
White Roses

Chapter one

Rory slowly opened his wide eyes, finding his bed missing of a person. He traced out the creases in the sheets of the bed where his lover had been the night before. He knew that ever since Luka had signed up for his new job that life was going to get lonely. But if he wanted to continue living with Luka and making a good life, he would have to accept it for now. “It’s only for a little while…” he thought to himself.
The sheets of the bed wrapped themselves to Rory’s bare body. He turned his head to the giant window, light bleeding in from the outside. Snow pattered against the soft green grown, turning it into a blanket of white. Rory was a 21 year old male; he had light blond, almost white hair and dark silver eyes. Luka had said his eyes looked like the halo around a moon, taking his breath away every time he would glance at him. He was about 5.11 while Luka was 6.3. HE was also born on December 25th, making him a Sagittarius and his blood type was –AB. His nationality is Russian, he moved to America when he was 5 with his mother, and soon after a war raged upon Europe. It was world war 4, and it had sent all the great nations in poverty, including America. Rory was living in New York when he met Luka, and after his mother passed away the two boys moved to Minnesota.
Ever since the war had reached America, They have been drafting men over 23 to join the army. Everyday ever since Luka had turned 23, Rory was always worried about him being drafted. He didn’t want to lose Luka, and prayed every day that he would not be drafted by the army. Rory and Luka tried to lie low from the military until money was tight. So Luka had to get a full time job at a factory in the next town over, and Rory worked at an old coffee shop that made good money, but he only worked part time, and today was a day off.
Rory stayed in bed all day waiting for the man he loved to return. Being homosexual wasn’t the greatest thing to do in this day and age, and Rory knew his mother wasn’t happy about it when he had told her, and now he fears that that might have killed her. He loved his mother dearly. She was all he had for 16 years of his life. She was most precious to him until Luka stepped in. Maybe his mother had grown jealous? He hadn’t really thought about that until now. He couldn’t do anything now though, she was already gone.
Rory climbed out of bed wrapping the crisp white sheets around him for coverage. He opened up the glass door and walked out to the balcony, the snow nestled on his blond hair, and a cold gust of wind blew against Rory’s bare skin, sending a shiver through his spine. Rory looked at the white rose’s gently placed in a large pot hanging inwards of the railing. Rory disturbed one of the beautiful roses, causing all the frosted snow to drift off. Rory loved flowers, and he planted lots of them in their garden outside the house, the front lawn, the court yard, and even around the fountain. Mainly white roses, because Luka had said those were his most favorite flowers, and Rory wanted him to enjoy his garden as much as he could. But Rory’s most favorite flowers were Surprise Lilies, then Sun flowers. But those had to be in special conditions to grow, and Minnesota was just not the place for them.
Even though money was scarce, they lived in a really nice home. It was a 4 story estate with 12 rooms, 6 bathrooms, a large kitchen, a dining hall, and a large living room, with a pool table. Outside there was a pool house that was 28 yards away from the house, it had a small kitchen, 2 bed rooms, and a bathroom. Rory didn’t understand why they had such a huge house when it was only the two of them, but Luka said that they should keep it since it was his family’s estate pasted down from generation to generation.
“You might catch a cold if you remain in that… sheet.” Whispered a friendly voice from behind him.
“Lu-!” shouted Rory as he turned his head to not find Luka, but to be face to face with the butler Jace.
“Haha, I’m afraid I’m not master Luka, but seriously you need to put on some clothes.”
“Haha, sorry!” said Rory with a smile. Jace was a 34 year old man whose family has served Luka’s family for generations. He was really tall, 6.5, and he had dark brown hair, green eyes, and he was tall and incredibly skinny. Rory things he’s anorexic because he’s so skinny and he’s never seen him eat.
Jace had set out some clothes for Rory to put on and had cleaned up the room and made the bed, erasing the traces of their love affair. Rory would have usually taken a shower but he just skipped the shower and just slipped on his white flannel shirt and a pair of grey skinny jeans with a pair of black leather boots. Rory had brushed his teeth and took a look at his messy ruffled hair. He didn’t feel like brushing it because no matter how much he brushed it, it would forever remain in that curly state. Some people around town had said they couldn’t even tell he was Russian, and even Rory began to forget that. Actually, he couldn’t remember anything from when he lived in Russia, he only remembered the language. Luka had said that when he first met him, Rory could barely speak English, he had a strong accent and he barely knew any English, but now you couldn’t even tell.
