
Trapped in an elevator with One Direction

*4:30 p.m at a big plaza in the UK*

"I have too many bags from shopping I'm gonna go to the elevator bye girl see you later!" I yell to my friend Ally while struggiling to stand up. She laughs and says goodbye. When the door opens I am nearly dropping everything and five boys are standing inside. I give a small smile and walk in.

"Looks like you've been pretty busy.. you've got so much stuff.." One of them with short brown hair and sounds british says trying to sound friendly. I smile again. "Yeah.. these bags are really heavy! so what floor are you going to?"


"Me too!"

The blonde one says; "what brings you here with all this though?"

"just stocking up on things and doing some fun shopping too!"

Another one of them presses the button again and it feels like it's not moving.

I get confused and press it too. A voice from the help speaks; "We're sorry to people in the elevators.. we're having some technical difficulties so if you remain calm we'll get to them as soon as possible."


The curly headed one asks me what my name is."Kylie."

"I'm Harry and this is Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn.

"So Kylie are you from America?" Niall asks. "I'm from Ireland!"

"I'm pretty sure she knows Niall.." Louis says rolling his eyes. "Yes I am.. I moved here after some problems with my Ex and all that other stuff.. my voice trails off.

"Damnit why is this elevator still stuck!?" Zayn says pressing the button again.

Niall tries to call someone again but it's not working. I notice Harry smiling at me and I begin to blush and look away so I don't look like an iitot.

"Oh no.. we're really stuck!" Liam tries to push the button again and Louis starts calming him down.

"So, you look very familair to me.. maybe I saw you guys somewhere once?"

"We're in a band! Ever heard of us? One Direction!"

"Wow! I thought I recognized you! I do know you guys! And my friends told me they like you but I haven't really had much time to dedicate to things like celebrites.."

"Haha that's fine!"

I look around and there's really nothing else we can do. I sit down on the hard, cold floor and let out a sigh.

"People really should think there's a problem.. there's hundreds of people in here! I can't be in here long.. I'm claustrophobic!" Niall says circling around the corners.

"I'm sorry Niall.. I'm sure they are working on it.."

I constantly check my phone even though we are losing signal. We've already been in here for an hour..

The voice comes back on: "Sorry for the inconvenience again.. we're working on things as soon as possible!'

"Well since we're going to be here.. want to tell us about yourself Kylie?"

"I came here with my friend Ally.. she's my bestfriend. And what I was saying about my ex when you guys asked if I moved here.. he cheated on me so I've been here for about five months now.. I really like it better than where I was and I actually try to convince myself I'm really British.. I am an only child!"

"Glad you like it here! As you know we're a band.. we've been together for almost three years now and we're sorry about the break up thing.. hope you're doing better now though!"

I start to talk to them about different things and they are really kind. It's now been five hours and still no sign of help.

"Damnit we've got to get home! And I can't be in here any longer I'm also starving!" Niall is still freaking out.

"Sorry about all of this.. at least you're here with five strong, british and irish guys!" Harry says winking at me.

"Ha! Cause that's my dream come true!"

Later the speaker comes back on and the voice doesn't sound like the man that was on before. Much husiker. "You will be stuck in here longer than you think.. this was all on purpose! Enjoy making some hard decisons!"

"Who the hell are you!? Help us! We've been stuck for hours!"

"I'm aware of this.. I started this all."

Zayn bangs on the door in anger and cruses under his breath. "Well.. at least we're not alone.." He turns to me and smiles.

I blush and smile back at him.

Later I put my hands in my head and wonder what's going to happen next..

The man speaks again; "and by the way.. no one knows about this except me so don't even try calling for help or anything! You all may be talking friendly now but may have to make some decisons you won't want too to each other.."

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" Louis yells through the speaker.

I look around and say through the speaker so he hears loud and clear; "WHO ARE YOU FLIPPING SAW!? YOU CAN'T KEEP US IN A DAMN ELEVATOR!"

"Watch me.."

Liam sighs and whispers "I'm hungry.."

I look over to my bags and repsond "I've got some snacks in my bag but I think it would be best if we saved it incase that's all we have later.."

"Alright let's try to get out then! I want to get out!" Niall says. He gets up to try to ludge the door open but falls back nearly falling on top of Liam.

"Alright well I don't think that's going to work by yourself Niall.. let's try to think logically.."

Louis takes his phone out of his pocket and says "Let me try for a signal again! Maybe Pauly will answer! He's our securtiy guard!

..........wait we got an answer!"

He gets off the phone and looks hopeful. "He will get here as soon as possible.. he said there's traffic but he's gonna leave home shortly to come and get us!"

The lights start flickering on and off and it's completely pitch black. "That's violation to call someone.. I'm going to have to punish you all now because I did not say you can call anyone!" The man says angrily.

Louis punches the wall in frustration. I rub his shoulder and say "It's not worth it.."

"Great! Now it's dark and we're going to be in here for forever! I'm NEVER going in an elevator again!" Niall says starting to panic again.

"Well maybe if we try to open the doors again together, we can see how far it went down and if we could get up somehow.." Liam says, examinating the doors.

We all force the door open and it's so heavy it starts to close again making us all fall back.

I hear the speaker go back on. "When you're friend comes don't expect a save because if he comes he will be here with me.. I'm watching your every move."

