
Into The Blood Nest

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The door to the employees’ entrance opened almost as soon as I made my first knock.

A very large man who would look more at home in the state prison than a vampire bar scowled down at me. He didn’t look happy and neither did his receding hairline.

“Who the fuck are you then” he spat with a posh British accent that didn’t suit him at all.

“Um hi” I stammered, I hadn’t had time to prepare myself for this. I didn’t realise the evil vampires would have a security guard who would be so openly mean.

“I’m Sascha...”The British Bear stared blankly at me; I took that as a sign to continue. “I’m Katie’s flatmate,” I elaborated trying to sound a whole lot braver than I felt at this moment. I was also a little sorry that I hadn’t taken Katie’s advice and worn high heels. My ballet flats made me barely five feet four inches and about two feet shorter than this Neanderthal.

A look of recognition finally hit his face and he opened the door a little wider for me to enter. The Bear didn’t move an inch so I had to squeeze myself up against him just to get through. He smirked. I was glad someone was enjoying themselves.

“That fucking Katie is going to cop it big time for this.” He snarled.

I pivoted on my ballets flats and gave the beast my own snarl. “Hey, I thought the agreement was if I came and did her shifts for the next two nights there would be no problem.”

“Pretty Katie made that deal with Lavinia, but I am sorry to say luv, that Lavinia is not here now, so you will have to make a new deal with Sebastian.” He laughed again, with definite evil undertones. I considered the fact that he had been around vampires too long and was now a tad nasty.

“Fuck,” I exclaimed aloud, when I had intended to say it to myself.

“That’s right luv, so you had best watch your lip when you go in to see the Master, or you just might not make it out again,” he warned me in a more serious tone than he had previously.

Fuck, Fuck. Fuckity Fuck, I kept thinking over and over. How on earth can this be happening to me right now. I have to be a bridesmaid for my sister in June and if I die, she will be so pissed with me.

I had of course heard rumours of the Master – a real cruel bastard according to what Katie had heard. A friend told her that once a waiter served him Russian vodka instead of Swedish and he snapped the poor guy’s neck in front of a whole crowded bar. Of course, that sounds completely ridiculous, I mean all vodka tastes the same doesn’t it, just different labels.

I was starting to question how much I loved Katie, my best friend in the world, and whether I would miss her if she were suddenly dead. No one messes with vamps, well not more than once anyway. Okay, I decided I didn’t want her dead, but I am damn pissed that she has put me in this situation right now, even if it isn’t her fault.

The Bear led me down a long dark corridor closer to the bar. The dull thud of the music coming from behind the thick door was like the building’s heartbeat – quite ironic I thought considering vampires don’t have heartbeats, or so I’d heard. I had never actually been close enough to one to find out. The Bear steered me towards an office at the far end of the staff quarters. I started to panic a little bit. I wasn’t in the habit of making deals with vamps, especially not one’s like Sebastian the evil arsed Vampire Master.

There was a pretty blonde haired vampire sitting at a desk in the corner filling envelopes with cash, when she saw us come in she beamed at the Bear who shot her a wink in return. Her natural beauty, pale skin and sparkling eyes was a dead giveaway that she was a Northern Vampire, and the steamy look she was giving the Bear made me question her character. She then looked hesitantly towards the other side of the large room. I reluctantly followed her gaze.

Sitting behind the other desk looking earnestly at a computer screen was the sexiest and most horrifying man I had ever seen. Sexy because

his pale white face looked like it had been chiselled by some ancient Greek, with ice blue eyes that were obvious from our distance, and horrifying because a sudden thought entered my mind and wouldn’t stop yelling at me to jump in this beautiful strangers lap and make him do naughty things to me. He ignored me completely.

I managed to silence the harlot in my mind sufficiently enough to take the seat offered by the Bear in front of Sebastian’s desk. I sat like a good girl and watched as the blonde vampire Adonis continued to type at a frantic pace and not even acknowledge my existence. Who could blame him really, a man like that, well a vampire man was probably not used to having to deal with the little people like me. I had also heard he treated women like cattle. I wondered briefly what that would feel like and then blushed at my unnatural thoughts in this man’s presence.

