
Being Strong

-Arabella is 16, and she has 2 best friends, Christopher and Aiden. Christopher is 16 and Aiden is 17. Arabella has a horrible past and present. Arabella’s mom is the only one in the family who cares about her(her dad walked out on them). She has been diagnosed with Social Anxiety, Separation Anxiety, and Depression. She has reached her lowest point. Christopher and Aiden tell her to be strong and they are there for her. Christopher lives with Arabella to watch over her because of her Separation Anxiety.-

~Chapter 1~
Arabella was in her room with the lights off, curled up in a ball, crying into a teddy bear that Aiden and Christopher got her. Her mom was gone for the weekend so it was just her and Christopher. Aiden was at work until 8pm and it was only 12pm. Christopher was downstairs watching T.V until he heard her crying.
He rushed upstairs and cuddled beside her.
“Arabella, what’s wrong?”
“I miss Aiden.”
“He’s only been gone 2 hours Arabella. He’ll be home soon.”
“But what if something happens to him?”
“He said he would call at 4. You can talk to him if you want.”
Christopher comforted her as best as he could. He got her calmed down enough that she at least stopped crying, but she refused to come downstairs with him so he stayed with her until she fell asleep.
Finally she fell asleep, so Christopher went back downstairs and started lunch and called Aiden. At first it went straight to his voice mail. The second time, He answered.
“It’s Arabella.”
“Is she okay?”
“She is now, she just fell asleep. She’s in one of her moods.”
“How bad?”
“Well, remember that teddy bear we got her?”
“She was crying into it.. In a ball, on her bed”
“She misses you.. Again.”
“Awe man, I’ll be home as soon as I can.”
Christopher was an excellent cook so he made her favorite food, Jell-O pie. He hoped it would cheer her up a little bit.
As soon as he was done making it, he went back upstairs and woke Arabella up. She started crying again.
“No no, no more crying, I have a surprise for you”
“Y-you do?”
“Yes, come downstairs.”
When they get to the bottom of the steps, he covered her eyes and guided her into the kitchen. He took her to the counter to where the Jell-O pie was and then uncovered her eyes. She gasped
“Oh my! Really, Christopher?!”
He laughed and nodded. Then she looked at him with sadness in her eyes.
“Can we wait until Aiden get’s home?”
“Sure we can”
Arabella sat on the couch and stared. She stared for a while and then began to cry again. She ran upstairs, grabbed her blade and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. She put her back to the door and sat on the floor. Tears made her vision blurry. Christopher ran upstairs and banged on the bathroom door and jiggled the knob trying to open the door. Arabella put the blade to her arm, closed her eyes and cut down her vain as deep as she could. Blood rose from the cut instantly and ran down her arm and hand and dripped onto the floor. Christopher still banged on the door and yelling for Arabella, but all he could hear is her loud whimpers and cries. Arabella cut a few more times until she was too weak to hold the blade. There is a lot of blood on the floor, almost a pool around her. Her cries soften. Christopher can barley hear them now and got extremely worried. He looks down and there is blood coming under the door. Arabella is silent now. Christopher ran down stairs called 911 and then called Aiden. He grabbed a screw driver and ran back upstairs and took the knob off of the door. He opened the door and Arabella’s body fell on floor. Christopher started crying and picked her lifeless body in his arms. Ambulance arrived and loaded her body in. Then they did what they could to bring her back, but it’s too late, she lost too much blood. Aiden arrived and ran to the ambulance. Christopher was sitting on the sidewalk crying. Aiden ran to him. Christopher looked at him with brokenness.
“Arabella..she…..She’s dead.”
“What! No! She can’t be!!”
Christopher hung his head in shame.
“I should’ve got to her faster.. Stopped her.”
“No Christopher, don’t blame your self. This was all of our fault. We should’ve been there for her.”
They both watched the ambulance drive away, tears streaming down their face. Arabella’s mom pulled in.
“Where is my Arabelle?”
Christopher and Aiden both look at each other, then a police officer walked up to Arabella’s mom and held out a picture of Arabella’s dead body.
“Ma’am, is this your daughter?”
She started crying.
“Y-yes that’s Arabella”
“Well I’m sorry to inform you ma’am but she has committed suicide. Detective Roger would like to ask you guys some questions down town, if you don’t mind ma’am.”
They all nod and They all get taken down for questioning