The lights go back on and Harry sighs. "I have to use the bathroom.. but there's no where to go of course.." He pushes the button for the intercom and yells "HEY 'MYSTERIOUS' MAN THAT KEEPS GETTING US ANGRY.. PLEASE JUST LET US LEAVE! IT'S BEEN HOURS AND TELL US WHAT THE HELL YOU WANT FROM US!"

"Alright.. I'll tell you what I want.. I want the girl. I planned this all out. I know who you all are. I made sure you were both coming here at the same time because I can tell you this much.. you're all meant to be together. I am going to ruin you all though.."

My eyes widen and my throat starts getting dry.

Louis yells back at the unknown man; "Look whoever the hell you are even though we just met Kylie you're not TOUCHING HER! YOU CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT WITH YOUR SICK MIND TO US CAUSE WE REALLY DON'T GIVE A SHIT!"

He doesn't respond. I sigh and begin to get really worried again. "Don't worry Kylie.. he's not going to touch you.. as long as we're here.." Niall says leaning down towards me.

"Thanks.. I'm glad you're a little more calm now though Niall!"

Liam slams the door again and I have them sit down and try to relax.

"Okay, you're first treatment will come in a few hours.. be prepared for the worst!" It suddenly gets so freezing goosebumps appear all over my body. "Take off your clothes now all of you! Throw them out of the elevator using the knife on the floor.. don't ask questions on how it got there.. do it now!"

I look at the boys and turn around to strip. I begin to blush and try to cover my body. We're all in our underclothes and a little embarrassed. They all start blushing and we're all a little uncomfortable.

We get our clothes and open the door. Harry is holding the knife to keep the door open and we throw our clothes out.

"Maybe we should cuddle for warmth?" They all say nsync, smiling. I smile back and huddle close to them.

We are sitting down, huddiling close and awhile later the elevator starts dropping a few centimeters more making us scream.

The man speaks again; "Okay stand up everyone.. as you know there's a knife on the floor. Kylie.. make a cut on your leg." My eyes widen and I bend down to pick it up, It's the only way I guess..

"No Kylie don't.." They try to stop me.


I quickly swipe my bare thigh feelling the pain. Blood starts pouring out. I scream and my vison starts fading..

"Kylie.. wake up! Please love.." I feel light shaking on my arm and my eyelids slowly start opening. "Kylie! Are you alright!? You fainted.."

"I honestly don't know if I will be fine.."

"Good you awoke.. you guys have been here for many hours and I'm sure you're very hungry.. use the knife to search through the walls. There is a small slot where your meals are and a bandage for her leg."

Niall picks up the knife and there's dry blood from when my leg got cut. He finds the slot and inside are some kind of meal bars with only water. I limp over to wrap my leg up. The bars have no taste but that's only what we are offered to eat. The other option is starve.

"I'll let you people in on a small secret.. you'll only earn better meals if you do as I ask. If you touch your food in your bags punishments will come. Get to sleep now.."

In the corner Zayn says; "alright.. no matter what happens we need to stick together. He is probably going to make us do much more horrible things but we need to make sure we don't back stab each other.. goodnight guys..

A few tears fall from my eyes and I hug them goodnight. We stay huddled together for warmth.

I was hoping this was all a dream but when my eyes open, I see the four corners of this plain elevator. I stand up to stretch and the boys start to wake up.

"Goodmorning my lucky ones.. get your breakfast from your slot now."

Lucky ones.. yeah right.

I roll my eyes in disgust and walk over to open the slot. Inside are five small plates with toast, sausage and strawberries with five glasses of milk.

I eat the strawberries and barely feel like eating. This man has made me so sick..

"Good.. now that you guys did practically meet each other.. share your deepest, darkest secrets to each other. And do not lie!"

"Well I guess I'll start. As you already know, my boyfriend left me. Things were going pretty well but he wasn't the best boyfriend you could say. I've pretty much lost trust in most guys. When I was very young my parents passed away in an accident. I almost died too but that day I didn't go with them. People say I should be happy to be alive but no one's there for me.. I did mention my friend Ally though. I've been staying over her house when I need it. She even told me I shouldn't be with my ex but I didn't listen. I can't thank her enough for being there for me.. every night I used to go out to walk down the streets just to see if my life is actually worth it. Since people that aren't very caring are out on the streets at night and I thought people would do stuff to me but I've been fine. I realized what life was worth and just forgot about things in the past but I guess things are right back to what they were.."

"wow we're sorry Kylie..."

They feel so bad they can't even say what they are hiding.

"Okay.. I get the point now guys.. you all have secrets and I'm glad you shared them. More things coming your way soon.."

It's quiet for a couple of minutes and he comes back. "Stand up everyone! You have been in this elevator for a whole day and counting.. holding up!? I'm pretty sure you're all bored so we're going to play a version of my truth or dare.. I will only pick dares for you and you cannot pass it or punishment will come as said before. First up, Harry. I dare you to pick up the knife and cut one of your friends of choice."


Louis walks over to him and whispers "Just do it... or something could happen!"

He sighs and shakily holds the knife in his hand. "No.. I'm not going to hurt them.. I'll hurt myself." He brings the knife down to his arm and makes a deep cut. He groans in pain and drops the knife to the floor.

