
Chapter 1

I’m laying there just laying there, nervous about my first day of training, no one ever mentioned training. Jacob shifts in the bed next to me and opens his eyes, I smiled at him and he lifted a corner of his blanket, I quickly shuffled out of my blankets and walked across the small room to his bed and covered up. I put my head on his chest and he said, “What’s wrong?”
“Babe, it’s okay to be nervous.”
I loved this feeling. Being rapped in Jacobs’s arms laying my head on his chest and knowing than no one loves me more than him and no one can hurt me. I look up at him and smile, he smiles back and kisses me gently. I sigh. We laid there for about an hour before I got up and he closely followed. When we walked out Forrest and James were already awake, playing with the dogs. “Morning.” Forrest says with out even looking up from Duke. “Same to you too.” I reply. As Jacob plopped down on the couch I said, “I’m going for a run.” Jacob looked at me, “ Give me a minute and I’ll go with you.”
“No, I like running by myself, gives me time to think.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” I said sarcastically, kissed his cheek and left before he could say anything else.
Running to the creek was great, it was exactly what I needed. I came to the creek and saw Eric sitting on the log, as usually.
“Hey.” I say happily.
“Long time no see.” He stood up and gave me a hug.
“Yeah, with the pack and everything it’s hard.”
“ I understand.”
“So aren’t you supposed to be trying to get me to join your pack.”
He laughed, “ Yeah, but I’m not going to, I think it should be your decision.”
I smiled at him.
He smiles and says, “Come on I want to show you something.”
“Okay.” We walked up a hill for about an hour when we came to an opening at the end of a cliff. “Wow, it’s beautiful.” I said as I looked over the cliff and I could see the forest and most of Crystal Lake. He sat on the ground and mentioned me to sit. “When we first came here ten years ago I found this place, it helps me think.” We were quiet just looking at all the different things. “How many of you are there, exactly?” I asked.
“Um, well there’s about four girls and six boys… you pack is strange, because there’s such a large number of guys but you’re the only girl. It confuses my family.”
“I never noticed that. Probably because the boys have human girlfriends, I don’t know.”
“Sooo, if you don’t mind me asking, have you changed yet?”
“Um, no. Today is my first day of training.”
“Well the first day is- ” Ring!Ring!
he smiled at me and said, “ You should probably get that.”
“Hello?” I answer
“Where the hell are you.” It was Jacob.
“Why are you yelling at me?”
“Because you’ve been gone for three hours and you weren’t answering your phone.”
”Well I didn’t hear it ring.”
“Whatever, you need to get back now.” I chuckled. He knew I was stubborn and hated it when people told me what to do. “Hey Emily, Is every thing alright?” Eric asks.
“Who’s that!” Jacob yelled.
“Eric, I’m on my way back, okay.” And I hung up, and sighed.
“He must care about you, a lot.” Eric said.
“Yeah.” I said as I stand up. “See you later?”
“Yeah. Tell Jacob I said Hi.” I laughed and hugged him, then waved good-bye.

