
We pull up to a huge old cabin house in the small town of Crystal Falls, Michigan."It's wonderful, Emily." My sister Anna says. "That's what 50 years in saving bonds will get you." My grandma Luna says with a old grin. My family was ridiculously rich, but me, Anna and Bryan were pretty much the only normal ones. All three of us were born in crystal falls the younger twins Gerald and Lilly, were born in good old Hollywood, Ca. Ring...Ring

"Hello?" i answer my phone.
"Hey Em its Jacob, are you there yet."
"Pulling up as we speak."
"Be there in ten."

He hangs up first.
me and Jacob have been friends since birth. He was only a little over a year older than me,so he's 17 and im 16, but when we moved we drifted apart and we hoped on being friends again now that im back.

The car jerks to a stop and my dad yells "Every body out." we all race into the house, through the front door, and we all gasp. To admit we had a huge house in California, but this was amazing. When you first walk in you see the huge living room and stairs to you left and to your right was the kitchen and dinning room and the hallway.

"Okay Anna, Emily upstairs. Your guys room is right next to Bryan , Gerald and Lilly down her with me, daddy, and Grandma." Me, Anna, and Bryan looked at each other, smiled, and raced up the stairs. Me and Anna stop at the bigger room and quickly claim it. "Wow Anna look at this view."I said. Anna walks over and says "Its beautiful." We look at each other and smile. " Emily! Jacob's here and come get your dogs!" My mother yells. I race down the stairs and jump into his arms. We were wrapped in a tight hug until he pulls away and we look each other over. He looks very Quileute . His hair is black and goes to his mid back, his eyes are still a chocolate brown. "You look good." he say braking the silence along with, " I missed you." and he hugged me again. " Emily! Come get these dam dogs!" my mom yells again. and i race to her and took my two dogs, Duke and Ivy ,two pure bred Irish wolfhound.i walk back to the living room only to see Jacob being attacked by Lilly and Gerald. "Off!" i yell and the jump off immediately we all look at each other, then we all laugh. "Kay Em What do you want me to do?" Jacob asks. "well i could use some help moving some boxes." we start to walk out side and I bump into Bryan. "sorry." i say. he looks at Jacob, up and down trying to remember his name."Jacob? holy crap you grew up." he hugged him." Um hate to brake up this love fest, but Emily we have boxes to move." Anna says coming down the stairs. " Right...okay lets go." We all start two walk out and grabbed a

chapter 2

about four hours later we were done for the day.
"im getting in the shower." Anna says, and leaves the room. I glance over at Jacob and hes laying on my bed head propped on his hand. he was looking at me too.

"what?" i ask.
"you look really good." he smiles
"so do you."
he sat up on the bed and motioned me over. i walked over and sit next to him.

"how have you been?" he asked
"good. i found out this summer, im adopted."
"We all knew."
"I know"
all the sudden the room vibe was sadder some how.

" i really have missed you." he said and took my hand
he leaned in and kissed me, gently, then we broke apart. we looked a each other.this time i kissed him, rougher, his hands move around my waist "uh-hum!" we pulled away and looked at the source of the noise. Bryan was standing there looking more than a little mad. "Jake i think you should leave."
"yeah i should, talk to you later Em."
"okay, let me walk you out."
i walked him to the out to the porch.

"sorry about Bryan, but you know how protective.."
"yeah i know, don't try to enplane yourself." he cuts in with a smile.
" well goodnight."i turn to walk back in to the house, but he grabbed my wrist and said " Wait.. i know this is weird, but do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow?"
"like a date?"
" yes exactly like a date." he pulls me closer and gives me a quick kiss.
"of course, i will"
he lets me go and says goodnight.
as i walk him walk away i swear someone was watching me. i look throw the think trees surrounding the house.i finally convince myself in being ridiculous and go back to my room. Where Anna's already asleep. i crawl into bed and wonder what im up for tomorrow.

chapter 3

I wake up bright and early, walk down stairs and pull two leases out of a little brown box.
"Duke, Ivy lets go!" i say in the loudest whisper and they come racing to me. I hook them up and walk outside getting ready for my morning run. I slip on the hood of my jacket and start too run. After about an hour i stop at a little creek and take a breather, but Ivy and Duke start to growl.
"Whats wrong, guys."

