

" Jennifer King . A suspect for blowing up Ian Smith's car . You will have to answer a few questions. " a shark looking lawyer said . He was a good-looking one . But , I couldn't care less ; rage was running through my veins .

I was beginning to sweat in my chair . Yet , it wasn't because I felt guilt .

" What do you have to say in your defence? We have a witness , who claims that he saw you doing that. A waitress , which was on pause . " he said , pointing out at a blond woman who was sitting in the front row . The whole court-room was silenced .

The hell with it ! I'm going to end up this circus .

" I am guilty . I blew up that damn car . I admit it . " I said .

Ian looked at me , studying my face . I was just glaring at him . His stupid car got what it deserved.Iangot what he deserved . Damn the day I met him . I hate so much those blue eyes I used to love . That raven-black hair . And his stupid smirk . I hate Ian , the whole him . The Ian I use to love is gone. He is not the same person I fell in love with .

" We have the evidence , we have the witness , we have the confession ... Guilty . Ms. King will get five years to jail for blowing up Mr. Smith's car on purpose . With bail of 1.5 million dollars . Case closed." the judge pronounced and slammed with his hammer .

The guards came to me and I knew that there was nothing I could do to change my faith . And why would I even try ? It's not like anything else mattered . Everything that mattered to me was gone . I felt heaviness in my heart , not because of the thought of the next five years , but because at the thought what I lost . I lost everything that mattered in my life .

The guards put on cuffs on my hands . I turned my head around to look at Ian one more time . He wasn't having the look I expected him to have - the you-got-what-you-deserved-bitch look . No , his look was gentle , soft . Like he was saying sorry with his eyes .

And my face ? It was unreadable , but I bet that he knew what was I thinking . He knew me too well.

I let the guards lead me to my cell , my new home for the next five years . Damn those blue eyes. Damn him . And that day I met him , I remember it like it was yesterday . It's just one of those days that change your life in a click , one of those things you never forget . I clearly remember that summer when I saw Ian Smith for the first time .

Fling or nothing ?

Jennifer's P.O.V.

It wasn't a quite good day for me . I broke up with my boyfriend with who I was in a relationship since...second year of collage . And now , I was 22 . Yep . I was three years with that douche , until he cheated on me . With my cousin . And that was worse because it wasn't some random girl , but it was Erica . I thought that she and I were close friends , but I was wrong .

And Rob... My Rob? How could have he done such thing to me ?! He claimed that he loved me more than anyone , but it took him just a couple days , when I was visiting my sick sister in California , to piss on his words . It was a good thing that we weren't engaged , because if we were , it would have been much more worse than it is now .

For three years it was just him and me ... Rob and Jen .Us . And he gave up on us , just for a lustful moment . He said that he doesn't have any feelings for her , that it was just a fling . That it didn't mean anything . That it just happened . Huh . They all say that stuff .

I remember exactly what he said . How could I forget ? It was all that happened today .

" Jen , I need to tell you something ."I smiled at him like a fool , but he didn't return the smile. I could see that there was something wrong with him . I sat down .

" Jen , I ... did something awful ... and I hope that with time you could forgive me... I don't want to give up on us ... I want to try and fix things before it's too late . " What the hell was he talking about?But I could see that he was serious . Oh , god . He really did something awful .

" Just tell me . I can handle it . " I think . I tried to believe at my words . He took a deep breath before he said that awful sentence .

" While you were visiting Melissa , I ... I cheated on you . " he spilled out . My heart skipped a beat.

" Jen , please don't look at me like that . It was an emergency . It just happened . "

I stud up , my eyes started to fill with tears . " It just happened . " I said , pretending to be calm . He gave me a soft smile . " Yes , and I never meant for it to happen it just did . "

He didn't know that he caused rage boiling through my veins .

" It just happened ?! How the fuck could you that to me ?! We are together for three years ! Three goddamn years ! How could you just throw it all in the toilet for just a one night stand ?! " I let it all out. I wasn't afraid to speak my mind .

" And it was Erica ... " he said , without any hope in his voice .

" Erica , as my cousin Erica ?! " I was horrified . He didn't answer me . He was just glancing at me apologetically.I took that as a yes .

" You are unbelievable ! You little bastard ! " I shoved him . He looked at me angrily .

" Hey , that hurts ! " his words got me angrier .

" You think that that hurts ? Think like this- you just came home from visiting your sick sister , and your girlfriend surprises you with an unexpected gift . She tells you that she cheated you with your cousin ! Think twice . " I was screaming.

