
The Beast

Have you ever met someone that seems nice on the outside but on the inside they’re like the devil? Well that’s me for you. Literally. Me Jessica parks. Mortal. Well sort of. I mean it’s not like I’m undead like my boyfriend. That’s right my boyfriend Zander is undead. One word. Vampire. You know fangs and all.

Back to me and my situation. A month ago I discovered a legendary clan called the circle of 14. It is filled with vampires that are super powerful. Yeah your probably thinking why am I saying that this is a problem. It is because I am number 14. The beast.

Your probably also wondering what the Beast does. Am I correct? The Beast is all of the other 14 members in one. Yeah how cool is that. Well you try living with it inside you everyday.

You still want proof of how terrible my situation is? Fine. Everywhere I go I have to worry about who sees me. They're is a group of hunters out for my blood. They are the Order of the Blade. If they get my blood they could make my worst fear come alive.

Another part of my situation is my adopted two year old, Anika Joz. I discovered Anika when she was a baby. Just recently I found out that Anika is not entirely human. Instead a fledgling.

Back to the Circle. I will list everyone's powers. Not by name but by number.
1= controler of the fire and the Circle.
2= controler of the storm.
3= controler of the wind.
4= controler of the sky.
7-10= controlers of the oceans.
11= controler of the hunt.
12= controler of the earth.and cursed with mortalitly
13= controler of time
14= controler of the Beast.


Now on to the story

The next morning I stumbled into the kitchen where I found Anika eating a bowl of cerel. How she reached the cupboards is beyond me,so I don't ask. "Morning Anika" I mumbled to her on my way to the coffee machine. I switched it on out of habit. "Morning mommy." she said to me in between bites of cerel. "How'd you sleep?" I asked her as I poured some cofee into a mug. "I dreamt I was flying mommy." Anika said hopping from her stool. "That's cool,pumpkin." I patted her head and headed up the back stairs to my office. I opened my office door and looked around. My office is more like a cave. The walls were a dark light blue. Complete with a antique desk and chair to match it. This was where I dealt with the shadowlands and the mortal world. I sat in the chair and set my coffee down. I booted up my laptop. My vampire background popped on to the screen. I typed in my password and leaned back in my chair. I took a sip of coffee while I waited for my slowpoke computer to catch up. Finnally the internet page popped onto the screen. I typed in my email address and clicked enter. I spent a couple minutes reading my email when I looked at the time and headed out back.

I opened the storage shed. The lights flickered on at my touch. Anika walked over to her playplace and locked it behind her. When Anika turned away from me, I crrouched to the ground and hissed at the room. It was how the Beast knew to come out and fight. The ring on my right hand glowed for a second then stopped.

I held out my hands as if I was waiting for something to be put in my hands. I wispered the word appera

. Out of a flash of light came my two favorite weapons. Two silver daggers with a snake curving up from the bottom. I looked at my arms and smiled. On each arm was a tattoo of a snake curving around my arm. Below it was a circle tattoo with a moon and sun. I love these tattoos.

I threw my dagger at the wall. It landed in the center of the circle. Did I mention that the wall I threw my dager was painted with the circle that was on my arms?

I whispered the word ricasha

and the dagger flew back to my hand. I kept throwing my daggers at the wall intil my watched beepped. I scooped up Anika, who had come out to watch me.

I opened the back door and closed it behind me. Anika wiggled out of my arms and raced up the stairs. I sighed and followed her.

She was in the tv room when I caught up to her. She was in my best friend Lexis's arms giggiling happy. " Hey Lex whats up?" I said to her sitting down on the lazy couch. "Flight test, Jess. Did you forget?" Lexis said to me. I groaned at that. That meant we'd have to talk to the circle. I nodded to her and pulled Anika in to my arms. Lexis stood up and turned to the corner of the room and chanted the words to take us to the shadow lands.

On this day that we are summoned by the legendary circle of 14. We leave behind our humanity for now and except the role of full vampiresem for now.

flight test

After the portal spit us out lexis and I spread out our wings. Mine came out with a loud whoosh.
Want to know what color my wings are? And no they are not white. My wings are the color of the sunset. I jumped into the air with Lexis following me. I remember first seeing Lexis's wings. They were a deep blue. To match her title of number 10. They still are.

