


Deep in the redwood forest Sara waited for her mother’s response after the strange call Lt and she had received. 

Sara and LT were at the house that had been set up as a cover by Sara and her mother.  They had been there for about a week while running a special operation to eliminate the Boss from the Militant.  LT had gotten this information directly from Sara and her mother.  It was treason to want to kill the head of the Militant but he knew what the Militant was capable of and he wanted it stopped.  He would do anything to stop the killing of innocents.

Sara looked out the window she was aware that this place was where her father called home.  She had always dreamed of the day she would meet him.   She knew how much her mother still loved him and she wanted to love him too.

Sara knew the Militant had them under surveillance for a few days now.  She set her father, Steve up.  He was the head of the surveillance team and she made damn sure he had caught a picture of someone he'd recognized.  His long thought dead mate, Lily.  After reconnecting with Lily he found out that he also had fathered a very special child, Sara.  She was happy that her mother and father were back together and they would be a family.  But something was happening and she needed to get to her mother!

 “Wait there.  We will be sending someone to come get you.” Gaston ordered Lt gruffly. “Keep Sara with you and don’t let her out of your site.”

“Yes Sir.” LT replied wondering what was going on but as a good soldier he would follow orders.   He turned to watch the beautiful woman.  Her long pale blonde hair flowing down to her waist, eyes the color of a winter sky and the fit body of a woman used to activity.  She was visibly upset and he wanted to hold her.  He turned away reprimanding his stupid body.  She was Steve's daughter and Steve shot first asked questions later.  He grimaced at the thought.

Mom! Mom! Are you there?!? Sara was yelling mentally.  MOM!  She had been trying to contact her mother since the phone call from the Militants new leader George Gaston demanding that she and the Lieutenant stay put.  Lily and Steve were in trouble and the Lieutenant had to keep Sara away. 

Sara knew her mother was in danger even before the call.  She had caught a glimpse of the door being knocked down and then nothing.  Their physic link had been strong but for some reason Lily was blocking out the events. 

Thanks to the Militants testing on Lily 120 years ago Lily had powers beyond belief.   There was a link created the day Sara was conceived that was strong.  Lily and baby Sara had a special bond.   Sara loved the story of how her mother found out about being with child.

Sara’s mother would always start out, “I thought I was going crazy.  First I was hearing a little voice in my head when I was alone.  It had taken me months to distinguish between the voices of the people around me and the new voice I heard every day.   Four months after escaping the militant I realized I had been sick and knew something wasn't right.  That’s when I knew the little voice I’d been hearing was your little baby voice.”

Lily would then pick up little Sara and cuddle her, kissing her face till Sara giggled uncontrollably.

Lily kept Sara in hidden and safe all these years.  She had protected her daughter from as much evil as possible.  Lily knew the dangers of coming out of hiding.  They didn't have a choice.  Lily thought she was doing what was best.  If they could get rid of the Militant it was worth the danger.  

Sara's mother had always been able to keep Sara’s existence a secret.  ALWAYS!  Sara at least thought so.  Now she was finding out differently.  She didn't know the militant knew all about her and they knew some very scary details. 

 Sara, sweetheart, I'm here.  Everything’s okay, Lily reassured Sara sending warmth to her.  Where are you and LT?  Lily's thoughts were so calm. 

 We are still at the house.  LT got a call from his headquarters to stay here and watch me.  Sara was noticeably upset.   How did they know about me?  She asked her mother.

Looks like the Boss knew about you all along.  But don't worry, he's dead now!  Lily said sending Sara a mental image of what had happened.  That bastard Boss deserved everything he got! 

Steve, Sara's father killed the Boss who was the leader of the Militants.  Steve went berserk when the Boss threatened Lily and he broke the Boss's neck.  Sara shuttered at the images.

“What has happened Sara?”  LT asked.  He knew something was up.   Sara looked strained. 

Sara and Morgan had just met a few hours ago but he was already feeling close to her.  LT was Sara's father's lieutenant in the Militant.  LT wanted to get Steve, Sara's father, to help him rescue the were-panther cubs at a facility located in Canadian.  Maybe if he protected Steve’s daughter he could convince Steve to help with the rescue.



“The Boss tried to kill mom and dad.  He knew about me all along.”  Sara sat down with her head in her hands.  This wasn’t right she shook her head.  Things were going all wrong.  They needed to take out the Boss.  But now the boss was gone Sara felt like she was in more danger than before.

After a brief silence Sara’s mother responded.  Sara stood up and looked out the window as she listened to her mother.

Sara, Steve wants you to have LT take you some where only he knows about.  Lily sent the mental message and waited for Sara to reply.   You need to stay out of site.

Sara walked away from the window to stand in front of LT and asked, “LT do you have some place we can hide?  Steve, I mean dad wants you to get me to safety.”  Sara waited for his answer.  She watched LT as he was thinking.

“Yes, tell them I do.  We will go there now!”  LT grabbed Sara by the arm and started to pull her towards the door.

Sara sent her mother the last mental message with a feeling of trepidation.

 Mom, LT said he has a place.  We are leaving right now.  Sara replied. 

It was dark outside.  As they headed out to the woods LT was limping on his hurt leg and it was slowing them down.  Sara stopped for a moment.  LT turned to look at her.  She was standing looking at him.  She was so beautiful with the moon light shining on her. 

“What is it Sara?” He asked as he looked over his shoulder at her.

“Set down LT,” she said pointing to a fallen tree.

“We don't have time to rest,” He said starting to walk away from her or in his case hobble.

"I know but we won't make it very far with that leg of yours,” She paused, “sit down and tell me what happened.” 