" You said that you loved me ! You said that there would never be another girl for you ! You said that for you it would be only ME !!! " I was crying and I wanted to kick him so badly . Rage was radiating through my every single word . He was just standing there , now knowing that there wasn't any hope for me to forgive him .

" We . Are . Done . There is no 'us' anymore . There stopped being 'us' when you decided to cheat on me ! You have time to pack your stuff until the evening ! And don't leave anything behind ! Everything your filthy little hands touched sickens me ! " and then I did something , I thought I would never do- I spat in front of his feet .

" You make me sick . I don't want to see you ever again ! " I said and grabbed my purse , letting him stand there .

And that's how I end up here . At some random party in some random club . Holding tight to my tequila. I was just sitting there at the bar , drowning my sorrow with alcohol. And I was just watching people partying . Which was creepy a bit . But , I didn't mind . Today was officially the worst day of my life . I just wanted to stay here the rest of the night and get drunk .

" What's a beautiful woman like you doing alone in a club ? " A man's voice asked me from behind . I turned around to tell him to go to hell or something like that , grateful that I have someone to take out my anger on . But I didn't . I was speechless . The man had icy-blue eyes and a breathtaking smile.He was wearing a white T-shirt with V shaped neck and black jeans . The shirt was tight and was revealing his strong muscles . And he had long raven black hair . He was probably the most beautiful man I've ever seen . I didn't want to be rude to him . He looked like a nice guy .

" I just dumped my boyfriend and I'm trying to get myself drunk . Should I be doing all that with a friend ? " I asked . His smile disappeared . Great . I said two lines and I already scared him off.

" Well , I see that we are in a same position . I just broke up with my girlfriend . " he said and sat on a bar stool , next to me .

" Oh . I didn't know that . So sorry for that . " I said .

" I'm not - she was a bitch who didn't trust me enough and she was always jealous . I don't know why did I suffer that craziness . I had enough of her . " he said and ordered a martini .

" So , why did you dump him? I'm sure that you had a pretty good reason for that ." he said and took a sip of his drink.

" He cheated on my . With my cousin . And he told me that today . And I kicked him out of the apartment . " I said , tears threatening to fall out from my eyes .Not here ! , I hissed at myself in my mind . Not in front of this hot guy . I was enough of scenes for today.

" Ouch . " he said , with compassion in his eyes . " What a bastard . Well , he doesn't know what he lost ... If you were my girlfriend I would never cheat on you . You are too beautiful for that . And , I'm sure that you're a nice person , too . " he said , deeply staring at my eyes .

I blushed . For a moment I forgot about Rob and I caught myself wondering what did this stranger's lips taste like .

" Oh , how rude of me . I'm Ian. Ian Smith . " he said and pulled his hand to shake mine .

" I'm Jennifer . Jennifer King . " I said shaking his hand . He smiled .

" Jennifer . I like it ." he said , grinning at me . I caught myself blushing again . I couldn't believe myself . I broke up with my boyfriend just a few hours ago and now , I'm having hots for some random stranger . And he was looking at me like he knew my every thought . And he was giving me 'the look' . The look which was telling me that he wanted me . And I needed that badly . Someone to want me , to give me comfort .

But , I was going to control myself . I wasn't going to sleep with Ian tonight.


A few minutes later , we were at my apartment . We were making out and I was trying to unlock the door . He helped me , without taking his lips off mine . My hands were roaming through his body.

The door clicked opened and I slammed it . I was walking backwards and making out with him. I led him to the bedroom . I didn't notice that Rob took all his belongings . I didn't notice that Rob wasn't here anymore . I didn't have time to notice that- I was preoccupied with taking off Ian's clothes .

And that was the night I met him . It was amazing , but I didn't realise it back than , that it was one of those nights that changed my life forever.

In pieces

Present day

Jennifer's P.O.V.

The first day of my life in jail hasn't even passed by , and the guards were already coming to my cell. Why now ? I knew I didn't have a fight with someone ... Their footsteps were echoing through the long hall which was now completely silent . Usually that wasn't the case with it , but everybody knew that they had to behave when the guards were down here or they would get in trouble . Bigger than the reason they were here .

I knew that and I was here only for a few hours . Doesn't matter what I knew or what I did or didn't do , I could never get accustomed to this awful place . Especially because I had to wear this awful orange jumpsuit which didn't do good to my olive skin tone . Then again , who looked good in this thing anyway ?

