from those humans who fall in sin. They have four faces and four wings, covered with eyes. Then there are the  “Thrones”, who are the head of the court of justice. They are those who holds the judgement of one’s karma.  The “Dominions” are the ones who make known of the Lord’s command, and bring the teachings of the Lord by intuition. They dominate over the rest of the angels.


I flip to page 97, and I read Virtues:


Virtues are angels who are in charge of miracles and provide grace, and courage. They are responsible for freedom of choice, and hold a shield, sceptre, or a spear. These instruments are symbolic to the need of living life with the unconditional love, even when facing fear or a battle.


Wow. Was Ashly insane? Why would she give me this book? I am not an angel. Even if I didn’t know my identity, me an angel, was over the line. However my curiosity got better of me, and I kept on reading:


Below the Virtues are Powers. They defend the humans also known as Warrior angels. Powers defend against the evil spirits. Below them lies the hierarchy of Archangels. They are the messengers of God. They deliver the messages to humans through vivid dreams.

Then beneath them are the Principalities. Principalities are angels who encourage people to pray, delivering wisdom to national leaders for them to make important decisions. Finally there are angels who are the 9th of the 9 choirs of angel. They who deliver prayers to God, and answer to human’s prayers through the messages of God.


Done. I read them all. I closed the book, stupefied, by the amount of knowledge that I had just read. If I really was an angel, I should probably have wings. Maybe it was a stupid idea, or it may have been a death wish, but I really wanted to see if I could fly. I opened the door of my bedroom, and snuck out of Percy’s house. I felt like a typical teenager sneaking out of their house to go kiss their boyfriend. Once I was outside, I was surprised to see the sky still light. Right. It was 3 pm. I started to run. If I was a virtue angel, where was my shield, spear, or sceptre? Where were my wings? What was my purpose? I never believed in angels. Maybe Ashly was insane. I was insane for even considering to believe this book. Suddenly a car was coming my way. It was honking at me but I was too scared to move.  Full speed, and out of nowhere, someone grabbed me and pulled me to the sidewalk. Shocked, I tried to catch my breath. I looked up, and Jace was staring at me.


“What the hell were you thinking of running into the middle of the road?! Jesus Alexa.” I looked up at him, and finally gaining the strength to stand up, I looked at him. God, he was perfect. His blue eyes staring at me, and his black hair messy. I wanted to put my fingers through his hair, but I held back. Jace frowned, “You alright?” I nodded, and I managed to croak out,


“Thanks, for saving me. “ and I turned away. I felt his intense gaze on my back,


“Wait, where are you going?”


“Somewhere. I need to try something out.” I replied with a shrug. Jace ran in front of me.


“Try what?”

I looked up at him, “Do you know where we can find a high place? A really high roof?”


His frown deepened, “Why do you ask?”


“Just curiosity” I tried to say it as if it wasn't important. His eyes searched my face,


“I know there is a cliff.” he pointed to a hill on my right.


“Thanks” I started running to where he was pointing, and he followed me. “Why are you following me?”


“Because I can” was all he gave me. I sighed, knowing there isn’t a point of arguing. I guess he will be the last person seeing me. Running a bit more, I saw the cliff. Jace running beside me,“Why are we going to the cliff?” I didn’t respond. I ran a little faster, and surprisingly Jace wasn’t running out of breath.


Once we reached the cliff, I looked down. I felt him stare at me, “Alexa, why are we here?”

I finally able to look at him said, “Do you trust me?” He looked at me his blue gaze intense, but he nodded. “Good. I need justification of my identity.”

He grinned, “Well you are certainly not from Hawaii.” I gave him a smile, but his grin faded.


“What are you planning to do?”

I stared at his perfection. He was too perfect. He was handsome, and I wanted to kiss him.


“Do you have a girlfriend?” he looked surprised by my question.


“Yes I do, but feel free to do anything.” His eyes challenged me, as if he knew what I wanted.


“I guess lips are off limits?” and he smirked. I looked at him innocently, and leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek. I stepped back, but his hands found my arms. He pulled me in, his eyes intense with lust. He kissed me on the lips, and I gasped. It felt amazing, and I could feel his heart beating. It was like electricity running through every nerve in my body. His hands found my back, pulling me into him. I didn’t want him to stop, but he pushed me away. “Now what are you planning to do?”


