
Lost souls in the light

 wake me from slumber "


so i sit and watch

The world go on bye

Shifting , Shifting apart 

and I wonder

If somebody will wake me from slumber


When everyone else looks so normal

And I can't complain

But why is 

the different one's

Get the blame


In this world that I'm stuck with

So I'm waiting on time 

to fix it

And I wonder

If somebody will wake me from slumber


Trying to figure it all out

The beauty of life

Hidden in a bed of lies

Was it I


Chosen for this hatred

Because I'm laced, with it 

when I open my eyes

And close them with despair


To the moment

Somebody stops to stare 

to gaze at

The pain I'm in



So I sit and wonder

Will somebody wake me from slumber

To save mankind

From my own mind 


Ill be sitting over here

Unclear, if somebody 

will find me

And I wonder

If you, will wake me from slumber



" Food for oil "


 Eighty thousand die of starvation daily 

from Iran to Iraq

food for oil

There's no turning back 


Black gold 

were told, keeps the engines running

From the east to the west 

for greedy globalist to invest


While the the rest 

of us sit quietly

Tucked away in our own guilt

On the very foundations we helped build


Spilling nothingness from our mouths

C oz tonight I get to eat 

thinking not of those dying

All for these lying


Corporations pushing there faces

In every article, newspaper and radio

Telling us, lies 

to keep us self-serving, lack of caring


Someone dies tonight

We get to live

And  carry on our daily arrogance another day

Black gold , they say 


Invading there country's

So we can grab some

While the locals are left with nothing

Barely have shirts on there backs


Isn't it time 

we start giving back 

now for the wealthy

this message is for you

Your wallets may be healthy


But your heart's are black

Five thousand is the number

Of children monthly in Iran

dying of starvation, 


To serve your nation

it's hard to make a difference look i know

especially when you stand alone

But remember, try 


To keep an open heart

for those hungry 

to keep in mind

Somebody is dying


Before you finish reading this

Another hundred are dead

Please take a moment 

to realize , these lives


Are people , mother's , husbands ,and wives



" Courage"


drowning in an emotion of sea

departed by a motion in life

So much sorrow

So much pain



Build it up

So much it brakes you down

Turn it upside down

Before it's to late

I'm sorry I was the one to blame


I hang my head in shame

Day by day

Step by step

Wishing it all went away

There's nothing left to say

But wait,hear me out


I have drowned my inner self

I have hid my self

I have faded

So much I am dead

I can't ask for anything

Do I have that right

Too fight or fall down

For what do you fight for

When your heart doesn't beat no more


'May life be lived and sorrows healed"



 "The bitter truth until then"


When you thought he didn't exist

In a horrible world

When you suffered enough

Is that when that hate fades

And turns into anger


When you try not to remember

That Cold night in December

Does it really matter

When hate shows himself

inside out


Tearing you down

It's rare it's a stranger

Damaging your smashed heart

So why is it

The people

Whom you knew right from the start


Friends fall apart

Losing a sense

A fear,another pain

How do you keep smiling

When everyone has abandoned you


Enough said

But these scars ain't healing

Day night and dawn

It's a bitter feeling

Until then, auto da Fay





Pluck his heart with a tweezers

Use his hand as a cable

See how he turned out

Where is she now


Underground,we are all guilty

Over the mountain high

The birds sing along

The wind whispers gently through his ears


Hearts pounding,comes the underground

Her skin is peeling

Her lies revealing

Sworn never more to live in

The blue society


Searching through a mourners crowd


His sunken eyes lost

I've carved my name

Into his arms


Six feet into his heart

my happiness untouched

The mourners come undone

My sins to come



 "Law of gravity the little myth"


What goes up

Must come down




The law of gravity is false

Mind over matter


Matter over mind is wrong


You might find

An instinct of emotion

It's triggered, it's projected

By one's thought


We have the ability

To hide through dimensions

Not to mention

Pure bliss pure intentions


Those of us whom seek

Shall find

A different kind

Of reality



The truth will find those

Look inside

Turn off the programming

Subliminal messaging to distract


Take back, your freedom

Seek the holy kingdom's

It lies inside

Not in a piece of stone

Rock nor timber


The keys to heaven

Is in your soul

Protect it

For emotions they will never understand


Don't let them educate the young

They corrupt everyone

History is fake

The law of gravity

Is what you take



"The hunters"


The spirits that manifest

Into flesh and blood

There mission is to hunt

The chosen


Cain and Abel

Brothers,good and evil

Loved equally

One obeyed,the other strayed


The hunters and the eight ball

Symbols,spiritual language

Following the chosen

To watch us fall


Jacobs ladder the higher we climb

These slime,hunters are there name

Mother father daughter

They will slaughter


Anything you care for

Distraction a giving tact

Days are coming

We are fighting back


Unite as one

The silent war has begun

In spirit

Now in flesh

' the meek shall inherit the earth'





Look outside your window

At the strangers

That roam our streets

Inside,outside and throughout

There isn't a moment nor a doubt


Humanity and it's beauty

Like a flowers scent

Unbent, a perfect rose

Only God knows


What about destiny and free will

Down another sleeping pill

Hide that pain,

Until you remain...dead


But look outside your window

The children playing

Smiling loved hearts

God knows I'm trying


Beauty, it's all around you

Even within your four walls


God knows I'm trying


" in memory of you "


anchored to the ground

growing towards the sky

 you were my soil and water

now your gone

my shattered leaves all around


your love is the only thing id die for

my heart failed me once again

this time i cant ignore

its much harder than before

my seed has fallen


to far below i cant protect

tuck away the sun

i don't want to grow no more

take away my oxygen

i don't want to breathe


put me in a corner

let the insects eat my bark

i have nothing else to lose

gone my shining star at night

and my flowers during the day light


you were the best part of me

the only part i liked

left alone to rot

inside and out





Imagine having a chain around your neck

Held by an imaginary being

No money can pay this debt

No anger,fear or emotion

Will save you


Imagine life without direction

Imagine being without food or water

How do you keep going

When nothing matters anymore

One day at a time

Fuck you doctor do little


And you wake up poor

No strength or will power

No self belief

Where do you go?

When nobody knows your here


Now be in my position

Realize how it feels

Now look at your self

And remember

Even silence

Has a cost.............





I remember a time

Long ago, another time

Looking down

On this planet


A ball of energy

With power and knowledge

My father wiser

He knew all tomorrows and yesterday's




Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.07.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-0924-9

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

A voice for those who cant speak, for all those targeted individuals fighting for truth whom lost the fight in life but not the war in spirit. In loving thoughts of all you out there

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