"Good choice.. I don't know how long this will have to go on before you guys- his voice gets cut off. Uh, alright, next up.. Zayn. I dare you to tie yourself with that rope and you're going to stay like that for awhile. Niall, I want you to tie him. TIGHTLY. Plus you're next.

"How did these freaking ropes get in here!? And I am NOT getting tied up!"

"I have my ways.. DO IT!"

Zayn picks up the rope and stands against the wall. Niall slowly brings the rope to his wrists. He ties them tight as told and Zayn groans in pain. "I'm sorry.." Niall whispers to Zayn.

Zayn tries to struggle to get out of the ropes but they are too strong.


I feel so bad and have to look away from Zayn. His wrists are turning purple and he's screaming. "Zayn.. I'm so sorry.. we're here for you though. No matter what happens!"

I rub his hair to make him feel better. "Looks like things are going to keep happening.. let's stick together as we said before!"

Getting closer

The elevator starts moving again and Zayn groans in pain.

I hear low laughing.

'DAMNIT STOP THIS LET US OUT!" I guess being stuck in an elevator is making me panic too..

I sink down onto the floor and begin to cry. Liam bends down to comfort me. "Kylie.. don't cry.. we're here together.."

"I know but Zayn is tied up! What more could this sicko possibly do!? I want to get out of here!"

"Untie Zayn now.. he's been tied up for a good hour and a half." I jump up to quickly untie him. He pulls me into a tight hug and begins to cry. His wrists got swelled and are purple and bloodly.

"Open the compartment and there's bandages for your wrists.. enjoy free time now because I have more games coming!"

I roll my eyes out of disgust again and help Zayn wrap his wrists.

Louis starts circling back and forth and is about to say something but nothing comes out. We sit in a corner together knowing anything could happen shortly..

"Guys, I know we met but I think we're really close now.. I feel like you guys are my best friends and I do trust you guys!" I say to the boys trying to make things a little better. They smile and respond; "we do too! If we ever get out, we need to stay in contact! You're really awesome Kylie!"

We try to forget the fact we're stuck in this elevator and try to talk about positive things to each other. They are so nice and they fool around with me. I'm really starting to like them.

Later I am beginning to fall asleep but the voice that's getting annoying to all of us speaks again; "I have a thing for Kylie now.. open the elevator door, climb on top and there should be a room about three feet up. You shall climb up the cables and sit in the empty room by yourself. I am going to sperate all of you. Liam and Louis you're going with Kylie but you won't be together. Niall and Harry are staying with Zayn. Climb now Kylie..

I begin to cry and hug them tightly. They help me out of the top and I stand up on top of the elevator , fearing to look down. I see hardly any light. I pull the cable. It's really strong and looks like it's going to hurt alot. I see the room and start climbing.

My hand slips and I fall on the top of the elevator. I take a deep breath and start to climb again. I feel more scarred climbing into the room because if I fall, I'm falling down to the hard uninviting ground far away from the elevator. I pull myself up and crawl into the room. My hands are red and I crawl into a corner to catch my breath and to wait for Liam and Louis.

It's even colder and darker up here.

They come up and run over to hug me but are stopped by something pulling their shirts. A very tall man about 6'3 with his whole body covered picks them up and throws them each into another corner.


I panic and slowly start to take them off. The man grabs me by the wrists and ties me up. He then ties Liam and Louis and takes our clothes. He walks out unknown where he's going. The camera turns on and there's Niall, Harry and Zayn tied up too. Tears come to my eyes and I don't know what to do anymore.

I stare at the camera, watching Niall Harry and Zayn in as much pain as us. I scream and have to look away from the camera. I believe I am going crazy.. I try to strangle out of the ropes but Liam and Louis yell. "STOP KYLIE! IT'S NOT WORTH IT! HE CAN COME BACK!"

"We don't deserve this shit though.. I'm sorry guys.."

"Don't be. It's not your fault at all."

Louis sighs and yells; "Hey guy let us out of these ropes! PLEASE!" He walks back in and begins to untie Liam and Louis. "Alright.. I have other treatments coming later."

Under my breath I whisper "No. I won't let you do anything.."

He slowly walks up to me and begins to untie me. He pushes me against the wall before walking back out. "There's slots here just like the elevator.. open when I tell you. Go to sleep now."

I run to Louis and Liam and hug them tight. We look over to the camera and see Niall, Zayn and Harry getting untied. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god he let us not stay tied up.."

I sit down on the cold ground and begin to shake. We're all half naked and in freezing weather plus we barely have eaten. Louis and Liam sit down and put their arms around me. "Let's sleep now I guess..."


Five am!?

I rub my eyes and stand up and open the slot. Inside are three cups of water and a fruit bowl. I hand the boys theirs and we sit down to eat. No words were spoken until the hooded man walks in again.

"I hope you liked breakfast.. I have a video for you all to watch. Let me just turn your friends off.. the channel changes and a white and black screen pops up. He walks out and the video turns on. It starts with a girl screaming so loud we jumped back a little.

People are getting cut up, shot, possessed people running around hurting people.. an evil clown pops on the screen and screams "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Little animals are trying to get away from a mad man.. people are stiched all over like their mouths, hands, eyes.. The video ends with a man evily laughing.

I gasp in horror and look away.

"WHAT.THE.FUCK.WAS.THAT!?" Louis says covering his eyes. "Who knows but I can't believe I just watched that!"

The man walks back in. "Did you enjoy my little video?"