“Jump.” His eyes grew larger, his smile faded.


“Are you going to suicide?”


“Not the same purpose. I need justification.” and his color faded from his face. He grabbed my arms, and dragged me from the cliff. “Jace let go.”


“No” he pulled me toward school.




“Why? Are you kidding me? Jesus Alexa, is this some kind of death wish? Are you insane?” I glared at him, and kicked him in the shins. He winced, but he didn’t let go of my arm. He glared at me, and his blue eyes were furious. Someone called my name, and I looked over. On the opposite side of the street stood Ashley. I waved at her, despite Jace's glare. She signalled me to come over, and I shouted at her, “Jace is keeping me captive.” She rolled her eyes, and ran to us.


“Well hello Jace. Do you mind letting Alexa go?” He glared at Ashley.


“She tried to jump off the cliff.” and Ashley turned pale.


“It’s alright. I won’t let her.” and took my arm, which Jace released. He sighed, and faced me. Almost barely in a whisper, he said, "Alexa you don't want to go near me. Possibly the further you are, the safer. Run while you can because I'm only a cat with it's mouse." and he walked off.

Ashley swivelled to me, furious. I on the other hand was perplexed on what he said. What did Jace mean? Further you are, the safer? Only a cat with it's mouse? Was he a murder? A rapist? A sadist? A terrorist? Also he had a girlfriend. What about her?


“What the hell! Do you have a death wish?”


“I need justification that I am a Virtue Angel.” I lamely told her. My mind was far from what I told her.


                                                      What the hell did Jace mean?



Chapter 5


Ashley brought me to a a place, the church. It had double doors, and as we walked down the aisle I was surprised how big it was. There were beautiful stained glass of Mary on both walls, and on the far wall hung the great cross of Jesus. It was enormous, and I had to crane my head up to see his crown of thorns. Wow. There were wooden benches on both sides, and I could see pale worn out bibles on the benches. My boots clicked as they walked on the marble floor, and I followed Ashley. She and I went to the grand piano, and I sat on the bench. Ashley’s pale fingers were on the keys, and in a moment, they were moving gracefully on the keys. She played a very lovely piece, and I was in awe as I watched her fingers catch up to the melody. Her fingers lightly on them, and the beautiful music flowed. Suddenly, one of her fingers hit the wrong note. I saw that between the wrong key and C there was a red button, the size of a fingernail. She gently pushed it, and I shrieked. We were moving. In fact the piano was moving, we were escalating down. I grabbed onto Ashley, and waited until it stopped. I looked up from the piano, and I was speechless. No words could describe what I saw.

Before us was a gigantic room. It wasn’t dark, but had this magical feeling. There was a river that went around the room. I nudged Ashley, “What’s that?”


“Holy Water.” I can’t believe what I heard. Was there actually something called Holy Water.


“Holy Water exist?”


“Yeah. What did you think?”


“Never thought Holy Water did exist. I thought it was just water, which people thought was blessed.” I suggested, and Ashley broke out in a fit of giggles. I flushed for my stupidity.


“Well the holy water surrounds the church, so demonic creatures won’t be able to come in.” Ashley said in such a professional tone, “Oh and when you drink it, it sets you on fire.” My eyes widened at that, and Ashley started to giggle again. “Gotcha.” I glared at her, the heat rising to my face. I decided to change the subject.


“So how do I know I am a Virtue Angel? How do I know that you aren’t just an insane person?”

Ash rolled her eyes, “You have wings, and a purpose.”


“I do?”


“Yes, and I’m guessing you didn’t know who you were when you woke up?” I nodded.


“Are all angels like that? Do they all go through the same experience?”


“Yeah, but depending on their purpose. When you opened your eyes, what did you remember?”


“A name, Jace.” Ashley drew in a sharp breath.


“Well since your a virtue angel, you must have a purpose to perform a miracle or something for Jace.”

I gave her a grin, “like…something personal or sexual?” Ashley punched me.


“Pervert.” I giggled at that, and Ashley started to laugh. “Okay, don’t you want to see your wings?”

My head snapped at that. Wings! I had wings. I could fly. I nodded. Ashley stared at me, her big brown eyes focused. “Alexa, try to focus on time. When we first met, why did you go out of the classroom?”


“I felt zoned out, and everything felt heightened. It was as if time was slowing down.”


