

once opon a time there was a horse,

The sky was clouded, an incoming storm. Yellow lightning lit up the frightening black clouds, pushing and swirling, brewing up chaos. Thunder rumbled like a viscous beast, hungry for fear. A band of wild horses anxiously looked around at their surroundings, nostrils flaring, ears rotating in every direction. They stomped their hooves, tossed their heads, and flicked their tails. A mare even reared because of sensing danger. She neighed and screamed, stamping her hooves. The black clouds chased the horses as they bolted down hills, across a flooding creek, and around rocking mountains. The rain finally came. It came down in sheets. Pure white, almost impossible to see. Horses neighed and reared, and circled and kicked. The foals were tossed around trying to find their moms, mares froze in fright, the stallion dashed and kicked. A crack of lightning split the sky, right in the middle of the Wyoming band of horses. They bolted each way, mares losing foals, foals losing mares, the stallion losing all. The poor stallion bolted to what he thought was his band. But he was only chasing thunder. The stallion ran for as long as he could before he collapsed, lying in the cold rain soaking wet. He was bound to get sick. He neighed and whinnied for help, but no one replied. After a few more minutes, two bright lights and the sound of an old engine cluttering appeared. The stallion tried his best to get up, but it was no use. Then two slamming noises came from the lights, and a voice was heard. "Hey Carter, I've found one. He looks wounded or somethin' like that." "Great. Get it into the trailer, and we can head back to the 'house." They were definitely men. And they were up to no good.


September 12 2015, Lexington Kentucky, 3:54pm.Me and my Dad climbed out of our muddy Holden Colorado and ambled over to Seth Quincey's old mossy wooden house. My father knocked his hairy knuckles on Seth's door and he and I waited for an answer. A few minutes later a hunched over old man in a floppy brown leather hat appeared behind the fly screened door. "What ya want?" He questioned us in his scratchy old voice. He opened the nearly broken door and looked at my Dad puzzled."We're here for the two horses for sale," my father said a little to loudly."Oh! Come with me then." He grumbled.Seth hobbled over to a run down barn just opposite his house. He opened the creaky stable doors and walked into the darkness. My Dad and I soon followed him in after sharing a nervous look. "Here they are," said Seth. "Don't know why you would want them Ken, there as useless as dirt. The female has a bit of a temper and the male has no heart for racing. I'll give them to you for $5000 each. How about that!?"The two horses were in the worst condition possible. The female was a Cremello thoroughbred and the male was a chestnut. Both of their manes and tails had been matted so much that I looked as if it had started to matte their coats as well. Their coats looked as if they hadn't brushed or clipped in years. They also smelt of their own manure. Ticks covered their muddy body's and their hooves were a whole other story.My face showed only one emotion: horror. "That's perfect!" My father said a little too embarrassed to negotiate with him.


"I'll take them now if that's okay with you?" "Be my pleasure." Seth smiled for once. "I don't have room for useless pieces of meat to sit around and do nothing." I stood there with my hands in my pocket looking at the cobwebbed roof. I had been so bored. At the time I had no interests in horses but that was all about to change.Everyone told me that I was in over my head or that I was crazy. But they were wrong. I sat in the truck with my sister, my mom, and my dad, which pulled a horse trailer. The horse inside of it was an Arabian gelding named Walter. He was one of the sweetest horses you could think of, and he was all mine. The car slid to the right side of the rode, hitting another car in the process. The trailer came loose, falling down a hill until it hit a tree. I screamed as we made contact with another car and everything went black. I awoke in a blue hospital bed, with a few nurses checking over me. No family. Weird. I sat up, but the nurses wouldn't look at me. "They died, didn't they?" I swallowed hard. They all nodded and helped me out of bed, so I could get ready to leave. Later on at the front desk, Uncle Joe sat in a black Ford truck, picking through radio stations. When he saw me, he unlocked the car and said, "Get in, Alyssa." I couldn't look at him when he was being rude, so I just asked, "Is Walter okay?" And I slid into the seat.Joe nodded and we headed for his ranch.  A beautiful chestnut mare bucked and kicked in the pasture. Clouds shaped themselves in the sky. "Oh, come on girl! There going to put you down soon if you won't let us train you," Iris moaned. The mare snorted her disapproval. Iris watched her run around the pasture.The mare showed no fear. "You still can't get her to come to you?" Penny asked, leading Macho. "Nope! She won't listen to me," Iris said. Macho tossed his head in fright. "What's the matter, boy?" Penny asked. Macho reared, Penny lost her grip on the lead rope. He went flying off, almost trampling Penny. "Are you alright?!" Iris asked. "I'm fine. Go get Macho!" Iris looked around, she saw a horse tethered nearby. A boy was walking toward the horse with a saddle. Iris ran over and hopped onto the horse. " Sorry! I'm just burrowing him," Iris apologized. She galloped off trailing behind Macho. Iris held onto the horse. She didn't have a saddle to balance herself in. Macho was two horses ahead of them. He could trip over that lead rope and hurt himself, Iris thought. Iris felt the horse quicken his pace. In no time, Iris was side by side Macho. Iris reached out for the lead rope, she felt herself sliding off. She straightened herself and tried again. Iris grabbed the lead rope and felt herself almost being jerked off. "Easy boy!" Iris called to Macho. Macho slowed his pace and walked. Iris slowed the horse she was riding and trotted back to the stable, Macho following. Penny was with Iris's parents, talking. "Iris! Are you alright?" Iris' mother asked.


"I'm fine, help me check Macho," Iris replied. "I'll go take Sun Rise back to Baron", Penny offered, grabbing Sun Rise's reins. Iris checked Macho's hooves and legs for any scratches, cuts, or wounds. " That was dangerous, you could have hurt yourself", Iris' father snapped."I know, but I brought back Macho," Iris protested. Iris' father led Macho to his Stall. Iris turned her attention to the chestnut mare. "Mom, do you think this mare frightened Macho?" Iris questioned. "How could she, she is in a pasture. And plus, she is not even scary," Iris' mother laughed. Iris stared at the mare. Her eyes shone, showing fire and hatred. This mare had a fiery spirit, yet, a very dangerous path. Was this horse ever going to start trusting Iris?  I made my decision and went for the white gray stallion instead of the gray mare. We lived in a small mine village with around hundred houses. The head of the security company already had two horses, Dante and Chika, at the end of the village about thirty houses from us. It was a Tuesday afternoon when Uncle Marb called my mom and said he was bringing my Stallion. He wanted to keep it a secret, but my mother couldn't keep the excitement from me. I quickly changed into my riding jeans, the ones with the torn knee which I got from falling, even though I knew I wasn't going to ride him today. The 2 guys unload him from the horsebox and I could tell he was happy to be out. He pulled on the halter and wasn't easy to handle, when he saw the other horses he wanted to run to them and pulled hard on the halter. Uncle Marb was talking about cleaning briddles and the horses he had on the farm. I usually enjoyed talking and learning new things about horses but all I did was stare at the beautiful horse that was now mine. "Are you happy now, my dear?" My mom asked me. I wanted to scream, throw myself on the ground and roll in the dust but all I said was: "Yes! Oh thank you mom! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"There was a smile on her face but when she looked at the stallion there was a bit of doubt a across her face. The head of security, Mr Taylor, was talking to Uncle Marb about his old days and the horses he had that had champion blood lines. My Stepbrother took photos of my Stallion for me.


 On Monday morning my throat felt like it had a hair ball in it. Then I failed math I tried my very best, but of course it wasn't good enough. In my mind I broke my pencil and threw it all the way across the room. Later I fell asleep during Geography, found out that the new P.E. Teacher was a nightmare, threw up in lunch because of the mystery meat, and was one point away from failing Science. The only subjects I liked were History and Writing.After school I whipped out my iPhone and quickly punched in the number of my mom's cell phone. When she didn't answer I left a voice mail that sound like this:"Um mom I'll be back for dinner around six. I won't be to um... answer my phone till I come back. Uh... g-good bye I-I-I guess." Okay so sometimes I stutter... okay a lot. I rode my bike as fast as I could to North Houston Horse Park. I smiled when Caterpillar ( the oldest pony) nickered. I hopped off my bike and winked at Quincy one of the sweetest ponies ever. For the first time in for ever I laughed. I laughed at all the horses that I hadn't cared to look at on Saturday. My mom was right, I missed all my old horse pals. I had been prideful, selfish, and stubborn. I didn't visit Studded with Silver ( the horse before Shooting Star). Then I remembered why I had come. I dashed to the stable. When the palomino filly wasn't there. I slowly walked up to my old friend Lindy. "Ummmm... w-w-where i-is new filly g-g-gone?" Then I realized that I didn't used to stutter. "OMGOODNESS! Girl where have you been!!!!!!!!!!!" Lindy cried as she squeezed the living day lights out of me. "Uh hi." Then I blinked back tears. Lindy still liked me! "I believe the palomino racing horse is with the vet. He's checking out her cannon bone." I dashed over to the vet. "Will she be alright?" I said without stuttering. "I'm sure as Shootin' that with the right time and care she'll be just fine."


"Horses can be superstars even if they're not Olympic standard," I said, walking to isle 1."How about you pick, I check after. I'm going to find your Mother," he said, walking off.I smiled and carried on walking down the isle.I couldn't find any horses that I liked. These all just seemed to be tiny little shetland ponies."Missy, if your trying to find a pony, go to isle 6," a man said, pointing it to me."Thankyou," I said, following his finger.He was right. These were the type of ponies I was looking for. There were chestnuts, bays, greys, browns, roans, everything it seemed.I liked a chestnut pony called Milkshake but he bit and kicked and I knew Dad wouldn't be very happy with a pony like that.I also liked a little skewbald mare called Callie but she was too skittish.When it seemed there were no ponies for me, I found a little blue roan pony right at the end of the isle. The sign on the door said his name was Dibber, he was eight years old, didn't bite, kick, buck or anything if treated appropriately and he had previously done some cross country and showjumping to 2ft6 even though he could go much higher. It also said he was 14hh high and got cold during the night so he needed a lot of rugs.  

my horses

The sun was rising over the horizon. The beautiful orange was breaking the skyline. I stared out of the window and saw this. It made me realise that today was the day. The day I would get in the prestigious riding academy that everyone had dreamed of. I was with 2 other girls and their horses. My best friend Emily Horthwen with her beautiful paint stallion Joker. And the other a posh rich girl named Sophie Kellison and her charming black mare Lollipop also known as Poopy. I was with my chestnut mare Magnetics but everyone just calls her Mags. “Nearly there girls, about 5 more minutes” Rachel Douglas, our instructor yawned. We were all tired but we were all prepared to do the long journey. These were the auditions to get into the prestigious riding academy in Buckinghamshire. Every Olympian had trained there and had got a medal. Places were limited as well. Today was the trials for the eventers. This is what me and Mags had trained for.We finally pulled into the driveway. The sun was finally up and there was at least 10 vans already here. We were competing as individuals but we was competing as part of the stables team. Me, Sophie and Emily was all in the top team back at Blue Wood Stables. Everyone jumped out of the van and immediately Sophie started moaning.“Why this early in the morning! I need my sleep!” Sophie exclaimed. “Oh stop moaning and unload Poppy, now would be nice!” Rachel replied, struggling to open the back door. I ran over to help her. The door landed on the ground with a slam. All the horses head jumped and looked startled. I ran up to comfort Mag’s. “It’s fine… We’ll be fine,” I whispered.


