
Chapter 1. Unexpected

Have you ever seen a tsunami this horrible?
Well I have and I got really shocked because it was so disturbing!
It was very sad to see all the water take cars,houses,and PEOPLE!!
The part I most scared is will the tsunami come all the way to the Oregon coast?well I didn't really get an answer for that but I heard in the news that they were starting to evacuate the Oregon coast because of the tsunami!

Well here is the story!
It all started on a normal morning in japan people were doing as usual like going to work,cooking,and going to the park.Then people heard the roof crack and and water rushing thru the streets!The only thing people did was PANIC!who wouldn't? The tsunami was so strong it took almost all of japan!houses,cars,and even people were pulled by the water!It was so sad to see the people get pulled by the tsunami and houses getting pulled by the tsunami and people were still inside!Some people were trying to call for help from there sinking house!The army came to help the people in need and to save them from sinking.When it was all over people were sent to a shelter that was sure to keep them safe at all times.people were crying because they were so scared and terrified!while the people in Oregon were evacuated from the Oregon coast.some people stayed in the oregon coast because they didn't hear about the tsunami and got badly hurt when it finally came. I was so terrified because I actually thought it was going to come all around Oregon!The news said that only some survived the tsunami in Japan. It was very sad to hear that because they should all survived.I think the worst storm I've heard was the tsunami in japan.I don't like seeing storms because they are very sad especially if they are very dangerous!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.03.2011

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This is to all the people of the tsunami in japan

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