“Okay, try to zone out like that. Try to focus on the sounds. The sound of your heart beating, the Holy Water trickling.” I closed my eyes taking a big breath. I listened. There was nothing at first. Then I felt the thud of my heart. The peaceful trickling of the Holy Water, and the slow breaths of Ashley. Her soft inhale and exhale. My shoulders ached, and I heard Ashley.


“Now, let it go.”


I released my clenched hands, and every nerve in my body were awake. I opened my eyes, and saw Ashley grinning. My hands darted behind me and I felt feathers. I gasped. I walked in front of a mirror on my right and no words left my mouth. I was speechless.

My hair was on red, radiant as if it was on fire. My wings. They were white, and had a tint of gold on the tips. They shone as if they were made out of silver. They were gigantic, and the tips brushed the ground. I jumped, and I was in the air, in a second. My wings were moving, supporting my weight. They were majestic. Wow. I looked at Ashley, and I could see she was impressed. I swooped down to her, feeling the wind rake through my red hair. I grabbed both of her hands, as I went in the air again. We started to laugh in joy, and her brown eyes danced with joy.


“Alexa, we have to talk about this now.” I agreed and our feet touched the ground.


“How do I put them back in?”


“Just feel as if your flexing, and tell them mentally to go back in.” In an instant my wings were gone, and I felt the heaviness disappear.


“You know that a virtue angel needs a symbolic weapon. Demonic creatures will naturally be attracted to you. You would be like a lamp to a group of mosquitos.” She took my arm and walked over to the aisle. In the glass case, there were all sorts of weapons.


“Does it have to be a shield, sceptre, or a sword?”


“No.” I glanced down, looking at silver daggers. A gold whip, and an axe. On my left a set of bow and arrow caught my eye. I walked over, and inspected them. They were beautiful. The bow was made out of silver, and had gold stripes winding around the bow. The bow string was made out of gold, and there was only one silver arrow. The arrow head had a sharp gold tip, and the feathers, were blue. Ashley walked beside me, “Is this what you want?”


“Yeah. But how will I have it the whole time.” Ashley took the bow and arrow, and hand it to me. The instant I touched them, they were wrapped around my wrist. They looked like lovely bracelets.


“Alexa, these are yours. Only yours, because this will not shoot in any other hands. The one arrow, once you send it, it will always appear back in your hands.”


“Ash I never shot a bow.”


“I know. Don’t worry. It’s natural.”




“You will be naturally good at it. Just aim the best as you can. Mentally point at the target, and the arrow will fly.”


“Ash, how do I keep the wings in control. Like what happened in the class. How do I control it?”


“Focus on your own breathing.” Ash exaggerated the motion and it looked like she was choking. I laughed, and she giggled.


“Oh one last question. How do you know all of this?”

Ashley winked at me,

                                                                            “I just do.”


Chapter 6


I took a deep breath. I couldn’t take this all in. Before school I was only a lost teenager. A girl who only had problems of school. Now, I am an angel, with a purpose relating to Jace. I think  my only good moment in the day was when Jace kissed me. God, I wish I could kiss him a bit longer. I wish he didn’t have a girlfriend. He could be mine. Just mine. I want to put my fingers through his messy black hair, and stare at his intimating blue eyes. I want to feel the pressure in his arms as he pulled me towards him. My brain is screaming at me if I was insane. Maybe I am insane. I don’t know what’s reality or fantasy. Angel?! Kissing a guy with a girlfriend?! Jesus Alexa keep your shit together. I flicked out my phone to see the time. It was 7pm. Maybe I could give my wings another go. My gut was swirling with glee, and my body couldn’t wait to feel weightless again. I could feel the adrenaline hit  every nerve in my body. I walked out of my bedroom, and bumped into Percy.


“Alexa where were you?”


“Me? What do you mean?”


“At school?”


“Oh-I was dismissed because I was sick.” My voice didn’t sound confident at all. Percy took notice of that, and he searched my face for any signs of sickness.


“Well you look perfectly healthy. In fact you look giddy. Have you been drinking?”


“What?! No” Did I really look like a girl to be drinking? I couldn’t blame Percy though because my heart was beating rapidly against my rib cage. “I’m just a bit awake.”


“Where are you going? Are you going to the club?”


“Percy stop. I’m not drinking nor going to the club. I just want fresh air.” Percy looked at me suspiciously. “God you sound like a mother.”