I look in the direction there growling and a guy walks out. "Oh, hello." i say.
"Hey, in Eric Grady. nice dogs."
Wow...Eric, had amazing gray eyes.
"Thanks...Im sorry, my name is Emily."
"That a nice name. Didn't you just move into the old Luna house?"
"Yeah... my grandma was one of the original Luna's ."
"Wow... you don't look like a Luna."
"Well im adopted. im actually part quileute and something else."I say with a cricked grin.
i don't know what it is about Eric but we just clicked.
"That Explains the hair."
"What do you mean?"
"The dark brown but not quite black. Its a wonderful color."
"Thanks." I blush.
Me and Eric talk for about a hour, time flew. I looked at my phone.
"oh god,it twelve thirty... i better get home."
"Well lets exchange phone numbers then."
"okay." he hands me his phone as i hand him is.
He looks at me, smiles and says,"see you around."
"Yeah...okay" i reply then start for home.
when i walk throw the front door, i smell eggs and bacon.
"Smells good!" i yell and walk into the kitchen to see Anna Making Lunch." Hey, need any help?" i ask.
"Yeah. can cut more meat."
"So. you and Jake?"
"Bryan told you."
"Well i guess were kinda a thing now. im having dinner with him tonight."
we were kinda quiet the rest of the afternoon until the dogs came running throw the house with a pair on Anna's flip flops. that was exciting.

Around four i went upstairs and started to unpack my desk and laptop. looking around my room i noticed how much extra room i had. i ran down the stairs.
"mom im going out!"
"Okay, wait where."
i come to the key hook and took my car keys off and walked into the garage and headed down the was only about ten miles into town and i decided to stop at gas station, as i walked i couldn't help myself but to listen to there conversation and i swear i hear Jacob."well i be, is that Emily?"
i look to where my name came from and saw Henry White, Jacob's dad,said. Everything got really quiet and Jake walked out of the group of quileute boys and said, "Yes it is," and kissed my cheek." I couldn't help but smile as i walked over to the register to pay for my soda, Jake right next to me the whole time. "Hey, Henry. how are you?"
"Good. what about you."
"Great, Jacob tells me your coming over for dinner."
"Yeah, but right now im going to look at couches. Do you know where any furniture stores are."
"I'll take you to one."Jacob says.
"Okay. bye Henry see ya tonight."
and then were out the door.

We walk to his car and he opens my door before i can. his truck is warm and homie ,he gets in and we start to drive. "So,Jacob what exactly are we?"
"Well i like to think we are dating."
"Okay just making sure...what do you know about the Grady's?"His face instantly turned to a frown.
"Why do you ask?"
"Well i meat a Guy named Eric today."
"Eric Grady. where?"
"Out by Feather creek on my morning run. Whats wrong." he's jaw was set tight and the was breathing a little hard." The Grady's are trouble, there's about ten Grady's living over by you in that house. Them and the Quileute don't really get along." his jaw started to loosen and he looked at me and smiled. "Here we are." after about two hours of shopping he takes me home.
"Okay help me carry the couch."
we walk into the house and set it down.
"No problem."
"See you in about an hour."
i give him a quick kiss and opened the door. he smiled and kissed me harder with more need my mouth opens beneath him and out toughs barley meet. we both take a step back, and he walks out the door i run up-stairs and try to find something suitable to wear. i end up choosing a dark purple dress with black flats, with the help of Anna. And head down stairs wear Jacob waits for me.

chapter 4

The ride there was quiet and when we pulled up in front of his house he made no a temp to get out.
"Emily i have a gift for you." he says and smiles, as he pulls out a little black box and opens it."oh my god, Jake its beautiful." i say as he pulls out a necklace with a dark blue stone on it.
"All Quileute males give it to a girl there dating."
"I love it." after he put the necklace on i kissed him hard and passionate his hand were around my waist again and his lips on my neck.BAND!BANG!BANG! "Jake get a room." A bot yells from in front of the car, we pull away and he says sorry and gets out to open my door.
as we walk inside i cant help but notice there are alot of people ,all Quileute. Dinner was wonderful everyone was having there own conversations.
"Hey Emily lets go for a walk." Jake says.
we start to walk.
"There's something i have to tell you."he says.
"Okay. what is it."
"There's an old quileute legend about our ancestors turning into wolfs. Funny right."
"where is this going exactly."
"its not a legend, Emily."
"so your telling me your some kind of werewolf?"
"you think im joking,Don't you."
"yes i do."

to be continued


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.06.2010

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