

“We are a family inside and outside of this clique. This isn’t some clique that can sell drugs, or a way to get quick money. There are no drugs, and a way to get quick money. You will earn every penny that you make and the respect from these people called your leaders. If you have a problem with that then there’s the door. We are Players Cardz and you will earn your spot in this clique.”

Players Cardz is one out of twenty-five cliques. There are only five big name cliques which are Players Cardz, Grinderz, Bossy Chics, Flashy and Fly, and Swaggtastic. In every clique their can only be three commanders and four assistants. The cliques can sell illegal substances, but it’s a choice. A leader is chosen by the previous leader.

“My name is Destiny Carter, but people call me Desi. I will be observing the ladies’ behavior and work habits most of the time. So all of the drama you have squash it. This clique has been here ever since this organization has started, and I am not going to let anyone tear that a part. Your main leaders are Trisha and Taylor and Tabby. If you have any questions ask one of them.”

“My name is Tyrone Simmons, but people call me Ty. Now I will be observing all of the guys. I will not be observing the ladies at all. All you really need to know about me is that when it comes to business, I will come prepare so I expect that from every last one of you. Your leaders will be Tony and Devin. Respect them as you want to be treated. As for all of the drama I don’t want to hear about it. Fighting people in this clique is an absolutely no. If you do fight you will be either out of this clique or on probation.”

"The last commander is Samantha. She is out on business trips. She will be back in two days. So with all of that said do you have any questions.”

Players Cardz has been the number one clique for the last three years. They’ve took the title from Bossy Chics, which makes them enemies. Player Cardz has three allies and six enemies. This is Destiny second year as a leader, but she has been an assistant for three years.  The whole clique association is run by three higher being called HOC. The HOC get a percentage from every clique. Their percentage given to the clique is based on their ranking. The higher the ranking the less you pay the HOC, and the more money you get from the HOC.

Four weeks later….

“There are too many people that don’t know what they are doing. This isn’t tryouts. We have a deadline to reach and we are not even half way done. Change better start happening or things won’t be looking good.” Desi said to the assistants annoyed at the progress they had made. As soon as she was about to continue speaking, Jerome interrupts her. “Kelly ……… is…….. in ……a ….fight …with .. one ….of the …….girls ……from Bossy Chics.” Driving to the fight Desi saw that it was more than one fight. She asks her assistants to help her break them up.

“What the hell is wrong with you.” Desi said pulling Kelly off of the girl. “Long time no see.” Brianna said walking towards the crowd. Rolling her eyes Desi turn around to face her. “So how long has it been since you had that anklet on.” Brianna said with a smirk on her face. “I don’t know how’s your jar is it feeling ok.” Desi said annoyed. “Ok I see where this is going. Chics lets go.” Walking away Desi turned to her clique. “I want every last one of you to go to the office now!” Moving as quickly away from Desi the clique vanished.

“Desi what the hell was all that about.” Taylor said confused on what just happened. “Nothing.” Desi said. “That didn’t look like it was nothing.” Taylor said digging deeper. “Can you just drop it. It was nothing just two people talking.” Desi said walking towards her car.  Getting in the car Taylor didn’t drop the conversation. “Back when I was a freshman I heard about a fight that lead to criminal actions. Even though the people who witness the fight couldn’t say who was fighting who, people kinda figured it out. I know you and Brianna was the one who was fighting, but what I didn’t know was the reason. There were some rumors saying that you fought her because of Jason, but I never thought it was true, but now seeing you two together again I saw something that made me wonder. I know this isn’t my business but Desi you are my best friend and I don’t want you to end up like that again.” Tay said pointing to her ankle.

“We were best friends for three years. When I was in the eighth grade I didn’t know anybody at that school. I had just moved from New York. Brianna was my friend in this state. She introduced me to all her friends and we just started to hanging out. I was loyal to her because if it wasn’t for her I would have been lost. When I joined the basketball team my reputation started. I wasn’t just Brianna’s friend anymore I was a star.

In the middle of eighth grade I had met a guy named Jason. We started out as friends, but things quickly changed. At Brianna’s birthday party, we shared a kiss and till that day we were a couple. Everything was going good. Ninth grade hit and things was still great. My sophomore year was a downer. That’s when everything changed for me. I was the star of the varsity team. I was number one of our class for the GPA. I was everywhere. Brianna and I were the most popular kids in the school as sophomores.

Then the break-up happened. As my popularity grew, basketball practices, homework, and my duties at home became my priority, Jason and I grew apart. We both didn’t want to break it off. I even offered that I quit the basketball team, but he knew I wouldn’t be able to deal with that. Even though we both loved each other we decided to break up. The news spread all over the school and when the championship game came I played the worst game I had ever played. I thought things couldn’t get any worst until something happened at home that I couldn’t believe. When I needed my so called best friend she wasn’t there. She was getting too close with Jason. I confronted her but that made things worst. A month after we broke up they started to go out. The messed up part about it was that I heard it from two other girls gossiping. When I went to confront her she act as if we weren’t best friends, like I wasn’t anybody.

The things that came out of her mouth didn’t really matter until she told all of my family business to half of the school body. Then that’s when I decked her. I couldn’t care less of how she back stabbed me. Yeah it hurt like hell but me hitting her was not because of Jason it was because of the things I told her that was between us not the damn school body. After that I was on probation for three months. Even though it happen when I was a sophomore it messed up my chances to go pro and to go to college.

After that my mom and I had never been close again. She call me names and told me that I would never amount to anything in this world. I moved in with my aunt and had to start all over again. My reputation was destroyed and the only thing that kept me sane was completely gone.” Driving in silence Taylor couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Not only was the people’s rumors were so far from the truth Desi had a hard three years.

As a junior Desi met Taylor in detention. They have been friend ever since. Even though they were a year apart Tay had every class that Desi had well except for two. They  joined the clique together. Then Desi met Tyler. Tyler was Tay’s older brother. He was a senior. Not approving on what was happening Taylor tried so hard to convince Desi not to do what she knew was going to happen, but she also knew that it wasn’t going to stop them.

Desi and Tyler was a couple and that drew Taylor and Desi closer. They became best friends and they were inseparable. As soon as thing went good dark clouds surrounded Desi’s corner. Desi’s aunt died and she had a choice, to move back in with her mother or move back to New York. She was torn between leaving behind her boyfriend and her best friend or to stay and faced her mother.

She chose to move away until Taylor’s mother agreed that Desi could stay at her house, since she was already like family to them. Now things were going good minus the fact that Desi sister joined a clique and was flunking school. Reaching out to her, she straightened her up in school but Desi couldn’t get her out of the clique.  As soon as Desi turned eighteen she move out and settled in an apartment. Paid all the dues she owed Tay’s mom and graduated from high school with a 4.0 GPA. Knowing that college wasn’t an option she was more dedicated to the clique which paid off because she is now the commander and getting more money than the WNBA would give her.

Walking inside of the building she look at her clique. “It took you four weeks to start messing up. It took you four weeks to be behind in your work. It took you four weeks for all of you to be on probation. You won’t be getting benefits until you prove to me that you want to be here and that the foolishness is over. This clique has been here for too damn long for it to go out like this. You fight, you are out from now on. No more playing nice. You mess up you are out.” Desi said sitting down and gave Tay a signal to tell them what’s up.

“Aces twos and threes you will be passing out these cards to everybody on this list and collecting the payments of these people on this list as well. Fours, fives, and sixes you will be getting all the groceries for the party next week and also promoting it to people. Sevens, eights, and nines you will be hosting the carnival and the street fair. Tens and jacks you will be going out of the state and picking up these things that are on the list.  All of you will sell all your boxes of goodies that you are required to.

For the announcements, daily reports are mandatory and we expect you to turn them in at the end of the week. That means seven reports not five or six. Destiny’s sister Desire’s seventeenth birthday is in a month and you all are invited. That is it you all are dismissed.

In her office calculating her expenses and still reminiscing about the fight Desi phone rings. “Hello.” Destiny said answering the phone. “Hey baby how’s your day.” Tyler said. “Hectic.” Destiny replied. “Are we still on for tonight.” Tyler asked. “Yeah.” Destiny said looking at the time. “Ok baby I am going to let you finish up. I’ll see you later.” “All right. I love you.” Destiny said trying to hurry. “I love you too.” Tyler said as they hang up. Looking at the time she rushed out of the building.

Opening the door Desi saw that someone was in her house. She grabbed the gun out of the drawer as she walked towards the living room. Looking at the person’s face Desi withdrew her weapon. “What the hell are you doing here?” Desi questioned Desire. “Mommy and daddy are in an argument again and I feel like it’s not going to end no time soon.” Looking at her sister she shook her head. “Your best friend lives three houses away from you. What is the real reason that you broke into my house.” “Ok damn you just couldn’t go on with the whole story. Mom is using me as her punching bag ever since you left. I can’t take it anymore. If I hear another reason how I am a disappointment to her I swear I’ll kill myself.” Desire said leaning back on the couch. “I am sorry that this is happening to you. If I could help I would, but I haven’t talk to mom in like four years.” Desi pointed out. “I could give my spare key so you won’t break into my house again.”

Placing her key on the table Desi recognizes the time. “I love to stay in chat but I have a date so I’ll be in the shower.” Forty minutes later Desi was dressed and headed out the door. “All right Des I am out don’t eat up all my food.” Shutting the door Desi hurried to her car.

Arriving at Tyler’s house she knocks on the door. Opening the door was Tyler’s mother. “Hey sweetie, come on in. You look very cute today.” “Thanks, Mrs. Canty.” Desi said walking in the house. “Please for the last time call me Teresa.” “Ok Mrs.… I mean Teresa.” “Now was that so hard.” Smiling and joking around Tyler came down the stairs. “Wow you look amazing.” Tyler said admiring her figure.

Looking at his mother he said good bye and they were on their way. “Babe where are we going?” Desi said waiting impatiently. “You’ll see when we get there.” Pouting Desi turn on the radio. Ten minutes passed and Tyler parked the car. Looking around Desi was amazed. “Please tell me that you didn’t do what I think you did.” Desi said looking at Tyler. “Well what great way to show you that I love you.” Grabbing her hand they walked toward the door.

Chapter One: The Message

After a good dinner the day couldn’t go any better in Desi eyes. Turning on her phone she saw that she missed eleven calls from her father and from Taylor. Calling Taylor back she wonders what was so important. “Yo I called you like twenty times. I got some bad news. Someone broke into your house and Desire was shot and she’s hospitalize.”

Hanging up the phone Desi couldn’t believe her ears. Walking towards her Tyler saw something was wrong. “Baby what’s wrong.” Looking at him tears fell from her eyes. “Desire is in the hospital with a bullet in her.” Hugging her Tyler drove straight to the hospital. Walking inside of the hospital Desi ask the receptionist where was her sister. Pointing to her father Desi walked towards him.

“Where is she?” Desi said looking around. “She is in surgery. The doctor isn’t sharing anything with me.” Desi’s dad answered his daughter. Hugging her tears formed in her eyes.  Three hours of waiting the doctor showed up. “How is she?”  Desi’s father asked him. “We retrieve the bullets and she is going to be just fine. She is suffering from broken ribs and a broken leg. Other than that she will be fine.” “Can we see her?” Desi asked the doctor. “Not tonight. She needs her rest, but tomorrow morning you could.” The doctor said walking away.

Talking with her father she saw Taylor walk in the door. Walking towards her she gave her some more bad news. “The hit to your house was planned. We still don’t know who did it but we retrieve some footage from your cameras, well see for yourself.” Taylor handed the camcorder to her. Looking at the damage three people did to her sister she couldn’t watch it anymore. Getting a general idea of what happen she called Sammie and went back to the house.

Meeting Sammie there they examine the house. “What exactly am I looking for?” Sammie asked. “Clues. Clues that the camera did not pick up. When you first walk in here what do you think they did.” Desi asked. “Well they first attacked your sister. Looking at the damages she put up a fight. Then someone tried to send a message to you by shooting her. They took out the camera and walked to your bedroom.”

Looking around Desi found the clip of the gun under the bed. Showing it to Sammie she asked why was they in her room. “It depends on their motives of breaking into your house. We know what happened all we need to know is why and who. Imma take this to my cousin, she could probably get some DNA off of it. Whoever did this knew that you had cameras, someone close or studying your every move.” Sammie pointed out. “So you are saying that an inside man was a part of this operation.”

Shaking her head yes Sammie walked towards the living room. “Do you remember the soundproof department store we was about to buy as our hang out spot.” Desi asked. Not knowing where Desi was going with her story she agreed. “I want you to buy it.” Pulling out her black card she handed to her. Grabbing it she walked out of the house.

In her old room in the Canty’s household Desi couldn’t go to sleep. Looking at the clock it read 1:30a.m.  Getting out of her bed she went into the kitchen. She poured a glass of water and drank it.  She walked back to her room until someone stop her. “So you are the night walker who is keeping me from a good night sleep.” Tyler said wearing nothing but basketball shorts. “I am sorry I can’t seem to go to sleep.” Desi said admiring his six pack. “Come.” He gestured her to get in his room. “No your mother would kill me if she knew.” Desi said backing away.  “She’s not going to find out come on.” Not believing what she was about to do, she walked into his room.

Pulling Desi closer he hugs her tightly. “What’s on your mind?” Tyler asked. “Who could be this bold to come after my sister? How did they know that she would be over my house? Was the hit for my sister or was it for me?” Destiny questioned herself.  “So the events that happened are making you anxious and that’s why you can’t go to sleep.”  Still in his arms she began to think who was the inside man of the operations. With her best people scoping around and collecting evidence, gave her some comfort, but for how long.

“It’s natural to have questions in your head, but you can’t make them control your body. You will find out who did this, but right now you are going to sleep because you walking back and forth isn’t going to work.” Tyler said kissing her cheeks.

After five minutes of talking they fell asleep. The morning hit as Desi woke up. Noticing she wasn’t in her room she got up and walked out of his room. Looking around she saw that the coast was clear she checked if Taylor was up, but she wasn’t so she went in her room and called her father. “Good morning sweetie.” Her father said answering the phone. “Hey dad did I wake you.” “No I was just getting some coffee.” He said. “So you did stay at the hospital.”

“Yeah I couldn’t leave. Your mom is here.” Her father added. “Oh great any idea when she is leaving.” Desi said. “I don’t know I think she is waiting for you to show up.” He said questioning his wife’s motives. “Yay what a great honor.” Desi said sarcastically. “I will be there as soon as I get ready.” She added. “All right, I love you.” Her father said. “I love you too.” Desi said hanging up her cell phone.

Destiny’s father usually tries to stay out of the whole tension between his wife and daughter. Knowing the reasons of the whole fall out he is on his daughter side, but they don’t need to know that. Destiny’s father is like the referee of the arguments. Destiny was always close to her father but this drew them closer. Even though Destiny is heartbroken of what she found out and how her mother treated her, she still loves her. She sends her birthday cards and happy mother’s day cards as well but she came to an agreement that, that’s how far their relationship will go.

Walking in the kitchen she stops at the sink. Thinking about her sister her phone rang. Didn’t want to walk back up the stairs she let it ring.  Walking down the stairs Tyler has one big kool- aid smile on him. “Good morning. Do you have any idea how many times you kicked me last night.” He said hugging Desi. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was sleeping in someone else’s bed.” She said smiling. “All right I’ll give you that.” Tyler said and starts kissing her softly.

Walking into a kissing match Taylor was very disgusted. “Come on we prepare food on that counter. Get a room.” Taylor said separating the two. “Come on why are you hating.” Tyler said grabbing Desi closer to him. Punching him on his arm Taylor pointed at him. “I am not hating, it is too early in the morning for that.” Looking at Desi she handed her phone to her. “Sammie called.” Opening the refrigerator she took the milk out.

Walking into the living room she called Sammie back. “What sup.” Desi said. “Well Bossy Chics did this and the streets are saying that they are not done. I still don’t have a clue on who is the inside man but DNA confirmed that it was a girl about 20 years of age. My cousin is dusting it for prints but I doubt she will find any. The clip has letters engraved in it.” Sammie paused hoping that she wasn’t going to ask what it said. “Ok what did it say.” Desi said a little impatient. “NMTSMT.” Sammie said as she waited on a response.

Hanging up the phone she grabbed Taylor. “Brianna is targeting me. The hit was meant for my sister. We found a gun clip under my bed and it had engraved letter on it. It said NMTSMT never make the same mistake twice.” Looking at Desi like she was crazy. “Someone is framing one of us. Our group is too tight for disloyalty.” Tay said clenching her teeth. “Tay this is an inside job. We need to find who before we can make our next step.”

Walking in the office Trisha handed the gun to Brianna. “I did what you asked I want my little sister now.” Smiling she punched her. “I didn’t tell you to shoot her and not fucking kill her. Then you don’t even check to see if the damn clip is in the gun.” Brianna said putting in another clip and pointed it in her face. “I didn’t have that fucking gun; Jasmine shot her before I could even get a shot in.” Putting the gun in her hands she told her to go handle Jasmine.

“What you told me to handle her sister not Jasmine I’ve done what you asked just give me my sister.” Trish said putting the gun on the table. “Listen you half ass the job so you get another one, if you don’t do what I tell you, then say goodbye to your sister.” Brianna said walking away. Can’t kill anyone she sent a text to Destiny’s phone and shot herself.

At the hospital Destiny’s mother spotted her. Speed walking towards her she busted out hateful things. “This is all your fault. You put her in the hospital.” Looking at her mother she ignored her. “Well hi to you to.” Stopping her from walking away she continued. “Why are you doing this to me?  Why do you consists on hurting your family like this? If you want to circle the drain then go right ahead but please stop dragging us down with you.” Her mother said. “Are you fucking insane or does the universe still rotates around you. I am not the cancer in this family. If you and dad wasn’t arguing so damn much maybe she would have stayed in the house. If you wasn’t using her as a punching bag maybe she would have stayed. Just maybe if you weren’t fucking my damn geometry teacher maybe this whole damn thing wouldn’t of happen.” Desi said pushing her mother to the side.

Destiny’s father walked away from his wife and followed Destiny. “I don’t approve on you disrespecting your mother, but don’t leave. Your sister keeps asking for you.” Tears fell from her eyes as she stopped and looked at her father. “Dad I am sorry you had to find out like that. The only reason why I fought Brianna was because of that. I know you knew she had an affair but I also knew that you didn’t know with whom. I want to stay but I can’t deal with her right now.”

Hugging her he told her that he already knew. That he hired a private investigator to investigate. “I’ll handle your mother but your sister is requesting you.” Walking in the room she saw her sister on the bed tears formed seeing the damage they did. “Not you. Wipe the tears I am not dead.” Smiling at her she was happy to see her joke. “Same ole Desire. How’s everything.” Desi asked. “Good. It hurts like hell but hey I am living. I know that you know something but do you also know that Trish is a part of it?” Desire asked Destiny.

“Trish told me and then she committed suicide. I can’t go after her I don’t know how many people are involved and what’s her next step. Brianna changes her plans like a guy changes his mind. She has to planned this for a while and I don’t know where she at.” Destiny explained to her sister. “Take your mind off of my injuries and do what you do the best. Read people. You know how Brianna operates so study everything that she has done and give reasons. Brianna does everything for a reason.” Desire said patting on her bed telling her to come closer.

Desire gave her an address. “His name is Jayden he owes me a favor. Jayden has eyes and ears on every clique there is. Ask him any questions that doesn’t make any sense to you.”  “Thanks. You get better quick. I’ll be back soon.” Destiny said. “Desi.” Desire called her name. “Yeah.” “Be careful.” Smiling she answered always that and walked out. “Dad, these guys are going to be watching her when you guys leave they are here to protect you and her.” Giving the guy the signal they came.

“What are you talking about?” Destiny’s father pulled her to the side. “Whoever did this to her isn’t going to stop some visitors might come and asks to see her but they won’t be her friends, they are there to finish the job.” Still looking at his daughter like a deer in the headlights. “Shouldn’t you let the police do their jobs?” He asked. “Dad the police isn’t taking this serious not until another body is found and was involved in a clique war. Let me do what I do and justice will be served.”  “I have a daughter in the hospital I don’t want to see one in a jail cell. Do what you got to do but be careful and aware ok. I love you.” He said as he hugged her like she was leaving his life forever. “I love you too. Dad don’t worry I am coming back.”

Chapter Two: Step by Step

In the car on her way to pick up Sammie, Desi and Taylor was connecting the dots. “So the fight between Kelly and the other girl was just for her to show her face and see how you will react.” Taylor pointed out. “Yeah and the reason she targeted Trish is because she knew her sister and they are related by marriage.” Desi said as something pop in her head.  Making a u turn she was headed to Kelly’s house. “Everything she does had something to do with her family.” Agreeing with Destiny Taylor replied. “Kelly isn’t her family.”

“Legally yeah she is. Derrick is Kelly’s brother, and Derrick married Brelin because she got pregnant. Brelin is Brianna’s older sister. So Kelly is…” Destiny stop and watched how Taylor finished her sentence. “Kelly is Brianna’s sister in law.” Taylor said. “Now if I am right Kelly had everything to do with the hit so if we knock on her door and if she runs she is guilty.” Stopping the car she parked and got out.

Knocking on her door she waited for her to answer it. Opening the door Kelly saw Destiny and Taylor and she ran.  Going around back Desi chased after her. Throwing her keys to Taylor she told her to get the car. Jumping fences and dodging cars Destiny finally caught her. Punching her over and over again, Taylor parked the car and ran towards them. Pulling Destiny off of her she told her it wasn’t worth it. Pushing her in the car they drove off.

Waking up from the horrendous hits Destiny did, Kelly found herself strapped into a chair in a deserted room. Opening the door Destiny came in with a chair. Sitting next to her she started to ask questions.  “What is Brianna up to?” getting nothing out of her she punches her. “Usually when it comes to torturing people I am against it, but today I will enjoy it. Now my sister is laying in a bed because of your sister in law. One of my leaders has committed suicide so I would say I pretty much have no sympathy towards your death if you keep doing what you doing.”

Still isn’t cooperating she taps on the door. Taylor walks in with a gun cocking it back she handed it to Desi. Pointing at her head and then her legs she leaned back. “I know you run track for your school and I also know that you are a damn good runner, even though I caught your ass. You don’t start talking I will ruin your career. What are Brianna’s intensions?” taking a deep breath Kelly spit the blood out her mouth. “She is going to kill you and everybody you love. I am not the only one in your clique that is in her plan.  All of her family members are gunning for you. Whatever you did to her made her vindictive.” Smiling at her Kelly stopped talking.

