

Sarah just looked on in horror. The loud honk, and then the sickening thud, as the bright red spots car smashed into her best friend. Sarah had been shoved out of the way by her just in time. The girl stopped moving, after rolling for a few minuets. The man in the sports car, from what Sarah could tell, was grinning. He walked up to the girl, kicked her once, chuckled, smiled at Sarah, and went back into his car and drove away. All this seemed very strange to Sarah, but it really didn’t register at that point. All emotions and thought processes had left her, except for shock, pain, and sadness.
Someone who saw the whole thing rushed over to Sarah, asking her if she was okay. Sarah didn’t really hear him; she didn’t register anyone rocking her back and forth either. She just stared at her body, the body of her best friend, as it lay there motionlessly.
‘This cant be true’ she kept telling herself, over and over in her mind. Suddenly her body started shaking, and finally tears began to streak down her face. She felt cold and alone. The police had arrived by now, and were trying to question her, but she didn’t respond to them either. She just kept thinking back, to earlier that day, when she and Kristen, the girl who now lay motionless, had argued over someone. They had gone on not speaking to each other all the way home. Then, out of no where, Kristen had pushed Sarah out of the way, saving her life by sacrificing her own. She just didn’t understand, why would she do something like that when the last words Sarah had said to her were “I hate you!”
The police realized that Sarah wasn’t responding well, and one of them pick up her weak body and carried her over to one of the ambulances waiting. Sarah was still watching the spot where Kristen’s body had lied. She wished she could take back every harsh word she had said that morning. She felt so guilty, blaming this on herself because she was the one making all the accusation against Kristen. Kristen just took them all, all the harsh words said, and the dirty things she had claimed Kristen had done. She realized now that Kristen would never have done any of those things, not to her best friend.
Sarah cried so hard she eventually passed out from exhaustion.
* * * * *

“Once he starts, he’ll not stop. He has an army of thousands of demons on his side. Almost all of them are able to hide themselves among the living. He’s a very powerful person, and you, my dear, are probably the destined to destroy him.” And man in a white trench coat spun around behind his desk, facing a young girl sitting on a small stool.
“So, that’s why I was brought here. They said I was something special at the gates.” She grinned. “I’m part of a prophecy.” She looked him over. He had a strong face, with stern ice blue eyes and slicked back black hair. If it weren’t for the pure white wings on his back the girl would have mistaken him for a demon as well. The man nodded his head.
“Yes. You are destined to become a Guardian’s Angel. I can sense the power flowing through you as we speak. I know you don’t yet know how to use it, but you will understand one day. Of course you’ll need to pick the right partner, able to help you unlock those powers.” He said, speaking in riddles. The girl seemed confused.
“So, I really am dead.” She sighed. The man nodded his head once again.
“And because of the deed you did, you will be even more powerful that you were destined to be, as long as you chose the correct partner.” He smiled.
“Partner? What kind of partner?” She leaned over.
“A living partner, one that can sense spirits and see demons. This partner is very crucial to your mission.” He crossed his arms. “I have a list of people in your area who could possibly be it, but I do not fully believe all the people on the list are the right candidates. I trust you to make that decision.” He pulled a sheet of paper off the desk. The girl took it and looked it over. It had names of people, how long they had either been practicing with their powers of spirits, or have known they have it. There was one name at the bottom of the list that really stuck out to her.
“I want this one.” She said, handing the paper back, pointing to the last name on the list. The man looked at it, and started to laugh.
“This one! This one doesn’t even know she has the power to see spirits or demons yet! Though her spirit itself feels very strong, that’s why she’s on the list in the first place. I’m sure one day in the future she may make a better candidate, but wouldn’t you rather have a more experienced person?” He said, pointing to a few names at the top. The girl shook her head.
“I am no more experienced at this than that name at the bottom of the list. I don’t want some old guy bossing me around telling me what I’m doing wrong. That wouldn’t be any fun now would it.” She smiled. The man turned to her with an evil look.
“You think this is fun! This is the end of the world we are juggling with here! And you are going trust a completely inexperienced person to help you?” The man said, anger welled up in his voice. The girl just grinned and sat back on her stool.
“Isn’t that what you are doing now? Didn’t I just arrive here a few hours ago, and I’m already in charge of saving the world? How ironic is that.” She smiled as she saw a vein in his forehead pulse. Then as the thought process finished, he started to laugh.
“You are so right! You have to be the chosen one to be so unafraid like this. All Guardian’s Angels know from the minute they see the list who their partners should be, it’s always been like that, why should I expect anything different from you.” He laughed more, which made the girl smiled. “The girl you picked though, I have a feeling you already know her.” He gave her a quizzical look.
