
Chapter One


“The planet is Piecara.  This planet is surrounded by 3 small moons and has three suns.  The sunsets have been said to be the most spectacular in the whole solar system”,

 “Who the bloody hell wrote this shit,” CY flung the brochure at his best friend Aban.  “This planet is barren, and the most disreputable deserted planet I’ve ever seen.”

 He continued in a high feminine voice “and the sunsets are the most spectacular..,” he halted in mid-sentence when Aban elbowed him in the ribs to shut him up.  “OW!  Why did ya do that Aban?  I was only playing,” He whined good-naturedly.

 “Well stop playing.  I am nervous enough as it is.  Get the ship docked so I can get this over with,” Aban loved his friend like a brother.  But sometimes his sense of humor had a lot to be desired and right now he didn’t have any tolerance for his best friend.

 “Artemis One approaching Dock twenty-three, approval to land?”  CY announced.

 “Approved to land Artemis One and welcome to Piecara,” The sexy female voice replied over the intercom.

 “It’s going to be dark soon Aban.  Are we going to head out to get your bride or are we going to stay the night here?”  CY asked Aban, knowing damn good and well that Aban was not ready to meet his bride to be. 

 Besides this particular planet was considered a dangerous place and no one with any brains would roam the county side of a hostile planet in the dark.  There were thieves, bandits and space pirates abound here and even if one was a great soldier one wouldn’t take that chance especially since they were there to clean the place up.  This planet was not anything like their own planet or even close to the hundreds of other planets they visited over the years.  They were going to have to be on their toes and cautious. 

This was an undercover mission and their identity was to be kept a secret, at least till they were at their final destination. 

 After they landed and gathered their gear they departed the ship.  It would have taken three to four hours to be inspected on any other planet but it took only an hour to go through customs here.  This planet was small and the security was not very high.  That was probably why the pirates loved this place so much. 

 Being tired from the long flight they walked through the small town to find some place to stay for the night.  They passed several taverns and on occasion a body would come flying out the door to land at their feet with a thump.  Aban didn’t want to stay where CY might get into a fight so he shook his head no to all the taverns they passed till they had no choice when they were at the last tavern available.  At least this place seemed quiet.

 They procured a room and Aban looked around.  At least it was clean and would do.  The tavern wasn’t the highest rated but there wasn’t any fighting going on so he was happy that was till he saw what.. or who CY was smiling at.  Aban looked in the direction of CY’s gaze.  As usual CY had his sights on a local serving girl as she cleaned a table.  Aban knew where that was going to lead. 

“Let’s get to our room first,” Aban said shaking his head he elbowed CY into motion.

After they were settled CY decided to ‘check out what little night life there was in a place like this’.  ‘The night was young yet’ as CY always said and he always found a way to find trouble.

“CY, don’t be out all hours of the night and for gods sakes don’t bring her here!”  Aban ordered to a smiling CY knowing the man would do what he wanted no matter the order.

Chapter Two


On the other side of the planet in the providence of Azar there was a celebration going on.  The fire Princess Tarsa was celebrating her twentieth birthday.  

Tarsa was a young pretty woman.  Her hair was straight, long and white, very white.  Her crystal clear aqua-green eyes were the shape of almonds with black long lashes that contradicted her white hair.  She was only five foot five and barely weighed one hundred and twenty pounds.  She had long legs, a full bust, a tiny waist, and slender hips. 

Any man would be lucky to have this beauty on his arm to show off to the world, if he didn’t fry first.

"Tarsa are you ready yet?”  Dara asked as she came into Tarsa’s room. 

Dara was Tarsa’s little sister.  Dara was eighteen and more sought after by the men of this planet or any other when they caught the site of her.  Dara was simply sweet.  A pang hit Tarsa at the realization that if there was a man who could live through her touch he might not want a hot headed and temperamental mate.

“I can’t decide what to wear,” Tarsa had several different outfits laying on her bed, each one a different color.  Although the outfits were lovely she didn’t feel like celebrating this year making her decision hard.  She watched as Dara walked over to the bed

“I love the violet colored one.  It makes your eyes stand out,” Dara grabbed the violet outfit and held it up to the light. 

“This is almost transparent,” Dara giggled and threw it at Tarsa, “Hurry up put it on and let’s get to the party”.

