
It's been about a week since the packs joined and right now sitting in the room with Eric and Forrest, I could cut the tension in the air.
"Where's Jake?" I ask Forrest.
"You know Jake, probably yelling at Bear again."
"Oh." since the joining i haven even spent three minutes with him.
"He'll get use to it Em, don't worry.
"Yeah, I Hope so." I replied with a sigh.
Eric hasn't said much to me since the joining but he looked at me with a sad smile and said, "Wanna go for a walk?" I nodded and We headed for the woods.
"So Transformation next week."
I stopped and looked at him in surprise, "Is it really that soon?"
"Yeah. Time flies, Doesn't it."
"Yeah it really does." I smiled
We reached the lake about a half an hour later, "So are you and Jake like set in stone Or..."
I sighed,"Eric-"
He laughed, "Never mind, I Don't want to make things complicated, besides look at that view."
Eric was right, the view was beautiful.
Beep! Beep! Eric looked at me questionably as i picked up my phone,
"Hey Babe. Where are you?"
I sighed, "Its Jacob, We better be getting back or he'll flip."
He didn't say anything but he looked grim, " Can we sit here a few more minutes... I mean the guy spends all his time somewhere else but when i finally get time alone with yo-"
"Alright! ten more minutes." Eric smiled a victory smile and ten minutes later he helped me up and we walked to the Pack house.

Chapter 2

"Hey!" I Yelled as I walked into the house.
"Hey Em, Where wer-" Jacob stopped mid sentence and glared behind me at Eric, and clinched his jaw. "Eric took me on a walk, Where were you?"
I asked trying to stop the stare off. "How...Sweet." He said throw a closed jaw. "Um ,Em I'm going to head home. See ya later."
"Alright bye." He gave me a quick hug and left.
"What?" I asked Jacob as he glanced at me.
"You know how I feel about him."
"Yeah, but give him a chance."
"I don't want to give him a chance!" I backed away and he sighed.
"Look Babe, I'm sorry. I'm just a little stressed."he stepped closer and took my hand and kissed it. i smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss, "So you never answered my question, where were you?"
" Come on, let's go on a picnic and we'll talk."
We walked out to the forest line and he laid down a blanket in our spot. "So I went and saw you mom today."
"Yeah, She's doing fine. She misses you."
"Really...How's Anna and Bryan and the twins?"
"Good, I set up dinner tomorrow if that's okay."
"Oh Jake that would be great." She throw her arms around him.
"Isn't the forest so beautiful this time of year?"
"Very." there was a faint howl in the distance and Jacob tensed.
"What is it Jake?" I asked suddenly scared. Bear wants us back. he stood up and helped me up, not letting go of my hand, when we got to the house i felt suddenly tired and we went straight to bed.

