
Chapter 1

Lyric POV

I wake up with a pounding headache, inwardly cursing myself for having drank so much when I was out last night when I knew today was my first day at my new school. I struggle to make my legs work as I clamber out of bed, realizing I only have 45 minutes before class starts. I rush to my closet and grab a metallic gray minidress that had a neckline that was so low it shot past the inner half of my breasts and dipped down revealing my black dream catcher belly-button piercing. I throw on a pair of ripped fishnet stockings and matching thigh high stilettos with black chains that hang down. I quickly brush my hair into it's natural scene look, do my makeup and  grab my bag off my bed. As I am heading out, my mom thrusts a granola bar and a travel mug of coffee my way. I take it and gratefully hug her as I rush out to my new black, all leather interior, 2017 shelby cobra mustang. As soon as I turn the key, the car is filled with Down With the Sickness by Disturbed. I sing along as I speed to Water crest high. I pull into a parking spot with 20 minutes to spare. As I get out a group of guys check me out. Ugh I can practically hear their jaws hanging open as the saliva drops from their mouth. As I’m walking along girls start whispering and I am thinking fuck yeah bitches, I’m cuter than all ya’ll. As I'm walking along I see another girl who,like me, is obviously new, and I hate to admit it but I like her style.

Kayden POV

Waking up, I stretch and smile to think that I’m starting a brand new year off at a new school. YAY!! I get up and run through the shower blow dry my hair,loosely curling it , and then pick out a spirit jersey that say Denver Broncos on the back ( I wore it just because the won the Super Bowl yesterday) and a pair of jeans with my white converse as I’m tying my shoe, finish doing my makeup  , I look at my alarm clock and see that I only have 30 minutes to get to school. Running down stairs I grab a apple and a water and run out to my new white 2017 mustang gt350. As I get inside I put the keys in and “When I Was Your Man” by Bruno Mars plays I sing along as I pull up to the school I turn off my car and take a deep breath and open the door. I notice a really hot guy sitting on the hood of his car. Holy cow was this guy cute. I think no Kayden school and sports don’t worry about a boy. My phone goes off and I look down to see my mom texted me  saying good luck today I smile and put my phone in my back pocket.

Unique’s POV

My alarm goes off at 5:30am. I roll over and shut it off then I get up and head for the shower. Thirty minutes later i step out of the shower into a steam filled restroom with water running down my body from head to toe (literally, I washed my hair). I grab my towel and wrap it around me. I step over to the sink, brush my teeth and wash my face. I walk into my bedroom and switch on the light. I go to my make-up table and the process begins. Its takes me about an hour to get my face just the way I want it. It would take longer but my complexion is smooth.I straighten my hair. I go to my closet and open the door. I think to myself, it’s my first day at a new school I have to make a statement. Then it hits me. I grab this cute denim mini skirt ,that I bought at the mall last week, and this sexy tank top with the wedges to match. Once i'm dressed I realize I only have 15 minutes to get to school. I don't have time to cook so I grab a donut. I rush out the door to my fresh off the assembly line 2017 silver camaro. As I step out of the car I see this hot guy and his girlfriend. She’s talking to him but his attention is on me. At that moment I say to myself “this school could be interesting”.

Lyrics Pov

As I am walking down the hall, I see a girl who is dressed way too preppy but she seems pretty cool. I turn around quickly and BAM! I slam hard into both of the girls. we all fall and our books scatter everywhere, luckily I caught my coffee before it fell. “Hey slut, I know you didn’t just run into me like that.” The preppy one says throwing a smirk at the other girl. “We sure as hell did, so get over it bitch.” The other girl says. She puts out a hand to me and jerks me upward. I barely catch myself because of the 10” heel on my  stiletto. “I'm, Lyric, thanks by the way.” she grins “Unique, and anytime.” We share schedules and I find out we have all the same classes. She grabs my arm and we head into a classroom. All talking comes to a halt as all the students look us over like we are fresh meat. “Class, since I have had all of you at least three times, I realize we have two new students in this class, girls would you care to introduce yourself?” The teacher says, he has a sexy accent and bright blue eyes, his brown hair is combed back and I have to catch myself because I notice everybody is looking at me. I hear him let out a low, sexy chuckle. “My name is Lyric Latimer, I moved here from Brooklyn because my parents got offered jobs here to be professors at the local University.” I say making sure my voice sound sexy and dark. I hear a choke and turn to see a boy dressed in ripped skinny jeans, black combat boots, a black veil brides t-shirt, and he has a piercing in his lip, ears, and eyebrow. I lock eyes with him and shake  v my head, mesmerized by his piercing blue eyes. “Nice of you to join us Aiden, please take your seat. Girls you may choose your seats.” We scamper to the two desks next to each other and sit down.