Another funny thing was that no one wanted to talk to me . Not even at lunch or outside the bathroom . They were all giving me jugful looks and some of them were looking at me like they were ready to punch me . But just a few of them , though that wasn't a relief to me . And , the weirdest thing was that I was all alone in my cell . Guess that they thought that I'm a pyroman or something like that . That thought was ridiculous to me , but when you look on the outside it did make sense . To everyone that didn't know Ian and me . And the reason why I blew up that damn car .

I guess I deserved this life after everything .

I was just sitting there on that bench they called 'bed' , waiting for them to come . " King , " a male guard said . " get up now and come to thepsychiatrist's office . " he demanded . He looked like a military-kind guy ; well his hair was shaved in that style .Now that I think about it , maybe he was really in the military . He didn't look like some of the guards - sleepy and loosen up . His eyes were carefully lurking around the whole place , without fear trying to find that there was something wrong . His hands were by his hips ready to pull out a weapon in case of emergency and his attitude was all serious and straightened up .

" Come on , King ! We haven't got all day ! " he raised his tone in an attempt to wake me up from my thoughts . I stud up , and came quickly to the cell door , waiting for him to unlock them .

He did and I stepped out of my cage . " The judge said that you have to see the jail psychiatrist . "

My eyes widened at his words . " What ? Why ? "

" The judge's convinced that you can still be fixed . He wants to make sure you don't blow up anymore more cars when you get out of here . " his black eyes were seriously looking into mine .

The judge thought that I'm crazy . That I could be fixed . I don't know what did he think , that I'm some kind of a pyromanor psychopath . That was wrong . The reason why I blew up that car wasn't because of some abnormal desire to set something on fire , but because of something else . Because of Ian . After what he's done , he deserved worse .

Yes , I was broken , but I wasn't sure I could be that easily fixed . Or ever . It was that bad .

He put on cuffs on my hands , and I knew it will pass a long time until I'll be able to go somewhere without them . That is , in five years exactly . Most of the people would feel powerless , but I didn't . I felt powerless before and that didn't do me any good .

" Let's go . We haven't got all day . " the guard impatiently said and waved with his arm forward , signalising I should go first . I took a deep sigh and started walking forward . The people in the cells were whispering and giving me dirty looks . Some of them were bold enough to say things about me , loud enough for me to hear . They didn't care . They wanted me to hear them . I knew that I was supposed to be scared of them , but I wasn't . It didn't really matter to me will they punch me or kill me , because I knew that it was all over and I couldn't get it back . Never again .

The guard was following me , two steps behind me . As we were walking further the long halfway , it got warmer . Because , down here was usually cold . White bricks were replaced by white painted walls as we turned left , where there were no cells , just a surprisingly short halfway with linoleum instead of dark stone . There were three doors - one was in the centre ; the way out of here I guessed , the second one was on one side of the wall and the other , in front of those , moved to the right a bit .

The guard stopped and took off my cuffs , on my big surprise , and pointed to the door on the left wall . " Go in . " he simply said and stood there .

I came to the door , feeling the guard's look on my back . I carefully knocked on the door .

" Come in . " I heard a female voice saying , from the inside of it . I opened it and entered the small room . I didn't really know what have I expected , but this ... not this .

The room was painted in the creme color and there was one big window with navy blue curtains . There were two armchairs on the right side and a black sofa on the left . There was a big plant next to it . Right across the door was a big mahogany desk with neatly folded papers and with some pencils . Behind the desk was a bookshelf made of glass with lots and lots of books on it . I caught some of the titles -Psychology today;In the depths of the human mind;Finding the pathand even Men are from Mars and women from Venus. There were some pictures , photos actually , of the sunset and the ocean . I guess that they were there to calm the patients down .

Someone coughed . I looked down at the source of the sound and saw a blond woman , sitting at the mahogany desk . How did I miss her ? I must be blind . She had dark green eyes and was a bit pale . She was wearing a blue blouse and a white cardigan . Some mascara was on her eyes and she had a light orange lipstick and was wearing a surprisingly big smile on her face , which was showing off her perfectly white teeth .

" Good day , Ms King . Please , take a seat . " the woman pointed to a black chair in front of the desk ; something I also didn't notice . I sat down , without saying a word . I was looking down to my feet .

" Jennifer , may I call you like that ? , what's going on ? Is there something wrong ? " the woman asked , concern in her eyes and this time , without a smile . But , before I could say anything , she , my new psychologist , said :

" Oh , sorry , I forgot to introduce myself - I'm doctor Fitzpatrick , but you can call me Evelyn . " she gave me her hand and I shook it .

