

“Alexandra I think you should go for the big meeting with our most prestigious company of London. You are the most profound candidate of our company.” Alex's boss spoke pointing at her in the conference room. She nodded politely. “Yes sir. I would love to go, thank you,” she said and flashed a brilliant smile, “well, so it's done. The meeting is going to be held in Montana, and you will have to be there on Christmas day so that you can check on the arrangements. I would prefer if you drove as you will reach there soon and we can follow you after that,” her boss completed, and she nodded in approval
Alex met up with her best friend and colleague, Jessica excitedly after the meeting.
“Guess what who is going to go to the big meeting for the London Company and whose future is going to change forever? Me! Mine” she said proudly.
“Alex that is great!” Jessica said and hugged her. They started to walk together, Jessica, the great thinker, started to analyze something as Alex received congratulations from every one.
Jessica literally jumped with excitement before saying this, “Oh, now you can go meet your mother. She lives in Montana, right?! Isn't the meeting going to be held near that little town of Aaron Ville?” Alex starred at her,
“No Jesse I can't. I don't wanna go and I won't either; never.” she said sternly.
“What about the talks we've been having about you going to meet your mum if you can?” Jessica asked.
“I lied Jesse; I would never meet her, not now not ever. You know that, it was just an excuse OK? I'm not gonna go to her, she doesn't cares about me, and I don't either, topic close!” Alex said and Jessica looked at her with furious eyes. She snorted with anger a little before speaking.
“You will regret this. Parents are the most important part of your life,” she said. “You will regret it.” She went away leaving Alex staring at her, astonished.

Chapter One- The Known Stranger

It was 5:00 am in the morning and everyone in Ashton Ville was fast asleep as a sweet smell spread across the town. It had snowed the whole night leaving Ashton Ville completely covered. The roads were empty and there was a comforting silence in the usually loud-chirpy town. They were all tired because yesterday they had a huge party for Christmas.
The town was home to small families. Only a few people lived here and most of them were old and fragile, their kids had left them and the town, to find work: and then visiting them once in a while. Most of the residents didn't minded staying alone. Together in everything, no matter what, they had started to accept each other as one big happy family. It was going to be a fun filled day for this town-family. They had planned a party for Mrs. Serena Gilbert, today marked her birthday.
It started to snow again, but this time it was snowing hard. Ashton Ville was never considered a winter wonderland, but the snow made it look like an exotic resort. Serena was a consistent early bird. She woke on time, went to sleep on time and ate on time. One of eldest and the most respected member of the community. She was known for her sweet and caring nature, and her trustworthiness. She was married to Patrick Gilbert and had lived there for 27 years, becoming an important part of Ashton Ville.
It was calm and peaceful that time of the day, but an unpleasant banging on the door…the noise had started up like a low knock, and now had become a high pitched hammering, of someone pushing and kicking at the door furiously. Serena lived in one of the oldest and beautiful homes, in the outermost part of town.
The loud banging was at her front door which woke her. She was still sleepy when she grabbed a robe and tied it around her little body. Scratching her head, she started to head down the long stairs of her big house. Yawning, she applied the safety lock on the front door, and opened it as much as it could.
Serena peered out of the niche opening, rubbing her eyes she tried to analyze who it was. She asked the stranger all sorts of questions, but he didn't give any reply, just kept on banging the door. The new arrival never really noticed the door had been opened a little, he just kept on knocking. Serena could only see the stranger's jacket and his hooded fur cap, which was completely soaked because of the snow. Serena finally decided of opening the door, she couldn't see him standing outside in the cold weather wearing soaked clothes.
She opened the safety lock, and let the stranger in from the cold and snow, she was really curious on who the stranger was. He had his head down when he entered the house, and leaving Serena alone at the door he went inside the hallway, like he knew each and every part of the house. Serena quickly went towards the stranger who turned around towards her, and lifted his head slowly.
Serena starred at the face of the known stranger in shock, she couldn't believe who was standing in front of her-“Alex?” she asked, blinking her tears of joy away. Alex licked her dry lips a little and turned around to go. Serena watched as Alex walked into the living room, leaving her alone in the hallway. The last time she saw her daughter, Alex was graduating from college. The day had started off wonderful, but as usual it ended in disaster. She loved her daughter, but Serena couldn't help except to wonder why Alex was here banging on her door at such early hour.
Serena instead, of going to Alex, went straight to Alex's room, to get her some dry clothes to wear. She even got her a blanket to warm up. Serena quickly went in the living room and saw Alex sitting quietly on the sofa, she swiftly went and parked herself next to Alex, she touched her arm softly. Alex flinched and moved away from her mother, it was as if she was seeing her for the first time.
Serena looked at her with motherly love, she started examining how much Alex had changed. Alex was no longer her little princess, with red clips in her hair, and a lollipop in her mouth, she had changed and was a lady now. She was a pretty girl who had inherited her beauty from her mother. She had blue eyes, thick lips and pink skin. But today she was looking pale and dreary; her eyes looked black, her pupils were dilated making her eyes look black, her pink skin was pale and rough, and her cute pink freckles were dark brown almost black covering all her face.
Alex looked at her mother with a confused look. She blinked her eyes and stared at her mother. And then did what she wanted to do from a long time, she cried, her heart out.