Chapter 2

I walked throw the front door, and Jacob was sitting on the couch, everyone else was gone. “Hey.” I said slyly.
“You were gone for three hours with a Grady.” He looked pissed.
“It’s not like that, Eric thinks it should be my chose in the pack I pick.”
“And you believe his crap!” he stood up and walked over to me.
“Jacob, calm down.”
“Calm down! You wouldn’t answer your phone. You could have been hurt!” His eyes flashed yellow and I backed away. He sighed, closed his eyes, and unclenched his jaw. “Emily, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled, but I worry about you.”
“I know. I know,” I said and hugged him. He kissed my head. I look in his eyes, “ You know I love you.” He smiled, “ of course I do.” He kissed me and we sat on the couch.
Cuddling took his mind of being mad, I’ve learned that from our three months of being together. I looked up at him and kissed his neck, he smiled, and kissed me. Being here alone with him made me want him even more. I got on his lap and kissed him again. His hands were around my waist and his lips lowered to my neck. I gasp as he bites me gently. I rapped my hands in his hair and kissed him rougher as his hands went up my back. Our breaths got faster and he pulls away suddenly, “We have to stop.”
“What?” I said getting of his lap and standing in front of him.
“Babe, you know I want you.” He said as he grabbed my waist.
I pulled away, “You always do this, you go along with it then you stop.”
“Your right, I shouldn’t of let it go as far as it did.”
“But that’s the thing, we didn’t even go far.”
“Babe can we not do thi-”
I collapsed to the floor. The excruciating pain was back. Ripping throw my body. “Emily, it’s okay. Baby just breath.” Jacob tries to sooth me, but all I can do is yell. The pain is terrible, but I try to muffle my screams. Then all the sudden it stopped. My body ached and I started to sob. Jacob pulled me on to the couch and I cried into his shoulder and we sat there and he sooth me as I sobbed. “Baby it’s okay, it’s okay. I promise.” He sounded sad and my sobs soothed as I drifted into sleep on his chest.
When I woke up Jake and Bear were in the kitchen, talking.
“Jacob there’s nothing I can do.”
“You weren’t here. Bear she just collapsed, no warning.”
“It’s part of the change, what do you want me to do.”
They were both silent and I walked over to the doorway.
“ I though she was going to die, Bear.”
“Jake I really wish I could do something, but I can’t.”
I walked into the kitchen and leaned up on the wall. There was a really awkward silence. “Um, I better go, um, take the dogs out.” Bear says, I think mostly to break the silence.
I walked over to Jake and smiled. “Jake, I’ll be okay.”
“Babe, I was so scared.” He said and took my hands.
“It’s okay, everyone goes throw it right.”
“Yeah, But yours are worst.” he looked down.
“I can deal. Hey, Jake look at me, please.”
He looked up at me and I kissed him, “ It will be alright, I’ll be alright, we’ll be alright, and now lets forget about what happened this afternoon and go sit on the couch with the pack and listen to the argue over who won the football game.”
He looked at me and smiled, “ Okay.” I took his hand and we did exactly that, walked into the living room and laughed as the boys argued, and later he picked me up and carried me to his bed wear we laid and talked about absolutely nothing.

Chapter 3

When I woke up Jacob was gone with a note in his place that said,

Went out with the boys be back in a little while. Love you.

I smiled at the note and put it in my dresser and walked out and watched T.V. It was Five a.m. and I had to look twice, I never get up this early. I spent about three hours watching the news and reality Show, when there was a knock on the door, which surprised me. No one ever came over to the Pack house unless it was one of the boys’ girlfriends or a parent and I doubt one of the would be here this early. I walked to the door slowly and looked throw the peephole, and I quickly open the door. “Eric what are you doing here?!”
“I need to talk to Bear.” He answered looking worried.
“Bear? Eric what’s going on?” as I said that the pack came throw the trees laughing. When Jake looked up he eyes instantly yellowed and I walked over to them. “ He wants to talk to you, Bear.” Bear looked at me and I shrugged. I looked at the rest of the pack, they looked nervous and twitchy. “Boys, lets go to my house.” They all nod nervously and we set back into the woods as Bear and Eric walk into the house. The farther away we got the less nervous they got, about half way there I noticed Jacob was keeping his distance from the pack and I stop and waited for him to catch up. “Hey, you okay.” I asked.
“Yeah, I’m just thinking.”
“Bout what.” He took my hand.
“You…Babe, I love you and the last thing I want is for you to get hurt.”
“Jake, I wont get hurt. I have the pack to protect me, I have you to protect me.”
“What if I’m not there?”
“Then I can take care of myself.”
“Okay, Lets drop it, I don’t want to start a fight.” He says and puts he arm across my shoulder, right as we walk up to my house. Gerald and Lilly come running full speed out the house and both hug me tight. “Oh my god sissy, I missed you so much.” Lily said jumping up and down. “I’ve only been gone for a couple of days.”
“Yeah but Gerald said you weren’t coming back.” My head snapped in Gerald’s direction, “Why would you say that?”
“Because Bryan said that you were to busy with Jake.” He replied.
“Both of you look at me, I love you guys and I would never leave you. Okay.”
“Okay.” They both say in sink.
They both take a hand and we walk into the house. “Hey mamma.” I said and gave her a hug. “Hey baby. I though you were staying at Jacob’s?”
“ I am, just brought they boys over to say hi.”
“Oh, that’s nice. I’ll make lunch.”
“Okay, is Bryan in his room?”
“Yeah.” She said walking back to the kitchen and I headed up the stairs.
I walked into his room and he was on his laptop. “What’s your problem.”
His head snapped up, “What?”
“You told our six year old little brother and sister I was to busy for them.”
“Well, yeah.”
“Why would you say that?”
“Because I think its true, we’ve lived her for three in a half months and you haven’t been here for about a month altogether.”
“Look there’s stuff going on that you wouldn’t understand.”
“Is he threatening you?”
“Is Jacob threatening you, to say with him or something.”
“No! Of course not.”
“Look Em, I’m sorry, but you have changed and it’s truly like you don’t care about us anymore.”
“I do. There’s just some stuff I have to take care of.” I walked over and sat next to him.” I love you guys, remember that.”

