



Jace, who was a gorgeous guardian angel, was watching his human charge Erwin.  As he did day in and out since the day the human had been born.  Nothing makes a guardian angel happier than to be the first guardian angel to a human.  Jace on the other hand, had been given the worst charge ever.  A human who thought he was handsome, charming and an all-around nice guy.  That was when it suited him.


One day when they were out on one of Erwin’s, “I am perfect” outings, Jace did find the perfect human.


There setting on a park bench eating lunch was a beautiful woman.  Jace couldn't take his eyes off her; he had never seen anyone that lovely even in the heavens.  Maybe it was wrong but he wanted to get to know her.  He wasn’t thinking about the rules.  His body hardened for the first time and he wanted to know more about her.


Jace had experimented with his human for years.  Tried to give Erwin ideas, help him be a good human.  To no avail, Erwin was beyond redemption and Jace was stuck with the lousy man.  Therefore, for the first time in Jace’s long existence he pushed Erwin in a woman’s direction.  Erwin the clueless human that he was followed Jace’s thoughts.  Jace was aware that Erwin thought he was a “ladies” man.  He oozed a confidence that women loved or so he thought. 


Jace didn't know it at the time, but when he found Jamie, Erwin thought that he could have his cake and eat it too.  He could get booty every night with Jamie then during the day with other women.  He liked being a player.


Jamie felt before she saw the man who was coming towards her.  Her hair almost stood on end from the electricity she felt coarse through her.  When she looked up an average looking man was standing a few feet from her.  She gave him a tentative smile.  She liked the tingly feeling even though the man evoking it wasn’t that good looking.  She wondered if she should give him a chance.


The two sat and talked for a while and soon they were dating on a regular basis.  Jace was happy with getting to know Jamie too but soon came to regret his decision.

Chapter One



Two years later: 


“What do you think?”  Sybil asked Jace as they stood in the small kitchen watching their charges eat dinner.


“He has been cheating on her again.”  Jace scowled down at Sybil.


“She doesn’t suspect a thing.  Are you sure?”  Sybil blushed when Jace gave her that “are you nuts” look.


“Okay I am sorry.  Of course, you know.  I just hate seeing her get hurt again.”  Sybil moved closer to her charge. 


Jamie, Sybil's charge, was a gorgeous human with skin the color of soft alabaster and soft grey eyes.  Her hair was a mahogany that had a multitude of colors in it that fell straight to her waist.  Today she wore it in a French braid that highlighted the soft blond streak that was zigzagging through the weave.


“I don’t want her hurt either.  Have you ever tried to talk to her?”  Jace watched as Erwin, Jace's prick of a charge, placed his slimy hand on Jamie’s butt. 


Jace would have hurt the man a couple of years ago if it hadn’t been against the rules.  Gods help him but he was going to break those rules one day!


There was a hum in the air indicating one of them was being summoned.  Sybil looked over at Jace stunned.  It was rare to have a summons from the heavens for instructions.


“Was that for you?”  She whispered quietly as if someone might hear her.


“Yes.  Keep an eye on the grease ball for me I'll be back.”  He said before disappearing into mist.


“Erwin, what are we doing tonight?”  Jamie smiled as she asked her boyfriend of two years.


They were setting at the kitchen table with the Chinese food they had ordered from the restaurant down the street.  She was bringing the chopsticks to her mouth looking at the snow pea she had trapped between the two pieces of wood.  She moaned inwardly when she realized too late that she shouldn't have asked the question.


“I am going out with the guys tonight.  Didn’t I tell you?”  Erwin lied; she was just a pit stop after all.  God, she had been getting clingy lately.  He needed to break this off sooner than later.


“Oh yeah, maybe you did mention it.”  She felt stupid knowing that he didn’t like it when she tried to spend any time with him.  She had been feeling that this was a waste of her time for quite a while now.  Nevertheless, she didn’t want to go back out into the dating world.  So she just settled with this, thing, she had with him.  Whatever this, thing was.  Once upon a time, she had thought there was something there.  She liked the tingle she felt when he was around.  It was strange though at times, like now she didn't feel that vibe, that zing of a connection.  She sighed taking another bite of her tasteless food.


“I’ll be home late.  Be happy I come home at all,” Erwin kissed her lips briefly as he left with a curt wave and a smile on his lips.


“Be happy I come home at all,” Jamie thought about his nasty statement as she angrily cleaned the table off, wiped down the kitchen, and pulled a container of Ben and Jerry’s out of the freezer.  As she walked to the living room to watch some TV, she caught a glimpse of herself in the floor length mirror hanging at the end of the hall.  She paused looking at her reflection she was gaining weight.  She turned on the balls of her feet and put Ben and Jerry back in their place.


“There, now maybe you’ll stay home,” She mumbled her disgruntle comment to a missing Erwin and went to bed.