"wake up! Bright and early girls!" my mom said. It was 5:00 and it was very bright for that time. Me and my sister Jessie McLee had a show today. I woke up to the smell of grazing live stock. I always get that side of the house, I mean always, cities, suburbs, mansions, you name it. But when its livestock I don't mind. "Ughhhh" Jessie groaned putting her pillow over her head. I ran into her room and yelled "showtime" and ran back to my room and but my breeches on. We don't need to leave until 7:30 but we still have work to do. I put on my boots (both for show and riding) and left on my pajama shirt. I pulled my hair back into a pony-tail and grabbed my tack and headed out. One I got to the stables I dropped the halter and lead. I put my saddle and bridle on their pegs and hung up the halter and lead. I grabbed my grooming kit and set it by my treat/tack box and got the halter and lead.I heard footsteps so I assumed it was Jessie. But it wasn't it was Luke. "Luke go away." I said rolling my eyes at him. "what? I cant get my tack?" he said leaning against the wall. Luke's always on our property so my parents re built the stable and made it bigger so he has a stall for Petra. "well, you can but don't lean on the wall, there's spider eggs above your head and they'll fall" I joked and waled out to go get storm. I opened the gate the led out to the pasture and walked in and closed it. I walked over to storm, who was rolling. "easy boy don't roll on to me" I giggled. He stood up and rubbed his head on me and I stepped back. "OK, storm enough" I said while putting on his halter. When I headed out the gate Luke walked in to get Petra. When I got into the stall, I groomed him and picked him and put on my tack and lead him out to the arena.


"Clear!" The judge's voice rang out across the arena. Bridgett McAmmon and her mount, Surefoot, had done it- they had won the Louistan Equestrian Finals! They took the final gallop around the arena before exiting to the stabling area. "You were great!" Susie Illeto, Bridgett's best friend, commended her. "I know, right? On to the San Hito Show Jumping Finals!" Bridgett said triumphantly. Her sister, Kate, came over and congratulated Bridgett as well. "Do you know what this means for you, Bridgett? If you win your next finals, then you'll be allowed to compete-internationally!" "I know, I know. It's so amazing isn't it?" Bridgett agreed. "I just hope that I can win the next finals." "Oh, come on, Bridgett! Of course you'll win. You have the best horse in the country!" Kate encouraged her sister. "But what if I lose..." she trailed off. "You won't." She lightly hopped out of the saddle and onto the soft ground. After she handed the reigns to Ricky Aspich, the groom for Peenswich Riding Academy, John Dotscin motioned her to come over to his side. Bridgett's tall eighteen-year-old figure ambled proudly toward Peenswich's owner and manager. "Yes, Mister Dotscin?" She reported. "I have to admit, Bridgett, but that was some mighty good jumping you did out there. You've improved drastically since you came to the riding academy five months ago." Mister Dotscin applauded. "Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you and...well-everybody!" "I have to go now. I'll see you later, Bridgett, and don't forget tomorrow's lesson." He reminded her, as he jogged toward the stabling area. "Time to go, Bridgett!" Kate called, taking hold of Surefoot's reins. "I'll load Surefoot into the trailer;you get into the car. And see you at home!" As she watched Kate's figure disappear towards the loading area, the last few moments of the competition replayed in her memory.


Thunder cracked outside. Rain pounded on the windowsill like impatient fingers tapping on a desk. I closed my eyes as lightning flashed outside, and I could see the bright light through my eyelids. All the horses were in their stalls, and so I gazed out onto empty fields. I grew up with horses, on Lakewood Stables. It's right by the lake, hence the name, so you can look over wherever you are and see the glistening waters. But right now there's no horses grazing out in the green fields, no riders jumping or practicing dressage in the arena, and no pretty glistening lake with the sun shining right on it. Just the wind and rain. Then I spotted something in the farthest pasture, a shadow, but I couldn't quite make it out. I guess it's just an illusion. I squinted at it, waiting for another bolt of lightning to see it, and Bang! Lightning, quick and nimble, hit the ground in the distance. I saw briefly a young filly, alone and frightened. I blinked a few times, but she was still there. A sliver of moonlight managed to shine down through the wind and rain touched her ebony coat, making it glimmer. She tossed her mane, shaking raindrops onto the ground. But how could she be here? She wasn’t ours. I had never seen this filly before. She looked old enough to be without her mother, but she was still reasonably young. I could tell she was a wild thing, but her gentle eyes were full of terror. I squinted at her, all alone in the storm. The town was maybe three miles from here, and we didn’t have any neighbors. It was unlikely she wandered from another ranch to ours. I wasn’t sure what to do. I couldn't just leave her, all alone. I got up and reached for the door, deciding that I'll go get her, and just provide shelter for her for a few days. That won't hurt, would it? So I headed for my parent's room to wake them up, but stopped myself. What would they say? Would they help me with the filly? I mean, of course they would if they said yes, but I knew they would say no. And besides, it was late, so maybe I could just get her myself... I tip-toed down the stairs carefully. Our house was very old, almost 100 years. Sure, it had been fixed up many times, but that didn't mean it didn't creak. Even with the storm outside, I didn't want to risk getting caught sneaking out. I headed for the door right at the bottom of the stairs, grabbed my coat and slipped my rain-boots on. A rush of wind and rain blew the door out of my hands when I opened the it. I stepped through it and headed for where I saw the filly. My boots squished in the mud, leaving deep tracks. I stepped past the barn full of sleepy horses, and could still see the filly at the farthest point in the pasture. As I got closer, I saw that we had left the gate to the pasture open. So that was how she got in. I prayed she wouldn't flee back through when she saw me. I slowed down as I came closer, until I was practically standing still. Only about 10 feet away now... "Here girl," I whispered, again and again. I didn't think she would hear me, but her ears pricked towards me. She looked at me questioningly. She was older than I thought, maybe about 2, and had a little white star on her forehead. Her coat was dripping wet, but even so, she was truly a beautiful filly. My mind was racing now. She was looking right at me, unmoving. Then I realized I forgot a lead rope! How was I supposed to get her to the barn now? But maybe if I could just call her over, she would follow me... I was about to open my mouth to whisper to her, but suddenly there was a bright, blinding flash. I felt heat wash over me as though someone had lit a fire around me then immediately put it out. All I could see was white, and the black figure of the filly, like a phantom drifting over me.Thanks for reading! Please say if you thought I wrote too much so I know to write less next time


Lucy finished grooming her new thoroughbred gelding, Twister. Tomorrow they were going to their first show and Lucy was sure they would show the other competitors they were best. Lucy's riding instructor, Miss Jane had entered them in Junior Jumper. The class included 3' 3" jumps and a challenging course. Finally the day of the show arrived, and Lucy was felling the opposite of exited. From the stable area, where she was standing with Twister, the jumps looked like they were 7' tall! When Miss Jane gave her a leg up Lucy whispered to her, "I don't think I can do it!" Miss Jane smiled and said, "All of my students feel this way at shows, and I just tell them go out their and have fun! And you know what, They do just fine!" Lucy nodded and trotted into the ring for the schooling warm- up. She jumped the whole course twice and had it memorized by the time her class started. "Miss Lucinda Creason on Twist and Twirl up next!" The announcer said. Lucy cantered into the ring. Twister sped up to a gallop and the flew over the first jump. "Right to the oxer," she said to herself. The oxer was big and other horses had trouble with the fence. "Bending line to the triple combination" The triple combination was big, hard and scary. Twister jumped it with ease. Up next was the ending double. Lucy had to jump those jumps to finish clear. Lucy urged Twister on and he flew over both of them. When she finished she was out of breath and sweating. Twister was fine. She was sure she would get more than a sixth place, and she did, The blue ribbon was in her hand, along with a silver platter.


Olivia froze looking at the cougar, her heart thumping.“Olivia move or the cat will KILL you!” Jessie her riding instructor shouted.Suddenly Roy started galloping over the jump at the exact time the cougar pounced,Olivia tried her best to stay on but she fell off with tears streaming down her face.She Looked up and there was Roy sniffing her face. Olivia stood up and gave Roy a hug still crying. After a couple of minutes Olivia felt a hand on her backShe looked up and saw Jaxon.“Is the cougar gone?”“Yah it’s gone, it ran away.” Jaxon answered “Are you okay?”“Yah.” Oliva whimpered, “I was just so scared. What if Roy died, what if..” Olivia tried not to cry but a tear still fell down her cheek.“Come here.” Jaxon said with his arms out. Oliva came and they hugged while Olivia tried her best not to cry.Later that night as Olivia was reading in her bedroom she got a text.“U and your BF(boyfriend) r so cute it makes me want to puke (;” It was from Ariel. The night Olivia cried herself to sleep.The next morning as Olivia was at her locker a new girl came to the locker beside her.“Hi.” Olivia said.“Hi.” said the short brunette.“My name is Olivia Hartford, What’s yours?"“Jill McMac.”“What’s your first class?” Olivia asked.“Science.”“Aw, I have English.”“I have to go.”“Kay.”Just then Jaxon walked over. “Hey Olivia.” Olivia brightened up, glad to see her now Best Friend.“Hi Jaxon.” Olivia replied. “How are you?”“Doing great except I forgot to help you with your math.”“Oh.”“I guess we will have to hit the books at lunch.”“And recess.”They high-fived. As they were walking to there first class...“Jaxon Doug.”As Jaxon turned to see who it was. He froze.She was a girl with short blond hair, two piercings in her ear and one piercing on her nose. And she did not look happy.


I could feel my heart beating in my ears, the adrenaline rushed through my veins and into my head, I sat steady and went a long with my mares canter, the final jump was just a few strides away.This was it, this jump was the one, if I cleared it I would win the Sweet Meadows Equestrian Finals.Only 3 strides left......2 strides.....1 stride!I neatly folded into my jumping position and closed my eyes, I was to nervous to see what happens, I felt my mare Pumpkin, collect all of her strength in her back legs and spring over the 4'6 oxer. I opened my eyes when we landed, I quickly took a glance back, all the poles were in place!!!I cantered a lap around the sand arena before exiting.I soon heard the judge announce on his mega phone," That was Tara riding her horse Pumpkin Patch with zero faults and a time of 0:54 seconds. This makes her the winner of the Sweet Meadows Finals!"As I took my victory gallop around the arena I could see my coach and all of my family that came to watch cheering for me, well except my older sister. My sixteen year old sister sat watching me with a smug look on her face, I could tell by her shimmering green eyes that she was not impressed. My sister was reserve champion during regionals, and she was always above me, with her light brown wavy hair, perfect nails, spotless face, perfect EQ, and designer clothes. Always made me feel, well like a looser, even at school! I always known as "that freshmen who's like Courtney's sister."But even though she was as pretty as a super model, had thousands of blue ribbons, the world most obedient Hanoverian gelding. I had a mission, If I got to regionals, I would win first place, proving myself to be just as good as her.