" Nice to meet you . " she said politely .

" You too . " I replied and gave her a faint smile .

" So , Jennifer , I took a look at your file ... " she started and opened a drawer on the desk and pulled out a file with my name on it , written with red marker .

" And , I saw why are you here for . " she opened and put it down and focused her eyes at me . " Yes , as you can probably guess , the judge told me to talk with you . Well , we'll have four sessions in one month . "

I just nodded my head as a response .

" So , the judge , um said that you could really use someone like me - a psychologist , to be persist - to talk to . And , he also said that you really need help . " she said .

Ha , I knew that , but I wasn't crazy like she thought I was ; or at least the judge .

" Though , I think that you should see me for different reasons judge said . Like I said , I took a look at your file and talked to your co-workers at Vogue . " she said carefully . " I also talked to your friends and family and , from what they all said , it didn't seem to me that you did what you did because you wanted to harm someone . Not psychically, at least . "

She put her hands together and said : " I think that it was an act of defence . That someone hurt you that much , you just expressed your anger that way . " her tone was serious and wrinkles could be seen on her forehead .

She was completely right . Itwasan act of defence . And , yes , he hurt me that much .

" Am I right ? " she knitted her blond eyebrows .

" Yes . " I blinked . I didn't realize tears were gathering in my eyes , threatening to fall out .

" And , who ever I talked to - doesn't matter if that person was your colleague , friend or a relative - they all say the same thing - that you were in a relationship with Ian Smith , the one whose car you set on fire . " Evelyn looked like she was at the point she wanted to be .

I didn't say or do anything . Just the sound of his name , the feeling that brought to me ... was too painful . I couldn't even stand to hear it ! It was like a big needle pierced my heart , which was also surprising because I thought I was over it , that I was totally numb for him . Apparently I wasn't .

" And , everyone says that at the beginning , you two were sweet together , but then , after a few months of dating , you separated for unknown reasons . Then , you were back together after six months of separation . Right , Jen ? " she asked me .

Jen . The name Ian used to call me . Suddenly , I felt adrenalin rush through my blood and my face turned red . I instantly stood up and instinctivelyclenched my fists . Tears were now rolling down my face .

" Don't . Call . Me . Like . That . " I said through my teeth . The chair I was sitting on fell down loudly .

I could see , by her facial expression that Evelyn was surprised . The door suddenly opened and the guard entered the room .

" Is there a problem in here ? " his eyes were roaming from Evelyn , the chair and me . Back and forth .

" No , not at all . You can leave , I'll take care of this . " Evelyn said to the unconvinced guard , but either way he left the room with one last glance on me . She sighed and stood up her chair and started going around the desk to me . I was wondering what was she going to do , but she just took the chair and stood it up . Then , she pointed to it and I sat down .

She came back to the desk and sat . I wondered why she didn't let the guard take me to my cell after what I did . It was odd .

" Listen , I want to help you . And , in order to do that , you must tell me everything . Because , I can't guess . I can just tell that you are deeply hurt . " she said .

I looked at her . She was genuine .

" Okay . " I whispered . My face was back to normal again , but tears were still sliding down my cheeks . " Here . " she handed me over a tissue . I wiped off the tears , but it seemed like they wouldn't stop going . I just let them be .

" Now , tell me , what was that about ? " I completely understood the question exactly like she understood my answer .

" He used to call me like that . " I said , not looking at her .

" I see . " she replied with compassion in her eyes .

" Do you want to tell me more ? It's okay if you aren't ready . " she said concerned .

" I want to . " was all I said .

" Okay , I'm listening . " she said and leaned towards me again .

I couldn't look at her , I was looking at the floor , my thoughts lost in another time . The time I missed so bad , the time when I was starting to fall for Ian . Before I knew his true colors .

" At the beginning , it was so easy , so right . But , at the very end it was too complicated and difficult." I said remembering that time , which wasn't that long ago .

" But , if you want to understand what I went through and help me , you have to hear the whole story." I said and blinked out more tears that were flooding my face . Evelyn nodded . She had no idea what was she about to hear .

Big party

Jennifer's P.O.V.