After an eternity of silence, the ‘Master’ shut his laptop and told the Bear to leave us. The older man did as he was told as if he was dismissed by the school Principal. I wasn’t completely sure I wanted the Bear to leave after all. He suddenly didn’t seem that bad now that the cold blue eyes of the vamp were fixed completely on me. His features were pure granite. Like most vampires in our region, he looked Nordic; it was commonly believed that his race had originated in Sweden and so they often referred to themselves not as vampires but ‘Northerners’. I certainly wasn’t going to ask one if it were true. He was cold and expressionless. I felt a strange tingle coarse through me.

The vampire continued his long silent stare which was starting to make me feel squeamish and a little horny, mixed with a dash of nausea, a heady combination for a Friday night.

“You are Katie’s friend,” he suddenly said in an accented voice that sounded like a combination of Northern European and English. It came out not as a question but a statement.


“And you agreed to come here of your free will in her stead. And you are prepared to undertake all the duties that Katie performed?”

I didn’t really like the sound of where this was going but I answered

“yes” anyway. I supposed it was best to stay on the good side of a vampire who reportedly kept a dungeon filled with human virgins to satisfy his every evil whim.

“Very well, you will be required to work five shifts in the bar, plus provide evening sustenance to a Northern co-worker. Chloe will organise a uniform for you.” he said matter of factly waving a hand in the girl’s general direction. He was clearly dismissing me.

Wait. There was no way I was going to put up with that deal. I couldn’t possibly work my normal job and then come work night’s here for five days. I decided to tell Mr. Evil Sexy Vampire so.

“That’s not what Lavinia said I would have to do.” I questioned sounding far braver than I was. “She said I would do two shifts and there was nothing about providing sustenance, or whatever the hell that means,”

I continued.

The beautiful man let a slight look of confusion cross his face for a brief moment before he leaned forward slightly menacingly and continued his silent stare.

If I was slightly uncomfortable before, I was dead set worried now.

“Do you know who I am Sascha?” The way my name slid from his tongue made me understand why the Bear was afraid of him. Here was a man who was used to getting his own way, whatever means possible.

However, I am the youngest child of two lawyers, so I am also used to getting my own way as well.

“Listen, I don’t mean any disrespect to you, I understand you are a badass vamp and all that, but the situation is like this. Katie had a family emergency and can’t come and do her shifts. I know this is a pain in the butt for you but I am not only willing to do it in her place, but I am qualified and I am doing it for free. So I think this is more like a win-win situation for you. So why don’t we just agree that I will do the two shifts as originally agreed, and the ‘co-worker’ can arrange their own sustenance.”I told him.

Chloe let out a little shriek and looked purely horrified. I had completely forgotten she was on the other side of the room behind me, but I was suddenly glad she was.

As if reading my mind, Sebastian who had not taken his eyes off me during my little speech suddenly asked Chloe to leave us.

Okay, this was not good. My sister was definitely going to have to get a new bridesmaid. I stood up wanting to leave but the vampire slowly came around to my side of the desk and his murderous glare made my feet plant firmly on the floor. There was no way he was going to just let me get away with my outburst.

Sebastian was at least 6 foot 6 and he was every inch of it as he leaned over me, intimidating me. His expressionless face leaned down to meet my ear while he placed his large hands gently around my throat, not tight enough to kill me, but enough to make it hard to breath. “I have killed others before for much less than the disrespect you are showing me now woman,” he whispered in my ear. I was strangely aware that his nahd was quite warm, not cold like I was led to believe. His warm breath was sending strange tingles through me as I fought the urge to either run, cry or give him a big fat kiss on the lips. “I am not in the habit of making deals with women, but I will grant you this one reprieve Sascha, because I feel you are going to be more trouble than you are worth” he continued. “You will work here for me tonight and tomorrow night, and at the end of service you will come back here and you will submit to me. Do you understand?”

I couldn’t talk with his hand around my throat so I simply nodded. All things considered, I thought I was getting a pretty good deal.







