


So because I lack inspiration to write full-on stories, this is a one shots book that I've made for anime, mainly Hetalia: Axis Powers... but I'll write about other anime, manga, and video games (YandereSim!), also Vocaloids & UTAUloids. There will be yaoi, yuri, possibly sensitive topics, humour and horror, but mainly romance. I won't write lemons, though, so please don't bother asking.


I hope you guys'll enjoy this! And I don't mind requests! It makes it kinda easier for me (for the most part XD )


~ Wuv from Gilbert :3



Texte: All characters belong to their respective owners
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: yours truly
Übersetzung: yours truly
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.06.2017

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To all of my friends who helped encourage me to continue my dream as a journalist! Love you all!

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