While Jamie slept, Sybil stood over her watching her sleep.  Sybil felt helpless.  She couldn't keep Jamie from the hurt.  It was the law that humans had "free will".  Sybil sighed.  Jamie had to make her own decisions.  Sybil turned as a shimmer of light appeared next to her.  Jace appeared as his charge let himself into the apartment.


“What was your news?  You guys are really late,” Sybil was nervous.


“It’s his time.”  Jace told her trying to keep the excitement from his voice.  He didn’t want to give away how happy he was when Zuriel gave him the “not so bad news”. 


“When is it to be?”  Sybil asked again in a whisper.


“Sybil why do you whisper when you know they can’t see or hear us?”  Jace gently asked his companion.


“I don’t know, maybe I am afraid she will hear my distress,” This time her response was in her normal voice.


“Just thought I’d ask,” He said with a shrug, “It will be today on his way to the other girl's house.”  This time he couldn't help the joyous feeling of the jerk getting the front end of a bus.  


“Do you have to sound so happy about it?”  Sybil asked annoyed.  It didn’t bother her that he wasn’t attracted to her, but gods did he have to be so, so….insensitive about it?  She will lose him too and she had grown fond of him.


“I’m sorry.  I know you don’t like your charges hurt, but think of it this way, she will only hurt for a little while,” He smiled down into her beautiful upturned face and saw sadness in her eyes.


“I will miss you, you dumb lug nut!”  She exclaimed and vanished.


He didn’t move.  It took a few moments for her words to sink in.  Then he stood rooted in place, stunned.  They had been friends for two years since their wards became involved.  He didn’t think about them losing their friendship.


“I’m sorry Sybil,” He yelled to the heavens.

Chapter Two



Three years later: 


Jamie thought back to her time with Erwin.  She was on her way to the cemetery to place her yearly flowers on his headstone.  This time of year always made her nostalgic.


It had been three years since Jamie had lost her boyfriend to a hit and run.  She went to the funeral and was surprised to see all the people who showed up.  Several women had attended.  She wasn’t sure who they were but they cried just as she had.  She thought that maybe the other women had been co-workers that liked Erwin.  It was nice to know that others would miss him also. 


 She pulled herself out of the past almost missing the turn into the cemetery.  When she followed the little dirt road to the spot closest to Erwin’s plot, she parked.  She walked enjoying the sun as she weaved in and out of the other plots.  Once or twice, she’d look at a headstone and say a silent prayer for the poor person who had died. 


She shivered, she didn’t like graveyards, and she didn’t like to go to funerals.  But here she was just like the last two years; she would ask herself why she came, but once she got to Erwin’s grave, she’d remember why.  She always got a since of a presence, like, maybe Erwin’s spirit was there with her.  When she left she would feel lighter, with the feeling staying with her for a few hours, she smiled with anticipation.  The thought that he had loved her enough to stay with her warmed her sole. 


However, this year the feeling was somehow, different.  She felt the same tingling like she was in the presence of a spirit but she didn't feel alone.  She turned looking around the cemetery.  Next to a tree, she saw a shadow of a man.  This time someone was watching her.  She tried not to be scared.  She turned back to the headstone when a shiver ran down her spine.  What if he was a killer?  She slowly turned to leave not wanting to give the man any ideas.


“Please wait, I won’t hurt you,” His voice had just the right plea to it that made her stop.  His voice was gravelly as if he was having a problem speaking.  She turned and looked at him.  She noticed a huge lump on his forehead, and it was turning a purplish-black color and he was dirty.  His white shirt was torn.  Was that road rash on his leg under the dirty white pants?


“Oh my god you’re hurt.  Come on, come with me,” She rushed over to him and grabbed his arm as she gently pulled him to her car.  She had to help him.


Two hours before:


Jace couldn’t take it any longer.  Since Erwin's death, Jace received a new ward that he had to stay with at all times.  He could only see Jamie on the anniversary of Erwin's death.  The deity didn’t allow guardian angels to leave their wards unless they had a good reason.  If the deity himself summoned you or like Jace was doing now, going to the gravesite of a previous ward, that was okay.  That was Jace’s excuse every year since Erwin’s death.  However, he wasn’t going to see Erwin, he went to see Jamie.  Gods how he missed her.  She was the only woman he’d been attracted to in his three hundred years of life and now he couldn’t see her every day.  He hadn't thought Erwin's death all the way through.  He hadn't thought he would lose Jamie too.


Over the last three years, he tried to figure out a way to see her more.  The only thing he could think of was becoming human so he researched into how to make himself mortal.  The only information he could find on the subject was the ‘fall’.  But the only thing he could find on the 'fall' was one had to do it.  They called the angels who left the heavens 'the fallen'.  Is this what ‘the fallen’ had to go through to get to their human selves?  Fall?  He didn't know so he went to find a couple of 'the fallen’ to ask but they were so far gone into their humanity they couldn’t hear him any longer.  Jace searched for months trying to find someone to ask.  He was about to give up this morning when he was summonsed to his deity.


