

Did you know?


The spiders are watching you always.


You are the most interestinng thing in their world.


They gaze intensly with all eight eyes.


They make their webs to catch your heart.


They are waiting for you to sleep.


So they can hug you with all eight arms.


Don't worry.


They don't bite too hard.


They give you spider kisses.


They leave spider hickeys.


You belong to them now.


The flies like me.


I'm the fly whisperer.


Last night I lost my keys.


I looked everywhere.


Under the bed.


In my shoes.


On my desk.


In the freezer.


No luck.


Then I tripped and the keys fell out of my vagina.


I didn't even remember putting them there.


I was amazed.


I inspected the area and found out my vagina is a portal to another dimension.


Inside there is a whole universe of planets and civilizations.


I came out of someone's dream.


It sounds strange, but it's true.


Dreams are not just imagination.


When dreaming, consciousness goes to a different dimension that actually exist.


There are real beings in your dreams.


Some of these beings are killers.


If you die in your dreams you are stuck in the dream world.


It's O.K.


In dreams you can fly, teleport, telepath, shape-shift, mind control, etcetera....


You can be a demon, a monster, a god.


No dream is impossible, and you can have them all.


Perhaps, I will see you in your sleep.


I haven't decided if I should kill you there.


Cat's Tales

Most people don't know this, but I  have a tail.


It looks like a cat's tail.


I've had to hide it for years.


What about you?


Are you hiding anything?


Hoofs, wings, or horns?

Monster Energy Drink

Did you know?


Monster Energy drink only contains a finite amount of goats blood.


It is the ectoplasm from the witch's bile that gives Monster Energy drink  most of its supernatural abilities.


Making horns and fangs stronger and more vibrant.


Making feathers, fur, scales, or skin have a luminescent green glow.


The goat's blood is just a binding agent to protect the consumer from the evil eye.


The ground up devil's tooth, from a real devil, is what gradually summons the unique beast

within each and every one of us.


Every drink brings the consumer closer to the monster they truly are.


 Surgically attaching wings for cosmetic purposes is, of course, easier than attaching wings for functionality.  When attaching wings for cosmetic reasons it is only important that the wings move to show expression based on the persons brain state.  It is a matter of having the wings made out of proper density metal and attached to the spine.  This will allow the electrical nervous system to power the movement, while having the wings programmed to detect the brain impulses, also through the electrical nervous system.


This is in contrast to attaching wings for functionality.  The whole system must be overhauled.  The entire skeletal system must be systematically replaced with light density metal bones.  The brain must be electromagnetically copied and moved to a lighter density storage unit; to replace the heavy brain material.  Organs must be modified for optimal lightness.   All of this must be connected back to the spine.  The wings must also be fast like a hummingbird, so flight can be maintained.

Wishing Machine

I bought a wishing machine at Fred Meyer.


It was in the clearance bin for $9.99.


It was originally $1 Million.


It came standard with wi-fi and rechargeable battery.


What should I wish for first?




I turn into a predator.

You turn into prey.

 I pray you don't see me.

Coming what may.


Heart pounding closer.

I see you.

And licking my lips.

Stalk you.


My love bite awaits.

You'll be delicious.

I'm getting closer.

Are you suspicious?


There's no use in running.

I'll have what is mine.

My heart is hungry.

On you I will dine.


His tongue breaths spells into me.


Is agile and strong.


Bends vibrations to his will.


Makes me think strange thoughts.


Licks my wounds.


Conjures, corrupts, and disrepects me.


Repeatedly and often.


And I like it.

Black Widow

Let me be your black widow.


I'll tie you up in my web.


I'll gaze at you with multiple eyes.


I'll embrace you with multiple arms.


I'll make you lose all reason.


You'll lose your head.


And your heart.


I'll give you my body.


And devour your soul.

Tape Worm

My pet tape worm.


The best pet I ever had.


He was my jump rope.


When I felt bad.


His slime was my gloss when my lips did chap.


And he made a wonderful whip with a nice back slap.


He ate all the garbage I put under the table.


He scared my mom, when I was unable.


And when I got fat.


He helped me lose weight.


Because of him, I could eat.


And I ate.


My wonderful, pet tape worm.


Lee Press on Toes

Don't like your toes.


Try something new.


Lee Press on toes, at a store near you.


Get french toes.


Stuck up as a nose in the air.


Or, get witch toes.


With a molel growing hair.


Jesus Date

Me and Jesus.


Smoked some weed.


Me and Jesus.


Ate some feed.


Me and Jesus.


Broke some bread.


Metaphorically speaking we ate his head.


And then we drank his holy blood.


The wine was good, the wine was fun.


Then my butt tooted because of fate.


And my tummy grumbled thanks because I ate.


All and all, the date was fine.


Me and Jesus had a really good time.

Grape Cheap Wine

The grape cheap wine was calling.


Come.  Come get me.


I couldn't deny a friend who'd stuck with me.


And when I felt sad.


And when I felt blue.


The grape, cheap wine would help me through.


The good times and the bad.


My grape, cheap wine has been with me.


To console and lift me.


Grape, cheap wine, my best friend.


Will be with me until the bitter end.



We are everywhere and nowhere.


Watching, influencing, intervening.


Look for the unnoticed and you might see us.


Perhaps we are watching you now.


Outside your window or beyond the trees.


In your room while you are sleeping.


We are many, we are Legion.


