
Take a Stand

                               Take a Stand

Today, right now I take a stand

Today, right now I feeling the tingle inside of my hands

Today, right now I understand

That the tears falling from my face are actually there

My race, the color of my skin

Doesn’t define me within

My insides been fighting for a while

The insecurities I had when I was a child

Are still there

The discrimination from my peers

The isolation I heard loud and clear

The feeling I felt every single day

Made the clouds around me seemed dark and grey

Now how could I go home and face the naked truth

That racism is not only outside my race but within it

That my skin is and will always defined who I am

The way I walk

The way I talk

The things I fought and the things I will fight for

Will always come back to the color of my skin

So instead of being ignorant, or childish

I won’t tolerate it but I will not react the way they want me to

I won’t choose to be simple

And I know I can’t ignore

So I will not focus on the negative but only the positive

That we are strong African American women

That our skin color is not defined as our strength

I can’t go no greater length

To explain how strong we are

And how far we will go

To let them know

That we are here to stay

And that we will pray for a brighter day

So if you agree with me take a stand

And wear this like a wrist band

Spread the message around the world

To all the girls and the boys

That our intelligence

Is not because we are African American

But because we fought for our education

And that our personality

Is not because of our skin color

But because we learned how to be ourselves

In front of one another

By: Sydia Smith

Synopsis: Racism is still an issue in America. It been decades since the civil war and we are still being treated like trash. Time has changed but things remain the same. I don’t ever think that we will be an equal, just because we have an African American president and he is treated like dirt, but most importantly because we treat ourselves like dirt as well. Injustice is happening to us but instead of coming together we fight each other. I don’t know if it is in our society but it is distasteful. Our ancestor went through hell and back and to thank them we spit in their faces and do exactly what Caucasian people did to them. This poem is about racism period. Light skin vs. dark skin, stereotypes, injustice, ignorance and just plain stupidity.  For Caucasians some of you guys logic is wrong. For someone who came up to me and said “white people are superior because God was white” if this is why we have suffered I need you to go read the bible. God never told us his race. The Bible never tells us what color he is. He could be blue, purple, orange or yellow we don’t know. And for the others we are all human our brains function the same way. Now for the African Americans I just want to point out that our ancestors went through a war to free us, so instead of trying to segregate shades how about unite into one.

The Future Me

                              The Future Me

This is for that little girl sitting in the corner

Whose life turned upside down

Feeling lost

And don’t know how to smile

This is for that little girl

Who’s cutting her arm

Thinking that the pain is long gone

This is for that little girl

That swallowed a lot of pills

So she won’t have a live to fulfill

This is for colored girls

Who tried to commit suicide

I just need you to know that everything is going to be all right

How do I know

Cause I am you

For years I tried to figure a way to subside the pain

But you need to know that your life wasn’t in vain

You need to accept who you are

Cause you are going to make it far

Right now you are going through a testimony

God is using you to be a witness

To help others who are dealing with this

This is only the beginning of your journey

It will get harder as well

But it is nothing compared to where you will be at

Your life is not a fairy tale

You don’t have a happily ever after

But your life will be filled with laughter

So here I am getting the definition of life

Telling you that everything is going to all right

By: Sydia Smith

Synopsis: I watched a movie call “For Colored Girls”. This movie was once a book, but I preferred watching movies than reading books. I eventually read the book to get a generally idea of the storyline and to see if it was the same as the movie. There were these poems that were said throughout the book and the movie. In AVID we had to write a poem. The poem was for at the end of the movie it says, “This is for colored girls who committed suicide but moving to their own rainbows” we were supposed to give our perspective and write a poem encourage other people dealing with struggles related in your life and the movie. I chose to write a poem call Future Me. I called it this because there are people out their suffering from what I had suffered from. Suicide. Even though I didn’t actually commit suicide I did attempted. This poem was for the people who attempted or considering it. It goes deep into the reasons I have done it and the things I have done. I haven’t cut myself but I know someone who has. I am here to help. Not like a therapist, but like you. Someone who have been there before, someone who can relate, someone who isn’t going to judge you, someone who you can call up and someone who you don’t have to pay to get advice, or just express your feelings. Someone who won’t force you to talk but will sit in silence with you until you are ready to talk.



