
Don't count me out yet


Deshon Porter AKA Prince Big D

don't count me out yet

table of contents


everyone have a story to tell

chapter 1

rejected again?

chapter 2

the not so good life

chapter 3

my entertainment life the big d zone and Tyrone Jackson's breakthrough gospel fest being on radio

chapter 4

how did I survive that??

chapter 5

A good choice that I made


my dating profile

bio of Deshon porter

chapter 6
an interactive chapter make your own story pages are blank so you can share your own story.

info also in book two songs and a poem that I wrote our wedding day my sweet

poem you are not alone.


this book is dedicated to all the single ladies I do have a lot to offer beauty is found within. to my best friend Tyrone

Jackson for believing in me and telling me to never giving up to my new Disney family for giving me real hope after a

very bad storm in my life. to Jesus Christ still lord in my life but suffering have got to go. to all those who thought I

would never get this far and still live! thank you.

well well well lets see what the forward will be shall we?

never give up never quit.


everyone have a story to share. share your story

life is a story and everyone have a part to play just like in a movie things happen in life

booth good and bad you are not always going to be happy sorry to break that myth that

everyone can stay happy all the time how is it that even if you are stuck in a traffic jam

late for work and you are happy? alone on a Friday night and you are happy? what????

we have feelings inside of us and sometimes we just have to let them out. whether you

are happy sad angry depressed how can anybody help you if someone ask you how are

you doing ? what do you say? I am happy? here is the but I am late for my bus for work

how can you be happy about that? you got to let out what you feel at that time at that

moment someone can give you a helping hand. well it is just like that with a story you

have dreams or goals in your story share them there is someone there who believe in

your dreams and goals if you are dating someone and you want a long term leading to

marriage tell him or her there is a good chance that they will believe you. if you have a

passion for you story write it in a book do not quit till it is done.

yes I am still in college and witting this book for a lot of reasons one I want to give this

book to all single ladies

to single ladies I want you to have this book free becouase I am looking for a wife who will love me for who I am and

what I stand for. I am very romantic careing have passion for the lady that I will love and a passion for the things that

I love to back to sharing your story if you have a passion for something share it with the world if you have a

passion for preaching the gospel for example do that if you are a singer an actor a person who is self employed then

goodness go for it!! I am so glade to be writing this book about me but I got to tell you that I wanted to wait until all of

my dreams come true and I anted to leave the bad times out of my book but God hade other plans for this book first he
told me to write this book now and not to wait to my dreams come true you can always update your book I said OK you
know that I hate talking about the bad things that happen in my ife. like I was in the hospital sick for a week and no

one came to see me that will be in one chapter or how I walked away from a train accident comming home frome

school.I do not even like talking about my rejections that hurt me and everyone else is getting into relationship more

easily then I am right you would think that I am nuts for even going ahead and writing this when none of my

dreams came true? well I even hade another name for this book it was going to be called the Big D Story but once

again God had other plans so I am obeying his plans for this book by not only sharing my own story but after that

inspire others to write there own book and share there own story who knows people might like your story and want

more you will never know now lets get on with the show! opps ! I mean story! It was so hard to even write the 1rst

chapter that I had to take brakes it hurts so bad! you will get to feel how I feel.

everyone have someone but me yes I have friends but what is missing is a lady in my life who will be there for me who

will love me for me whether I am sick or well rich or poor when I find her I will never ever going to let her go ! ever!

did I say ever!!

just a thought.

chapter 1

rejected again!!?????

Yes I am 36 still not married and no kids yet! why? too many rejections to count;

moreover it become real to me that I am just a friend to a lady then a lover. it hurts me

really deep inside to know that there are people on dates when I go out somewhere and

then I am ending up dating myself no fun at all! I though that you have to be kind

careing lovering just to find a girlfriend,

boy was I wrong every lady that I like every last one that I like is now eather friends that

I talk to it is no wonder why I am now called the last prince charming ladies just to let

you know that rejections do hurt like a knife that cut right through the heart that is why

it takes time for me to try again with another princess for fear of rejection now you will

get to know what it is like and how a guy feels when he is rejected by a lady that he likes

why do I get rejected all the time? where is my soon to bee wife? I am no way in hell

going to be single forever! I want a family I want someone to love me for who I am not

for what I do or do not have I am a winner ladies no I am not a looser you will all soon

see when my dreams come true !

curturn I am far from home I told her I have no wife or girlfriend I came here for help by my

self! I did not see that comming at all! this was at a hosptail in Florida. I will tell you what I tried
to do to win their love but lost it, and how bad I feel. OK take a deep breath this will hurt much!
back when I lived in NJ where I was born I was born in Newark NJ I try to date so that I can

marry and have a family there was one lady that I meet and liked very much we meet on a group

the turn around foundation I missed those guys we help turn a frown into a smile at nursing

homes and metal hospitals anyway the lady name was Sara she was beauty full just like all the

lady's that I try to date I look for beauty from within she was lite skin nice smile gold hair she

had a zest for life we even hade a part together on a TV show for the turn around foundation .

We dated 3 or 4 times she lived in Dover NJ she even came to a TV show tapping that I did in

NYC we hade lunch then played video games before I headed back to Newark, well one day we

was coming from an outing with the group and then I will never forget it it was like yesterday

she pulled me to the side and said that we can not see each other anymore but just be friends

even after singing a song to her but what she told me made my heart fell to the floor it quote( it

was nothing that I did in fact she wanted to see me but it was her father! that did not want us to

be together! what??????? she even said that she would not be happy if I found anyone else. but