I could feel Violet's hooves stride into a nice even canter. She tossed her head and I still held on as we glided through the first jump. The second was an oxer. A worried look entered my face. We circled and Violet tripped. She got back up and tossed her head even stronger. She ripped the reins out of my hands and I felt like I had no control. Because I didn't. I could hear my trainer yelling "Grab the reins!" But it was too late. She flung me into the oxer. Dust stormed everywhere. She bucked and cantered away. After a few seconds of realizing what just happened. Everything blacked out. Something warm touched my face. It was my cat's tail. How was Misty here? I realized I was in my room. That was in my house. I saw a thin woman with light brown curls and fierce green eyes kneeling over my bed. Mom. "Are you ok!???!!!" She questioned quickly. I nodded. Mom smiled and kissed my forehead. "Want some tea?" She asked . I nodded again. When she left the room I sat up painfully, and looked at my phone. There were new videos in my inbox. I typed the password and watched the videos. I saw Violet a bay mare bolting and tossing her head at a the jump. She bucked and after the dust cleared I was there. Sitting on the floor like a huge doof. When Mom came in I turned it off and sat up quickly. "You ok?" She asked. "Yeah." She handed me my tea and suddenly got a phone call. She answered it. I could mumbling on the other side. Mom said a few words and nodded a lot. "It's, Mrs. Hailey your trainer. " She handed the phone to me. "Hello?" I asked, sipping my tea every so often. I smiled. I smiled even huger and huger. Mom looked confused. "Ok! Bye! Yeah see ya! Bye!!!" I looked at Mom, smiling so big my cheeks hurt. "Were to go see Violet!"| I shrieked. Mom nodded and smiled, uncertain. I was in the barn again. That beautiful horse and hay smell. I smiled. Then I saw Violet on crossties. I reached out to touch her and she tossed her head high, slapping my hand back at my face. She pinned her ears back so hard they looked like they were going to rip off. I backed away quickly. "What's wrong with you Vi?" She tossed her head and stomped her feet. I looked at her. She changed.



I awoke to the sun shining brightly to my eyes. I groaned as I sat up. My waist long red hair was sticking up everywhere. I slid of my bed and touched my bare feet to the cold wooden floor. I shivered because of the breeze my window was sending in. As I walked to the bathroom to look at the monster I had turned into last night. "Ugh." Was all I could say as I looked at myself. I quickly decided to get ready and go feed the horses. I considered taking a shower, but I would just get dirty from the barn anyway.I brushed my long red hair and did a messy side braid. I pulled on some skinny blue jeans and a black tank top. I went downstairs and pulled on my brown riding boots and a my chocolate colored sweater.As I ran out the door I felt the icy winter breeze. "Wyoming at it's finest." I mumbled. Maybe I shouldn't have worn a tank top. I walked slowly towards the barn hugging myself to keep warm. When I opened the barn door and refreshing heat hit me. I closed the barn door behind me and went over to the feed buckets and scooped some grain into them. I gave each horse their food and gave them a healthy portion of vitamins and hay. Instead of going back outside in the cold, I decided to listen to the calming munching of horses. After they were done eating I decided to train my new horse Boo. He was a Appaloosa mustang stallion. He was only 3 years old. He wasn't broke yet, but I was working with him. I went out to the round pen, where he was staying, and I did join up with him. Join up is a trust act. You would run horses around the pen until they joined up with you. Boo ran and ran. I was starting to think he wasn't going to join up. His black spots on his white coat was so pretty as he galloped. I kept flicking the lead line until he finally had enough... To be continued.


Forever. That's what you said. You told me that you would protect me. That you loved me. You lied. I protected you. I could've hurt you or even killed you with one wrong move. But I didn't. I was vulnerable. I believed that loved me and that you would keep me forever. I was wrong. May 15th 2013I trotted gracefully into the ring. Katie sat proudly on my back. I felt her apply pressure to my sides, so I picked up a working canter. We cantered around the ring once, and then the buzzer went. I cantered over to a big jump. This course was 4' with all types of jumps. I was a grey Dutch warmblood gelding that stood 17.3hh. I competed in national competitions showing in jumpers of all height. My rider, Katie, was 16 years old. She was the kindest girl I could think of. At least, that's what I thought. We approached the first jump. La Tee Da... I thought to myself as we got closer. We soared through the air..... And we were over it! I came to the second jump, a big oxer. We cleared that too. The third, forth and fifth were simple. When it came to the second to last jump, I felt something in my fetlock. As I was about to take off, my fetlock buckled. I fell to my knees and rolled over. Katie was thrown in to the wall. I lay on the ground motionlessly. The doctors and nurses rushed out to the ring to retrieve Katie. They checked her over. I heard them say that she broke her arm and may have a mild concussion. I felt so horrible p, even though there was nothing I could do to stop what had happened. I did not think that this little incident would cause the horrible things that happened in my future. Please comment for part 2. I would really appreciate it if you guys can give me feedback. No hate plz! It's not great but I wanted to write a story...

ponys and horses

 Alex tightened the girth on Snow Boots, her 12 year old welsh section c pony. Miss Sahara. her awesome riding instructor gave her a leg up and told her to walk over to the course list. "So, that diagonal to the outside line and then that bending line?" Alex asked. Miss Sahara nodded. Alex trotted into the ring with confidence and kicked Snowy slightly. Snowy burst into a canter and flew toward the first jump jumping way to big and causing Alex to fall off. Alex stood up painfully and dusted off her jacket. Snowy was not flying around the ring like most of the horses did when their riders fell off, she was standing quietly waiting for Alex to get back on. Alex sighed and walked out of the ring. Miss Sahara patted Snowy and gave Alex a hug. "Its alright Alexa, You just jumped big that's all!" She brushed off Snowy and Alex got back on. "All riders for Intermediate Hunter Rider over fences course B please check in at the gate!" The announcer boomed. Alex trotted Snowy over to the gate and signed in. She trotted Snowy in the ring and and again cantered toward the fence. She jumped the course well, but not well enough for the judge. She got a sixth in the class.Miss. Sahara sighed and told her. "Green is the prettiest color on the ribbon list!" She said, "You did your personal best so why not say you won a ribbon? Imagine it, Flowing and long, colored with the colors red blue and yellow, Shining and golden, and beautiful." Alex smiled and nodded patting Snowy and holding the long ribbon in her hand.  


Mia stared blankly out of the car window as it drove down the long dirt paths. She sighed unhappily, she didn't want to leave. She missed her cosy room that was decorated with posters of beautiful horses, she missed her horse crazy friends and most of all she missed Sundance.Sundance was Mia's gorgeous pintaloosa mare, she and Mia had a special connection and now she was gone. Sold to another owner, scared confused and lonely. Mia fought back the salty tears that were welling up in her dark brown eyes. Why did her dad have to get another job? He was perfectly fine working at his old company anyway..."Are you alright honey?" Mia's mother asked quietly, Mia ignored her and looked away. She watched her home, her horse and her life disappear before her eyes as they started through the countryside. After a long car journey Mia felt sick to her stomach. It wasn't unusual though, Mia often felt carsick. She thought of Sundance whinnying desperately, calling out to her wondering where she had gone, why she had left. Mia bit her lip and tried hard to think of something else. Maybe she would get another horse! But she didn't want another horse. She wanted Sundance.When Mia and her parents arrived at their new house it was already sunset. The sky had turned a soft pink color, the moon was already glowing brightly in the night sky. Mia snooped around her new home, first she looked around the garden. She was secretly thrilled to find acres of farmland and pastures behind the medium sized blue house, but she was determined not to let her parents see her happiness. After all, she was well and truly mad and them.The inside of 72 Stallion's Lane was surprisingly big, Mia found her self marveling at the many rooms and large windows that looked onto the pastures and forests. Her room was a spacious place on the second floor that had a wonderful view of the paddocks. Mia smiled as she was her fingers across the pony wallpaper. She had a pretty horse blanket and pillow, and even a horse chair! She took her suitcase from the car and started to put up her horse posters. Maybe moving wouldn't be so bad after all! She set up her Breyer horse stables and collapsed on her bed, exhausted from the long sad day.That night Mia dreamed of a strange but stunning palomino mare. The mare was galloping madly through the forests, until somehow she came to a horse sale. She saw the pretty mare fade into a starved and abused little thing, that seemed to have never been loved. Then Sundance came, nuzzled the mare then left. When Mia woke she was so confused from the weird events in her dreams that she couldn't fall back asleep.Instead she sat on the floor, playing with her many model horses. Each one had a name, and her family were astounded at how she could remember them all. Her parents hadn't spoken to her much since they told her about the move though, and in return Mia ignored every word they happened to say. Only then did it occur to her that her parents might be hiding something from her...


It was a summer day and the heat was killing me. I got out of bed, glad to smell bacon and egg cooking as I slipped out of my pajamas and put on my red shirt, jeans and cowgirl hat."Breakfast!" Came soon after so I quickly fastened my belt and raced downstairs, my family were down there and sitting at the dining room table of our ranch house, there was my mom, Samantha trying to teach my baby brother Dylan how to eat with a fork instead of cramming his food into his mouth with his hands, my dad was talking to my little sister Emily, and our dog Ringo was trying to beg them all for scraps. I smiled and sat down reaching for my plate serving myself a bacon and egg sandwich and ate it, it was delicious."Great cook hun" dad kissed mom on the lips and Emily screwed up her face. "Eww! Get a room!" she cried and I rolled my eyes."So immature" I muttered which made her glare at me "i'm mature!" "Your ten Emily, of course your not" I said calmly and turned to dad "whats our schedule for today?" I asked and he looked up"I'm going out after we clean out the stalls to sell a few of the colts, they are getting a little old" he said "and after that we will need more horses so I'm gonna get some wild ones, then we have to feed the horses and train. Any questions?" he said and everybody shook their heads. I took the information into my brain and jammed it in tight."Okay dad, can I come with you to get the wild horses?" I asked him hopefully."Okay, but only if you give Emily a riding lesson afterwards and don't try and rein in any stallions, you know what happened last summer!" he said nodding and Ringo gave a sharp bark which probably meant 'Yep!'"Okay dad, and it was only a broken arm" I said but agreed to him without any more arguments, he wasn't only my father he was also a rancher and western riding instructor that I respected. Right after he came back from selling the horses and we had mucked out the stalls he nodded to me"Lets go!" he said. We tacked up our horses and headed out to the wild, not long later I head squeals and neighs. "Shh, horses" he whispered to dad and he brought his finger to his lips, he reached over the hedge -that separated us from them- with his head and stared at the horses, he grabbed his lasso's and got a mare, he handed me two and I got her two foals. I grinned but then they realised, the mare let out screeches and reared and bucked, the foals however, did nothing but watch, till Sky trotted away with her father close behind and the mare and the two foals gave in and followed us.I let out coo's to calm them further but the mare still had her ears pinned to her head