You will never be perfect

But you can always strive for perfection

You will have your moments of uncertainty

But don’t let that define who you are

It is time for you to raise the bar

Know that you will go far

Only if you believe

You need to always follow your dreams

Stop letting others dictate your future

Cancel out all of the negativity

And do you

Know your strengths and weaknesses

You are smart

You are funny

You are not a dummy

You can do anything you put your mind to

Find that thing that makes you smile

Find that sanctuary where you can stay for awhile

Find that friend when you are lonely

Find the person who can be your one and only

Listen to your heart no matter what

But also listen to your brain

When you are in such pain

This is your life

No one can take it from you

Know that the only way is to lose

Is when you choose

To give up

You don’t believe in luck

You know everything happens for a reason

Don’t stop believing

When your faith is gone

Go read the Book

And look

At those verses

You will see why you’re hurting

You are not trying to please anybody

But you need to start pleasing that one

Person who you have look in the mirror

That one person who loves you

That one person is YOU

By: Sydia Smith

Synopsis: An Affirmation is like your mission statement. It is something you read to encourage you when you need encouragement. An affirmation can be a quote, line, a song, or a poem. An affirmation can be original or it can be from someone else, but it has to encourage you. It can be for anything. You could have many for one thing or one for many things. An affirmation is for you not for anyone else. In AVID I had to make one for myself.   It could have been a quote or just one line but it had to do one thing. That one thing was it had to come from the heart and mean the world to me. I have been through a lot growing up and I still have a lot of trials coming my way so the poem is my way of dealing with things. It reminds me of where I came from, who I am as a person, and where I want to be. It also gives me specific things to do when I am feeling down or discourage.  I can use it when I am in college, looking for a job to fit my career, even when I get married. I recommend writing an affirmation because it is something you can relate to when you are feeling a certain way. It something that can make you cheer up. It is something that only you can write because it is supposed to be personal. It supposed to have details and events you went through. It supposed to have things you have accomplished. Most importantly it is supposed to be about you, only you. This affirmation is the second personal poem I have ever written.

Colorful Thoughts

                          Colorful Thoughts

Red is the shattered heart left in the dust

When she found out that he only wanted her for lust

Red is that shattered heart being repaired

When she let go of her fear

Red is those people who lost their way

When the ashes of their houses went astray

Red is those people who found themselves

In need of help

Blue is the child in the room

Seeing his mother black and purple

Blue is the child outside

Seeking in the tides

Blue is the girl dressed in black

Cause her brother’s lifeline went flat

Blue is the ocean

On a full moon

Blue is the possibility of soon

By: Sydia Smith

Synopsis: This poem is for all of the people around me who has suffered heart break, natural disasters neglect, abuse and just pain physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Each color has its own representation of an emotion, feeling, person or thing. Like anything each color has a negative and positive side to it. Red is a person who is dealing with love, destructions chaos. Those were the negative sides to them, but the feeling of love, throughout heart break, and/ or a natural disaster can heal all wounds. Blue is the serenity and peace one is searching, or already found. Blue is looking into the future and seeing bright things. Blue is also the feeling of neglect and abuse. It the feeling of sadness, and sometimes depression. The reason why I pick red and blue is because these are the feelings and colors that are consistently in someone’s life. Love, hurt, pain, heartache, serenity, peace, death, sadness, depression, abuse, neglect, theses feeling is happening all over the world. It is happening to me and most importantly you