The work was not unlike regular straight up human bar work, except that my boss, most of my co-workers and pretty much all of my customers could kill me at any given moment. But the tips sure were great.

Chloe had fitted me out with the uniform – a ridiculously tight black and red corset! It was sheer at the sides and cut way too low for my liking; not that wearing a corset in public was to my liking. It stopped a couple of inches from my belly button, but thankfully there was a black skirt which I thought was far too inappropriate for health and safety reasons, but Chloe didn’t think it was very wise of me to refuse given I had already had one altercation with the Master. It barely covered my behind, so I was very thankful that my short black apron gave me a bit of extra concealment, and also thankful that I had shaved my legs this morning.

Sebastian stayed in the bar most of the night. I found it interesting that most of the other vamps kept their distance from him as he surveyed his kingdom from a red leather booth at the back of the bar. I tried not to look over at him, but when I couldn’t help myself I saw him scowling back at me. I wondered briefly if he could be taken to court for bullying in the workplace.

“Fuck, here he comes,” muttered Jessie, the only other regular human working in the bar. “No offense new girl, but I’m calling ‘not it’ on this one,” and the tall brunette quickly positioned herself at the other end of the bar where the vamp customers were only too happy to entertain her.

I watched with interest as the crowded room parted for the Master to walk through towards the bar. He certainly had a commanding presence with his imposing height and build, and the evil oozing from every pore didn’t hurt either. More than a few of the females in the room were particularly interested in watching him strut his stuff.

“Sascha, please pour me a vodka,” he asked with his smooth alluring voice. I considered for a brief moment of pouring him Russian, then my better judgement told me not to be suicidal. I poured him a large serve of Absolute over ice. He took it from my hand and made me cringe involuntarily when his fingers touched mine. “Do I make you nervous?” he asked with a slight smirk.

“Yes,” was my honest reply. This seemed to please him and thankfully, he returned to his booth and left me alone for the remainder of

the night.





At a quarter to four in the morning, I was physically exhausted. The vamps could hold their drink better than normal people could and so I barely had a chance to think, let alone be worried that I was one of only a few normal humans in the room. Apart from lots of fantastic tips and promises of seeing me again the next night, the patrons were very well behaved towards me. The busy work took my mind of what I had agreed to do at the end of the night.


I could put it off no longer, as I could find nothing else to clean. I had already gone over the bar three times with disinfectant and cleaned the glass of the beer fridge twice in an attempt to delay the inevitable. I decided it was just best to get it over with. Even though I was scared as all hell about what was going to happen. I should have made him elaborate on what ‘submit’ meant. Shaking my head at my own stupidity, I turned off the glass washer and slowly made my way out back to the staff quarters. There was no one left except the vampire and me.

“Would you like to sit down?” he spoke low and calmly, his blonde hair a little dishevelled, and the top buttons of his shirt undone. If he was attempting to put me at ease, it wasn’t working. He motioned for me to sit on the large sofa against the wall opposite his desk.

I shook my head and steadily backed up against the closed door. I was not ready for this, definitely not ready for him. I had heard that it was impossible for vampires to take blood without having sex, it was part of their programming or something, my friend Rebecca had told me. She also said that once you have had a vampire, normal guys seem pathetic, so a normal relationship was practically impossible.

He locked my eyes in his icy blue stare as he stepped over to me, taking off his shirt to reveal an earth shatteringly hard physique. He

sensed my trepidation and said, “I feel more comfortable doing it this way.”

“Well as long as one of us does,” I half laughed nervously. The idea of him sucking on my neck and drinking my blood was one thing, but the idea of him being half-naked while doing it was slowly creeping over the line I had drawn about what I would or would not do to help out a friend.

As he leaned over me, I started to shake a little as his breath hit my ear. “Just relax, I won’t hurt you. Well...not too much” I could sense him grinning before I felt his mouth on the most sensitive part of my neck towards the base near my shoulder. He pressed his body hard against mine with one arm wrapped around my waist and the other hand pinning me to the door. He stayed like that for a few silent moments; just breathing onto my neck and making me feel giddy with fear and lust as his warm breath danced along my skin. I casually let my hands steady myself against his waist, which he seemed to appreciate because he followed my movement with a slight push with his hips against me. I felt utterly trapped by the vampire when the slight graze of his teeth against me turned into a painful bite.