11 months ago

It was a sunny afternoon . I was staring through my window , wrapped up in my favorite blanket ,looking at busy New Yorkers . How they were rushing to be somewhere . How I wish I was there with them . Usually at this time , I was still at work , but my boss insisted for me to take a two week vacation . She said that she completely understands what I'm going through , but that she won't let me continue the pace I was going - I was working whole days , literary , and I was barely sleeping at night so I had big purple circles under my eyes - I was overworking myself. Yes , Vera was a pretty good boss , but I didn't like this because my job distracted me , helped me forget about Rob .

I didn't know where he was now that I've kicked him out , I could only guess . He never called or tried to contact me anyway . He could have believed that I'll do the first step , but knew me too well to know that I'll never forgive him . That there's no come back for us .As for Melissa , she was still dead to me . She left a few voice mails , telling me that she's very sorry and that she never meant that to happen , leaving me tempted to smash my phone .

My best friend- Olivia was staying with me for upcoming eleven days , to keep me company and to comfort me .

" Just call him already ! " Olivia snapped me from my thoughts . I turned my head to her to see her frustrated face.

" What are you talking about ? " I asked her a bit taken aback .

" I saw you staring at that phone ! Do it already ! "

" Are you trying to tell me that I should call Rob ? " I raised my eyebrows at her .

" I'd be crazy to tell you that . I'm talking about that guy you hooked up with 3 months ago . What was his name ? " She put her hand on her chin , thinking . " Oh , yeah - Ian ."

I sighed . Ian . Man , was I embarrassed of him . That day , when I came back from work , and when I broke down ... Ugh . He caught me in my vulnerable moment and I cried on his shoulder . I cried on some strangers' shoulders . Yeah . After laying with me on the bed for five hours whispering me comforting words , I insisted that he should leave ; that he's done enough for me . He looked at me with those worried blue eyes and asked me if I was sure , and after I said I was , he gave me his number and call him anytime . That he'd be here for me because he knows what a bad break up is.

Worst one-night-stand ever ! I liked Ian , but he was probably thinking that I was some big cry baby . Or too emotional and weak . So , I've didn't call him . If I did , he'd probably just be questioning me how am I doing and all . Though , it was a bit weird that he was that concerned about me . I was with him for just one night and he was already concerned about my feelings .

" Jennifer , hello-o ! " Olivia said .

" I am not gonna call him . We had a one night stand . I cried on his shoulders . He left . End of story." I simply said , turning back to the window .

" Oh , Jenny , aren't you ever going to learn ? " Olivia jumped on the couch and it bounced under her weight .

" Apparently , not . My fiancee cheated on me so ... "

" Oh , come on ! That's not what I meant . " I looked at her cat green eyes .

" What I meant to say is that , Ian likes you . Obviously ." she said .

I rolled my eyes at her ; she was acting like some teenage girl .

" I don't want to see him . And if he liked me as you say so , he would have called . " I tried to make up a lame excuse .

" But , how , when he gave you his number . Not vise versa . " Olivia rarely forgot details . That could be either a gift or annoying . Well , at least I tried .

" Fine . I was too embarrassed to call him . Kill me . " I said .

" But , you do like him , right ? " she asked .

" Yes , but ...." I stopped because Olivia jumped from the couch and grabbed my phone . She was quickly typing something .

" What are you doing ? "

" .... And done . " Olivia grinned at me . This wasn't going to be good . " I texted Ian that you want to meet him at the party tonight ! " she flashed me her bright teeth .

My jaw dropped . What . The . Hell .

" You did what ?! " I said through my teeth . I stood up .

" Oh , please , don't pretend that you aren't glad I did . "

I gave her my poisonous look .

" And what party are you talking about ? I wasn't planning going anywhere tonight . " I said , still angry at her .

" Ella's party ! Don't tell me you forgot ?! " she could not believe in that .

My mouth formed a small " o " when I realized that I did forget . Ella was Olivia's younger sister and she was a party planner . Anyone who wanted an amazing party would hire her .She was always busy with all kinds of parties -whether some spoiled teenagers where throwing them or non-famous important adults which loved to throw money and invite famous people to their parties just to show how impressive they can be . One of them even invited Beyonce to sing and wowed so many people with that move . She would always get me and Olivia a VIP invitation , but I would usually pass . I was too busy with my work to deal to go to parties like that .

But this party ... I was planning to go for months ! I needed to be there because Sergio Funtolenchi was coming to this one .The Sergio Funtolenchi , the famous model photographer .

I started to read Vogue when I was ten and when I saw the models in there , their poses and the photographer's perspective , I knew what I wanted to be when I grow up . And then I was sucked into this whole new world of fashion magazines . But , Sergio has been working as a model photographer since the eighties and his work has been known world-wide . He was always my role-model and I had to meet him . So , this party may be the only opportunity for me to meet him .