“Yes, I do. We had, actually, still have, a special bond together. She is the only one that I know of who will visit my grave constantly, who would care enough, besides my parents that is.” The man chuckled a bit, and then sighed.
“All right then. I’m sending you off to basic training. Being a Guardian’s Angel is hard work. You wont learn everything there, but you will learn enough to get you started to developing things on your own, and give you enough knowledge to protect your partner from harm till she accepts her own powers inside of her.” He waved the girl away, still laughing. The girl got up and headed for the door. The man stopped her once again.
“Oh, and from now on, go by the name Crystal. Only let your partner know your true identity.” The girl nodded her head at this.
“I’m sure I wont have to tell her.”

Chapter 1

It had been almost a month since the accident, or what looked to be an accident. Sarah was starting to doubt about whether the whole thing was an accident or not, especially after watching that man grin as he kicked her. There was something about that man she didn’t like. She shook the thought from her head as the warning bell for first classes rang throughout the courtyard.
She gathered her things and headed for her first class, Pr-Calculus. Kristen had always been good at math, and she always helped Sarah when she was struggling. With Kristen gone, not only have Sarah’s math grades slipped, but almost all her grades had. She just couldn’t focus anymore. She tried so hard, but she just couldn’t understand things anymore like she use to. It was like something in her brain had shifted after the accident. Her mother had thought about putting her on anti-depressants, but Sarah refused. She wanted to get over Kristen her own way, even if it took the rest of her life.
The kids at school had all gotten over Kristen’s death weeks ago. She wasn’t a very popular person in school, always causing trouble with the bullies. She liked to rough them up a bit, start a few fights here and there. But Sarah knew the more gentile, caring side of Kristen. She knew she never started a fight unless there was a reason, or she was defending someone. A lot of times it was Kristen standing up for Sarah, who had stumbled into a bad situation. That’s how they had become best friends. Though they were completely opposite of each other personality wise, they got along so well.
As she was heading for the front door of the school, she felt something odd behind her and turned around and looked. Standing there was the guy in the red sports car. He was smiling and waving at Sarah. Sarah went bleach white. She wanted to scream and curse, but nothing came out of her mouth. All she could do was stare.
“Sarah! Sarah! What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Another friend of her came over, shaking Sarah’s stiff body. Sarah blinked, and the guy and the car were gone.
“Cass, did you just see a red sports car over there?” Sarah asked, pulling herself out of the girls grip. Cass turned around and looked at the spot where Sarah had been pointing and staring.
“Uh, no. No one is allowed to park there remember.” Cass said, a bit confused.
“But, I just saw…” Sarah rubbed her eyes, but the car didn’t come back.
“I think you are starting to hallucinate. Is this the same red sports car that no one saw at the accident?” Sarah nodded her head. Cass sighed.
“Everyone knows the attack was a hit and run, but no one remembers seeing a red sports car do it! Have you been sleeping at night?” She asked. Sarah shook her head no.
“I can’t, I keep having the nightmares about the accident. They wont go away.” Sarah looked away. “And I keep getting these feelings that I’m being watched all the time. Sleep doesn’t come easy.”
“Maybe you should go to the nurse and lie down for a few minutes. I’ll cover for you in class.” Cass suggested. Sarah nodded, holding her head in her hand. She had a slight head ache forming. Cass walked her to the nurses office, where the nurse, Mrs. Kiline, was grateful to see her. Cass explained what had happened while pushing Sarah off to one of the beds in the back of the room. Sarah was just in a daze at this point. She swore she had seen that red car just now, and at the accident. Other people who saw the accident had said it was a black car going so fast no one could get the license plates. Sarah had been confused since then, since she saw the man stop and get out of his car and kick Kristen, she knows that actually happened.
“Sarah, how about some Tylenol? Would that help you?” Mrs. Kiline walked over with a bottle in her hand. She had just sent Cass off with a note to tell Sarah’s first period teacher where she was. Sarah sat down slowly, looking up at the nurse.
“You think I’m crazy too don’t you?” She asked right out. Mrs. Kiline just smiled, and poured out some of the small pills.
“No, I believe you. I saw it there this morning as well. Take these.” She handed Sarah the pills along with a glass of water. Sarah looked at Mrs. Kiline with a puzzled look, wondering if she was telling the truth, or making something up to make her feel better. It didn’t matter that much though, she knew what she saw was real to her.