We will be coming for you soon.


I can't get rid of my  shadow.


I tried to sever the ties.


My only friend my shadow.


The darkness undoes the binds.


Temporary relief from my shadow.


Resting in darkness lies.


Into the dark my shadow.


Cease your battle cries.

Playing with Myself

Today I played with myself.


I won every game.


I wiped the floor with myself.


I dominated myself at every opportunity.


I made myself cry.


What a poor sport I am.


Nobody can beat me.


Not even me.

Secret Room

I have a secret room.


It has a secret door.


It has a secret combination.


That has a secret meaning.


That inspires a secret response.


To a secret question.


That I keep secret from myself.


A certain room in my house.


It is like a palace.


It has a throne.


And is a pretty blue tone.


It's the only place in the world.


I can get total privacy.


And Prince John is as clean.


As a toilet bowl ought to be.


The water is plentiful.


That's why it's so cool.


Where I can think and read as I sit on a stool.

God is a Perv

I was on the toilet.


I could feel her watching.


I was taking a shower.


I could feel her watching.


I was getting dressed.


I could feel her watching.


And guess what?


She's watching you too.


Doing god knows what.


As you sit there, vulnerable and exposed.


Tried to get a restraining order.


Tried to press charges.


God doesn't have a social security number.


Therefore, doesn't exist in the eyes of the law.


 My dolls keep telling me I'm not real.


They tell me my thoughts are not my own.


The insist my thoughts, personality, and feelings are coming from them.


They say I am their puppet.


Oh, almighty shoe!


I like you alot.


Your tread is a neat nail file


You make a great plant pot.


You protect my foot from debris


I use you as a chew toy


You help me do so many things.


That's why you're such a joy.

Why I have Vertigo

 The Earth is spinning among the stars.


The stars are spinning with the galaxies.


The galaxies are circling a black hole.


We are trapped in a time loop.


Spinning creates cycles.


Cycles create time loops.


When looking at the whole thing, it looks like time  is frozen.


The cycles are like a mobius strip.


One moment will last forever.


Maybe, if we could stop the spinning, gravity would lose it's hold.


And we could jump off the Earth, to live outside of time.


 I have to remember to forget what I just remembered.


But I keep forgetting to remember to forget.


So occasionally, what I forget I remember.


And what I want to remember I forget.


So what did I want to forget again?


 I leave you to warmth.


I leave you to friends.


I leave you with glittery, sparkly gems.


I leave you the stars.


I leave you the moon.


I leave you with kisses until I return.

Demon (writing mashup of previous writing)

 What if I told you I was a demon.  A demon that has been watching you a long time.  A demon that has seen you through the eyes of your lovers and your own eyes.  I wish I could tell you all the wonderful, horrible thoughts I have when I look at you.  Thoughts full of hate, lust, love and destruction.  Maybe you could save me.  Be my own personal Jesus.  You could give me holy kisses all over my body.  You could fill me with the holy spirit with each thrust of your crucifix.  You could make me wet with your holy water.  You could bless me with your tongue.  Breathe spells into me.  Your tongue bends vibrations to it's will, makes me think strange thoughts, licks my wounds, corrupts and disrespects me.....


But that's not why I'm here.  I am a demon.  I sneak up on you like a cobra.  You barely notice until you are confronted face to face.  You look as if you feel fear or excitement.  It's hard to tell.  Frozen in my unending gaze.  You wait in terrible anticipation.  You want the snake to possess and devour you, if only to have relief from anxiety.  This is love and you are doomed.   It has already begun.  Accept your fate.

Blue Diamond Sky

He lies in the blue diamond sky


Where all the trees wither and die


Against his beauty so high


He lies in the blue diamond sky


Where the mountains can't reach


And the birds can't fly


The stars are in his hair


The dreams are in his eyes


He lies in the blue diamond sky





Hi.  I'm a glitterholic. It started a couple years ago. People warned me. They said glitter is the herpes of the craft world. I didn't listen. I started as a social glitterer, in art class, home economics, Girl Scouts. I would use glitter on all my craft projects. Then it got more hardcore. I was glittering my clothes, my hair, my cat. I glittered all my boyfriend's clothes and he decided I had to choose him or the glitter. I chose the glitter and now he's gone. It got worse. My family had an intervention because I glittered all their stuff too. I exclaimed, "YOU DON'T KNOW ME!" They stopped talking to me after that. Then I was down on my luck. I had no money for glitter. I used to suck dick for glitter. Now that's an addiction man. You ever sucked some dick for glitter?


I've been two weeks sober.


Gods, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.



These are not poems

They are spells

You have been bewitched

You are a willing victim

Part of you wants to be dominated

You've been bad, precious

And as much as praise from the gods

You desire to be punished

Put into bondage

You ache to be forced into submissiveness

Until your reverense becomes love

A slave to love

What is seen cannot be unseen

What is heard and felt cannot be undone

I wish you luck my precious


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.03.2016

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Dedicated to my imaginary friends, real friends, weirdos , haters, freaks, the mentally ill, children, whoever. Dedicated to anyone who has inspired me, such as: Aaron, Ahmed, Allan, Amy, Anne, August, Aylin, Candy, Daniela, Dominic, Dr. Mike, Ethan, Ellis, Jeff, Jennifer, Jessicarose, Justin, Kelly, Kent, Matthew, Melissa, Rob, Sara, Silvia, Tan, and Wayne.

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