
Chapter 1 The Good Life...

"Sab Martin! Did you email your sister last night!?" her mom yelled down to her. " Uh... sure mom." She yelled back. " Ok... I will be calling your grandmother tonight to see!" " But mom I don't want to email her!" " Just do it!" Sab whispered to herself, " I'll just give her the list of things I hate about her like i always do."

1. You're too girly.
2. You like math
3. You disrespect Micheal Jackson
4. You are a suck up
5. You hold up your pinky everytime you drink something.
6. You talk in a fake british accent
7. You only drink " herbal" tea

Wait... you already know all this stuff! So why am I telling you again?

" There mom! Done!" Sab Martin isn't a normal kid. She's pretty cool/weird. She dispises her twin sister Sabryna very much. Sab is a tomboy. Not a girly girl. She hates math, but loves Micheal Jackson. Not in love, just loves how he dances, his voice, and his music. One of her person quotes is, " Art shall not be rushed, only detailed!" People always tell her that she should be an artist when she grows up. But she doesn't agree. Every Saturday, she makes pancakes for her mom and dad. They're really good. Now... reason why Sab has to email Sabryna, is because her sister lives in Texas with one of their grandmas. What happened was, they were sitting on the lving room floor ready for church. They were two years old. Sab was holding her juice box with a devious look. And Sab squirted her juice ans stained Sabryna's dress. Then when their grandma saw the stain she picked up Sabryna and moved to Texas. And now Sabryna lives Texas.

Chapter 2 What!?

"Can anyone tell me what two divided into thrity is? Sab?" " Uh... I wasn't raising my hand..." " So? I called on you so answer me!" Mr. Baldman yelled. "Alright alright alright I'll tell you before you turn purple..." Mr. Baldman's face was even redder then it was. He looked like he was going to throw a desk. " Fifteen?" Sab said just before he called on someone else. " Ooo goody... another detention!" Sab slid into an empty desk in the kindergarten room. Mr. Baldman walked in and put chair by Sab's desk and sat there. " Is there anything you want to tell me missy?" Mr. Baldman said furiously. " Yeah... why are we in the kindergarten room?" Mr. Baldman looked up, " get outta here!" And Sab ran out of the room. Sab always found a way to get out of detention. When Sab got home he saw his parents sitting on the couch expecting her. " Sab... we know you aren't going to like to hear this..." Her dad continued, " But you're sister is coming to live with you." " What!?" Sab just sat there frozen. Then she asked, " Why!?" " Your grandma found a new boyfriend and doesn't want Sabryna to bother them." Her mom added, " Besides it's not good to have twins seperated." " Fine" Sab sighed.

The next day, Sabryna was sitting on her bed in Sab's room after unpacking. She looked around. " Sab?" she asked. Sab walked in, " what?" where do you think I shall put this poster? She asked holding up a poster of a queen. " Anywhere on YOUR side of the room!" While Sab walked out of the room, Sabryna took down Sab's Micheal Jackson poster, not noticing she ripped it a little, and replace it with her poster. Sab walked in seeing the poster on the floor. She ran over to the poster, kneeling down and stroking it. " You! You! You idiot!" " You said anywhere on my side of the room..." "You said you were good at math! Especially fractions! That's MY side! And she ripped Sabryna's poster into pieces.

Chapter 3 Yes we are twins!

" Sab... I hope you learned your lesson in detention!" Mr. Baldman said. " Sure... being in detention for three seconds made me learn a lot..." Sab said sarcastically. " Ok class..." Mr.Baldman started ignoring Sab's remark. " If you need to use the restroom go ahead." Sab left when Sabryna walked in, in a flower dress. Mr. Bladman looked over and screamed a little. " Sab!? I didn't know you wore dresses! Then Sab walked in as Mr. Baldman was saying how beautiful she looked today.Then he looked over at Sab. He screamed again. Then he pointed to Sab and then Sabryna. " What!? What the heck is goign on!? Sabryna started, " Me and Sab are twins. I'm Sabryna Martin, the most behaved... and you know Sab." " Ok... Sab and Sabryna go take your seats." Sab sat in a desk in the corner of the room near the teacher's desk and Sabryna chose a seat in the very front. Kids kept staring. Looking back and forth. Then kids ran up to Sabryna asking, " Can you draw as good as Sab can!?" Sab shot back to them, " I don't draw good at all so she probrably draws better." Sabryna looked over to Sab, " Wow that's the nicest thing you will probrably ever say to me!" Sab nodded. Sabryna drew a picture and kids walked away whistling. And they whispered to each other about how bad of a drawer Sabryna is.

Chapter 4 I hate you...