“You never had one.” He grinned. I rolled my eyes at him.


“Thanks for the reminder.”

I put on sneakers, and went out. Percy following behind. “Hey do you want to go to the cliff?”

His eyes widened, but he grinned. “What for?”

I lamely scoffed, “fresh air”. He sighed. I glanced up at his brown eyes, and grinned. “I have to show you something.” I think I trust Percy enough. I don’t think he will announce that I am an angel to everyone. Even if he did, no one will believe him. No one but Ashley and I.

His eyes were questioning, but his grin widened. We both ran to the edge of the cliff. I signalled him to take a step back.


I focused on my slow breathing. It was my soft inhale, and exhale. I could hear the rapid thud of my heart. I could hear Percy’s sneakers raking on the ground, and his soft exhales. I opened my eyes, and Percy stared back at me. His face was pale, and his mouth was a bit opened. He took a sharp inhale, and his eyes were wide with surprise. I felt the heaviness of my wings, and I grinned back.

Percy was still speechless, and I took the opportunity to step back toward the cliff. In the next moment I felt myself fall back and my feet take off from the cliff. My body felt weightless, and I spread out my hands. The wind swept my wings aloft, as I glided. My red hair was tossed in the wind, as the air raked between my fingers. I looked down at Percy, and I could see his eyes widened another inch. His hands went up to his mouth, as he put his other hand in his hair.


“Jesus Alexa.”

I swooped down at him, and grabbed his arm. His feet were soon off the ground, and he looked like a deer about to become prey. His face was pale like a sheet, and his body froze.


“Percy relax. It’s fun.” I started to giggle.

I swooped down, and I could hear him barely squick, and I couldn’t help to burst out laughing. He glared at me, but I could finally see his eyebrows relax, and his arms relax. He closed his eyes, and I made one more sweep before we landed. He opened his eyes, and there was a hint of disappointment on his face.


“Damn, that was fun.”


I punched him, “You should have seen your face.” His response was his glare, but his smile widened into a grin.


“So your like a bird? A shapeshifter?!”


“No. An angel.” His eyes widened at that.


“For who?”


“A guy.”


“Lets go to a cafe.”


“Sure.” Percy brought me to a a cafe. Once we were inside, he bought me a cup of coffee.


“Do you like it black?”

I smiled, “Black as my soul.” Once we were seated, he took advantage of the time.


“Alexa, so when we met the first place, I was speechless.” I cocked my head questionably.


“What?” I stared at his deep brown eyes, I could see he was flushing. 


“Er- for your b-beauty” he stammered. Where was Percy going with this? Percy continued encouraged by my silence. “So I er- liked you er- for quite some time, so I was wonderin-“ Suddenly, I hushed him, with a gesture of my hand. The cafe was too silent. There was no music. There were no people. Silent. It felt too eerie. “Percy?” There was no response. I looked behind me, and Percy wasn't there. He just dissappeared! How rude of him! Where was he?

I heard a chuckle. A deep throated chuckle, and it belonged to a man walking towards me.


“So you must be Alexa. The angel,” he chuckled more. “The helpless angel, oh- what a treat we have?”

My mouth became dry, and I licked my lips once. Glaring at him. Who the hell was he?


“Who the hell are you?”


“Hell? What a coincidence, I happen to live there. Hasn’t your petit friend mention Lucifer?”  The man chuckled, and now I could see his face clearly. He had a sharp jaw, and a tall nose. He had an eerie air around him.


“I think you heard about Lucifer, from the research you’ve done.” He continued, and my mind raced  back to when I flipped to the first page of the thick book. I remember reading about Lucifer, who was one of the brightest perfect angel. However once he had sinned and did not repent, he fell from heaven, as a fallen angel. I let out a gasp, but I glared at him. “Aren’t you suppose to be in hell? Or shall I tell you to go to hell?”

Lucifer started to roar. It was terrible, and everything was vibrating around him. “Watch your smart mouth, I can drag you to hell with moi.”

I don’t know what it was, but a sudden courage surged within me. “Try me.”