I would have to) I did not feel good after that night at all. when I went home I wanted to run

away and hide it is hard to believe she let her father get in our way of what could have a good

thing in our! I was sad.but I did not give up yes for me valentines day is very hard for

me for I am by myself forced to take my own self out on dates but I see dates on that day I

almost wanted to run away somewhere! it is all ways the couples that tell me to wait and she

will come to you news flash! she did not come yet! well we are going to fast forward to my 36

birthday I already told a lady that I liked her we meet at a hotel that I was staying in just for the

fun of it. well I have wanted to take her out on my birthday I told her to let me know if she hade

to work a day before my birthday and you guessed it no date so now I would be forced to go out

on my own 36th birthday by my self! wow what a day but at least this time I was not rejected

again this time I just do not have a date on my birthday! my one big day and still can not get a

lady! oh well at least she called me and congratulate me and wished me a happy birthday. it

break my heart that even on the day of my own birth I still can not find a lady to date me! I wish

that it did not come down for me just to write a book about my life just to find a princess but I

also wanted to help other people who are going through the same thing just to hang in there

for we maybe under dogs in life but hay sometimes the underdog do win! I do have good things

in me to make a good husband for a lady someday I have a youthful looking face I am

entertaining I am kind romantic honest and love to have fun and rest at the same time. ladies

please get to know me for I am a winner. then as I got more involved in entertianment I wanted
to date a fellow entertainer for we would know when can we see eachother I got involved doing

radio by a radio show JV and Elvis two radio heros the show was the doghouse witch was on

then 92.3 free FM it was an all talk format during the day and played music at night well first I

heard a voice that I fell in love with her name was Jackie Clarke a comedian producer actress I

thought wow! if I meet her I would ask her out or let her know that I liked her,I would get my

shot! there was going to be a contest that day it was a talent contest I sang and guess who was

one of the judges! Jackie! oh my god! I was nerves but I did my thing everyone loved it I sang a

little bit of my song our wedding day witch the words are in this book.

I did not meet her till later on as I got to be very good friends with the show as I was trying to

find entertianment work she was part of a group in a club

called death by roo roo a comedy group and I went there almost every Friday. I kept getting her

roses just to let her know that I was instersted in her but she never responded then she and her

best friend Julie had there own show obsessed that was it on the last few shows before the

holiday break and I would not see her till after the holidays well I am sorry to say bad news

folks on the very last show before break she and a man was doing a skit together and thought

that it was part of the show some of it was for one part it was said that one of the host had a

suprise for us first came the skit then another never forget moment ok ready? she said that she

Jackie and sam the guy that she was doing a skit together was now dating!!! what??????? I was

in souch deep pain that I almost did not have the straingth to get my train back to NJ My heart

was broken how was I able to sleep that night I hade no clue at all!!!!she never read my letters

that I wrote to her saying that I even liked her even before she meet sam. well they are together

in LA now wile I am still stuck trying to find a wife. OK! I said to myself what do sam have that
I do not have? and how is it that I am only her friend on facebook? why is it not me together

with her and I am stuck alone? I was stuck forced to think about that crying my heart out over

her she would have been perfict for me we booth are entertainers and doing what we love to do

she would have been my better half she would have been surprised that I was still thinking

about her as of writing of this book. but good luck to you booth I hope you are happier together.
as for me it jus get harder for me to find true love. My online radio show was on WWW. and was getting a guest for the show during a show that was in a park in Newark I
meet a lady named sky and this is now the reason my best friend gave me the nickname prince

big d after we meet her and her band the date was going to be set that she was going to be on my
show well before that I got another chance to see her again back in NYC she was looked very

hot as we men would say tall red hair with a different style and she can really sing. so before the

radio show and at her next show that I went to I got the courage to go ahead and asked her out.

well her is what she told me through Tyrone she do not mix business with pleasure! say

what?? to that end she did not even did the show witch I was unable to do my best friend hade

to cover my slot for me and that is when I found out she was scared of mee? what? oh no!!!

I am a human being with feallings that was hurt yet again after Tyrone told me what happen the
name prince big d

It was not easy when I moved to Boston eather it was lonely my first few months there I did not

know anyone from Adam so once I have settled in and found a room I tried dating again

another Jane doe I met online this time it was at last a real date! and she was near Boston we

went to see some movies then watch movies on her PC she was a very good cook she was going

to be a medical asstant then on valen times day we went to the movies lunch then back to her

place before I went back home well one day I found a church home in Boston to go to so I

invited her to my graduation at the church at first she said that she was going on vacation to

New York State it was then the same day she called me back to let me know that she was seeing

someone else!!! I was just an angel to prove that there are good men out there for she just came
from a bad relationship before she met me and now the other man ! so now I am just a teacher

to the ladies that there are good men in the world? was that my assignment? that hurt!!!

everyone in the graduating class had someone not me! then in my internship working late I

meet a co woker that I wanted to ask out just before that I meet a bus driver that I like going to

the walmart route did the flowers being kind and everything all ending up the very same way

they are booth seeing someone! after a rejection like that it take me a wile just to work the

confidence to ask someone out!! got a new cell phone and finally called my best buddy and he t

old me that he finally found a lady for him so I guess I will be the best man at his wedding way

before he be the best man at my wedding if there ever is going to be a wedding?? is this dream

of finding a lovering wive ending? or is there is something pushing me to keep keep on trying? I

refuse to be single all of my life something got to give here!!! WHERE THE HELL IS

SHE??????? It is very very hard at work even for a internship to see cupples holding hands and

then when I am freaking out over trying to get to work on time or being at the hospital with

nobody there it break what ever left of my heart. No man like being rejected but so many times?

let me tell you my fave comfort lines that I get after being hurt and rejected.

1 wait till she comes to you

2 it is not your turn yet my answer is THEN WHEN?? I AM 36 YEARS OLD I AM NOT GOING


3 there is someone for you out there oh yea? who? I would like to know where is my wife?

4 my own mother said this to me that hurt ed me one is you will never get married! oh yes the

heck I will!!!! and the other she said is some things are better when they are not

experencenced! well I break your bad words you said right now!!!!!!

And it be your own friends that say the top 3 but I do not want to wait been through way too

much alone to be without. it is so bad that I am forced to talk to a lady online from the UK I can

not see her on my days off or she can't come to the hospital if I get sick again. just this once I

would like to be the one who get the lady! and ladys on the next few pages you will see why I am

a good man for you and that I will love you for you.ladies please help me to get over being

rejected when all I want is a wife.