“Thank you.” Sarah took the medication, and then a sleeping pill, and got a long, almost dreamless sleep.
The dreams she did have, were about Kristen. Past images of when they were little kids. How they would play together all the time and Kristen would take on a whole different attitude when she was only with Sarah. The images were so happy, nothing like the nightmares she had been having over and over again.
“Sarah? Sarah are you okay?” Mrs. Kiline shook her awake. Sarah jumped up, startled to be awaken by such force. She felt her face was wet.
“You were crying, I though you might be in pain?” She said, extra cautious. Sarah wiped her face, finding lots of cold, and dried up tears mixed with the warm ones that were still coming out of her eyes. Sarah started laughing.
“No. I was having a good dream this time. Back when Kristen and I were little kids playing together.” Sarah choked on her tears, as more started to come out as she thought of it. Mrs. Kiline smiled, relaxing a bit. She rested her hands on Sarah’s shoulder.
“I believe you will see Kristen again. Things are changing for you, and you must be strong and accept them.” She was speaking in riddles, and it was making Sarah’s head hurt again.
“I can’t see Kristen again. She’s dead!” Sarah growled, mostly out of confusion. The nurse just grinned, patted her on the shoulder and walked over to her desk. Sarah watched her, as she wiped her face clear of the tears.
“You’re free to go, when ever you feel well enough, but you basically slept the whole day.” She called from her desk. Sarah got up slowly, and her legs felt a bit week. Holding on to the wall, she slowly made her way to the door. She took one look back at Mrs. Kiline, who looked up and smiled, then went back to her paper work. Shaking her head, she thought she saw someone else standing behind Mrs. Kiline, but then the image was gone. Thinking she was hallucinating again, she exited the room.
“Ah! There you are. I was just coming to check up on you.” Cass appeared next to Sarah. She jumped, a bit startled.
“Sheesh, you scared me!” Sarah said, breathing heavily. Cass laughed.
“Looks like you got some rest. That’s good. What do you have planned for tonight, its Friday?” She asked. Sarah thought for a second, then looked at Cass with sorrow in her eyes.
“It’s Friday, I’m going to visit Kristen’s grave for a while.” She answered.
“Oh yeah, that’s what you always do on Friday nights. You know, you should come to the club with us. Its teen night tonight and I’m sure it’ll help clear your mind for a while.” Cass suggested. Sarah politely shook her head.
“No. I really want to go to the grave.” With that Sarah turned and headed for her locker, not even waiting for Cass to come up with a come back.

Chapter 2

The graveyard was across town. Sarah walked there by herself after school, since it was easier to reach from there rather than from her house. Once she was there, looking around she tried to picture the map in her mind that led to Kristen’s grave. It was somewhere in the back, because of the way the graveyard was set up, only rich, important families had the front lots with the over extraordinary gravestones. Kristen’s family hadn’t been that well off to begin with, and now with her death, her parents had split up and moved away, leaving Kristen’s grave in her care.
Sarah sighed, looking at the small handful of flowers in her hands. Each time they seemed to be getting smaller and smaller, only because she was running low on money to buy flowers with, and her mother didn’t feel the need to give her anymore. This small bouquet was pick from wild flowers on her way over. She felt bad, for being so cheap, but she knew Kristen would understand.
Walking through the grave yard today though, she felt it had a different atmosphere. Like there were people all around her, watching her, but she couldn’t see them. The idea of being watched gave her creeps. She shrugged it off and headed towards the back. She reached Kristen’s gave and saw that it was covered in grass clippings. Sighing, she proceeded to brush them off, passing her hand over the carving of her name slowly.
Then, she felt it again, a warm yet cold presence. Sarah jumped to her feet and looked around, but there was no one else in the garden but herself and a maintenance guy way on the other side of the graveyard, clumsily cutting the grass. She took one harder look around, trying to see if there was anyone else there, which she really thought there was. She shook the thought out of her head, thinking she was just imagining things again.
Sarah turned back around and placed the wild flowers onto the grave, and proceeded to go into a small prayer. The warmer presence was felt again, and this time she thought it was right next to her, but Sarah didn’t want to open her eyes to see who it was.
“You know, I really prefer Roses than Dandelions.” A voice said. The voice seemed too familiar to Sarah that she snapped her eyes open. In front of her, she saw an all too familiar black boot, just floating at eye level from her kneeling position. Sarah didn’t know what scared her more, the fact that it was floating, or the fact that it had talked.
