
Bonus Book

“BOOM! and that’s how it happened!” Said Josh, “HA! I got a better one!” I started to tell my stories but heard something behind me. I thought it was Snowball but, it wasn’t, so we ignored it. Even though I didn’t agree and thought it wasn’t smart, but we were idiots so, we ignored it. My stories start of with the “Plane”  story. So, this man people said he was from another dimension though that’s later, flew in from he said a country that’ in between france and spain called taured. So, when he went through customs they stopped to question him because his passport said he is from taured and it’s not a real country (by the way he flew to japan) and he also said he flew here to meet with a company that also didn’t exist! His passport was also stamped many times by Japan. So, they put him in a hotel room until they can figure it out. He was on the top floor with his door locked and guarded so the only way out was jumping down but, he would’ve died so they would have found a body. The next morning they checked him but, couldn’t find him. So, people say that when the plane from our dimension and the plane from


their dimension went through a wormhole and switched dimensions and in the hotel room he opened a wormhole and went back.

“WOW”  Said Josh. “ That’s not even the scary one!” “Really!” Said Willow. “Yeah! How about this one!” This story starts off with nine hikers. They were in college professionals, so they were trained. One person stayed behind because they were sick and thought they couldn’t make it. So, they decided to go and leave the person behind. Fast forward a couple weeks later they never came………….. Wait do you hear that? In the middle of my story I heard another noise but it was different. It sounded like cracking branches. We thought it was the other camps because it was a community campsite. So, we ignored it. (Again we were idiots.) Anyways they never came back. So, The person that stayed behind called the police and they  investigated. They show the police the trail and found a tent cut on the side, from the inside. They went the trail and found bodies and their undergarments. A little further and they found bodies with missing limbs like tongue. They said it was caused either by the yeti, aliens, or a annual Russia weapons check.

“ Whoa! That’s  Sooo cool!” Said Jason.  “I have another short one.  want to hear it?” “ YEAH!” yelled  Jason, Josh, and Willow. “Here we go.” This one is about Elisa Lam.  she was a really famous person and had ADHD. The last footage of her wish I was in an elevator just and boy clothes. When she was in the elevator She looked like she was hiding from something. She pushed all the buttons What's a door never close till she left and she was standing, There for a good 30 minutes. The next day they went to filter the pool water in the containers on top of the buildings and found her dead. All of a sudden we heard the same noise but closer.That moment I decided to turn around and............ she turned around And saw something she'd never seen before. Hi I'm the new narrator.


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Brian W. Alaspa     author of the cover


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.09.2018

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