Walking towards her Destiny hits her with the handle of the gun. Walking out she met up with Sammie. “All of Brianna’s family in our clique needs to be removed now. They are all a part of her damn plan. I want full protection on my family and Tay’s family also. Call Tay’s mom and my father please and tell them I want to talk to them together.” Walking out of the building and getting in her car Destiny called Tyler.  “Hey baby.” Tyler said picking up the phone. “Are you at house?” Destiny said anxiously. “Yeah why?” he replied. “Stay there and keep your mother safe. I am on my way to pick up my father and then I will come by but don’t leave your mother. I have to go babe, I love you.”  Not waiting on him to reply, she hangs up.

Picking up her father she was headed for Tay’s house. Explaining the situation to her father Destiny’s phone went off. “Hello.” Destiny said answering the phone. “Are you sure you want to do this. Do you want to risk everyone you love, or are you ready to hear what I want?” Brianna said. “Listen to me if you think you will get away with this then you are wrong. I will find you and I will kill you myself.” Destiny said hanging up the phone.

Parking and getting out of the car Destiny knocks on Tay’s door. Answering it Tyler drowned her with questions. “What the hell is going on?” looking at him she looked at her father. “Dad this is Tyler my boyfriend also Tay’s brother. Where is your mom at?” Destiny asked. Greeting Tyler Destiny’s father had a concern look on his face. “She is in her room.” Tyler said. Going up the steps she knocks on her door. Opening it Teresa greeted her.

“Hey how are you doing?” She said. “I am good. Can I speak with you for a moment.” Destiny asked her. “Sure.” Teresa said opening her door so she can come in. “So watsup.” Teresa said closing her bedroom door. “I never meant to put you or your family in danger I will take full responsibility for this. I am very sorry and I understand if you are furious.” Destiny said walking towards the door. “Destiny how can I be mad about something if I don’t know what I’m supposed to be mad at. Is this about your sister?” Teresa said confused. “Years before I ever met Tay and Tyler I was in a fight that landed me on probation and the girl was hospitalized. Her jaw had to be reconstructed so it took about a year and a half for her to recover.

Somehow during the year she decided to plan an attacked on me. She isn’t just after me, she is after everyone I love. I don’t know the order she is going in but she isn’t done, in fact she is just getting started.” Destiny said as her head dropped. “If I may ask you this question was your fight really about Jason or did you have other reasons.” Looking at Teresa, she had no idea she knew what people suspected the fight was about. “No Brianna had spilled some of my personal business to almost half of the school. I wasn’t fighting her because of Jason I fought her because she disrespected my family.”

Patting her bed to signal Desi to sit down she passed her a piece of paper. “That’s right that is the agreement we had when you moved in. You followed and memorized all of the rules. I treated you like you was my own and I appreciated how you helped around. We came to an agreement that you will pay and you met every deadline. To let you know I didn’t spend the money you gave me. I saved it for you, if you ever changed your mind on college. Destiny you are the most determined, smart and caring person I know. How could I possibly be mad at you? Sure you put us in danger but you have also helped us become rounded and aware of things. I can see that you only care to protect us and that is what I have always loved about you. You put others first and that’s why I am going to tell you that It’s ok.” Putting her hand on her shoulder Teresa handed her an envelope.

Looking inside she saw steps. Not sure what the steps were for, Destiny looked at her. “About years ago something happen to me as well. My brother died and his daughter was in your situation, but she wasn’t as smart as you. She got beat up and shot three times. No one was there as in family. I was in college and really didn’t call or visit there that much until my mom contacted me. She needed me to help her get my niece right. I didn’t know anything about how a clique function but I knew how to get out of horrible situations. I talked to Tiffany and saw how deep she was in and the reason she did what she did.

When she told me she knew who killed her father I wanted revenge as much as she did. I was more of plan things first and then do the actions type of person so I came up with steps to get close enough to the person without them knowing. Bre’shay was the person who killed my brother so I killed her. Brianna is just like her mother. First she threatened and kills off your family and then she will kill you last. These steps helped me get close to her mother and killed her with no witnesses and evidence.”

Chapter Three: A Little Information

The next day Destiny went to go see Desire’s doctor. “How is she doing?” she asked sitting in his office. “Well she is doing good as soon as the bullet wound heals a little more she would be able to go home.” He said. The doctor looked like he could only be in his mid-twenties.  Not sure if his eyes were scanning the room or her body she broke his focus.  “And how long will that be?” she said giving him a weird look. “It could take like four to eight weeks.” He said closing his book and checking her out. “Doc does your wife know that you have wondering eyes for younger girls.” Desi eye brow went up, and then she got up and walked out of the room.

Breaking his gaze he walked out of the room. Looking at her sister sleep Desi gets a phone call. Walking out of the room she picked it up. “Come to the office now.” Sammie said. Hanging up the phone she walked back into the room and kissed Desire on her forehead.

At the office Tay and Sammie lay the news on her. “Ok since you want us to follow the steps on this paper you are going to do something for us.” Looking at them she answered them with a what. Giving two boys a signal they read her reaction. “Before you disapprove on this just hear us out. You put us on speed dial and we have full protection so we decided that you needed the same thing.” Still looking at them in disapproval they continued. “That is the same look we gave you but we did it for you so do this for us.”

Walking towards the guys she gave them a stare down. Not talking Tay and Sammie was clueless. Still in silence Destiny broke her stare. “No offense but my grandmother can beat his ass and the other one looks weak. Look I understand that you are worried but Brianna isn’t targeting me.” Desi said. “You don’t know that maybe this is what she wants.” Sammie pointed out. “If these guys follow me around how they look right now, not only would they embarrass me, Tyler wouldn’t approve so I’m good.”

Giving out another signal Tyler walked out of the room. “I don’t mind they don’t have anything on me.” Tyler said very cocky. Looking at her boyfriend she gave him a look. Not phased at the look he gave it back. Rolling her eyes she saw that she was going to lose this debate. Not giving up she thought of a new plan. “Come here.” Destiny said walking towards the door. Walking towards her Tay and Sammie joked around.

“Why do I need men and black over there I can handle Brianna’s goons.” Kissing her softly Tyler smiled. “Just do it for me. I want to be able to sleep at night knowing you are safe.”  Still fighting on this she looked at the guys. “How about you be my body guard then you don’t have to feel that way.” Laughing Tyler realized that she wasn’t kidding. “Yea that wouldn’t work I have a job.”  “Are you serious you call that a job, babe you help out your father in the garage every Monday how is that a job.” Destiny questioned him. “Ok so maybe it’s not a job but who is going to protect you on Mondays when I am in the garage.”

“I don’t know. I just don’t want those muscle heads surrounding me.” Sighing Tyler cave in. “Ok I will be your body guard with these conditions you will be coming home at eleven and you have to spend Mondays with me in the shop.” Smiling at him she accept. Walking back towards Sammie and Taylor they told them what was going to happen.

“How is it that we have to be followed around by them all day long, but you having your boyfriend to watch over you? That isn’t fair you are mixing business and pleasure together.” Sammie and Tay argued. “Ok how about your boyfriends can be your body guards.” Destiny joked knowing they didn’t have a boyfriend. “Oh that is cold you would say something like that.” Tay said. “I know can we at least make them look like bodyguards and not like my 12 year old brother.” Sammie said looking at her bodyguard. “Go right ahead as long as they are following you.” Desi said walking away with her boyfriend.

“What exactly is your plan?” Tyler said walking out of the building. “Well you read the steps and we are on step one, which is to establish a BBQ for my clique and get all of her damn family members tagged so I can know where they are going without them and Brianna knowing that we are on to them.” Destiny said walking towards her car. Pulling her back Tyler grabbed her keys. “What do you think you’re doing?” looking at him like he was crazy she ask what was he talking about.

“Did you really think that you were driving in your car?” Tyler said walking towards his car. Looking at the piece of junk she stop walking. “Where is your car?” Destiny asked. “This is my car.”  He responded. “No this is a piece of junk you have a Benz this isn’t a Benz.” She stated. “Oh you meant that car, it is at the shop getting tinted windows.” Grabbing her keys she walked towards her car. “I know you didn’t expect me to ride in that. You can drive my car just until your car is done getting tinted.”

“When did you become that girl? I remember your first car and wasn’t what you called good looking.” Tyler joked. “Don’t do that my first car was a 2000 BMW it wasn’t a damn 1989 ford with two different colors like that.” Destiny pointed out. “Now look at your car 2014 BMW 7 series.” Tyler said. “Yea exactly, but you can’t be talking Mr. 2014 Benz.” “That’s right.” He said pulling off.

Destiny’s car is her pride and joy. Black on the outside, red on the inside, customized from the wheels to the hood of the car. Destiny didn’t come from a poor family when she was younger her mom was a wedding planner and her father owns his own law firm. Even with all of the money her parents had she never acted like a spoiled brat. Destiny is quiet and independent. Now she has money of her own and she still lives like a normal person, living in house and going to regular shopping stores. The only thing that is very expensive is her car.

Tyler is more of a bragger than Destiny. Even though Tyler doesn’t get as much money as Destiny and his sister, it doesn’t intimidate him. Tyler graduated from his community college and helps his father out in his garage. Tyler and his father already have an agreement that he would take over the garage as soon as his father turns forty- five, which is in like three years.  So right now he is living off the money he gets for fixing a car.

At the BBQ everybody seem like they are having a good time. Looking at the cameras she check all of the people who are there. Then she put a star against all of the relatives of Brianna. Going through the list Jayden gave her she saw that three of them are not there. “The motion is in play start tagging the names I call out.” Desi said speaking to the operatives in the field.

Players Cardz have eighty people that are in their clique. A third of them are Brianna’s relatives. Brianna’s relatives’ intentions are to destroy Destiny’s business and to kill off her family. In order to save her business and keep her love ones safe she tags those people and determines if they are a threat like Kelly or just a messenger.

“The last person that you need to tag is Kamonte Johnson.” Destiny said. Taking pictures of all of them the operatives moved on them. “So what are you going to do with the three?” Tyler asked. “I’m going to wait until I see them to let the others, tag them I can’t pursue them like animals Brianna is too smart for that. I am going to let her think that I don’t know what her next step is and then when she is ready to take that step I will kill her.” Destiny said getting a flashback on the footage she saw. “What about Kelly wouldn’t she know a change in her? Aren’t you at least worried about if she is going to tell Brianna?” Tyler questioned her. “What sup with the twenty questions she isn’t going to tell her she knows what will happen to her if she did anyway. Kelly love her life more than her relationship with Brianna and she isn’t going to risk her life for her.” Destiny stated as she got up and sat near Tyler.

“I know you are worried, but it’s going to be ok.” Destiny said kissing Tyler. Walking in the room Tay’s face was covered in disgust. “Why every time when you are together I always walk in when you are kissing. Come on this is a place of business.” Looking at Tay Tyler gave her a get out look. Not listening to his look she asked to speak with Desi.

Walking out of the room Desi asked what was wrong. “Word on the street is that Brianna is doubling the workers on the hit to your sister.” Thinking how she could handle this situation she told Tay to put more security on her and to make sure that Brianna’s goons doesn’t get any idea on what they was doing. “If you send out more security then Brianna will know that you know she put more guys on the hit.” Taylor stated. “Yea but by not putting more security my sister will be in a damn box.” Destiny also pointed out. “Not necessarily, if we put our best guys on her she will be fine.” Taylor suggested.

Looking at Tay she thought she was implying something. “What are you implying? You know that they are not just body guards.” Destiny question Tay’s motives. “You know exactly what I am implying. Brianna’s goons want you and every one you love dead, so send her a message.” Tay said. “Tay we are not criminals, we are not Brianna. If you want her gone then follow the paper.” Destiny said as she started to walk in the room, but she stopped her.

“We are not criminals but yet look what we did to Kelly. We put Tim and Booker on missions like that for months now. So tell me how this is different. Is it because of the history you have with her?” Tay said making accusations on her reasoning. “This bitch shot my sister and promised my ass that you Tyler and all of the rest of my loves ones will die. What the hell you think I am thinking. I could care less of her fucking life but if we do what you consider we would not just put Desire’s life in more danger but other people lives would be put in danger. I know how she operates and you can’t fight with fire with her.” Destiny said furious on the accusation.

“Look I understand where you are coming from, but this list is fucking bogus. There isn’t a way to be successful by not starting a war.” Taylor said doubting her plan. “So you telling me I should start a war with a person that is expecting that. You think that I should start a war when almost half of my clique are traitors. I have to admit that is a very great plan.” Destiny said sarcastically. “Really the sarcasm wasn’t necessary. All I’m saying is this isn’t us and if I wanted to go down I want to go down like me not trying to be or do somebody else.” Taylor stated. “That is the point right there. You rather go down. I don’t that’s why I made this plan. Brianna is expecting us to do us if we find out who are the power hitters in our clique that works for her than we can move on. We need just a little information first before we hit her.” Still thinking the plan is bull she put her ideas aside and went back to business

Chapter Four: In The Past

After the BBQ was over Destiny’s operatives moved out. Calling a meeting for all of the leaders, Destiny wanted to clear up some things. “Some of you might know that Trish was the inside man of Brianna’s whole operation but some of you don’t know what we are planning next. We are at war with Bossy Chics, but not a violent bloody one. I only want Brianna and Brianna only. If you see a person that is a part of Bossy Chics don’t do anything to them. I don’t want a confrontation between them.” Destiny said as she looked at some of her leaders then she continued.

“Some of you guys know that Brianna is targeting some of us. If I didn’t tell you privately then you don’t have anything to worry about but just to make sure I provided body guards for those who have a choice. Just because we are in war with them doesn’t mean that the duties I assigned you to do isn’t validated. I expect you to follow your schedule just be more aware. For the relatives of Brianna that are in this clique I’m taking control of that so just treat them the same as you would do if this wasn’t happening. As for Desire’s birthday party, it has been postponed to another date. That date is still TBA at the moment. If you have any questions say them now.” Destiny said as she finished up her announcements.

Now at the Canty’s residents Destiny and Tay was talking. “About the whole thing at the BBQ, I’m sorry for being a jerk.” Tay said. “It’s cool you had an opinion on something. You weren’t being a jerk.”  Destiny said shoving her. “What happens next?” Tay said smiling at her. “Well after I get the report from the guys about who are the big threats, we move to step two.” Shaking her head Taylor turned the television on. Opening the door Tyler walked into the house. “Yo did someone break your phone or were you just ignoring my phone calls.” Tyler said dropping on the couch. “What are you talking about?” Destiny said. “I called you like a thousand times and you didn’t pick up. Check your phone.” Reaching in her pockets she pulled out her phone.

Looking at the missed calls, she apologized and recognizes another call she has missed. Not recognizing the number she turned the volume up on her phone. “What did you wanted anyway?” Destiny asked. “I wanted to remind you that I have an extra shift at the garage so you are not leaving my sight.” Rolling her eyes she left the situation alone. “Ok I see you are not fighting me on this.” Tyler said joking.

For the past few weeks Tyler started putting more hours and days in the garage. Getting an idea of why he was doing it Destiny stopped fighting him in the situation. She wouldn’t admit it to him but she likes watching him fix cars and having car oil on him. She found that attractive.

Now this week was completely different. While he went to work Destiny had to get another bodyguard. Tyler was busy with his work and Destiny was taking care of her sister, who just finally got out of the hospital and dealing with her clique.

Calling Tay on the phone Destiny watched her sister sleep. “Desi you are not just late but you are late as hell. You have a lot of visitors coming in like twenty minutes.” Tay said answering her phone. “I know that why I called you. I am not going to make it so tell Sammie to take care of it for me.” Destiny said. “That’s going to be a problem. Sammie called in sick and Ty is in New York. There isn’t any commanders here.” Dropping her head she walked out of the room.

“Tay I can’t leave her and now I can’t wake her up either.” Destiny said cracking the door close. “Don’t worry let me handle them. Just take care of your sister.” Tay said. “Wait do you even know what you are doing? I mean these guys are looking for a deal.” Destiny questioned her. “I got this I mean I was the captain of the debate team I think I can handle some business people.” Not having a choice to disagree Destiny approved. “All right I’ll talk to you later.” Hanging up the phone Destiny went back in the room to find her sister up watching TV. “Wow you know I can take of myself you should go to those meetings.” Desire said overhearing Destiny’s conversation.

“How can you take care of yourself if you can’t even walk yet?” Destiny pointed out. “Yeah but that’s why the doc gave me a wheelchair.” Desire said. “The doc also said that you need a provider so you are stuck with me for now.” Before she could say anything she was interrupted by the knock on the door. Looking at the time Destiny wonders who it could be. Grabbing her gun off the dresser she walked down the stairs towards the door. Peeking out of the window she saw it was Tyler. Opening the door she asked him why he didn’t use his key. Looking at the gun in her hand he stepped back. “Whoa I swear I didn’t have sexual relations with that woman.” He joked. Smiling at him she kissed him. “Why are you home you are supposed to be changing my lights?” “I know what I am supposed to be doing. I am taking my break.”

Giving him a look she walked back up the stairs. Following her he smiled. “What was the look for?” “Nothing.” She said leaving the situation alone. Walking towards her room she peeked inside to check on her sister. Seeing that she was dosing off, she closed the door. Walking in his room she sat on the chair next to his bed. Pulling her to the bed, Tyler got on top of her. Kissing her softly Desi was falling for his charm.

Ten minutes of making out Desi phone went off for the fourth time. Ignoring her phone call something interrupted them. Someone has entered the house. Jumping up Desi grabbed her gun and walked out of his room. She pushed Desire door open to find her sleep. Then she went down the step slowly. Seeing an unfamiliar face in the living room, Destiny cocked the gun back. “Who the hell are you? Turn around now.” Desi said. Turning around with her hands up, she saw that it was an older looking girl. Thinking about how Brianna is she didn’t withdrew her weapon. “Who sent you? Why are you here?” Desi asked walking closer to her. Backing up the girl answered her. “I’m Teresa’s niece, I should be asking you the questions?” still looking at her suspiciously she called Tyler. Running down the stairs spotting his cousin he greeted her. “Tiff is that really you?”

Putting her gun down, she apologizes to Tiff. “No problem.” Tiff said hugging Tyler. “Wow, what are you doing here.” “Well I don’t know myself your mother called me and said that she needed me for something.” She explained. Sitting on the couch things hit her. “You are Tony’s daughter.” Desi said. “Yeah, how did you know.” Tiff asked. “Let’s just say that I have heard stories about you and the things you have done.” Desi said looking at her phone. Seeing that it was time for Desire to take her medicine, she went to go do that.

“So what are those stories she is talking about?” Tyler asked suspiciously. “Wow you don’t have a clue? I thought your mother would have told you this already.” Tiff said surprised. “When my father died it wasn’t the only thing I’ve lost. I’ve lost a parent my home and my childhood. I moved in with my mom but that was like taking care of a five year old. Whenever my mom had money she didn’t spend it on groceries, or paid the bills. She would usually spend it on drugs or sex.

She always came in the house tainted smelling like a prostitute and then that’s when I realized that for now on I had to take care of myself and my mother. I was only thirteen years old but I used to hustle people, gamble and all of the things you could of imagine. As I got older I sold drugs and was a part of a clique. Cliques back then were more violent and illegal. We carried guns and recruited anybody. Police departments were seriously down our necks and stopping us were there main focus.

So when I turned sixteen I wasn’t just popular on my blocked, but this state and half of Virginia knew my name. I was one of those people who shoot the people first and then ask the questions later. When I first found out who killed my father I flipped and went after them. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Starting a war with Bossy Chics was the most stupid thing I did. I got jumped and shot three times. I was dead for forty three seconds. Those forty three seconds helped me realized that this isn’t how I wanted to spend my life, but that didn’t get me out of the clique.

I was still going to find and kill the people who killed my father. The only thing that change was that I went to school and got all A’s and B’s. Senior year your mother found out what I was doing and she touched my shoulder. She got me out of the clique and into a university. Two years in UMBC I heard that the person who killed my father was murdered. The police never found out who killed her but I kinda knew who it was.”

Tiffany Canty is the niece of Teresa Canty. Tiffany is in her thirties and she lives in California. Tiffany is married with three kids, one daughter and two sons, which are twins. Back when the clique first started cliques were more like gangs in these days. They had gun wars and were a nuisance to the police department. Every clique was illegal and the HOCs didn’t care what they did, as long as they were getting money. Tiffany was a wild child she didn’t have a parent to tell her right from wrong, so she went down a very dark path.

Her mother died from a drug overdose when she was seventeen. No one paid for a funeral so they cremated her body. Tiffany didn’t want her ashes so her grandmother on her father side took them.

Tiffany’s father was the first kid that Teresa’s mom had. Teresa’s mother was only sixteen years old when she had him. Then came Teresa, and then her other brother. Teresa and Tony are ten years apart and her and Tracey was eighteen months apart. Tony was only eighteen when he had Tiffany. Drooping out of school Tony got a job and took care of his daughter with help from his mother. When Tony died he was only 31 years old. Tracey and Teresa were only 21 and far away from Baltimore. They didn’t go to his funeral and never knew what his daughter was up to.

“Wow I never knew. Now I really wonder why my mother didn’t say anything.” Tyler said. Walking down the steps Desi answered his questioned. “Your mom sacrificed her life to protect her family and did everything she had to do to keep it together. The things she haven’t told her children were to keep both of you safe.” Shaking her head agreeing with Desi Tiff added on. “Now having kids of my own I can see where she is coming from. As a mother your job is to protect your family from danger maybe her past was too dangerous to tell you and Tay about.”

Seeing courage and a sense of knowledge care taking, Destiny finally knew why Tiff was here. Opening the door Teresa enters her house to see her niece all grown up. “Look what the cat dragged in.” Teresa said hugging her. “What have you been up to?” Teresa asked. “Well really nothing just getting my business ready.” Tiff said. “Ok I see your big head finally stopped fighting yourself and followed your calling.” Teresa said as they both started to laugh. “Yeah well you were a part of that change.” “I’m glad I can help.”

After getting acquainted and getting debriefed from Destiny and Teresa Tiff was ready to get to work. “Tell me something. What did you do to her for her to do this to your sister.” Tiff said looking at the doctor’s descriptions on how severe the injuries were. “Brianna and I had history and let’s just say that her actions caused a lot of pain in my future, but before that ever happened we fought and she had to get her jaw reconstructed.” Tiff eyes widens as Destiny finished explaining what happened. “Wow you broke her jaw with your fist.” Tiff said very surprised. “I mean yeah, I didn’t intentionally want to break her jaw but it happened.” “Wow when I was in the clique we really didn’t have any fist fight. It was kill or be killed.” “I know that’s why the HOC made the rules of what you cannot do.” Desi stated.

Back at the office things wasn’t going good for Tay. “I don’t see how that deal will benefit my profits I say you’ll get 10% of what you sell.” The business person said. “Are you trying to punk me? You telling me that we should get 10% and you get 90%. I don’t think that will work. We are the reason why you are selling that much in the first place. The deal was that if we don’t sell 30% of your product then 10% was a good deal. We sold twice the percentage you gave us so we should get 40%.” Tay said sitting down.