When I woke up I was greeted by warm eyes. "Good morning beautiful." Jacob said in a husky voice, and I smiled,"Good morning." we laid there just looking at each other. "Emily, I Love you So much, and I would do anything for you, you know that right."
knock, knock, knock," Hey Jake, Bear wants to talk to you."
Me and Jake both got up midway to my dresser I sat back down and winced. "What is it."
"Nothing, just my side."
"You okay."
I stood back up, "Fine
We walked back out and the whole pack was out there, and i mean the whole pack including the Gradys, there were ten Gradys in total; Marcus, Eric, John,Billy, Mike, and Tim along with Carolina, Jane, Mary, and Eve.
"The Other pack has been spotted South of here split in fours and search."
"What about Emily?"Eric asked.
"She stays."Bear said.
I was baffled,"What!"
"Sorry Em, You would just slow us down." He said and they basically ran out the door. I sat there and wondered why I could hear my heart beat in my ears. I took out my phone. "Mom?"
"Hey honey. How are you?"
"good, I'm going to come over alright."
"Sure honey that would be great."
"Alright I'm headed there ;
"Okay, bye."I hung up before she could add anything else.
I grabbed my bag and power walked to the forest line, knowing if any of the pack saw me they would tell Jacob. I loved walking throw the woods in Fall. Most of the trees are evergreens but every once in awhile you would see a tree that was orange or red, and there was nothing more peaceful than walking throw the forest. I reached the house about twenty minutes later and my mom was outside on the porch.
"Hey momma."
"Hey sweetheart. Take a seat so we can talk."
"Okay."I said taking a seat next to her.
"So hows the transformation going?" My head snapped in surprise.
"What!?" She grinned
"Honey Jacob told me everything yesterday."
"And you believed him?"
"Of course i do."
""i was utterly shocked.
"Now that that's over with. Your family wants to see you." I got up without saying another word trying to figure out how mom was so calm about this.
"Emm!!!!" Lilly and Gerald yell, sprinting down the hallway.
"Hey kiddos." i say giving them both a kiss on the head.
"Mamma says your coming to dinner with Jakey." Lilly says.
"Yeah, we are."
"Emily is that you?" my dad yells from the kitchen.
"Yeah Pop, its me. Is grandma here."
"Yeah, she's in here with me."
I walk into the kitchen, "Hello family." i said with a happy smile and my grandma mimics it. I gave the both a hug and headed up stairs to visit my room. I missed it, i realized at that moment. I miss everything, my room, my parents, and my brothers and sisters. A tear slipped, but only one.

Chapter 3

I was looking at a bunch of old pictures when I tensed, something was wrong, really wrong. I turned slowly to see Anna and I suddenly felt better. "Hey Em." she said with a small smile and I rushed into her arms. "I missed you lil sis."She said softly. I smiled and Replied," I missed you more." she laughed, " look im not staying i just came to get some stuff." she said with a sad smile. "So you wont be here for dinner."
"Yeah I will, but i have to go. im sorry." She said and hurried out the room. I stood there shocked. "She's never home, either." Bryan says standing in his doorway, looking at me grimly. " Hey Bry, How are you." I ask walking standing in front of him, he looked mad. "Fine." he said we stood there for about a minute until he finally hugged me. It was a meaningful hug and it was long. "How are you Emmy-Bear?" he asked me when he finally pulled away and i walked into his room and sat on his bed.
"Good." and that's were I stayed talking with him until it started to get dark, "I better go. I'll be back in alittle while."
"Alright." he said and I hurried out.
"Bye mamma, see ya later."
I was about half way home when there was a snap to my left."Hello, little princess." I turned to see a wolf white as snow and eyes a piercing green. It stepped closer and took a step back. "Do not be afraid, I'm not here to hurt you." He had a creepy voice and his eyes were uneasy. "What do you want." I asked quietly.
"So you can understand me, Good now let me make this easy." He lunged at me and I Stepped quickly to the side, he laughed. "Your fast, little princess."
"What do you want!" I cry.
"Jacob!!!!"I yell at the top of my lungs, and he laughed again.
"No one can here you. Silly." he came closer
"Leave me alone." There was a flash of brown and a yelp. I stepped back trying to figure out what was going on. The white wolf was gone and the brown wolf came throw the trees and growled at me. Jacob.
I ran home and the pack was already there. "What were You thinking!"Jacob yelled.
"I just went to see my family."
"And you went throw the woods by yourself, Do you have any idea how stupid you are." He was pacing the living room and i was sitting on the couch.
"I'm sorry."was all I could say. I couldn't look at him.
"Your sorry! Emily what would of happened if i didn't show up!" all the fear and anger hit me at once. I stood up. "I'm Sorry!" I yelled tears streaming from my face and ran to my room. about ten minutes later Jacob came in to the room, "Look, Emily im sorry I blow-up like that. I just dont want you to get hurt." he came over and scooped me off the bed and on to his lap, after he sat down. "I love you." he said as he wiped away the last of the tears.
"I'm so sorry, Jacob. It wont ever happen again."
he kissed my forehead, "Get ready okay we need to be there by six." he got up and walked out. I sat there for a while before I got up to get ready. I felt exhausted, but I got ready anyway.
We took Jake's car, and when we got there he tensed but it slipped away quickly, I glanced at him, "Weird, but im sure its nothing... Babe calm down, your eyes." he said before getting out to open my door. We walked in and the house smelled of home, dad always was a great cook. "Hey Jake." said my mom as we walked into the living room," Emily." I smiled at her. Jacob tensed again only seconds before I did and his head snapped to the stair case and Anna was walking down with the look of death in her eyes but they quickly changed to happiness. I could feel Jacobs body heating up, and i closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Hey lil sis." she said coming over to hug me, Jacob pulled me back alittle and i looked at him. He wanted to talk. I hugged Anna and walked outside Jacob in tow. "What is it." I asked taking his hand. "Somethings up with her. I sensed it and so did you."