OK so I am doing this like a campaign for office yes you are right it seams that everyday I am

running for office not just for city council at large in Boston but also the office of someone's

husband so you want to play that game? ok then I am ready!!

It is high time that the ladies have a husband that will love her hold make her feal like a woman

treat her with respect that I can do but there are a lot of ladies who want a bad boy want to be

very mean to her yet still be in a relationship well sorry I will not change my kind hearted ways

no you need a husband who is passion et that is me deacaded loveing careing loyal want to be by
your side can be booth a lover and a friend at the same time yes my princesses I can and will do

that and more! a vote for me as your husband will mean a lifetime of happeness when a porter is
married he stay married this have been my motto even when I decided to run for the office of

your husband looking for someone good to look at I am here looking for someone who will

entertain you I am here looking for sweet nothings in your ear then yes my dear I am here! then

vote for me first as you boyfriend then vote for me as your husband for together we will last a

long time together we will make dreams come true together we will be happy!


our wedding day this was the first song I ever wrote

1 v
time after time you've proved to me that you are more then just a friend I need you now like I need you then you can

be sure I'll always be there. my fantisee is that will grow old together now and forever till death do us part I can not

stay away from this special love I'll give my very life for your love


what will be so special to us our special place our wedding day our joy will be delight full our special time our wedding


as soon as we say I do our lives will never end stay with me it will be paridice we'll be shareing good times again my

fantisee is that we'll live happly ever after like fairy tale endings that may come true I want to enjoy my life with you

now and forever till death do us part

repeat chorus

I want to enjoy my life with you now and forever till death do us part.

written 1995 when I was still in high school.everyone like it when I sing the song.

time steelers and dream killers

If I was you I would gard my time couse I am learning the hard way no one except your friends cares about your time

excample if you are running late for work and get in trouble then be your own boss and work for yourself wile helping

others even if you have your own office and you are late getting there you will not get reprimand and then it will be

called a beheavyore problem becouase you are the boss and you will have all the time in the day.

If your own family is not encouraging you to get married or going for your own dreams then find good friends that will

route for you all the way no one have ever made it by them self in life. do not let the nay sayers in your life kill your

magic even if it is your parents like it was mine. my own mother said that I would never get married or go to college

but 99.9% of the time you have to prove them wrong you go for you dreams in life and never count yourself out of

anything never count yourself out of livening the life that you want.

If we get hurt get back up and try again and again. and you still will win all the time.

If God tell you to write something he is using you for his glory let him use you sing acting dancing let God call you and

do exciting things.

Do something good for somebody else and it will make you feel better you never know who you entertain you could be

helping an angel.

I helped out a lady who wanted a place to stay overnight till she got back to her shelter and I would do it again in a

heartbeat! rember beatuy and the beast?

chapter 2

the not so good life.

you did not graduate high school and said that I am going to be homeless or lonely or

almost died in a hospital and no one came to see you but it happened and it happen to

me you see like everyone else I wanted the good life a home or apartment good job

graduate from college a wife kids and be self employed and help people but I went

through a lot just to even get this far as even writing this book for the single ladies and

to inspire other people to reach for there dreams Well as I said before I do not like talking

about the bad things in my life so you will not see dates in this book but it happen to me. I was

homeless when I moved out from a very bad naborhood in Newark NJ it was not safe to go out

at night. but at that time I did go to church so I hade to go into my apartment right away people

will break into your room and steal your things when I went to my first shelter I was not feeling

well there was to many rules like it was a prison instead of a shelter one was you hade to be in by

8pm or be locked out now there was some people who worked late and next thing they knew

they hade no place to stay! I even went to a shelter on a bad street to cross for I am vusuly

impaired then I had to get shots in order to stay there! I said no way! that was how I got sick

really bad I was staying at a big room but with a lot of people and got phonia from them for one

of the rules is you must leave the shelter so early in the morning before 8am! so I would go to

Penn station in Newark just so I can stay inside but one day in October I had went to the

hospital and the next thing that I knew I was admitted for I was very sick so sick that all of the

nurses and any visitors that I had have to wear mask so that they would not get sick eather! wile
I was in the ER even before they admitted me they took my blood and the way that they did it

hurt so badly that wile I was in there I refused to let them take any more blood from me unless I

could not feel them taking it. only one time I let them take my blood and I could not feel it but

every other day I said oh hell no!! I have no wife no one by my side! anyway one day I felt as if I
was going away like I almost died and that is when God told me that it was not time for me to

go back home yet I hade way too much work for you to do and it is not finish yet. so then I came

back and was still in the hospital but then I almost bleed to death one of the nurse hade put on

my IV on wrong!! and I did not know I was bleeding badly. so I guess you can say that I almost

died twice in one week at a hospital thank god someone saw that and my IV was fixed in a hurry

or there would not even be a book out. hell! I would not have gone for all of my dreams . I hated

being poor homeless who ever said money do not buy you happiness was never homeless or

poor you could not live in a nicer place and I wanted to start to stay in a hotel but all of the

hotels was expensive and I could only stay for a day or two then I was back on the streets! I did

stay at one hotel in douwntoun Newark it was near city hall but they wanted too much rent

$600 a month ! and the bathrooms was douwn the hallway no kitchen! I hade to buy my own

food then other nights hade to go hungry for the food pantry all they hade was canned food and

how can I eat if there was no kitchen to make the food? I tell you thank God for my best friend

Tyrone at times he was a life saver!! no telling how I would have made it through but God have

sent me very very good people to keep me from dieing in this mean world then I hade to go back
to the bad shelters for I was getting ready to move to Boston by that time my fave radio show

was forced off the air then only other show that I like was mike basidean I was even tunning into
the show when I was forced to panhandle for money for food and a way back to NJ see I hade to

go all the way to NYC to do that I was on 7th ave and eather 33rd or 32 and sometimes on 8th

ave just to get money for food and carfare to get to and from NYC there are people who do not

believe that people are realy homeless and that do need the money to buy food I was even asked

am I going to buy drugs with the money I said no I am going to buy food and carfare back to NJ
it did not feel good to beg for money but if all the money went for rent for a room then what else

left to do? there was sometimes that I was not able to get back to NJ and hade to stay on the

streets in NYC. it was not good there was one shelter there where it was on a island and one rule
was there was no hugging people allowed there I said goodbye! then took the next bus back to