Tarsa caught the outfit in midair.  She let the delicate fabric of the skirt and matching halter top slide through her fingers before putting it on.  Slipping on the matching slippers she went over to the mirror to make any adjustments.  She sighed as she looked at her self.  The loose fitting skirt was beautiful.  The halter showed off the creamy skin of her shoulders and her flat taunt stomach.  She ran a hand over her un-natural white color of her hair then touched her dark lashes and eyebrows with a tip of her finger saddened as the contrast of her hair to her eyebrows and lashes were a gloomy reminder of THAT night. 

She couldn’t believe it.  Had it only four years ago when her hair was actually black?  She was running her hands down her outfit straightening out the invisible wrinkles as she looked in the mirror remembering.

It was the best day of her life she was finally sixteen and they were celebrating her birthday as they did every year.  A couple of her friends decided to sneak out of the palace and talked Tarsa into coming.  She hesitated till a couple of the boys decided to tag along as well.  Tarsa followed her friends to a nearby lake.  It was a beautiful night, the air was warm, and the moons were full. 

Tarsa watched one boy shyly as she sat on a rock while her friends flirted with the older boys.  She was surprised when Farza came over to talk to her.  He was a nice looking young man and she had a secret crush on him.  He’d ask to set next to her.  They were a little ways from the group and were setting close together.

Farza sat down close to her and she silently hoped he was going to kiss her.  They were talking and her nervousness dissipated Farza announced he had a birthday present for her.  She was nervous again and she felt her body temperature rise she was sure it went over the normal 102.5 degrees.  She smiled up at him as he bent his head and his lips hovered over hers.  She felt sweat trickling down her back.  That was when it happened, an explosion of flames as soon as Farza’s lips met hers.  The boy never stood a chance and the friends that were standing nearby barely made it out alive. 

She sobbed it was her worst memory and only on this day did it surface this strongly.  But she had survived and she vowed never to let it happen again!

After that she had not allowed herself to get close to anyone.  She knew she’d never find a mate even if she could control her temper.  What man would want a mate who could burn him alive!  The rumors didn’t help!  No man ever asked to court her because once they heard the horrible story they bolted.  It made it hard to find someone, absolutely impossible.

She just wished she could control her heat.  No one was safe around her.  Dara yelled snapping Tarsa back to the present.

Chapter Three


“Hurry up Tarsa!” 

Tarsa took one more look at her reflection, not really seeing herself and left with her sister.

The girls ran down the long corridors to the palace’s main hall were all parties were held.  The palace was nothing extravagant.  It was thousands of years old, passed down through the years to the reigning queen or king.  Tarsa would be the next queen.  The only problem was they expected her to find her mate.  No reigning queen or king ruled without their life mate.

As they approached the great hall they passed the library.  Tarsa heard her father and mother arguing.  What a way to start her birthday party.  As the girls got closer to the doors Tarsa pulled her sister to the side so they could listen to their parents fight.  Tarsa peeked through the crack to see her mother had a hold of her father’s arm.

“No she will mate with him!” their father yelled pulling away from their mother.

“What if she refuses?  You know she’s scared!”  Tarsa’s mother yelled back, “Show some consideration.  She will make the right choice!”

“I don’t care if she’s scared!  She must do this!  She has a responsibility to her people!”  Her father shouted. 

There was a couple of seconds of silence before her father calmly said, “We’ll talk to her in the morning.  I am sure she is old enough to und..,” he never got to finish his statement. 

Tarsa stormed into the room. 

Her father had his hand on her mother’s shoulder.  It looked like he was trying to comfort her.  Mother wasn’t the one who needed consoled!  Tarsa couldn’t stand it!  It wasn’t fair!  She would never be able to stand close to a man like her mother was.  The minute Tarsa got close to any man he’d die!  How could she have children?  She ran a chance even living in the same house with her family!

“Why!  Why would you of all people expect me to just roll over and mate with a man that may not even want me let alone one who might not survive the wedding night?!”  Tarsa yelled at her parents who were looking stunned. 

They hadn’t expected her to overhear their conversation.  They didn’t want her finding out this way. 

“You know!  You know I could kill him!  Why?!  Why put me through that again?!!”

Before they could protest she turned and fled the palace.  She knew if she stayed something would happen and someone would get hurt.  She already felt the heat building.  She needed to run and she needed to get far enough away from people.  Throwing off her shoes she took off not caring which direction she was heading.  She needed to put space between her and her parents.  She ran, fast and far.  Not able to stop the tears steaming off her cheeks or the scorch marks being left behind her with every step she took.  Even though it was dark she was able to see where she was going. 