"Seriously!? Not at all.. you're sick!"

"I see we all have our opinions.. well stand up now. Kylie, come with me.. I have some surprises for you.."

I shake my head and he grabs my wrist. Liam and Louis try to stop him but he pushes them down.

"So Kylie.. do you enjoy it here?"

I feel like cursing him out but I lowly respond "Sure.."

He leads me into a room filled with cameras and Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam and Louis are on the cameras. I shake my head and stare at the man. Still wearing dark clothes and I can't see anything. He's taller than all of us and looks really strong but we already experienced that.

"Well I've already shown you enough.. I may explian later.. go back to your room. NOW."

I walk down and notice some hallways but there's no rooms, just a long dark hallway. I find the room and Liam and Louis quickly ask what happened.

"He brought me into a room and there was cameras where he's watching us.. something is really wrong with this guy!"

"Wow.. you can say that again!"

I take a sip from my water bottle and hear a loud bang. Some commotion is going on with the boys and I notice the man walks in the elevator and the camera gets turned off.

I start to get really worried and stare at the screen waiting for it to come back on. They aren't in the elevator anymore and the man walks back in our room.

"They got a little out of hand.. I took care of them.. they just needed a little break. They are now back in the elevator.. look."

We turn back to the camera and they are sitting down. HOW DOES HE DO ALL OF THIS!?

"Louis, Liam and Kylie I understand you guys are close for each other too.. anyways your new challenge is now. You each stand in a corner and I will take you all out one by one to bring you into this very special room. You will stay by yourselves until I say so. First, Liam come with me...

I scream and run over to stand in front of Liam. "Step away from him Kylie.."


He growls under his breath and pushes me out of the way. He takes Liam out of the room. I burst into tears and hug Louis. "No Louis.. he can't do this!"

"I know, I'm sorry.. I know I'm next though. I love you.. stay safe.."

He comes back and takes Louis. I burry my head into my knees and let out a loud cry. He comes back in and picks me up since I begin to struggle. He throws me into a four cornered room like the other ones but this one is much smaller. There is one of those small compartments. In the compartments, he always has a change of clothes for us plus the other things he gives us. All that's on the floor is a blanket and two hardly filled cotton pillows. Five cameras are hooked on the wall showing the boys looking around the room.

I think the speaker is surround sound because they look up to their speakers when he says; "Enjoy being seperated.. it will last awhile. I want to see how you all act without each other!"


*A few days later*

I haven't drinken the water or done anything for days because this man needs to realize how psyco he really is.

I begin to circle the room out of boredom and I'm afraid so I need to get my mind off things. The walls look as through they are spinning and I start getting dizzy..

I feel a pain on my face and the man is standing over me with his hand risen from slapping me.

"Good you woke up! Now you BETTER do what I tell you because I am not taking you to the hospital!"

"Fiine! Maybe I'll make that happen then!"

"You know you're getting on my last nerves you little bitch.." He tightly grasps my arm and brings me back into the nearly empty room.

"Be ready for a little game of my own dice game. If you get a certain number, you have to do something I created for you. The numbers will be from 1-10. Every number has a little surprise to it. Eat your bars now!"

My stomach rumbles when he walks out. I do not want to eat, but I pick up the bar and take a bite. This is what he wants me to do though.. I don't care anymore. I eat the bar and strawberries and wrap myself around the blanket waiting for his little game.

I look over to the cameras and smile when I see them all staring at the cameras too. I mouth; "Be careful." Doubting they understand but I notice their heads nodding.

The speaker makes a static noise from turning on. "Alright.. my game is starting. Kylie you go first. The number that gets punishment if you roll is.. six. pick up the dice please.

My hands shakily reach for the dice and I shake them. I get number one. I become silent but relieved it's not his number.

"Now don't get excited.. I did say every number has something to it.. alright Kylie, you have to watch one of my videos again and this time, do one of the things involved in the video.. when it stops, you must do it. Sit down and begin.

The video starts playing. A girl is swinging on a swing and walks up closer to the screen. Her eyes roll back and there's no color left. She starts humming some foregin words and the screen changes to a boy taking his clothes off and writes satanic things on his body and cuts his skin where he drew the star to ingrave it in his skin.

Please don't stop on this one..

The video stops of course and the man says; "Do exactly as in the video.."

I cross my arms and shake my head.

"Don't make me come in there.. do it. You rolled a one.. don't worry the mark will only last a day but the pain will last longer!"

I take my clothes off and inside pick up the red marker that was given to me. I draw all of the signs the boy drew, same body parts and slowly begin to draw the star. I make a cut with the knife and groan in pain.

I curse at myself for doing this.

"Good job following orders.. next turn is Liam. Liam rolls the dice and he calls out 'four'

Since I can't see what he has to do since I'm not in the room, I wait until he shows up again. Liam is tied up again and has to watch a woman viciously murder a puppy.

I can't understand how the woman got in here..

Liam tries to look away but the man comes in and forces his eyes open. The woman stabs the puppy at least fifteen times and I gag in horror. Liam begins to cry and as soon as the man unties him he runs to the dead puppy and holds it.


"Next up... Niall."

He gets five. I gasp because he was so close to getting six.

Niall gets his blanket and pillows taken away and the man says "You can't sleep for tonight or tomorrow now.. you also get no breakfast. Turn to the video and you will witness something you certainly won't enjoy.