I momentarily screamed from the pain and shock of the invasion, but the pain soon subsided and I was left with a weird pulling feeling against my neck. The vampire caressed my back and held me in place, which I was grateful for as I felt like I couldn’t stand unaided anymore. I could feel his erection against my stomach, which he slowly grinded into me in unison with the taking of my blood. The closeness of Sebastian, his perfect body pressed against me and this very intimate act caused a desire to build within me. I wanted this man, this vampire, since the first moment I saw him but I was certainly not the kind of girl to act on impulse.

Yet my traitorous hands moved slowly along his smooth skin, drawing him closer to me. My body was responding to his and I was suddenly aware that my breasts were aching and my nipples were fighting the fabric of my corset.

As if he could sense my desire, Sebastian pulled the laces of the corset free and pushed it down past my hips revealing my breasts. “Hmm, that’s better” he moaned as he pressed my naked chest firmly against his own. I was too out of it from blood loss and so filled with desire that I

couldn’t stop him. His mouth was as hot as fire on my neck again, but this time there was no gentle pulling, he was kissing me. While my brain was registering the sudden change from sucking to kissing, the vampire started to coax my thighs apart with his own so that I was practically straddling his leg. This was such a strange sensation for me. I was so light headed that it took a moment to register that his large smooth hands were slowly caressing my eager breasts.

This was all happening too suddenly. One minute I am letting this man who is practically a stranger suck my blood and now I am letting him go where only a couple of brave souls have gone before. My thoughts were disturbed by the sound of low groans, then I realised to my horror that they were mine.

Sebastian stopped his wonderful kisses on my neck and studied my face with his cold eyes, which seemed to be sparkling from the exertion.

His gaze watching my lips for what seemed like forever. I was desperate for him to kiss me, to feel the warmth of his mouth on my own, but to to let him would be to give up my pretensions of not wanting this man. This drop dead sexy and powerful vampire could have anyone he wanted at any time he chose, and I certainly didn’t want to be just another chic desperate to give it up to him.

I wanted him to force me into submission, so I could at least tell myself I resisted him. I quickly chased that thought away as the delusions of someone who had lost too much blood. I had to get out of this situation before I would do something I would regret.

The Vampire let me push him away and I pulled the corset back up to cover my nakedness. I had to keep one hand to hold it up as I looked for my discarded bag. He said nothing as he held it up with a finger. I reached for it but he pulled it out of my reach. My senses were now slowly starting to come back and I felt embarrassed and ashamed at what I had just done; what I had allowed him to do. I yanked my bag out of his hand and ignored the bemused look on his face. I turned from him and quickly pulled out my t-shirt and put it on over the loose corset. The evil vampire chuckled; I deciding it was the blood loss that made me enjoy him, and want to do unspeakable things to him.

He let me leave without a word.





The next night I avoided his gaze as much as I could, yet he seemed to delight in tormenting me. He came over to my end of the bar a few times to order his vodka, despite the fact that there were plenty of waiters on the floor servicing the booths. He smirked with his perfectly full lips each time our hands touched as I passed him his drink, resulting in a deep blush on my face. He was taunting me on purpose.

“What the hell did you do to the Master last night,” Chloe whispered into my ear as I past her to get more whisky from the storeroom.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I said defensively.

She raised her perfectly plucked eyebrows as if I was obviously lying. “Everyone knows you were with him last night, and he hasn’t been the same since. He’s sort of...not pleasant, but not completely horrible either.”

“Well I left as soon as my work was done, so I have no idea about that,” I lied. The last thing I wanted was to be labelled another one of Sebastian’s conquests to all his staff. I just had to get through tonight and then I could go back to my normal, boring, vampire free life.

Towards the end of the night, the crowd started to thin out and I had time to breath. Jessie came over to polish glasses near me. She was a nice girl and I welcomed her friendliness. “Hey, I heard you refused the Master last night. Is that true?” She whispered as she put a glass on the shelves above me.

