
The usual suspects


The Grimm and I


His eyes roaring red

Piercing me as I slept

Satan overstepped

My eyes deceiving myself


His mark placed upon me

For all those to see

The fallen

Came calling lurking in the dark


“ thou shall not lie”

Bounded to a contract of life

And there I found

The lie in the bible


Used as a play book

A weapon in the wrong hands

For the devil making

The playing fields level


If he has been cast down

Would he not

Turn it all

Upside down


The new testament

King James

and his serpentine blood

The players in the field


Revelations revealed

Doomsday and the end

The bible a perfect written script

Do we accept it


Throughout the ages

Keeping the cattle

Imprisoned in opened cages

Keep reading aren’t we in the new ages


And the prophecy

A chapter of their handbook

The image of god were we not made

From which times modern, future or past


Is a there a difference anyway

Which way is forward, back

What direction

Up, down sideways taking the highway


The magi in the image

Does god and Satan

Play on the same team

Lucifer and Jesus same being


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: laura patricia kearney
Bildmaterialien: laura patricia kearney
Lektorat: laura patricia kearney
Übersetzung: laura patricia kearney
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.02.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-4716-6

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

In loving memory of Mary Cadwell Kearney a true spiritual warrior and to all of you out there known as Targeted individuals this is for all of you

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