I can't see the video but he has tears in his eyes and i hear screaming. It must be like the ones we've all seen.

"Alright.. my little friend Zayn. Roll the dice."

He gets eight.

"Zayn, you shall... eat something I made together: human blood, sugar, raw chicken, intestines..enjoy!


The man walks into Zayn's room. "Alright, then that means you automatically go to number six.. he ties Zayn up and forces his eyes open to watch another one his horrible videos.

"You now stay like this all night.. game has ended for now. Go to bed all of you.."

I am left in shock. Zayn can't stay like that all night!

I sit down in the corner and start to pray. We've been here for days and I can't take much longer..

Let's work together

*Zayn's pov*


I hope everyone is alright..

I didn't drink that horrible drink to show him a piece of my mind. I can't believe Kylie had to draw those things on her body and these other horrible things this man is making us do!

He walks in and I stare at his black mask. If he thinks he's so bad maybe I should find out his identity.

He walks up to me and I try to pull his mask off and he reacts quickly, jabbing my hand back. I gasp and he hisses through his teeth "DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN YOU STUPID BOY!"

He storms out.

"So close..."

I call the man to come back in.

"Since you've been keeping us here for quite some time.. I think maybe you should reveal yourself to us? I already tried to remove your mask because I'm sure we all want to know who you are.

"Hm... we'll see..."

He walks out again and I know they can hear so I hope they are happy with what may come.

I still have more hours until I get untied. This is going to be a very long night..

I wake up with my wrists sore yet again and I am starting to loose color in my whole body. The man walks in and sarcasticaly says; "Did you enjoy being tied up all night?"

He cuts the ropes and I feel relieved as soon as my wrists are free.

He tells me to open my slot and there's some breakfast inside. I sit down down on the floor to begin eating. I look at up at the cameras to see how they are doing in their rooms. I wish we could at least be here together again to get through this...

I really hope he can give us a break today..

Later he asks us to put our pillows and blankets in the compartment. "This challange will involve your whole room.."


"So the other night your friend Zayn asked me to reveal my identity.. well I understand you all are very curious. So what you will have to do is figure out certain things about me and if you work well together and get close to some parts I will possibly reveal myself. I shall turn on your speakers so you can speak to each other. You also only have only have a little emount of time. BEGIN."

I can barely make out hello to them. It's so weird now because we've been seperated and don't know each others thoughts. So instead of talking to each other about how bad this place is and what we could do we just begin on our challange.

"Okay.. so as you know you all saw me in all black clothing.. this is for a reason. Do you believe that I have been involved in any crimes?"

Of course you have!

"I think he is involved in crimes of course.. he probably has been charged for murder, rape, vandalism, all of those crimes.. I strongly believe he has been doing what's he's doing to us." Liam says.

"Congrats you guys found out one thing about me! Next.. do I have any family?"

I decide to discuss this one with them. "I think he doesn't have any family left.. my prediction is he killed them all to live on his own and steal all of the money. He says he has been stalking us so he must have had plenty of time on his hands and the only way that could be possible is if he got people that would want to talk with him out of his life." Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry and Kylie all agree with me.

Everything is silent for a moment and the man answers. "Good statement.. I have not killed my family though. Actually, I did. I made sure they went away on a fake vacation where actually one of my buddys lead them to their 'destination' and that's where I had him run them down a hill into a like.


"I think you all know enough but not too much about me. Yes I am a criminal you could say according to what i've been charged with. You're very correct about all of your statements.. Tonight at eight I will reveal myself to you. As soon as I do this, nothing will change. None of you know me and you can't get out anyways so there's nothing you can do."

I sure can't wait until eight..

I impatiently wait watching my bestfriends slowly die with me. A few tears fall down my eyes realizing we've already been here for so long and no one has shown any signs of trying to help us. I guess pretty soon this is it then..

Identity revealed

It's just turing eight o' clock. The man walks into my room which startled me a little bit because of his tall figure.

"As promised, I will reveal myself to you all.. here goes.."

He takes off his mask and he has a long scar going down his face. Light blue eyes, short stubbles growing on his face. He does looks pretty terrifiying but if you didn't know him he could probably convince someone he's a nice person.

"Okay my name is Mike. I am 45 and I've already told you about the criminal records. That's all you need to know. So now you saw my face you better be happy now.."

How can we be happy when we're fucking stuck in a damn building in a strange small room for many days!?

Well at least I know what he looks like..

I look around the room trying to find something I could use to possibly escape. I then decide to call him back in.

"Excuse me MIKE.. you're 45? Have you actually ever been in jail for a long period of time?"

"Yes, once. For a month.."

"Wow.. you have quite a record. Do you think maybe you could teach me your ways?"

His eyes squint and he mummers; "Uh sure.. come with me."

"Well this is my computer room.. I already showed your friend Kylie. This is for certain reasons of my own. I create those videos on my own and I make sure I tourture very well.. what do you think?"

"Yes.. it's very interesting.. I especially like how you plan out your videos with all of those sepcial things you do!"

His eyes widen. "I'm wondering why you're suddenly trying to be best friends with me. But sure.. sit down and I'll pull up my best video.."