I turned my back to the bar and whispered back, “he drank my blood and I went home.”

She looked at me with a curious expression, “but you didn’t have sex with him?” She asked.


“There is no way you could have refused him, I mean, have you seen him,” she questioned.

“He’s not ugly, but Sebastian just doesn’t do it for me, infact the thought of him being close to me makes me feel repulsed. Sorry to disappoint you,” I lied.

Jessie let out a little ‘eep’ and quickly turned and fled to the other side of the bar and I didn’t have to turn around to know why. Standing on the other side of the bar was one pissed off vampire. If I thought his stare was cold before, now it was positively icy.







At three thirty am, I was back in his office.

I had made him angry, that was clear. His eyes were filled with that anger as he came towards me in a rush. In an instant he was kissing me, really, absolutely kissing me. He wasn’t taking his time or being polite, this time he was possessing me. His tongue forced itself into my mouth and assaulted mine to submit to him. He tasted sweet and spicy and was pure heaven. I was roused from my thoughts by the feeling of my tongue licking his protruding fangs. I started to panic, his aggression was becoming overpowering, making my legs go weak underneath me. I pushed him away. I was out of breath and dizzy from the rush of excitement and desire that was coursing through my body, making every inch of me come alive. I was confused with lust; I wanted him and I also wanted to never see him again.

I retreated, turning my back to him; I was embarrassed and horribly turned on. I wanted him so badly even though I knew it was wrong.

Vampire’s were unpredictable and not to be messed with.

“We had a deal Sascha, the vampire growled at me,” his fangs protruding just a little.

“I can’t do this, I’m sorry,” I confessed still facing away from him.

After a few moments of silence, Sebastian said gruffly, “you had better leave then Sascha. Seeing as you aren’t honourable enough to hold to your agreement.”

“Will Katie get fired?” I asked, wondering what would happen to my friend if I didn’t follow through.

Sebastian for the first time looked almost like a regular human, his fangs hiding again. “Despite what you may have heard about me, I am not in the habit of forcing beautiful women to let me drink from them, or have sex with me... they usually come to me quite willingly. Therefore, you need not fear me. My sister tells me that Katie is a good worker so I will not fire her either. Are you happy?” His tone was cool and low. He seemed resigned to the fact that I wasn’t going to give him what he wanted.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The Master of Vampires was being nice to me and he looked positively hurt by my refusal of him. His blue eyes were full of longing...for me. The sexual tension in the room was more than I could take. I turned to leave, with the vampire following me to the door. I reached for the handle the same time as he did and his fingers brushed mine. The feel of his skin was electric; it sent lightning bolts through me, making every inch of my body come alive. I just stood there in the doorway, not opening it, just relishing in the feel of his skin on mine. I knew he could feel it to as he leaned down close to my ear and whispered, “I am going to turn you around and kiss you now. If you don’t want me to, then open the door and leave.”

Before I could question my actions, I threw myself at him and almost knocked him of balance as I kissed him passionately. A sexy growl escaped his lips as his arms enveloped me and he started to poses my mouth. His tongue invaded me with such determination and force that I suddenly forgot what I had been so disagreeable about.

After a few beautiful long minutes of his full soft lips on mine, he pulled away and turned me around. He quickly made short work of my

corset and then he pulled me towards him once more, his hard lips moved over my neck leaving a trail of fire making me want more. His scent was spicy and earthy, making me dizzy with desire. I tilted my head back slightly to let him know that I was ready for him, but he was taking his time tonight. As he put another well placed kiss on my neck I found myself pulling him towards me, my breasts pushing up against him ever so wantonly.

I wanted this man like I had never wanted any man before. I wanted to feel his warmth inside me and to make him giddy with desire like he did to me. I had to shake off the feeling of shame, that what I wanted to do with the vampire was somehow wrong, or sinful. I am usually a rational girl but the idea of this brutal, gorgeous man wanting me was too much to resist. Damn the consequences.