As Charlie looked in the mirror she felt sick another day on her aunties pony ranch and she didn’t know if charm was still going to be alive. Ever since last Monday her 14.2hh cob had been hardly able to breath the swelling had increased and his gums gone white. So he looked almost dead the only thing keeping him going was she herself Charlie his soul mate. She finally racked up the courage to walk down the 144 steps to her aunty kitchen before carrying on into the yard .All the horses whinnied as their owners looked up with sorrow in their eyes. Charlie broke into a run she was worried had something happened that she didn’t know about? Surly not she unbolted his door leaving the whispers behind her. She was staring at the floor hoping to see charms sickly but eager eyes staring up at her from on the floor awaiting his treat...But he was gone her legs crumbled as she fell to the floor and wept uncontrollably "charm oh my dear dear charm do tell me you’re ok i need you charm i need you “. She stayed there for a little while before she felt something warm on her neck she sat up immediately and saw her aunt."What are you crying for dear don’t be silly now “said auntie Joe “get up off that rubber matting you haven’t cleaned out in a week you know since charm became sick “she said softly.“But he’s d-deead.” Stammered daisy “Oh darling” her auntie said tutting then she shook her head at Amy the head girl of pony club while Amy looked down at her feet ashamed then Joe turned back to Charlie “Stand up,” Charlie looked at her as if to say nooo “up! I want to show you something” then she shouted over the yard.“Amy why didn’t you put this poor girl out of her misery! Charlie trailed behind her aunt she felt foul why she just wanted a bit of sympathy her best friend had died for goodness sake or had he?




As me and my sister strawberry were kicking and running around. The once quiet mountain morning was split by a piercing crash of thunder and crack of fierce lightning my eyes grew big and I whinnied with fear and started running to find my mother. As darkness started to over come the side of the mountain I thought I would never find my mother again I started to panic running in circles whinnying for my herd then I noticed I had forgotten strawberry. The rain started pouring and the thunder started getting louder and louder I walked helplessly along the the flat river bed when a hard stiff rope was lassoed over my neck i started thrashing and kicking to get loose but it didn't work. One man on a horse was pulling on the rope making it get tighter around my slender neck then a women came pushing me on the ground and tying all of my legs together. I saw the women give the man a signal as he made the horse walk backwards it started dragging me onto the bank where the girl picked me up and lay me in a dry dark place. As I lay on the bottom of this dark place it suddenly started moving I whinnied in fear and waited for a response and surprisingly one answered mine I looked blindly in the place trying to find the horse that answered and noticed laying a few feet from me lay strawberry. She sounded as scared as I was but sounded weak as I looked up I saw something different on her I started smelling the air through my nostrils to see if I could pick up what was wrong with strawberry then the scent came to me... it was blood.


As soon as Emma Arana reached the exit of the Rocky Flats High school she burst into full speed down the side walk, racing for her bike. She didn't pay attention to the clusters of teens laughing and signing year books. It wasn't as if they were going to sign her year book anyways. Slinging her book bag into the basket of her bike, she quickly pedaled down the street. Her long curly hair flowed with the wind, and a small smile crept up her face. It was summer and she planned to do nothing but spend hours with her new horse Breeze. A 12 year old girl had given her Breeze. The girl was an old neighbor, but she was moving. Emma had often seen the shining brown horse prancing in the pasture the back of Emma's dad's old farm house. "I know you'll take care of her," the girl had said softly, bravely keeping the tears back. "Daddy said it was either you or the slaughter house. There's no space for Breeze where I'm going. I saw you slipping some carrots to her. She loves sugar cubes too, on Sunday she loves having a nice run. All the supplies for her is in the stables, you can take it to your barn." Emma smiled at Sara, who was holding tightly to the reins of Breeze. "I promise I'll take care of her. You just take care of your self, I'll send pictures if you want. Its sweet of you, and I'll help Breeze not forget you." The girl, Sara, smiled a little now, gave a kiss to the horse who nuzzled into her elbow. She whispered a few words, than walked away. Emma's dad wasn't too sure, but at the glowing face of his 15 year old daughter, he let her keep the thoroughbred. It wasn't often that Emma got excited over something. Emma didn't have many friends, and the death of her mother brought a solemn appearance to the beautiful dark blue eyed girl. Emma knew that this summer was going to be different in a beautiful way.


I gasped as I woke up looking at the time. I cradled myself again because I had another nightmare. Same one, but more terrifying. I hopped out of bed and threw my clothes on. It was only four in the morning yet perfect temperature for a ride. I ran downstairs and popped the door open. I ran out into the barn and turned the lights on. All the horses popped their heads out. "Hey you guys!" I said cheerfully. "Who wants to go ride'n!" I walked by my mares stall, Blaze. I walked in. "Girl, you need to have that baby you are way over due." I rubbed her stomach and felt a kick. I laughed. She nickered. I gave her a kiss and walked out. "Hey buddy!" I said to my blue roan gelding. "You ready to go!" I ran to get a halter and brought it back. I saddled him up and walked out. He knew what we were doin. He eagerly set toward the barrels. I nudged him to a trot and opened the gate to the arena and grabbed my hat. I always set it on the pole. "Woe." I said firmly. I stared at the barrels. His ears twitched with excitement waiting for me to yell, go. I sat there for a couple more seconds then yelled, "GO!!!" He took off fast as a bullet how I loved the wind in my face. "Whoa!" I said he slowed to a fast lope. I yelled, "GO!" He ran toward the next barrel my hands were firm on the reins but I knew I could've let go and he would know the whole course. "Whoa!" He slowed again to a fast canter. "Get!" I yelled. His feet were steady as he ran. His four hoofs beat with grace yet with speed too. "Whoa." I said firmly again. Then I kicked tell the finish and said, "Whoa." We did a slide stop. "Good boy." I said as I patted his neck. I walked him off as he breathed heavily through the walk. "Alexis!" I looked back behind me and saw my mom. I kicked buddy right to her he was unsure of what we where doing but followed my commands. My Mom jumped out of the way. I ran out into the wild not sure of what was to come Soon I slowed Buddy down and looked into the light. The sun was just halfway set and I was guessing it was about five in the morning. I made buddy lay down and slowly fell asleep on him. I woke up with the sound of hoofs. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a blurry black figure in the distance. I slowly found out it was a horse. "Good thing we brought a rope." I said to buddy. He stood up and I saddled him and got on. "Lets go!" I yelled. He ran anxiously trying to catch up with the black horse. We came near and I swung my rope. I caught it. "Gotcha." I said.I slowed it down and gasped at the horse.It was beautiful! It bucked and reared. I struggled with it and slowly got it back to the barn and in the round pen. I looked it in the eye and turned around and my mother was right in front of me.


Going into that box for the first time was one of the scariest things that ever happened to me. It made weird rumbling noises and had no food in it. I looked down and saw my scraped legs. Everything re-winded in my mind. Blood, screaming, yelling, tears. I felt the pain in my chest bump harder and harder, It can't happen to me again. The two-legs tugged on the rope that was hooked onto a head piece onto me. I pulled harder and harder as my muscles tensed. No. It will NOT HAPPEN AGAIN! I threw my head up and pulled until the two-leg fell to his knees. I stomped my hooves and bucked, kicking one of the two-legs in the stomach. They moaned loudly and fell to the ground. I reared. Then, I felt the worst pain in history. Everything went black. I woke up in another box. One much warmer. Filled with sand on the ground. I picked at it. My legs were covered with white bandages that showed some red. It re-winded again. More screaming. More tears. More blood... I shook my head, shaking the memory out as well. Suddenly I smelled a wonderful thing. Food. In some oval things there water and food. I bit the grain. It tasted amazing. Nothing like grass. A small cage hung from the wall. Hay. I ripped it from the cage and chewed. I slurped water. It trickled down my throat. It felt so good. I heard a slap. The same sound that I heard before I blacked out. Except smaller. Then a neigh and a scream and hooves stomping. I tried to look out but metal bars kept me prisoned from seeing what was happening. Next day, I looked out my window. I didn't see anything really. Only birds and cats walking around. When I turned around I saw more two-legs hovering by my box. They opened up the bars (boy, were they strong) and put the headpiece on my head again. This time they looked nicer, and didn't hold that rubber stick that made that noise. They put the rope on me and led me outside to a circle. After an hour, I learned "woah" means slow down or stop. A clucking noise they made from their mouths meant faster and pulling on the rope go the other way. When I wasn't listening they pulled out the stick again.


I'm going to tell you a story about me! One day I was galloping around a field. Suddenly I heard screaming! I turned my head and saw My best friend, Holly, being taken away from a man. The man looked at me. My owner, Emily, ran toward me. She looked at me and cried, "That man is going to take you away! He steals horses so he can sell them to other people!" I lowered my head sadly. Emily looked up and saw the man standing right next to her. "Leave her alone! Stay away from her!" Emily yelled. The man pushed her to the ground. He jumped on me and whipped me until I ran. "No matter what happens! I will find you!" Emily screamed as the man whipped me. We rode for a long time. Then it went dark. The man led me into a thorny stable like thing. I reared and bucked. He knew I was trying to escape. He looked at me and whipped me. "Come on!" He yelled in a deep voice. I was in a stall. There was more horses. They looked terrified. The man put this sleepy gas in the stable. I collapsed. I said to myself, "I wish I was free." Then I fell asleep. When I awoke, I saw a little girl smiling at me! I froze. "What will she do to me?" I asked myself. The little girl opened her mouth and said, "I like you! My name is Sarah!" I stood up. Sarah came closer, so I backed away. "Don't be afraid." She said in a gentle voice. She read into her pocket and pulled out a carrot. I looked at it. "It's a carrot. Here you go." Sarah said holding the carrot out to me. I walked up really slow. She held it closer to me. I ate it right her hand. "That's it!" She said smiling. Then that man walked in! I backed up to the corner of my stall. "So you want this horse?" said the man looking at Sarah. "Yes! The problem is I don't have enough money." Sarah said as her smiled drifted into a frown. "Well, she's not trained." He said smiling. "Really?!" Sarah asked. "Yes. So let me see you money." The man snapped. I thought he was being mean to so I tried to bite him. The man turned and whipped me. I reared and went back to the corner. Sarah handed him the money. I looked at him as he flipped through green stuff. He smiled and gave her the money. "Do I have enough to buy her?" asked Sarah. He nodded his head up and down. Sarah opened the door to my stall. I didn't move. She pulled something out of the thing that hung from her back. She put it on me and led me outside. She hopped on me and we galloped away. She hopped off me and and put me in a paddock. All I did was graze. "I wish I was with Emily." I said to myself.  