Manhattan I did not want to stay there anymore. as I stayed in my last shelter in NJ before

heading to Boston I hade no clue that finding a place in Boston after a move in November my

birth month was so hard. I would never forget the shelters in Boston I wish that I hade more

money to stayed at the hotel that I was in my first five was the comfort inn in Boston I

like staying at a Marriott hotels myself almost getting free night there when I really need them

but it was the only hotel that hade a good deal on five day stay.After that I have stayed in other

shelters in the city of Boston and yes I hade my scary times there too I used to like staying at a

shelter near the Boston harbor for I like looking out in the water but I was hit on by a guy who

liked only men then that was when I got really scared then I stayed at pine street inn yea some

inn! they get you up at 5am! yes I said 5m! what?? first of all almost was scared to sleep there for
sometimes there would be fights there but thank God on that night there was none then for

some nights I tried to stay at bristol lodge man it was like every place else hade to be in by 8pm

then they forced you to take a shower with other men watching you if that was not bad enough

you try to tell someone to stop coughing for that is how you got sick and then you get in trouble!
I was even told that I could not get mad when my health was on the line wow! I could not get a

transfer for I got written up just for being mad at someone coughing all night when I was just

trying to sleep? and just when you thought it could not get worse before I moved into a room

before I got ready for my internship they forced me against my will to go to a hospital just for a

common cold!! I was so mad! and that night it was storming and they said I could not finish the

night there if I did not go to the hospital! I said fine! so I went the only time that I came back

was to get the rest of my things !!! I never went back there again ! when I was homeless again I

stayed at login airport till my internship in FL!

chapter 3

My entertianment life the Big D Zone TV and Radio show Tyrone Jackson's

Breakthrough TV show and my short time on radio.

I was and still am an entertainer I was even in a movie an independat film that the

trailer of the film was seen on cable TV and online the film is sold on netflicks and my

face is on the side of the box! I was very excited about that! I want more of that and

trying to get back into that even if I have to do more indie films I also like to host and

help produce TV shows for other people and for a short time I was on one of my fave

shows the doghouse with JV and Elvis they helped me get through a bad day I missed

there show! as a matter of fact they got me interested in doing radio in the first place

when it was by going on there show and see what fun they hade I wanted to have the

same kind of fun. you can say that they are my first radio heros. so I want to get back to

my first love singing acting TV then radio it is what brings me to life kind of wish that I

can marry someone who is a entertainer as I shared in my first chapter then I always

have a guest co host or can take over for me when I am doing a film or something else.

but as you read that did not happen at all but this is one of my positive chapters in my

book thus far if you like happy stuff keep reading this chapter and another chapter a

good choice I made.

I was trying to be involved in entertianment eather in acting or in singing after high school I

wrote my first song our wedding day witch the words are in this book the song was origanoly

for my first love my high school sweetheart yavannda but her mother got in the way of what

was going to be something wonderfull in my life but every time I sing that song people say

that they love the song I even won 2ond place in a radio contest with the doghouse it was my

first time ever on the radio I was also on TV I went to the maurry show ricki lake booth shows

I went to a lot! I was in a church play at the fellowship empowerment theather if your

depressed you are lesening to the wrong voice here is another fun things that I love I hade my

own TV show in Newark NJ then later help out my best friend tyrone show tittled

breakthrough witch is a very very good show hade fun helping with the production booth on

and off camara one funny shoot I will never forget we was at a church in Bloomfeald NJ and

we filmed a christan rapper and he was doing well or so I though the next thing that I know he
did not finished his lines or verse instead at the very end he froze said oh nooooo! then left the

stage without us expecting it I busted out so hard that I thought that I was going to have a

heart attack! that is how funny that was I hade to put it in this book or another time we was

doing a special on the hurricane katrinena and he was reading a letter from a viewer from the
show and read the wrong name and yelled cut!! another very funny moment! thereareso many
that Imight have to write another book. I loved hosting my show I interviewed a polotition

and that is what got me! anyway I loved scouting out for guest for booth shows there was no

compition. I was in my first indie film special needs I was able to play my self going for a TV

show handycaps it was a talent based show and one of my shoots of me looking at the judges

made the traler! the traler was shown on cable online and the movie was played in NYC and in

LA as a matter of fact is out now even on netflicks! for proof you can go to www. they even made my face on the side of the box!! boy was I excited!

still am every time I share it with someone! I was on online radio with the big d zone first on

blog talk radio then I entered a radio contest who want to be a radio stair? came in 2ond place it

was on global talk radio and for a wile I was on army radio as we keeped our dreams of being on
radio even after the doghouse was forced off the air I still hated that I was almost a regular guest
I interduced JV and Elvis at a radio event I hade so much fun! it was at a strip club but it was

a station free fm's sponsor it was a fun night. then we went to an event in long island I went up

there and sang to a guest booker of the show that I liked this was fun times missed it so much! I

was an extra in a movie the inteperter it was very fast but I only played a person walking up and

douwn the streetbeingan extra in a movie is fun and when you get paid to be one it is even

better! I will get back to more entertainment and I would like to help other people produce there
own TV shows and radio shows I would like to have my own indre or major record label and

make music and help out sign other artist give tours and let them be on me and my friend's TV

shows I have even done poetry at gospel fest at the theather at Madison square garden it was very big for

me! I read my poem you are not alone witch the words are in this book. I even voulenteer my entertianment talent

with the turn around foundation it was fun helping out others and they enjoyed it I even got to sing my own song. it

was not easy adutioning for movies or shows you do not know even if you will get a callback but when I did I was very

happy! I may not be a star overnight but I want to be at least a working entertainer and would give of my time as well.

this is my acting resume the only place you will see years on this book ever!