Sebastian’s large warm hands pressed my back so I was even closer – as close as possible to him, his erection throbbing against me, and his tongue lapping against the sweet spot where his fangs had entered the night before. I was appreciative that his hands were holding me in place, because I no longer felt I could control my urges with this god. I needed him inside me, like I was a junkie needing a hit.

A moment later I was practically thrown on my back on the sofa with Sebastian kissing his way down my neck towards my collarbone. The weight of him on top of me was comforting and chased away the last bit of resistance I had left. His erection was thick against my stomach. His mouth was hot on my exposed breasts, licking a line from one to the other and slowly taking each nipple into his mouth, which caused my body to arch up into him. He let out soft groans of approval making my body undulate against his. I wrapped my fingers around his hair, the pale blonde locks feeling like silk in my fingers. I needed to feel more of him; he helped me peel his shirt off and I tossed it aside, and the feeling of his skin on mine made me sigh with pleasure.

With one hand holding my shoulder down to the sofa, Sebastian used his other hand to expertly delight my left breast, cupping and kneading at my sensitive flesh. I felt him start to lose control as a deep growl came from him as he looked into my eyes, his fangs protruding in a way that half an hour ago would have worried me, but now I wanted

nothing more than him to let me feel them inside me again. To feel all of him inside of me.

“I want you Sascha”, he murmured into my ear.

“You can have me,” I whispered back, caught up with my desire for him. All of my resistance gone. My mind was empty of all else but my need for this Vampire God. This seemed to spur him on as he reached my short black skirt, and ripped it off in one smooth motion, exposing my lacy white knickers. Sebastian let out another low growl when he saw them and made a move to take a closer look.

Thinking this was a bit unfair I started to help him free of his pants; when he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. A low growl from the vampire told me to keep my hands there as he spread my legs and settled in between them. He kissed a fiery path slowly down past my breasts and over my stomach towards my waiting wetness. When I realised what it was that he wanted to do I squirmed and tried to close my legs, but quickly opened them again when the vampire nipped at my inner thigh with his fangs in protest. He was so demanding, and I was starting to love it.

Sebastian kissed and licked at the sensitive skin of my inner thigh while his finger gently traced the outline of the lace against my skin. I thought I was going to go crazy from the anticipation when he suddenly pulled the thin material aside and place his finger right on my most sensitive bud. I shuddered involuntarily from the sudden pressure against my clit and moaned loudly as his finger moved along the centre of me, spreading my wetness around and around until I thought I couldn’t take it anymore. But what he did next was far beyond what anyone had ever done to me before. After kissing a trail along my inner thigh, Sebastian slowly pulled my knickers off so that I was completely exposed to him, he then placed his mouth on my flesh where his finger had so expertly been working, and started to suck and lick at my pussy. The pleasure was so intense and unlike anything I had ever felt. All of a sudden, I couldn’t understand why I had never let anyone do this to me before, it was like pure orgasmic heaven. I found myself slowly grinding against Sebastian’s face, with my hands wrapped around his hair pulling him even closer to me, I felt so wanton and naughty.

“Do you like it when I do this to you Sascha?”He asked as he started to circle the tip of his tongue around my aching clit. “Oh my god yes,” I panted in response. I barely recognised my own voice it was so low and husky from the exertion.

“Do you like this Sascha?” He asked again as this time his finger entered me while his tongue kept exploring every inch of my core. I spread my legs further apart as his finger was met by another one, and then one more. He started to push them in and out of my with such rhythm that I didn’t know how much longer I was going to last.

“You’re going to make me cum,” I panted while he kept up his oral attack on my clit, while his fingers rubbed and penetrated me, taking me further and further from reality. At my confession, the vampire released his fingers from me and used them to pull my pussy closer to his face. He spread me wide as his tongue and mouth lapped over my sensitive skin bringing me an explosive orgasm like nothing I had ever felt before.

I lay there on the sofa panting and lost in the aftermath of the hottest thing that had ever happened to me. When I slowly came down from my high I noticed Sebastian starring at me with my juices all over his beautiful mouth. “Are you ready for some more?” he laughed as he freed himself of his pants and his erection sprang against my stomach.