Sophie is a gray quarab mare who is about 6 years old. She is rather green right now and it is my responsibility to train her; since she is my horse. At the moment we are working with her picking up her hooves and she is doing beautifully. She has finally started letting me hold them up and pick them out. They're so long because last time the farrier came it was impossible for her to do anything. Now, however, I have been working constantly with my beautiful girl and she's finally ready for the farrier. I'm so proud!! We rescued Sophie in 2011 from starvation and she has filled in so amazingly.


I whinnied in fear, as the snake-like things held my hoofs tighter. My ankles burned, like as if I was bitten, or something. I struggled to get up, but the snake things held me down. I heard a whinny, it wasn't me, it was from another horse. I lifted my head up and tried to find the source of the whinny, but it was pitch black, so I couldn't see a thing. Suddenly, I felt faint. I felt like I was about to pass out. My eyes slowly closed, and everything went black.***************Everything was pitch black. There was an eerie silence. I felt like I was floating. In the air. I felt a sudden wave of comfort. Had I died? Am I in heaven? I floated in that unknown place I called "heaven" for what felt like hours. I felt very comfortable, I wanted it to last forever. But unfortunately, it didn't. I was woken up with quick flash of pain. I was bearable. It just felt like something nipped me. I opened my eyes. A beautiful dark horse stood looking down at me, and I could tell they were worried. I lifted up my head, staring up at them. We were staring at each other for what seemed like hours, until the horse shook their head and walked away. I down at my legs. They weren't tied anymore. I gathered my legs up under me, and struggled to get up. All of my legs were sore. If I put even just a little bit of pressure on them, they hurt. But anyway, I still managed to stand up. I looked around, legs shaking like a newborn foal. I saw bars. Metal bars. Red bars. Everywhere. I saw humans. Wild-eyed humans. With those horrifying snake-like things. The same ones that tied me up. I reared up in rear when one of the humans looked at me . I snorted and turned away. I turned my head looking back at the human. He was laughing, pointing at me. I trotted away, wanting to never see a human again.


As I woke up the next morning my throat was parched and my stomach was rumbling. I went to walk over to the water trough and then to start eating the fresh spring grass, but then remembered everything that had happened in the past twelve hours.The men said that they would come back the next day for us and I was, for the first time in my life, scared.Scarlet and Belle slowly stirred around before waking up with a start. Scarlet let out a nervous nicker and Belle shifted uneasily.'Where are we?' Scarlet snorted.'No idea, but don't like it,' Belle huffed back.Suddenly Belle's ears snapped right back and she let out a menacing snort.The men had come out.One of the men chuckled at Belle- It was a loud, dry, mean laugh. 'Easy tiger, I'm not going to hurt you if you behave.'There was four of them and they all were about the same size. They were big, no doubt about that. The one who had laughed seemed to be the one in charge of the others.'Bob, tie up the paint, Aaron, get the chestnut. Bill, go inside and get the equipment. I'll tackle the grey.'As bob, Aaron and the other man came inside, we had nowhere to move. If we were in the paddock I would surely have run.He whipped the leadrope onto my halter before doing my halter up tighter than it had been all night. I had never worn a halter but was definite that they weren't meant to be this tight.He yanked me out of the yard, holding me in a death grip. As soon as we got out of the yard I tried to run, but he caught me, pulling me to a stop before picking up a stick from the ground and hitting me. I realed back, dizzy from the blow. He took advantage of my lack of fight and tied me to a pole. Now I couldn't move my head. Belle and Scarlet were tied as well. Bill came back holding a bag that looked heavy.'Here you go Mike,' he said, talking to the boss.'Put it there,' Mike indicated. 'Ok, now these horses need to learn some ground manners, but not today. We'll ride 'em today. We'll take the chestnut first, then the paint and finally the dappled grey.'He walked over and looked at us one by one. 'All of 'em have good breeding for eventers. TOo bad this one's coloured and won't sell for as much.' He kicked out at Belle, catching her on her flank. She fliched and kicked back.'Ok- chesnut, paint, grey. Let's go!'First Scarlet was led away, then Belle. I was left on my own, waiting for my fate to begin....BrontéAfter I disembarked from the flight (with the arguing couple deciding to but striped curtains instead) and collected my luggage, I heard a shout yelling out my name.'Bronté! Bronté! Over here!' I turned and saw what could only be my uncle, Peter. We had never seen each other before, he was like my second or third uncle or something like that. He hd light brown hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. He was tall. 'Hi,' I said awkwardly. Really Bronté? You're first time meeting you're uncle and you come up with "hi"?!I roll my bags over to the car, a dusty holden ute. When we get going, Uncle Peter attempts some conversation 'You know that when you're in Melbourne, the weather is unpredictable..... blah blah blah.' I tune out, thinking back longingly to the days in South Africa, mucking around on the beach with Hollie and the horses, going to horse comps...'Isn't that right Hollie?' my uncle cuts in. I have no idea what his been talking about, so I just nod mutely. He rambles on and on, talking about this and that. he hasn't talked about any horses. Maybe it was my other aunt and uncle who have the horse farm. Yeah, that definitely must be it, he hasn't mentioned anything. Good. I never want to see another horse again. Slowly, I doze off.I wake up when we're turning off a road, onto a dirt track.'We live on a mountain. uncle Peter says, 'there's a beach on the other side. The lands great for walking and stuff.' The more he talks, the more convinced I am that there is no horses here. 'Another family lives here as well; there's anoter mountain over that side,' he points where it is, 'We work together.'it is dark and when we finally stop, the clock reads 11:30. I can't see the house very well. 'Everyone will be asleep because school's tomorrow.' uncle Peter whispers, unlocking the house. He takes me up to the very top of the house and shows me my room. To tired to do anything, I collapse onto the bed and drift straight off to sleep.A couple hours later, a horse neighing stirs me from my slumber.




 My alarm had just woke me up, the loud beeping noise also woke my mother,brother and sister. I glanced at the clock while I rose out of bed, yawning, I muttered "6 am, again.." I hated getting up at this time, but I knew that seeing my baby boy would be worth it. I got up and slipped on some jodhpurs and a hoodie, then walked to the window. Looking into the sunrise, I started brushing my hair. I could hear my family getting up. I walked to my door, and went downstairs. I made some breakfast for my mum, brother and sister. I sat down to eat when they came downstairs, "Hurry up and eat! We've got to get to the yard!" I always loved hearing my sister saying that, she loved horses and was only 5. We started to eat, as always, my little sister Ellie finished first, then me, then mum then my brother, we all rode, and we all had our own horses, apart from Ellie who rode my horse. We had finally done and was sat in the car waiting to get to the yard. On the way there, I herd Ellie mutter something, "What was that Ellie?" I asked her, looking back at the back seat, "When will I get my horse?" She asked.I looked at my mum who winked at me, "Soon." I smiled, we were getting her a horse for her 6th birthday next month. We pulled up and got out, I walked around to the side to get Ellie. I walked with her to my horses stall, "Hello, Duncan," I stroked his head, "You go to mummy, now Ellie," She smiled and ran off, I grabbed a dark blue halter from his hook on the stall, and walked into the stall, then slipped it over his head. I walked him out, to one of the grooming stations, it was next to my mother, and a pony she asked to borrow for Ellie, Mabs. Ellie was grooming him, while my mother groomed her hunter horse, Lego. She smiled at me, "Where's your brother got to?" I asked, "Lewis? He's fetching Fido from the paddock." I explained, "Looks like Lego could use some exercise!" I giggled at her, while grooming Duncan. When we was done, we saw Lewis just finishing grooming Fido. I walked with my mum to the tack room, and picked up Duncans and Lego's tack. We then walked back. Today I decided to ride English, as I rode both. "Hey, Suzy! Long time no rides!" She laughed, after they haden't rode together for a while. I walked off, and tacked Duncan up, as did Ellie who sneakily got her tack, too. A couple of minutes later, I heard "Right, see you soon, Lisa!" and my mother walked to us, "Sorry, Becca, I couldn't leave!" We laughed. We walked the horses to Lewis and Fido. Lewis was just tightening Fido's girth. "Sorry!" He said, then un-clipping the halter. We rode for a while through fields, lakes, tracks, paths, towns. But Duncan put his ears back, and stopped. We could hear some hooves, galloping ones, too. I looked behind me, to see a black horse, with a riding galloping towards us. Duncan reared and I fell off. I got up, and looked around me, a boy with short hair looked at me.He continued to look at me, his eyes where bright blue, his hair was black, he was the perfect man for looks, "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare your horse!" He looked at me with sorrow, "It's okay, Duncan's a crazy boy anyway!" I laughed, "I'll leave you two to it then! Come on you two." My mum told them, "Duncan? That's a nice name, appaloosa, I see?" He asked me."Yes," I told him, "Is this your horse?" I asked him, "Yes, her name is Trinity," He looked at me, "I suppose we should go get dukeston," He said, I laughed, "Duncan," He blushed, as I told him, "I'll go get him for you, I'll be back in a moment," He said, calling his horse, and riding toward Duncan. A few minutes later, he came back, with Duncan's reins in his hands, on Trinity. "Here you go, he's good to catch!" He explained to me, "Oh, trust me, hes not!" I laughed "and thank you, my names Rebecca, but call me Becca," I told him. "My name is Pierre," His name sounded strange, not American or English. "Where are you from?" I asked him, "I'm from America, so are my parents, but it was the name of my grandpa, before he died." He said getting off of Trinity, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that...Maybe we should start heading home?" I asked him, he nodded, looking at me."Let's go." I had never seen him before, "I've never seen you around?" I told him, "I've just changed yard, this morning." He continued, "It's a nice little yard, nice ponies, nice people." He said to me.A few hours later, we got back from the long walk back, "Well, I gotta groom Duncan and then turn him out, then clean his stall, along with my sisters while she's on her lesson, then I've got to turn Mabs out, then Fido, while my brother goes to his friends, and also I have to clean Mabs, Duncans, Lego's and Fido's tack!" I rushed, "So, gotta go!" I dismounted and rushed off.A few hours later, I heard my mum call from the car, "Lets go, Becca!" I had just put the tack away, then ran to the car. "Sorry, mum!" She pulled off, and left, I couldn't wait to see Pierre again tomorrow. "So, who was that boy who scared Duncan?" I lit up when she asked, "Well," I started explaining."His name's Pierre, he has a horse called Trinity who is georges!" I looked at Lewis who was listening to his MP3, "He could give Lewis some lessons, I bet, if I asked!" I told my mum, Ellie looked at me "What about me?! Do I get lessons?!" She asked "I don't know yet! I haven't even asked!" I explained. " I can't wait to get home, shower, food then bed!" I was so tired! And I got bored alot when I wasn't at the yard, I always was in the summer holidays. All I can remember from that night now is going to bed.BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! "SHUT UP!" I yelled at my alarm clock. Wait. I'm awake. It's 6 am. PIERRE! I got dressed and ran downstairs, to where my mother was sitting, "Morning, Becca." I stopped, I looked at her, her face told me she was worried, "Mum? Are you okay?" She nodded, "But...Duncan might not be..." I turned white with shock. "W-why?" I asked, as I sat down at the table, putting my hood up. "He got out last night, he must of been scared or something...." She said to me, drinking some tea, "And no-ones found him yet." She shook her head, "Get Ellie and Lewis up, and we'll drive over there." I ran upstairs, and got them up. We got at the stable, I ran out of the car, and straight to Liza, "Take Pepper," She told me, "He's faster, and you can go bareback." I ran to get a bridle "He's been groomed, and Pierre's waiting for you at the back gate with Trinity." She shouted to me, I didn't care then about anything but Duncan, I put his bridle on, and led him out, then mounted, and cantered across the yard, "Becca! I heard what happened! I'll look through the forest!" He said, galloping off. I just ran to the medows, then the lake, hoping to find him. It took me hours untill I seen a faint object in the distance, could that be him? I galloped as fast as we could over there. I began to cry, looking over at him, I could see his markings, it was him! As soon as I got there I hugged him. I reached for the phone in my pocket, and rang mum, "Mum! I've got him! I'll be back in 10 minutes, but he's really sweaty, and....Duncan?! Boy?! Are you okay?! MUM! COME QUICK! BRING THE VET! DUNCAN'S JUST COLLAPSED!!" I yelled down the phone.  I was laying on the floor with him, he had cuts on his legs, he was bleeding. My mum sped up across the field with my brother and sister, the barn owner a vet, then Pierre came over. Ellie looked at me shocked, she had never seen me in such a state before, but I didn't want her to neither. My mum pulled me up, away from him, and sat me in the car, Pierre sat down with me and hugged me. "I wanted to tell you something but I don't think it's the right time." He gulped, I wiped my eyes and looked out the window at Duncan, I could barely see him, surrounded by the vet and my family. I was having a small panic attack. I started to cry again, Pierre grabbed me to stop me from seeing Duncan, he knew I wouldn't want to see him in pain, I screamed to let me go, but he wouldn't. I looked into his eyes, which were filling with tears. I hugged him, and he stroked my head. My mum got in the car, with my brother and sister, "I'll take you to the yard," She said "You'll be better there, while the vet properly checks over him." I nodded, "Maybe we can look why he got spooked, too" Pierre told me, still hugging me, as we drove off.We pulled up and Pierre helped me out, my friend who rode at the stable rushed to me, "I heard what happened, is he okay?" She asked me, in a worry, I couldn't think right now "I don't know...." I went with Pierre and sat in his stall. He looked around it, the back was kicked in, and the sides were kicked too, "I don't know why he did this.. Maybe there was a rat or something.." He told me. I looked at him, "Pierre, I have to go home...I just...I just cant deal with this right now..." I looked at him, "I'll give you a lift," He helped me up.The next day I got up, my mum sat there on my bed, there was black streaks of mascara down my pillow case. "He's fine. A few cuts on his legs, but he's okay to ride too." She smiled at me, I looked up at her, "How did it happen?" She held my hand, "Well, we think there was a snake or something, it must of spooked him, so he kicked which cut his legs, and then ran and he ran so much he passed out." She told me, I smiled at her, "You okay?" She asked, "I'm fine, now I know Duncan's okay!" I got out of bed and put some clean clothes on, "Your brother and sisters waiting in the car, so hurry," She said walking out. We got to the barn and I went to Duncan who was in another horses stall. "Boy, you scared me there, don't do that again!" I joked with him. Pierre walked up to me, "Wanna go for a ride, if your up to it and Duncan is?" He asked, "I don't want to ride Duncan, he's a bit sore, but I'll ask if I can borrow a horse, "Take Lego," My mum said walking past, "I'm giving Ellie and Lewis a jumping lesson, so I can't ride Lego." She smiled, "Thanks, mum!" We walked to get his tack, and Pierre tacked Trinity up. We met at the gate, and mounted up. We walked into town to get some food. As we were walking through a field to get to the cafe, Pierre stopped the conversation we were having, "I wanted to say, yesterday, that...Well....I" He questioned.