As if on cue, 3 demons flew at me. I ripped off the bow and arrow bracelet, and fired. Surprisingly it flew where I planned it to go. It shot one of the demons, and it disappeared into dust. I stared at it as it disappeared and out of the corner of my eyes I saw another leap at me. I closed my eyes waiting for the bite or whatever demons do to angels. I waited for the  burst of pain, but it didn’t come. I opened my eyes to see a tall figure throw daggers at them, but I could only see a blur. The ground was moving beneath me, and my vision was darkening.

Dammit, why did I have to black out now? I tried to fight it, but I blacked out completely.

Who ever it was I owed him a cheese burger.

Chapter 7


It was a cloudy day, and pouring down hard. I couldn’t see what was in front of me, because of the dense fog. I was wet, my hair sticking to my face. Drops of rain were on my eyelashes, dripping down every time I blinked. My clothes were soaked, and my wings were heavy. They were absorbing the rain, and my shoulders were screaming with pain. I was on a cliff. The same cliff I had jumped with Percy. There was no one around, and I had an great urge to jump. I had a churning feel in my stomach as if I knew it wasn’t going to be safe. However my legs kept on running toward the edge of the cliff. I couldn’t stop. Maybe I’d give it a go with my wings, but I couldn’t help noticing that I still had this bad feeling in my stomach. I almost reached the edge now, and I inhaled sharply. At the last moment, my feet listened, and they barely stopped. It was almost too late. I was about to fall. I tried to slide down, but beneath me the mud was slippery. The cliff was too slippery for me to grab hold of. My fingernails raked through the mud, trying to catch hold of something. Anything. I was going to die. My body left the cliff, and my hand was the only thing from letting me fall. Holy shit, I should say my last words. Rain was pouring down my neck, and I gasped, trying to breathe through the fog.  I was really going to die like this. I couldn’t speak. It was like I was suffocating on air. I saw a figure standing on the edge of the cliff. My eyes blink rapidly, trying to make out who it is. The rain pouring down felt like bits of ice burning my skin. Shit, why wasn’t he helping me out. I could see he was wet, but he wasn’t affected by the rain at all. I tried to speak, but it was filled with rain. He bent down, and I almost let my grasp go. He was Percy. His brown eyes were staring at me. His curls flattened on his head. He spoke to me. His voice audible in the storm.

“Alexa, your safe with me. I won’t let you go. Hold my hand.” His tone was reassuring, and warm. I could be in his arms, safe. I tried to grab hold of his hands, but it was a second too late. I felt myself fall. My heart went up to my mouth, and I was free falling down the cliff. This was the end.


I jerked awake. Was that a dream? God, what a horrible one. I looked around, and I was sleeping on a clean white bed. It was a master bed. Where was I? The room was white. Every furniture was white. There was a desk in the far corner, and the floor was carpet.

The sunlight was beaming through the window on my right. My mind went back to the memory of me fainting in the middle of a fight. Lucifer was there. Holy crap. Who was he?

Then I heard a faint sound. It was music. Someone was playing the piano, and it was beautiful. I went out of bed, and realised, I had no pants. Crap, I can’t just go out like this. I looked around for any spare clothes, and on my left was a closet. I opened it. It had a baggy t-shirt, and a pair of shorts. This will do.

I quickly got dressed, tied my hair up into a messy bun, and went out to see who was playing the piano. It led me to a vast library. Wow. It was huge, and every shelf was filled with books. Perhaps it had Jane Austen books. My favourite. My eyes made a swoop around the room, and stopped at the grand piano. It was Jace. Holy crap. His black hair was tangled, and his eyes closed. He had a white blouse unbuttoned, and I could see a part of his chest. I wanted to put my hands on it, and feel his beating heart against mine. He was so deep into the music. For the first time, he looked relaxed. He looked as if there was nothing that bothered him. So peaceful yet so beautiful. The strain in his shoulders were gone, and his lips were curled in the corners. He looked like a little boy sleeping. He looked so perfect, and I wanted to kiss him so bad. None of the intensity he had shown when he was warning me were shown in his posture. He was so beautiful, with his dark hair swept to one side, and his skin reflecting the light. However as I stared at him longer he looked sad. What was so dangerous about him, that made him tell me to run away? After all, he did protect me. He looked so sad, and lonely. I wanted to go behind, and hug him. He opened his eyes, and they looked so lost. He looked like a sad lost boy. I never seen Jace look so doubtful, and forlorn. None of his teasing smile, or his badass grin was on his face. He was like a different person. Maybe it was the sad music from the piano, or his lost blue eyes, or his forlorn smile, but it made my heart melt. Maybe he had a facade for the whole time. My heart was filled with envy for his girlfriend. I bet she could twine her fingers through his hair everyday and kiss him anytime. God I wanted to do all of that.