Kayden's POV

All I could think about was getting to my classes and figuring when cheer tryouts and other sport tryouts were. I look down at my schedule and figure out which class I have first, I run right into two other girls and man did it hurt. I get up and say “ Hey slut, I know you didn’t just run into me like that.” I say smirking at one of the girls I ran into. She was shouting out something back but I wasn’t paying attention. I realize I passed the gym which was my first class, I run back to the gym and meet the coach at the door. He smiles and shakes my hand and says “Hi I’m Coach  Hooper, I will be you coach for all sports. I smile and say Thanks and run off to change into my volleyball gear. I pull on my spandex, pull my shoes and knee pads on and change my shirt to a tank top. I run out on the gym floor and stretch, We start with varsity vs. jr varsity, I dominate the floor and the coach pulls me of to the side and calls me into his office. I get nervous when he closes the door, “You are very good Kayden”.He hands me a jersey with the number eight on it and explains that I am now the new captain of varsity. As I walk out he slaps my ass and I jump but I am okay because it give me this tingly feeling. He starts massaging my ass where he hit it, but I shake my head and step out of the office. I go to the locker room and change right as I get done changing the bell rings and I run out of the locker room and to my 2nd period.


Unique POV

   I grab hold of the girl that the bitchy prep girl just tried to devour. As we enter the class I notice that she stumbles when she sees a sexy goth guy. I roll my eyes and pull her to the back of the class. We sit through class and I watch the guy and his girlfriend out of the corner of my eye. I notice that he keeps looking at me and shaking off her attention. I silently laugh in my head and me and Lyric walk out of class. I have to say she has style even if it is whore couture. We walk along and we run into the sexy goth again. Dammnnn!!! girl has taste. She steps away from me and I watch with slight amusement at the scene unrolling before me. She strolls up to him and his eyes widen and dart down to her double D’s before coming back up to her face. “ Hey it’s Aiden right , My names Lyric and I was wondering if you were doing anything for lunch because I would like to take you on a ride?” Line,hook, and sinker. He nods his head quickly and she winks and walks back to me. He stares at her ass as we walk and I laugh out loud. “Damn girl, skills, he was practically foaming at the mouth.” She laughs and we walk off.


Chapter 2


Lyric POV

   Unique and I walk into the math class and I see the prep bitch sitting in a desk. I feel tension in the air and I see the girl I was warned about glaring daggers at prep bitch. “ Some Hoes think they can take over a team they don’t know shit about.” Oh no, she has sank the sword but I wait to see what happens. She gets up and strolls over to prep bitch and says “ So Kayden, you think that you can just come to my school and take over my team without even blinking?” Kayden steps up and then the girl, her name is whispered around and I find out her name is Ashley, she is a bigger girl and she seems to be throwing her weight around to scare people. I step forward “Bitch if she took over you team then she must be better than you, I mean she can’t help if you suck.” I say and automatically Unique steps up next to me and Kayden steps back to the other side of me.”Oh great just what we needed, a gothic slut who doesn’t know when it’s her time to sit and play good dog.” “AH Hell NAW , you did not just call me a dog, you fucken cow!” I say as my fist connects with her perfect little nose job. She screams and Kayden hugs me. “I am so sorry for being a bitch to y'all you are amazing!” I laugh and we all set together, other kids backing up as if to get away from my fist. I notice more that half the class tho is staring at us as if we were strippers in the club.

