
I dream to be a good human,
The one who'll understands your pain,
The one your love who will gain,
The one who provides peace to your brain,

I dream to be a good muslim,
The one who'll spread peace,
The one hateness who'll cease,
The one caged birds who'll release,

I aim to be a good daughter,
The responsibilities who's willing to take,
Who'll work harder for her parents sake,
The one whose feelings won't be fake,

I desire to be a true friend,
Who stays beside you when you need,
Saddness, from your face who'll read,
The one who'll love you without any greed,

I wish to be the silent witness,
Who can see everything but in silence,
Who quietly suffers in the violence,
Who fights bravely like a lioness,

I pray to be the deep blue sea,
The one that is very pure,
The one who has power to endure,
The one who'll vanish desparation for sure................

Feels like dying

when everyone sleeps at night,
when city has turned off the light,
when the silence is spread all around,
when all noises have drowned,

i am waking all alone,
i regret that time has flown,
nobody is beside to cope me,
to see the depth of this deep blue sea,

none is here to see my pain,
i sometimes think i'll get insane,
love is but a continous thirst,
someday this volcano will burst,

i try to cry but always fail,
there is a sea of sand in which i sail,
there was a time i felt like flying,
but for now i just feel like dying

I Hate You......

Everything you told me was a lie,
Every promise you made was fake,
You told me that you loved me,
But you've made me drown in this painful sea,
For everything you said and did,
I trusted you more than my own self,
I loved you more than life,
I prayed for you every day and night,
But you've made me and my heart fight,
For your fake love and care,
You've shattered my soul into pieces,
You've made me cry and destroy myself,
You've made world miserable for me,
Now I don't care for you and thee,
For every game you played with my heart,
I hate you, I hate you, I tell myself,
But your memories don't let me forget,
This heart beats with your name,
I just can't control my mind,
In your thoughts peace I find,
For every word you uttered for me....
I Love You....

"how funny!! someone breaks your heart and you keep loving him/her with all the little pieces......."

I Still......

I still love you with my heart and soul,
You are still my life and living with you is my goal,
I know I am a very bad girl and don't deserve you,
But without you my morns and eves turn blue,

You betrayed me and broke my heart,
But I miss you when it gets dark,
The love you gave me was life for me,
The reason of our broke up was only She....

She, the one whom I called my soul friend,
She, for whom I was ready to change the trends,
She became reason for my destruction,
You followed everything according to her instruction,

I know you were being forced to do so,
I realised when for my sake you decided to go,
I still want to talk with you and adore your eyes,
Those eyes that influence me to make tries,

But I can't bear anyone with you now,
I've spent a hard time and you know how,
I am ready to forget everything and carry-on,
But you don't understand how badly I am torn,

I act happy when actually I am not,
You know for your sake, with me she fought,
She wants to snatch you from me,but she'll fail,
She can't swim to the ship in which we sail....

Our soul will be together even If we are not,
Look! always remember I love you alot,
Our fates may not allow us to become one,
I may not, but you'll have fun,

Someday you'll find out that I am alive,
You'll cry seeing that for love I strive,
You'll regret the time you went away,


I see your torn face yearning for affection,
Do you remember my state when I strived?
I begged you for a single kind glance,
But your cruel soul never gave me a chance,

I see you stray for care door to door,
Did this remind you of your evil attitude?
I would cut my hands so you feel the pain,
But if you cared for me how would you attain?

Look at your poor ragged personality,
Remember how you loved mocking me in bad days?
I destroyed my grace and soberity for your sake,
But the glitters of world made your face fake,

Now you cry for me every day and night,
You get insane when you can't reach me,
You hurt yourself and get rashes,
But that don't matters,
I AM BURNT, YOU ARE LEFT WITH ASHES.....................

A loser

Everybody around INSULTS,
Everybody in life HURTS,
I am so tired of living this WAY,
My throat aches, I die with PAIN,
My weird habbits make people think I am INSANE,
I get stubborn I can't WAIT,
Only I am bad, everybody else is GREAT,
I feel like a convict in this JAIL,
I try, I try but always FAIL,
I get praises but taunts as WELL,
Why they make my life a HELL?
They doubt on every step that I TAKE,
My sincere feelings,they call them FAKE,
These doubts haunt me, I feel like DYING,
The thought makes me happy that I'll be FLYING,
But the limits forbade me to DIE,
I know that someday I'll fly very HIGH,
But the condition is they will let me BE,
Whenever I am sad, happy they SEEM,
They mock of me and push into the GRAVE,
But I'll fight because I am BRAVE,
They think me a puppet who is LIFELESS,
My life, my thoughts, my feelings are MEANINGLESS...................


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.05.2010

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