“Enjoying the view?” his question broke through my thoughts. I blushed. I was glad he couldn’t read my thoughts of him.


“No, I was listening to the piano. It’s lovely, I mean you play it beautifully.” He was silent for a while,


“How long were you there?” he asked softly. I could almost see him embarrassed, but that was impossible. The Jace I knew wasn’t embarrassed. On the other hand, the Jace I saw a few moments ago wasn’t Jace at all.


“I came in not too long ago.” I lied for the sake of his embarrassment. He looked relieved. “So were you the one who saved me?”


“I wouldn’t put it that way. I saw you were on the ground fainted, so I just carried you home.” I think he was lying but I decided to let that go.


“Did you see anything? or Anyone?”


“Nope.” his face was totally innocent. He stared back at me, with his deep blue eyes. “Are you hungry?”


“Hungry for what?” I flushed after realising what I just implied to. “I mean yes. I’m hungry for food.” emphasising a little too much on food. Jace grinned that badass grin i seen him wear the first time I saw him. He seemed to taunt me with his eyes.This was too much. How could I say such a stupid thing like that?


“Well are you going to cook me something?” my voice high pitched.


“Yes ma’am.” and Jace went off into the kitchen. I followed him,


“So do you live in this mansion all by yourself?”


“Yes ma’am”


“Don’t call me ma’am.”

Jace faced me, his blue gaze intense, “Then what would you like to be called darling?” He was annoying, but I couldn’t help hearing a bit of lust in his deep voice. It brought my skin tingling, and this deep sensation filled my stomach.


“Just by my name. You can call your girlfriend that.” Jace grinned, biting his lips trying to keep a straight face. “Are you jealous?”


“Why should I be? It’s not like I like you.” I rolled my eyes trying to find a way out of this. Jace stepped closer, and his dark blue eyes were pinning me down.


“Not even when I do this?” he stepped closer, and I could almost feel his breath on my neck. I could smell his sweet scent. I tried to step back, but there was a table behind. I tried to look as if he didn’t attract me one bit. I glared at him, but it didn’t seem to waver him at all. My palms were getting sweaty. but I put on a straight face, challenging him.

"Not even when I do this?" he stepped closer, and slid his finger up my arms. My stomach was in knots, and my heart thrashing against my rib cage. "I can hear you heart beating darling."


“Don’t step any more closer, or else-“ I declared, but I pause. This was too much. This wasn’t fair at all. He knew I liked him, and he knew I wouldn’t kiss him again if he had a girlfriend. If I did, it be me who was a bitch, and not him. His blue eyes were taunting. He grinned, and stepped closer, his lips were inches away from mine. He spoke, “Or else what?” I tried to think of anything that could inflict pain. “Or else I’m going to kick you in the groin.”

Jace smiled down giving me an innocent look. “Try me.” As if on cue, I pulled my knee up to his groin, but it wasn’t there. He pulled me to him, dodging the kick, and pulled me backward. I was balanced on one leg, and completely powerless. He had leaned me back way too far, but he was holding me with his strong arms. He looked at me, and leaned in to kiss me. His lips were on mine, and I loved every moment of it. However this time my brain won, and I bit his lip. His eyes winced, and he pulled me back on my feet. His hands suddenly going to his lips.


“What was that for?” I couldn’t tell him I liked it. He had a girlfriend.


“You have a girlfriend.” He sighed, and backed off. My heart longed for his strong arms around me, and his lips on mine. On the other hand my brain was triumphant, and telling me that I did the right thing.



Chapter 8


I was fingering my bow and arrow bracelet. Jace was staring at me. “Alexa, there is a winter dance tonight.”


“Like I care. I wasn’t even planning to go to the dance.”


“You have to.” Jace scoffed.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Was he forcing me to go? “Excuse me?” I said it in the most bitchy tone. If he wasn’t going with me, why should I go?


“You have to go, because I’m going with Courntey, my girlfriend.” I could tell Jace was emphasising on the “girlfriend” more. He was watching for my reaction, and if it should make him unhappy I should give none. I just nodded.


“I don’t even have a dress.”