special needs the movie 2002 last ditch pitchers

one of featured extra

the inteperter 2002 inteperter films


the big d zone and the Deshon porter show TV and online radio show TV show 2001-2009 radio show 2010-2011

2place naborhood mention who want to be a radio star global talk radio army radio

tyrone Jacksons breakthrough co-producer co-host founding co-producer mc warm up person for shows 2001-2009

audience member 2001-2007


ricki lake


the people's court one show


you are not alone

1 verse

if your havering problems coping with the pain if you feel you won't make it through another day don't think your the

only one crying in the rain he'll be right there if you just hold out your hand

you got to understand God always have a plan you don't have to cry no more couse you are not alone


never give up you can make it never give up you can go all the way don't think your the only one crying in the rain you

don't have to cry no more couse you are not alone

2 verse if you lost a loved one or have a broken heart if you think that your world is falling apart you don't have to

worry or ever be afraid he'll be right there if you just reach out your hand you got to understand God always have a

plan you don't have to cry no more couse you are not alone.

repeat chorus end with you are my sweet love

1 verse

ever scene we meet I thought that you where mine you are so dear to me oh we're going to have a good time I want to

make a home with you as my bride will you be my girlfriend? will you be my lover for life

oh my sweet love I''VE fallen for you I don't know what to do oh my sweet baby if you make love to me you know what

to I'm here for you repeat

2 verse

your beatyfull smile your warm embrace even when you call my name you hitmatize me with love repeat I want to

make a home

repeat course


not alone

my first gospel poem did at gospel fest 2005 my sweet love

1 verse

ever scene we meet I thought that you where mine you are so dear to me oh we're going to have a good time I want to

make a home with you as my bride will you be my girlfriend? will you be my lover for life


oh my sweet love I''VE fallen for you I don't know what to do oh my sweet baby if you make love to me you know what

to do I'm here for you repeat

2 verse

your beatyfull smile your warm embrace even when you call my name you hitmatize me with love repeat I want to

make a home

repeat course



Do not let no one steer you away from your dreams never give up stay close to your dreams what
ever you want go get it a job marriage acting singing if done the right way people will be admass

that you did not quit even if it take a long time .

do not let family who do not believe in your endeavors stop you you keep at it even if you have to
prove them wrong you can make it , it will work.

do not let anyone tell you that your dreams are dead keep on dreaming and working on your

dreams all things are posable.

if kids are found reading this book then stay in school go to college you can still go for your

dreams but you need a back up plan just in case so keep college in your dreams as well.

Chapter 4

how did I survive that?

well this one is going to be very short for the major ones that I survived are being very sick as

stated in earleyer in this book now can get into more detales and almost fell off a path train at a

station staying out of jail and off drugs so I will just start the chapter.

fun fact I was born in Newark NJ in 1973 and made it to 35 but have a disability vusalualy

impairment after birth.

OK here we go oh I did not tell you that I fell asleep comming back from looking for one of my

fave divas of the wwe her name was sable yes I wet to the WWE building just to find her and

after they gave me a address for fans to write when I went back home from an Amtrak train

from Stanford to Newark I fell asleep but when I got to Penn station in NYC they usably have a

layover so as I was dreaming the next thing that I knew the conductor told me that we was a

yard! what??? they hade to send me back to Penn station so that I can get back home to Newark!
wow! while we are on trains I was comming home from travel school learning to be a travel

agent at a school in NYC I took the path train home to get back to Newark you have to transfer

to another train on the weekend it was on a Saturday we got to jersey city jernoal square and

just as I was about to get on broad the train I must not have notice that the floor was wet! and

then the unthinkable happened! I fell right on the edge on the bottom of the doorway! the next

thing I heard was a lady saying OH MY GOD! somehow I did not scream for if I did well lets

just say I would not be here witting this book ! I feared for my life then two men helped me up

the only thing that happened to me was I had walked very badly only for a few weeks but that

was very scary! at the hospital when I got sick and no one came to see me I was very sad for if I

had died no one would know about it. it was a bad week everyone had to wear mask just to see

me or examen me. what?? the night that I thought I died God told me what are you doing here?

you still got work to do it is not your time yet get back in the game.

in a way I am glad becouase I have seen some of

my friends dreams come true but leaving without my own dreams coming true is not an option

for me! when I was homeless I survived by

havering food every day never letting the thought of death slip my mind even though things

were very bad. I was able to go to church music and funny talk shows kept me going. I never

went to jail thanks to watching cops and even though lawyers say you never talk to the police I

did it anyway And treated them with respect and saying yes officer and no officer and answering
questions and never had a problem. I never had a need for drugs never smoked anything thank

God for that.

what?? end oh chapter already?

well I do have a another story to share I was able to meet the undertaker a wwe star when I used
to work at Newark Airport this was when he was in the motorcycle outfit it was not the old

school undertaker and then on my birthday I was able to meet dawn Marie we almost did not

want to let go I almost wished that I ran away with her this was when there was the WWE

teamed restaurant and store was in times square sable was in playboy magazine I also love

romantic movies the love scans and the comedies . my fave things

fave foods
Mac and cheese
pasta chicken
ice cream fave flavor strawberry
love strawberries

fave drinks
mountain dew
Sara mist
build light for fave beer
coke and rum

fave TV shows
amen no longer on
the cosboy show

fave music
R and B old and new

HIP HOP old mostly some new ones
GOSPLE of all kinds

fave movies
some action AKA delta force independat day etc

Churches that I went to

new home church in Boston
park st church one of the only church that have a later service.

healing temple in broken off and on

in NJ

fellowship empowerment center

greater friendship church

delerverance temple

God's glory ministries

good naborhood

they helped me gave me the power to keep on going through the darkness thank God for them!

