
First Meeting

     It was the day when all I wanted was peace and quiet....little did I know that the next couple of weeks were going to be anything but quiet. Everything started as a friendly conversation....and it just continued from there.   

Thursday. I was so tired. Staying up all night the night before and all day, took a lot out of me. A teenage girl with no sleep and an addiction to Facebook and Meet not a pretty sight. My staying up all night should never had happened. Especially after what had happened that night. My roommate was talking a mile a minute ever since 9:30am the previous morning. 

I had finally had it with her constant talking and yelled, "SHUT UP!"  

She looked hurt at first then offended but I didn't really give a crap at that moment.  "I was just excited that's all," she said with a sad voice.

My foster sister, Porsha, said, "Jamie, shut up and leave Snow alone. She is obviously tired, but you need to shut up anyway you been talking all day, not that the fact that Snow is tired is any less important."

"Thanks, Porshe. Jamie, please. I have been tryna sleep all day but


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.04.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7368-2118-7

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

For my ex Kyle Welch. This is how things started with you. But things ended the moment Justin and I began.

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