The SOUND of pressure on my mind

Makes my stomach feels butterflies

The TATSE of disappointment in my mouth

Makes my whole world seems like It’s going south

The RESTLESS days that is here

Makes me feel unprepared

The EXCITEMENT my heart feels

Makes my body want to heal

The SCAREDNESS of my soul

Makes me want to forever hold onto

The SANTUARY called my room

This stress will go away soon

By: Sydia Smith

Synopsis: This poem is about the last quarter of my senior year. The sound that was on my mind was all of the negativity given to me about me not graduating. Nobody saw this day at all besides me. My mother never had faith in me and my stomach felt butterflies because I started to listen. I got sucked into the snide comments and opinions. The taste of disappointment came from my mother. She didn’t believe I was graduating. She compared me to my brother and she was just being mean and I didn’t want to be around her at all. The restless days came from final week. I wanted to pass English so bad that I study and did all of the work. I knew that this yearlong study was due and I didn’t have an author to do the week it was due so I had a lot of work to do. The last three days I bust my ass and wrote the paper. I turned it in on time as well. That was three restless night on my computer researching and typing. The excitement came when final week was over. I felt confident in myself and the answer I put down and I found out that I passed all of my classes and was indeed graduating. I began to become scared of my future. I wanted to do better and next couple of months I will be graduating. Every time I get scared angry or feelings of hopelessness I go into the only place I can sit down do anything, say anything, be anything I wanted which is my room. The first word of every capital letter spells stress. And those word fit best on what I felt when I am stress and how I felt during the last quarter of high school.

Your Daughter

                             Your Daughter

She said she would help me

The real question is do I want to know

Spent years dreaming about the day

When I would have that chance to say

Hello, I am your daughter

Yeah the daughter you never knew

Was it worth it

Do you even care about me

No don’t answer that

I already knew

The answer was so clear

Like driving in fog

Like running in snow

Like a three month old baby walking

But since we are here talking

Humor me

Am I the only one feeling this

Do you even know I exist

Please tell me why I was motherless

Not for three weeks

But for three years

Would everything be different

If you was in my life

This is what you left me with

A house in the county

With civil folks that surround me

Everything seems perfect

But the people I call my family

I was verbally abuse when I was a kid

I tried to take my life

So I wouldn’t have to live

So I wouldn’t have to live the life you have given me

There are people who love me

But there are also those people who get to me

The one I call mother wanted someone else

Long hair instead of short

She wanted another one of her kids

Someone who cooks and clean for the hell of it

Someone who doesn’t give her lip

Someone who said how high when she said jump

I wasn’t one of them

I prefer to do something to get something in return

The one who say something when things didn’t make any sense

The one who said why when she said jump

The one still to this day

Would like to say


Bye to the stupidity

Bye to the imperfect gene

Bye to the mother who said bye to me 18 years ago

Bye to the girl who still won’t let go

Hi, I am your daughter

Yeah the daughter you will never know

By: Sydia Smith

Synopsis: I was born 18 years ago. My mother left me in the hospital abandoned. No one came back and got me. I was two weeks when I was placed in foster care. Even though I am grateful for the life that I have I still wonder. I was adopted from my foster care mother’s sister when I was three. Growing up I tried to fit in but was told that I was never going to be like one of them earlier. I grew up with the sense of me myself and my brother. I did everything for myself. Didn’t care about anyone else but me and my brother. Growing up I knew that I was adopted. No one would let me forget. I always wanted to know what happen and why it did happen but I never got the answer. I don’t think I am ready for the answer. The poem is about my life and how I felt.