He turned back toward her and headed to where she indicated she wanted him.  He sat down on the tree.  He was sure there wasn't anything she could do to help the pain but he waited patiently.  He was always a fast healer wishing he was a were to make the healing faster.  He watched as she started to rub her hands together slowly at first and then sped up the movement.  Thinking how to tell her that her father was a psychopath he blurted out.

“Your father shot me!” He exclaimed while Sara continued to rub her hands together and wondering what she was doing. 

She hesitated of a moment.  “He WHAT?!” She exclaimed trying to distract him, she knew what happened she was trying not to laugh at his thought about her father being a psycho.  Still rubbing her hands till they warmed to the point she needed.  She grabbed hold of LT's leg.  The action catching LT off guard.

“I guess he needed to make an example....What the Hell!” He yelled as Sara put her hot hands on his wound.  It burned like a mother fucker.   

“Sara!  Are you trying to burn me?!”  But as he said this the pain in his leg started to disappear.  “What are you doing to me?” 



The sensation of heat had turned into a tingling that crept from his thigh outward and spread up his leg.    When it reached his groin Lt’s eyes glazed over and he started to see images of Sara naked lying under him.  It was as if he had a vision.   He shook his head to clear it when he started to get that stupid headache he always got.    The images drifted away just out of reach as his mind clouded he couldn’t remember what he had been thinking.   He felt her hands on his leg again and they felt like molten lava.  He wondered if she would be that hot in bed.  He shook his head again, he can’t let himself think things like that she was his leader’s daughter.  When he looked at Sara she was already standing a few feet away.  

He hadn't felt her take her hands off of him.  She was staring at him intently.

“Let’s go.  Your leg is healed.”  Sara turned around and started to walk away.  She was going to put a little space between her and LT.  The images he was having were too intimate for her.

He stood up and tried his leg.  He put weight on it, bent is several times.  There was no stiffness.  He couldn't believe it.  The pain was completely gone.  Without the pain he could run again.  He caught up to Sara and grabbed her hand.  They started to run.  Making it to his truck in seconds instead of minutes he opened the passenger's side door to let Sara get in then he buckled her up.  He didn’t know why he was feeling protective and possessive.    

“LT, I think I can buckle myself up.  Don't you?” She asked with a grin on her face.  His hot breath fanned her face as he reached across her sending little licks of fire through her veins. 

“Sorry, I just want to make sure you're safe.”  LT had a slight blush on his face. He knew how to handle women.  What was it about Sara that was different?  He seemed to be clumsy around her.  Maybe it was because she was Steve's daughter.   Could be the fact that Steve hadn't hesitated shooting him once before.  He wasn't sure if Steve would shoot him again.  He wasn't going to take any chance that was for damn sure.  He made his way to the driver’s side and slid in behind the wheel.

“We're going to have to ditch this truck.  I'm sure there is a GPS tracker on it.”  He was thinking aloud.

Sara chuckled at LT’s thoughts.  She wasn’t sure where he was going with his thoughts but he was afraid of her father. 

“Remember LT, I can read your mind.”  Sara looked at LT.  He was a very handsome man.  He was about 6'2” about 220 pounds of hard muscle.  His hair was black and his eyes were green, he had a smooth deep golden tanned completion.  He was definitely a gorgeous human.  I wonder if he was of Indian descent, she thought. 

“LT tell about yourself” Sara wanted to know all about him.



“I don’t want to be a buzz kill.  But we need to concentrate on getting out of here.”  LT was short with her.  He knew it might hurt her feelings but this was important.  They needed to get her to safety and fast.  He was still part of the Militant and he was trying to save her.  This was going to put a kink in his career.  On top of that Steve will kill him if something happened to his daughter.

Sara knew why he was mad.  After all he seemed to forget that she could read his mind.  She had been alone for so long that she felt uncomfortable with his over protectiveness.  She had read his mind when he was thinking about her naked.  It took everything she had to not grab him and kiss him.  Shaking her head she looked out the window.  What has gotten into her, she has read men’s minds before and knew when they wanted her.  She has never had this kind of reaction.  She didn’t want to think about it.  She turned her thoughts back to the Militants and blocked LT’s thoughts from her.

“I wonder how they found out about me.  Mom is really good at covering me up.  We thought I was the secret weapon.” Sara couldn’t place the strange feelings she was getting lately.  Ever since they made it to San Francisco she was getting glimpses of the past and the future at the strangest times.  Were her powers were still growing?  Was there a psychic out there that she was picking up?  She just didn’t know.

“Maybe they have special powers too?” His question startled her from her own thoughts. 

He had been going over in the events of the last couple of days.  He remembered that the Boss seemed to know that Steve had been by the surveillance site the other day.  Could the man read minds too?  What was going on?  This was bigger than anyone could imagine.  They were going to have to put a stop to it.  Too many people could get hurt.

“You know the image mom sent me of the Boss?” She was still staring out the window.  “It was pretty gruesome what dad did to him.”  She turned and looked at LT for a second.  She could see his face in the dark truck and smell his determination.  She thought about the images her mother sent her.

The Boss was turning red, than blue and was gasping for air.  The Boss was clawing at Steve’s hands trying to loosen them.  But Steve was past the point of caring, Steve snapped the Boss's neck.  He let the dead man fall to the floor. 

“Dad saved my mother’s life again this time with his bare hands.”  Sara said absent mindedly out loud. 

“Do you think he would do that to anyone who hurt you?”  LT asked wondering if she had a relationship that failed if Steve would kill the guy.  “I don’t want to hurt your feelings.  But your dad is a hard ass.”  LT said keeping his eyes on the road. 


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.06.2012
ISBN: 978-3-7309-1559-2

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