I also remember first meeting the circle. Not in this life of mine. Instead my first life. I know, I know. How cool it is being able to remember first meeting a lengendary clan. It all started of one night. I was lying in bed. It was almost midnight. December 1st,1801. I was going to turn 16 in a few days and then I would be shipped of to marry some stranger. My name was Rosilinia. I looked toward my window hoping something would save me from being shipped of. I closed my eyes hoping for sleep. I felt a presenence in my room suddenly. I forced my eyes to stay shut although they were burning to see what was there. "Rosilinia,Rosilinia open your eyes."

the strange presnence said. I obeyed and peeled open my eyes. My mouth fell open at once. Standing at the foot of my bed was a girl. She was about my age, by the looks of it. But something about her glowed and filled the room. I blinked hoping that this was just a dream. "Wh-who are you?" I stammered. The strange girl smiled at me. "My name is Lexis. I am number ten. Controler of the alantic ocean." the girl Lexis said.

"I beg your pardon? Did you just say controler of the alantic ocean?" I said flabergasted. I read stories from the bookstore about a legendary clan called the circle of 14. I thought it a myth but right now I wasn't so sure. "Yes I am number ten. Sent here by the clan to bring you to them." Lexis said.

" To whom?" I said curious. "Oh forgive me. The clan sent me to bring you to them. Our leader is Alexandra. Controler of the fire and the circle." Lexis said.

"Why do they want to see me. What's so special about me?" I asked. "You shall complete the circle. You are the most special,powerful and unique of us all. You are number fourteen itself. You are the Beast. No one can compare to you. You are all the other 14 rolled into one." Lexis said to me matter of factly.

"I am?" I said again flabergasted. In all the stories about the fourteen they always mentioned the last member of the fourteen. They called it the Completer of the 14. I never thought I was so special. I could barely lift up my quill pen. What made me the Beast?

I snapped back to the present by Anika wiggiling in my arms. I dived down to the castle's open window and jumped on to the stairs below. I reminded myself to think about my first life later. I loved remembering first meeting Lexis. I pulled my wings in to my body without thought. I opened the door at the top of the stairs.

Inside I was greeted with fimiliar faces all around. I set Anika down and greeted all my old friends. I sat across from our leader,Carlotta. This was our circle. Each of the chairs was taliored to the owner's powers. Mine was a rich red. I loved it. No doubt about it.

Carlotta started with the joining of hands. This allowed us to become one with each other. When I closed my eyes I can see each of their life strings. Each glowed with a different energy. Mine and Carlotta's glowed the brightest,because we were the strongest. When we ended Carlotta said that we would have a ball to celebrate the circle's birthday.

I picked up Anika and left.

A look into my past

After I put Anika down for a nap,I decided to look into my first life again. I went to my bed a lay on top. I close my eyes and search the back of my mind.

I could barely lift my quill pen. What made me the Beast? "You must come with me and meet the others." Lexis said interuptting my thoughts.

I was thankful. "So how am I the Beast?" I said sitting farther up in my bed. Lexis sighed and sat on the end of my bed.
"The Beast is a spirit. It floats around inspecting all the humans that come and go. It then saw you and desended into your soul. Now it lives there intil death may depart you." She said calmly.

"I believe you,but how do we get there?" I said kicking back the covers and jumping out of my bed. Lexis laughed silently. "We have wings to get there. That's how we'll get there."

I stood there in shock. "W-Wings?" I said to my surprise that I could stil speak. Wings,how could I have wings? "Just imagine a pair of wings spreading from you back. Also try to make them your own. I'm serious no white. Period." Lexis said a pair of wings spreading from her back.

I closed my eyes and imagined sunset colored wings spreading from my back. My shoulder blades tingled at first then searing pain took over. I would have screamed to high heavens,but Lexis covered my mouth. "I know it hurts but when you get flying you'll feel better. Also when you get used to it you'll be able to do it without a second thought.I swear on the circle it always gets easier from the moment you take you first flight. Come on lets seize the moment before it gets away"

Lexis walked over to my balcony and swung over the edge. I ran to the railing horrified. A laughing Lexis flew above me. "Get down here I got a few choice words to say to you!" I swung over the railing too. Before I knew it my wings yanked me back from falling. The searing pain lessened as I streched my wings. Lexis flew to hover in front of me. "Ready?"