“Ahh!” Sarah yelled, jumping backwards and landing on her butt. From further away she could see that the boot was in fact attached to a person. She was floating in a sitting position, with one leg resting on top of her knee. Ripped baggy jeans led up to a tight white sleeveless t-shirt. Her arms were crossed in a menacing way, but when Sarah got up to the face, the person was smiling, but it was more like a grin. She had long, beautiful blond hair that shined in the sunlight, and her eyes were the deepest blue you could imagine.
“It can’t be!” Sarah squeaked. She was wide eyed, scared out of her wits.
“Oh, yes it can be. What surprises me the most is that you can see me clearly now.” She stood on the ground, making Sarah a little more comfortable.
“But, you’re supposed to be dead! How can you be standing in front of me?”
“Very simple, I’m an Angel.” She grinned. Sarah just stared at her, completely confused. The girl laughed.
“I figured you wouldn’t believe me. They warned me too.” She took a seat on the ground. “Let’s see, how do I do that again?” She closed her eyes. She looked like she was concentrating on something. Her body glowed a shade of yellow, and then wings magically sprouted from her back. Beautiful, pure snow white, feathered angel wings. Sarah gasped in awe. They were so beautiful, so pure, that they could only have come from a true angel or spirit.
“Who are you?” Sarah asked, backing up more. The girl looked at her funny, while stretching her wings out.
“You really don’t recognize me? That’s odd, I didn’t think my appearance changed that much.” She sighed. “Maybe it’s because I’m not wearing my leather jacket.” She thought out loud. She looked at Sarah over quickly.
“You are defiantly Sarah Lincon though. Short black hair, emerald green eyes, and has a stuffed teddy bear collection that she’s afraid to let people know about. Hidden in your closet, upper-left side I believe was last months hiding spot?” She grinned. Sarah almost fainted.
“But, you are supposed to be dead? How are you here?” She asked.
“I am dead. Note the wings stupid.” She flapped them again, creating a small gust that Sarah actually felt, but didn’t see the grass move from it. “I’ve picked you to be my partner as a Guardian’s Angel.” She smiled. Sarah looked at her puzzled.
“So you really are Kristen?” She asked, just blurting it out. The angel nodded her head. Sarah rubbed her eyes and shook her head back and forth. She then opened them slowly again, but the Angel was still there.
“I’m still dreaming back in the nurses office, that’s what is going on.” Sarah laughed, smacking herself in the face, trying to wake herself up. Kristen rolled her eyes.
“Have you started to see things that other people couldn’t see?” She asked. Sarah stopped, startled by the question. She looked Kristen in the eyes.
“Yes. I have actually. A couple by the parking lot of McDonald’s, and this guy in a red sports car. I thought I saw someone in the nurses office today too. But I swear they weren’t there when I walked in.” She paused. “I’m crazy! I’m just completely and totally crazy!” She began hitting herself in the head. Kristen just laughed.
“You’re not crazy, about this stuff I mean. You were always a bit crazy.” Sarah just kept staring at her. “I know I used to laugh at you about when you told me you would see people out of the corner of your eyes, or felt someone watching you. But now I understand what was going on with you.” Kristen looked puzzled when she paused. “Are my wings bothering you? I can make them go away again.” She asked. With that though, she closed her eyes and concentrated again. Her body glowed, and the wings disappeared. Sarah kept staring.
“Oh, you’ll get use to it. It’ll go faster once I practice more.” She laughed again.
“Why can I see you?” Sarah asked again.
“Because, you are what they call a Guardian. Someone who can see Spirits, Angels, and Demons. I am officially a Guardian’s Angel; an Angel assigned to a Guardian to protect them and help keep Demons from taking over the living world. It also means I have special powers too.” Kristen grinned at this part. Sarah just blinked, completely confused.
“Let’s just say, you’re stuck with me for a while.”
“Wait, I can see ghosts?” Sarah asked, backing up the conversation a bit.
“Spirits as they call them, yes. Angels and Demons too. It’s something you’re born with, but doesn’t really show itself till your old enough to handle it. You powers actually matured way before they were supposed to, according to that old guy that told me stuff. That's why you always felt like someone was watching you.” Kristen explained. Without the wings, Sarah was feeling a bit more comfortable around Kristen, almost to the point where she felt she was just hanging out with her again.
“So, do I have special powers too?” Sarah asked, looking at her hands. Kristen nodded her head.
“Yeah, you do, but I don’t know how they work. We either have to find another Guardian, or you have to figure it out on your own. There is still a lot about my powers I have no clue about. They gave me basic training and sent me back to the living world, as they call it. I know just enough to keep minor demons at bay.” She sighed.