Sab and Sabryna were sitting on the couch. Staring at each other. " I hate you!" " Well... I dislike you even more!" " Hate is bigger then dislike!" Sabryna started to cry. " Wow sis you know what? I am going to bed. And I'm not sleeping with a night light."

A few hours later, while Sab was sleeping, she heard the treadmill going on at full speed and screaming. She sat up and sighed. And walked over to the living room. She watched as Sabryna let go and watched as she flew into the counter. Sab started laughing. Sab walked over to the treadmill chuckling and turned off the treadmill. Then she looked over at Sabryna. Sabryna started to cry. " Get up!" Sab yelled at Sabryna. Then Sabryna layed down onto her stomach stil crying. Sab pulled Sabryna up by her nightgown. Sab sighed, " What happened?" " Well I wanted to go for my morning walk, but it was snowing outside so i wanted to use the treadmill. But I thought 10 meant 1.0,and it started going really fast and I couldn't hold on anymore and I flew into the counter. I just wasn't thinking because it was so early in the morning." Sabryna said as she was wiping her eyes. " You weren't thinking!? That's what I'm supposed to do! Not think!" Sab punched Sabryna and went back to bed. Sabryna started to cry.

chapter 5 Awesome!

As Sab and Sabryna went into their room, they saw a huge guard dog and a little chiwawa. Sab ran over to the big dog and hugged it and named it Sab Jr. Sabryna picked up the little chiwawa and kissed it a billion times naming it Cutie Pie Jr. Sab looked over at Sabryna and said, " Dude, you're not cutie pie! So there can't be Cutie Pie Jr!" " Don't call me dude!" " I can call you whatever I want!" " Come on Cutie Pie Jr! Let's go dress you up!" " Sab Jr... let's go ruin their dress up game!" Sab jr nodded.

Sabryna went into their parents room looking for stuff to dress up her dog. " Sabryna... I bought you some clothes! Matching outfits for you AND your stupid dog!" " Great!" Sab ran down to their room and put peanut butter and glue in their clothes. Sabryna put the clothes on her dog. " Aw! How adorable!" Then she put her clothes on. " Peanut butter!? gross! I'm taking this off!" Sabryna tried to get her clothes off, " What the!? It won't come off! Sab took Sab Jr's paw and high fived it. And they ran upstairs with Sabryna and her dog whimpering and crying.

" Oh, come on Sabryna just take a knife and cut it off you!" Sabryna wiped her eyes, " That sounds like a good idea! But how do you use a knife?" " I'll do it Sabryna! Since I feel really really bad." Sab said sarcastically. Sab took the knife and cut off the dried glue and purposly cut her pants. And Sabryna took her dog and went for a walk.

Chapter 6 Puppy love

" Sab Jr!" " Cutie Pie Jr!" " Where are you awesome puppy!?" " Where are you puppy almost as beautiful as me!?" " Really?" " Our dogs are gone!" " I'll draw the pictures of the dogs, copy them, and hang them up on every corner of the city! And you... go drink some tea." Sab ran to every single corner and hung the papers up on every pole of the city.

Sab ran back home to Sabryna. Sabryna was sitting on the couch crying. Sab sat down next to her, " Listen, dispite our differnces, we need to work together. I got to go meet with someone at starbucks... meet me at the park at six p.m. Ok?" Sabryna nodded. Sabryna said to herself as she watched Sab ride away on her bike, " Cutie Pie Jr, we WILL find you no matter what it takes!" And kissed a picture of her dog.

" Ugh! It's five thrity and she's not here yet!" Sabryna said angrily. Sabryna is always early. Sab came running over to her out of breath, " I knew you were going to be early!" " Why did you tell me to come meet you here?" Sabryna asked. " Well... I just wanted to see how things were in Texas, like what is it like?" Sab said sighing. Before Sabryna could answer, they saw their dogs licking (kissing) each other. Sab put her hand of Sabryna's mouth before she could scream her dog's name, and stared at the two dogs. When the dogs got done kissing, they yelled to their dogs. " I guess they're in love!" Sabryna said dreamily. " Oh great." Sab sighed.

Chapter 7 The accident

" Mom! Sab took my makeup!" " She took my stuffed animal weiner dog, Squarepants!" " alright you two, calm it down... now what's the problem?" Sabryna started to cry, and Sab took Squarepants and ran downstairs to their room. Their mom whispered to herself, " And that's why I wasn't as stressed when Sabryna was in Texas, Sab doesn't cry!" Their mom sighed and walked out of the room. Sabryna stopped crying for a second and saw her mom wasn't conforting her, and Sab wasn't apologizing, so she went downstairs to their room.