“You will in a minute. I bought one for you with a mask.”

This completely threw me off. How does he even know my size, and taste? Maybe Jace was warning me away because he was a pervert or an extreme stalker. How would he even know my waist size if he never measured it. Suddenly I remembered I had no pants when I woke up. Did Jace take off my pants for me?


“Jace, did you take off my pants last night?”


“Yes.” Holy shit he did! That bastard! I knew he was a pervert. I should stop liking him because he was nothing but a pervert. Despite this, my butterflies were in my stomach.


“Why did you take it off?” I suspiciously looked at him through my eyelashes. I felt myself blush.


“It had coffee spilled on it.” he glanced at me, noticing my blush he added, “Nothing of what your thinking.”

I glared at him, “Pervert.”


“What did you call me?” he stared at me more sternly.


“Nothing sir,” I said sweetly, then leaned down to whisper in his ear, “I think Pervert should be your middle name.”

His blue eyes flicked up, and tried to grab me by the wrist. However I was too quick, and made a run for the kitchen.


“Get over here” he growled, “I’ll show you how to stop that smart mouth of yours.”

I lifted up my chin, “Only if you can catch me.” His blue eyes lit up intense and dark. His badass grin was on his face, and he made a run for me. I squealed, and ran to opposite side of the table.

Jace said in a deep sexy voice I never heard before, “What will you do when I catch you?” There was this indescribable electricity in the air. Everything was tense, and thrilling. “I’ll let you kiss me, without a bleeding lip.” I smirked. He made another run to the right, and I ran to the opposite side of him. He pretended to think about the deal, “I want more.”

I giggled, “What more could I give you sir? It’s a limited deal since second base is off limits.” I looked at him innocently  through my eyelashes. 


“Second base?” He ran to one side of the table, and I ran squealing to the other side. He rubbed his lips with his hand.


“Past the kissing. Since you have a girlfriend, it will be off limits.”

For the first time, Jace looked frustrated. His deep blue eyes with a hint of silver, watching me like I was the prey. I pause, “But what will I get out of this. If you don’t catch me?”

Jace smirked, “You get to keep your smart mouth.”


“And how will you take away my smart mouth?”


“By kissing you, until you have a swollen lip.” Wow, that was quite tempting. “Fine.”


“Sounds like a deal.” He stepped to his left, and I ran to my right. Anticipating my reaction, he moved to the left, and caught me from behind. I squealed, trying to get out of his strong embrace.

He softly whisper, “Gotcha.” Fine. This is the game he wanted to play, I guess I’ll have to play along.


“Now stand in front of me.” he ordered. Jeez why was Jace so bossy.

The electricity intensified.

“You feel it, don’t you?” Jace glanced at me. He was implying to the electricity.  I nodded in response. This was too much, I can’t control my urge anymore. I had to kiss him. My heart was going to rip out of my rib cage, if I didn’t kiss him. I took a leap of faith. I hope Jace felt the same way as I feel toward him. I stepped up  to him, and tilted my chin up to his face. Jace too stepped toward me. It was like both of us just let go of our resistance. As if we were magnetised to each other.  He cupped my face, as if he needed oxygen to breathe. He put his forehead against mine, and we just stood there for a bit. We could survive just by our touch. He tilted his head, and his lips were on mine. I could smell his scent which was like no one else’s. He smelled so good, and I could feel his left hand pull me toward him. I put my hands in his hair. I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. His hair tangled in my hands, as my fingers raked through his beautiful black hair. His hair was soft, and they entwined around my fingers. He was beautiful. He pressed his lips harder, and the kiss became more urgent. Jace pushed me against the wall, trapping me. My arms entwined around his neck, I kissed his soft lips. He left trails of kisses down my neck leaving sparks of electricity, and a moan escaped my lips. I didn’t give a fuck about his girlfriend, because this urge was too great to handle. His lips found mine again. His teeth gently bite my bottom lip, and his arms sweep around me to cup my head. One of his fingers pulled at the elastic band holding up my hair, and my hair fell down my shoulders.

He stopped kissing me and just stared at me. Jace closed his eyes, and leaned into me once more.

His strong arms, were holding me against him, as I feel his heart beat. His heart beat sounded so calm compared to my rapid thumps of my heart. We parted a bit for air, every nerve in my body was awake. It felt like he zapped me from head to toe. He looked at me through his beautiful dark eyelashes. His blue eyes were vibrant, and there were more silver in his eyes. His beautiful eyes.