Chapter 4

A week later i woke up on the day on transformation, Jacob wasn't in bed. i got up and walked into the living room. "Hey beautiful." Tommy said from the couch. i smiled at him, "Wheres Jacob?" he shrugged and went on playing with the dogs. "Hey Emily." Bear said from the kitchen doorway. "You ready."
"As ready as i'll ever be."
"Good meet us at the line in about five minutes."
I nodded.
When i got there Jacob wasn't there. "Okay guys let's keep it close today." Bear was telling the pack. "Just run." Forrest whispered in my ear and Eric came running throw the trees, "What? Did you think I would miss it." I felt suddenly better that he was here, since Jacob wasn't.the pack started to walk to the line. "Wait! What do I do?" I whined. "Trust me, you'll know."Tommy whispers in my eat." we star a fast walk and it quickly turns to running. Everyone's laughing and barking. I look to my left and say gray and Eric bolts to the left. I pick up my pace and look to my right to see Bear, "Your doing great Emily. Just jump." he says and disappears in to the trees. My pace quickens even more and I jump...and everything goes slow... and I land on four feet, or paws I should say. I laugh and run to find my pack. About five minutes later Tommy comes into view. I nip at his heals and he chases me I run as fast as I can. I stop at the creek when I was sure I lost him. I laughed and looked at my reflection in the fur was a extremely light brown, not like the darker browns of the rest of the pack, and my eyes were bright purple. "You okay?"eric says walking up next to me. "yeah. totally." I say. "We'll let's go. Its getting dark."
When we got to the pack house i sat on the couch. about ten minutes later Jacob walks through the door. "Hey everyone!" no one answered. he leans over the back of the couch, "Hey baby." he says and tries to kiss my cheek and i scoot away.
"What wrong."HE asked.
"Yeah, Really. i have no clue whats going on."
"Just go away."
"No Emily.! talk to me."
I stood up and glared at him,"I needed you today. You should know how important it was to me!"
"I wasn't there because i don't like the fact that your a wolf! It's dangerous and your immature and i wont always be there to save your ass!" he yelled with so much anger it brought the rest on the pack into the living room. A tear slipped and i slapped him. I pushed past Bear and walked to my room. I crawled into my bed and cried. Jacob didn't come into the room. the next morning i grabbed the dogs and went for a run.

Chapter 5

"Emily Up!" Bear yelled from the doorway. i sat up and looked around the room, Jacob was already up and getting ready. School, great and im so excited, yeah right. We road to the school in silence. ever since the fight last week we haven't really talked. walking into the office was surprisingly nerve racking. "Name?" the secretary asked. "Emily Luna." i answered and she handed me my schedule:

Period Class Teacher
1 Gym Mr. Jay
2 Romanian Ms.Ishcov
3 AP ELA Mr. Lane
4 Geology Mr.Romero
5 AP Sci. Mr.Dragomir
6 World Hist. Ms.BRooks
7 physiology Mr.Dragomir