“Wait, demons might attack me?” Sarah sounded scared. Kristen nodded her head.
“They tend to attack anyone who can see them I guess. That’s why a Guardian is never without training or an Angel, or so they told me. If it wasn’t me, you would eventually have been assigned an Angel anyways.” Kristen shrugged her shoulders. “There are some Guardians that don’t have Angels, but they are very skilled with their powers and don’t need extra support of an Angel. They are very rare around here at least.” Kristen started to float again, lying down as she did it. Sarah just stared. Then she shook her head back and forth.
“Why does all this bad stuff happen to me? First I loose you to that stupid red car no one can see, and now I’m going to get attack by demons. What’s next, I’m going to be able to walk through walls and shoot magical beams from my finger tips?” Sarah got up to leave, throwing her hands up in defeat. “This is just too weird for me!” She started to head for the gate.
“Sarah wait! I need to give you something!” Kristen called. Sarah stopped in her tracks. Kristen never gave her anything, was this some joke. She turned around to see a small choker necklace with a crystal jewel on it.
“I know it’s not really your style, but please wear it. That way I can always know where you are, and you can call me if you get into trouble.” Kristen floated over and placed the necklace in Sarah’s hands. Sarah stared at it, baffled by the jewels beauty.
“I know this is all hard to take in, but please, just think about it for a little while. I’m still the same Kristen you grew up with, except I’m kind of dead. But, being dead does have its perks.” Kristen smiled. Sarah looked into Kristen’s blue eyes, and she started to cry.
“This is all my fault. If only I had been paying attention to where I was going instead of being mad at you. I’m so sorry! I take back everything I ever said to you that day. I had no right to accuse you; I had no evidence of anything, except rumors.” Sarah fell to her knees, head in her hands. Kristen landed on the ground, kneeling next to Sarah. She hugged Sarah around the shoulders.
“Your body, its so warm Kristen.” Sarah said a bit shocked. “Aren’t dead things supposed to be cold?” Kristen didn’t answer. Sarah looked up and saw that Kristen had disappeared, and it was nothing but the sun warming her body.

Chapter 3

Yawning, Sarah pulled the sheets off her tired body and climbed out of her warm cozy bed. Yesterday’s activities had kept her up all night, so she had barely gotten to sleep when her alarm went off. Her hair was a mess, and her eyes were slightly red from crying in her sleep. She was starting to think everything was a bad dream. Looking around, she saw the necklace Kristen had given her sitting on her nightstand. She picked it up gently, seeing that it was more like a choker, with heavenly soft leather. In the center of the necklace was what seemed to be a jewel made of pure crystal. It was circular, and shined off all the light in her room. It was so beautiful Sarah couldn’t take her eyes off it. She unlatched it and tied it around her neck. The leather felt natural against her neck. She closed her eyes and then opened them slowly, and saw someone standing outside her window. She shook her head and the person wasn’t there when she looked again. Sarah shrugged and blamed it on lack of sleep.
She gathered her things and headed down to the kitchen. Both her parents were in business, so she was left alone a lot on the weekends. It used to be the perfect time for her and Kristen to just hang out at her house. Sarah shook her head; she had been thinking about Kristen way to much. She noticed a note on the table and picked it up.
“Sarah dear, we wont be home for dinner tonight. We left you some take-out money in the normal place. Please try to do something fun today.” She read it out loud. She sighed and looked in the cookie jar. There sat twenty dollars like every other weekend lately. Pizza for dinner again, cheese and sausage, which made her slightly chuckle. The man who ran the local Pizza Parlor knew her order by heart and already had one made when she would call. Sarah placed the money in her pocket and proceeded to make herself a bowl of cereal, cutting fresh bananas into it.
After contemplating what she could possibly do today over a second bowl of cereal, she decided that a simple walk around town would be useful to clear her mind of everything that had happened.
The town she lived in, though not very big, contained a fairly decent sized suburb area where she lived that was only a couple blocks down from a small shopping district; all in walking distance of course.
Mid-day Saturday was a prime time to see people from outside the town window shopping and just being amazed at all the home made jewelry and the fresh smelling baked goods. Sarah’s nose picked up on a new smell coming from the bakery, and that dragged her over that way.
“Hey, Sarah! Parents not home again?” Cass yelled from behind the counter as Sarah walked in. Cass worked at the Bakery on the weekends to get some extra cash for her bad partying habits.
“Yeah basically, they are both supposed to be going to Hong Kong in the next couple of weeks. They have been doing a lot of extra hours on the weekends to prepare.” Sarah took a seat at one of the small table as Cass brought out a tray of butter biscuits and sat down next to her.
