
chapter 1 PARTY=Drunk people!

It was the summer before my junoir year when i met mika.

i had just got to stacys party, and i could already tell that the party was packed as it took me awhile to find a place to park my maybach 62 03. The music was blasting hella loud when i opend the front door. i saw a tipical high school party in the works. drunk people, dancing playing beer pong and just haveing a good time. i made my way to the kitchen where i found stacy. "hey killer party! haha your parent are gonna kill you when they get back from new york." i yelled over the music. " Lets not worry bout that rite now though. lets live a little" she said back. "BODY SHOTS!!!" someone yelled. "come on Hil it'll take your mind off your duchbag of a boiifrined." she said as she lead me to the dinning room table."Hilary wants to go first!" she yelled as a guy helped me up on to the table and told me to lay down. "umm ive never done this be honest im kinda nerveous." i said as i started to take my shirt off. " its okay just calm down. it really easy to do. her let me set this here and this here." he said as he set a limon between my boobs. " okay wheres mika at..i thought that he wanted to go first?" the guy shouted to another guy who looks like hes had just a bit to much to drink. " whats up rite here?" the guys who im guessing is mika said to the guy greg. " okay your up man haha shes all yours..." "haha wow ok here we go" mika replied as he took the shot glass that was on my stomach and drank it, and proceded to my boobs where he lowered his mouth and took the limon but first stopping to bite my left boob. " WHAT THE HELL!!!" i yelled i sat up fast. "oh sorry i bite the wrong thing" he said as he smirked at me. " uhh no fickin duhh. look i dont need this stace, im outta here." i said as i started pulling my shirt back on. i grabbed my keys and started walking for the door when i saw jacob. "hey babe..." he sllurred as he started walking toward me. " where do you think your going, why didnt you tell me you were comeing..." he said as he stod in the way of the door. " oh umm hii babe." i said back. "come on lets go we gotta talk" he said as he grabed me by my arm and led me to an open room. he shoved me inside, and locked the door behind me. "look babe i know you dont..." i atarted to say but was stopped short when i felt his fist hit my face. i hit the floor as i started to cry. i could more than taste the metelic flavor of the blood, a flavor i had gotten used to since me and jacob had started dateing. "you stupid bitch" he started to say as he pick me up by the hair and threw me against the wall "what did i tell you about going to partys, and dressing like a you ant other guys to look at you and think dirty things about you?" he yelld " babe im so sorry..i didnt mean anything, please i...i..." i started to plea. "come on i think i know what you want" he said


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.03.2012

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