'' life is to be enjoyed '' pastor peter winsted

Don't count me out yet

my dating profile

my BIO

'' I want somebody to love me for me '' pastor peter winsted

''everyone is a minster '' apstol joy my dating profile

looking for a lady to make wife someday

are you the one?

hello ladies I am a scripo and I love to make you happy I like to entertain sing dance write

poems and songs maybe I will write one for you just wrote my very first book don't count me out
yet I do online radio shows on bbs radio comming back on in 2011 trying to get back into acting

looking to run for office in my new hometown of Boston in 2011 city council I am looking for a

lady who love to be passion it about her man as I am with a women I will be good to you I would
like to be more then friends please no more last prince standing I want to be happy y too.

I like movies music

for movies

beauty and the beast
all romance
all comedy

music R and B Hip Hop Rap ROCK the older rock think earlier linking park etc

gospel of all kinds

only one who want to be in a releatioonship need to answer this life is way too short on only

being just friends. will you be my princess?


Deshon Porter AKA Prince Big D

I was born on November 13 1973 in Newark NJ I was born vusalualy impaired but that did not

stop me form going after my dreams I graduated from Harry Moore high school in June of 1995

but the stupid thing is after 10 or more years they instersted my records! what?? so IA am trying
to get as much college in just to prove that I went to high school without getting a GED. I like to

act sing and write songs and poetry are my fave so this is the very first time that I ever wrote a

book. I produced my own TV show in Newark NJ tittled the Deshon porter show then the name
was change to the big d zone just incase I went on radio witch I did thanks to an experencenced

on the doghouse with JV and Elvis my love for want to do radio grew so I tried my first show on

blog talk radio then was on army radio with the doghouse army then went to my

first flagship station my goal for the show is to get it syindcated on a satlelight radio

mainstreem radio and staying on online radio but to get paid for havering fun. I also enjoyed

helping others with their shows as well I did the trish show in Montclair NJ and tyrone

jacksion's breakthrough also in Newark booth my show and tyrone shows was also aired in

Jersey City NJ I have preformed a poem at the theather at Madison square garden in NYC in

gospel fest in 2005 I was a featured extra in the indre film special needs the movie and I did a

poetry cd at the fellowship empowerment center and acted in if your depressed I am making a

run for Boston city council in 2011 never give up! never quit.

.chapter 5
A good choice that I made

A good choice can help you get out of a jam out of being poor out of the streets so in 2010 I made a good choice to do my very first internship but sometimes even in a good choice it can turn into a nightmare fast before I decided to finally finish this book my internship was a good experience it gave me something to have on my resume it gave me a chance to live in Floradia for a semester and I meet a lot of nice people along the way . but the con side of things this is where I have to tell the truth it is allot of rushing just to make it to work on time the buses are very slow you are on the road most of your time vistia way was a place I spent more time at other then my workplace the buses want to stay there anywhere from an hour to a halh hour and the driver leave the buses when they are full of people ! what? do not even think about getting sick you will get in trouble just for resting a cold for 5 days! found that out the hard way! they are very fast in giving repremands a disiplnary action for havering too ouch points if you are late for work a lot or lat from comming back from a break or just calling in too many times in a month! and I got two of them already as of this chapter! no good if I get two more then I must leave the internship! without revealing too much I do have some good stories to share and not to worry this time I now have a rainy day fund just incase I am forced out of my internship I am going to share booth the good and the bad stories that I have working and trying to live far from Boston so get ready couse here we go!

