
The Sun Seeker

In this swamp, there lies the heartbroken. It beholds all of the zombied bodies that have fallen for what they couldn’t have. The people here rely on the little light that they can see through the sun, regardless if it doesn’t rise. This swamp has no life because the broken hearted, are not living themselves but yet there is hope when a boy is born and is given a cheerful name, the village is put at a somewhat ease. The rally against The Outside has begun, meanwhile the boy who must be kept hidden is discovering his true calling.

A boy named Lyric was raised amongst these sad people. He has grown to be strong, a rare strength he has been prompting himself to have. With everyone in his village raving in hysteria because of the war he spends his time preparing to fight in the war.  The sun has not come up in thirty days and some of the elders are preaching that it is The Outsiders controlling the light. It is his duty to be the sunshine and bring joy to his people.

Lyric follows his mother around, trying to make her laugh but her biggest reaction is her eyes get wide then they return to their natural sad state. She has been moping around with blank stares on her face all day. His father was drafted to join the army, Lyric looks down and plays along like he is making her feel better, but once he thinks about his father he understands how she must truly be feeling.

They arrive at their cabin and he stands on the steps, looking into the murky swamp water. His reflection is there for a second until a crocodile pops its head through. Lyric smiles and throws it a piece of meat that they keep on the veranda in a jar. It was common to feed the crocodiles in the Dark Lands, those were some of the only animals that the people had. You had to take care of your home. A lot of the people there took them in as pets. This one in particular he had not seen around, claimed by anyone in the village. he scanned him for some form of markings, saying that he belonged to someone already. The glowing colour of its eyes was like a flashlight, it reminded him of himself and how the light within him always shined. He smiled. “I think I will call you Aduro.” It was the Latin word for light. A common name in the village. Lyric smiled as Aduro splashed his tale in the water, apparently he liked him too.

Lyric walked into his cabin. His father was getting ready to depart to the army, and his mother was preparing a big dinner. She had been saying how she didn’t want him to leave them without having one more of her dinners. Lyric looked from his father’s packed bags to his mother back to his father. He sighed heavily. he walked over to table and helped his mother set the dishes down, as she brought food in and out the kitchen. She had prepared some of everything. His father walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Lyric sits plates on the table and studies his father’s facial expressions. The was a mixture of discuss, regret, and sadness. He sat down across from his father. He smiled trying to lighten the mood. “Lyric don’t start that.” His mother snapped. She was not in the mood for laughing. “This is not an appropriate time for that.” Lyric leaned his back against the chair and sighed. “Sorry mom.” He hung his head low. It made her upset thinking about the fact that he would be leaving too. As the chosen one, one day he would find the sun. Unlike his mother his father put faith in him.  

He was going to steal the sun back; the reason why he was born to The Shadow People in the Dark Lands. Inside of him fear swam deep and and threatened him. He didn't know where to start. How was he supposed to be the hero and savior of the village, he sat at the table and swallowed all the worries and doubt along with some mashed potatoes. The fact was what that he might turn out as a failure. The fact which was exactly what? The elders said the prophecy pointed to him. In all, he was preparing himself mentally for the war that was in the process. As a twelve year old boy he was still having difficulty picking up exactly what was going on. He wondered why the war had started and why if it was the war the elders had predicted, why twelve years later. Although, he had been hidden The Outsiders knew of his existence he had not really been a secret after all so why take away the sun now?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.03.2014

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