 Ahh!" Screaming . Who was screaming? Me. I was. "Help! Help me please!" I closed my eyes. Bang! I tried to get up off of the weight. "Got her!" A voice said as it pulled me out and off of the weight."Honey, I need to know what your name is.""Becca Wills." I answered."We are going to take you to the hospital. The man said.Okay was all I could say. I was thinking of Dido. Was he okay? I didn't know but it started right then. I feared riding horses and I feared them a lot. One year later..."Ahh!" I screamed. "Dido! Don't buck me off just run and I won't get hit!" My eyes were red with tears. "Please, please don't buck me off please don't!" I yelled. Mom ran into my small room. "Honey are you okay?" She sat on my bed looking at me with deep concern."I am okay, mom. I just had that dream again.""Well how about you get dressed and I will make eggs for breakfast?""Okay." I agreed. Buzz! I got a text. Becca what's up??Nothing.Bad dream. I texted to herGot to go Alyssa bye.Bye.I got dressed then went to the kitchen. "Hi mom and dad. Where are the boys and Rachel?""Rachel is coming and David is packing to go to Gummi and Pop's house. Philip is still asleep with Levi. Oh, Rachel is also going with David."Okay."


The sun began to set from behind the huge castle which lie in the heart of Amalthea. The sky began to turn an orange, pink, light blue color. The ground began to darken because of shadows. "Alright, I'll have a try at this just one more time." Emilie flipped her blonde hair, then drew back her arrow, and focused on the red dot in the middle of the target. The whole world seemed to go still for her as she released. She held her breath, and.. the arrow land half a centimeter from the bulls eye. "Dang it." She stamped a hoof, and collected the arrows she'd released. She was a Centaur in 17 years of age. Her coat color was sorrel, and she had dark hooves. Her hair was a beautiful curly blonde, and she had light green eyes. She was stubborn, and if she set her mind on anything, it was almost impossible to pry her off of it. She was a work in progress with her archery. That was a specialty in all Centaurs, but it was taking her a while to develop that. Her mother was a beautiful Centaur who was white in color on her horse half, and had curly black hair with icy blue eyes. Her mother was calm and quiet, and very chiseled out. As for Emilie's father, she never had met him. She was told he was killed in a war against Amalthea and Mordor, the Dark Lord, but she wasn't sure if she was being told the truth. She sighed, and flipped her hair again. She looked up for a moment, before trotting back to the Amalthea castle for a rest until morning.She was greeted by the guards, who would stand there all day and at 12:00, they would bring up the drawbridge where no henchman of Mordor could sneak in. Emilie waved to them, and trotted over the drawbridge, the steady sound of clopping on wood was peaceful to her. She slowly stepped into the castle to behold it. Even the interior was beautiful. Strips of ivy wrapped around every column entering every room. No matter how long she resided here, no matter how many times she saw it, she would never get over its beauty. She sighed dreamily, and before she went to pick some things from the Amalthea Garden, she looked at herself in a large mirror, and smiled. Human and horses were mysteries to her, but seeing them combined was shocking. She looked at herself a last time before opening the doors to the beautiful, royal Amalthea Garden.After visiting the Amalthea garden, picking a few things and stuffing them in her satchel, Emilie looked up to see the steps that led to the watchtower. She smiled to herself, and began trotting up the steps. She heard one of her arrows fall. She switched her tail, and bent down on her knees to pick it up before it fell further. As she caught it and looked up, she was greeted by a set of hooves. She raised her gaze to see Orieus, the wisest and strongest of all her kind, the leader of the Centaur army. She stuffed her arrow in the pouch on her back, and quickly rose to her feet. "Hello! Er, Sir." She waved a small wave, then looked down at her hooves. She had never spoken to someone so highly respected. Orieus smiled down at her. "And where are you headed, young one?" Emilie gathered herself together, and managed to look up and utter a few words. "To-to the watchtower. Sir." Then she looked down at her hooves again. She couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye. She heard him chuckle, and he stepped out of her way, and gestured up the steps. "Madam." She finally looked him in the eye, and smiled at him. She continued her way up the steps. It was a long way, and just after she thought she was going to collapse she finally made it. She opened the doors to the watchtower, also called the High Balcony, and looked over the valley from the Kingdom. She propped her chin on her hand and let out a sigh. In the Archery Grounds, the High Queen and Princess, who were sisters, were laughing and challenging each other in archery. Over in the Meadows, the High King and Prince, who were brothers, cantered their Royal Horses. The High King rode a Pegasus called Aries. The High Prince was mounted upon a talking Friesian named Phillip. Not many horses around had the ability to talk, but in Amalthea, it was possible. She let out another heavenly sigh, and watched as the sun set, and soon, the land of Amalthea went quiet.  The next day, Emilie was woke up by Royal, the Princess's kitten. With a yawn, she leaned up on her elbow to see him sleeping on her side. She giggled, and didn't want to move, but she had to get up eventually. She picked him up, and set him beside her, enough out of the way where he could avoid her hooves. With a low grunt, she rose to her feet, and brushed off her armor. She didn't get why but all of her kind wore armor almost 24/7. At least get let them get into something more comfortable.Yawning, she stepped out of the Centaur sleeping quarters, and looked around. The castle was quite sleepy. It was still early in the morning. Stretching, she trotted across the drawbridge, later breaking to a canter to wake up a bit. She took a sharp turn to the forest, and made it to a clearing where about six targets stood. She removed her bow from her back, and knocked an arrow. Pulling the arrow back, she focused, inhaled, exhaled, anddd... let it fly. It landed half a centimeter from the bullseye. A second after, another arrow landed right beside hers. She spun on her heels to see Rainstone lowering his bow.Rainstone was a male Centaur that was about a year older than Emilie. He was a good shot with an arrow, but was even better at handling a sword. He had sparkling dark blue eyes, and long dark-colored hair that fell a bit past his shoulder blades. He was also quite tall, and his coat color was a blood bay. And he had the ability to sneak around without being heard at all."Greetings, Rainstone." Emilie said, kind of suspiciously. She knew nothing was up with him but she always did that. With a chuckle, he looked towards her. "Greetings, Emilie. How may you be on this fine day?" He replied, with that dashing smile she always liked. She shrugged it off, and looked back at him. "Quite lovely. How about you, my good sir?" She walked circles around him, looking over him good, as if she had forgotten completely what he looked like even though it had only been a day or two. "Quite lovely, myself." He watched her closely, as if she were going to tackle him or something."That's good to hear." She continued her walking around him, but refused to make eye contact. He decided to break the silence a moment later. "Say, do you know how to handle a sword?"'Twas only a moment later that Emilie's archery things were laying underneath a tree, and she held a sword, Rainstone by her side. "Alright.." He took her hand, and raised it. "Now then." He moved her hand a bit to where she was holding it a certain way. "There ya go." Emilie straightened up, shuffling her hooves underneath her a bit. It was a bit heavy, but she didn't want to act like it was too much. She cast a glance at Rain, who gave her a thumbs up. She grinned, and looked ahead again. "Now then. You're holding it the right way.. try... uhm.. twirling it." Rain suggested. Emilie bit her lip a few times, looking at Rain then back at the sword, but finally lowered it to her side. She remembered how she twirled her arrows when she was bored, so why not do the same with a sword?She straightened up again, before giving her attempt to twirl it, moving her hand and fingers in a circular motion. To her great surprise, it actually worked. She laughed a bit, glancing at Rain. He nodded his approval. "Good, good." He had backed up a few steps and she hadn't even noticed it. He walked by her side again. She halted her twirling. "Try.. swinging it." Rain said, with a nod. "Alright.." Emilie replied, attempting to hide her nervousness. She twirled it a few more times, and was about to swing it when Rain stopped her. "When you want to swing it, grab it with both hands, yeah?" He pointed out. Emilie nodded, looking back at him, then ahead again. She grabbed it with both hands, raised it a bit, and swung it to the side. She didn't know why but she closed her eyes tight, biting her lip. She opened an eye when she heard a loud cracking noise, to see she had chopped the branch off a tree. Rain chuckled a bit. "I'm impressed. You're a natural at handling a sword, I do believe, m' lady." Emilie smiled wide, first off because she had been praised and second off because he called her 'm' lady.' Like she was highly respected or something. She was almost too caught up in her pride, and nearly forgot that it was his sword. ".. oh!" She giggled a little, and handed it back to Rain. He returned the laugh, and twirled it a few times before sheathing it on his side. ".. you know, I could still use a few lessons." Emilie pointed out, glancing at him. He chuckled again. "Of course. But first, let us head back to the castle."  