" I can't go to this party with Ian ! It will look like we are a couple ! " I pointed out to Olivia .

" And that's a bad thing ? "

" Yes ! "

" Why ? " she crossed her arms like she always did when she was confused .

" Because Sergio Funtolenchi is going to be there and I can't miss my golden opportunity ! Ian is just going make this more complicated than it has to be . " I looked at her , with my wide eyes .

" Don't be so dramatic . Ian won't ruin anything . He's just gonna be your hot date , nothing else . Well , unless you want him to be . " she winked at me and went to the kitchen .

I could not argue with that .


Later that night

We finally arrived at the party . I was in a tight white dress and was wearing black heels . Olivia was in a black-blue dress with her yellow heels . The party looked like it started hours ago even though we were just half an hour late .

" It's so ... crowded . " I bluntly said .

" Of course it's crowded ! It's a party , silly . " Olivia slapped my arm playfully . We got lost in the crowd as soon as we came to the dance floor .

" Where the heck am I gonna find Ian in here ? " I tried to look over the crowd , but I couldn't see anything - it was too dark .

" Then you are lucky that I foundyou. " I heard a male voice behind me . I turned around just to see Ian smirking at me in his blue shirt and black jeans . His icy blue eyes were sparkling a bit from the disco lights . His raven-black hair was tidily messy in it's own way and he looked hotter than ever .

" I'll leave you two alone . " Liv said and went to talk to the DJ .

" You look amazing . " he stated , still smirking at me .

" Thanks . " I gave him a small smile in return .

" Can I ask why didn't you call me ? " he slightly raised his eyebrow in question ." Or there isn't a legal answer to that ? "

I knitted my eyebrows at him , confused .

" I was busy with work . " I simply said .

" It's okay , I won't sue you . But , just so you know , I am a very convincing lawyer . " he winked .

" You are a lawyer ? " I was surprised - I could never tell . " You never told me . "

" You didn't ask . " he smiled at my startled face and took that in advantage to pull me to him and dance with me . I smiled at him , this time genuinely.

" You have some smooth moves for one lawyer . " I was teasing him .

" Who said lawyers couldn't dance ? " he said and I chukled . We both shut up and just danced to the music .Then there was this emotion , while he was staring at my eyes , this emotion I didn't feel since ... I was with Rob . Was I ... happy ?

Before I could think more about this , a calm male voice said : " Nice party , Gina , very nice . "

I instantly recoginized this voice . I heard it on the radio , television ... but I was never so close to it . It was Sergio Funtolenchi . My heart started beating faster than before and my palms started sweating.

I wasn't prepared for this . I opened my mouth to say to Ian that I'm going to freshen up , but a sudden mention of my name stopped me .

" Jennifer King . " Sergio was right in front of me . His grey hair was covered in gel and he was wearing a white tuxedo and was holding a martini in his hand . His blue eyes were studying my face for a second and he said : " Vera told me about your work . I can say I'm quite impressed . "

I was too shocked to say anything . " I would like to take some pictures with you . Here's my card . " he pulled it out of his pocket and handed it over to me . " Call me and we'll see when we can meet ."

He flashed me his white teeth . " It was nice meeting you . " he wanted to go , but he changed his mind to say : " Oh , and by the way , you and this hotsie " he pointed to Ian " look good together . You should bring him too . " then he went to the bar to get another drink .

I watched him as he approached the bar . The master of photography . He. Spoke . To . Me . Me , Jennifer King .

" What was that about ? " Ian smirked at my shocked expression .

" My biggest dream , that's what . " I said when I finally regained the power of speech .

The coffee thing

5 minutes later

" That was just... wow. " I said and sipped my cosmopolitan. Ian grinned at me. He was so damn hot when he was doing that. We were sitting at the bar, the only thing that had proper lights in the dark room. It had disco lights all over it, but they weren't enough to enlighten the big room.

I found myself staring at Sergio on the other side of the room, mingling. He was laughing because of something that redhead woman said and almost spilled his drink. The woman was apologizing and he was assuring her that everything was ok.

" Are you just going to stare at him all night ? " Ian asked me. His tone was weird. I turned to him. He had a playful expression. I smiled.

" I don't know for you, but I don't get to see Sergio Funtolenchi everyday. "

" I'm just saying ; it's a great party, you have a hot guy as a date and you're checking out some photographer, which is probably gay. Please. " he said casually and drank his champagne.