It was about noon, and Jace had said he was going out to town to buy food, so Rory went with him. While Jace was out and about, Rory went to sandwich shop to get some lunch. ‘Susie’s subs’ was the name of the place. You wouldn’t even know it was a sandwich shop unless you’re a local, but they had the best sandwiches ever! Rory had bought 4 sandwiches, 2 for himself (He loves eating) one for Jace, and the other for Luka.
Right as Rory sat down to eat, a small crowd of about 4 men walked in. they were fresh from the factory and all sweaty, and among them was none other than Luka. When Rory saw Lukas pale drenched face, his heart began to rush. Even though Rory knew that Luka loved him, he still felt like the girl who stalks a guy she loves. Whenever Rory would see him out of the house, he felt like he was staring at a complete stranger. Or atleast a stranger he was madly in love with. Rory’s face began to fluster when he watched the men walk over to a booth on the other side of the shop and sit down. For some reason, he didn’t want Luka to notice him. He felt like he might embarrass him in front of his friends, or spill the beans of their relationship. Since Luka was a working man, and worked with other men, It might be bad if they knew he was gay, and they would probably stop hanging out with him, so Rory promised to keep it a secret between him Luka and Jace.
Since Luka was already getting a sandwich, Rory decided to eat Luka’s. He was stuffing his face, and had been there for an hour before anyone noticed him.
“Hey Luki, isn’t that your friend Rory?” questioned one of the men with Luka. This man was a tall well built man. He had jet black hair and olive skin.
“Oh hey it is whadda ya know?” He said sarcastically. Rory’s face flustered as he felt all they eyes on him. He just wanted to leave now and just go home. Luka had made his way up to Rory, and was about 3 feet away from reaching them, when Rory put Jace’s sandwich into his bag, and tried to leave the shop. But Luka being as quick as he was, quickly grabbed him by his arm and looked at him in the eyes. “Where are you going Rory?” he said licking his lips. Rory grew tenser as he smelt the alcohol in his breath. He was drunk.
“I’m just going home. That’s all.” He replied with a shaky voice.
“You’re going home? Why don’t you stay and have a drink with me and my buds?” That wasn’t a request, it was a requirement.
“O-okay.” He said as Luka yanked his arm to the table.
“Say hi Rory.” Demanded Luka jabbing him in the side with his elbow, referring to his friends. His grip on Rory’s arm grew tighter and Rory could feel his nails beginning to dig into the skin.
“H-h-hello.” He said with a frightened look. Blood started to drip off his arm as Lukas grip grew tighter and tighter breaking the skin.
“Louder!” Luka screamed.
“L-Luki, your being too harsh on him just let him go.” Said one of his friends.
“Not until he gives you guy’s a proper greeting!” he snapped. Then the biggest man at the table stood up and slapped Luka across the face. His grip was still tight, and Rory was brought down with him when the force of the slap caused him to hit the floor.
When he released his grip, Rory could feel his nail receding from his arm. He was rubbing his arm, smearing blood all around, when the man offered him a hand. Rory took it with his clean hand and was raised back to his feet.
“I’m terribly sorry, its might fault he’s drunk, I forced a few too many drinks on him.”
“It’s okay, it’s not the first time I’ve seen him like this.” He replied. His was a whisper, and his legs shook furiously. Rory had only seen Luka drunk one other time, and he’s very abusive when he’s drunk. The other time, no one was there to save him. Jace had gone home for the holidays, so he wasn’t there. Rory had to just deal with It that time. Luka has dislocated his left shoulder, he had a giant gash under his right eye, he got a black eye, and he was covered with bruises and scrapes.
The thing that shook Rory about this was that, Luka was a very kind person. He was loving, caring, good, and very friendly. And when he was drunk, it was like he had a new identity.
“We better take him back to the factory, lunch break’s almost over.” Said one of the other men with a smirk.
“Why I outta!” screamed Luka lifting himself off the floor. Right as he stood up, he vomited all over the floor. The man, who had slapped Luka, grabbed him by his shoulders and dragged him to the bathroom. When they had disappeared behind the door, Rory quickly gave his farewells to the remaining men and rushed out the door. About a block away, Jace quickly rushed over to Rory.
“Mister Rory! Your arm!” cried Jace.
“Oh yea…” Rory said as he looked down at his bloody arm and rubbed it. “I’ll be fine.”
“Let’s get home so I can put a bandage over that!”