Chapter Two- Taking a look at the Past

“You knew that?” Alex asked her mother in astonishment, her voice-weak and frail-but at least she was talking.
“Yeah, I mean, he was cute and I knew you liked him” Serena said in a voice which had the tone of the fact of the matter, which she always used.
“Mom, you shouldn't know that, this is so embarrassing” Alex blurted out, blushing, the only color that flashed on her face since morning.
“But I do, and don't worry, I wont tell him” Serena said whispered the last words teasing Alex. They were looking at their old photos in the album Sere had made and kept like a treasure.
“Forget him Ma, listen, it's your birthday I know, but I don't wanna meet anyone, no one, just us today” Alex asked, her tone low and deep, it wasn't cheerful and bubbly like her real one.
“But why, I mean, everyone would be so excited and happy to meet you, you should meet them, I mean, it will be great! Mrs. Render, Mr. Craig, your old pals, I mean whomsoever would be coming, um, you should meet them” Serena who was so excited jumped off couch they were sitting at and confronted Alex face-to-face.
“But mom, it's 1 pm, and all we have done is cry and nothing more, can't we do something else?” Alex asked.
“So what sweetie? Don't worry, we will take out time, I mean, you are here for at last some days right? And now that our differences are finally over I guess you can come here more often if possible” Serena asked with her kid-like innocent and pleading eyes. Alex blanked out, she became distressed and could feel the feverish feeling set-in and her mother understood something was wrong with her she quickly sat down with her and rubbed Alex's shivering shoulders.
Looking at Serena, her face blank with no expression; she fell silent thinking deeply. “What happened, okay sweetie, if you don't wanna go I will cancel the party, happy?” Serena asked trying to read her expression.
“Don't do that mom, don't, we will have fun now, and you can go to the party too, um…lets cook” Alex said, her voice should have been fun and excited, but it wasn't...
“Cook? You wanna cook?” her mother asked in amazement
“yeah, I mean, we can cook and make braids like we used to do when I was small, and then we can sing songs and record idiotic voices and after that I will get you ready and then I will-”Alex said, words trailed off as her mother giggled a little
“Fine, what do you wanna cook?” Serena asked, “Anything” Alex replied
“OK, I will get something ready” her mother chirped and went away.

Chapter Three- Mother and Daughter

“What happened to your hair? Sweetie they are so…dull, and lumpy and so moist” Serena asked worriedly as she tried to make a braid of Alex's hair. “You have such beautiful hair, don't you oil them anymore” she asked, swiping her hands through Alex’s hair trying to lessen the knots formed in them.
Alex couldn't utter a word; she went mute again as a tear drop streamed down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and turned towards her mum who was still trying to make her dull hair look nice.
“My turn, Ma” she said politely getting up from where she was sitting.
“But at least, let me apply oil” Serena protested, but Alex stood next to her with her arms crossed at her chest.
“Fine” she said and sat where Alex was sitting.
"Mom, where are our voices, um the recorder in which we recorded our voices?" Alex asked combing her mother's hair.
"Oh! In the living room, you wanna hear them?" Serena asked back, turning a little to face Alex.
"No, mom, no, I just, wanted to ask you if you can hear them when I am gone, uh, for my meeting." Alex said, moving her fingers through her mother's hair.
"OK?" Serena said, it was more of a question then an answer.
"Yes, ma lets continue!" Alex replied, relieved.

