
A couple years ago there was a twelve year old girl that had a secret diary that no one was allowed to read, but then on her thirteenth birthday her diary was read which made everything change for the worst. The change for the worst all began when the girl broke up with her supposed boyfriend two days before her birthday in which caused a stream of bad events in her life, because then on the girls birthday the ex-boyfriend somehow got invited to her birthday party and read her diary. The ex-boyfriend then went down stairs so that he could tell everyone what he had read, but what he didn’t know that when he read his ex-girlfriends diary he unleashed a monster that no one has ever seen. He also didn’t know that when this monster is unleashed it will do anything to get things back to the way they were with or without the person that caused the problem.
As the ex-boyfriend got to the bottom step and started to yell to everyone time froze and that’s when he met the monster that want to kill him. “Hey, why can’t everyone hear me?” “Cause I froze time!” “What are you and how can you do that?” “What am I, you should ask yourself the same question!” “Where are you and why should I ask myself that question?” “Well, think about what you were about to do a minute ago!” “So what I was going to tell everyone my ex-girlfriends secrets!” “Why would you do that?” “Because I was just dating her so that I could say that I have a girlfriend.” “Is that what jerks do these days?” “Uh what?” “John it is time for you to die!” “No, no, no I am the star football player of this town, you can’t kill me.” “Uh, yes I can and I will!” “Please I beg you to not kill me!” “If I didn’t kill you what would I get in return?” “Anything you want!” “I want you to swear your soul that you will change your ways for now and forever!” “Alright I will do it if that’s what you want, please just don’t kill me.” Okay, if you swear your soul then we have a deal!”
John stuck to the deal for all about twenty minutes and then he lost his soul. John may have cheated death the first time, but the second time he paid the price. John’s negative impact on everyone’s life vanished because he vanished. The cops never could find out the reason for John’s vanishing act or where he had gone. That year the towns football team may have lost, but in the long run everyone except John’s family was happier.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.02.2012

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