Twenty minutes went passed and still empty handed Tay called Desi. “Watsup.” Destiny said. “I’ll tell you watsup these business people are trying to cheat you out of your money. I am trying to be patient but one of them is really about to get cuss the hell out.” Tay said furiously. Trying not to laugh Destiny told her that she is on her way. The phone call ended, and Desi put on her sneakers.

“Tiff your job starts now.” Desi said grabbing her keys then realizing that her car is in the garage. “Picking up her phone she called Tyler.” “Hey baby.” Tyler said changing the oil on a car. “You were supposed to pick a body guard for me.” Destiny stated knowing that he forgot. “Oh yeah baby I forgot to do that.” “So now you need to drop me off at the office.” Looking in the phone Tyler didn’t want to start an argument so he told his father to finish up with the car he was working on and left.

Ten minutes passed and Tyler arrived at the house. Looking at Desi he saw that she was about to grill him. “Before you even say anything just get in the car.” Getting in the car she didn’t drop what she wanted to say. “The bodyguard you pick better be a damn good one.” Desi said. Laughing Tyler couldn’t help himself. “You know I love you girl, but you are so funny when you are mad.” Rolling her eyes she didn’t say anything. “Oh I get the silent treatment ok I like it better when you don’t speak anyway.” Looking at him, she shook her head knowing he was trying to joke it off.

Stopping his car Destiny opened the door. Getting out of the car Tyler pulled her back in. “Really no thank you, nor a goodbye kiss.” Saying thank you but not giving him a kiss he pulled her back in the car. “Tyler I am already late and your sister is losing her patients let me go.” Not letting go he spoke. “Baby I’m sorry for making you mad, now get your butt over here and give me a kiss.” Shaking her head and rolling her eyes she gave him a kiss. “That doesn’t means that I accept your half ass apology.” Destiny said getting out of the car.

Chapter Five: Take Away

Walking into her office Desi greeted Tay and then dismissed her. “So I hear that you have a problem about the deal we had.” Desi said sitting down. “Yes we do have a slight problem. Your assistant tells me that the contract I signed states that the first year of selling my product if you sell at least 30% of it I give you a raise.” The business person said. “Well Stacey it does says that if you would look on page 3 section 3 paragraph 3 it states that by the next renewal of the contract if Player’s Cardz sells at least 30 % of Stacey’s INC product Player’s Cardz should and will get an higher percentage.” Destiny said reading what they agreed on. “Ok so when exactly is the appropriate time to discuss the renewal of the contract.” Stacey said.

“Well since your contract is still validated for another three months I will call you a month before so we can discuss percentages and stuff.” Destiny said closing her book. Agreeing they shook hands and she left. Looking at Desi Tay couldn’t believe it. “It took me about an hour in that office trying to explain to that woman what the contract said and I didn’t get anywhere, but it took you five to ten minutes.” Laughing at Tay’s frustration Desi explained. “She looked at you as an assistant so she treated you like one.” “El ojete”. Tay said. “Watch you language. Destiny said. “How did you know what I said?” “I have a lot of Spanish friends and Sammie is Spanish.” “Oh.” Tay said. “How did the other meetings go?” Destiny asked. “Well those were so easy they just wanted to know when were their contract needed to be renewed.” Shaking her head in approval she sat down.

“How’s your sister?” Tay asked. “She’s hanging in there. I mean the pills she is taking really puts her to sleep so hopefully she will be just fine.” “Any word on the operatives?” Tay asked. “No word on them yet but I gave them a week so by Friday I should know what I need to know.” Shaking her head they sat there in silence. 

Now at the house Tay recognizes Tiff and greeted her.  They were never close for Tay to be happy to see her. Sitting in quietness Destiny went to go check on her sister. Walking up the stairs she saw Tyler peeking in her room. “Find what you are looking for.” Destiny said. “Yep I’m looking at her right now.”  Looking at him she couldn’t stay mad at him. “So you talking to me now.” Tyler stated. “Yeah I can’t stay mad at you.” Standing next to him she wrapped her arms around his waist. Getting closer and closer they began to kiss.

Opening her door Teresa caught them in the act. “So is this what you guys do when I am not here.” Teresa said smiling. Quickly pulling away from him Destiny felt weird. “Mom where did you come from.” Tyler said feeling awkward. “Yea I feel the awkwardness to. Cut it out with the kissing all over the house.” Teresa said walking away from them. “Oh and Tyler next time I find Desi in your bed I will make sure I won’t be a grandmother until Tay have children.” She added walking down the steps. Looking at Tyler she pointed at her. “See I told you that it was an bad idea.” Desi said walking into the room.

Three days past and Desi waited patiently for this moment. Sitting in her office she sat there until it was time to call the meeting. As time moved slowly Desi became more anxious.  Walking in her office Sammie saw the anxiety in her eyes. “You know to past time you could look through the stack of papers on your desk.” “I thought of that as well. So I did and I couldn’t concentrate.” Shaking her head Sammie sat in the chair. “So maybe this will grab you attention. The word on the street says that Brianna moved to like step four on her plan.” Not knowing what step four was exactly she sat there thinking. “What exactly is step four she haven’t completed step one yet.” Destiny said. “Something doesn’t add up.” Tay said walking into the room.

“What are you talking about?” Sammie questioned Tay. “My contact told me that Brianna put more guys on the hit to your sister like a week ago. Now she took them off the job. Now the word buzzing in the streets is that she is moving to step four. It’s not adding up. Brianna is determined to destroy you by going through your family so why is she moving on to step four.” Tay questioned Brianna’s motives.

“That’s not Brianna at all. She always finishes what she started. That’s a known fact. She planning something and how the streets are reacting to it means that it is coming fast.” Sammie said reaching for her phone. “Thirty years ago there was a clique called The Hitters. Now the Hitters were the most notorious clique out there. They sold drugs all over the world and they killed people faster than mothers gave birth. They were vicious. They had a young leader named Carlos Panima. Panima was brutally beaten to death and was placed in a coma. Three years later he recovered and was very vengeful. He went after the clique who done this to him, but he save the person who did the beaten for last. See the problem was that even though the clique knew that he was gunning for them, Carlos changed his planned and falsely told people what he was going to do. Just to keep the clique on their feet. At the end of all the suspense the person who did the beaten on Carlos committed suicide and that made Carlos happy.

Brianna had a lot of opportunities to kill my sister my parents and all of you including myself. So why didn’t she do it. She doesn’t want to kill me, she wants me to commit suicide and that’s why she is going after my love ones. She knows that my friends and family always came first so killing off them would make me vulnerable. She isn’t changing her plan she going after my sister herself.” Destiny said. Looking at her Tay and Sammie, they were speechless.

“If this is true, if she is following this kid Carlos’ plan then what does that means.” Sammie asked. “I don’t know. I know that this is going to end badly. Brianna is playing a game and have a strategy of the most vicious mind ever if she knows we are on to her she will target someone else I can’t risk that.” Looking into her eyes Tay saw something that nearly made her teary eyed; defeat. Walking out of the room she called her brother.

“Yo Tay make it quick I’m kinda busy.” Tyler said picking up the phone. “I don’t know exactly what to do in this situation. Desi discovered something about the case and now she is talking crazy.” Tay said. “How crazy is she talking?” Tyler asked sounding concerned. “I think she is considering taking her life.” Tay voice cracks. “What! Why would she be thinking that what happened.” Tyler said worried. “I can’t discuss this over the phone I’ll see you at home.” Tay said thinking.

As the conversation came to an end Tay went into her office. Opening her phone she took the SIM card out of it. Putting it back on she ran to Desi‘s office. “Let me see your phone.” Handing her phone to Tay Desi wanted answers.

“We have the same phone and I was thinking that if I wanted to kill someone I needed to know where they would be at all times right.” Agreeing Tay went on. “How did Brianna know where your sister was going to be without staking her out. Brianna knows we are tagging people but the messed up part is we are tagging the wrong people. Why would Kelly give that information out? We didn’t ask her about who was a part of Brianna’s plan we asked her what she was up to.” Walking into Desi office Tyrone told them that the operatives were here. “Send them in” Desi said grabbing her gun. Closing the door he went back out. “Desi they are the snitch.” Tay said pulling the bug out of the phone.

Walking into her office the operatives took a seat. “Before I asked this question I just want to see your cellphones.” Desi said. Giving her their cellphones Desi continued talking. “Loyalty is what a clique is all about. Betrayal is how people get killed. How long were all of you working for Brianna? Are you going to give the same excuse Trish gave me or are you going to man up and take a kill? You just committed suicide. I hope it was worth it. You think Brianna is crazy, you haven’t seen anything yet.” Destiny said pushing her button. “Do you know what happens to deleted messages?” Destiny asked getting up and walking towards them. “They don’t really get deleted. Maybe from your eyesight but not from the SIM card, so what will I find when I look through the deleted messages.” Sitting on the edge of her desk she reached for her gun.

Opening the door Sammie and Tyrone came in with their guns in their hands. “Did you really think I am that dumb and blind? Take them away.” Desi said. Sitting back in her chair Destiny put her head down in defeat. “What the hell am I’m going to do now?” Desi said looking up. “Well you are going to drop the gun and come with me.” Tyler said reaching out for her hand.

Chapter Six: Family Comes First

In Tyler’s car Desi sat in silence. Pulling over Tyler saw the exact thing in her eyes that Tay saw. “Can I ask you one simple question.” Tyler said putting his car in park. Looking at him Desi waited for him to ask her. “Why do you let her get under your skin?” Tyler asked. “What type of question is that.” Destiny said agitated. “It’s a simple one. I mean, why does she piss you off so much other than the fact that she put the hit on your sister.” Turning to Tyler Desi looked into his eyes. “She knows exactly what she is doing and it pisses me off because she knew what she did for this whole thing to even happen.”

“So you are talking about the incident.” Tyler asked. “Yeah what else would it be about?” Desi said getting annoyed. “If she would have kept her mouth shut she would have never had to get her jaw reconstructed. She started this and she need to leave my family alone.” Still looking into his eyes Tyler saw the pain in her face. “The way you are feeling now, is probably the way she felt when you put her in that hospital. Just maybe she wants you to feel what she felt back then.” Tyler pointed out.

“Even if you are right, she still doesn’t have a reason to do this. I didn’t break her jaw intentionally, it just happened. She intentionally attempted to kill my sister.” Destiny said. “Well how does she know that, you threw the first punch and continued to punch her. I mean you pounded her face in.” Turning her head she sighed. “Why are you doing this?” Destiny asked. “I see something in your eyes that scares me. You know what I am talking about. The thing that you are considering isn’t just wrong it isn’t fair to the people who love you. You can be agitated and annoyed at me, but just know that I won’t let you do it.” Tyler said driving off.

Sighing Destiny looked at Tyler. Seeing him like this wasn’t a part of her plan at all. “If it came to the point for me to take action of what I am considering you need to understand that everybody will be safe. Kill one save a thousand.” Destiny said looking out the window. “Really that’s how you feel. If you take your life then everything is going to be peaceful. How can you even think that when you have Tay, your sister and everybody else who love you living in this world helping you out. Especially me you know I would take a bullet for you. If you even try to commit suicide just do something for me. Think about all of the people who loves you and how this will affect them in the long run.” Tyler said. Driving in silence Destiny sat there and started thinking.

Back in the office Tay and Sammie tried to get some answer out of the operatives. Strapped into a chair Tay stared at Miguel. “Tell me why your loyalty shifted. I mean you don’t like Brianna. You never did. Ever since the eleventh grade you would always tell me how much you despise this chick, but now look at you. Helping her kill Desire, being the snitch that you are, I mean where’s the logic in that.” Tay said leaning on the door. Not saying a word to her Miguel sat in silence. “Ok you asked for this.” Leaving the room she turned the heat all the way down and went to check on Sammie. Knocking on the door Sammie walked out. “So Miguel isn’t speaking. I guess when his body starts to quiver then he would get the message.” Tay said.

“Well my luck isn’t quite working on her.” Sammie told Tay the reason. “She isn’t talking to you because she doesn’t  like Spanish people. What the hell she rather dies than speak with you then let her die.” Tay said looking in the mirror. “Yo she could know something I just can’t kill her because she is discriminating on me. I will beat her ass, but you go in there and I take care of Miguel.” Agreeing Tay walked into the room. Giving her the famous look Tay knew exactly why she didn’t want Sammie interrogating her.

“How can you despise the Spanish culture when you are Spanish?” Tay asked. Smiling the girl spoke in Spanish. “It’s cool how you try to hide your roots from Sammie, but what you need to know is that I’m not an idiot, and bastard isn’t a strong enough word to describe me. Yeah I know you’re shock. I do know Spanish you dumbass. You should of stuck with Sammie she is nicer. I’m going to give you five minutes to tell me why you did it and then I’m going to give you two minutes to tell me what I want to know.” Tay said pulling up a chair next to her. Sitting down waiting for her to speak Tay looked at her watch.

“What makes you think that I would spill the beans on Brianna? She would not only kill me but she will kill my sister as well.” The girl said. “Ok so she has your sister and you did this because you want to save your sister.” Not believing a word she said she let her continue with her story. “I have an hour to tell her that you and the others have no idea on the plan.” She said. “Well you still can deliver that message because we don’t know what’s the plan.” Tay stated. “I know that but she doesn’t. You need to understand that my sister is only eleven years old and she is all I got. I have to make the call.”

Leaving the room Tay checked her story. “Turns out she is telling the truth.” Tyrone said. “Her mother filed a missing persons report out a year ago.” Tyrone added. “How is that possible if Marisol doesn’t have a mother. Her mother died four years ago.” Tay pointed out. “Look for her birth certificate and then call me when you have that.” Tay said walking back into the room. “So tell me what is Brianna’s plan.” Tay said ignoring the fact that she could be lying. “Like I said she is going to kill Desire and then she going to kill Destiny.” Marisol said.

Locking the door Tay walked towards her and unstrapped her from the chair. With her arms still strapped together Tay searched her pocket. Finding another phone and three credits cards Tay punched Marisol. Falling to the floor Marisol was knocked out. Walking out of the room Tay realized that someone was on the phone. “You think that you are really slick.” Tay said knowing the number. “Well what can I say I’m brilliant. Tell Destiny that her sister is very lovely when she sleeps.” Brianna said hanging up the phone.

Running towards the other room Tay knocks on the door. “What’s the problem now.” Sammie asked coming out of the room. “Brianna is at my house I need you to drop me off.” With no hesitation Sammie did what she asked.

Still driving around in silence Destiny’s phone rang. Picking up the phone Destiny couldn’t believe her ears. “Go to the house now!” Not asking any questions, Tyler obeyed.

Ten minutes passed and Tay was at her house. Seeing an unknown car parked she walked towards it. Pulling out her gun she checked to see if someone was in the car. Seeing nobody she went back to the house. Seeing her mother’s car she almost broke into tears. “My mother is inside.” Tay said to Sammie. Pulling up to the house Destiny got out of the car. “Where is she.” Destiny asked. “I don’t know but we think she is in the house.” Sammie said. Looking around she saw Tay sitting in the car.

Getting in the car Destiny saw tears come down her cheeks. “If Brianna is as crazy as she sounds then I just might lose my mom.” Tay said. Looking around she saw Teresa’s car parked. “Listen nothing is going to happen to her.” She said trying to sound reassuring. “You said you heard her voice how?” Destiny asked. Handing her the phone she looked at the call log. Hitting redial Destiny got out of the car. “So do you still want to play or do you give up.” Brianna said picking up the phone. “What do you want.” Destiny said walking towards her car.

“Well since you asked I want you to put the gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.” Brianna said. “That’s all and you will leave my sister alone.” She said opening the trunk and grabbing her bulletproof vest. “That’s all I’m asking for.” Brianna said. “Tell me why do you want me to kill myself so badly when you can do it so easily.” Destiny said reloading her gun. “Well because if I kill you I go to hell. You kill yourself you go to hell.” Brianna said. “Even if I do go to hell you know you are going with me. You kill my sister and you will go to hell even faster.” Destiny said giving Sammie a vest.

“We will see about that.” Brianna said hanging up the phone. Giving Sammie the direction she gave the signal. Opening the door Destiny rushed upstairs. Checking the bedrooms, she made her way to her room. Taking a deep breathe she opened her room. Checking everywhere she saw that Brianna wasn’t in there. Looking around Destiny saw that the vent was unscrewed. Opening it she saw the camcorder. Disconnecting it Destiny threw it against the wall. The sound woke up her sister. “What the hell Desi. What’s wrong?” Desire said. “Naw everything is cool. Where is Tiffany?” Destiny asked still looking around. “I don’t know I have been sleep for like the past four hours.” Desire said delirious. Walking out of the room tears feel from Destiny’s eyes.

Walking to Teresa’s room she opens it. Seeing she isn’t there Destiny called her. “Hello.” Teresa said picking up the phone. “Hey by any chance do you know where Tiff at?” Destiny asked. “No, but we switched cars so if my car is outside then she should be there.” Teresa said. “Does she know anyone other than you in this state.” Desi asked looking at Teresa’s car parked. “She has an old ex-boyfriend here but that’s all I know.” Teresa said. “Thanks I got to go, but you should call Tay.” Desi said. “Alright will do.” Teresa said as the conversation came to an end. Walking up the stairs Sammie confirmed that the rest of the house was cleared. Giving her the camcorder she told her to look over the footages.

Ten minutes passed and Tiff arrived at the house. Not saying a word Destiny punched her. “What the hell is wrong with you.” Destiny said as Tiff charged at her. Tackling Destiny to the floor she punched her over and over again. Blocking one of her punches, Destiny pushed her off of her. Getting up Tiff swings at Desi, but she blocks it and punches her. Falling on the ground Destiny got on top of her and started punching her.

Walking into the living room Sammie saw the fight. Trying to pull Destiny off of Tiff, Sammie called Tay’s name. Running down the stairs Tay helped Sammie break up the fight. Pushing Desi outside Tay stepped in front of her. “Calm down.” Tay said looking directly into her eyes. Seeing her pupils narrower she tried to calm her down. Walking down the stairs to see what the commotion was all about, Tyler saw blood everywhere. “What the hell.” He said looking at Tiff. Telling him what happened he went outside to have a little talk with Desi.

“What the hell is your problem?” He said as he continued. “I don’t care how scared or angry you are, but you don’t hit one of my peoples.” Tyler said. Walking away from him Desi tries to leave the situation alone. Grabbing her before she could get to her car Destiny shook him off. “Don’t fucking touch me. My sister could have died because she wasn’t doing her damn job, but I can see that you don’t give a shit it’s cool. My sister and I will be out of your hair.” Destiny said getting in her car and pulling off.

Walking in the house Tay saw the blood on the floor. “Are you ok?” Tay asked. “Does it look like I’m ok?” Tiff said with an attitude. Putting the pack of vegetables back on her jaw she continued to talk. “Your friend has issues.” Looking at Tiff like she was stupid she ignore her comment. 

Walking out of the house she grabbed Tyler and told him to calm down. “How can you tell me to calm down in this situation.” Tyler said pacing back and forth. “Just maybe because you need to go talk to her before she does something even stupider.” She said. “How about you talk to her I feel like if I talk to her right now I’m going to flip out.” Tyler said. Shaking her head she grabbed his key off of the ground and placed them in his hand.

“She knows I understand by my reaction can you say the same. Put yourself in her shoes. She could have lost her sister today because Tiff wasn’t doing her job. Knowing Destiny’s values Tiff got off easy just because of us. Look how she messed up Brianna when she dissed her family and look at Tiff when she literally opened the door for Brianna and her goons.” Tay said. Opening the door to his ride he got in. “Where is she?” Tyler asked. “Since you are so madly in love with her, you should know.” Tay said closing the door.

Driving all over the place Tyler had no idea where Destiny was. He look all over the places she had taken him and all of the places that was special to her. Looking at the time he tried calling her, but that was an epic fail. Thinking about where she could have gone, Tyler called his sister. “Tyler I am in a middle of something right now I can’t really talk.” Tay said speaking over the commotion in the background. “Wait I can’t find her I looked pretty much everywhere.” Tyler said looking at his phone checking if she was still on. “Well you didn’t look everywhere. She isn’t really that far away if you would just calm down and think maybe you will find her.” Tay said as the phone cut off. Hanging up the phone Tyler thought of where she could be.

Back at the house Tay tried to explain to her mother why the living room looked like hurricane Katrina. “Unbelievable I can’t go to work without this happening.” Looking at Tiff’s jaw she told her to put some more ice on it. “Mom relaxed Destiny and I will clean it up, I promise.” Tay said stepping over the broken glass on the floor. “Tay that vase cost me two hundred dollars. The damn carpet has blood on it. Blood on white carpet Tay when I come back this house better look like it was before, or I swear Tiff won’t be the only one hurting.” Teresa said walking out of her house.

Looking at Sammie then at Tiff she shook her head. “Great. This is really fucking great.” Picking up her phone she dials Desi’s number. “What.” Destiny said picking up the phone. “Bury the attitude I am coming so don’t leave.” Tay said hanging up. “Do you want me to drive you?” Sammie asked. “No I’m good I’ll walk, I mean the basketball court is only two blocks away.” Tay said grabbing her coat.

Picking up the phone Tyler was agitated. “I give up I am going home you want me to talk to her then why don’t you bring her to me so I can talk to her.” Laughing Tay still couldn’t believe he couldn’t find the one place that could kept her sane. “I wasn’t calling to check up on you. I wanted to tell you that I got this one.” Tay said stopping at the court. Ending the conversation Tay took a deep breath and walk towards Desi.

“I understand why you did what you did, but do you understand how important life is.” Tay said picking up the ball. “Tay I really don’t need a lecture right now.” Desi said. “Good because I am not giving you one.” Tay said throwing the ball to her. “Then why are you here.” Desi said throwing it back to her. “To play one on one, why else would I be here.” Laughing Desi hugged her. “How can you do that.” Desi said as she continues. “I mean I know you don’t like people being nothing but happy but how can you also make me laugh even in this situation.” Grabbing the ball Tay smiled. “It’s a gift.” She said.

“So why are you really here?” Desi said. “To talk to my best friend without any interruptions.” Tay said sitting on the bench. Sitting next to her Desi had an idea of what she was going to say. “Life has like a million definition. Every letter has its own meaning to it. That’s why taking your own life is not only the selfish thing to do but it is the dumbest thing to do. People can’t decide when they are going to come in this world, so why should they choose to leave the world. Don’t force death, eventually it will be your time. You know why I love astronomy?” shaking her head no Tay continued.

“We probably don’t know all the answers in the sky but when you look up to the sky there’s hope, passion, and dreams. Looking up to the sky gives people possibilities. At night you can see the stars and to me every star is all of the people who are living life. When they live life to the fullest you will see a shooting star. Those are the moments to look for. Maybe you don’t see life in the sky like I do, so I’m going to give you another example.”