Chapter Four- The Shocking Realization

“Mom, you look fantastic, cheesier than your triple cheese pizza” Alex said, standing behind Serena as they stood in front of the mirror,
“Oh really! As if you ate it, not even a single bite” her mother complained looking at her through the mirror, Alex gave her a weak smile and hugged her from the back.
Serena turned and hugged Alex tightly. “I am sorry sweetie, I shouldn't have ever forced you to stay, I knew you wanted to leave this place but I was, I was mean enough to lie to you, to make you stay. We ruined so many years of our lives, fighting and, and god knows what, but you know I love you right? I am your mother, and you are like a part of a me, a huge part of me. I should have said sorry a long time ago, but I thought I didn't need to say sorry to my own child" she stopped in the middle, interrupted by Alex-“you are right, you don't need to say sorry to me I am the one who should be guilty. I should apologize, I only thought about myself and never cared about anyone else, I am sorry mom, for all the lost years” Alex spoke with tears in her eyes, Serena stared at her and wiped the tear away; both of them had tears burning at the rims of their eyes
“But never mind, you have your whole life in front of you. We will not miss the fun now, OK, now where is my pearl drop earrings” Serena changed the topic. She went away looking for her earrings. Leaving a devastated Alex.
She almost forgot about it, but now she remembered. Alex ran towards the living room quickly, and froze in front of the huge wall clock; she could feel her blood pressure turn up and felt the world around her spin. She began to hear all sorts of voices and there were black spots in front of her eyes. Just when the spots started to form figures, she blacked out.

Chapter Five- Saying Goodbye

“You have to come with us, come with us now, your time is over, you have to come with us. Wake up and come with us, right now wake up now, come with us…wake up...Alexandra!“leave me alone” Alex shouted as she sat upright on her bed, it was almost an hour after she had fainted.
She looked around her, and knew she was in her own room, the place she felt most safe; it was the same as she left it but a lot cleaner now. She closed her eyes, the voices started to come again out of nowhere, the spots were visible but now they formed figures all of which pointed towards a white door; she opened her eyes and ran fingers through her hair which were wet, she examined them when suddenly, some of them broke and came apart in her hand, scared she hopped off the bed and ran down the stairs towards the front door.
"Are you fine, dear” Serena stopped her from the back.
“Mom I gotta go” she said in a panicked voice.
“But why you just came, and I won't, I won't let you go, not so soon, you are not well too” Serena said adamantly as she was freaking out.
“Mom I am fine, I really gotta go, and mom I love you so much, and no matter what happens, please listen to the recordings” Alex said calmly, speaking the last words in a really low voice.
“No Alex you can’t go, I have made you something and I'll just get it” Serena said and went running inside the kitchen.
When she returned, Alex was gone leaving a letter on the front door which said “happy birthday mommy, I love you and sorry for the delay, Jessica was right, I regret every wasted moment of my life in my pride, please if possible, forgive me”.
Serena opened the door as fast as she could. But instead of Alex, there stood Jessica her best friend, who had a red nose and wet eyes, she had a handkerchief in her hand and looked at Serena with an alarmed expression.
“Jessica, what are you doing here? And are you crying?” Serena asked coming in front of her.
“Auntie, I…I'm...” Jessica spoke in broken words.
She saw an ambulance standing in her front porch and looked at Jessica.
“Is everything OK, Dear? Why was Alex running away from here? And where is she now?” Serena asked making sense of all she understood; Jessica looked at her with wide eyes ad sorry expression.
“Auntie, Alex, Alex…I'm sorry auntie” she spoke again in a husky voice.
“Why are you sorry? And where is Alex, she was here, where is she now?” she asked totally annoyed.
“Auntie, Alex can't be here” Jessica spoke slowly.
“But she was here with me, we spent the whole day together, and then she went-” her words trailed off because winds that blew right in her face.
“But auntie she just can't be here” Jessica spoke calmly,
“But she was here, how can you say she can't?” Serena shouted.
“Because, auntie, because…” Jessica said slowly
"You don't believe me, do you? Come with me then!" Serena said, grabbed her hand roughly and took her inside her house and to the living room, where the 70s tape recorder sat on the side table. She grabbed it and played, but the recordings were missing, finally she tapped it three times, and the recorder started up, but what it said, and who said in it, left both of them in shock and disbelief.
"Hey, mom, it's me, Alex, you might be wondering...where are our recordings? I deleted them, and I would recommend that you delete this one too, cos mom...nobody should know I was here, because no one will believe you, you know why---because I am dead I died in a land slide this morning---surprise mom, not the best surprise for your birthday but this is all I can give now. I think it was my own fault, my own Karma which...and I deserve this punishment, I'm sorry Ma, for all the lost years, and pains caused...but you know what my real gift to you was...I asked God to send me back to earth for one day, just to meet you, just to give you your Birthday Present, happy birthday ma, happy birthday, now I have to go, I have to rest in peace with dad, bye Ma...I love you so much, forever..." her words trailed off.


Lektorat: Glynis Rankin A.K.A Ripples
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.08.2012

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To my mum, I know we also fight a lot, but I love u more than that and everything is what matters

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