~Chapter 2~
Arabella’s mom, Christopher, and Aiden arranged Arabella’s funeral.
At the funeral, she was placed in a beautiful coffin, her arms were coved with her favorite long sleeve panda shirt. Christopher and Aiden refused to leave her side. Family and friends walked by, looked at her crying, and placing memorable items, and tears in her coffin. Christopher and Aiden both place photos of all three of them around her.
After she is burried, everyone except Christopher and Aiden went to her church for the dinner. Chistopher and Aiden both knelt to her stone crying. Then they both felt a hand on there shoulder at the same time. They turned around and Arabella was standing behind them. They jumped up and tried to hug her but went through her.
“What guys? Who are we visiting today?”
And she looked at the tomb stone.
“I-is that me?!”
Christopher and Aiden both tear up as they both try to explain to her that she is dead. She started crying.
“Guy’s I’m sorry.”
“No no no Arabelle, It’s not your fault we should’ve been there for you”
“No guys, I shouldn’t have left you guys like that. I’m sor-”
Arabella’s mom drove up to Christopher and Aiden. She couldn’t see Arabella just Christopher and Aiden could.
“Are you boys coming?”
“I’ll give you a ride. Get in.”
When they got to the dinner everyone was still crying, refusing to eat. Christopher stood up and gave a small speech.
“You know, I was really close to Arabella. I lived with her for 3 years just so she always had someone she could always turn to. Me, her and Aiden here, we were a pack, our own click. Always there for each other, but I guess I wasn’t there enough for her.”
Then he saw Arabella again, and Aiden stood up and put his hand on Christopher’s shoulder.
“No, it wasn’t just your fault”
“Yes it was. I was supposed to be there to watch over her, to protect her, to prevent her from doing something like this. But truth is…. I loved her. I would’ve done anything in the world for that girl. If I could, I would give her my breath now. I would gladly trade her places. But what that little girl has been through, I tell you what, She was a pretty damn strong girl to have lasted this long. If only I could’ve gave her more strength when she needed it. I love you Arabella, and I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”
And he sat back down. Everyone was silent and still crying the rest of the dinner.

~Chapter 3~
Aiden just turned 18, so he went out and bought his own house near the cemetery Arabella was buried. Christopher moved in with him. Aiden worked most of the week. Christopher spent most of his time at Arabella’s grave with her. Decorating the stone with beautiful roses. Him and Arabella would sit together and just talk for hours. Some people looked at him as if he were crazy, but he didn’t care. He was just so happy to see Arabella.
Aiden rarely visited her, but when he did she always asked him if he missed her and why he barely visited her. His answer always was “Of course I miss you” and “I don’t want to cry in front of you.”
She accepted his answer.
Every night she would watch over Aiden and Christopher. Sometimes would even take a blanket and sleep at her grave.
One night, when Christopher was sleeping, Arabella sat on the edge of his bed until he woke up. He sat up be side her.
“Hey Arabella.”
She couldn’t say anything but just looked at him with seriousness in her eyes. Finally she got the courage to speak.
“Remember what you said at the dinner?”
“Yes I do.”
“Did you mean what you said?”
“What part?”
“The part when you said you loved me?”
He blushed
“Yes I did.”
She leaned in and kissed his cheek. To his surprise he felt her. A bright glow surrounded her.
And she disappeared.
Christopher stares in shock and amazement.
Aiden over heard what she said. Secretly Aiden was IN LOVE with her. He was so upset. He just left. Drove away as fast as he could.
Christopher walked around the house looking for Aiden. He thought he went to get food or something.

~Chapter 4~
In the passenger seat sat Arabella. Aiden was crying soo hard.
Arabella tried talking to him, but he ignored her.
“This is something I’ve wanted to do since you died. I love you”
He floored it and went full speed into a building. Killed instantly.
Arabella went to Christopher and told him what happened.
Christopher started pacing and crying.
So he took a gun and put it to his temple.
Dead too.
Christopher and Arabella were over Christopher’s body.
They went to Arabella’s grave and waited for Aiden, but he never came. So they went to where he died. Still couldn’t find him. Finally they found him at a swing set swinging.
He looked up sadly at them.
“What’s the matter Aiden? Why did you do this?”
“Because I am IN LOVE with Arabella. And I accidentally over heard you guys talking.”
Arabella took his hand.
“I am in love with you too Aiden. That’s why I was crying, because I missed you.”
Christopher looks at her and she quickly understands what he is saying.
“Christopher, I love you like a brother. You where always there for me when I needed it.”
Christopher understands, but he is still upset.
Aiden pulled Arabella against him and leaned down. Arabella wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist and he slowly kissed her. Both of there souls lit up brighter then ever. They started their adventure in the after life.

The End.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.08.2012

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