Lexis said to me waiting. I looked up at my balcony wondering what I did to deserve a different life. "I'm ready,Lexis."

I opened my eyes and stared at my barn room's celeiling. I still treasure Lexis first words to me. She was right. Being the Beast did get easier. It always does.

Acting normal.

I opened my boyfriend's mansion door. I love this place like a second home. Zander greeted me in a hello kiss. I prayed that he couldn't smell the shadowlands on me. If he did,he didn't show it. "Hey Jess. What brings you here?" Zander asked me. I froze. I had to tell him. "I'm going out of town for a few weeks. I'm going to visit my cousin. You know in gothicville." I said. Oh well. I guess it's the thought that counts. Zander smilied at that. "What cousin?" he said frowning trying to remember a cousin in gothicville. "My cousin Destiny. She used to live farther away,but she just moved to gothicville. So I'm going to help her move in." I said. Well it wasn't exactly a lie. Destiny was kind of like my cousin. "Fine. Write me. Stay away from the dungeon." Zander said. The dungeon was like a vampire club. Zander was warning me to stay away from the dungeon underneath the club. That's where the real vampires resided. I've been there before.

When I opened my barn room's door, I felt a energy in the room. I flicked the light on. Lexis was sitting on my bed. "Hey Lex." I said draging out my suitcase from the closet. "Get packed quick. Were leaving in a few minutes." she said. "Got it. Go pack for Anika will you?" I asked packing my gothic clothes. Lexis,Destiny,Faith and I were going undercover to the vampire dungeon. In a whirlwind I was out the door,loading all the luggage into the trunk of my jeep. I buclukeled in Anika. Lexis got into the front seat. While Destiny and faith took the back.

After hours of constant driving,we finally made it to gothicville. We stopped at a abandoned building. We quickly got everything into the building. We set up bedrooms in the building a while ago. We got dressed and headed to the dungeon.

I was wearing a black mini dress with black combat boots. I prayed that no one would reconize me. Destiny parked my Jeep and tossed me the keys. I tucked them away into the hidden compartment of my boots. I got out of the car and walked toward the back entrance. I used my strengh to pry open the door.

A while later,we had all voted. vampires and all. The weird thing was that you marked the paper with blood. I searched the room with my energy. Finding every single one the same. Ok.

They were counting the votes. One of the counters stopped. I froze in my spot,energy screeching to a halt. It was mine. I knew it. Five bucks on the table.

The leader of the dungeon cried out, "It's the blood of the Beast!". Everyone turned toward our group. Bunched together,we were hopeless.....not! Come on,were part of the 14. Together were stronger. A few vamps jumped on us, but I blocked them from even touching my friends. My ring glowed for a second then stopped. Say hello to my little friend. The Beast.

Fight!Fight!Fight! No.

A few vamps gasped at my new apperance. I reisisted the urge to burst out laughing. I looked down at my clothes and smiled. I was wearing black jeans and shirt to match. I held out my hands and whispered the words appera

. My two favorite daggers came out of the light. My friends pulled out their weapons and defended themselfs greatly. I was so proud.

A fimiliar face appeared in the crowd. Zander. I was pissed. Ok and a little bit scared. A vamp jumped on my left side so I defended myself. Hey you can't say I'm not a multitasker 'cause this was proof. I stuck my dagger into the vamp. Hey,garlic poision. It works.

I quickly launched at the nearest vamp. Cutting into the heart. The rest of the vamps ran for cover. I wiped the blood on my daggers on my black jeans. Another fight won. 14:1,000 vamps:0!