Getting up she bounces the ball. “Every bounce is the people living life having a good time. Every block shot is an obstacle they face. Every lost game someone’s life has just been taken. Every won game someone’s life has just begun. Eventually the bounces will go flat but that’s just life. When you take your own life this is what happens.” Popping the ball Tay threw it to Destiny. “All of the air inside was all of the people in your life that supported you and loves you. You take your life you have taken all of those people as well. Maybe you feel like your shot just got blocked and you are ready to go flat but the air inside of it isn’t ready at all.” Tay said sitting back down.

As tears fell Destiny hands starts to shake. “I promised my aunt that no matter what I will take care of my sister. I don’t know how she knew that my sister would be the one who needed more TLC than any one of us, but she just knew. She always saw that something in my eyes. She would never tell me what that something was but, she told me that in any means necessary that I would do anything for my family. If me taking my life will subdue the attack on the air in the ball then why not do it.” Desi said wiping the tears off her checks. “The air in the ball is there because of the ball itself.” Tay said trying to hold back tears.

“I understand where you are coming from but there is another way out. Right now there are two roads in front of you and one of the roads can get the job done easier but at the end everybody falls off the cliff. The other road is much longer and has a lot of bumps and rocks on it, but at the end everybody lives. You never took the easy way out of any situation, why start now. Why take the road that at the end of it everybody loses.” Tay said.

Sitting in silence Tay broke it. “Also no matter what you will always be family forever to me.” Tay said getting up and walking away. Sitting there Destiny contemplated her decision. Thinking for hours and hours she smiled and made up her choice. “Thanks auntie.” Destiny said looking up in the sky.

Chapter Seven: The Clean-Up

Walking into the house Desi saw Tiff in the kitchen sitting on a chair. Closing the door she took a deep breath. “I can’t apologize for what I’ve done, but I can apologize for how I reacted towards the situation.” Destiny said walking up the stairs. “Was that supposed to be an apology?” Tiff said. “No it wasn’t it was more like a way of saying that I’ll stay in my lane only if you stay in yours.” Desi said.

Opening the door to Tay’s room Desi sat on the bed. “You know everything you said was somewhat true, about life and how people portray it. I decided to stay and fight, but this is all I need to know. Are you are ready to get your hands a little dirty.” Desi said. “You already know it.” Tay said putting down her phone.

“Oh and one more thing.” Desi said getting a text message. “What.” Tay said. “You owe me a new ball.” Laughing Tay was thrilled to see Desi back to normal. “Whatever I’ll buy you another ball but we have to clean up downstairs before my mother comes back.” Tay said getting off of her bed.

Walking out of Tay’s room they headed down the stairs, until Tyler stopped them. “Desi can we talk?” Tyler said coming outside of his room. Turning to face him Destiny felt anger towards him. Before she could get a word out Tay interrupted her. “Sure you can talk to her. Just wait until she done cleaning the living room.” Tay said looking at the time it read six thirty, knowing her mother gets off of work at eight she tug Desi towards the steps.

One hour and a half later the living room was looking like it was supposed to minus the vase. “How much did that vase cost?” Destiny asked looking at the table and how empty it looked without the vase. “She said it was 200 hundred but her reaction seemed like it was priceless.” Tay said sitting down. Hearing a bell cling Destiny went upstairs to see what her sister wanted.

“You rang.” Destiny said opening the door. “Yes I did. Sit down we have to talk.” Sitting on the chair next to the bed Destiny didn’t want to have this conversation. “You know you told me that putting your hands on another human being is the wrong thing to do. So why did you put your hands on Tiff. I mean she is a human being unless these pills are making me hallucinate.” Desire said.

“I can’t tell you what happened but I can tell you that my reaction wasn’t the correct one. My anger got the best of me I still do mean what I say.” Desi said trying so hard not to tell her what happened. “I understand that but the only reason why you fight is because of family so I came to the conclusion that Brianna did something and Tiff was a factor in it.” Desire said. “That’s partially right. When you get better then I will tell you more but right now I can’t tell you this for your own health.” Desi said trying so hard not to tell her that Brianna was in this house. Leaving the room Desi headed to Tyler room.

Opening his door she sat on the chair. “You wanted to talk.” Desi said annoyed. Sitting up on his bed Tyler saw that she didn’t want to be around him. “I am sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean it. I was just talking in the heat of the moment. I understand why you did what you did but I do feel like you could have handled it better.” Getting up Tyler touched Desi’s hand. “Listen I understand that’s your family downstairs but do you understands that my sister is all I have. Tiff told me she understood the rules and the regulations of taking and protecting my sister, but look what she did.” Desi said.

“My sister could have died today, how would you feel if you were in my shoes.” His head drooped knowing that he would have done the same thing. Picking his head up, she kissed him softly and told him that she loves him. “I love you too.” He said hugging her.

Back at the office Destiny went into the room where Marisol were and followed out her plan. “My sister could have died because of you. Your services is no longer of need.” Destiny said pulling the trigger. Walking out of the room she entered the room with Miguel. “I’ll spare your life if you tell me one thing and one thing only.” Destiny said aiming the gun at his head. “Where exactly are Brianna and her goons at?” Destiny asked. “You don’t understand that Brianna is way scarier than you. She doesn’t just torture people she kills people. If I tell you where she’s at then I am dead.” Walking towards him she unstrapped his legs. “Get up and follow me.” Destiny said pointing the gun at his head. Opening the door Miguel face reddened. “You want to end up like her then keep doing what you’re doing, but if you want to live I can help you do that.” Destiny said closing the door.

“She has two hang out spots where the goons chill at, one’s on East Street and the other one’s on 5140 street.” Miguel said. “Ok so where does she goes.” Destiny asked. “She doesn’t just stay in one spot she goes all over the place.” “Like where specifically.” Destiny said. “Like to restaurants and malls, but the locations are never the same.” Miguel said looking at the gun pointed at his face. “So she goes to public areas to meet with you guys.” Destiny said thinking of the reason. Untying his arms she directed him to Tyrone’s office.

“Ty I need you to make a death certificate for Miguel. He will give you all of the information you need. Miguel you need to know that you are going to have a different identity and you are gonna have to move out of the state. Hopefully you saved all of the money you got from us, because whatever you do, do not use any credit cards nothing that they can trace you with. Your name and whoever you are taken with you have to change. You won’t be Miguel anymore you will be another person just until I handle Brianna. Do you understand.” Destiny asked. “I understand.” Miguel said. “All right I’m going to ask you some questions and you will be good to go.” Tyrone added.

Walking out of his office Desi went into Tay’s. “I need you to gather up as many experienced shooters outside of this clique and I need them ASAP.” Destiny said. “I gotcha.” Tay said. “Hold on, Desi since I have to go scope the streets out can I at least use your car.” Looking at Tay like she was speaking in another language Desi laughed. “You are one funny person. You can use the van outside for surveillance.” Desi said. “You need to pay me more so I can go buy a car.” Tay said. “You had a car remember, and look what you did to it. I give you enough money for you to buy three cars.” Desi said.

Sucking her teeth she went into her office. Going into Sammie’s office she sat down. “So I guess our plan is in motion.” Sammie said seeing a smile on Desi face. “Yeah it’s in motion but that’s not why I am smiling.” Desi said. “Ok so why are you so happy.” Sammie said as Desi’s happiness confuses her. “I finally understand what Brianna’s plan is.” Desi said. “I know we establish that weeks ago.” Sammie said. “Yeah that isn’t accurate. If she wanted me to commit suicide then she would have killed my sister the day she put that camcorder in the vent. She is postponing us so that when she does attack, we won’t be prepared.

The family members in this clique isn’t a part of the final assassination they are just here to make me paranoid. Brianna knows me as well as I know her. She plays by my weaknesses when we were best friends but the problem is that I have changed. Some of my weaknesses aren’t my weaknesses anymore so whenever her next move is I will work off of her mistake. The brilliant part about the plan is that she is going in order by my most effective weakness to the least effective weakness.” Destiny said smiling even harder. “So our move is to Clean-up the mess she has made.” Sammie said making sure what she heard was accurate. “Right just call the operation the clean-up.” Desi said laughing.

Chapter Eight: Surprise!

Waking up from a phone call Desi answered it. “Sammie you better have a good ass reason to wake me up on my morning off.” She said walking out of the room. “We have a slight problem.” Sammie said. “What is it.” “The operation is still in motion but the H.O.C wants our profit.” She said sounding worried. “Ok so give them the profit.” She said, wiping her eyes. “They are asking for 25,000 but we only have 10.” She pointed out. “What! We were supposed to have more than that. We are supposed to have like 80.” Desi said sitting on the steps. “I know and I did count the money last week and we had 80, but now that shit is gone.” Sammie said. “Don’t go anywhere I am on my way.” Desi said ending the conversation.

Looking at the time Desi walked into the bathroom. Twenty minutes passed and Desi was headed to the office. Arriving at the office she spotted Sammie pacing back and forth. “When does the H.O.C needs the money?” Destiny asked as she got out of her car. “In six hours.” Sammie answered. Looking at the time she shook her head. “Look we don’t have time for this I’ll handle the H.O.C just call everybody and tell them that the war has begun.” Destiny said getting back into her car.

Driving to her private bank she called her father. “Good morning.” Her father said picking up the phone. “Hey dad, can Desire stay at your house for a little while.” Desi asked. “Sure. May I ask why?” Desi’s father questioned her. “For her own safety.” Desi said trying to leave out as many details as possible. “Ok should I pick her up or are you going to drop her off.” He asked. “After I am done with what I am doing then I’ll drop her off. So you should look out for her in like an hour or so.” She said turning into the driveway. “Ok.” “Ok dad I gotta go I’ll see you later. I love you.” Desi said getting out of her car. “I love you to.” He said as the conversation came to an end.

Walking into the house she called out a name. “I’m in the back.” Nicole said. Walking into the back she heard a noise. Putting her hand on her gun Desi walked slower. Hitting the corner she peaked and saw her picking up a tub of books off of the floor. Letting go of her gun she helped her pick them up. “You are such a klutz.” Desi said. “I am not a klutz the books knock themselves over.” Nicole said getting up.

 “So what you been up to.” She asked Desi. “Nothing really, I been working and taking care of Desire.” Desi said. “I heard about the accident I am very sorry how is she.” She said sympathetically and concerned. “It’s cool she is doing much better now.” Desi said sitting down on the couch. “So what brings you to my place of business?” Nicole said. “I need you to take out seventy grand out of my account and then I need you to give me these things on this list.” She said handing the list to her.

“Damn what the hell do you plan on doing with this.” She said as she read through the list. “Should I even ask what is this all about.” Nicole said. “No.” Desi answered her. “What happened to the person who said that violence wasn’t an answer?” She said looking into her eyes. Seeing nothing but hatred nearly scared her. “She died when a bullet went into her sister.” She said reminiscing on the moment she saw her sister lying in a hospital bed.

Sitting on the couch next to her she put her hand on her shoulder. “Should I be worried? I mean here you are packing heat and now you want me to give you more heat to pack. The image you gave me was that you didn’t like violence you would take any road other than violence. I thought you learned your lesson when you severely injured Brianna. You could go to jail for life, if you do the things that you are thinking.” Nicole said.

“Violence is the only answer for this situation. Of course I looked for other solutions but none of them are even possible. I tried talking to her but that didn’t work. She wants one thing and one thing only and that involve me in a box six feet under. I am done hiding from who I am.” Desi said clenching her teeth. “Who do you think you are exactly because I know you are not a murderer? This list is coming from a dark place inside you. You just need to overcome it.” She said worried. “It’s too late.” Looking at her she dropped her head. “You killed someone already.” Shaking her head a tear fell from her eye.

“Listen to me whatever you did, you better hope that the police don’t figure it out. I promised you that I would keep this underground but your action is making this come to light. Mom, dad and even Desire don’t even know I am alive. You just made mom win. You broke your promise to me and you know what that means right.” Nicole said. “Yes Denise I understand.” Getting up she asked a question. “So are you going to get the things on the list or what.” Desi said. “On one condition.” She said. “What’s the condition?” Desi asked. “Well I will be a part of this whole war.”  Looking at Denise like she was crazy she gave in. “Ok that’s a deal.” Desi said.

Nicole was Denise cover. Five years ago Denise was involved in a hit and run initially for Destiny. At the hospital doctors revived Denise but Desi and Denise came to a decision that Denise was going underground until things got better but it had gotten a little troubling and the agreement changed. They got doctors to hoax her death. Their mom, dad and sister were supposed to be informed but that didn’t happen. Denise agreed that she would be underground until Destiny took a life.

Denise is Destiny’s twin. They pretty much did everything together. Since they were twins Destiny and Denise didn’t want all of the attention to be on them so when they were about to leave Denise decided to stay in New York with her Grandmother. When her grandmother died then Denise moved. When school was about to start Denise didn’t want to go to the same school as Desi so they decided that they would go to different schools. People didn’t know that Desi was a twin so when the hit and run happened people thought that Destiny was the one who got hit, but then people saw that she had a twin.

Back at home Destiny went to go talk to Desire. “Destiny don’t get mad but I know your secret I checked your phone when you were sleeping.” Sitting down she didn’t know what she was talking about. “What are you talking about?” she asked. “Denise isn’t dead and you knew that all already. You really need to be more careful about where you lay your phone.” Desire said. “I still don’t know what you are talking about. I mean Denise is still alive but I haven’t text her since the whole hit and run.” Desi said.

“Then why your phone has a billion text messages to Denise “Looking at her text messages she was still clueless. “Desire there is no text messages between me and Denise on my phone. Who phone did you have?” Desi said handing the phone to her. “This isn’t the phone I had. I mean it is the same model and all but the phone I had has two letters on the side of it.” Desire said giving Desi her phone back. “Please don’t tell me the letters were T.C.” Desi asked leaning against the wall.

Looking at Desi like she had just won the jackpot she realized that Taylor was the person’s phone that she had. Walking out of the room she went into Tay’s room to find her not there. Storming into Tyler’s room she asked if he had seen Tay. “No I thought she was with you.” walking out of his room and back into her room she grabbed the wheelchair from under the bed. “You are going to crash at dads for a little while, so get into the wheelchair please.”  “Hold on. I don’t want to go to dads.” Desire said. “Desire don’t fight me on this please you are not safe in this house.” Destiny said. “So you think I will be safe at dads. Use your head daddy is always working he lets people just visit anytime they want and there are no type of security in his house.” She said arguing her case. “Are you serious Des I am doing the same damn thing. There isn’t any security in here as well. People come and go in this place and the worst part is that Brianna knows you are here. Now get your ass in the chair.” Desi said getting agitated.

“Desi I don’t want to go.” Desire said. Sighing Destiny sat on the bed. “What is the problem? You are in danger in this house. I am trying to keep you safe but you are being complicating. So tell me why you don’t want to go to your father.” Closing her eyes Desire tries to avoid the subject. “I just don’t want to.” She said laying back down. “Ok you have two choices. Either you get into the chair voluntarily or I’ll put you in the chair myself.” Destiny said getting off of the bed.

“Why can’t you just give someone a gun and tell them to let nobody in the house.” Desire said. “Maybe because this isn’t my house or because I don’t like it when strangers in the house with guns.” Destiny said. “You let Tiff watch over me.” Desire pointed out. “She didn’t have a gun and look how that ended. Look you have a minute to tell me what’s the problem and then I will put you in that wheelchair.” Destiny said.

“Of course I will be the one to crush your expectations of dad. Dad isn’t innocent either. You look at mom like she was the one who broke up the family but ask her why she did what she did. Matter of fact asks dad what drove her to the affair with Mr. Jackson.” Looking at Desire like she was crazy she walked out of the room.

Going into Tyler’s room she asked him a favor. “Can you please watch Desire for me? Don’t let anyone that you don’t know in the house and when you see Tay tell her to call me immediately.” Tyler grabbed her before she walked out of the door. “You are asking me for a lot so my question is what I am getting out of it.” Tyler said with a smirk on his face. Rolling her eyes she got closer to him. Putting her arms around his neck she kissed him.

Arriving at her father apartment she knocked on the door. Opening the door her father greeted her. “Where is Desire?” He asked. “Dad she is at the house, she doesn’t want to see you. She said you did something so I have to ask you a question and please don’t lie to me about it.” Destiny said sitting on the couch. “Ask me anything.” He said sitting next to her. “Why does Desire think you had something to do with mom cheating?” Looking at his face expression she knew exactly what he was about to say.

“I was going to tell you when the time was right but I think Desire already did.” He said. “No she didn’t want to be the one to tell me but I think I already know the answer. You had an affair didn’t you?”  Shaking his head no he wondered why she would think that. “No I didn’t. When Denise died I turned to alcohol to relieve the pain. I pushed your mother away. I realized that drinking alcohol wasn’t doing anything but I was addicted to it. Ashamed I started going to AA meetings secretly. Your mom caught me on a lie about being in a meeting and she thought I was cheating but I was so ashamed that alcohol was my addiction I let her believed that I was having an affair.” He said. Feeling so guilty Destiny confessed.

“Dad this is all my fault. I should have told you but I didn’t know how. One of the doctors were supposed to tell you but didn’t. When Denise was shot the doctors revived her. She wasn’t killed. It was my decision to not tell you about it but Denise is alive and well. She has been hiding underground. I am so sorry.” She said looking at her father. Hugging her a tear fell from her eye.

Looking at his daughter he confessed. “When I hired the private investigator to investigate the affair that was happening he found something else. I knew she was alive and that you knew to. I was disappointed but I soon figured it out. I was going to confront you but I was waiting for this moment. I wanted you to tell me when you were ready. At first I blamed you for my addiction but I realized that it was my choice regardless of the circumstances. Listen I love you and all of my daughters. I don’t want anything to happen to you guys that why I am here, but you guys have to make your own decisions and accept the consequences. Desire is turning 17 in like two more weeks she will be able to make her own decisions and I am going to have to accept it.” He said.

Getting into her car her eyes watered. Riding in silence Destiny was deep in her thoughts. Arriving at the house she spotted Tay entering. Trying to calm down Destiny stayed in her car. Ten minutes passed and she entered the house. Walking up the stairs she went into her room. “How did you know dad was having alcohol problems?” Destiny said. “I didn’t know he had an alcohol problem, I didn’t want to go there because I thought he was having an affair long before mom did. I feel so bad now. I’ve been giving him the cold shoulder for weeks now.” Desire said feeling guilty.

“Listen don’t do that. He understands he isn’t blaming you he just wants you to forgive him. I also want you to forgive me for not telling you about Denise.” Destiny said touching her hand. “You had to do what you had to do. I am not going to say that I am not mad at you but I do forgive you.” Desire said squeezing her hand. “I love you.” Desi said. Walking out of the room Destiny paced back and forth. Trying to gather her thoughts she sat on the steps.

Chapter Nine: Consequences

Sitting on the step Destiny calmed down her heart beat. Taking her phone out of her pocket she saw that her sister had called her five times. Wanted to know what she wanted she called Denise. “Nicole speaking.” Denise said picking up the phone. “You don’t need to say that anymore. What you want.” She asked. “The money you ask to get, where you want me to transfer it to.” She asked. “Send it to the account you always do.” She answered. “Okay.” She said as the conversation came to an end. Walking down the stairs she stopped next to the refrigerator. Looking at the calendar on it she realized the date.

Walking back up the stairs she went into her room. Telling Desire to sit up she checked her ribs and her leg. “Tell me what positions hurt.” Destiny said as she bends her leg different ways. Moving her leg outward Desire screamed. “So I am guessing that didn’t feel right.” She said placing her leg back to rest position. “So you think you are the comedian huh.” Desire said laying back down. “Stop being a wimp. It’s just a broken leg. Sit up.” Destiny said. “Just a broken leg, in case you have forgotten I got shot and bank so be quiet.” She said sitting up.

“You are such a baby. Pull up you shirt.” Desi said. Rolling her eyes she lifted up her shirt. Looking at her ribs she notices bruises. “Well the good news is that the bruises on your ribs are not black and purple.” Destiny said touching them. Flinching Destiny stopped. “Why is that good news?” Desire asked. “Black and purple bruises occurs in the beginning the coloring on your ribs are more reddish which means it is healing.” Destiny said grabbing the crutches.

“I want you to try to get up with the crutches. If your ribs starts to bother you a lot then stay in the bed, but if it only sores in a certain position then continue.” Destiny said handing her the crutches. Slowly moving her feet so it is dangling off of the bed Desire picked up one of the crutches. Grabbing the other one she placed it under her arms. Using the crutches as her support she tries to get up. As she got up on the crutches she felt a great pain. “My ribs feel like they are on fire.” She said sitting down on the bed.

Walking towards her she looked at her ribs again. “Explain the pain. Like as you got up was it the crutches that irritated your ribs or was it because you were standing up.” Destiny asked. “I don’t know all I know that it hurts.” Desire said. “Ok I am going to be the right crutch this time and if you feel the pain again tell me where does it hurt the most.” Destiny said as Desire puts her arm around her neck. Slowly standing up, the pain continued. “It still hurts like hell.” Desire said. “Is it internal or is it the contact to your ribs?” Destiny asked. “It a combination.” Desire said. “Ok I am going to move a little so I am not touching you. I want you to tell me when I move did it alleviated the pain.” Destiny said as she moved a little. “The pain is still there.” Desire said. “Ok lay down for me. I have to make a phone call.” Destiny said.

Walking out of the room she called Desire’s doctor. “This is Doctor Pryor’s office how can I help you today.” The receptionist said answering the phone. “This is Destiny Carter calling for Dr. Pryor.” Destiny said. “Please hold.” She said. Holding Destiny knocked on Taylor’s door. “Come in.” Tay said on the bed on the phone. “This is Doctor Pryor speaking.” He said picking up the phone. “Hey this is Destiny I am calling to tell you that today was the first day of Desire’s physical therapy. You told me to call you to report her progress.” Destiny said.

“Yes how is she doing?” he asked. “Well she can move her leg in certain positions. Her ribs are still healing and they still cause her pain while standing up.” She said explaining. “Ok I am going to recommend that you bring in Desire every other day so a doctor can check her up.” He said. “Ok.” Desi said. “Great, how about tomorrow at 3pm.” He said. “Ok I’ll see you tomorrow at 3.” Destiny said hanging up the phone. Looking at Desi Tay laughed. “What’s so funny?” Desi asked.

“Nothing at all.” Tay said. “Everybody have jokes today.” Desi said lying on the bed. “I have a question and this may sound crazy but I need to know.” Destiny said. “Watsup.” Tay said. “Desire found a phone that she thought was mine and she looked through the text messages and found out that Denise wasn’t dead. I already knew she isn’t dead. The only people that knew she wasn’t dead was selected. I don’t know how your phone got into my room, but I am more interested in how did you find out and who told you.” Destiny said.