The rest of the day was pretty much hanging out in the castle, grabbing a bite to eat and having a nice chat with the other creatures of Amalthea. Such as Fauns, Satyrs, of course, Centaurs, Talking Animals, Dwarves, and oh, so many more.Emilie enjoyed a nice talk with all of them. "Goodness me, what a long day." She said, with a yawn, walking to the sleeping quarters with Rainstone. "Quite." He replied, nodding his agreement."But how I did enjoy it. Started it off with teaching yet another how to handle a blade, and ended it with having a nice chat with general Oreius and his wife." He smiled that dashing one that Emilie secretly liked. Again. She swore he was doing that on purpose."How are they doing?" She asked, glancing at him. It was always good to know how their own general was doing, of course. "Oh, they're doing great. And, even more exciting, they're expecting a foal quite soon." He looked at her, grinning brightly."Ooh, yay!" She returned the bright grin, and leaped a little. "There's nothing I love more." She got dreamy-eyed. Rain laughed a little. "They are cute." He looked ahead again. "Well, I guess I'd best be getting some sleep."He came to a halt in the middle of the sleeping quarters. "Me too." She replied, with a giggle. "Well, night." Rain kissed her hand delicately, making her blush, before backing into his assigned sleeping spot. Emilie walked on until she came to hers a few spots down, and backed into it.She yawned, before laying down, her legs tucked underneath her neatly. She didn't fall asleep first thing. She laid there and thought for a long while. She processed everything that had been going on. She was taught to handle a sword, she had a real talk with Rain, there would soon be a new addition to the kingdom, so much to take in. She rolled over on her back, on her side, back to her legs tucked underneath her, and so many others before she finally got comfortable. She thought about things for a little while longer, before slowly dozing off.She was quite at peace until she heard a stirring, and constant movement. She opened an eye, and looked around, flicking her ears in every direction. It seemed to be coming from outside. She frowned, flicking her ears still, to see what she could pick up. It eventually stopped, and she relaxed again, before falling asleep, finally


Emilie woke up to the sounds of panicking people outside the castle. There was shouts and hoofbeats and she swore she heard daggers being thrown. It sounded like a protest out there. Emilie immediately leaped to her feet, and looked around. She and two other females were the only ones that weren't outside in the fight. She shot them looks, and they replied with shrugs. They must have just woke up, like her. She let out an anxious sigh before trotting from the sleeping quarters to the main room. Empty. Of course. Emilie looked around before quickly making her way across the drawbridge, where she bumped into a Faun who was in the process of shouting his anger. There were the ones who were quiet, the ones who just looked plain upset, and then there were the ones that were shouting at the top of their lungs and throwing daggers. Emilie found Rain among the shouting, her mother among the upset, and general Oreius and his wife among the quiet. All of the kingdom had gathered out there in the courtyard, so it was very loud. Emilie, at the moment, couldn't be more confused.She pushed past all the Fauns and Satyrs and Dryads and Naiads and Centaurs and everything else there to get to Rain, and grabbed him by the ear before forcefully dragging him away. "Ow, ow, ow, ow.." "Oh, hush it." She came to a halt at the drawbridge, and let go there. "Now, stop your shouting for a moment and.. please, do tell me what's going on." She raised an eyebrow, and waited for him to explain. Rain stuttered and stammered for about a minute before finally spitting it out. "The Royal Treasury that belongs to our Rulers and our Rulers only has been stolen by, what we suspect, our enemies." Rain crossed his arms over his broad chest, obviously not very happy with the whole situation. Emilie sat there gaping for a moment. "But.. but doesn't that mean.. there.. there will be a war?" She managed to stammer. Rain gave a simple shrug. "No one knows quite yet. The last thing we need is a war." He growled the last part under his breath, turning away to look back at the crowd. Emilie glanced at Rain, the crowd, then their High King, who stood at the front, obviously stressed.".. and the last thing we need is a war." Emilie ranted to her best friend, Alambil. She had paced a circle in the clearing where they stood, obviously not very impressed with the whole thing. Alambil, who always thought positive, tried to lighten Emilie's mood. "Oh, come on, who said there was gonna be a war? There shouldn't be, we could just walk on up there with our army and have a little conversation with the enemy. Absolutely nothing to worry about."Emilie continued to think otherwise.


The early winter sun shown and the icy wind blew my oaky blonde hair back as I cantered up to the jump on my bay quarter horse mare, Tess. It was early winter in Wyoming and I could see the ice capped mountains from my 15hh mare's back.Tess sailed over the fence as per usual, and when we reached the ground I smiled and dismounted. I still had the new horses my dad bought to exercise.I took the striped reins from over Tess' head, and kicked my white riding boots in the dust. Specks of dirt flew on to my jeans, but I didn't care much. I quickly walked back to the barn and untacked, fed and groomed Tess and after I got the next horse, Splash, ready, I was out to the arena again.But as I was leading Splash to the outdoor arena, the paint mare letout a shrill neigh. I patted the mare but she wouldn't calm down. Low but shrill nickers filled the air. I turned my gaze to the mountains, almost ready to turn back to the barn. But what I saw, the untamed, free and fast legs of horses high in the large, steep landform, the flowing manes and tangled tails, and dirty yet beautiful coats, almost made me drop Splash's reins . Sorry if this was really boring, I have better plans for future parts. Also, this is my first story on here in like 2 years so sorry if it's really bad....


The rest of the school day went by at a snail's pace. As Kaycee was walking home that afternoon, she swore she could hear Clyde's whinny, followed by Ace. But weren't they long gone now? She looked around, a confused look spread across her face. What was that noise? She shrugged her shoulders and walked on, when her thoughts of the Gypsy Farm were interrupted by the clopping of hooves. The steady sound of a canter on concrete. Kaycee hadn't heard it in so long, she was taken into its peaceful spell. The spell was broken, though, when a black blur whizzed past her. She blinked her eyes and looked around wildly. A black horse galloped off behind her. She whistled to it, and it skidded to a stop, its horseshoes screeching on the concrete. It turned to look at her, its big, bright, dark brown eyes blinking. Kaycee put her stuff down and ran to it. She grabbed its reins and studied it for a while. It was a large black gelding. She pondered on his breed. He had two back socks, and those were his only markings. "Well." Kaycee looked at him once more, and chuckled. "Who do you belong to, you little troublemaker? You sure are pretty..." The gelding was long and lean, had big bright eyes, and a shining black coat. He also had the dished profile as of an Arabian. "But you don't look full Arabian." Kaycee commented. "You look like some horse I read in a book once. 'Anglo-Arab... I've never handled a horse like you,'" she stated to him. "Now we have to find out who you belong to." She picked up her stuff, then led the horse by the reins to the direction he came.Kaycee led the horse downtown, and kept going when she saw a riding academy on the hill. "So this is probably where you came from, eh?" She patted the horse on the neck, then led him up the hill. There was four big riding arenas, and five big barns. It was a very nice looking place. "I didn't know there were ANY horses here," She said, astonished. She led the horse into the opening barn. A group of people were carrying on a conversation in the middle. "Where did he run off to?" She was able to pick up. She cleared her throat, and spoke up. "Uhm, I think I have your horse.. here." A young woman, about 26, looked up from the circle. "Oh! Thank you. Denali here is a WRECK." She took the horse's reins. "He's really pretty." Kaycee replied. "Uhm.. are you the riding instructor, or barn manager person?" She said shyly, hiding her hands behind her back. "Why, yes." The lady said. "Would you like to join this city's greatest riding academy?" She asked. Kaycee nodded. "Well.. yeah! And I'd really like to ride Denali if no one's already riding him." She said quickly. "Well, of course. Just meet me in my office real quick."This one was a bit shorter. Hope you still like it though. In the 'Denali' picture, the photographer and horse are unknown.


The first time my heart got broke, a horse broke it. After that day much in life beat my heart up more and more. At age four my first horse was supposed to be a miniature pony but I got a horse for Christmas. I landed in the hospital before I ever got to ride him. I finally did get to ride him. But soon after we had to part ways. Years passed and I still missed him very much . I was emotionally distraught for a long time at having to part ways with him. But he never was for from my mind. Life itself took a toll more and more on my heart. Seems I stayed a emotional wreck all the time. But in the end it was a horse that put my heart , mind and soul back together again. At a time in my life when the world seem to be crashing down on me in every direction. I got the opportunity to learn natural horsemanship with a horse I called peanut. I was finally able for the first time in my life to find peace and direction. The understanding of love, trust and respect and relationship. With at this time one failed marriage and the present marriage falling completely apart, I can say that if it had not have been for natural horsemanship and my horse peanut, I wouldn't be here to tell you this story today. It is a really hurtful thing to come to the realization that someone really doesn't love you even though they say them words to you everyday. There is nothing worth more in this world than having a sound mind a heart that is still able to love and a good soul and feeling complete. I do feel that God is always there in the middle of any horse and a person and natural horsemanship.


