
Chapter one

The world around me

Chapter one

Jesse Ran towards the screen door, thrusting it open with one hand. Sharp needles of rain stung his bleeding face. This wasn’t the first time his abusive father had hit him. In fact it seemed to be a daily thing, but this time Jesse wouldn’t take it anymore. His father had struck his face with brutal force, shoving him to the ground. When he tried lifting his sore body off the ground with one hand, his father stuck a knife into it. He had hit him back, but it did little damage to his handsome face. He understood how some girl would fall head over heels for him, but he was a cruel man under all that beauty. And Jesse hated how much he looked like that awful man.
His father was tall lean but yet slightly built. He had shoulder length bleach blonde hair, and hazel eyes. He looked rather young for his age. He was 32 (got some girl pregnant when he was 17.) The woman who had given birth to the little angel of a son had died during labor. They had to cut Jesse out of her stomach, and boy was his father angry. Unlike most of the women that He dated, he actually liked her. He kept Jesse as a reminder of what he has done, and how she died in vain. Jesse was a short kid. Only about 14, he had bleach blonde hair like his father, but he had green eyes like his mother. His face was often busted up, but the teachers at school didn’t seem to care. Even though Jesse’s father hated him, he still loved him, and he didn’t leave because he knew that some were deep down inside his twisted torn heart, he loved him. He knew he would lose it if he left, and so he stayed, but no more. Jesse didn’t want to take this abuse, so he ran away.
He was slowly coming up to his friend’s house. Rob was a tall lean kid, and towered over Jesse. But he was utterly kind. He had shaggy brown hair and wore glasses. He was rather handsome too, but Jesse only thought of him as a friend.
“Oh my god Jesse…. Did he hit you again…?” Rob asked opening up his door to the wet blood drenched boy, cupping his hand over the left side of his swollen face.
“I-it’s nothing too bad…” he whispered in a silent voice,
“Oh my god, he cut your hand?! That’s it! I’m fed up with his abuse! I’m calling the cops!”
“N-No!! Don’t call them! It’s okay! Really! See I’m totally fine!!”
“Fine?! Are you blind?! You’re only saying that because you don’t want to be sent to the boys home!” His voice started growing louder, more infuriated.
Jesse started to sob silently throwing himself on the couch. “I can’t leave him… you and I both know that… he just needs some looking after that’s all.”
“He’s got a girlfriend for that!”
“He’s got a boyfriend, and to tell you the truth he’s not ever really caring, their more like…” Jesse took a moment to think about what to say. “Friends with benefits.” He exclaimed half smiling.
“Why can’t you just come live with me Jesse… your father lives only a block away, you could always go check on him and not always havin’ your face busted up.”
“Rob… You know why. And plus your starting college soon, I don’t want to be in the way…”
Rob let out a long sigh trying to think of something that he would not regret. “Jesse…” he said, kneeling down in front of him. “Just remember… we have known each other ever since you started school… I’m always here for you… but you always choose that man over me…”
Jesse started getting irritated by the way Rob was acting. “Well he’s kinda tha man who brought me into this world.”
“No! It was your mother that brought you into this world! And you killed her! And if you’re not careful, he will take you out of this world!!”
Jesse looked at him with disbelief. He knew that Rob had a short temper, but this was way to far… Jesse looked at him straight in the eyes, tears rolling down his bruised face. “Maybe how I feel doesn’t matter to you, so don’t even bother talking to me anymore…”
“W-wait Jess, that’s not what I mea-“
“SHUT UP!!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!” HE screamed, slapping Rob across the face, and heading out the door.
Rob sat there, regretting letting those words slip out of his mouth. He cared very deeply for Jesse, and if he ever got hurt, he would take It out on himself with self mutilation, he didn’t tell Jesse about it, because he knew he might not want to be friends anymore is rob was causing pain to himself because of Jesse’s welfare. He hated saying that Jesse was the one who killed his mother, even though it was partially true, he had no control over it. He felt terrible because he knew that Jesse already got this at home, and now he’s getting it from the one person he has been able to rely on.