Sab ran ahead of the class to get home. She wanted to beat Sabryna home so she got the first batch of fresh cookies her mom was going to make. But she ran into the road and got hit by a Dorito truck. Sabryna saw the incident as she was walking out of school, and ran to Sab. Everyone got out of their cars and ran to help half calling 911 half trying to see if Sab's dead or alive. Sab got up, and limped home. Sab had her eye bruised shut. Her ankle is sprained. And she broke her collar bone.

Sab thought to her self as she walked back to school a week later, " I winder if Mr. Baldman will now treat me with some respect!" And her teacher did. Everyone was really nice and helpful to her. " Enough of this crap! Mr. Baldo you're fine... but you guys stop helping me I can do it on my own!" And everyone ran back to their seats.

Chapter 8 An A!?

"Sab! Sab! Get up!" Sabryna yelled as she shook Sab awake. " What!?" Get up! We have a math test today! I DONT'T want to be late!" Sabryna ran ahead to school. Sab watched as the ice cream truck slowly drove by. Sab ran after the ice cream truck. " Ah... Sab Martin! Did you finally decide to show up?" Mr. Baldman asked as Sab walked into the room. Sab shoved all her ice cream into her mouth and sat down.

" Really!?" Sabryna asked Sab as Sab was just sitting down. Sab nodded, "They had cookie monster chocolate!" " Shhhhh!!!" Mr.Baldman said. Sab looked down at her test. " 5 more minutes class!" " Crap!" Sab thought. Sab looked at the time. She just scribblied a bunch of answers down on the test. Mr. Baldman walked over to pick up Sab's test first. " I hope I didn't rush you too much missy!" " Stop calling me that Baldo!" Mr. Baldman walked back to her desk, " Now... normally I would give you a detention for that, but this time I'm suspending you!" " Yay! A wekk of no school!" Sab thought.

" Sab!? What grade did you get I got an A! Of course..." Sabryna asked. " I got an... A!?" Sab said shockingly. " You got an A!?" Sab nodded, " I guess so! A suspension and an A! Plus ice cream... what a good day" Sabryna agreed.

Chapter 9 Halloween

" Sab hurry up we're going to be late for school!" " Hold on I'm putting on my wig!" Sab yelled up to Ssbryna. A couple minutes later, Sab walked up the stairs in her Halloween costume. " Micheal Jackson? Really?" " Queen Elizabeth something? Really?" Sab is always good at combacks.

" How was your suspension missy?" Mr. Baldman asked. " It was awesome! I stayed home by myself... watching scary movies, dancing to Micheal Jackson music in my underwear. All that good stuff! So... how was teaching rotten kids all week?" Mr. Baldman gave me the teacher's evil eye. Sab walked away akwardly to her desk.

" Dressed up as a dead man, no talent, sounds like a girl?" Mr. Baldman asked. Sab stood up immediatley thorowing her desk and kicking her chair back. " Alright that's it Baldo!" And Sab started strangling Mr. Baldman and started kicking him between his legs. Then she threw him down to ground.

" Sab! You embarrassed me! Grrrrrr! I hate you!" Sabryna cried. " Oh, come on Mr. Baldman only has a few major injories... no big deal!" " It is too a BIG deal! He could possibly sue you!" " You mean he will sue my PARENTS..." " OUR parents!" Sab shrugged and ran ahead to their house.

Chapter 10 You've changed!

Sab's parents were sitting down on the living room couch, expecting Sab. " Sab, we need to talk..." Her dad said. " You got expelled..." " Yay! Woohoo! Oh yeah! Uh huh oh yeah! Woooot!" " For your punishment..." her dad continued, " You will now be attending a private school, with uniforms." Sab jumped up on the couch, " Seriously! The privtate school here doesn't have dresses! Only pants! This day keeps getting better and better! And my best friend goes to that private school! Yay!"

" Sab where's your new school?" Sabryna asked as they were walking to school. Sab pointed to the school across the street from Sabryna's school. " Oh!" Sabryna gasped. " That's a really nice school!" " Yeah... a least I don't have to wear a dress once every week! But you do! Ha ha! Wait you wear them everyday... never mind! Well I gotta go see you after school sis!" Sabryna waved goodbye as Sab ran to her school.

A kid stopped Sab just before they got to the school's steps, " Hiya! I'm Dj! Welcome to this school!" " What's this school's name?" Sab asked. " " Well it's one of the only school's that doesn't have a name!" " Well that's odd... but really cool! Oh, and by the way... I'm Sab!" " Nice to meet you... but we gotta get to class!"

" Hey Sabryna! I'm soo happy to see you again!" Sab said as she was running towards Sabryna." Hi Sab..." She said awkwardly. Sab hugged her. " How was your day!" " Good good... wow Sab you've changed..."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.10.2011

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