I try to choose the goriest and completely evil clips. He lets out a small smile towards me. "Good job, you're doing well so far.. I'll let you in on a little secret, when I feeded you all I put a special medicine in it where you guys will want to stay here with me. It doesn't work how I wanted to though. That's alright I force you guys to stay now but now that you're good with me it won't happen to you. Anyways, anything else you want to know?"

"Um.. where do you stay in here?"

"I've got a room..."

"Ah.. is there anyone else here that you keep?"

"No. Just you guys.."

"Thanks for teaching me about the videos.. Maybe I could come back tomorrow?"

"Yeah.. you look like someone I could use. Get some sleep..."

I smile to myself and walk back to my room.

I sit down against the wall and put my hands over my head. This is gonna be fun.. I tricked Mike into making me think I want to join him.. yeah right!

Maybe if I keep letting him think I'm his 'helper' I could help us get out of here..

While eating my meal bar I feel a little hopeful.

I wake up and Mike walks in. "Ready to learn more?"

I feel like laughing but I nod and follow him into his control room.

I look around more and notice a paper in a drawer. "So Mike.. your mind is very fascinating.. I wonder what goes on up in there half the time."

"A lot.. more than you think. I'm planning on my next game to make for you all. I'm thinking of using the videos again and try to decive their minds into being like that. Want to help?"

I sit down a few inches away from him and put some videos together that I think won't be as horrible for Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry and Kylie.

"I do realize you all are pretty close now.."

"Yes we all know about Kylie and do quite fancy her.. By the way, we asked what you wanted awhile ago and you said 'the girl' why did you?"

"I guess we all find her fascinating.."

I want to get away from this man because just sitting next to him makes me afraid. "You know what Zayn, I want you to have a better room for now.. next to mine is a bed and you could stay there. See you tomorrow and we're going to have them play the game!"

I lay down on the bed. It's really comfortable but now I feel horrible. While I'm laying on this bed, my best friends are still in their small rooms. I sigh and move down to the floor. They deserve better..

When my eyes open I stretch and notice a shadow standing in the doorway. "What are you doing on the floor?"

"Huh? Um.. I guess I slipped last night or something.."

He doesn't look too convinced but starts to walk out.

"Wait.. Mike could I go back to my room? I'm a little more used to that.."

"Uh.. if you want to sure go ahead.. wow I guess you really are crazy like me!"

I go back into the stupid room and look at the cameras to make sure they are alright. Kylie has fallen asleep and She does look weaker.. I know she tried to go on strike before but I wish they know I am trying to help right now.. I lost track on how long we've been here but I can't believe I haven't heard any signs of anyone trying to help us.. I guess everyone forgot about us..

I stay up all night until I'm sure Mike is asleep in his room. I go into his control room and look around more for the paper I saw the other day:

Abuct the boys of One Direction and girl Kylie. Make them stay close to each other and continue to touture them. Keep them all here as long as possible and keep anyone who tries to stop me away.

It's already been a few weeks. I think they are of course not used to this but I brought them here because I wanted too. I don't know how much longer I will keep them here.. as long as I want.

I see another note that looks like it's from a journal entry:

It looks as though Zayn is starting to realize I'm a good influenece. He's been very interested in what i've been doing. People think of me as the bad guy and I don't really care but I think I'm helping people. I've taken everyone that asked about my new 'friends' the guy they called the first day they were here I convinced him they went away somewhere for awhile. No one suspects I did a thing! Maybe I could get away with this longer than I expected..

I sneer through my teeth and am interrupted by a loud bang. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE WITHOUT ME KNOWING!?"

I jump and without noticing, dropped one of the papers. "Um.. I... I wanted to study more of all of this."

He stares at me unconvinced and slowly walks towards me. "...Alright! I will be starting the game soon! Just put their meals in their slots for me!" I breathe a sigh of relief and make sure I give them a little something extra. Mike presses the intercom button and says "Alright my loves.. stand up and get ready for another game! If you're wondering why you haven't seen your friend Zayn in awhile.. no worries.. he's doing a little chores for me. The game is called trapped. You will be stuck in cages and many other things. You will have to guess certain things and make sacrafices. Harry, enter your cage.

Mike put little cages in their rooms and I don't even know how he did it. The compartments are actually way bigger and he has his secret ways to put basically anything in there.

I have to walk out of the room because I can't watch them being tourtured again. Mike walks back to get me.

"You didn't enjoy the game?"

"No I did.. I just felt sick for a moment.."

"Ah. well they are going to stay in the cage and tomorrow I want you to go in their rooms to tell them about you. You will have to hurt them tomorrow.. that's part of your misson. Here's the keys to open their doors.

I gasp and freeze for a moment. "as you wish sir.." I take the keys and slowly walk down the hall.

This can't be happening....

I walk into my room and curse at myself for making this go to far. I need to let them know this isn't what is going on.. I begin to panic because if he finds out I'm lying I'm completely screwed.

I can't even sleep. I walk around my room worried for what's coming tomorrow. I can tell my eyes are baggy when I wake up. Mike sticks his head in my doorway and I nod. He walks me to Niall's room. I gasp and run over to hug him. Mike walks away and Niall looks very confused.

"What are you-"

"Shhh.. I have something to tell you! I'm going to help us get out of here alright? Don't worry.. I'm not back stabbing you guys. Stay calm because when the right time comes, I am gonna get us out. I can't believe I'm seeing you again though.. Nialler I'm sorry this had to happen to us. No one deserves this. I have to go tell everyone else. See you soon I promise. I hug him again and get to Liam.