Jesse had no place to go to. He was wandering around the streets, In the middle of night, pouring down rain, not to mention he lived in the hood. He didn’t have an umbrella, and his shirt wasn’t doing much for him soaking wet. Jesse’s father and Rob didn’t like him going out on the streets at night, or in the day without someone. Rob had said that he was very venerable and innocent (Not to mention extremely cute) and that if some rapist had gotten to him, he just might explode. His father didn’t like the attention it brought to him; honestly he probably wouldn’t care if he got molested.
Jesse was walking along looking at his feet not paying attention to his surroundings, and he really didn’t care if he got raped or not. “Who would care anyways…” He said to himself. “Rob’s just a bitch and my father’s a drunken whore.”
“Isn’t everyone?” whispered a mysterious voice.
“Wha… Who’s there?” Jesse started to shake, even thought he thought he didn’t care, he wasn’t looking forward to giving up him virginity.
“Yo.” Said the person, revealing himself out from the shadows. He looked kinda like Jesse, no more than kinda, he was like an exact twin. He was even almost the same height, about 2 inches taller, and he had bleach blonde hair and green eyes, but he looked to have some Japanese somewhere in him.
“U-Uhh who are you? And why do you look like my twin?”
“Haha, I should be the one asking YOU that.”
“Well… uhm…”
“Haha names Richard, but you can just call me rich.” He said, holding his hand out to him.
Jesse cautiously shook it, still suspicious about him.
“And you?”
“I-I’m Jesse… you can call me Jesse? But my friend Rob calls me Jess sometimes.”
“Haha cool, it’s a lot better than rich, by the way, what happened to your face??”
“Oh well… my father is kinda… yeah…”
“Oh I see… Well in my opinion families are overrated, I live by myself.”
“My friend Rob wants me to live with him, but I promised myself I wouldn’t leave my father…”
“But you said he was a drunken whore, and your running away isn’t you?”
“Yeah, I guess but I just needed to blow off some steam.”
“Well I guess having someone is better than no one, I can tell you, and it gets very lonely. But I’m glad I met you! Now I have someone.” He exclaimed, taking Jesse’s shaking hand in his and scooting closer to him.
“Uhh… Yeah I uhm have a err girlfriend…” He said, obviously lying, taking a gulp and diverting his eyes.
“You’re and awful liar Jesse.”
“What?! N-no it’s the truth!”
“Surrrree. Then look me in the eyes and tell me you have a girlfriend.” His voice got serious and he gripped his hand in a death lock.
“I… I don’t have a girlfriend…” he said giving up. Not knowing anything about this boy, he could be a serial killer for all Jesse knew.
“Haha I knew it, beside I’m not all that interested in men, if you don’t want to, I won’t make you.” He said giving Jesse a sly smile.
“WH-what are you getting all excited for??” he said cocking an eyebrow at the small boy, who’s grin stretched from ear to ear.”
“Oh… Sorry… Haha you’re the first friend I have besides Rob who hasn’t tried to like rape me or date me! I just don’t have many friends for that reason and getting new friends is more exciting for me since well, I guess me and Rob aren’t really friends any more…”
“Well...” He said slowly getting closer and resting his head on Jesse’s neck and sighing. “That may be good for you to hear… But to heck with it I’m just tell you out loud. You can treat me as a friend, but I think your pretty sexy, and I wouldn’t mind dating you, or sleeping with you.” He said starting to suck on Jesse’s skin from his collar bone to the tip of his ear.
“W-wait b-but-“Jesse was cut off by the sound of his father running down the road screaming at him. Before he got sight of Jesse, Rich quickly pulled away from him and grinned.
“What the fuck are you doing out here you little bitch?!” he said slapping Jesse to the ground. “What have I told you about doing this!!??” he said, ripping Jesse off the surface of the ground and shouting in his face.
“I’m sorry it’s just that… Rob kinda pissed me off and-“
“I don’t give a shit about your ass boy Rob! I want to know why you’re out here!!”
“I’M SORRY!” he shouted, preparing himself for another slap. But it never came.
He looked at his father, peeking one eye open, and was shocked by what he saw. His father slowly placed him on the ground and hugged him. “Your right Jesse… I’m sorry!” He was defiantly drunk.”Lets go home…” He said taking Jesse’s hand and dragging him home.