“Nobody told me. Six months ago I went groceries shopping with Tyler and I ran into her. Now at first I thought it was you because this was when you had your own place. Then I had gotten a phone call from you. I didn’t know what to do. I thought I was going crazy, until she spotted me and quickly moved away. I followed and called out her name, but she didn’t respond. So while she was in the checkout line I followed to her car. She told me everything and then she wanted to know how you were doing since you only come to visit once a month. We exchanged numbers and I kinda been her ears.” Tay said.

“So you didn’t tell her anything about this operation.” Destiny asked. “No, then that would only make her worried and scared.” Tay said. “Ok listen I can’t be mad at you for how you found out but I am mad at you because you didn’t say anything to me. Denise is coming out from the underground so I am going apartment shopping after I drop Desire off tomorrow. Do you want to come and catch up with Denise.” Desi said sitting up on the bed. “Sure but you do know that you have a business meeting with the HOC today in like forty minutes.” Tay said.

Forgetting all about the meeting she called Sammie. “Where the hell are you?” Sammie said picking up the phone. “Calm down I am on my way. I got caught up with some things.” Desi said getting up. “Did you at least handle the problem.” Sammie asked. “Yeah it all under control, but right now I want you to check the security cameras and see who went into the room and came out looking suspiciously.” Desi said. “Ok hurry your ass up and get here. Oh and tell Tay that she is an ass.” Sammie said hanging up the phone. “Sammie called you an ass.” Destiny said walking out of the room.

At the office Sammie looked very agitated. “Ok I am here so turn your frown upside down.” Desi said walking into her office. “Ok let see if your smile will change when you see this.” Sammie said turning the computer monitor so it could face her. Looking at the monitor Desi walked out of her office and into the game room. Spotting Justin she grabbed him. “Yo watsup with you.” He said as she let go of him. “Watsup with me let see I am trying to work up a master plan to defeat Brianna and then I find out that there is a thief in this clique.” “A real stupid ass thief.” Sammie added playing the footage.

Looking at Destiny Justin tried to explain himself. “Desi this is not what it look like, but I needed that money. I figured that you didn’t need the money until a month so I was going to replace the money.” He said. “What the hell did you need 70 thousand dollars for.” Sammie said getting out of chair. “My sister is in trouble she could die if I don’t deliver him 100 thousand by the end of the day. I already gave him 90. Listen I am sorry but my sister’s life is in my hands and I don’t have 100 thousand dollars.” Justin said.

“Did it occur to you that Sammie and I could have helped your situation if you would have asked instead of take shit that doesn’t belong to you.” Desi said. “Like you said you are going through a lot and I didn’t want to bother you.” He said. “Look around Justin what you did is bothering us. You said you needed 10 grand by the end of the day I got 10 grand who is this person you paying anyway.” Sammie asked. “His name is Donald but people call him…” “Domino.” Destiny said cutting him off. “Yeah how did you know.” Justin said shocked. “Let’s just say that we go way back.” Destiny said. “Domino is a drug dealer why are you paying a drug dealer money.” Sammie said. “My sister got banked and they took the money and the rest of the product that she had. Now Domino isn’t happy and said that she had today to give him his money or she will pay the consequences.” Justin said.

“So where is your sister?” Sammie asked. “She is at my mother’s house. I told Domino that I will give him the money and to leave my sister alone.” Justin said. “So you gave him 90 already and you owe him 10. Let’s go.” Desi said grabbing her keys off of the desk. “What! What are you doing?” Justin said. “You are going to tell me where Domino is and I am going to handle it and then when we get back Sammie will tell you what is your punishment for stealing shit from us.” Destiny said.

Giving Destiny the direction to Domino hang out spot Justin hand started sweating. “What are the consequences for stealing from you.” Justin asked. “You will find out when you get back.” Destiny said. Ten minutes of driving they arrived to an abandon house. “He is in the back of the house probably sitting on the hood of his truck.” Justin said. “His goons are strapped so don’t say anything offensive.” Justin added. “Don’t tell me what to do I am in charge here.” Destiny said getting out of the car.

Following her Justin heart beat fasten. Approaching Domino, Desi called out his name. Getting off of his car he moved closer to see who it was. “Well look who it is.” He said smiling. “Little Desi, what’s good with you.” He said opening his arms. Bear hugging her he picked her up. “I haven’t seen you in like three years.” He said letting go of her. “Yeah I know.” She said. “I see you got buffer.” She said poking him. “Yeah well you know I gotta do what I gotta do to survive these streets.” He said.

“Now I know you didn’t come to reunite, so what is this visit about anyway.”  He said. “Walk with me.” She said. Walking away she started talking. “So I here that you have a problem with one of my workers.” She said. “Naw I don’t have a problem with him I have a problem with his sister.” He said. “Ok I know about the story and I understand that business is business so here you go.” She said handing him an envelope. Looking inside of it he smiled. “Look at you all grown up. I remember when you were in middle school so quiet and all sweet looking. Now everybody knows your name and shit. Nothing but respect for you.” He said.

“Next visit though should be about our friendship and not about our business.” He added. “That sounds fair.” She said. Back at the spot they hugged and Desi and Justin was headed back to the office. “I can’t thank you enough for doing this for me.” Justin said. “Don’t thank me yet because you still have to face the consequences.” Desi said entering the highway. “So how do you know Domino anyway, I mean he is a notorious drug dealer.” Justin said. “Domino wasn’t always a drug dealer. We went to middle school and high school together until he dropped out.” Desi said. “So ya’ll were friends for a long time.” Justin asked. “Yeah watsup with the twenty questions.” Destiny said. “Nothing just your life is very interesting.” He said amazed. “Ok glad you think that, but just because it doesn’t seem like I am mad trust and believe I am.” Destiny said.

Arriving at the office Destiny and Justin entered Sammie’s office. “He’s all yours.” Desi said dropping him off. “Ok so here is your punishment. Since you like stealing, the 100 grand is coming out of your paychecks. What I mean is for the next three months every time you get paid, 100 grand is deducted from it. That’s the first punishment. The other punishment is that you got one strike, you get two more strikes then something happens that you don’t want to happen. Your third and final punishment is that your ranking dropped twice. So you are no longer a jack you are nine and you can’t rank up until all of the money is paid off. Do you understand.” Sammie said. Shaking his head he left her office.               

Chapter Ten: And Action

In the meeting with The HOC Destiny was getting grilled on the Brianna situation. “With all due respect I don’t know why you are talking to me about retaliation. She shot my sister and threatened to kill her and everybody I know. What would you do.” Destiny said agitated. “Listen rules are rules you break a rule then you are out.” Mr. Mckinsey said. “What exactly are the rules because if I am correct Brianna already broke like ten of them by shooting my sister.” Destiny said getting heated. “My rules are simple no illegal stuff that means killing Brianna.” He said. “So I get it now I can shoot someone but don’t kill them right. Listen you are about to lose everything good about your money, because I am going to kill Brianna.” Destiny said walking out of the meeting.

“I hope she was just playing.” He said speaking to Sammie. “I doubt that. Destiny isn’t the joking type. Put yourself in her shoes. Don’t look at her situation as the HOC but as a human being that the only thing that keeps her sane is the people around her that she loves. Brianna already took basketball away from her now you are saying that she can take her love ones away from her as well.” Sammie said.

Not responding Tay jumped in the conversation. “Sir you may not know me but I think you know my cousin Tiff. She was part of the reason for you and the others in charge to put rules. I understand that you want your money and on time. Destiny and this clique have been number one and always met our deadline. We have been consistent for like three years now. The only reason you made those rules was for you to get your money consistently. I guarantee that you would get your money consistently from us all the time just let us go forth with our plan. Destiny wants justice and the police isn’t doing their jobs so let us do ours.” Tay said.

Looking at Sammie and then at Tay, he closed his book and got up. “You have permission to go forward with your plan, but you have to reach every deadline for this year.” He said walking out of the room. Slapping hands with Tay they celebrated. “Don’t get me wrong you are still an ass but nice work.” Sammie said. Smiling Tay rolled her eyes. “Why are you so pressed about that situation it was years ago before I ever met you. Get over it.” Tay said. “You went out with my ex and then joked about it like it was funny.” Sammie said pushing her chair away from hers. “If I apologize would you be happy.” Tay said moving the chair back. “No because I know you don’t mean it.” She said. “You right. Get over it.” Tay said leaving the room.

Walking into Destiny’s office Sammie sat down. “So you owe me big time.” Sammie said smiling. Looking at her she didn’t know what she was talking about. “What?” she said. “Well you owe me and Tay. We convinced the HOC to let us do what we have to do.” She said. “Really they said yes.” Desi said getting up. “Yes but you know there’s a catch. We have to be consistent on the money for the year.” Sammie said. Smiling Destiny couldn’t believe it. “Yes. Whatever you want you got it.” She said. “Ok then let me drive your car.” She said smiling. “Let me rephrase that, whatever you want you got it except for my car my boyfriend and you can’t have my Jordans.” Smiling Sammie rolled her eyes. “Really you would say something like that.” She said.

Walking into the office Tay sat down. “Do you know we have a game room in this building and a hang out area.” Destiny said. “Yeah so.” Sammie and Tay said at the same time. “So why do you guys think my office is the hang out spot.” She said. “You really think you’re funny.” Sammie said. “I am just saying.” She said. “Just maybe we like hanging with you.” Tay said. “Maybe. You know you guys are addicted to me.” Destiny said joking. “Whatever the only thing that is addicted to you is Tyler.” Tay said. “True.” Sammie agreed.

“Ok Lil Justin and Lil Marcus.” Destiny said. “Why do you keep calling me that I don’t like Justin.” Tay said. “No you just like going out with other people boyfriends.” Sammie said. “How many times do I have to say this I didn’t know you when I went out with him.” Tay said. “Did I miss something.” Destiny said. “Sammie is mad at me because she didn’t know I went out with Brandon.” Tay said. “Ok so did half of the girls in this community. What is the big issue.” Destiny said. “The big issue is half of those girls aren’t my best friend.” Sammie said. “We weren’t best friends when I went out with him.” Tay said with an attitude.

“Sammie why are you mad didn’t you go out with Jackson.” Desi pointed out. “Yeah so.” Sammie said. “So! I went out with Jackson.” Tay shouted. “Ok I obviously didn’t know you.” Sammie said. “Wow so you’re mad at me because I went out with Brandon but you did the same thing.” Tay said with an attitude.

Ten minutes passed and Tay and Sammie are still arguing. “Would you two shut up. Do you even hear yourselves? We have bigger issues to conquer. You guys are mad for nothing. Now make up and meet me in the conference room.” Destiny said leaving her office.

Making up they went into the room. Looking around all of the leaders was there. Sitting in their seats Desi started talking. “Now as all of you know we are in war with Bossy Chics. Things will change around here starting with more security cameras and men in suits. I expect everybody to be aware and focus because you will never know when I am going to strike.” Destiny said turning on the plasma on the wall. Pictures of people and buildings filled the screen as Destiny continues to talk.

“These people are Brianna’s go to guys. First we will take out them one by one. The only problem is that they are surrounded by goons, so in order to take them out we need to take surveillance of them. Sammie Tay and I will do all of the surveillance. No one other than the people I call out should attack. After we have taken out these people we are going after Brianna.  The only problem is that she hangs out in these buildings and they have first class security. I will need every hacker you guys know to help me get into her system. So secretly go around the streets and start asking people for help, but be aware and smart out there. Starting today we are more than a clique we are a family. We will eat sleep and breathe thinking about this clique and how victory will taste so sweet.” Destiny said sitting down.

Getting up Sammie did her speech. “Today will be the first day of the rest of your lives. Blood sweat and tears will be spilled in this war. Blood sweat and tears already have been spilled. Look at this war not for vengeances but for justice and for a peace of mind. Without this person gone people will die and suffer. Don’t fight this war for yourselves but for everybody else. Kill one save a thousand.  Now let’s go do what we have to do.” Sammie said. “Meeting is adjourned.” Destiny said.

Driving to get Denise, Sammie and Tay were arguing again. “You guys sound like married couples. Shut up.” She said parking the car. Walking to the entrance of Denise’s house she saw that the door was opened. Grabbing her gun she walked into the house. Moving towards the bedroom she saw a body on the ground. Checking for a pulse the body was dead. Walking into the bathroom she saw her sister on the floor with two bullets in her. Seeing that one hit her on her vest and the other on her arm she checked her pulse. Denise was alive.

Chapter Eleven: Preparations

Calling Tay she told her to come in. Barging in was Tay and Sammie. “What the hell.” Sammie said looking at the body on the floor. Looking at Destiny, Tay knew what Destiny wanted to do. “Sammie we need to get her out of here and now.” Tay said. Looking into the dead guy pockets she found something. “We have a problem.” Sammie said showing them the badge. Getting up she stormed out of the house. Following her Tay tried to stop her. “Don’t do this.” Tay said. “I have to.” Destiny said. “I can’t let you do this.” Tay said walking in front of her. “Tay move.” Destiny said. “No.” she said. “I can’t let you do it.” She said. “A cop tried to kill my sister. I want to know why. Tay if you don’t move I am going to move you myself.” She said. Moving out her way she watched Destiny drive away.

Walking back to where Sammie is at she told her what Desi is going to do. “Tay why the hell did you let her go.” Sammie asked looking at the dead cop on the floor. “It’s not like I had a choice. I need your help. Denise’s car is in front I have her keys. We need to get her out of here and into the nearest safe house.” Tay said. Picking her up they place her in the car. “I hope you have a plan on getting Desi out of jail.” Sammie said.

At the safe house Denise woke up. Seeing that her wounds were bandaged she sat up. Seeing a pile of money and guns she got off of the table. Grabbing a gun she walked out of the room she was in. Seeing a person she pointed the gun at her. “Any last words.” Denise said cocking the gun. Standing up and turning to face Denise, Sammie swallowed. “Put the gun down.” Sammie said. “Who are you.” Denise said. “I am a friend of your sister please put the gun down.” She said. “Brianna was a friend of my sister and look how that turned out.” Denise said walking towards her. Screaming Tay’s name Sammie tried to keep her composure.

Walking into the room Tay saw what was going on. “Denise look at me she isn’t the enemy.” Tay said. Dropping the gun she looked around. “Where is Desi?” she asked. “If she isn’t in jail by now I don’t know.” Sammie said. “What the hell are you talking about.” Denise said. “Well the dead body we found in your house was a cop. She went to go get some information.” Tay explained. “What the hell, why aren’t you guys doing anything?” Denise questioned them. “Maybe because your sister threaten us not to help and to keep an eye on you.” Sammie said. “Don’t mind her attitude she is just mad.” Tay said seeing that Denise wasn’t felling Sammie’s attitude.

At the precinct Destiny entered. “Excuse me is there a detective Carter here.” Desi asked one of the police officer. “There is no one by the name Carter works here.” He said. “Thanks.” Destiny said. Walking out of the precinct she was confused. Walking back to her car she saw a familiar face. Running away when he saw her Destiny chased after him. Finally catching him she pulled out her gun. “What the hell are you doing?” she asked. “You know why I am here.”  He said. Putting her gun away she signaled him to follow.

“Which one sent you?” she asked. “Well it wasn’t your mother or your father.” He answered. “Then who was it how long have you been tracking me?” she questioned him as she got in her car. Getting in the passenger seat he answered her. “James.” Looking at him like he said someone famous. “How does he know?” she asked starting the car. “I mean he still does have connections in the street.” He answered. “Mark why the hell did he send you.” She asked confused. “You haven’t heard. You are looking at one of the assistants of Grinderz.” He said. “I heard but like you said James isn’t the Leader anymore.” She added. “Yeah but he still run things. He wants to speak with you.” He said.

Looking at Mark she shook her head. “If my uncle wants to speak to me then tell him I am a phone call away.” She said driving off. “You know he knows right.” Mark questioned her. “Yep I bet he does his son is the perfect snitch.” Desi said. “I am more of an informant.”  He said. “Another euphemism for snitch.” She said. “Whatever.” He said turning on the radio. Turning it off she slap him on the back of his head. “Don’t touch anything in the car especially the radio.” She said.

Driving to the safe house she saw that Denise was awoke. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Denise said spotting her. “Let me see you slap her on the back of her head.” Mark said under his breath. “I had to do what I had to do. You were shot by someone dressed as a detective.” She said. “Oh so you go and what try to get yourself killed.”  Denise said. “Someone is trying to kill us. I wanted some answers. I know what I was doing.” Destiny said getting agitated. “You are so lucky I was shot I can’t slap you right now.” Denise said walking away from her. “Yeah cause getting shot was the reason.” Destiny said looking at Tay and Sammie.

“So I hate to interrupt this lovely conversation but I haven’t seen you in ages.” Mark said walking towards Denise. Hugging him she felt something. “Are you packing?” she asked. “Yeah.” He said. “Oh did I forget to tell you. This moron is an assistant in Grinderz.” Destiny said pushing him. “Did anyone tell you that you are a bully?” Mark said. “Besides you nope.” Destiny said smiling. “How about you start being nice to me since I am the one who get to report back to daddy.” Mark said. “Just tell me how you want to go back to Uncle James. In bruises or in the condition you are in.” Destiny said walking closer to him. Backing up he threw a white tissue up.

“Why don’t you sit on the couch and listen to this.” Destiny said throwing him her iPod. “What the hell.” He said looking at her. “Oh if you are 18 or older please raise your hand.” Looking around to see every hand up but his Destiny smiled. “I thought so. The adults are going to talk while the child sits on the couch and listen to the iPod.” Destiny said.

Walking near the table with the stack of money Destiny looked at Denise. “What the hell happened to you?” She asked looking at her intense. “There was a knock on the door and I thought it was you so I opened it. The guy you saw on the floor attacked me. He tried to kill me but thanks to you and the teachers you hired I picked up some things. When I ran to get my gun he shot me twice and then I shot him. I didn’t know he was a cop.” Denise said.

“He isn’t. The badge said 154 division and I went to the precinct and nobody named Carter worked there. He is working for someone but I know it isn’t Brianna.” Destiny said looking at the time. “Then who do you think it is.” Tay said. “I don’t know.” Destiny said. “Maybe it was the same people who ordered the hit and run.” Sammie pointed out. “The killer said my name I don’t think it was the same person. Since the drive by was for you.” Denise pointed out. Getting a phone call Destiny picked it up.

Dropping the phone she grabbed a gun and dashed out of the house. Following her Sammie pushed Mark to the corner. “What the hell?” he said. “Shut up stay in the corner.” Sammie said walking out of the house. Seeing three black hummers she looked at Destiny. “Desi who the hell is that.” She asked. “Uncle James.” She said lowering her gun. Walking to the car the door opened. Getting into the car she saw her uncle and her two cousins. “Wow please don’t tell me Chuck and Larry over here isn’t your bodyguards.” Destiny said looking at her cousins. “I see you didn’t lose your touch.”  He said smiling.

“Well what can I say you taught me well.” She said. “Not well enough.” He said. Looking at him she knew what he was going to say. “I know what I am doing.” She said. “Bringing guns to a police precinct isn’t smart.” He said. “Uncle someone shot Denise disguise as a detective. No one should know that she is alive but the people I told.” She said. “How is she?” he asked. “Very angry at me.” She responded. “She will get over it. I brought you some guys for the war.” He said. “Please don’t tell me it’s them.”  She said referring to her cousins.

Smiling at her he responded. “Allen is a hacker he can hack anything. Shelly is a fighter she can teach someone or something. I don’t want them in the line of fire so I brought you Janice and Skipper. Let’s just say that their father was a part of Delta.” He said. “Mark is here do you want him to go with you.” She asked hoping he says yes. “Nope he wants to spend time with you so let him. Don’t be mean to him.” He said opening the door. Getting out of the car was his children and the Delta guys.

“Listen you better have a good ass plan I don’t want my favorite niece dying.” He said. “Can you do me a favor.” She asked. “Anything.” He said. “Can you take Desire? I know you have top notch security so I know she will be safe.” She said. “Sure where is she at?” She looked at him and smiled. “Tyler’s.” Shaking his head he hugs her. “See he stuck around.” He said. “Like Aunt Jenna did.” She said smiling. “Yep be safe.” He said. Getting out of the car she went back to the safe house.

Filling in Sammie Tay and Denise on what was happening she looked at her cousins and the two other guests. Filling them in she wanted to see what they was all about. “You said that you can hack anything this is what Brianna’s Security looks like.” Destiny said giving the blue print of the security. “You two are some Delta force, well this is what we are up against.” She said giving them the names and faces of the people they needed to take out first. “And then it was you. You are a fighter, so am I. Your father and others taught me some techniques, so I am assuming he did the same to you.” She said smiling. “You get to fight me to see if you are really what I’m looking for.” Destiny said taking off her keys, phone, wallet, wrist bands, earrings and all of the other things.

Watching attentively the group bet money on who was going to win. Both dripping blood anyone of them could win. Shelly tries to finish her off with two left jabs and an uppercut until Destiny caught the uppercut and finished her off with one punch. “When she wakes up tell her that her job starts tomorrow.” She said going in the bathroom. Taking their money was Sammie and Tay smiling at Mark and Allen.

Uncle James was the leader of Grinderz. He is the brother of Destiny’s father. James is 34 years old. Her father is 38. Their mother had Destiny’s father when she was 16 years old and James when she was 20. He joined the clique when he was 15. He wanted to have money on his own so he thought the easiest way was to join. He became a leader at 18. He had his first child when he was 16.  James married his high school sweetheart Jenna when he was 22. Jenna is a couple of months younger than James. James is all about choices. He won’t tell you what to do, but he will give you guidance. His wife tries to be more like him but she doesn’t want her kids making the same mistakes they did.

Allen is their first born. He is 18 years old. He wanted to be just like his dad but quickly knew that it wasn’t going to happen. He father is an aggressor. He fought his way out of things. Allen is more of a technician. He use computers to get out of things. Shelly is their second born. She is 17 years old. She is a senior in high school. She is her father. She loves to fight and get into fights a lot in high school. She gets good grades and never had a problem getting what she wanted. Mark is the youngest. He is 16 years old. He is a junior in high school. Mark doesn’t really have anything special about him. He is the average high school guy. He is more like the sarcastic side of Destiny. He looks up to Destiny a lot even though he would never admit it.

At the office Destiny grab the equipment from the closet. Walking in the room was Tyrone. “Are you ready for this. Because you know you can go and take care of Desire while we do this.” He said helping her. “As much as I want to I can’t. Brianna is after me I can’t let anybody fight this battle alone.” She said zipping up the bag. “I just don’t want you to get hurt that’s all. Out of any of us you are the one that can have a future.” He said sitting on the chair. “Rone I am going to be fine. After this we are going to have a drink and laugh about this. Okay.” She said. “I hope you are right.” He said. “But if something goes wrong I just want to do this one more time.” He said hugging her.