Liam is sitting in the corner of the cage shaking. I know he is traumatized like we all are but especially from witnessing that puppy's muder. His eyes widen when he sees me.

'Liam I'll explian everything later.. i'm going to get us out of here and that's all you need to know. Don't be afraid anymore.. it's all gonna be over soon. I love all of you.. I'm sorry." I hug him tightly and find Louis.

Louis smiles but is in shock. "As I told Niall and Liam it's gonna be over soon.. I promise. I haven't got time to really explian but please understand that I'm doing this for all of us."

I run into Harry's room. "Harry! This crap is going to be over soon. It will take some more time but I'm planning some things out! I'm so happy to see you again and I hope my plans work out.. see you soon!"

When I find Kylie, I'm speechless. Her eyes are turning bright red from crying. Her head is in her knees and she doesn't realize I'm in the room.

"Please-please don't hurt me.. I didn't do anything!" She yells without looking up. I slowly walk towards her and slip my hand into the cage to try to reach her.

"Hush now.. It's Zayn."

She looks up and is speechless. "HOW DID YOU-"

"Shh.. I can explian all of this. I don't have much time to tell you everything but I've been helping Mike with some things. It's only to help all of us. He did say I have to hurt you guys and I did not tell the boys.. I will not hurt you guys though. I don't care what the consequence is. But trust me, I'm trying to convince him to let me 'be his main helper' if I ever achieve that soon I will try my hardest to get us out. I have found out some things about him and if I get the chance, I will try to show you guys. I've got to get back to him. I'm sorry this all happened.. I love you all!"

She reaches her arm out and I rub her hand. "I trust you.. thank you so much Zayn.."

I try to hold back my tears as I walk back to Mike. "Alright.. did you tell them about your decison?"

"Yes. And they were very upset but I like seeing pain.." I feel disgusted as soon as I said that.

"Ha ha! You're becoming very well like me! Did you also hurt them?"

"yes.. I cut them with the knife."

"Good job! I'm giving them a break tomorrow but I want you to talk with them again. I've got a quick errand I've got to do."

I jump for joy in my room. This gives me a chance to make a plan with them!

Again I can barely sleep but this time out of excitement.

As soon as he leaves I turn off the cameras so he can't see what is going on and incase he comes back early. I unlock Liam's door and get them all to go into his room. We all become very emotional because we haven't seen each other for who knows how long.

"Okay guys.. we can reunite later. We probably don't have much time because of course he'll be back. As I said yesterday, I am making a plan. So I tricked him into thinking I like what he's doing. He took me into his control room. For the past days I have been working with him. I am trying to make sure you guys get better things though. I think we should make an escape plan because we could be stuck here for ages. I found two papers one a journal entry and I think his plan to get us all here in the first place. He said he tricked people that tried to find us so I guess people gave up. There's many options we could do to escape but some dangerous considering how dangerous he is."

"I went to his room too.. he said I'm special to him or something.. Zayn you go back before he comes back. Tomorrow get him to go somewhere again and we can meet up again. I've got my own little plan. Thank you for bringing us back together and keeping us safe. We love you. Go!" Kylie responds.

I smile and hug them goodbye. They quickly go to their rooms and I lock them inside their cages and lock their doors.

I hear Mike walking inside and I breathe a sigh of relief and wipe my forehead. I quickly turn the cameras back on and he walks in his control room.

"Welcome back master.."

"Thank you! I'm assuming you did what I asked? Well tomorrow I will be out again. I want you to do the same as today but make them watch my videos and play the dice game again. I will be eating dinner now. See you later. Go to your room!"

Now I don't even have to get him out of here! All I've ever seen are our six rooms, the control room, and Mike's room. Everywhere else seems non existent because we can't get anywhere.

As soon as Mike leaves I do as I did yesterday. Bring them into Liam's room.

"Here's my plan boys.. I think we should maybe keep begging Mike to put us back together since we've been 'good'. If we are together then maybe we can start thinking of ways to trick him. What do you think?"

"Good plan Kylie! Alright, I'll ask him tonight and when he comes into your rooms you guys better ask him too.. He should be back soon so I'll see you guys. stay strong!"

I hug them goodbye and quickly lock them up again. Mike starts walking in before I can delete the recording on the camera. I dash to the control room and delete it. Mike walks in with bags and says "thanks again for helping me."

"No problem.. no problem with helping my inspiration! And by the way, I have a little request.. do you think you could put us back together in the same room we were before? Even if you put us back in the elevator that would be alright."

"Hmm.. I'll think about it. Why would you want to go back with them?"

"Well I just want some company.."

"Alright.. I'll make my descison tomorrow morning. You need to make sure you tell them NOTHING."

"Of course! I would NEVER!"

He walks out nodding in approval. I go into my room and feel like screaming of happiness. When I wake up I run to his room where he's on his computer making videos of course.


"So what?"

I stand there afraid if I say something wrong he'll get angry.

"I'm messing with you kid.. my decison is...

Help us

Yes. You guys can be back together. I think it would be good anyways.. I will be putting you back in the elevator though. You must come back up here every night though when they are asleep so we can discuss."

"Yes sir thank you!"