Chapter 4

When we got home, I walked into the kitchen wear Bear was making dinner. As is started to help him a looked at him, “Soo.” He smiled and said, “ I’ll tell everyone after dinner.” He looked nervous even though he was hiding it with a smile I could tell .I finished chopping veggies and put a pot of water on the stove. “How’s the pain?” Bear asked looking at me from across the kitchen. “Haven’t had one today.”
“Well it only happens for about a week, so you only have four days left.”
“Thank god, because the pain is terrible.”
“Well, after, you can finally transform, and run with the pack.”
“I’m happy about that.”
“Just for now, since I’m not going to have time to train you, when the pain comes, fight it. Don’t let it control you.”
“Okay.” I really didn’t understand any of this, but I wanted to make him feel better, and when I said what I said he looked a little less nervous. “Why don’t you go hang with the pack, I got dinner.” He said with a smile. “Okay.” I said and walk out to the living room, but Jake wasn’t out there. “Room.” Morgan said with out looking up. I walked down the hall to our room. “Jacob.” I said as I opened the door. He was sitting on his bed reading.
“Yeah.” He looked up at me.
“Nothing.” I said and turned to walk out.
”Wait, Em! Come sit with me.”
I walked back into the room and sat next to him. He put the book down and kissed my cheek, and I giggled like a schoolgirl and blushed. “You okay?” He asks.
“Yeah. Are you?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” It’s never really been awkward between Jacob, and me but this was awkward. He put his book down and started to massage my shoulders. “That feels so good.” I tell him. He playful growled and bit my ear. I bite my lip, and he kissed my neck. I turn around and kiss him back. He laid down and pulled me on top of him. I kissed him gently and he hands were on my waist. He kissed me rougher and bit my lip. We sat up and he kissed my neck. His grasp on my waist harder and harder as we kissed. My waist started to hurt really bad, but I didn’t say anything. It was like we were in a trance. “ Hey! Love birds. Dinner!” Paul calls from the doorway, and we both pulled away, breathing fast. He pulls his hand of my waist, noticing how hard he’s holding me. “Babe, I’m so sor-”
“ Come on dinners ready.” I said before he could apologize.
I walked down the hall and looked at the dinner table. Hamburgers, salad, fries, and chips, I quickly got to my seat, and Jacob came in about two minutes later and sat in his seat. Eating was awkward, not for the rest of the pack but for me it was. Jacob wouldn’t look at me, nether would Bear. I lose my appetite and walked outside, and dialed Anna’s number.
“Hello?” she answered.
“Hey Anna.”
“Holly crap, Emily?”
“I’ve missed you so much.”
“I was at the house today, but you weren’t home.”
“Really? Hey I’ll call you back. You know dinner.”
“ Yeah. Okay.” I smiled as she hung up. It was nice hearing my big sisters voice every now and then.
I walked into the house and every ones attention turned to me.
“What.” I say trying to sound as innocent as I can.
“The Gradys heard another pack was headed out here.” Jacob said looking pissed.
“Why are they coming here.”
“They want you.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.07.2010

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