When Jesse got home, he knew something was up. He could smell the vodka in his father’s breath. He kept trying to undress Jesse and tried kissing him. Eventually he got fed up and decided to call his father’s boy friend and get him to satisfy this extremely horny man.
“Who the fuck?” answered his father’s lover.
“Kyle I need you to get the hell down to my house and get your business up my father’s ass.”
“Hey Jesse, never thought I’d ever hear you say that, thought you didn’t like me.”
“Well you know, he’s drunk, extremely horny, and trying to get up my ass. You should probably get here soon, before I decide to take this man for myself.” He said sarcastically.
“Whoa! On my way!” It didn’t tale Kyle long to get to the house. He only lived about 20 houses away. HE walked in the house, dressed only in his pajama bottoms. He was a tall lean guy. He had navy hair and silver eye, he was indeed attractive, but Jesse didn’t really trust him, even though they were very open with each other. “Jesse… Did he hit you again?” He questioned, watching Jesse tie a bandage around his bloody hand.
“Yeah, but it doesn’t really make a difference, he hits me all the time.”
Kyle walked up next to him, taking his chin in his hand and observing the left side of his face. “Yeah but this looks worse than usual, what’d you do to piss em off?”
“It didn’t take anything; he just lashed out at me again.”
“You need some serious help kid! You should get a girlfriend or something, get a hobby.” He said sarcastically, but Jesse just glared at him.
“Whatever just goes fuck my dad?”
“Whoa lets watch the language kid! Your only 13!”
“I’ve been 14 for atleast 2 weeks now, thank you, and most kids around my age cuss, you have a very vulgar vocabulary as well, so don’t be talking.” Apparently hearing Jesse’s father moaning from his bed room got him excited and he left Jesse alone in the kitchen. He plugged his head phones into his I pod, and turned the music up super loud. The last thing he wanted was to hear his father making sex moans.
He eventually retired to the couch, were he usually slept, since there was only one room in the house. HE sometimes slept in the bathtub when he was in trouble or on the floor sometimes, but the couch was a pull out bed so it was the best he could do.

The next morning, Jesse woke up bright and early getting ready for school. He went into his father’s room, noticing Kyle must have left sometime last night. His father was on a light hangover, but he didn’t have a migraine, just a basic headache.
“How are you feeling?” he asked his father.
“Whatever, make me some coffee and get your skinny butt to school.” He said smiling at his son. Today was gonna be a good day. Sometimes Jesse didn’t mind his father getting drunk, he would be a lot nicer when he was on a hangover. “Want me to drive you?” he questioned.
“Nah, I’ll just walk you’re on a hangover so I don’t think that’s good for you.” He said, propping himself up on the side of his father’s dresser.
“Look, Jesse I’m sorry for hitting you, you know I love you.” This brought tears to Jesse’s big green eyes. His father apologized before, but he has never told him he loved him. He wished his father was always like this.
“I know… I love you too.” He said kissing his father on the fore head. “Can I ask you something?” He asked lying down next to his father.
“W-why do you hit me…?”
“Jesse… I don’t know why I hit you… I guess it’s because… I don’t know. I hate that I hit you… it’s just me taking my anger out over the years on you…” He said, kissing his son on the fore head in return.
“Will you ever run out of anger?”
“I hope so Jesse, I hope so…”
“I hope so too…”
“You should go get dressed before you’re late again!” He said kissing Jesse on the forehead one last time.
“Yeah… okay…” He slowly ran to the bathroom, and stripped himself of his damp clothing. He put on a pair of boxers, gray skinny jeans, a white V-neck, and a pair of old black boots. He brushed his hair some, and brushed his teeth. He put on his Dog tags he had gotten from his grandfather before he died and made a batch of coffee for his father before he left for another long day at school.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.01.2012

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