Kayden’s POV

As I walk into my next class I noticed that girl from 1st period ,man was she mad when I took her spot on the team. I sit in the back of the room and when I sit down I see the two girls I ran into this morning walking in. I could hear my name being said but I couldn’t really tell what they were saying so I didn’t say anything. Then this girl come up to me and starts saying how she’s pissed that I took her spot and other crap. Right as I stood up the girl I called a slut steps up and says something and then punches the girl right in the face. I rush up and hug her thankful for her saving my life. She laughs and we sit together and I roll my eyes at the way people are either ogling us or backing up as if we were explosives. “Thanks” I say as I sit down and the bell rings to start 2nd period. We sit through a dull math lesson and as I am picking up, Ashley comes back through the door and is heading on a beeline straight for Lyric. I nudge Lyric and she turns just as Ashley pulls her fist back. Unique grabs her wrist in mid air and puts it behind her back.  

Unique’s POV

  I grab Ashley’s wrist as she pulls back to hit Lyric and pin it behind her back. Man, some bitches just do not learn. “Did you really think you were going to hit me and get away with it bitch?” Lyric asks. I laugh as Ashley stutters. “You,you,you…” “To-to-today Junior,” I say as I put a little more pressure on her arm. She yelps and blacks out and I let her fall to the floor, her body hits the floor with a thump. I step over her, just as the bell rings and we all leave, the class staring at us in shock.  The next 3 classes pass by uneventful and we meet up at lunch.


Kayden’s POV

I meet up with the girls and we get food I look at what they got and see that they got a bunch of different foods I am about to comment but the Lyric states “Before you mention the food, it’s because this is a new school and we weren’t sure what we would like, so we got it all.” I silently curse myself for letting what I was thinking show. About ten minutes later Lyric looks over and I notice a goth guy waving at her. She waves at us and she goes over to him. They exit out the door and Unique leaves soon to. I notice Coach Hooper coming over too me and I get up. He walks towards his office obviously expecting me to follow him. I get up and follow him and as soon as I enter his office, he kicks the door shut and lifts me up , sitting me on the desk. We start greedily kissing but I pull away as thoughts of what could happen if we did this. “No, we could get into a lot of trouble, you could lose your job.” I tell him he nods and backs away. I hop off the desk and leave giving him a weak smile. I head to the bathroom and fix my make-up and head to my next class.

Lyric POV

I leave at lunch with Aiden following like a lost puppy behind me. We get into my car and I pull out of the parking lot. We park a few blocks away and as soon as I turn off the car, Aiden is on me and my dress is ripped off me leaving me in only my fishnets and stilettos.  He takes my nipple in his mouth and sucks hard. I arch my back in pleasure and moan. He starts trailing small kisses down my stomach heading for my dripping pussy.  He puts his head between my legs and starts softly sucking on my clit. I moan and orgasm. I pull him up and strip him to his boxers. I slip his dick out of his boxers and put it’s glistening tip into  my mouth and suck him off. He cums , hollering my name and pulling on my hair. We dress and head back to the school.


Unique’s POV

I leave right after Lyric does and leave and go explore the campus. As I am walking I notice that guy that kept look at me. He starts walking towards me so I walk up to him and smashes into me and don’t kiss him back at first but then I start to kissing him back. Right as it starts getting heated I hear an annoyingly squeaky voice “That bitch! She is such a muthafukin hoe, coming in here, stealing my man AH HELL NAW!!” I turn around and say “He didn’t want your fat ass anyways” she comes at me and just as I am about to swing, De,shawn grabs me around the waist and says “Ashley, I told you we are over besides, Unique is bootylicious and you are just a fat-ass and you can’t even wear sweats because you look like you got a grandma’s booty.” I turn around and slip my tongue into his mouth and we back up into an empty classroom and he slams the door behind us, I mount the desk and pull his shirt off and he follows in suite pulling mine off me to. We hear the door open but don’t pay attention to it. We then hear footsteps and then hear a voice asking what the hell we were doing. I grab mine and De,shawn’s shirt and we run out of the room. As we leave the room I throw his shirt at him and put mine on and walk away.