Well I got off the plane august 6 I was staying at the courtyard Marriott I love the Marriott! anyway I was almost a no go becouase I missed my flight! you see my flight was for that Friday at 7am! and at that time I was living overnights at Logan airport well you must be thinking if you are living overnight at the airport then how the hell did you missed your flight? easy simple answer! I overslepted at another terminal I usually sleep at terminal b they have rugs well my flight was in entertianment A opps! Della was in A and I was forced to sleep in B ! there was just hard floors in A it was 6:30am! I was in schooled I was about to miss my flight and my internship! but thank to the worker in Della they got me to a later flight it was for 11;30am I have learned from that nightmare no more morning flights for me! and to my internship I hate not being able to bring my own shampoo on airplanes! being homeless was not easy I had donated shampoo to was my hair given to me by my church in Boston park st church and the TSA would not let me take it with me there! I was forced to buy me a new shampoo when I got my first paycheck!!! man I hated that! my first job I worked in the kitchen at a restaurant at typhoon lagoon theam park but things there was unsafe I was eather making pizza or cookies I was even given a nickname by some of the cooks that saw me making cookies I was called the cookie man. I was late a lot for I was just trying to learn the bus route there and the F bus took me there the F bus was and is the slowest bus in the whole program! after work you are on the road for 1 her! through douwntoun Disney but staying there for a half hour then going to the post office then back to vista way man sometimes I thought I never get back home! I did have fun talking to the coworker or just singing the day away I hade no guest interactions there though that was the only thing that I did not like however I got an early transfer before the park was to close in October and for my disiblity they was going to transfer me to disney's Hollywood studios and I will be working in attractions witch I am now working at the time of writing this chapter. I am working at beauty and the beast I love the show and the work but it is very long hours and I am forced out in the mornings I hate mornings in college I never ever have a morning class I will not allow it! anyway I also work a show called fantastic so I used to only go there in the afternoon but when I have passed for beauty and the beast I found myself running to get to work by 10;45am only a few times I was suppose to be in by 11am ! now who ever say that they always get to work onetime that is a lie! everyone is late now and then. anyway let me tell you some good times that I have here at the Disney college program I was able to see my first Yankees game it was in Tampa I never seen a yannkies game when I lived in Newark NJ so when they announced it Jumped at the chance to go it was fun even though we did not get there till the start of the game missed the national anthem! oh man!! I love honoring the country! I have found a hid out to escape the bad days that I had on the job and on the road it was at a resort for the disney's vacation club called boardwalk the hotel have a sports person's heaven it have TV's that you can watch your fave team wile you are on vacation! and for everyone they have a arcade room where you can play video games and yes I have tried gator hero there! they have two night clubs one was jolly rolls it is a kereokie brand two guys havering some fun on the piano it is some great fun the other club is a dance floor and the DJ play music and their video man if I hade the money I live in Boston and in Disney world! well in a since I do I brought into the Disney vacation club and now can go back every year! I can even go to vagus never been but must go there once I also enjoyed going to the theam parks I even got a photo with a princess that I liked snow white! man I wish that I could put it in my book. there was a time in my job that I pick a princess for the beauty and the beast show the suprise that they get a rose at the end of the show well I picked one in October and that was my first letter for after the show every time that she saw me after that show she always greeted me with a hug ! another time I picked the princess she greeted me with a very warm simile and the next time I was working the diner package greeting and she came back and her mother said thank you again and she was dressed as a pi ret and she gave me that same warm smile! as late in October I walked the princess for her to get her rose I was only doing my job when the next thing that I knew her father said to me was she wanted to give me a kiss! I allowed her to and they told me that we at the show made her day! I love talking to all guest helping them enjoy the park and most time I get to sing happy birthday to the tune of beauty and the beast theam! one guest I sang the Indiana Jones theam and batman theam! and the guest love them all. I even sang myself to keep me up like I am drunk the next thing I knew someone was clapping for me what? I said. did not see that comming maybe the guest did not see that comming eather but they liked it.OK here are the bad times well let me back track on when I did this chapter I was helping a guest before a show to go to another show well to my surprise I saw them at boardwalk at the ESPEN CLUB they was watching the steelers game and I walked in we was surprised to see eather! they told me that I have gave them very good advise! what?? I gave someone good advise? so I hanged around with them a little bite till the game ended . I also helped out a damsel in distressed again this time it was my new friend shree she worked at a store at the hotel that I stayed at port Orleans riverside she had death in the family and I have gold for my savings plan to help me to get back to Boston well I am happy to report that I helped part of the way . and she got home and came back here ! ok sorry for getting off track you know that I hate talking about bad times and about that I got a fouturne cookie that said that faule is an opportunity in discise what?? I said did they read my book? ok here are the parts that I hate about working it is all about timing here and you can not be late even if you are held up in traffic or just learning the place now I did not get no reprimand until I got to Hollywood studios in other words the other mangers was more understanding at typhoon then at Hollywood and I was even written up from when the time that I was at typhoon to Hollywood WHAT?? I said but I did not know the buses and most of the time they was slow as hell! that was my first reprimand the second was the time that I stayed at port Orleans I got sick after I went out to the circus at douwntoun Disney it got cold that night fast when I got back to my room I was not felling well well I was in no way going to give no one my cold I am a kind person but was not given anyone my cold!The day that I left the hotel I found out that I had a bill so I wanted to pay it so that I may come back to there or another hotel well I hade a money order that I was saving for a rainy day well it was a bill that was a rainy day that day I wound up calling in to take care of the bill I hade to go to three stores till I at last went all the way to kiss me to my heros amscoct for cashing my money order at first I was told that pubic cashed money orders oh I did not tell you why I was in a jam that had me called out of work it was a large money order that the hotel was not allowed to cash! what? so pubic told me that they only cash there one money orders I WAS ON FIRE SAY WHAT?? BUT MY HOTEL TOLD ME YOU CAHS MONEY ORDERS I WAS HURT! then I went two 7 eleven stores the first one was next door to pubic on the other side of the street ! they said that I hade to come back on Monday but I hade to work on Monday! I was left crying in tears! there was only one guy at that store you think that everyone that work at 7 eleven knows how to do everything wrong! then I went to the very place that I brought that dam money order in the first place ! it is near vista way! but they said that I hade to go to the post office ! what? I was in pain! then I told the driver to show them that I was paying a lot of money just to cash a money order and to get back to the dam hotel! so after that ordeal we left and went to my only hope it was amscot that helped me out in a big way! they chased my money order!! yes!!! I said I would like to somehow like to thank the cab driver for not charging me a arm and a leg I wish I could rember his name so I can thank him in this book anyway he stayed with me the whole ordeal! I would have like to give him copy of this book. I would have no money to save up. bad times always happen with no money !
after that on the same weekend I called in sick and then went to the hospital in celebration FL I wanted to get medicen and a doctor's note to keep me from trouble wile I was there I was doing well getting treated and then what I saw next broke my heart see every time that I go to any hospital just to get well there is always something to go through for I was always by myself! and that Sunday night I saw a couple a man and a lady the man was the one hurt the women was with him! I was sad so I was freaking out and told a nurse that was in my view to close the cur ten please! for I came there by myself no wife no girlfriend and forced to talk to a lady frome the UK online the next day I was suppose to go back to work but my cold was very bad and was home for two more days well when I got back to work I was not greeted with did you get well ? no I was then greeted with my second reprimand! say WHAT? but I went to a hospital far from home and by my self no wife no close girlfriend! and still got written up for that my heart sank to the floor! I ask then what if I was in a accident and was in hospital for a month? I still would have gotten written up ! what? man! that killed my Disney happiness right then and there! I was so depressed that they did that I just wanted to finish my internship and run for office and be self employed! so I still went to work not forgetting those bad time threading to write about it in this book about my life well here it is! made good on that! made it to November so far but with another incident this time after working overtime they missed paying me the time that I worked October 22-26 they hade a dry run of trying to add a 6:45pm shows and guess what? I worked all of them! was I tired! then the week after that I worked 10hours! I was done! I got mad one
after that on the same weekend I called in sick and then went to the hospital in celebration FL I wanted to get medicen and a doctor's note to keep me from trouble wile I was there I was doing well getting treated and then what I saw next broke my heart see every time that I go to any hospital just to get well there is always something to go through for I was always by myself! and that Sunday night I saw a couple a man and a lady the man was the one hurt the women was with him! I was sad so I was freaking out and told a nurse that was in my view to close the cur ten please! for I came there by myself no wife no girlfriend and forced to talk to a lady frome the UK online the next day I was suppose to go back to work but my cold was very bad and was home for two more days well when I got back to work I was not greeted with did you get well ? no I was then greeted with my second reprimand! say WHAT? but I went to a hospital far from home and by my self no wife no close girlfriend! and still got written up for that my heart sank to the floor! I ask then what if I was in a accident and was in hospital for a month? I still would have gotten written up ! what? man! that killed my Disney happiness right then and there! I was so depressed that they did that I just wanted to finish my internship and run for office and be self employed! so I still went to work not forgetting those bad time threading to write about it in this book about my life well here it is! made good on that! made it to November so far but with another incident this time after working overtime they missed paying me the time that I worked October 22-26 they hade a dry run of trying to add a 6:45pm shows and guess what? I worked all of them! was I tired! then the week after that I worked 10hours! I was done! I got mad one
after that on the same weekend I called in sick and then went to the hospital in celebration FL I wanted to get medicen and a doctor's note to keep me from trouble wile I was there I was doing well getting treated and then what I saw next broke my heart see every time that I go to any hospital just to get well there is always something to go through for I was always by myself! and that Sunday night I saw a couple a man and a lady the man was the one hurt the women was with him! I was sad so I was freaking out and told a nurse that was in my view to close the curtin please! for I came there by myself no wife no girlfriend and forced to talk to a lady frome the UK online the next day I was suppose to go back to work but my cold was very bad and was home for two more days well when I got back to work I was not greeted with did you get well ? no I was then greeted with my second reprimand! say WHAT? but I went to a hospital far from home and by my self no wife no close girlfriend! and still got written up for that my heart sank to the floor! I ask then what if I was in a accident and was in hospital for a month? I still would have gotten written up ! what? man! that killed my Disney happiness right then and there! I was so depressed that they did that I just wanted to finish my internship and run for office and be self employed! so I still went to work not forgetting those bad time threading to write about it in this book about my life well here it is! made good on that! made it to November so far but with another incident this time after working overtime they missed paying me the time that I worked October 22-26 they hade a dry run of trying to add a 6:45pm shows and guess what? I worked all of them! was I tired! then the week after that I worked 10hours! I was done! I got mad one