She had never been like other Piecarans!  With that thought she sped up, the old lonely feelings coming back, fueling her heat. 

When she finally exhausted herself and the heat in her body dropped back down to normal she stumbled to a stop.  Her tears were once again wet on her face so she wiped them off of her face with the back of her hands impatiently and looked around.  She didn’t recognize the place.  She must have gone farther than she realized.  She turned her head looking at the way she came when she heard voices, someone was coming toward her.   

She caught a glimpse of three very large, very mean looking men walking on the path she had come in on. 

They were coming at her with incredible speed.  She quickly slipped behind a tree hoping they hadn’t seen her.  What was she thinking taking off like she did?  Just this once she hoped that the gods were with her.  Please let me melt into the shadows.  She quietly pleaded to the gods.  Please.

She was pushing her body closer into the tree wanting to disappear.  She held her breath.  She closed her eyes.  I am invisible.  I am invisible.  When she opened her eyes and peered around the tree, the men were almost on top of her.  She ducked back behind the tree as they passed her by! 

Whew!  Thank the Gods!  She thought.  She gave them a couple of more minutes before she stepped out from behind the tree.  She looked down the path in the direction the men had walked.  They were no were in sight before she could thank the gods she felt a sting in her arm.

Stunned from the sudden pain she turned to see what had stung her arm her eyes met a man who was standing behind her.  Her vision started to blur and her eyes were closing, but she swore she saw a hypodermic needle and the man smiling before she passed out.

Chapter Four



When Tarsa came to she was lying in an open area of the forest.  What was her problem?  She knew better than to leave the palace grounds.  Now she was in danger.  She had no one to blame but herself. 

 She tried to lay still and pretend to be a sleep but it didn’t work.

 “She is coming to,” she heard a voice say. 

 “Get her knocked out!”  Another coarse voice said.

 She heard material rustle as she turned her face towards the sound and saw a fist coming toward her.  She tried to roll out of the way but the drug slowed her down.  She grabbed the arm but not before the fist made contact with her face.  She felt “nova” and then blacked out.

 Aban spent an uncomfortable night at the tavern.  Though the accommodations were restful enough but he hadn’t slept very well.  Feeling uneasy he finally got up.

 CY rolled over in bed and saw Aban standing at the window.  “What time is it?” he asked rubbing his eyes.

 “It is nearly four am.  Get up I have a bad feeling and we need to get going now!”  Aban walked to the end of the bed and pulled CY’s blankets off of him.

 “Damn it man I’m tired!”  CY grumbled trying to pull the covers back over him but not succeeding.  He tugged one more time but with Aban holding the other end of the blanket and scowling at CY he knew he was defeated.

 “I know if you hadn’t stayed up all night with that slu…”  Aban started changing his mind.  “If you didn’t stay up all night partying you might have more energy.  Now get the hell up!”  He exclaimed as he jerked the blanket out of CY’s hands and threw it across the room.

 Aban wasn’t normally this impatient but knew something had happened.  His normal premonitions were different from what was going on and it had him on edge.  He wasn’t getting pictures nothing typical just a bad feeling.  There was something wrong and he was pretty sure it wasn’t marriage jitters.

 He saw Aban packing his things quickly so CY didn’t drag his feet as usual.  CY knew when Aban said something was wrong then something was defiantly wrong.  It took over an hour to find transport to the Azar providence where he was to meet his bride to be.

 While they waited for the approval to take off, Aban contemplated his situation.  He had not been happy with his parent’s decision to match him with a mate.  He always hoped he would find that one perfect being who could make his insides burn.  He wanted to find her.  Not be set up by his parents.  He wasn’t that old and he still had time.

 When his parents confronted him with their ideal match he was furious.  They were going to mate him to an off worlder, someone of a different race.  It wasn’t that he was prejudice or anything but he’d never been to Piecara.  Then his parents told him who she was.

 He had heard of the princess of Azar who could not only make a man’s blood boil with desire by looking upon her beauty.  She could literally make a man boil!  He was sure the rumors were made up by the people to keep her safe from the thugs that roamed Piecara. 

He had heard the stories even before his parent’s interference.  The way he heard it she and a group of friends had left the palace during her 16th birthday party.  When she and a boy kissed he burst into flames and died.  Her friends barely came out alive but Tarsa was completely unharmed with the exception of her scorched clothing.