My mouth was wide open when he finally looked at me.

" What'd I say ? " he asked innocently.

" When did you become so cocky ? " I said and he smirked at me. He was studying the bar, just an excuse not to look at me, playing shy but I knew that it was all an act.

" I was always... you just didn't seem to notice. " he widened his eyes for a dramatic effect.

" Too cocky. " I punched his arm playfully ; he chuckled as a response. I didn't know Ian was fun to be around... not counting the bed. I was thinking about what he said earlier : he called Sergio gay. I don't know if he was just being funny or serious.

" Why do you think Sergio's gay ? " I wanted to know. I patently took a sip of my drink and waited for his answer. He rolled his eyes and pouted his mouth a bit.

" Because of the obvious - he was checking me out. I also bet that it wasn't a coincidence that he invited me to that photo shoot. " he pointed out.

I laughed at him ; he could not be serious ! Sergio wasn't gay ! No way he was. He may be all suit and tie and hair gel, but that didn't make him gay. He never had a girlfriend, nor a boyfriend but that was because he was too busy with his career.

" You think I'm joking ? " he was stunned by my reaction.

" He wasn't checking you out ! He was just looking at you. " I said like it was something obvious.

" If you don't believe me, then let me give you an example - it's like I'd start staring at your boobs. Would I be just looking at you ? " he raised his eyebrows.

" You don't have boobs ! " I said louder than I meant to and the barman glanced at me. He probably thought I was drunk.

" Yeah, but I have other... areas. " he coughed.

" Are you trying to say that he was checking at your penis ? " I couldn't help but laugh at that. Now that was just silly. Sergio wouldn't do that . Of course not, he's a photographer ; he wouldn't look at someone's personal area even if he was gay. He's too classy for that. I say that Ian's making it all up because he wants more attention.

" Yes ! I could see him drooling over me. "

" Okay, I had enough. I'm getting out of here. " I said and grabbed my bag from the bar and went to the exit door. I was wrong about giving Ian a chance, he's a complete jerk ! He insulted the master of photography and with that insulted me. I don't have anything against gays, but to say something like that, that Sergio was checking out his lower area is too much. He was another jerk who happened to be a good actor, pretending that he actually cared to get me to sleep with him again.

Though, no woman would fall for this - he was being disrespectful and only whores would let him take the prize. And I obviously wasn't a whore. I wasted my time on a jerk. Great. There seemed to be just jerks around me - Rob and now Ian ! And I was actually thinking that he was totally worth my time. I am such an idiot.

I made my way through the crowd and somehow opened the exit door. I found myself on a mini-island with a small bridge that was leading to the parking lot. There were two torches on the each side of the bridge which gave me enough light to see where was I going since it was too dark. I've passed the rocky bridge and made it to the parking lot.

Thankfully I didn't park too far from the road. I unlocked the door and opened it angrily. Ugh, I was so angry I could break something. Why do I always find the wrong guys ? Why can't I get someone who's actually a sweet, normal guy who wouldn't cheat or insult me ? My luck.

When I was about to get in the car, I heard someone shouting : " JENNIFER ! Jennifer, wait ! " I recognized Ian's voice. That made me angrier and I step into the car and started the engine. I wanted to get out of here as fast as I could. Far away from that jerk.

But, nooo, that would be too lucky for me wouldn't it ? Because Ian jumped in front of the car and I stopped the engine right before I was about to run him over. His face was urgent and he looked like he wanted to say something important. Something I didn't want to hear.

I was starting the engine again and was preparing to hit the gas pedal. Ian heard that and took a glance at my frustrated face.

" Hey, what are you doing ? Are you trying to kill me ?! " he said that like I was a psychopath.

" Maybe. " I muttered under my breath but I came to my senses and stopped the engine. I could see Ian relax but then his face was tense again, like he remembered something. He rushed to my window and started knocking on it with his fist until I decided I was sick of the noise and took it down. Ian lowered his neck so he was practically face to face with me.

" Please, let me speak. " his tone was desperate. I slammed my head on the steering wheel and said : " Fine. You have one minute. "

" I am so sorry for what I said earlier, I shouldn't have said that. Look, you're an amazing girl and you don't deserve someone like me. You can do better. I know you can, but... " he was going to continue but I cut him off.