End of chapter one.

Painting the Roses Red

Chapter 2

Rory was proped up on a table as Jace wrapped a bandage around his pale arm. Rory contiuiously look at the door, knowing it was almost time for Luka to get home. Rory knew that what Luka had done to his arm was an accident, and he quickly forgave him. But Rory was more worried that Luka would come home still drunk.
It was almost 8:30. Rory started to worry about Luka. He started pacing around the kitchen, waiting for the twist of a door knob. Second after second felt like agony.
“Don’t worry Rory, he’ll come!” shouted jace with a mouth full of sandwich. Rory looked back at jace and gave him a sad smirk.
“Yeah… y-your right.” He said as he headed toward jace to sit down with him at the table. He pulled out one of the chairs and sat down. “I just really want to talk to him that’s all.”
“Well why don’t we talk about you Rory? How have YOU been?”
“Yes you.” Jace said with a smile.
“Well… ive been feeling kinda sick latly. All this war going on and ya know. What would happen if Russia really did take over all of europe and what if America is next?”
“Well, lets hope that America can win this war like they did with world war II. You know, America has a lot of luck, we have yet to loose a war.”
“Yea, and Im really worried for Luka, I don’t want him to get drafted, we finally have seattled down, and if he was taken away from me… i… I would loose it. Do you get what I mean jace?”
“You really do love master Luka don’t you?”
“Well of course. I know that its weird but.. I really do love him…”
“If it truly is love, then you two have nothing to worry about.” Said Jace with a smile.
The two went on talking for hours. And Rory pointed out that seeing Jace eat the sandwich was the first time he had seen him eat. They talked about lots of things. And Rory learned more and more about jace, and it was the same for jace. Eventually it grew to be very late, but Rory had forggoten all about Luka. Eventually he fell asleep at the table, and Jace laid a blanket on top of Rory and left.
It was almost 4 and Rory was still sound asleep when Luka finally got home. He opened up the door, expecting Rory to cling on to him, but was surpirsed when he didn’t. He looked over to the kitchen table and saw him sound asleep. He let out a sigh and smiled at Rory’s ruffled matt of hair lying on the table top. It warmed Luka’s heart to see that Rory had waited for him to get home. And then he saw the blood stained bandage around Rory’s arm. He let out a loud gasp, knowing he was the one who did this to poor Rory. He fell on his knees and hugged rory. Rory slowly batted his silver eyes open, looking at the man whose arms were wrapped around him.
“Are you awake?” questioned Luka with a sobbing voice.
“Yea im right here…” said Rory with a smile.
“Im so sorry Rory, i- I didn’t-“
“its okay Luka, it dosent even hurt.” He said with a smile. That was a lie of course, it hurt like hell.” I forgive you”
“Y-You do?”
“Yes I do.I love you Luka.” Luka felt something wet hit the top of his head when he looked up, he was surprised to see Rory crying.
“I love you to rory.” He wispered as he kissed Rory’s soft wet lips.