Tyrone has always had feelings for Destiny, but Destiny always seen him like a brother. Putting his feelings aside they became friends. Destiny consider Tyrone as her brother since he has always had her back. Tyrone is the second person Destiny talked to when she moved from New York. He was her next door neighbor when she was living in her parents’ house. He was also one of the person she told when she found out about her mother. He even got detention with her when the geometry teacher wanted to mixed business with pleasure.

Walking out the door he stopped and looked at her. “What are you going to tell Tyler about your face.” He asked. “The truth.” She said. Watching him walk away she smiled. Looking at the time she grabbed the bag and exit the building.

Entering the house Destiny Called Tay’s name. Screaming back at her she waited. Running down the stairs was Tyler. Looking at her face he touch it. “What happened.” He asked as he examine her face. Slapping his hand off she answered him. “I was testing out someone for a job. You should see her face.” She said. “I would kiss you but I don’t want to hurt you.” He said. Kissing him Tay made a noise to let them know she was coming down the stairs. Laughing they continued to kiss.

“Come on the signal was for you two to stop kissing.” She said. “Yeah that’s exactly why we didn’t stop.” Tyler said smiling. “You guys are ridiculous.” Tay said. “What time are you going to be back?” He asked. “When we get done.” Tay said being smart. Laughing she handed Tay the keys so she can load her things in the car. Waiting until she left she kissed him. “Be back soon.” She said walking out of the door.

In the car driving to Sammie’s house Destiny tried to ignore Tay. “All I am saying is that you should consider buying me a car.” Looking at her she continued to ignore her. “Answer me.” Shaking her head she turned the music on. “So rude.” She said. “Why do you want a car.” Desi asked. “I am 19 years old with a license collecting dust.”  She said. “You get paid like 30 grand every month. That is like 360 grand a year. You can buy your own car.” She pointed out. “The car I want is almost a half of millions dollars.” She said. “What the hell do you need a half a millions dollar car for. I understand that math wasn’t your favorite subject but you still can afford it.” She said.

Honking her horn she waited for Sammie.  “How much did your car cost?” she asked. “Without customizations it was like 93 grand but now it is worth like 120 grand.” She said. “Wow maybe I should do what you did.” She said. “The only car I can actually think that is a half a million is a Rolls Royce or a Maybach.” She pointed out. “Well a Maybach was sounding so good.” She said. “You are crazy. Just imagine your mother’s face if she saw you riding a Maybach.” She said. “Yeah she would kill me.” She said.

Honking her horn again she looked at the time. “Did anyone tell you how impatient you are?” Tay said knowing that they were ahead of schedule. “I don’t like waiting on things that doesn’t make me impatient.” She said defending herself. “I believe you just said the definition of impatient.” Tay said laughing. Getting a phone call from Sammie, Desi answered it. “Stop rushing me my mother said come into the house.” Sammie said hanging up the phone. “Come on we gotta go in.” Destiny said turning off her car. “Is her mother there?” Tay asked. “Yup.” Destiny answered. “You knows what that means?” Tay said. “Yup hope you are hungry.” She said knocking on the door.  Smiling at Desi she told her that she was starving.

Opening the door was Sammie’s little brother. “Hola.” He said inviting them in. Hearing Sammie’s mother speaking in Spanish Tay wanted to know what she was saying. “She said hello hope you have an empty stomach she made our favorite dish.” Desi said. “She made fried chicken.” Tay said smiling. Laughing she nudge her shoulder. “Our favorite Spanish dish you dummy.” Desi said shaking her head. Walking down the stairs Sammie was speaking to her mother in Spanish. “Deja que tus amigos comer antes de salir.” Her mother said. “Usted puede terminar de cocinar, pero tenemos que comer en el coche”  Desi said trying to help Sammie. “Magnifico.” Sammie’s mother said grabbing her cheeks.       

Walking into the living room Tay was so confused. “Okay so what just happened?” Tay asked. “Well we are going to eat in the car so just chill.” Desi said. “You guys couldn’t say that in English.” Tay said sitting down. Looking at Desi, Sammie was impressed. “You know my mom speaks perfectly good English.” Sammie asked. “Yeah but she don’t have to if she doesn’t want to.” She said. “I’ll be another minute I can’t find my binoculars and I probably know who took them.” Sammie said walking up stairs calling her brother’s name.

Sammie and Destiny met senior year. Sammie was born and lived in Panima for ten years. Her mother came to the states for Sammie to better her education and to have a live that she wanted. Her father still lives in Panima for his job and visits the states when he have vacation days. Her pa rents are still married they just live in different countries. Sammie joined the clique for her family. She didn’t want her mother to work three jobs just to put food on the table.

As a senior in high school prices became high for Sammie’s mother. She was laid off of two of her jobs. Sammie tried to help her but she was only an ace and didn’t have enough money to support her whole family. They got evicted from their house and lived in their car for several months. News got around the school that Sammie was homeless. People treated her different her friends turned on her and she had no one. Seeing that the same thing happen to her once Destiny wanted to help. Destiny was an assistant she had the power to rank someone higher and drop someone. She knew that Sammie was a hard worker but she couldn’t give her a raise without confronting one of her leaders and dropping someone rank.

She wanted to help but her plans would take some time. She knew they needed money so she talked to Sammie personally. At first her pride got into the way saying no, but that didn’t stop Destiny from doing what she was going to do. She went to talk to her mother instead. Her mother was just like Sammie and refused to take handouts. Confronting Destiny about going behind her back Sammie made it clear that they weren’t friends and not to help. At first she didn’t help her then Tay put her two cents in it. She had a plan and it wasn’t going to be easy.

They contacted her father and told him what was happening. Not knowing that this was the reason why he haven’t heard from then he wanted to do something but couldn’t. He didn’t have enough money to fly down there and didn’t know how to contact them until Destiny told him what she was willing to do. She flew him down here and got his respect. When she gained his respect, she gained Sammie’s mother respect. Sammie was tricky. She still didn’t like Desi.

They wasn’t friends for a couple of months. Destiny gave them fifty thousand dollars to start off. She got Sammie’s mother a job that paid better than her three jobs she had and Sammie was bump up to an assistant in the clique.  After three months of hating Desi, Sammie begin to hate her less. She thought of what she did and how it turned her family around she thought it took guts. She finally knew that she was only helping and that she cared. That still didn’t make them friends. They became friends when Sammie help out Tay in a dispute with one of her ex-boyfriends. After that they have been friends ever since.

In the car getting directions from Tyrone Sammie and Tay were debating which one was right. “You both are wrong.” Tyrone said. “First make a right on 54th street and then make a left on 44th street. Once you hit 44th street go straight and one of the hangout spots is on your left.” He said. “Thanks.”  Desi said hanging up the phone. “I was close I missed a turn.” Tay said. “You missed all the right turns.” Sammie said. “Like your directions was better.” She pointed out. “Oh my goodness are you guys going to keep doing this. Do I have to separate you guys?” Desi said parking her car.  Looking at the street she picked up something that the blue print didn’t. Going back to the safe house she looked at the time.

At the safe house she saw that Allen was having a hard time. “What’s wrong.” She asked. “So for this building the security is pretty easy to hack but this one is harder. It is the same coding as the last one but there is a firewall that can’t be crack without a code.” He said. “A code. Like what type a code.”  She asked. “A sentence.” He answered her. “Can you narrow down the sentence or something.” She asked. “I can go over it and see what letters won’t go with each other, but that might take a while.” He said. “How long.” She asked. “A day or two.” He answered. “You have a day. Make it happen.” She said. Looking at Denise she told her to come. “What.” She said. “First he is 25 he is way too old for you and I know who put the hit on you.” Desi said.

Looking at her sister her stomach dropped. “Am I that obvious?” She asked. “Not to them but we are twins. I notice things.” She said. Who did it.” She asked. “Jeremy.” She said. “Who the hell is Jeremy?” she asked. “The only doctor you’ve dated.” She said. “His name isn’t Jeremy his father name is Jeremy.” She said. “Follow me.” Destiny said. Going into the room she closed the door. “I put two people on Jeremy and his son. They are watching them now. I am going to do this with or without you but I have to ask. Do you want to do it?” asked her sister. “What happened to you?” she asked seeing more than just hatred but a new person.

Looking at Denise she knew what she is seeing. “My life is changing and I don’t know how to stop it. I accept everything I am. I came to a realization on how far I am willing to go. The only people that makes me happy without trying is both of my family except for one. The one person who hurt me because she couldn’t accept me for who I was. It’s no denying that the love is still there but that desperation to make her happy and accept me is gone. Don’t be that person. Mom is that person and look how that effected me.” Destiny said walking out of the room.

“You two I found an anomaly in the blueprint. This door has been taken out which means instead of four exits there are only three. I need a better and shorter plan for this building.” She said signaling Shelly to come over. “Yeah.” She said. “Punch me.” she said. Looking at her like she was crazy she hesitated. “Do I have to hit you first? Punch Me.” Destiny said raising her voice. Swinging, Destiny caught her fist. “Instead of swinging with all of the force you have, how about you leave some for your balance. The first time you fought me I could of drop you the first time you swung at me but I wanted to see how hard your hits were.

The reasons why I won is because I am a better fighter than you and because unlike you I read most of your attacks.” Desi said walking away. “I doubt it. My father trained you as well as me the only difference between me and you is you are older than me.” She said taunting her. Taking off of her jewelry Desi turned around. “You want a round two then come and get it. Get embarrassed.” Destiny said. Holding her back was Mark. “Don’t do this.” He whispered to her. Not listening, she empty her pockets. “Bring it.” She said.

Charging at her Destiny clipped her. Getting up she was angry. Swinging at her Destiny blocked every single one. Punching her in the stomach Destiny looked at her and smiled. Shaking it off, she swung. Blocking it and counter with a punch of her own Shelly fell. Defeated Destiny waited for her to wake up.

Three minutes past and Shelly woke up knowing exactly what happened. Sitting on the floor Destiny squat down. “The only difference is that I had other training. Your father taught you how to get an opponent to stay down but you need to find the balance physically and mentally. If your first attack didn’t work what will be your second. You will always need a second. That’s call making preparations.” Destiny said walking out of the safe house.

Chapter Twelve: Reconnection

Getting into her car she looked at the time. Getting a phone call she knew exactly who it was. “Smart move putting your sister with your uncle.” Brianna said. “Let see you break into there.” Destiny said. “Are you sure you want to keep playing this game. This can all be over in three seconds.” She said sounding confident. “Listen, this game you are playing do you think you are going to win. I mean you were playing a game when you told everyone about my mother. Yeah I never played basketball professionally, but I didn’t lie in the hospital for a year and spent the two in rehab. Those three years I became rich. Richer than you’ll ever know. So who exactly lost.” Destiny said knowing that she hit a soft spot.

“Who got the guy?” she asked rhetorically. “How long did that last. How did you like my sloppy seconds?” Destiny said turning her car on. “Like he was never yours.” She said in joy. “I bet, did you find out about his disease before or after you broke up with him, or was that the reason you guys broke up.” Destiny said hitting deeper. Silence on the other side Destiny knew she hit another weakness. “It sucks that he cheated with a bunch of girls when he was with you. That never happened to me. Just maybe he was trying to fill the hole that I left.” Destiny said putting memories in her head. “Have a nice day.” Destiny said hanging up the phone.

Hearing the silence from Brianna gave her joy. She knew all of her weaknesses. She knew that she hasn’t changed. She knew that she was still that insecure girl in high school. Seeing the car she pulled over. Getting out of the car she leaned on the hood of her car. Watching him walk towards her she looked around for her backup. “So I see you came alone.” Jeremy’s lawyer said. “Right what does he want because last time I checked if he would go public he won’t only lose his job but he will also lose his license.” Destiny said. “True he feels like he has the money especially what he is asking from you.” He lawyer said.

Smiling Destiny gripped her gun. “What is he asking?” she asked. “Three quarters of a million dollars.” He said with a smile. Pulling out her gun she saw three people with guys pointing at her. “Did you think I would come alone.” The lawyer said. “Nope that’s why I didn’t either. Tell Josh he has two options. He tells the media not only will I kill him but I will kill his father for extorting money from me or he could not tell and get his ass beat for shooting my sister.” She said as her backup came pointing their guns at his bodyguards. Giving them the signal he walked closer. “I’ll be in touch with you, with the news.” He said. “You’ve got three hours.” Destiny said. Getting back into her car and driving away.

Back at the safe house she spotted her uncle. “Why the hell is my daughter’s face purple.” He said walking towards Destiny. Looking at Shelly she knew she called him. “Are you sure you want to have this conversation here.” She said calmly. Walking outside she followed him. “When I said I didn’t want her in the line of fire I meant I didn’t want this to happen.” He said calming himself down. “You supplied people to help. People I don’t know anything about. I understand that she is my cousin, but when was the last time I actually had a conversation with her.  I needed to know how she fought. Her moves are powerful but she is sloppy. My guys can’t go out there fighting one sided.” She explained to her uncle.

Looking at his niece he was proud of her. “I understand. You need to understand that I am a father, and when she called me my father instinct came out.” He said. “I don’t need her anymore. I can’t trust her and she doesn’t take constructive criticism very well.” She said. “I understand but she does need to get beat up as much as she need to learn how to fight. I told her if she wants to be this badass she gotta back it up. Help her. I’ll talk to her.” He said. “If she cries to her mother next what the hell am I supposed to do. You are more reasonable than Aunt Jenna.” Destiny pointed out. “Take her phone.” He said.

Walking back into the room he called his daughter name. Looking at her she smiled. Rolling her eyes Destiny sat on the couch. “Can I speak with you?” Tay asked. Getting up and walking into the other room Destiny sat on the edge of the drawer. “Denise talked to me. She feels like she lost you.” She said. Sighing Destiny didn’t want to have this conversation. “I don’t know what to tell her.” She said honestly. “I can’t change to what she wants me to be.” She added. “I don’t think she wants you to go back to the girl three years ago. I think she just want her sister back. Not the serious all about the clique person here.” Tay said.

Sitting in silence Tay broke it. “Three years ago you guys never saw each other every day. So when you guys did see each other, you told her the things going on in your life. You guys went bowling and played laser tag. I think she wants that. She hasn’t been in your life for like forever she doesn’t know what’s going on besides the clique mess.” Tay explained.  “You’re right. I never thought about it that way. Thanks.” Destiny said. Walking back into the living room she was stop by Allen. “So I have a hunch about the coded message. It’s not a sentence it’s more like a phrase.” He said showing her the possible combinations.

Looking at the words she knew what it was. “When we were best friends we lived by a code. It’s funny because we still live by that same code even though we hate each other. Never make the same mistake twice.” She said. “That could work. If I put this code in and it is wrong it will set the alarm off.” He warned her. “Don’t put it in. Why do you need the code.” she asked. “I need the code to unlock all the doors without hitting the alarm. I have all the access of the house with this. I can see everything, what people are doing, but in order to open doors I need that phrase.” He explained. “So right now you don’t need to open doors. I need you to figure out their routine so I can put my men in position.” She said walking away.

Sitting next to her sister she looked at the time. “Do you want to go and see Desire, mom and dad? I think it’s time to get you out of hiding.” Destiny said. Looking at her sister she didn’t know how to respond. “Mom will hate you.” She said dramatically. “She probably does, this won’t change anything. She needs to know.” Destiny said accepting the reactions that is going to happen. “When?” she asked. “I am free all through this week. Sammie and Ty are in charge.” Destiny said. Smiling she loved the sound of that. “Cool, where are you sleeping?” she asked curious. “Tay’s house.” she said wondering where she was going with this conversation.

“Where am I supposed to sleep at?” she asked. “What’s wrong with this building.” She asked. “Are you serious? If Uncle James knows you are here then everyone knows this safe house.” she pointed out. “You could stay at Uncle James’ house.” She suggested. “Desire is at Uncle James house.” Looking at her phone for the time she saw that they are preparing for dinner. “That sounds cool.” She said. “We have to go now.” She said. Walking into the room she looked at the people. “Listen up, I will not be here for like a week, starting tomorrow Ty and Sammie will be in charge. Your tasks are still the same. By the end of this week I expect to be ready to attack. Don’t disappoint me.” She said gathering her cousins and leaving out.

Driving to her uncle’s house Mark was talking her ear off. “Listen you will not be there period.” Destiny said turning on her radio. “Why do you always talk to me like I am a kid. I think it is time for you to respect me.” He said as the volume of his voice increased. “I’m sorry but you are a kid and I don’t have to respect you cousin.” She said turning the music up trying to drown his voice. “One of these days you are going to need me. Until that day I will sit here and just say nothing.” He said. “What, what was that, I couldn’t hear you.” She said smiling. “Always got to be a comedian.” He said looking out the window.

Parking the car in the driveway she looked at the new cars her uncle brought. “I see things haven’t changed.” She said getting out of the car. Looking into the camera so he could see her face the door open. Walking into the house she saw her sister sitting on the couch. “Why aren’t you lying down?” she said. “Unlike you Aunt Jenna is a certified nurse I don’t have to lay down if I don’t want to.” She said. “Whatever, don’t come to me when you start to hurt, go to the certified nurse.” She said. “I heard that.” Jenna said.

Walking into the house she saw her sister smile disappear. “Are you just going to stand there I can’t really walk.” She said looking at Denise. Walking towards her she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know how she felt.  “Hey.” She said sitting on the couch. “That’s all you have to say is hey. How about I am sorry? Or how I am doing?” Desire said turning her head back to the TV. “I am sorry for what we did but I can’t change that. We thought that it would be safer, I didn’t mean to hurt you. All I want is to be with my family again.” She said putting her hand on her sister leg. “Did you ever asked yourself that just maybe your family didn’t want to see you.” She said trying to get into the wheelchair. Walking outside Denise couldn’t take it anymore.

Pushing her back onto the couch Destiny sat in the wheelchair. “You don’t get the right to be mad at her. You want to be mad at someone be mad at me. I am the one who convinced her to go into hiding. I am the one who didn’t tell you. All she wants to do is see her family. I get it you went through some shit, so did she, so instead of pushing her away how about you talk it out and have your sister back.” She said seeing Desire in pain from the push. Walking away she went outside. Looking at Denise with tears in her eyes she hugged her. “For some reason I thought that when she saw my face she would have been happy to see me. I really think this was a bad idea.” She said wiping the tears from her eyes. “She went through hell and back when she thought you were gone. Just a year ago she finally learned to let go.” Destiny explained.

Sitting in silence the door opened. “There she is.” James said bear hugging his niece. “How have hiding been.” He said letting her go. “It sucked, but I am out now.” She said smiling. “That is good. You suffer like we suffer. Well dinner is ready.” He said letting them go in the door first. Walking  into the dining room she hugged her aunt. “Since you did miss a lot of dinners you get the honor to say grace.” She said smiling.

Chapter Thirteen: Face To Face

Weeks have past and the plan was in motion. Looking at her clique and the new members, Destiny knew she wasn’t going to see some of them again. “Today will make or break you. In seven more hours we will be doing a dry run. If you fail you are out if you succeed you live to see another day. I can’t explain how important this is. Some of you will not be coming back in the real war and today we will see how you will react to things that will happen. I only have one question, are you really up for this?” Hearing nothing out of her clique she walked away. Putting her shades on she met her sister at the door. “Are you ready to lose.” She asked. “You wish.” Denise said opening the door.

Driving with her sisters and her best friend in the car the conversation went to crazy to insane. “This all I have to say, don’t get mad when you lose three stacks of your salary.” Denise said as they were betting on the race. “I don’t know why you guys are betting  none of you are going to win. Sammie you drive a Toyota, that doesn’t go fast, Desire do I really have to point out the fact that you failed the driving test three times already, Denise you actually go the speed limit and Tay, sweet Tay, how many cars have you totaled for speeding and not stopping.” Desi said. “What makes you the good driver.” Denise said. “Well let’s look at the facts shall we. I took the permit test and passed it with a 100 percent. I passed the driving test with flying colors and the four years I have been driving I never got a ticket or totaled a car.  Everyone in this car besides me failed either a permit or driving test, gotten a parking or speeding tickets, and for Tay totaled a car.” She pointed out. “We will see who will win.” Denise said smiling. Seeing her sister smile and enjoying herself was all she wanted.

Denise is the older twin. When growing up she was the care giver to both of her sisters. She was closer to her mother than her father, so when she did hear about the affair she was hurt. She always blamed herself. She would do anything for her family. She is like Destiny, family comes first but the way she handles problems are different from Destiny. She didn’t believe in violence as an option until she was shot. She would still choose violence as the last resort unlike Destiny violence is the first resort.         

The differences between Destiny and Denise in the physical sense is, Destiny is shorter and have her father’s eye color and hair color. Denise has her mother’s eye color and hair color. They both resemble both parents, but Denise have her father beauty mark on the neck. Denise is built like her mother, long and slinky. Destiny is medium height and curvy. Their style are totally different. Denise is more of a girly girl. She loves pastel colors, accessories, dresses, skirts, heels, makeup, jewelry, and lipstick. As for Destiny is more of a mixture of girly and tomboy. She wears make up, lip gloss, sneakers, jeans, tops, and basketball shorts. Destiny is more of a causal dresser as for Denise is more of formal.

Forty five minutes passed and Destiny was collecting her winnings. “You cheated.” Tay said giving her the money. “How did I cheat, I gave all of you a 10 second head start.” She said getting into her car. “You pick the fastest cart.” Sammie pointed out. “Really, I was supposed to know it was the fastest cart. You guys are just mad because you lost.” She said smiling. “Whatever.” Denise said. “You guys are sore losers.” Destiny said driving off.

“Can you guys give us a minute?” Denise asked. Parking the car Tay and Sammie got out of the car. Looking at her sister she wondered what she wanted to say. “I know over the past three years I haven’t been there. I know now that I have hurt many people, especially you. Desire I am so sorry that I didn’t tell you. I am so sorry that you had to go through hell, but you have to understand that I didn’t want anything to happen to you because of me. I love you, I will die for you. For you, I know how much it hurt you to lie about this. I see that mom blames you, and if I knew I would have told her. I’ve been thinking about what I wanted to do with my life and I decided to run a business, a family business with my sisters. So are you guys with me?” She asked. “I am with you. Being shot and thinking that you are going to die changes your views on things I think it is about time I retire from the clique.” Desire said. Looking at Destiny she was waiting on her answer. “I have to think about it.” Destiny said. Getting out of the car with an attitude was Denise. “Of course be mad at me.” Destiny said getting out of the car.