“Love the new choker! Where did you get that? Is it diamond?!” Cass asked, getting a closer look at Sarah’s necklace. Sarah looked at her funny and then remembered the necklace.
“Oh, this thing, I um…” she paused for a moment. Sarah didn’t believe that Cass would really believe her if she said where she really got it. “…found it in my mom’s closet. She had a box of old stuff and I asked her about them and she said I could have them.” Sarah made up. She felt bad for lying to her friend, but telling her that she saw Kristen and she was an angel and all that other stuff that had happened yesterday just didn’t seem like the right idea, she was still having a hard time believing it herself.
“Wow, it’s gorgeous. If you have any more of those could you send one my way!” Cass laughed picking up a biscuit. Sarah bit into one too, savoring its flavor. There was a slight hint of garlic, which meant that Cass had made these herself. She had the best recipe for a garlic butter spread that was so subtle in its garlic flavor, but still had enough flavor to realize it was garlic bread.
“These are as good as always Cass. My mom is still after you for this recipe.” Sarah laughed.
“Well then she’ll have to get it from me in the after life because I’m taking it to my grave!” Cass grinned, proud of herself. She left the tray on the table and then went back to help some costumers. Sarah turned her biscuit over in her hand and just looked at it. Her mind was drifting again. She looked out the window and just watched the people walking by. She reached up and touched the crystal around her neck. It was so smooth and polished, and also had a radiating feel to it, like it should have been glowing.
“Hey, thanks for the food, I’m gonna get going now.” Sarah snapped out of her daze and got up out of her chair. Cass waved but didn’t say anything because she was attending to another customer. Sarah found herself just wandering around on the street again, feeling like she had a destination even though she knew she didn’t. Turn after turn she just kept following this feeling in the back of her mind. Something made her speed up her pace, like something was wrong. She turned one last corner and found herself in front of a small park. There were a couple kids playing on the jungle gym, their parents chatting with each other and keeping one eye on the kids.
Sarah put her hands in her pockets and walked around a bit. She came over to the swing set, and took a seat in a vacant swing. She kept looking around and her attention came on the kids. There was something off a bit about the situation. There were three moms sitting on the bench, but four kids playing in the sand pit. There could be more than one kid to one of the parents, but one seemed to stick out. She looked pale and almost sickly, yet she was happily waiting in line to go up the slide. Looking at the other kids, she could see resemblances to each of the mothers, except that one. Sarah shook her head quickly as something in the back of her mind urged her to go forward. She got up and wandered over to the mothers.
“Hello. I was just wondering if you guys knew who that kid is?” Sarah asked them. They all proceeded to point out which child was there’s and told little stories that would end up embarrassing those kids in the future. Sarah thanked the ladies, who didn’t even mention the fourth kid at all. She didn’t bother pursuing it though; she’d been laughed at enough about seeing things that weren’t there. As she walked away though, something came into her mind. She remembered something Kristen had said about ghosts, or spirits as she called them, living normally among people. She spun back around and saw the girl just looking at her. The eyes were sad, but full of understanding. She turned around and headed back into the wood.
Sarah quickly turned around and followed the girl into the woods. The women watched Sarah go, but shrugged it off and continued talking. Sarah had to jog slightly to keep up with the little girl. They were going deeper into the woods in the park. Sarah didn’t remember the trees being this thick or the park going this far back. She should have hit a fence on the other side by now. She was starting to get a more nervous feeling, like one of danger.
She turned around another tree and came into a clearing, where she saw the little girl sitting out in the middle of it. Closer examination showed that she was playing with a doll. Sarah walked up to her slowly and squatted down next to the girl.
“Hi there, my name is Sarah what’s yours?” She asked, ignoring the feeling in the back of her mind. The girl slowly turned and looked up at Sarah. Sarah jumped back a bit in surprise. The girls eyes were now a golden yellow, and her smile produced a small set of fangs.
“Sarah Lincon, I’ve been waiting for you.” A voice came out of the trees. Sarah instantly jumped up to her feet and spun around, looking for the source of the voice. At this point it seemed to have gotten darker, but out of the corner of her eye she could see something glowing on her neck. She reached up and touched the necklace, and could get it at an angle where she could see the stone glowing.
Something entered the clearing that made all the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She turned around slowly and saw a man, about five feet nine inches tall, deep blood red eyes, dressed in a black suit, and had slick backed white hair. The little girl had turned into a teenaged girl dressed in tight white pants and a tube top. Her smile revealed vampire like fangs, and her long flowing white hair was carefully tossed around as she hung on the man.