With Sebastian between my legs and a look of pure desire in his eyes, I was suddenly very aroused again. “Spread your legs wider,” he demanded, his voice a low and laboured growl. I did as I was told. The vampire lowered himself slowly onto me, the tip of his thick shaft hovering at my entrance, as I grabbed his firm butt to pull him inside of me. He slowly began to enter me inch by glorious inch and my body began to adjust around him to accommodate his thickness. The fullness I felt with him inside me was overwhelming, as he reached the depths of my channel and he couldn’t go any further.

I let out a cry at the intrusion as the vampire groaned from the the pleasure of my tightness surrounding him. He lay on top of me for a few moments, not moving, just letting my body adjust to him. His mouth was on my neck, sucking and kissing as he was twitching inside of me, then

suddenly he started to move. Slowly at first, then gaining speed as my increasing wetness allowed him deeper access. I let out a cry of pleasure as he let out his own deep groan. “You are just as I imagined,” was all he said as he began to build up speed and pounded into me. His beautiful face was buried in my neck, kissing and licking me, building another surge of desire through me. I opened my legs wider and thrust my hips up so that his hard cock could penetrate me deeper. A loud groan showed that he appreciated the move.


With one hand behind my head and another making its way to gently rub my swollen clit, I was fully enveloped by the vampire. His lips brushed gently against my neck before his tongue lightly licked the small imprint of where his teeth had been last night. With the scrapping of his teeth against my sensitive skin and the orgasmic attack on my bud I was sure I wouldn’t be able to last much longer. He looked up at me inquiringly and I nodded. Sebastian bared his fangs and forced them inside my sensitive neck. He bit me hard and deep, and the combination of the pain from my neck, the engorged cock pounding inside of me, and his fingers rubbing and teasing my clit was all too much for me. The orgasm hit me hard, rocking my body against his making him go even deeper inside of me. I was lost in the moment, unable to think of anything but the hot lightening rushing through my body taking me higher and higher into the best orgasm I had ever felt. My pussy clenched hard around Sebastian’s thickness bringing him to his own hard orgasm that caused him to plunge harder and deeper than I thought possible. He released his hold on my neck and arched his back as the waves of his own orgasm hit him hard. I felt his hot cum inside of me as his body rocked and shuddered, and he cried out in a foreign language something I didn’t understand.





“You do realise what this means don’t you Sascha?” The vampire said with a wicked glint in his eyes, as he lay on top of me, both of our bodies completely spent.

“No, what?” I asked, my fingers twirling his beautiful blonde hair that lay across my breast. His mouth just brushing against my nipple as his head lay on my chest.

“I am the Northern Vampire Master. Whoever I take for my lover remains as such until I decide otherwise.” His tone was playful and a very sexy.

“What does that mean; I have to be your sex slave or something?” I laughed at him.

“Yes,” he lifted his head and his perfect ice blue eyes looked straight into mine. “I think you may just like it though” he laughed and took my nipple between his teeth, his body rejuvenated and ready for more.

Maybe I would have to buy Katie something nice for letting me work here, I thought as I lost myself in the warmth of Sebastian once more.


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Document Outline

  • Copyright
  • Sascha and the Vampire
  • Ebookstoreal.pdf
    • Title Page
    • Copyright Notice
    • Dedication
    • Epigraph
    • I
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • Omissions
    • II
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Marlena
    • Acknowledgments
    • About the Author
    • Newsletter Sign-up
    • Copyright
  • Myfreekindle.pdf
    • Title Page
    • Copyright Notice
    • Dedication
    • Epigraph
    • I
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • Omissions
    • II
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Marlena
    • Acknowledgments
    • About the Author
    • Newsletter Sign-up
    • Copyright
  • Myfreekindle.pdf
    • Title Page
    • Copyright Notice
    • Dedication
    • Epigraph
    • I
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • Omissions
    • II
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Michigan
      • New York
      • Marlena
    • Acknowledgments
    • About the Author
    • Newsletter Sign-up
    • Copyright



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.07.2017

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