Sitting in silence at the restaurant Sammie and Tay was confused. Trying to make conversation Tay triggered a response. “How long?” Denise asked. “What are you talking about?” Destiny asked looking at her. “You know damn well what I am talking about.” She said as the volume of her voice increased. “How about lowering your voice.” Destiny said getting agitated. Before she could say anything the waiter came to take their orders. Ordering their meals, Denise waited until the waiter was gone. “Why are you acting like this?” Denise asked annoyed. “What are your motives?” Destiny asked trying to find a reason why she making this decision. “My motives. Are you that self-centered? No wondered you and mom can’t get along you guys are just alike.” Denise said. Knowing how Destiny is going to react Tay pushed her out of the booth. “Walk with me.” She said not giving her a choice.

Walking outside of the restaurant Destiny tried to calm herself down. “Should I even ask?” Tay said looking her best friend in the eye. “Denise decided to run a business. She want me and Desire to run it with her.” Destiny said sitting on the ledge of the restaurant. Sitting next to her she knew this could go really bad. “Is it such a bad idea?” Tay asked hoping she didn’t just add fuel to the flame. Looking at her Destiny didn’t answer. Walking back in the restaurant she sat down. Playing with the paper from the straw Destiny tried to calm herself down. Joining the table was Tay looking worried. Sitting in silence the change in mood made it awkward for others.

Back at the safe house Destiny parked her car. “Can you guys give me and Denise some space?” Destiny said looking at her sister. Respecting her request they got out of the car. Looking at her sister she saw nothing but anger in her eyes. “Would I still be able to be a part of the clique?” Destiny asked knowing the answer already. Looking at the set up Denise answered her question. “If I am giving you a source of income why would you need to continue to be a part of the clique.” She said. “Why are you doing this?” Destiny asked holding in her anger. “Why am I doing this, are you serious, look around you, you are about to go into a war and there is a possibility you may not come out of it. Do you see the pain that you bring to your family? You cannot be that blind.” She said raising her voice. “You know what, I am getting sick and tired of this dance. This clique isn’t the reason this war is happening. Think about it. It’s me.” Desi said getting out of the car.

Not letting her go that easy Denise got out the car. “You didn’t have this mentality three years ago. You aren’t the same person you were five years ago. This clique has changed you and if you can’t see that then I can’t stick around and watch you spiral down.” Turning to face her she figured it out. “Are you serious, she got to you didn’t she. She told you her sob story, and you felt for it. Tell me did she tell you about the real reason she had the affair with my Geometry teacher, or how she told him about she only wanted you as her daughter, not me. She didn’t give a damn about me, but of course you didn’t know that. She only wanted you to know the shit that would make you her little puppet. She painted a picture of the perfect mother, but if you would pay attention you would see that it isn’t her. I have done everything I could to reconnect with her. I joined the clique looking for a family because everything I worked for was gone. The clique didn’t change me, my family did.” Destiny said wiping the tears from her eyes. Getting back into her car she drove away.

Driving to the last person she wanted to see, she knew that this visit was long overdue. Ignoring all the calls she received Destiny tried to calm herself down. Arriving at the house she got out. Using the key she had she walked in. Seeing her in the kitchen her rage resurfaced. “Are you happy?” Destiny asked. Looking at her she was surprised. “Does it look like I am happy.” She answered her daughter. “Do me a favor, leave my name out of your conversations. From now on I am done being your child. Consider me motherless, because you are officially dead to me.” She said headed to the exit.

“Do what you do best leave. I am so sick of you blaming me for everything. I didn’t lead you to this path you did yourself.” Her mother said walking in front of her so she wouldn’t leave. “Listen and listen well he was my geometry teacher, the one who graded my assignments. When you told him how you felt about me, he took it as a reason to make me suffer in his class. Not only did you fuck up but you fucked my life up all because you wanted to feel pleasure. Then you use Desire as a punching bag to hurt me and now you’re using Denise as a puppet. The only question is why? I didn’t get it until now. I am the only one who you can’t control. The bond I have with my sisters kills you, but you don’t even realize that you are driving a wedge between both of them. Sooner or later you won’t have anyone. Not once did I try to isolate you from your daughters but if you keep doing this I will make sure that both of them forget your name. I am the only one who knows all of the truth about the hit and run. How would Denise feel, if she found out about you trying to kill me but almost killed her instead. Have a nice day.” Destiny said pushing her mother out of her way.

Chapter Fourteen: Dry Run

Driving to her Uncle house Destiny thought about her mother. She knew she couldn’t get rid of the pain in her heart that easy. It angers her that she loves her mother. That she would take a bullet for her. It pains her to know that her mother wouldn’t do the same. Knowing she is going to see Denise in like two minutes she couldn’t let it go. The way she let her mother come between them made her angry and she couldn’t accept it. She couldn’t face the fact that when she does have an opinion it could be her mother’s not hers. Pulling into the parking lot she saw her uncle sitting on the porch.

Getting out of the car Destiny walked towards the house. Sitting beside him she wondered what was on his mind. Sitting in silence she didn’t know how to break it. She knew her uncle just don’t express his feelings. She was just like him. She is the female version of him. Putting his hand on her shoulder Destiny leaned in. “Over the past years I have watched you grow. I don’t care what she told you but you haven’t move backwards. You are coping with the changes in your life. I understand it was hard and you didn’t really have anyone to talk to you. I just want you to know that you can talk to me. I know everything. The hit and run, Brianna, everything. I know it is eating at you, and you are better than anyone, because I know for a fact that if someone knew what you know they wouldn’t let that person to come back into their life. Your heart is bigger than everyone’s. I cut her out of my life when I figured it out. I almost cut your father out as well but he didn’t know. He still doesn’t know.” He said. Feeling the tears fall Destiny couldn’t control them anymore.

Five minutes passed and they were still sitting there. “When did you know it was time to leave the clique?” Destiny asked. “Well I didn’t really have a choice. It was stay with the clique or raise a family. I love my family more than I love the clique so I gave it up.” He said worried. “The clique is part of my family.” She said wondering what would life would be if she didn’t join the clique. “Personally I don’t think you should retire. Like you said the clique is your family. It helped you through the rough times in your life. Sure it has caused a lot of pain, but pain is always going to happen with or without the clique. Also the clique needs you. You have a chance to make it better into an enterprise.” He said. Thinking about her decision her uncle gave her the space she needed.

At the safe house Destiny was gearing up. Walking in, she sat on the table. “I don’t like playing mediator but someone has to do it right. When are you going to talk to her?” Desire asked hoping to get the sister dynamic back in sync. “When I have the time to.” Destiny said having no interest of taking the first steps. “Both of you guys are stubborn as hell. Should I even ask when is this going to end?” Desire asked sarcastically. Looking at her sister she tried to give her the answers she was looking for but wasn’t going to lie to her. “Listen, I understand, but we aren’t talking right now because we don’t really have anything to say to make things right. When I find those words I will talk to her okay.” She said putting her hand in the gloves. Agreeing Desire hugs Destiny. “It’s only a dry run.” Destiny said hugging her back.

Driving to the set up location with Tay and Sammie she knew they would have questions. “Before you guys say anything let me clear things up for you. I am not leaving the clique. I don’t know where Denise and I stand but the plan hasn’t change. We are going to kill Brianna.” She said with no hesitation in her voice. Arriving at the first location Sammie got out of the car. Pulling off Tay thought this was the perfect time to put her two cents in it. “I support your choices, but are you sure. You can lose her for good.” Tay said pointing out something that went into Destiny’s mind when she made her decision. “I know but if we are as close as I feel then I don’t think this is going to break us.” Destiny said parking the car. “I hope you are right.” Tay said getting out of the car.

Driving to the next location she thought about her decision. She knew it was the right decision. She loves the clique. It is her family. Looking at what the clique did for her she couldn’t just give it up like that. Parking her car she saw Tyrone waiting for her. Getting out of the car she grab her bag and started to walk towards him. “Where’s the rest of the clique.” She asked seeing no one.  “They are in position lateness.” Looking at her watch she was on time. “I am not late.” She said. “According to my rules you are. Early is on time, on time is late and late is just disrespectful.” He said smiling. Rolling her eyes playfully she made sure everyone was on track. “In position?” she asked speaking into the two way radio. “In position.” They said. “Snipers make them count.” She said giving them the signal. Shooting their targets they gave the signal to attack. Barging in the door Destiny started shooting.

Giving Tyrone the direction they split. Looking to his right he shot one of the test dummies. Looking to his left he took out another one. Taking cover he saw Destiny in action. Smiling he thought she should have joined the army. “Clear.” She said in the radio giving Tyrone the signal. Looking at the time she smiled. Only took about forty minutes. Hearing that the other locations was clear she looked around. Seeing only four people with paint on them she knew how many weren’t coming back in the real war.

Back at the safe house she waited for her clique to get settled. Looking around she was proud of her clique. They have come a long way in just a couple of months. “In forty eight hours we will be tested, physically, emotionally and mentally. I cannot promise you guys a ride home, but every one of you guys have my respect and my loyalty. I understand the sacrifices you are making for me and for that I will make sure you guys’ family are taken care of. For the next two days, spend it with your family. Meeting is adjourned.” Destiny said walking away.

At dinner with Tay and Sammie, Destiny thought about what would happen if something would happen to her. She knew that her family wouldn’t be the same. She knew Denise would take it the hardest as well. She didn’t know what to do with her sister. She want her to understand why she couldn’t just leave the clique. She wanted her to accept her the way she is now. Deep in thought, Destiny didn’t hear her name being called. Throwing paper at her Sammie gave her a look. “My bad, what happened.” She said snapping into reality. “Your phone. Denise keeps calling you.” Tay said. Getting up she went outside. Knowing that she was going to keep calling, she called her back. Getting her voicemail she hung up. “I’m sorry.” Denise said standing beside her. Turning to face her Destiny was caught off guard. Sitting on the bench she didn’t know what to say to her.

Sitting next to her she wondered what was going on in her mind. “I talked to mommy and she told me the real reason she had an affair. Then I connected the dots on the hit and run. When she didn’t deny my accusation I told her that she just lost me. Of course she didn’t want to hear it so she tried to stop me from leaving. That’s when I hit her.” Denise said as the tear fell from her eyes. Hugging her sister she tried to fight her tears. She didn’t want this to happen. Seeing her sister breaking down pains her. “I now understand why you can’t walk away. I promise I won’t ever try to put a wedge between the clique and me again just please talk to me. I can’t live without you.” Denise said. Wiping her tears away Destiny tried to calm her down. “I love you. I am not going to leave you.” She said looking into her eyes.

Back at the Uncle James house Destiny was watching TV in the living room. Seeing her sister break down made her think about her decision. She didn’t want her to think that she was going to die every time she left the house. Looking at the clock she knew she had to leave soon. “If the TV gets any louder, our neighbors will start to complain.” Jenna said sitting on the couch beside her. Smiling she turned the TV off. “Did I wake you or is this like routine for you.” Destiny said. “It’s routine. Tell me something. Where do you see yourself in five years.” thinking about the question she knew where she was going with it. In five years she would have to choose to be the commander of the clique for another five years. “To tell you the truth, the only thing I could actually picture myself doing is playing basketball. The clique gave me a distraction when I knew my record would ruin my chances.” Destiny said. “Do you think that it’s over for you completely?” She asked. “I don’t know I never thought about it.” She said. “Do me a favor and think about it and come back to me when you figure it out.” she said smiling.

“Can I asked you something?” Destiny asked. “Anything.” She responded. “How did you cope knowing there was a possibility that Uncle James wouldn’t come home?” She asked wondering. “Your Uncle would do the craziest things to make me feel better. I remember he put himself in a metal ball and walked around the house to tell me that he would do anything to keep himself safe and out of harm’s way. What made me cope was that he talked about it. He told me if he was scared or was in danger. It scared me but I knew he was going to do everything in his power to be safe and come home in one piece.” She said. “Denise is going to be alright. She has me and Desire to help her.” She added. Hugging her she figured out what she was going to do. “Thanks. I am going to go, Tyler is probably worried.” Destiny said looking at the time.

Chapter Fifteen: Life........

Waking up next to Tyler, she smiled. Looking at the time it read 10:30 am. Feeling like it was too early to wake up she placed her head on Tyler’s chest and tried to go back to sleep. “Good morning.” Tyler said putting his arm around Destiny’s waist. “Good morning.” She said smiling. “What are you doing today?” He asked. “Desire wants to get her ankle crossed in basketball, so we are going to the court at twelve.” She said. Turning to his side facing Destiny he looked at her. Looking down feeling a poke she laughed. “Someone is happy to see me.” She said smiling. Smiling he moved closer to her. “He isn’t the only one.” He said leaning in for a kiss. Kissing him passionately he turned on top of her. Kissing her neck trailing down to her collarbone Destiny moaned softly. Smiling he went down further to her chest.

Kissing her stomach he felt her pleasure rising. Touching her spot her moan got louder. Traveling back to her lips he softly pecked it. Flipping him over, he was caught off guard. Smiling she kissed his lips. Pulling his shirt off, she interlocked her fingers between his. Kissing his jaw bones she trailed down to his neck. Kissing one of his sweet spots. Moaning she knew it was working. Traveling to his chest she grabbed his sides knowing it would make him scream. On cue she kissed every one of his abs. Tightening his hold on her hands she smiled. Moving to his lower stomach he couldn’t take it anymore pulling her up he kissed her. Pulling her shirt off, he flipped her over. Looking into her eyes he wanted her.

An hour past and Destiny was in the shower. Getting out she saw Devin still laying on her bed. Smiling she threw her hair towel at him. “Get up lazy bones.” She said smiling at him. “I am trying to recuperate from what you just did.” He said turning to face her. Smiling at him she dropped the towel. Seeing she already had her under clothes on his smile widen. “Such a tease.” He said laying back down. Walking towards him she leaned on top of him. “You’re not ready for round two.” She said kissing his nose. Getting up she went into the closet. Looking at her options she didn’t know why she always does this. She knows she is only going to the basketball court. Putting on her red and black Nikes basketball shorts with the sweatpants to match she walked back out to find Devin sitting on the bed. “Getting closer to actually getting up.” She said smiling. Opening her drawer she put on a tank top and grabbed her socks.  Putting her hands out for Devin to use as a crutch to get him up, Devin grabbed her hands. Pulling him up he smiled. “See was that so hard.” She said teasing him. “You are very funny. Stop acting like you’re not at least tired.” He said stretching. “It called taking a shower which you should go do sticky man.” She said covering her nose playfully. “I smell like you. Are you trying to tell me something.” He said laughing.

Laughing with him she threw a pillow at him. Hitting him in his face she smile. “Yeah that’s what I thought.” She said. “Imma get you back. Just wait and see.” He said leaving the room. Putting her socks on, she went back in her closet. Grabbing her red and black Jordans 13 and her ball she headed down the stairs. Walking towards the living room she heard Tay in the kitchen. “Good morning.” Destiny said catching the orange Tay threw at her. “Good morning you know you’re going to be late.” She said. Looking at the time she beg to differ. “The court is three minutes away.” She said putting her sneakers on. “Don’t get mad but I lost your keys.” She said. Turning around she looked at her. Getting up she walked a little closer to her. “You did what now.” She said calm. “I lost your keys. Sammie threw them to me outside when she was dropping your car off but it was dark so I didn’t catch them and it is kinda outside somewhere.” She said trying to hold in her laughter. Trying to breathe, Destiny hands crumble. “Tay, please leave before something happens to you.” She said holding her anger.

Reaching in her pocket she started laughing. “You should have seen your face.” She said holding her keys. Snatching them out of her hand she smiled. “You can’t do that. I almost went off on you.” She said. “Man I should have recorded that.” She said wiping the tears out of her eyes. “I am going to remember that when you want a ride somewhere.” Destiny said peeling her orange. “No need I am going to buy a car next week.” She said patting herself on the back. Clapping her hands she screamed hallelujah. Rolling her eyes she threw one of the peelings at her. Ducking she watched it fall to the floor. “Got to be quicker than that. You’re picking that up.” Destiny said heading to the door. Throwing her peace sign she left.

Arriving at the court five minutes early she thought it would be a good time to warm up. Taking her sweats off, she started stretching. Dribbling the ball she saw one of her teammates walking in. “Aren’t you supposed to be in college or something.” She said greeting her. “Aren’t you supposed to be running a clique?” Jessica said hugging her. “I gave them a day off.” She said shooting the ball. “See you haven’t lost your touch.” Jessica said. “Can’t lose something that your born with.” She said cocky. “Always the cocky one.” She shot the ball. Laughing she didn’t reply. “How’s college life.” Destiny asked. “Not what people described. That shit is hard as fuck. Especially when you play a sport.” She said. “Damn sucks to be you.” She said blocking her shot. “Didn’t coach say don’t go in the paint shortness.” Destiny said laughing. “She also said to tuck your elbow in, I guess we both don’t listen.” She said. “If it isn’t broke why fix it.” Destiny said shooting the ball. Watching it go in the hoop she bow down. Shaking her head she smiled.

“Started without me I see.” Desire said walking on the court. “Well if you come on time maybe I would have waited.” Destiny said hugging her sister. “You can’t blame me this time Denise took her precious time and then everybody else thought it was a good idea to make a family day out of it.” She pointing to the crowd. “Damn well this is going to be a crazy day.” Destiny said grabbing her phone. Texting her crew she knew she was going to be targeted. Looking at Denise she laughed. “Who died and made you queen of the court.” She said looking at her outfit. Wearing a blue and grey sun dress with blue sandals. She was fully accessorized from her head to her upper body. “The only thing that is missing is the man she is looking for.” Desire said shaking her head in shame. “Did you tell her this court doesn’t get live until after 2pm.” Destiny said. “No one listens to me.” Desire said grabbing the ball.

Walking to Denise she hugged her. “Shorts and a tank top isn’t in your closet.” Destiny said teasing her. “Everyone got jokes today.” She said sitting on the bench. Seeing the rest of her family she spotted her aunt. “What are you doing here?” She said looking at her. “I came to celebrate my niece’s birthday.” She said. “You know that isn’t until next Friday right.” She said. “Yeah.” She said. Hugging the rest of her family her uncle was already talking trash. “I don’t think your bones are suitable for this.” Destiny said looking at the braces on his right leg. “I am as healthy as a horse.” He said jumping up and down. “Yeah a very old horse.” Destiny added walking away. “I heard that.” He said.

Walking to Jessica she was laughing. “Your family is crazy. Do they always role this deep.” She said looking at all of her family. “Only on family days. Stay away from Justin he is going to talk your ear off.” Destiny said seeing her crew. Dapping them up she was ready to start a game.

Destiny was the backup point guard and the star shooting guard of her high school basketball team. She led the team in scoring, assist and steals. Destiny is a quick dribbler and excels at reading plays. She led her team to four back to back championships. After the Brianna incident she knew that playing to get recognized wasn’t an option so she made her teammates look great. Her last year she average about 11 assist a game. Her career high in assists was 25. Basketball isn’t her whole life like it was when she was in high school but it does still play a role in her life.

Jessica was the starting point guard on the high school basketball team. She isn’t the tallest point guard but her quickness makes up for her height. She was highly recruited. Offering her a full scholarship and a starting position her freshmen year, Jessica couldn’t refuse the opportunity. She is a junior in Syracuse University. She won her first championship when she was a sophomore. She is a prospect for the draft next year.

Shooting the ball it went in. “I believe that is game.” Destiny said looking at Uncle James and her cousins. “Come on you cheated. It was a Mitch Match.” Mark said out of breath. “Now you guy want to call it cheating. At first we were going down but since you lost it’s because it was a Mitch Match. I believe that is called being a sore loser.” Destiny said patting him on his back. “I told you never to go against Destiny but Noooo, you guys wanted to put your big boy pants on and look like a fool.” Aunt Camille said. Laughing at her Aunt Jenna couldn’t help it. “Oh so it funny.” Uncle James said playfully. “It kinda is. The high school phenomenon is defeated by his niece.” Aunt Jenna said laughing. “The girl has stamina and I wasn’t sticking her.” He pointed out. “Do I hear a challenge?” Aunt Camille instigating. “We can go one on one, but what do I get when I win.” Destiny said confident. “I’ll give you twenty large if you win.” He said emphasizing the if. “Double it.” She said putting her hand out. “Deal.” He said shaking her hand. “Uh oh aye James tighten you braces we don’t want to have to carry you out off the court.” Aunt Camille said teasing her brother.

Camille is James and John’s little sister. She is thirty two years old. She owns her own business in New York. Camille always saw the talents Destiny had. She always knew she was going to be somebody. She didn’t disown her like her mother did when she was going through her rough patches, instead she let her go through them herself. She also said that she was just like James when he was younger. Camille never liked Destiny’s mother. She felt that she was after her brother’s money so when she did hear about the affair she was on a plane away to confront her. Destiny’s mother and Camille have been in several altercations in the past. Camille has a slick voice. She loves to tell jokes and pick on someone. She has no filter but she knows when not the time to be what people call it “an ass”.

Only having to score one more point James became very confident. Giving him room to shoot she knew how to catch up. Pump faking Destiny didn’t buy it. Using his body to get closer she knew what he is doing. James is bigger than Destiny by a hundred pounds so backing her down is his advantage. Swiping the ball from him he felt for her trap. Grabbing the ball she started to dribble. Seeing her opening she took it. Cutting it off, she step back and shot the jumper. Making it, she cut the score down to one. Checking her the ball she knew she was faster than him, so she knew her quickness is going to win her the game. Driving past him she went in for the layup. Seeing that he was going to block it she double clutches. Going into the basket the score was all tied up. Knowing she could win with a three pointer he sticks her closely. Dribbling she looked for her opening. Seeing it she used her crossover and a step back to shoot and score the three. “Ohhhhhhhhh, I believe that is game. Don’t call it a comeback, but call it something.” Camille said running around the court. “Pay the girl.” Camille said Stopping at James. Taking a bank roll out of his pocket he counted and gave her, her winnings. “I’ll give you your respect. You got game.” He said hugging his niece.

Giving him five large she put the rest in her wallet. “That is for making me sweat at the end.” Destiny said grabbing her bag. Dapping Jessica she knew that she was going to stay on the court. Walking with her aunt she knew what she was going to ask her. “The answer to your question is no.” Destiny said smiling. “Come on I am going to need someone to run it in this state.” She said. “Then ask Denise. She want to run a business so does Desire. I have a business to run already.” Destiny said. “Okay, Okay, but if you do change your mind I will leave an extra spot for you.” She said hugging her. “Okay Auntie. Did they decide yet?” Destiny asked knowing her family. “They said they wanted to BBQ.” She said. “Where at.” She asked. “Probably James’ house.” She responded. “Okay tell them I am inviting Tay and Tyler. Destiny said reaching her car. “Oh Tyler the one who you speak so highly of.” She said. Smiling she forgot that she haven’t met Tyler yet. Thinking about it none of her family met him except for her father and her sisters. “That’s him. Going to meet him, it been like four years.” Destiny pointed out. “Yeah four long years.” She said nudging her niece. “I’m sorry it’s not like you have been in town to meet him.” Destiny said. “I know, but I will see you in a little while. Your uncle looks crazy trying to rush me. I am coming.” She said walking towards James.