He flashed to the deity’s cloud.  It was just a foggy looking cloud, nothing as spectacular as one would think a great deity’s home would look like.  It was a vast nothingness.  Jace so loved the earthly plain with its tree’s, its grass, even the tall buildings the humans built.  However, heaven was nothing.  Nothing but his home, nothing but his prison or at least that was how he felt.  He looked around waiting on his deity lost in thought.


“My son, you are wasting your time,” The deity said with great sadness in his voice.  "You can't be with her."


Jace looked up at his deity with surprise.  “You know what I am doing?”


“Yes my son, and why.  You forget that I am all-knowing.  You love her and want to be with her.  Right?  I have a deal to make with you,” The deity’s voice was fatherly and loving.


“What kind of a deal?”  Jace asked uncertainly.  He’d never heard of the deity making deals with any other angel before.

Chapter Three




“I will allow you to become human for one human month.  At the end of the month if you haven’t convince your human to love you back you will forget her and continue guarding your current ward,” The deity waited for Jace’s answer for a minute.


“Well?”  He prompted Jace.


“All I have to do is get her to love me in one human month?  If she doesn’t I just come back here?”  Jace couldn’t believe it.  That would be a piece of cake, to get her to love him.  He couldn't think about her not wanting him.


“Yes, Yes I’ll do it!”  He exclaimed overjoyed at the thought.


“Don’t you want to know what the consequences are until she falls for you?”  The deity asked solemnly.


Jace looked at the deity and nodded his head too excited to speak.  He’d better hear it all before jumping into this.


“You will be hunted by the demon of lost angels.  Don’t take this lightly my son.  Once you are on the earthly plane you must make her fall in love with you.  However, remember free will and you have to hide from the demons at the same time.  Once she is in love with you then you will be given a choice,” The deity paused and looked at Jace solemnly.


“And that would be?”  Jace asked quietly trying to rein in his excitement and eagerness to go to Jamie.


“You have to decide if you want to stay human or…”  The deity stopped in mid-sentence.  There was a commotion on the other side of the cloud.  The deity started to fade.


“You have to fall.  I mean really fall.  Find a tall building and leap off.  Once at the bottom on the ground you will be visible to all humans.  Be careful what you wish for my son, it won’t be easy….”  The deity’s voice sounded so far away but the words echoed in Jace’s mind.


"Or what?  Or What?"  Jace yelled out.  He wanted to know what his choices would be.  He looked at the empty spot where the deity had stood.  Sybil had been right, he shouldn’t have been that happy about Erwin’s demise.  Erwin’s death changed everything but that was going to change today.  He flashed out of the heavens.


When on earth, he flew around looking for the tallest building he could find.  He was in luck.


He found a very tall building a couple of blocks away from the cemetery.  He flashed to the top and looked down.  He had to ‘fall’, actually fall to the earth.  He pulled his wings in and dove off without a second thought.  He had to force his wings to stay shut.  He picked up speed, as he free fell to earth the momentum of the fall was exhilarating with the wind in his hair.  He could already taste freedom. 


The fall took about five seconds as the ground came into focus Jace smiled and was happy.  That was his last thought before he hit bottom and blacked out.


“Help him, is he okay?”  Jace heard a voice and felt a hand on his face.  He also felt the hard ground beneath him.  A moan escaped through parched lips.


“He is alive.  You said he fell from the top of the building.  Are you sure?”  The voice to the hand that was touching him sounded skeptical.


Jace moved slowly until he realized he’d been lying there far too long.  He had to get to Jamie before she left the cemetery.  He pushed himself up on his elbows.  Although, he was light headed and bruised from head to toe he felt exhilarated and couldn’t wait to find her. 


“Son lay still,” The voice belonged to an elderly man. 


“I can’t I have to find someone,” Jace staggered to his feet with the help of the old man.


“You shouldn’t be up!”  The old man tried to get Jace to lie back down.


Jace finally pulled away from the helpful man and hobbled away.  He ignored the old man yelling at him to be more careful next time.  He got his bearings and headed toward the cemetery.  He walked through the graves when he felt a familiar tingle.


“Hey Jace,” The sweet voice of Sybil met his ears.


He turned to see her leaning against a tree.  She looked the same, still beautiful as ever.


“You went and did it.  You fell?”  She sounded disappointed as she smiled but the smile never made it to her eyes.  “Why?  Why couldn’t you be happy with us?”


“I am happy as an angel, I just want Jamie more,” Jace didn’t recognize his voice.  His throat hurt, his head, and his whole body too was starting to throb with pain.  “Where is she?”  Jace asked not able to keep the excitement out of his voice.


“She is over there,” Sybil pointed towards Erwin's grave.

Chapter Four




Jace walked around the tree and stopped.  There she was and she would be able to see him.  He watched her as she stood over the grave.  She was still wearing black even after


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Patricia Rodriguez
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.12.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7396-4246-8

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