“That was interesting. It felt like you zapped every nerve in my body.”

I smiled, “That’s a way to put it. I felt the same thing” His smile was absolutely dazzling. It was him and me only.


“I broke up with my girlfriend,” he whispered, staring at me intensely. “For you. I broke up with her.”

I was surprised by his sincerity, “You didn’t have to do that. If I was the reason you guys broke up, I will walk away from both of your lives.”

There was alarm in his eyes, “No, We broke up with some unsatisfied conditions, and Courtney was using me for my appearance only. Don’t worry.”


“Why did you not tell me?” I couldn’t keep out the joy in my voice.


“I wanted to see how far your desire went.”

I looked at directly in the eyes, “I hope you were satisfied, because this is only a slice of my affection.” Jace looked stressful, his shoulders were tense. He closed his eyes, “let’s get ready for the dance.”

                                                          Why? Did I say something wrong?

I was in Jace’s room, just coming out of my shower. I dried my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. Wow. I looked like another girl. Not the girl who was lost, and didn’t know her identity. A girl with a spark in her green eyes, and a more confident girl. The angel who knew Jace was her only purpose. I saw the silver necklace with angel wings on my pale neck. I honestly don’t know what Jace found attractive in me. I was only an average girl, with cool hair. “Cool” wasn’t the word to describe my hair, but it didn’t make me look stunning. Jace was beautiful and handsome. He, compared to me, was like the Calvin Klein Model. I can’t believe Jace broke up with Courtney, for me. I fingered my bow and arrow bracelet restlessly. Just thinking about Jace sent a series of stomach twisting, lust, shiver down my spine and awe. I walked back into the room to find my winter dress laid down on the bed with a white silver mask. It was simple yet so beautiful. I put it on, and the tip of the white dress touched my knee, and it was the flimsy type of dress. There was a pattern of snowflakes in laces across my right shoulder. I thought this was a winter dress, but it sure didn’t look like one. How much did this cost? Jeez it looked so expensive, but there was no price tag. Okay Jace was some kind of millionaire, but I still had to repay him. "I’ll ask him how much the dress once I’m dressed" I muttered to myself.

I went back into the washroom in search of a hair pin for my hair. It was in one of the drawers, which automatically sent suspicious thoughts to my head. Was it Courtney’s? If so, I was happy not to touch it. It could have been like a token to represent their relationship. How in every romance novel, like in Jane Austen’s, the gentlemen cut off a strand of their lover’s hair to keep with them when they go off on a long journey. I don’t think Jace wore hairpins. I tried to picture him with his badass grin, leather jacket, on his motorcycle , and his sweeping hair held back with hairpins. I burst out laughing.


My Jace finally. I grabbed the silver mask with it’s feather and opened the door. There in front of me, stood Jace in a suit. God, he looked hot.



 Jace was staring at me. His eyes soaking all of me in. I could almost feel his eyes peel off the clothes. I saw his face, and it made my heart jump. Jace was staring at me as if he was in awe. He didn’t say anything at first, but then stepped forward and took out the pin from my hair. My hair toppled down my shoulders, and he said, “That’s better.” I could feel my face heating up, as my eyes studied him. He was hot. Jace had a black suit on, with a grey tie. It was my turn to give him the hibbijibbis. I stepped forward, and touched his tie. I loosened it, and took the end of the tie, and blew him a kiss with it. I stared at him to see his reaction, and as if on cue, his eyes changed. His deep blue eyes became darker, and he licked his lips. I bit my lips, and tilted my head in an innocent manner. He grinned, and I smirked.

“Are you cold?”

“Yes.” Jace took off his suit and put it onto my shoulders. Surprised by this gentle like manner, I flushed.“You can be a very good gentleman when you want to. Do it more often.” He chuckled, 

“May I?” He gave me his arm, and I took it. He leaned down and whispered, “Fairly well played game, it almost stopped me from going to the dance.”


We were right in front of the school now. “How much was this dress?”

“Don’t bother trying to repay me.”

“I want to.”

“Repay it by wearing it often, it made you look like an angel. My angel.” my heart warmed at his words, but my heart skipped a beat when he said, ‘My angel’.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.01.2015

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