Driving to her home she called Tyler. “Hey babe.” He said answering the phone. “What you doing.” She asked. “Nothing playing the game with Tay. She keeps complaining about we never play the game together.” He said mocking her. “Do you guys want to go to a cookout.” She asked smiling at him. “Hold on.” He said. Hearing him ask Tay she laughed at their dialect. “We are game. Who’s cookout we’re going to.” He asked. “My family.” She said. Hearing Tay in the background, made her a little worried. “I’m sorry for my brother, he is excited to meet your family.” Tay said grabbing the phone from him. “Yeah that makes me very confident.” Destiny said sarcastically.

Arriving at the house she used her key to open the door. Looking at Tay already ready she laughed. “You beat him getting dressed that has to be the first.” Destiny said. “He freaking out.” Tay whispered. Shaking her head she went upstairs. Opening Tyler’s door she saw him changing his shirt. Looking on the bed she saw that he had changed his shirt a bunch of times. “Babe, what the hell.” She said smiling. “Which one.” He asked pulling two shirts in front of him. “Babe we are going to a cook out not a church. Wear something casual.” She said putting both of the shirts on the bed. “What if they don’t like me?” He asked. “Then we are going to have to break up.” She said joking. Seeing his face become lighter she laughed. “Babe I was joking. You have to calm down. They are going to love you just as much as I love you okay.” She said wrapping her arms around his neck. Leaning closer to his face their lips were touching. Pressing her lips he did the same. Separating she told him to get dress.

Getting out of the quick shower she took she saw Devin in her room. “Now that’s more like it.” She said approving his outfit. Wearing Levi’s straight legs dark blue denim jeans with a blue, black and grey polo v neck, and the blue and black Jordans 4. Going into her closet she picked out her outfit. Wearing blue denim shorts that stop mid-thigh, and a white tank top with her jean jacket with the arms folded up. Putting her bracelets on and earrings in she walked to her sunglasses collection. Roaming through it she pick out her gold Ray Bans. Putting on her white sandals on put some lip gloss on and was ready to go. Admiring her figure Tyler put his arm around her waist. Walking down the stairs together Tay stared at them. “Yeah you guys are the cutest couple of the year now let’s go I am starving.” She said walking out of the door. “She is always hungry.” Tyler said smiling. “Tell me about it.” She agreed.

Giving him directions Destiny was explaining who to talk to and who to avoid a much as possible. “Your family can’t be that bad.” Tyler said. “Half of my family was a part of the clique when there wasn’t any rules. The other half thinks they are certified gangstas and the rest have big mouths.” She said explaining the variety of crazy that is going to be at the BBQ. Looking at the time it read 2:30pm. Good time to have a cookout. Pulling up to James’ house Tyler was admiring the car collection. “Babe he has a ’71 Plymouth Superbird 440.” He said in amazement. “Yeah like I know what that is. See you can discuss that with him.” She said getting out of the car. “It’s just an old car. Why is he freaking out?” Tay said looking at her brother. “Men and their cars.” Destiny said shrugging her shoulders.

Turning around to see Tyler still in amazement looking at the car she shook her head. “Babe get out of the car and come over here.” Destiny said. Obeying he got out of the car still looking at the other cars. “He got a Barracuda.” He said jumping up and down like a school girl would after seeing her friends for the first time in ages. Laughing Destiny walked away. “I can’t.” She said looking at Tay.  “You are such a weirdo.” She said to her brother. Looking at his sister he shook his head. “You’re the weirdo if you can’t appreciate this man collection.” He said catching up with Destiny. Grabbing her hand he took one more look at the collection. Pulling him she was over it.

Reaching the backyard she saw the whole crew from the court and then some more. “Hide everything that is valuable to you Eddie is in the building.” Destiny said to Tyler and Tay. “Are you joking?” Tay asked. “Nope.” She said greeting Eddie. Feeling his hand in her back pocket she slapped his neck. “What are you doing.” She asked. “Nothing seeing how deep your pockets are.” He said scratching his arm. Looking down at his arms she pulled him to the side. “Last time we spoke you said you was off that stuff.” Destiny said. “I am Doctors said I scratch because it’s a reflex.” He said. “I only smoke cigarettes.” He added. “Okay how much do you need?” She asked him. “My daughter is going to turn twenty in like two weeks I want to buy her the new headphones, you know the ones by Dr. Dre.” He said scratching. Grabbing her wallet she pulled out four hundred out and handed to him. “Here Pay your bills first and then by your daughter the beats.” She said. “Thank you. That’s why you are my favorite niece.” He said. “Yeah, yeah go put cream on your arm aunt Jenna should have some.” She said walking back to Tay and Tyler.

“His favorite niece. That’s your uncle?” Tay and Tyler asked together. “Stop doing that brother sister talk and yeah he is my uncle unofficially. He’s basically a family friend but since he knew me all my life he appointed himself as my uncle.” She explained. “Come on you have to meet my aunts and my uncle.” She said pulling them to the grill. Hugging her uncle and aunts she introduced them. “Aunt Jenna, Uncle James, and Aunt Camille this is Taylor, my best friend, and this is Tyler my boyfriend.” She said looking at the reaction Aunt Jenna and Camille gave. Smiling, they both put a thumbs up. “You are a very handsome guy.” Aunt Camille said. “On that note I am going to go over there. Come on Tay.” Destiny said walking to her sisters. “You’re just going to leave him alone.” Tay said worried about her brother. She knows that this is the first time that he met any of his girlfriend’s family. “They aren’t going to bite. Maybe Aunt Camille will.” She said joking. “That isn’t funny. This is his first time meeting the family.” She said.

Looking at Tay she didn’t know that. “Really this is his very first time?” She asked. “Yeah that’s why he freaked out.” she pointed out. “Oh damn why he didn’t tell me that I wouldn’t have brought him here where he get to meet every single one of my crazy family members.” Destiny said turning to look at him. “He doesn’t look terrified, Right?” She asked looking at him. “He is fine now you have to stop freaking out.” Tay said handing her a cup of lemonade. Taking a sip of it she spit back out. “That isn’t lemonade.” She said pouring it out. 

Looking at her uncle he tried to stay calm. “So Tyler what’s you intentions with my niece.” James asked flipping over the burger. “I want to make her happy and be the man she wants and need.” He said answering his questions honestly. “Need, you trying to say she needs you?” He asked trying to make him sweat. “Not at all, I am trying to say that I want to be the kind of guy she wants to be with. When she is going through something I want to be that man who she can call, and count on.” He said feeling the heat. “How tall are you?” James asked. “Well I am six four. “ He answered him. He was taller than James by a couple of inches. James was more muscular than Tyler which made him intimidating. “Do you know how to grill?” He asked. “I do, my father taught me when I was eleven. He said that every man needed to know how to use a grill.” He said. “You father sounds like a smart guy. “What do you do for work?” He asked not satisfied yet. “I work with my father on cars. Soon I am going to take over the business.” He added. Shaking his head he put the finished food on the plate.

“Where did you go to college?” he asked. “I went to a community college to get a degree in business.” He said. Did you have sex with my niece?” He asked. Coughing he didn’t know what to say. Walking over was Destiny concerned. “What did you do to him?” She asked looking at him hacking up a lung. “Relax, I just asked him a simple question. Did he have sex with you.” Looking at her uncle she asked him to speak with him alone. Handing Tyler the tong he walked away. Getting in the house he saw her niece annoyed. “Really you’re going to ask my boyfriend if we are having sex.” She asked not believing what he told her. “Yeah it was an honest question.” He said justifying himself. “You don’t ask him that question you ask me that question and if you really want to know that question the answer is yes.” She said annoyed. “Hey, listen I am just doing what your father should have done four years ago. Sue me for being protective.” He said not feeling her attitude. “Uncle I love you, but I also love him. You said that Aunt Jenna kept you sane when you was in the clique, well Tyler and Tay keeps me sane in this world. Besides you all they have been there for me especially Ty. He chose me and accepted me I can’t even get my mother to do that, so yeah I am protective over them.” She said calming down. “Okay I am going to lay off the personal questions. Personally I think he is a cool dude, but don’t tell him that.” He said. Hugging him she thanked him.

Hours past and Destiny was ready to go. Hugging her aunts and then her uncle she was Desire waiting at her car. “Where do you think you’re going?” She asked. “Nowhere can I talk to you real quick.” She asked. Walking closer to her she leaned on the hood of her car. “What’s on your mind?” She asked. “Who’s going to take of us, if something was to happen to you?” She asked. Looking at her sister knowing exactly where she was going with this she knew she couldn’t just blow this off. “If and I do mean if, look over there.” She said pointing at her family. “You have it better than I did, you have three families that will take care of you. You have your immediate family, Aunt Camille, Aunt Jenna, Uncle James, dad, and Denise. Then you have your second family in Tay, Ty, Mr. and Mrs. Canty, and then you have the clique. You won’t be alone, and if it is my time to go I will always be with you in here.” She said pointing to her heart. Seeing the tears fall from her eyes, she hugged her.

Seeing what was happening James came walking to them. Hugging them the rest of them joined. “This will never change. This is always going to remain the same weather I am here or not they love you and I love you. I promise I will do my best to come back.” Destiny said fighting the tears. She loves every single one of them with everything she is made of. She would die for them, and that’s why she has to do this. This isn’t just to save her life but to save theirs as well. Brianna made it clear that she wasn’t going to stop so she had to make her stop. She had to fight. One life for many.

Chapter Sixteen: ........Or Death

Getting up she knew this day is going to change her life forever. Going into the bathroom she look herself in the mirror. Looking at the clock in the bathroom she knew she had seven hours left of the day. Brushing her teeth she thought about Desire. The way she broke down two days ago hurt her. She seen Desire grow so much. When she was a kid she always tried to do everything like her big sisters. She said Destiny’s name before anyone else’s. Till that day Desire goes to Destiny for everything. Destiny gives everything Desire wants no matter the circumstance. Her father always tease Destiny about how she couldn’t see how much she was spoiling her little sister, but Destiny didn’t care. She protected her in school, everywhere she went. She even ran boys away from her until Desire confronted her about it.

Walking into Tyler’s room she saw that he was still sleep. Looking at the time she knew he had to be at work in like an hour. Walking to the bed she jump on him. “What did I do this time?” He said turning over. Still on top of him she pointed to the clock behind him. Smiling he put his hands on her waist. “So you are my alarm clock. Didn’t know alarm clocks looks so hot.” He said. “We can’t do this today. Especially when you have to go to work in like an hour. “Come in the shower with me.” He said moving his hands down to her thigh. “I don’t like shower sex and you know that. I’ll make it up to you.” She said leaning in. Pressing her lips against his, he gave in.

Driving to Uncle James’ house Sammie and Tay were doing their regular dialect. “I am not going to wreck it.” Tay said defending herself. “Isn’t that what you said when you had the first one.” Sammie said pointing out some facts. “You know what, I think you are a hater.” She said smiling. “How is that possible? I got everything I want and then some. She said. “Behave.” Destiny said pulling into the driveway. “Stay in the car and behave.” Destiny said getting out of the car. Opening the door was Jenna. Greeting her she walked in. Looking around to see her father and mother she wanted to leave. “Why are you here?” she asked looking at her mother. “Your mother told me something disturbing and I was waiting for you to address it with all of you.” He said. Looking into his eyes she saw that he was angry, but not at his wife but at his daughter. “I have tried to stay out of the feud between you and your mother but when you start adding people like your sisters and James into it, trying to isolate her then that where I have to draw the line. Your mother made a mistake she understands that but you don’t have to threaten to kill her. You ever put your hands on her again ill promise you that...” Cutting him off was James.

“Before you even continue that sentence just remind yourself who you are talking to. You don’t know the whole story and if you are going to believe the person who cheated on you then you and your wife have to leave my house.” He said protecting his niece. “James I am not leaving until you and her hears me.” He said raising his voice. “Really, do you really want to do this?” Destiny asked her mother seeing she was still playing tricks on her. “Don’t talk to her, I am talking to you.” Her father said. “Dad ask her about the real reason she had an affair. Matter of fact ask her about the hit and run. Better yet you don’t have to I have evidence. So when you want to hear the truth just call me, but not as your daughter. You just lost her.” Throwing the two way radio to Allen, she left.

Leaving the house she fought back the tears. Hearing the words come out of her father’s mouth she couldn’t deal with it. Burying it in she had to focus on the war. Driving in silence Destiny thought about her mother. She didn’t know what to do with her. She knew she was going to do everything in her power to make her feel like no one cares about her and she didn’t know how to stop her. Arriving at the safe house she looked at the time. Thirty minutes left. “I know you guys are tired of speeches so I am not going to give you one. Just let’s go and get justice.” She said.

Arriving at her location she saw her clique getting into position. “In position.” She said over the radio. Confirming that they were ready she gave the signal to the snipers. “Clear.” They said as they went in. Clearing the house, Destiny saw the power hitters. Giving Tyrone the signal they went after them. Running out of the building she saw them getting in the car. Shooting the tires she went for cover. Shooting at her she waited. Hearing them reloading she used that to make her move. Getting up she shot both of them. Moving closer she kicked their guns away. “Where is Brianna.” She asked. Not saying anything she shot him in his leg. “Where is she?” She said pointing the gun in his face. Pointing down to his pocket she grabbed his phone. Shooting him she left. “All clear.” She said. Hearing that the others were done she looked through his contacts. Looking she saw a text message from the last person she would have guessed.

“Man down man down.” Someone scream inside the building. Running towards the commotions she pushed her way into the middle. Seeing Tyrone on the floor bleeding she slid over to him. Holding his hand tears fell from her eyes. “Stay with me Rone. Stay with me.” She said putting pressure on his bullet womb. “Remember the first time we met and you said you wanted to make a difference.” He asked. Shaking her head she knew she was going to lose him. “You still can make that difference.” He said closing his eyes. “No, no, no, no, no. Rone open your eyes. Rone!” She screamed. Putting her hand on her shoulder Tay knew he was gone. Punching the window it shattered. Holding her best friend tried to calm her down. She knew Tyrone and Destiny was close. She knew how she felt about him. She knows that she just lost her brother.

In her car she looked through the text messages from him to the person who initiated this whole war. Getting a phone call she looked at the caller id. Picking it up she was ready to kill her. “You are going to die. I will torture you.” Brianna said knowing what she just did. “Listen and listen well when I find you I will kill you and not just for me but for Tyrone.” Destiny said hanging up the phone. Driving away she went to her Uncles house. Arriving she knew that her father was still there. Opening the door she saw her father with a black eye. Knowing that James beat his ass she didn’t care. “Where is she?” She said heading to her mother. “What the hell are you talking about.” She said. Putting the phone down on the table she pulled her gun out and pointed at her.

Moving closer was her father, Jenna, and James. “Put the gun down. She isn’t worth it.” James said coming closer. “I swear to God if you guys come any closer I will shoot all of you.” She said pointing it at him and then back at her mother. “Now I asked you a question, where the hell is she?” Destiny asked. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Her mother answered. “Stop fucking lying to me. That phone has a billion text messages from you to the guy I put a bullet in. You are the one who told her what to do. You initiated this war.” Destiny said screaming. Coming out of the back Denise and Desire was worried. “Destiny what the hell are you doing?” Denise said seeing her pointing the gun at their mother. “Where is she?” She said cocking the gun. “She is on her way with a little surprise for you.” She said smiling.

Walking up to her she slapped her with her gun. Falling to the ground she went looked outside. Seeing the car she knew it was her. Seeing her get out pointing the gun at the passenger seat Destiny ran out of the house. “Let him go!” She said looking at Tyler. “You would like that wouldn’t you. See it’s funny how it comes down to the guy you love all the time. Hear what I want you to do. Put the gun down and I will let him go.” She said. Shaking her head no she knew what was going to happen. Seeing Tay pull up she knew she had to do something quick. “Ty.” She scream. Holding her back was Sammie. “The decision is on you. Let him die or you die.” She said smiling. Seeing Tay and then Ty she knew what to do. Putting her gun down she knew she was going to die.

Smiling she put her gun at rest. “Go to your sister.” Destiny said not trusting Brianna. “Now time for you to die.” Brianna said shooting her gun. Jumping for cover she felt the impact. Screaming she grabbed her side. “Are you still alive?” Brianna said smiling. Taking her side piece out, she got up. Looking at Brianna she pointed her gun at her head. Five years I have waited for this moment. Thanks to your mother she gave me information to take you out. Poor Desire and Denise though.” She said looking for Destiny. Pulling the trigger she moved towards the house. Hearing a thud, she knew she hit her. Going into the house she saw Denise and Desire. “Go in the other room.” She said still holding her side. Not listening they saw her hurt. “Aunt Jenna.” Desire called out. Coming out she saw the womb. “Desi let me help you.” She said seeing the severity of her womb. “She is still out there I can’t leave her out there. Bring me her.” Destiny said pointing to her mother.

Seeing her waking up she waited. Looking at her daughter, her head was throbbing. “I know she is taking orders from you, call it off now.” She said. “I been called it off when I heard about Desire. She wasn’t supposed to attack her. She was only supposed to threaten her and receive the message. Not be the message.” She said. Charging at her was Desire. “You did this!” She said attacking her mother. Pulling her off was James. Wrapping the gauges on her side Jenna knew she had to at least stop the bleeding. “Listen, this will buy you some time but if I don’t get the bullet out of you, you will die.” She said fighting the tears. Shaking her head she reloaded her gun and went outside.

Seeing the trail of blood leading to the car she cocked her gun. Seeing her lying there she knew she was going to die. Kicking the gun out of her reach she pointed her gun at her head. “Should have let it go. I didn’t intentionally break your jaw. I never got the chance to tell you that. I am sorry about that but that doesn’t change anything. You tried to kill my family. I will never see that as justice for what I did to you. Have a nice trip to hell.” She said pulling the trigger. Seeing that her vision was blurry she dropped to the floor. Running towards her was Tyler, Tay and Sammie. Calling for help tears feel from Tay’s eyes. Running towards them was Desire, Denise James and Jenna with her medical kit. “We have to get her to the hospital.” Jenna said checking her pulse. “No hospitals, she will go to jail.” James said. “I know someone.” Sammie said picking up her phone.

Grabbing the gun she went into the house. Following her James knew what she was going to do. “You did this. Why!” Denise said pointing the gun at her mother. “When you guys were younger I saw something in her eyes. I knew she was going to be trouble. So I treated her different. I couldn’t care for a person who I knew was going to harm me. When she was sixteen and I heard she was joining a clique I called Hunter and told him to eliminate the problem. Two days later the drive by happened. I didn’t know you was coming home that week. When I heard that he killed you I blamed her. After you passed everything went south. She was still troublesome so when I heard Brianna was out of her rehabilitation the perfect opportunity opened again. Now we are here.” She said with no emotion.

“Destiny is about to die because you thought she was troubled. She beat Brianna ass because she was defending you. She joined the clique because you rejected her and when she found out you was the reason I was shot she didn’t even try to stop us from seeing you. She loves you with all of her heart and this is how you repay her. You don’t get to live. You don’t get to sit here and watch her die.” She said cocking her gun. “Denise she isn’t worth it.” James said knowing what she was thinking about. “She did this. She tried to drive a wedge between me and Destiny. Why does she get to live?” She said. “Denise look at me. Desi wouldn’t want you to do this. She collected evidence because she wanted to make her suffer. Don’t put her out of her misery of her suffer.” He said. Looking at him she put the gun down. Hugging his niece he knew how to honor Destiny’s wishes.

Two Months Later

Watching her sleep he smiled. Opening the door Tay rolled her eyes. Stop being a creep.” She said to her brother. “I am not letting her out of my sight.” He said. “Well you are going to have to she has company.” She said. Walking in the room was Denise and Desire. Hugging him they told him that they would take good care of her. Sitting down on the chair, she grabbed her sister’s hand. “Weekly update, Denise and I are now officially running our own business. It’s called triple D.  I finally got my diploma. I had to graduate early and I also have my license. Yeah I know it’s about time right. I hope you wake up soon.” Desire said kissing her on her forehead. Walking out, Denise understood why. “Update on mom, she is in prison for life. Desire has shut her out of her life completely. I don’t necessarily think it’s the right thing to do but I understand it. I am seeing someone professionally about my issues. It is helping a little.

Uncle James is going through it hard. He feels like it’s his fault. I know he is holding in all of his feelings. No one seems to know how to make him talk about it, well except Aunt Jenna, but she is hurting as well. She blames herself as well. She keep telling me that she shouldn’t have let you go back out, but to operate on you the first time she saw it. Sammie is burying herself into her work, which isn’t healthy. Tay is crying every night, she is also sleeping with her mom. Tyler, well Ty hasn’t left the house. Tyrone’s parents aren’t having the funeral without you. They are praying that they don’t lose you either. I am struggling as well. I can’t lose you we all can’t lose you. Come back to us. Please.” Denise said wiping her tears.

After being shot Destiny was in a coma. For the last two months life continued but her coma effected everyone. Denise finds it difficult to trust anyone anymore. She isn’t speaking with her father and mother. She isn’t really sleeping or eating. Desire graduated early. She completed all of the classes she needed during the summer time. She is now a co-owner of Triple D. She isn’t talking to her mother. She has cut her out of her life completely. She don’t want anything to do with her. Whenever someone does talk about her she block them out. She doesn’t respond to them. Tay have anxiety. When she does sleep she have nightmares. Her mother started sleeping with her to help her cope with her pain. Teresa also is having difficulties dealing with the coma. James continued to buy his cars and help run the Grinderz but he shut off his emotions. He hasn’t seen Destiny ever since the day she was shot. He can’t deal with the pain. He hasn’t spoken to his brother and his sister moved in with him temporarily. Jenna clocked out of life. She lives on routine. Help her kids, go to work, and then sleep.

Sammie hasn’t dealt with it. She is preventing herself from dealing with it. She has been working and working. Tyler hasn’t left the building in two months. He doesn’t want to leave her side or the house without knowing if she is going to wake up or not. He sleeps in the same room with her and eats with her. All of the hours of the day is with her. He feels that he is the reason she got shot. He felt like he should have done something to prevent from happening.

The clique is still number one but isn’t running as smooth as it used to. Bossy Chic has dropped in their ranking and lost a lot of respect from other cliques and recruits. The HOC is on high waters because of the uncertainty of whether she going to live or die.  All they can do is wait. All everyone has to do is wait.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.10.2013

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I'd like to dedicate this book to all of my friends and family. Without the relationship I have with you this book wouldn't have been written. You guys are my inspiration. I also want to thank the people who I particularly don't like. Without you guys, wouldn't have a character as vicious as Brianna, so thanks.

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