Chapter 3

Kayden's POV

School ended and I walk out to see the smokin hot guy on the hood of my car. "What the hell are you doing on my car?" I ask him, trying to not flip because I am so pissed off. He hops off and walks towards me as I get into my car. Man this school was fifty shades of fucked up. He gets into a baby blue mustang and follows me as I pull out I drive around trying to lkose hm. Wwhen I realize that he is not going to give up so I just go home. I pull in the driveway and get out and stand in front of my car with my arms crossed. "What do you want?" I ask him. "Well you are fuckin hot and I want to toss you onto a bed and fuck your brains out." He says blantely. I realize that this is my opportunity and invite him up o my bedroom. As soon as the door closes he throws me onto my bed and rips through my shirt and tears off my jeans. He hooks his thumbs into my underwear and takes them off while I take off my bra. He suck my nipple and gets me ready with his fingers. I orgasm and he thrusts in and pounds my dripping cunt so hard that the headboard hits the wall and we both orgasm in time to hear a car pull up. I look out the window to see my mom Pull up I rush to my closet and throw on some clothes while hot guy puts his clothes back on. "What's your name?" I ask him as he is going out my window. "Tucker" he says wih a wink. I choke on my mouthwash and he laughs before dissapperaibng out of site. My ex's name was Tucker. My mom comes up and asks about the car and I totally blow her off and go shower and eat a salad before slipping into bed. 


Lyrics POV

I head home after school with Aiden in the passenger seat. We get to my house and he gasps. “Oh yeah I forgot to mention my parents are loaded.” I laugh as I pull into my driveway. We get out and I take his hand as we head up to the mansion's front door. We step inside and he turns in a circle taking in the marble, statues and Picasso paintings. We go up the stairs to my room and I close the door. He looks around my room at my posters and then at my giant flat screen TV where Creed is playing He shuts it off and clicks play on my in wall speaker system. Back to Sleep by Chris Brown starts playing. Aiden shoves me onto my bed and I quickly pull him with me. I pull off his t-shirt and he rips my dress apart. I lay back in nothing but my heels and he takes off his pants and boxers. He starts sucking hard on my nipple and I arch my back in pleasure. I feel a warm wetness between my legs and puts his finger inside me and I buck against his hand. His dick is ginormous and I am in fucken heaven as he shoves his dick inside me and starts thrusting against me. I moan and he grunts. H goes hard and as I feel myself slipping into orgasm I tighten my walls around him and  he spills into me and I orgasm hard.  We fall together and start laughing as we cry. “I might sound crazy but I think I love you.” Aiden tells me. I nod and we fall asleep.


Kayden POV

I wake up to my alarm and I jump out of bed and throw on a purple and green spirit jersey with matching green tights and a pair of purple converse. I put my hair into  messy bun and grab my bag, an apple, and a small frap from our machine and go and head to school. Tucker meets me at my car and holds my hand as he walks me to pre-cal. The day is already amazing.


Unique’s POV

I decide to head home. On the way i stop to grab a bite to eat. I pull in the parking lot of Chicken Express. As I am walking in, I scan the building to see if there is any one that I know inside… there wasn’t. I go to the register and order my food and tell them that i want everything fresh. I go take  seat at an empty table because the lady said that there was going to be a 15 minute wait for my food. I sit with my back to the door. To my surprise i hear someone say “that was close”. I look up only to see De’shawn standing over my shoulder. I burst out laughing and agree with him. He ask what i am about to do.. I say that I am waiting on my food then i’m going to go home and watch  netflix and just chill for the night. He ask if he can have my number. I give it to him and just as he is about to sit down the lady tells me that my food is ready. I tell him that i have to go and that i will see him tomorrow. He says that he will text me… and with that i grab my food and my drink and walk out of the door. ….




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.03.2016

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