 Shaking his head he didn’t think the rumors were true.  He only allowed this meeting because he was curious about the princess’ beauty.  He made a pack with his parents.  If he came to meet with Tarsa and he was attracted to her and her to him then he would continue with an arranged marriage.  He was hoping he wasn’t making a mistake.

 “Aban, do you think your bride could really kill a person with just a kiss?”  CY had been setting quietly watching his best friend.  He could tell by the emotions darting across Aban’s face he was thinking of his bride to be and the rumors that were infamous around the galaxy.

 “Don’t be ridiculous!  We have been all over the galaxy and not once have any of the planets rumors rung true!”  Aban sighed nodding to CY.

 “Ready for takeoff, proceed to dock two,” The sexy female voice came over the radio.

 “Take off from dock two in progress.  Thank you,” CY said as they lifted off the dock into the air. 

 “Aban, do you think this bucket of bolts is going to hold out the ten hours we have to travel?”  CY kicked the instrument panel and a bolt fell out.

 “Damn it CY don’t do that we’ll have to pay for anything broken!  I don’t know if this ship will get us there or not.  We don’t have a choice.  We don’t want to bring unwanted attention to ourselves,” Aban settled back into the captain’s chair and look out over the planets vegetation.  “This place is really serene.  I wouldn’t mind living in a place like this if we could get the scum cleaned up,” Aban said as he relaxed against the seat.  He needed some sleep and his eyes closed of their own accord.

 Aban was dreaming of fire.  It was everywhere.  Trees were burning, the ground was blackened.  His was running, not way from the fire like a smart person would do, but towards it.  He felt frantic trying to get to the center of the fire…..he jerked awake as CY alerted him.

 “Hey there was a fire down there,” CY told Aban, “Look at that.  It was just in one spot.  It doesn’t look like it spread either,” CY turned the carrier around to take another look.

 “How far from Azar are we?”  Aban was looking down at the fire.  CY was right it hadn’t spread.

 “About sixty miles we will be there in about half an hour,” CY announced, “Do you want to check it out?”  CY asked as he was looking for a clearing to land.

 “Maybe we should just in case someone is hurt,” Aban gathered up medical supplies just in case.  He only suggested it because of the dream he was having.  It was more than happenstance that he had been dreaming about a fire and then to fly over what was left of one was too coincidental and Aban didn’t believe in coincidences.

 They landed about a quarter of a mile away.  There were too many trees to get any closer.  They locked up the carrier because this could very easily be a trap.  Aban knew it wasn’t but if he said anything to CY he would just look crazy.  Even though CY was his best friend he still didn’t talk about his premonitions.  His own parents thought there was something wrong with him. 

He felt a kindred spirit to the princess.  She had her rumors but he had a secret and thank the gods his wasn’t public knowledge.

Chapter Five



As Aban and CY headed toward the charred area left by the fire he thought back to his past.  As far back as Aban could remember he would have waking dreams. 

He recalled the first time. 

A seven year old Aban was supposed to be studying but instead decided to walk to the river down the hill from the castle.  When he got to the river there was a couple of boys already there.  One boy was ten and the other boy was about twelve.  They were standing in the river.  He walked closer to the river when the boys yelled out. 

“Hey there, Aban.  Did you come to swim too?”  The oldest boy asked.

“No.  The river is too deep for me to swim in,” Aban replied his mother wouldn’t let him swim in the river till he was a stronger swimmer.  The under currents were strong and had pulled the strongest swimmers to their deaths.

“Are you a scared Aban?”  As the younger of the two boys taunted him.

“No I am still learning to swim,” Aban made the statement calmly then headed to leave.

“See Aban the water isn’t deep,” said the older boy as he waded further out into the river.  The water was barely up to the boys’ waist.

As Aban turned to look he had his first premonition.  The oldest boy was going to be struck by a log that was moving under the water.  The boy was going to die.

Hoping he could change the outcome he yelled out to warn the boys.

“You need to get out of the water now!”  Aban ran over to the bank next to the boys, “Hurry up!  Get OUT NOW!”  He was screaming out the warning but the boys wouldn’t listen.

Before Aban was able to make the boys get out of the water the large log hit the older boy knocking his feet out from under him.  He fell into the middle of the river where the current sweep him downstream.  The younger boy tried to grab his friends arm but Aban was able to catch him in time or he too would have been swept downstream with his


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.01.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-5766-0

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