The next morning, Rory woke up in the same position as in the morning before. Clothes all over the floor, the room a mess, wrapped in sheets. But this morning, he smelled bacon and eggs cooking. He jolted up, brushing teeth, brushing hair, throwing on clothes, and running down 3 flights of stairs down to the first floor, were in the kitchen stood Luka cooking a fresh batch of eggs and bacon, a plate and a glass of chocolate milk sat at the table, and Rory smiled.
“Well this is different.” Rory said sarcastically.
“Well, ya know, I felt like doing something different today.”
“But isn’t today a work day?”
“Yea it is, but just like you, it’s a half day today.” Rory had forgotten he had work today. But as of right now, he didn’t care. “You know your birthday is in a few days, maybe we should go out and do something?”
“Oh, okay!” he said with a smile. Then there was a knick at the door.
“Who could be knocking at our door at this hour?”
“Oh! It’s probably Jace! I’ll get it!” Rory Rushed over to the door. He was in a really good mood this morning but that was about to change.
The person at the door wasn’t Jace… it was a soldier.
“Uhm kind sir, may I ask, is you Luka Mikhal?” Rory looked straight into the man’s eyes with a glare, and slammed the door right in his face. Luka rushed over to the door and scolded Rory, and opened the door again.
“I’m terribly sorry for my, Brother’s behavior (Luka refers to him as brother since you could get arrested for being gay and he doesn’t want anyone to know) But I’m Luka Mikhail, what is your business here sir?”
“I’m here to give you this letter.” He held up a letter in his hand, handing it to Luka’s shaking hand. Rory knew why Luka was shaking, and he knew what the letter said on it to. “We are looking forward to your service in the military.” Said the man, tipping his hat and leaving.
Luka sat down at the table, he was dazed, and he held the letter in his shaking hand. The bacon started burning, so Rory slowly walked over to the stove and turned it off. Rory sat next to Luka, and the two sat together in silence.
“I’m sorry Rory, but your gonna have to start to learn how to live on your own.”
“Luka! You don’t have to go do you!? I mean, they can’t make you go into the military!!”
“Rory this is not up for discussion, I have no choice.”
“L-Luka…” tears were drenching Rory’s face. “I-if you go, I’ll kill myself!”
“Rory… don’t be that way. Its only for a little while.”
“B-but what if you get killed!?!??” Rory was screaming now.
“Well the I guess I have no other choice but to live.”
“You have to promise!” said Rory digging his chin into his collar bone.
“Okay Rory, I promise not to get killed.”
“Pinky promise!” said Rory holding up his pinky.
“Okay I pinky promise.” Luka said in a hushed voice, wrapping his pinky around Rory’s and kissing him on the fore head.

Luka was about to leave to go get his passport and papers signed when Jace arrived. Luka had told him what had happened and Jace said it felt like he was losing his son all over again. But Rory didn’t know what he was talking about, since he didn’t know Jace had had a family.
When Luka left, He promised Rory he would be back in a few hours. Rory didn’t say goodbye though, he just stood there and cried.
Rory just sat at the kitchen table waiting for him to return.

End of chapter 2

Dyed in Blood

<<font;_italic>font;_bold>Chapter 3

It had been 3 hours since Luka had left, but Rory was so angry, that he didn’t care if he came home or not. He sat at the kitchen table, still crying. His eyes were swollen and red as tears poured from them. He had his blond bangs gripped in his fist at the top of his head. Jace went out to the garden for a bit to get some air.
“Rory don’t worry, Master Luka has made a promise, and even I know that he never breaks a promise.” Said Jace in a hushed voice. In his hands was a bouquet of white roses. When Rory looked at them with his glassy eyes, he saw all the good times he had had with Luka, He saw the sad times, the happy times, and then they were all shattered. Jace put the flowers into a small vase, and placing it on the table in front of Rory. Rory took one of the roses out of the vase and stared at it intently. One of the thorns cut him on his finger and blood stained its white innocent petals. At that moment there was a twist of the door knob. Rory didn’t even look towards the door, knowing Luka was going to come in. But instead of the gentle push of a door, it slammed open and 3 men ran in shouting in Russian. A fear stricken look crossed over Rory’s face when they ran towards him. One of the men was already on top of Jace, pounding him to a pulp.
As Rory tried to make it out the door, the white rose clenched tight in his sweaty palm, blood dripping on the floor as he ran, a Tall man caught his shirt collar in the grasp of his hand. Rory was screaming at the top of his lungs. He saw Jace’s face. Bloody and cold, it looked as though most of the skin in his cheek was gone, but He was still conscious and shouting for help. He was tied to the table that only moments ago Rory was sitting at and sulking. Rory started swinging his arms at the man. Shouting “Let me go” in Russian. But then man just laughed. He slammed Rory down on the hard wood floor, cracking the back of Rory’s head, staining his blond hair a Crimson red. They tied up Rory’s arms, but he was kicking furiously with his legs.
A tall man with brown hair held up a cloth to Rory’s mouth and said, “Good night.” In a thick Russian accent as Rory slowly drifted off to unconsciousness.