Sarah looked at the man more closely, and her eyes got wide in horror.
“You… You were the man in the car!” Sarah gasped.

Chapter 4

“I see your powers are developing nicely, since you could see my dear friend here.” The man chuckled a little. Then he spat on the ground in anger. “You should have died that day one month ago, I can't believe that human jumped in my way!” He growled. “I have no had another perfect opportunity since then to finish the job!” Sarah was backing away at this point and accidentally tripped over a root, sending her tumbling backwards.
“I’m guessing you know there's something special about you now.” His grin sent chills down Sarah’s spine as he got closer and closer. “We demons don’t care for you type of humans all that much. Always stepping in and messing up our plans.” He stepped closer. Sarah reached up and grasped the jewel on her necklace, closed her eyes and prayed for everything to just disappear, for someone to help her.
“You know, you should call me BEFORE you get into trouble sometimes.” A voice called to her, and a quick flash of bright light caused Sarah to open her eyes to see what was going on.
“Dammit! She has an Angel already! I thought she wasn't of age yet!” Sarah saw the man jump back. Looking up to her left, Kristen was there, hovering with a slight white glow to her in the darkening woods. The familiar black boots landed next to her, crunching the leaves beneath it. Her wings folded gently behind her as she landed and her hands started glowing slightly with an almost warm white light.
“So, which one of these guys to I get to take out first?” Kristen smiled down at Sarah. Sarah was just staring, completely confused at how she had got there.
“I haven’t seen you before, and I know all the Angels in this area. Who are you!?” The demon demanded. Kristen turned her attention back to the demon who was looking a little paler than before.
“The name is Crystal, and I would learn to fear it ass hole if you are gonna be picking on my Sarah here.” She said in a tone that made Sarah grin. It was the same way she would address all the bullies she took on before beating them up. Kristen cracked her knuckles loudly, and Sarah suddenly felt nostalgic at the sound, felling safe again in the shadow of her best friend.
“Crystal is it? Fine, I’ll let Shinthia deal with you. But know this, I’m keeping my eye on you Sarah Lincon!” He clapped his hand and disappeared before Sarah’s eyes. The woman who was standing next to him began to stretch.
“Such a newbie angel for not fearing me at the moment. I am one of Master’s favorites.” She grinned. Crystal just rolled her eyes and then snapped her fingers. Out of thin air a glowing sword appeared and Crystal grabbed onto the hilt as it fell in front of her. It was a very basic medium length broadsword with a hand and a half handle and a simple curved gold hilt.
She didn’t even wait for an invitation, just charged at the woman with almost impossible speed. The vampire demon hissed and jumped back just as Crystal slammed her sword into that spot. The ground exploded from the impact, sending debris flying everywhere.
“I missed? How unlike me.” Crystal teased, wiping a bit of dirt off her face. The demon looked a bit more afraid now. She had never seen a beginning Angel with this much power before. She looked around for a possible opening, and saw one as Sarah. She disappeared and reappeared behind Sarah, grabbing her around the neck. Crystal froze up.
“Try anything funny and I take your Guardians head off!” She growled. Sarah started to shake in fear. The demons skin was very cold to the touch, and when it touched a fiery pain shot through her skull. Crystal let go of her sword, which as it fell disappeared into thin air.
“Don’t hurt her! She hasn’t done anything to you!” Crystal threatened, but didn’t take a step forwards, afraid of the demons threat more. The demon laughed and pulled her arm around Sarah’s neck tighter. Sarah gagged and started to have a hard time breathing.
“My master wants her dead, so maybe I’ll just skip straight to that part and take care of you afterwords.”
Sarah started to see stars as the lack of oxygen started to get to her brain. She was afraid she was going to pass out soon. Crystal could see it happening in Sarah’s face, but was still afraid to take a step forward. Just as she was about to black out, Sarah heard in her mind a jumble of words. They made no sense to her at all, but she had this strong feeling that she should yell them out loud. As she started to utter the first word, her body began to glow with the same white light that surrounded Crystal. The demon looked down, surprised. As she finished the last word a large shock wave of energy seem to explode from Sarah’s body, sending the demon flying back into a tree behind them. Sarah’s body continued to glow, but it seemed that the energy now condensed around her, creating a shield. Crystal took this advantage and called back her sword. She jumped over to where the demon lay and drew her sword back, ready to stab her through the heart.