" What the hell's name are you talking about ?! First you act like a jerk, then you apologize and now you say that I'm an amazing girl ! You must be bipolar or something. Or crazy. I mean, even if I am an amazing girl how would you know that ? You don't even know me ! We only had sex three months ago and this is practically our first date and you act like you know me ! " I said that in one breath.

" Either you're really stupid or either you really want to piss me off badly. " I made a conclusion.

He caught the root of his nose with his two fingers and recovered from my shouting. Then, when he lifted his head again he said : " Would you please just let me explain ? "

" Explain what exactly ? " I was tired of his games.

" Everything. Just open the door, will you ? "

I groaned and did so. He thanked me and came in from the other side. He was now in the front seat and was glaring at me. I was waiting for him to say something.

" Look, the thing is... I actually know you. " he said, honesty shining from every word he said. I opened my mouth to protest, but he said : " Let me explain, will you ? " he pleaded with those icy-blue eyes and I couldn't say no to them. It was impossible.

I sighed and gave him an encouraging node to continue. He took a deep breath and started : " A few months ago, when I was still with my ex, we had a fight. In the early morning. We were practically already over, but we didn't officially break up. Anyway, it was really early and I remember storming out of there and never wanting to go back to that hell again. I wanted to clear my head so I drove to the nearest Starbucks. "

" I pulled over the car right across it, but I didn't get out. I sat there for minutes, staring at the entrance, thinking about everything - how would have things be if I wasn't in that awful relationship. How I wanted only to break up with her. Questioning my decisions and wondering did everything had to be so complicated. Then a voice woke me up from my thoughts - I even remember what she said ' Yeah, okay. Talk to you later, John ! '. Her voice was so cheerful, even though it was 8 am when everyone was supposed to be grumpy. "

" Her smile was simple and beautiful and she was parked right in front of me. She drove off and I remember watching her car disappear in the distance. Ever since then I couldn't stop thinking about her. It wasn't really cheating, our relationship was already dead before that. It was only a matter of time before we broke up. "

Then it was like Ian got a little nervous, like his confidence stayed outside the car. His head was down and he was hesitating to say the rest. I tilted my head to see his face in the dark. He looked so cute when he was nervous. I was already ready to forgive him, but I didn't say anything because I wanted to hear the rest of the story.

" After that I wanted to see her, but I didn't get a chance. Fights with my ex became worse and I felt stupid for keeping that thing up. I wanted to escape from this complicated relationship and take a break from everything. I went to the same Starbucks and I was just staring at my coffee. No matter how cheesy it sounded, that girl came in ( I've recognized her voice ), and I wasn't down anymore. I didn't feel happy either. It was like I was a drunk and I was sober for those few minutes as she was there. " He looked like he was going to bite his lip, but he changed his mind.

" Then I started coming to Starbucks every morning just to see her. " he laughed at himself, like he couldn't believe what he's done. But, he continued anyway : " That was for a few months. I know I sound like a stalker, but it isn't like that, I swear. I was attracted to her simpleness and I've learned that she also likes her coffee simple - dark with no sugar. "

" Why didn't you ask her out, then ? " I asked innocently.

" She was with someone. But, it's over now so... I believe that we had our first date tonight until I blew it. " he glared at me in the dark and I was surprised. A lot or a bit, I couldn't say. At least that explains his strange behaviour.

" What, me ? " I teased him. He grinned " Yes, you. Happy ? " I stuck my tongue out of my mouth. He played insulted. " I explain everything and you mock me ? I'm hurt. "

" You didn't explain why did you act like a jerk back there. " I reminded him.

" I was jealous. He may be gay, but I was still jealous. " he confessed, glaring at me. I knew that he was telling the truth.

" Well, I still say that you're a jerk. " he looked so disappointed at my words. Really, where did all that confidence go ? " A sweet jerk. " I added. His look was at me and now he was the one who was grinning.

" A sweet jerk ? " he asked mockingly. I rolled my eyes at him.

" Shut up or I will do that. " I warned him seriously.

He laughed at that : " You can't shut me up. "

" Oh, yeah ? You sure about that ? " I was deadly serious with a bit joke in my eyes.

" Positive. " oh, this was so on. I didn't give him a chance to say anything else ; I pulled him to me and kissed him like my life depended on that. After I was done, I swear that he looked like he was lost and tipsy.

" What a nice way to shut up someone. " he said, blinking rapidly like he couldn't believe what I just did. I smiled at that.

" You are allowed to open your mouth, but don't say anything. " I said and kissed him again.


Texte: All rights reserved
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.07.2012

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