Luka decided to walk home to think things over. In a week he was going to be sent overseas to Germany, and he wondered how his dearest Rory would take it. He hated doing this to Rory, but he wanted to serve his country. He decided he was doing this for Rory, to make the world safer for him to be in. He was just worried on how he would take it.
When he reached the house, the sun was setting over the many houses in the city. It was beautiful outside, but Luka wasn’t in the mood. He slowly opened the door when shock took over his face. The kitchen was a mess, Blood stains all on the floor, broken dishes on the ground, the table was flipped over and the chairs were broken in half, and the back door was torn off its hinges. Luka rushed over to the corner of the kitchen were a bloody silhouette laid. He slowly knelt down by the corpse trying to make out its face.
“T-they took-h-him.” The corpse said with a raspy voice.
“T-the r-r-Russians c-ca-me, th-ey to-too-took R-rrory.” He whispered in a slow voice. All the skin on the left side of his face was gone. Blood poured to the ground. His clothes were drenched in crimson, and he had been stabbed 3 times in all of his limbs.
Luka clinched his fists as hot tears rolled down his face.”The only important thing right now is getting you to a hospital.” Whispered Luka as he scooped up Jace in his shaking arms.

End of Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Rory found himself, in a cold Wooden Box. His face was covered in cuts and bruises, but he still had the white rose in the palm of his bloody hand. A shiver chilled his spine, as he felt the cool air hit him. He looked out one of the holes in the box trying to find out where his location was. He was still dazed on what had happened. He had no idea where he was, no idea what had happened, he just wanted to go home and be safe in Luka’s warm arms.
All he saw was Snow; all he heard was the rumble of an engine and the chat of two Russian men. He nestled back into the position he woken up to when he felt a kick at the box.