I follow him as he unlocks their doors and give a small wink to each of them as they walk out. He has me climb down the cords first. I certainly don't like being in this elevator again but it's worth it because I can be with my best friends now.

*Kylie's pov*

I'm so proud of Zayn! I can't believe we are back in this damn elevator though! I don't know how Zayn did it but we're together again!

They look so different to me now because our clothes are tattered and bloody, and we have marks all over ourselves.

From above the elevator Mike yells; "Take off your clothes again!"

Are we really starting this shit again!? We throw our clothes out of the elevator and hug each other tightly.

It feels amazing to be back close to them.

Zayn sits on the floor and whispers; "he probably will be listening to our plans but that's why I brought paper so we can write it down. We'll start talking tomorrow. I've got to go back up to him tonight. If he has any plans for a game for you guys I'll make it less horrible."

"Thank you so much Zayn!" We all say N'sync.

We sit close to each other and it's time for Zayn to go up.

A few hours later we hear him come back down.

"Well he has another game planned.. he will coming down tomorrow and I think that's when we can try to ecscape. If anything happens, I'll try to stop it. Let's go to bed now so he doesn't suspect anything."

I feel a light touch on my arm and the boys are standing over me. "Goodmorning! It's almost time! Here's some breakfast we got! You can thank Zayn because he got Mike to give us potatoes!"

We sit down to eat excited for this moment. Mike comes down the rope and I begin to get nervous. Anything can happen..

He has ropes and weapons.

"Well well well.. I know your plans everyone.. you were trying to trick me eh!? Zayn, I thought you actually wanted to be in my group. You're all stupid mother fuckers because you're definately not getting out now!"


He walks up to Zayn and begins to whip him.


Mike turns around and whips the boys too. I burst into tears and slap him. "YOU'RE AN EVIL BASTARD! STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING! THIS ISN'T RIGHT AT ALL! YOU'RE SICK IN THE FUCKING HEAD!"


He moves his hand up to whip me but the boys manage to stop him.

He grabs me and carries me up the rope. He slams me into my old room. I scream and bang the door.

NO.. NO.. NO!

I hear commotion outside and he must have brought the boys back into their rooms. I begin to cry because I don't know what else to do. I gasp when I realize what could be happening to Zayn right now. I bang on the door as hard as I can, only to fracture my wrist. I scream and kick the door.


I furiously look around the room and notice a knife that was left on the floor. I grab it and scrape the door. I try to pick lock it and am successful. I crawl on the ground and find Louis' room. I hear screaming that sounds like Zayn's. I let out a cry and quickly cover my mouth. I quickly get the boy's rooms unlocked and we crawl to a corner down the hall.

"Boys.. we.. need.. to h-help Zayn. And we need to react fast.. he got Mike really mad. This is HORRIBLE. Let's go into the cotrol room and knock him out with this crowbar..

I pick up the crowbar that was on the floor and hand it to Louis.

"I can't do it.. maybe you can Lou.. you have to try."

We crawl to the control room as quiet as possible and see Mike beating up Zayn. I try not to cry and we sneak in. Louis goes behind him and knocks him on the head.

Zayn quickly runs out of the room and we start running down the hall. A door is locked and we don't have the key. We begin to panic but kick the door back. Mike starts running after us. I scream and run down the hall.

"Holy shit.. just run guys... run as -f-fast as possible!"

We run down more halls and he's not stopping any time soon. He catches up to us and hits Niall. Niall trips but gets up quickly and we are beginning to get tired but continue to run.


We run through another door and notice the plaza where we were before all of this happened. We run behind a soda machience to take a breath. I hear him coming closer so I grab them by their arms and we continue to run. The exit is so close but we still have to run fast.

Mike is centimeters to us and he knocks us down.



He lowers the knife and Louis panics and throws the crowbar at him. He falls back and the boys attack him.

"Boys stop! He's.. he's out cold.. run anyways!"

We run to the door and quickly open the door.

Terrified, we realize we're outside.

I breathe in the fresh air and begin to cry. Everything looks normal. I forgot what outside looked like, buildings around us, birds chirping, but the whole parking lot is empty.

I turn to the boys and hug them tight.

Harry quickly calls the cops.

The end?

I hear the sirens and know everything's going to be alright now.

We're finally out of that living hell.

The police run into the building and the ambulence quickly come up to us and puts us on the truck.

We're still half naked and they hand us blankets.

A policeman walks up to me while I'm getting my wounds dressed and asks; "What exactly happened?"

"A LOT.. it all started one day when I wanted to go to the plaza. I went into the elevator and saw these five boys. The elevator stopped and little did we know that was the begining of a living hell.. let's just say this man is completely evil and deserves to be locked up FOR LIFE. I can't describe what he's done though.. we've been trapped here probably for months.."

"Thank you.. we have found all the evidence that's he's guilty.. I hope you all recover."

The boys slowly walk up to me and I run up to hug them. We all begin to cry and stay in each others arms.

"I can't believe we're actually out.. I thought we'd never see the outside again.. I can't believe it's over.."

"We know.. we can all agree that was the worst experience ever. It's over and we're okay that's all that matters."

They pull me into another hug and whisper; "You're going to be our special girl now.. we love you too much now and we've seen too much together and have been through so much together to seperate. Promise you'll stay with us?"

"I promise.."

Tell me what you guys think about this! I hope you enjoyed! :)


Texte: me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.03.2013

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