I stoped midwipe remembering Zander in the crowd. I looked up and saw him staring at me with either amazement or amusement. I couldn't tell. I did Not want to change back right now. I let my daggers dissapear. I walked up to Zander and smilied in greeting. "Hi-" Zander started to say but I cut him off. "It's Rosilinda and you will not tell of me being here right Zander?" I said then made a note to smack my self later for using his name NOW. "Yes. How do you know my name?"
Zander said. I smilied at him. "Say hi to Jessica for me will you?" I walked away with my friends next to me. I was so proud of my self. I could feel his confusion.

Great. just great.

I gulped down my soda. It was a comforting flavor. I burped. I giggled afterwards. "Wow your drunk." Lexis told me giggling. I gave her a birdie and went to bed. Anika was fast asleep in Destiny's room. I pulled out my journal and flipped through all the old entries. I shut my journal and chucked it at my window. A knock sounded on my door and I searched for who it was.

Zander. Oh great,just great. I can't face him like this. I grabbed my backpack,scribbled a note and slid open my window. I jumped out a landed with a thud. I looked up toward my window. I didn't stick around. I ran off into the night.

I opened the door silently after waiting for a couple of minutes. I walked in and shut the door behind me. I looked around. It was an abandoned building that I knew belonged to the Circle of 14. After that fight in the dungeon I followed Rosilinda and her friends home. I still couldn't believe that my Jessica knew the Beast. I sent the thought away and searched the room. I found a note on the bed. I had left the other filled rooms alone focused on Rosilinda's room. The note read:'Dear Lex, I went out for a flight and a bite. Guard the building. Careful about the scent. They are sneaky. J-Rosilinda.'. J? As in Jessica? No that didn't make sense. I reread the note. Who was they? And the scent? Wow this note alone filled his head with more questions than Jessica did on her moody days. I left the note on what I persumed was "Lex"'s door. I jumped out the nearest window and took flight.My body folded into itself turning into a bat. My ears gave me a good sight on something below me. It was....Jessica? I followed her to a alley and watched her pull her wings(!?!?!)into her back. Clearly it was a move mastered long ago. It still took me a second to turn but to her it was like riding a bike. I landed on a dumpster waiting to see what she did. She shook out her hair to calm it's tangles. Jessica crouched to the ground and closed her eyes. She seamed to being summoning something. Oh no. His Jessica was part of the 14 and she was a vampire. Which one was she? The.....Beast? He prayed that she wasn't. He still loved her though. Jessica's eyes popped open and she smilied. "Finialy i'm starving." Jessica said to herself. I knew what was going on. Jessica was feeding. He heard the crunch of teeth into bones. It was too much why didn't she tell him? He had enough of watching her and asking questions he wanted the answers to. He shifted back into himself and jumped off the dumpster. Jessica's eyes popped open from where she'd been savoring her meal. Jessica threw the rat into the darkness and stood up facing him. "Zander,why?" she asked clearly pissed off. He was glad the feeling was mutal. "Jessica why didn't you tell me that you are a vampire?!" He yelled at her. Jessica seemed to pause as if deep in thought. "Tell me!" He shouted at her. "That's why." Jessica said to him head bowed in sorrow. "Wha-" He froze hearing a voice call out,"Is the Beast and her love having a fall out?". Jessica was the Beast. Jessica snapped to attention all focus of him lost. "Go away before I snap your neck and feed it to my hellhounds." Jessica said clearly the one with more exprience than him with this guy. Wait did she say hellhounds? Cool. "No love I won't not intill I have your blood."

I was furious. How dare one of the order ccome after me and call me love! I wasn't joking about the hellhounds either. My ring glowed for a second then stopped. I stepped forward risking a glance over my shoulder at Zander he looked....proud? I looked foreward again feeling his gaze on my tattoos. I smilied. I held out my hands and whispered the word appera

. My daggers appeared and I headed for the voice.I launched myself at the voice but he was quick. Ok I could still gain the upperhand. Before the guy could trap me I rolled out of his reach. He gave a sigh of annoyance. "Fine than it's your love then."