My Greatest Achievement

                    My Greatest Achievement

They asked what was my greatest achievement

I had to stop and think

I have been living for 18 years now

So I had to go down memory lane

Was it the time when I was five

When I found my true love

The bounce of life

The layup that saved my life

Or was it the time that we moved

Just in time to watch the tragedy on the news

One of the largest building go boom

Was it the time when I had to face my fear

Because I had to speak loud and clear

In front of all those people

To tell them my experience throughout elementary school

How about the time I made the honor roll

Or even when I learned to let go

Maybe it was the time

In middle school

When I didn’t look like the fool

Maybe it was the time I moved to high school

Then it clings onto me

My greatest moment

Yeah those memories were great

But this date

Is more important

It means more than just one thing

Looking at this means that I made it

I made it into the real world

The world of my independence

You say what is it

I say getting a piece of paper

Why did a piece of paper change my life

Well because that piece of paper means something

It means I did it

I survived

I can finally say that I am alive

That paper means independent


That paper means that I can be

Anything I want to be

Because all of my hard work has paid off

Even when I got lost

I found my way

And that why I say

My greatest achievement is that I got my diploma

By: Sydia Smith

Synopsis: This poem is basically about today. Today is my graduation. I graduated from high school. Nothing ever made sense in my life except for this. Getting a diploma changes your perspective on life. Reality hits you like an egg falling from the sky and onto the ground. You will realize that you are grown. You are able to find a career to provide for yourself and for the future family. Graduation is the day when your mind is in so many different places. They say that’s what happens in college, but some people don’t make it that far. High school graduation makes you into the person who you will become. Your plans, will guide you to the path you want to walk on. Your ignorance and oblivion to the world will guide you to a path of turmoil. Getting your diploma give you a feeling of completion, and succession. It also gives you the sense of urgency to continue to move forward in your life. To continue your completion and succession in your life.



Looking back on life to see the change

Looking at the present to see what the future will bring

One question came to my mind

The songs I will find

The songs I will find amusing to me

Those songs with or without a beat

So I ask myself

Witnessing the change

To the day I was born till present

This generation I’m left in

I have a playlist

It’s not the typical playlist

It’s the playlist that changes

From rap to pop

To hip hop to rock

R&B to alternative

Country to absolutely nothing

As the time has change my mind had develop

I started out listening to hip hop

Nothing was going to make me stop

Summertime playing on the radio

To rock the boat on my TV

Then something changed in me

The music wasn’t the same you see

Instead of rappers rapping about unity

Or the issues in the world

We’ve got

Sex money and drugs

Nothing about love

So as the time has change

So did my genres

See my playlist depends on what I’m feeling

My playlist will forever change

Because I’m living

By: Sydia Smith

Synopsis: Playlist is a poem about how my views taste in music has change over the years. Growing up as a child I’d listen to a lot of hip hop and rap. It soothed me and it discussed issues that were happening in the world. When hip hop changed I started to lose interest, just it wasn’t amusing to me anymore. I used to listen to Queen Latifa “U.N.I.T.Y” Aaliyah “Rock the Boat” and Will Smith “Summertime”. Since rap music and hip hop music changed to caring and representing violence, money, sex, and drugs, I started listening to other types of music. First it was Paramore, and then it went to Carrie Underwood, to Robin Thicke, to others. Music changed over the years and this poem shows my feelings and experience towards the change.




When is this going to stop?

Please tell me

See I spent years trying to make you disappear

Only to find the tears slipping down towards my ear

I wouldn’t call you fear

But you something like it

Every time you come around

I bury my feelings in the ground

Hoping I don’t hear the sounds

Wishing that it could be over now

See it seems like we are bound together

Seems like you are going to be in my life forever

If that’s the case

Please make an appointment

So I can prepare myself of all the disappointments

Reminiscing of time you first came

You played the blame game

You were like a hurricane destroying my life

And it’s not like I can ball my fists up and fight

All I wanted to do was make things right

But it backfired

Don’t you ever get tired?

Tired of being that little reminder

Hoping that you was going to find her

The last time you passed by

You didn’t have any success

What makes you think you’re going to have it now?

How far is deep down?

I learned your tricks

So I can use them against you

I will no longer look like the fool

Soon you will get the hint

Receive the message that I sent

Sometimes your tactics work

But not this time

I found the cure

That’s why you can’t torture me anymore

By:Sydia Smith


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.07.2013

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