“Hey are you awake yet damn brat?!” shouted one of the men in Russian. Rory sat and remained quiet.
“If Vladimir finds out you were kicking his son, he wouldn’t hesitate to shoot you!” whispered one of the men.
“Son?” Rory said silently, but apparently one of the men heard him.
“Yeah son, you’re the son of the brutal Killer Vladimir Vailiev! The flesh and blood of the second Adolf Hitler. Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?” This was the last thing Rory wanted to hear. He couldn’t imagine anything worse. He was just taken away from his beloved and now he’s the son of the person everyone in the world hates. The murderer of men, the one who defies god, The man who kills and burns children, the man with no heart, no mercy.
“Lay off of him Ivan!” shouted the other man.
“What does he even want with me…?” questioned Rory, who felt relived that he knew Russian.
“We don’t exactly know, he wouldn’t tell us, he just said that we had to go kidnap you. But I bet he doesn’t know how hard it is trying to get into that country!”
Rory didn’t have any further questions. He just sat dazed, thinking about Luka. He huddle up in the thin jacket he had on, trying to stay warm in the intensely cold weather. “Where the hell am I anyways?”
“You are in Mother Russia!” exclaimed the man who goes by Ivan.
“I-I’m in Russia?”
“Most certainly.” Said the man who seemed to be nicer than Ivan.
“… What did you do to my friend…?”
“What the older one? We took care of him. He’s slowly withering in that big house of yours, waiting for someone to rescue him!” shouted Ivan.
“Luka… He’s going to come for me… and he’s gonna make all of you sorry bastards pay!!” Shouted Rory, in a grim voice.
Before Rory knew it, he passed out. He had totally forgotten about the giant gash in the back of his head, and how much blood he had loss.
While he was unconscious, he had a dream. Not really a dream, it seemed like it at first, but it turned into a nightmare. He dreamt about being in his garden, sitting on the edge of the fountain, holding hands with Luka, resting his head on his firm shoulder. But then the flowers turned into a blood curdling red, and a bunch of soldiers’ ran out to the garden, pointing guns at Rory. Then Rory felt Luka let go of his hand. When he looked up to face Luka, He had a gun pointed at Rory’s head. “Good night Rory.” He said kissing his cheek and Shooting him. Rory could feel the bullet go through his skull. But instead of dying, he stayed there for 30 seconds, screaming his head off, as he felt the warmth of the blood fall down to his face. He started crying and couldn’t tell if it was blood or tears anymore that he was feeling on his face. The agony was unbearable, He wasn’t sure if it was the pain of the bullet, or the thought of betrayal he was screaming about, but before he knew it, he hit his head on the top of the wooden box, cursing under his breath.
He had woken up in a cold sweat, His voice was sore and his throat was burning like hell. His eyes were also swollen and tears were leaking from them. “Hey Rory, are you all right?” asked the nicer man.
“… Why do you care…?” he snapped.
“Well you are kind of my little brother you know!” Great more surprises, now he was being kidnapped by his father AND his older brother.
“Oh so now you’re my brother!”
“Yup! Names Demetrius Vailiev, But you can call me Demy.” He exclaimed laughing under his breath.
“And let me guess, Ivan is our... cousin?”
“What? Don’t be ridiculous! The only other family members we have is our little brother, Anya Vailiev, and Vladimir’s five wives. And I don’t really know any of our other family members.”
“Tell the kid to shut up Demy! We’re almost at the gates!” When Rory heard that, he quit moving at once. When the truck came to a stop, Rory peered out through a small hole in the crate. He saw a large iron gate, snow covering everything, barbed fences every were, and in near distance he could see a very very large building, he looked almost like a giant capitol building, and in the far off distance he could see a city, that he assumed was Moscow. The truck was surrounded by soldiers that started talking to the driver than two soldiers came near the back. He couldn’t see Demy but he could hear his voice.
“Hello Commander Demetrious, The Warden had us sent here to check what you were bringing to your father.”
“Just the 3 orders of Bazookas he bought. You can check one of the boxes if you don’t believe me.”
“No need, I trust you enough, carry on.” He said, hitting the side of the truck two times with his hand.
It didn’t take long to reach the building. And when they got there it seemed to be barren.”Why do I have to be put in a crate anyways?” questioned Rory.
“Because we can’t trust a brat we just kidnapped to not try and run away!” snapped Ivan.
He took the box Rory was in off the truck and threw it on the ground. Rory hit the hard ground with a thud, cursing under his breath. Then Demy cracked it open with a crow bar. When Rory saw Demy for the first time, he didn’t think they were brothers, but the way he could tell was they both had the same silver eyes. But Demy had dark navy hair, and he was very tall, taller than Luka anyways. He actually looked very beautiful, and way to feminine to be a soldier. If he didn’t sound like a boy and dressed like a boy, he could be mistaken for a girl.
Ivan put shackles on Rory’s wrist that were chained together. Rory started to shiver furiously, mainly because he was no were near dressed for Russia. He was wearing a thin hoodie with some blue jean shorts and they were both blood drenched. All the color in his skin was about gone, he didn’t know if it was because he was cold, or if it was because of all the blood he lost. For some reason, he felt comfortable around Demy, even though he’s only known him for an hour, and he’s the one that took him away from Luka. He was too fatigued to fight back until he saw Ivan’s Knuckles. They were scrapped up and blood drenched.
“D-did, a-are you the one who hit j-Jace?” he questioned in a grim tone.
“Who that old man? Yeah and he was way too easy to!” he laughed. In a split second, Rory was ontop of Ivan, chocking him with the cuffs on his arms. Demy started trying to pull him off, but tripped trying to. Then in all the commotion, the giant doors swung open, and Then Rory was slapped in the ace, the force was so hard that he went flying off of Ivan.
“That is enough!” Shouted the man. Rory spat bloody spit at Ivan before trying to get up. Demy successfully made it up before Rory did, and he stood in a salute. It took Rory a few seconds for his vision to focus before he could make out the man. When he finally did, his mind swept him off his feet. The man looked just like him. There was no mistake; he had to be Vladimir Vailiev, Rory’s father and basically The 2 Adolf Hitler. “ Oh my dear Rory, it’s been too long since that bitch stole you away and took you to that wretched country.”
“Oh my, who did that to your head?!”
“It was Ivan.” Said Demy in a grim voice.
“Oh so it was…”
“I-I-I’m so terribly sorry!” Shouted Ivan, begging at Vladimir’s feet.
“I’ll give you one warning…” He said, and in a split second, before Ivan could hesitate, and Demy could shout no, He had a revolver out in his hand, and shot him in the head.
“Clean this mess up Demy, I want to talk with my son.”
“B-But Vladimir, Why?! You said you would give him a warning!”
“I did, I gave him a warning shot, into his head.”