“Dammit! How did she know how to cast a shield spell! I’m out of here!” The demon yelled, and then vanished in a flash of black smoke, just as Crystal brought her sword down. It stuck into the tree where the demons body had just been, shattering the bark and leaving a huge gash. Soon the area became fuzzy, and as Sarah blinked their surroundings changed.
“What just happened?” Sarah looked at Crystal, completely confused. Crystal just looked around, concern still across her face.
“She gave up way to easily.” Was all she said. She pulled her sword back out, then had it vanish. Walking back over to Sarah, the scenery finally fell into place. Sarah was just on the border of the park where she had started following the little girl into the woods. Looking around, she still saw all the kids playing happily, as if nothing had happened.
“We were in an alternate plain. Sometimes demons set them up if they have personal goals. Other than that I don’t know why they do it. We seemed to have returned though as soon as that idiot left.” Crystal explained. Sarah looked over at the tree which Crystal had hit, it was completely normal again, as well as the ground around them. Crystal reached Sarah at this point, and held out her hand to help her off the ground. Sarah took it, and realized how cold her hand was, but it was solid.
“Let’s go back to your place where I can explain a few things.” She instructed. Sarah just nodded her head and headed down the road. Crystal walked next to her, not wanting to let her out of her sight this time.
Leaving the park and entering the busy downtown area, Sarah became nervous.
“Are you sure no one else can see you?”
“Not unless they have a sixth sense or have the powers you do. Most people will just have a feeling of someone being there, but nothing more. People are only looking over here because it seems to them that your talking to yourself.” Crystal laughed. Sarah still gave a few people backward glances, being really nervous someone would see Crystal. The walk back to Sarah's house seemed to go on forever. Sarah kept quiet the whole time after realizing she was the one causing everyone to look at her funny. She had so many questions to ask, but was also still really shaken up by what had just happened.
When they left the shopping district and were just about to walk onto the block that Sarah lived on did Kristen realize someone was following them. Looking down she saw Sarah was too lost in thought to notice it. She spun around and saw a cat walking along the sidewalk. Crystal stared it down, and noticed its eyes flash yellow just as it leaped towards Sarah. Crystal pulled out her sword and intercepted the cat before it landed on Sarah.
“I knew you gave up to easily!” Crystal yelled as she flung the cat back into the street. It transformed as it landed back into the demon Shinthia. She stood there laughing. Sarah froze as she heard the laughing, a cold chill went straight down her spine. She slowly turned around to see the demon staring at her again with those glowing yellow eyes. Crystal stood in-between them at this point, trying to shield Sarah from her view.
“You may have got the jump on me last time, stupid Angel, but you wont surprise me this time. I'm ready for you!” She snapped her fingers and the world around them distorted a little. She now held a thorn whip in her right hand, and a claw-like hand shield in the other. Crystal gritted her teeth in fear. She knew surprise had been her best advantage last time, and a high ranking demon like this she had no chance against one on one just yet, not with how little she knew. Looking back at Sarah, seeing her frozen in fear like that, she knew that she wouldn't remember or even be able to recite the spell she had used last time to free herself. This was going to be all on her.
“Your guardian doesn't look like she’s doing so well over there does she.” The demon laughed. “Don't worry; I'll free her from her suffering soon enough.” She charged forward, lashing out with the whip. She caught Crystal’s sword with the whip and yanked it out of the angel’s hands. Crystal felt completely helpless as it was tossed to the other side of the road, completely out of reach. While distracted, Shinthia was able to approach Crystal with no worries. She grabbed her by the throat and lifted her into the air.
“I haven’t killed an Angel in a while. This should bring back some fond memories.” She laughed as Crystal tried to free herself from the grip. Just as she was about to pass out, an arrow made of light came shooting out from the bushes, hitting Shinthia directly. Crystal fell to the ground with a thud and quickly got up ran after her fallen sword. After she retrieved it she looked back to where she had left the demon. Shinthia was now facing a much larger man, dressed in Celtic style leather armor, brandishing a larger spear like weapon. Crystal recalled it being called a glaive, a long pole arm with a blade on the end instead of just a spear head. He looked over at Crystal and his broad face scowled a little. His black hair was tied up neatly in a ponytail, but his bright yellow eyes are what gave away what he was.
“Get over to your Guardian and protect her like you should be doing, stupid youngling! I will answer those questions in your mind after I deal with her!” With that he charged towards Shinthia, who was now backing away in fear.
“Well, wasn’t expecting you guys to show up and ruin my party. Ta for now, I don’t feel like dying today!” She snapped her fingers and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.11.2012

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