So my classes were amazing. "Hey Em." Jacob says from behind me. "Hey," i gave him a quick kiss. he looked surprised. "I don't wanna argue anymore, Jake." he smile and asked to see my classes, "Well we have Romanian and Gym together." i smiled , "Are you walking with me?"
"Of course."
Gym was a bluer and i was so happy when it came to be Romanian. when i walked in i was token my the teacher and the fact there was only about twenties kids. I took a seat next to Jacob and smiled at him. the bell rang. "Hello class. I'm mister Ishcov and today is going to be a distraction Day, or a fun day as you might say. Today i will answer any questions and expect you to do the same." he says in a mild accent. I liked Mr.Ishcov he seemed very calm and looked extremely young with long black hair pulled into a loses pony tail. After a while i raised my hand "How old are you?"
" Aha. a question i can never avoid i and 38 as of yesterday and had my first child when i was twenty one." i nodded."And you miss Luna are what sixteen and adopted." i looked at him stunned he gave me a smile and we had a long staring match. "Whats your kids name?" someone yelled. "My sons name is Adrian and he is right behind miss Luna." i glanced back and saw a gorgeous guy with hair just like his dads and deep green eyes. "Hello Beautiful." he says calmly to me. "Hi." i was stunned by him. i could feel Jacob looking at me and quickly looked away from him. What was up with this place?
So i went through the rest of my classes(Adrian was in all of them) and when i got to the pack house Jake wasn't happy.
"I don't like that kid."
"why not."
"Just the way he looks at you."
"You don't like any gut who looks at me." i say and walk away.
He grabbed my wrist, " i wasn't done Emily." he said in a deep growl and his eyes flashed yellow.
"Jacob, your hurting me." he quickly looked down at my wrist and let go. "Em, im sorry." he went to hug me and i stepped back. i cant believe i was scared of him. he took another step toward me and someone blocked his path, Forrest. "Jake can i talk to you outside." i stood there for a minute and walked to my room. i sat on the bed than when to sleep.

Chapter 6

the next mourning i went to the lake. the dogs were playing in the creek when Ivy came up and laid her head on my lap. "What is it Girl?" she whined and licked my hand. " Are you talking to me?" says a voice from behind me and i nearly had a heart attack. It was Adrian. "Oh um no sorry."
"Emily right."He said in an accent.
"If you don't mind me to ask. What are you doing here so early?"
he was shirtless and had an amazing body. six pack, chizzled pecks-"Emily?"
"Oh, sorry. i bring my dogs out everyday. you know exercise."
"Yeah."I looked up at him and we held eye contact. i quickly looked away. "So, your accent isn't as strong as your dads."
"Well he lived in Romania and was born there. i lived there for ten years so it kinda works itself out."
We talked for hours, about everything and nothing. i looked at my phone, "Oh god. It's 7;30, i better go."
"wait, Emily." he smiled and i lost my breath.
he stepped closer,"You have the most amazing eyes." and so did he the most olive shade of green. "Emily?!" both our head snap to the sound of Jacobs voice. he walk over to Adrian and pushed him, "Back off, bro!" Jake yelled.
Adrian's eyes flashed yellow, and i took a set back. A wolf! He was a wolf! "Stay away from her."Jacob yelled. "I think she can make her own decisions ." he said through clinched teeth. "Get out here."
"Or what?"
Jacob took a step forward and i stepped between them.
"Stop! What the hell is going on here!"
"He's a wolf. Whats wrong Em, new bestie didn't tell you that he's a wolf. See that red bracelet around his wrist," my eyes flicked to his wrist, "it has black willow vine in it so other wolf cant detect him. He's a smart one." i shook my head. "Adrian is that true, are you a wolf?"
he stepped toward me,"Emily please let me explain."
"No. i don't want you to."
"Fine Emily then i will," Jacob says from behind me, "His pack and him are here to recruit you for their pack."
"Thats not why." Adrian said defensively. My head hurt, i felt like i was going to erupt. i stepped back. "Emily, please." Adrian said, with true sadness in his eyes, "Anastasia." Anastasia? why was that name mine? i turned and ran.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.04.2011

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