Heck no

The guy walked toward me. In a flash he had me by the neck. Jessica hissed behind him and made him realese me. She grabbed him and threw him aganist the wall. She crouched in front of him. "What do you know about me?" She hissed in his face grabbing his wrists. "Never gonna tell honey." he said. Jessica squezed his wrists and he winced. "Your name is Jessica parks. You have a two year old. You live in a renovated barn. Your first name was Rosilinda.Your best friend is Lexis. You are the princess of the shadowlands. You love flying. You miss being free. You have sunset colored wings." he said in a rush. Jessica smilied. She punched him in the face and grabbed my hand. "Come on. I can't explain anything here but I know a place where we can." Jessica said releasing my hand and saying On this night when I summon the portal to the shadowlands. We leave behind our humanity and accept the role of full vampiresem for now.

We stepped out of the portal onto a grassy field. "What now?" I asked Jessica. "We need to get to the castle.You can ride there. I'll fly." Jessica said whistiling. A horse came running out of the woods. "Say hello to midnight. Get on. Just hold on to her and she'll follow me." Jessica said taking off her jacket. A pair of wings spread from her back. Sunset colored too. I got onto midnight and Jessica took off into the air. Midnight took off after Jessica.

We stopped at a castle that was so big I was surprised it could fit on this land. "This is my home." Jessica said to me landing beside me. She pulled her wings into her back and patted her hair down. She nodded to the guard and we strode into the castle. We took a set of stairs and another. Finaly we stop at a door. Jessica opens it and we step in. She closes it behind her. "Sit down Zander." Jessica said gesturing toward a chair. I did. "Here it goes. Two months ago or so I found out about a lengendary clan called the Circle of 14. I thought it was a myth but soon I was having an itch to run into the night. I was despreate to know why. So one day A girl shows up on my front steps and tells me her name is Lexis. I didn't know why but I trusted her instantly and let her in. She told me that she knew why I was having strange urges to do things. She told me of the Circle and a lot of the last one. The Beast she called it. She ended with saying that I was the beast. I was insantly fillied with understanding for what I was. I wanted to tell you right away. Lexis said if I did you'd be in danger because of me. Intill I got my old strengh back I couldn't tell you. So Lexis turned my shed into a dojo for me to train. We worked day after day. Intill finaly I was strong enough to fight on my own. I was warned about another clan called the Order of the Blade. They have been trying to get my blood for a while now. None have succeeded so far. Every day I train I become stronger. If the order gets my blood they will make my worst fear come alive." Jessica said to me. "What will happen if they do?" I asked curiously. Jessica sighed and said, "They could make their own Beast. I would have to fight it till I die." I grabbed her and pulled her onto my lap. "I forgive you Jessica. Thank you for trying to protect me." I said to her kissing her. She melted into me. "Now how about we go home?" She asked.

back home.

Back in hipsterville. I now didn't have to lie to Zander anymore. I was happy. Anika was growing more everyday. Zander decided to get in on my training so every morning we train together. I also told Zander of my first life. He thought it was a rare memory. One night I was out in Zander's backyard looking up at he stars. He kissed me on the forehead. "I have to go Zander."
I said. "Do you have to?" he asked. "Yes I do. I'll see later.Love you" I said kissing him then walking out of the yard. I arrived in my bedroom in record time. I looked at my dress hanging from a hook on my door. It was for the masked ball. Well for the first day at least. I couldn't wait to see my other ones. The first dress was silk red. With a blue belt around the waist. The dress was a straples with a red sash to acompmany it. A dimond teardrop was in my jewelery box to go with it. I was going to wait till tommorow to get my mask. Oh yeah the ball was tommorow night at sunset in the shadowlands. I crashed on my bed exsausted.

I was in the shadowlands preparing to go to the ball. Yeah that was a mixed up version of Cinderalla. Lexis was already ready. I didn't want to go, but I had to. Why? Well turns out i've been bethroved since birth! I was going to dance with him but not know if it was him either. "Here,open that box. Your going to love what's inside" Lexis said to me finishing my hair. I open the box that was in front of me. I gasped. It was the mask from my first(EVER) ball! It was a rich red with sparkles sprincled around the holes. I was in love all over again.

to be continued.............................


Texte: the picture of the heart and wings (coming soon.) was drawn by a close friend of the writer.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.12.2011

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to my family and friends who made writing this freking book so hard. Love you! (mabye....)

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