End of chapter 4.

Falling Petals

Chapter 5

Falling petals

It had been 2 weeks since Rory was taken by the Russians. Luka had postponed his dispatch to Germany, saying his butler was dying, and he wanted to be with him, but not mentioning anything about Rory. He had given up after a week and a half of sleepless nights, nightmares, searching for the thing he lost and cared for the most. He had admitted defeat. He just wanted to erase Rory from his mind. This world was huge, there’s no way now he could find him… He was most likely dead now anyways… He just told himself, I do not love anyone named Rory, and there is no one in my life named Rory…
Jace hadn’t gotten much better… He was laying on his deathbed. And Luka decided to stay with him until he was gone. He sat in his room at the hospital, holding his weak tender hand.
“M-master Luka? W-what a-are you doing h-here? Shouldn’t you be out looking for-“he asked in a raspy voice before interrupted.
“I’ve given up on him… there’s no possible way for me to find him. So in my mind, such a Rory doesn’t exist.” He said with a solid straight face.
Jace looked at his master in disbelief. He would have slapped him if he wasn’t so fatigued. “You can’t do that…”
“E-excuse me? I can’t do what?”
“Erase that boy from your memory. If he was as important to you as you are for him, you wouldn’t dare utter those word. He loved you like life, to him, you were his oxygen. And if he were you, he’d never give up on finding you, because he loves you. He said he would loose his mind if you got drafted, but you promised him…you promised you wouldn’t die, you would stay alive and fight for him… and what you said gave him the hope he needed to be able to put through this. If he were still here, I bet he would have no reason to live if you said that to him.” His words stung Luka, and they had an awful aftertaste… “if you do this… you are probably the worst man on this world, worse than Adolf Hitler, Worse than Vladimir Vailiev. You are destroying a bond that was never meant to be broken…”
Luka just looked into his watery eyes, small tears escaping them every now and again. Rory knew what he said was true, but He couldn’t put up with Rory being gone… He did love Rory, but know he wondered how much he loved him… He didn’t know if what Jace said was true or if he was making this up… but what he said changed him that day.
Jace took Luka’s hand in his, and looked him in the eye. You remind me so much of my son… he was a handsome fellow like you” he laughed.
Luka laughed along, sympathy in his eyes.
“Luka… promise me something…”
“Yes anything?”
“Promise me… you won’t give up on Rory…”
“Okay… I promise I won’t…” He said with a smile.

That day Jace Greaves the III died in that bed. He died hand in hand with Luka Mikhal, a peaceful smile on his face… That was the end of the Greaves family generation. They no longer served the Mikhal family, and Luka was glad.

Luka left the hospital with hope in his heart again. He would go fight this battle and he would win it for Rory. He realized who Rory was to him that day… he wasn’t just a person, or an idea. He wasn’t just a lover… He wasn’t family of a friend either. He was something more… He was a person who meant more than life for Luka, he was the thing that gave Luka hope to keep fighting. He had made a promise to Jace on his death bed that he wouldn’t give up on Rory, and he had made a promise to Rory that he wouldn’t die. He refused the though. He never broke a promise. He held the idea of Rory in his heart, He learned something that day, he learned what love truly is, and he wanted to find Rory and embrace him tight in his arms, never letting go… HE would travel around the world, looking in every nook and cranny to find the large piece of his heart that was stolen from him.
He would kill all the bastards who took Rory. He wanted to kill every single Russian there was, he didn’t care, and he would do anything to get Rory back.

End of chapter 5.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.12.2011

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To The person who wrote 'Loving Salem' on AarinFantasy (i dont know their name) for giving me inspiration, Nadia, Shannon, and my dog.

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