Monday I hade to get the E bus to work but I took a C bus that was stooping at vista way and though that the E bus was still oh I was dead wrong! I missed it and the 10:25 bus was late even though I was going to be late again I got mad and did an about face and went back home after calling in on my cell phone still in costume! so no telling what is going to happen to me now but jut to make sure that I am ready when I am handed my fourth and fired reprimand I would be prepared with money that I can still live here in Orlando or kissimee just till january when I go home! I would not be disipointed that it did not work out for I was able to learn that havering a job was not for me I got to be my own boss and I would have some control even if the T made me late like it do everyday back home. well we are at the end of my story but I have a suprise for you! turn the page to find out !

extra story

this internship taught me to plan for the best and plan for the worse thought that I

would always have a good working record wrong! being late due to the buses and getting
sick is no fun at all when all you are trying to do is graduate from your program. believe

me getting stressed out was not supposed to be part of my internship this was suppose

to be my ticket back to work when I get back to Boston wrong! I will work part time till I

make enough money to be my own boss and still help other people I have another funny

moment at Disney I was working A show and my color was out in my shirt and a

manager told me that I was like Elvis was working st Disney I cracked up for the only

thing that was missing was the glasses and the side burn also I worked the firework

show that only there two nights a week and I worked strollers and I worked with the

rental and was putting one away the funny part was everything else was taken out but

the kids! I did not know until I moved it to the wall when all of a sudden I fealtit move

then I heard momy! it gave me a heart attack! I wanted to run away! they gave me free

freak show tickets ! update the guest booker that I told you that I liked is now seeing

someone else! ouch! that still hurts!

chapter 6

share your own story an interactive chapter!

yes it will be some blank pages but this is part of the them everyone have a story to share !

so make up your own story so not only you will read my book but I am letting you play

author and have a little fun with this book so go ahead think of what is going to

happened to me or start something new this is your own chapter in your own words

thoughts put in poems or songs this is your book you brought or I gave you as a gift so

have some fun with it ! tell your own story! for the ebook if you can print out the blank

pages you can write your own story.

again these pages are blank intentionally so that you can write your own story.

my wish

I wish that I have a normal marriage just like everyone else I do not like not havering a

girlfriend or if someone is too far away and can not see her like Joan my far away princess I

want to be with someone that I can see every night and every weekend escape with her and

make her happy if I make her happy then that would make me happy it would be a better TV

shows radio shows books and I would win more races with a lady by my side. ''behind every

good man there is a good woman'' unknown just wish I have my woman! and ladies I am a

winner and not a loser just a few dates with me and you will be so very happy with me.

Now it is your turn! write your own story!! you may print out the blank pages to help you out.

good luck and God bless.

some info about how to reach me for single ladys or for interview on shows

well ladies now you know something about me and for thoughts that are going through

the same thing or worse never ever give up on your dreams . if you want to reach mefor

ladies who want to ask me out or for interviews on radio and TV shows

my info is my

cell phone 862-220-3419 for dates and interview request only or if you want to be on

the Big D zone on

My campaign web site is trying to win my first primary to go on to

the main election for Boston's city council

I still have ties to tyrone Jacksons breakthrough if you want to be on the show and if you can get
to Newark NJ he will give you copy of the show.

email is the best way to reach me

I am on facebook as well

my name there is

Deshon porter

every one have a story to share in there

own way am I the last of the prince

charming? I got out of deep provietry and
homelessness and still am unable to find

love this is a way for me to share my story

with single ladies and for those who want

to be inspired to dream again to have

hope again even when you are douwn and

out. you are never to be counted out you

have work to do.

thank you so much for reading my very first book! now go and share your own story and have

some fun!!! now it is time to party!!!!ya! first ebook is done!

don't count me out yet!

Ladies now you have meet the man of your dreams! I know that this is very strange of

me to do this in a book but will you go out with me? let me show you the prince in me

the man in me! you will be very happy that you did! to the under dogs those who are

douwn and out I hope that you see why you should never ever give up on life even

though times are rough and it looks like you will never get out of it hold on! keep

hanging on do whatever in life make you very happy we got so much work to do. we can

all do this thing called life!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.12.2010

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