

I can remember talking with a client of mine as she shared heartache and pain. She needed time to vent and weep. She said that she was so lonely and just needed somebody anybody to listen to her. She was married but it was a lonely and loveless marriage. Her tears flowed as she spoke. Then, as she looked up at me she said, "I want to go home to be with the Lord. The loneliness is just too much for me."
As I looked into her eyes, I could feel her pain. I, too, have experienced that kind of loneliness. I remember all too well, the pain I endured after an ugly divorce that I didn't want. I was so lonely and felt abandoned by the person I loved with all of my heart. Many of us feel this kind of pain. I believe loneliness is one of the top issues many of us face. Unfortunately, we have no idea how to deal with the loneliness and often suffer alone. Loneliness can come in many forms. It can come from a broken marriage, a loveless marriage, the death of a loved one, or the ending of a friendship. There are many more I could list here!
Loneliness isn't just an adult emotion. Children suffer from loneliness to. They miss their parents when they get divorced or separated. They can miss a sibling when they move out of the home. One who is prone to being lonely can carry this problem into adulthood. From my experience in dealing with and helping lonely people, one of the main issues with loneliness is the lack of healthy relationships. When you have healthy family and friend relationships you can usually get the tough times. When alone, people seem to dwell on being lonely.
Loneliness has other concerns that go along with it. Loneliness leads to desperation, desperation leads to hopelessness and very few can pull out of hopelessness. Many people have a tendency to think having a relationship with a television can help them with their loneliness. I have seen it time after time that people who are lonely do desperate things. They get involved in unhealthy relationships (one night stands) or they start drinking, etc. If you find yourself heading in this direction, ask for help!
What advice can I give you for getting past your loneliness? First of all, take back your life! Get control back that you have given away. Here are my tips! • If you don't have friends, start making some. Join clubs and activities that pique your interest. You'll find likeminded individuals that will result in friendships! • Don't dwell on the past! Your future starts today! Life in the present! • Building relationships begin at home with family members. Next, go after your sphere of influence that includes people you know outside your immediate family. • If you have been recently divorced or separated it's time to start looking ahead. Find new hobbies and do the things you have always wished you could. • Get involved in church or a civic group! You will meet new people that way. • New relationships start with you! Make sure that you find people that are like minded. These are just a few tips and they work! I tried them and found a new world waiting for me. The hardest part was taking that first step.

Loneliness is a feeling which many people would not like to endure. In order to overcome loneliness, people tend to do anything they can to fill this emptiness in their lives. And sometimes when loneliness becomes so unbearable, they are prone to make certain mistakes out of their conscience that will only worsen their loneliness
Check out these 5 common mistakes that people often make when trying to overcome their loneliness, and try to avoid them in your own quest to conquer loneliness.

1. Too Obsessed With Work
One common method many people used to overcome their loneliness is by burying themselves with a huge pile of work. The whole idea is to keep their mind busy so that they will not focus on their loneliness. This may help ease loneliness for a while, but it will not relieve loneliness permanently. Working, in this case is just a coping mechanism to keep the person's mind off a reality he does not want to face at the moment. But if excessive work continues for months, it becomes part of the problem rather than part of the solution. Work is not a permanent relief from loneliness.

2. Too Easily Succumbed to Unrealistic Relationship
When a person is lonely, he/she is more likely to give in to a relationship which they already knew it probably wouldn't last. They know that this person is either already married, engaged, seeing someone or just plainly doesn't fit into the profile of an ideal mate. But they still continue with the relationship because even though they knew the relationship may be unrealistic, to them it is better than having to suffer loneliness. Their hearts were yearning for romance and companionship so bad that they start to ignore their conscience and principals. And when the reality finally sank in, when the relationship starts to go sour and comes to an end, the loneliness feeling resurface again.

3. Craving for Popularity
It is common for lonely persons to think that a possible antidote to their loneliness is to achieve a state of greater popularity. The fantasy is that the recognition and admiration and applause of


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.02.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-1094-8

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