As I stepped out into the cool morning air I knew I had to go see my appaloosa. I walked down to the stable where she was, my dog Pip following me and I felt really excited. Today was the day that I was going for my first trail ride ever with my best friend Freya and her stallion, Blackie. I walked up to Pepper and petted her. “Hey girl! Ready to go for a trail ride today?” I said. Pepper whinnied. I gave her breakfast and some water and went to the kitchen. “Morning Haley”! My mum said. “Morning”! I said. “Would you like eggs on toast or a pop tart?” my mum asked. “A pop tart please!” I replied. I gave Pip his breakfast and after I had my breakfast I ran up to my room and put on my jodhpurs, boots and a lime t-shirt. I grabbed my helmet, said goodbye to my dad, kissed my mum and ran to the stables with Pip running after me. When I got there I was surprised to see Freya there with Blackie all saddled up. “Hey Freya!” I said. “Hi!” She said. “Ready to go?” “Not yet.” I replied. “I’ve still got to saddle up Pepper.”So I saddled up Pepper, clipped on my helmet and jumped on her back. “Ok.” I said. “Let’s go.”We went through Galley Wood, passed Rose Stream and on to a dirt path through Fern Forest. “Ahhhh, country air.” Freya said. “It smells like, well, country air!” We both laughed and Pip barked. “Hey Freya”, I said “Race you to Bullrout Barn”! We both started to trot, canter and then gallop. I would have beaten Freya, but Pepper stopped to do her business. Yuck! We rode back to my house and I stabled Pepper. “Bye Freya”! I waved and Freya waved back and then galloped off. I gave Pepper dinner and walked up to the kitchen. “Mum! I’m home!” I yelled. “I’m in the laundry honey!” my mum yelled back. I walked into the laundry and started telling my mum all about my trail ride. “So I saddled up Pepper and…Half an hour later…“I can see you’ve had a really fun time today” my mum said. “You must have ridden up an appetite with Pip. Guess what I made for dinner!” “What?” I said. “Roast chicken and salad! Your favourite!” said my mum. I tipped some meat into Pips bowl and he hungrily gobbled it up. I sat down at the table and started eating. Then I had a shower and went to bed. Ruff! I woke up to Pip barking. I looked at the clock. It said 12:00. Just then I heard Pepper stamping and whinnying. I ran to the window and saw two dark figures jumping into a truck with a float attached right in front of Pepper's paddock. I gasped.


Life can change in a moment. I didn't believe it until it happened to me. I woke up in the field, as I always have, next to my mothers black. The herd dispersed a few yards apart and my father watching over us at the top of the hill. I pull my legs underneath me and get to my feet. My dry mouth reminds me of why I got up, and I make my way to the other side of the field. The moment my lips touch the water a sharp pain grabs my skin and pulls it back. Suddenly I'm back in the woods, my small slender legs stretching as far as they can go, running as fast as possible, but I can't go fast enough, and soon the overwhelming breathes of wolves over come me. The pressure of teeth on my neck makes me scream, and then my fathers there kicking and biting, I hear the screams of the wolves as a hoof hits their chest. The release of pressure brings me back from the flash back. My brother stands next to me, his blue eyes gleaming and a tuft of my mane hanging from his mouth. "Texas! You know what that does to me!" I scream His small white nose twitches and he drops the hair from his mouth."Sorry, I can't seem to remember." He smiles. I hate it when he does it. He wasn't born yet when it happened, it was about eight months ago when i was attacked. Most of the herd won't talk to me for the fear that they will bring on the flash backs. The only horses that will are my mother, brother, sometimes my father, but I don't think he can really look at me because of the scar that runs from my eye all the way to my flank. I think it reminds him of how he wasn't watching and lost me. "You're so annoying, you know that?" I sayHe looks at me in his corky little way, where he flicks his brown tail and twitches his little nose. He pins his ears and tries to look mad at me. I laugh and walk away not bothering to look where he went. I walk into the woods, only I go in here. My father has never allowed anyone to go in here. Especially after the attack, but I go anyway, it's the only place where I can clear my head. I walk a few miles until I come to a soft patch of grass, a small creek runs threw the side, and a large oak tree sits to the far left. This is my place.



boom boom

Kaycee looked around at her new school. America was a lot different than Ireland. First off, the girls wore their hair in strange curves and curls, and squealed over them like they were a big deal. Kaycee's darkish red hair was straight. The boys shaved all of their hair but one thick line in the middle, making them look awkward. And another thing, the big cities and buildings. Ireland, at least the part where Kaycee lived, was peaceful, quiet, and almost always sunny. And, the best of all, she had all the room for a big, beautiful horse. Back in Ireland, she rode a beautiful paint breed called a Gypsy Vanner. It was her favorite breed - in fact, it was the only breed of horse she had ever ridden. She would visit a friend's farm almost every day and work for them, taking the Gypsies on their strolls and exercising them and her favorite, hitching her two favorite Gypsies up to a small little wooden chariot and drive them all through her town, waving hello to neighbors and stopping under the shade of trees to enjoy the beauty, and give the horses an apple or two.But those days seemed long gone now. An epidemic had spread through the stables, and many horses died, including Kaycee's favorite team of Gypsies and their prized horses. They went out of business, and the once beautiful stables, now, were covered in dust, signs that said 'Doneen Hills Gypsy Farm' were falling off, the sides of their once freshly white painted barn were scraped with mud, and the beautiful, lovely field had turned into a graveyard. Every day Kaycee would visit the graves of Clyde and Ace, her favorite team of Gypsies. The farm closing down made a big change in her life. She didn't want to do anything anymore, so she would just sit and stare out the window most of the time. That's when her parents declared that they all would move to America.Kaycee snapped from her memories when she realized what she was supposed to be doing. She quickly walked to where she was supposed to be going. Her first class. She plopped down in a seat between two curly-haired girls. They exchanged looks to each other, and they didn't look happy that Kaycee was between them. Kaycee looked around to see the teacher wasn't in yet. The two curly-haired girls crossed their arms, then one finally spoke. "Uhm, that spot was reserved. For Amanda." Kaycee looked around. "Oh. Sorry." She giggled, and got up, when she bumped into another girl. "Uhm, what are you doing in my seat? Move!" The girl pushed her away. She had black hair, also curly, was carrying a purse, wearing a pink skirt with violet leggings, violet blouse, with blue eyes. Kaycee was wearing a t-shirt and blue jean shorts, with her school materials and her dark-ish red straight hair, with her bright green eyes. "I said sorry." Kaycee sighed and plopped down in another empty spot. Maybe this one wasn't reserved. The whole class chatted, while Kaycee got out a sheet of paper and doodled two Gypsy Vanner horses, that looked like Clyde and Ace. She then sighed, and wished she could return to Ireland, to say one last goodbye. But here she was. A guy about her age, 14, walked up behind her and gave her a punch on the shoulder. "Hey, look, dude. We got a newbie." She turned around to look at him. He had that weird hairstyle most of the boys were wearing, and he looked like he never showered. And he smelled like sweat.Kaycee mumbled something, and went back to her drawing of Clyde and Ace. She had just finished Clyde when the boy took the drawing, crumbled it up, and tossed it to another guy. "Hey! Give that back!" Kaycee stood up. "You gotta catch it." One taunted. Another laughed and pointed. "What is wrong with your accent?" He made a joke out of it. They tossed her drawing back and forth until one finally threw it in the garbage. "Yeah, slam dunk." They walked to their seats, high-fiving. Kaycee sat there and sulked, her head in her hands when the crumbled up piece of paper was tossed back in front of her. She looked up to see a boy with a nice haircut, a nice smile, and bright blue eyes. She smiled back up at him, totally speechless. "Don't pay any attention to those guys. They'd sell their own mom for a grape." He laughed. Kaycee just nodded, with that same grin on her face. He walked off. Kaycee was left there, thinking, "Wow." She then snapped out of it, and went back to her Clyde and Ace drawing.Sorry if any part of this story is offensive to anyone who lives or comes from Ireland, I have no idea what it's like, I just heard a really pretty song from Ireland one day and I got an idea. If any part of this story is offensive, please do tell me.Also in the first picture (Kaycee), the photographer and person are unknown. In the second picture (Clyde and Ace), the photographer is Mark J. Barrett, I think. That's the photo credits.


"How much longer do I have to keep this up?” thought Cecelia, sitting on her faithful horse, Blaze. She was in a royal parade to show the common people that the royal family did care for them. And they did. The kingdom of Andria was a very happy kingdom, everyone had enough to eat, there had been no war for over 50 years, and every family had just enough money to live comfortably. Except, of course, the royal family, who lived luxuriously in a massive castle with 200 servants, 40 cooks, 50 chefs (Yes, cooks and chefs are two different things.) 30 stable boys, and other people who worked in the castle. All these workers were paid with land, food, protection, (Even though there had been no invasions and wars for over 50 years.) and some money by the good old King Basil, ruler of Andria. King Basil was married to Queen Wilhelmina, the wise, kind Queen who was originally from the kingdom of Zillabeth. They had 8 children, 6 daughters and 2 sons. The eldest was Prince Caleb, who was a younger version of his father Prince Caleb was 21 years old, and would inherit the kingdom someday. Then there was Primrose, whose name fitted her. She was very prim and proper, but she was as pretty and delicate as a rose. Then there was Hilda, who adored cats and kept five of them. And the triplets, Blythe, Bridget, and Cassandra, who all loved to dance. And then there was Prince Cyril, who was a studious boring boy. And last but not least, there was Cecelia, or, more formally, Princess Cecelia Marta of Andria. But she preferred the name Celia. Celia was different. She didn’t really care about crowns and dresses like her sisters. In fact, her number one priority was horses. Right now, she was riding her favorite horse in the whole wide kingdom, Blaze. Celia had rescued Blaze from the butcher when she went to the horse auction disguised as a commoner. There had been plenty other horses, but Blaze got her eye and her heart. He wasn’t much to look at, at first. He was covered in dirt and his mane was all tangled. He was so dirty he looked like he was black. She firmly decided to buy him. She heard the auctioneer say his number. She raised her hand “10 bronze bits!” she exclaimed. “I hear 10 bronze bits, does anyone give 20 bronze bits for this lovely animal?” the auctioneer said, laughing. A fat man with stains on his shirt raised his hand “15 bronze bits!” he said gruffly with a smirk on his face. Celia’s face turned ghost white. That was the butcher! That was when she forgot. She was a princess. A rich princess. She could easily jack up the price so high the butcher wouldn’t buy him. “5 gold bit!” she yelled to the auctioneer. Stunned silence followed. Then people started to whisper to each other “Did you hear that girl? She bid 5 gold bits on that sorry looking horse!” The auctioneer couldn’t believe his ears. He wanted to make sure the girl wasn’t lying. “Let me see the money, girly, and then he will be sold to you.” Celia fumbled with her purse, and brought out the five gold coins. The auctioneer eyes twinkled. “Sold! To the little lady in the front!” He grabbed the coins with his grubby fingers with a laugh and put it in his money box. Celia looked at the horse she just bought. Although he looked like he had been drug through the swamp and dipped in the royal stables manure pile, His eyes were warm and friendly, and he managed to nicker through all the filth when she approached him. She hastily took her new horse, which had a rope around his neck, and headed toward the river. There, managed to get some filth off, but it was so deeply encrusted that she had to lead him to the castle to wash him properly. When she entered the stable area, she was greeted by Ahern, the stable boy and her best friend. “What’s this? A moving manure pile?” he laughed, but stopped when he saw Celia’s serious face. “If I didn’t buy him, the butcher would have. Besides, something about him drew me to him.” Ahern looked at the horse “Well, it definitely wasn’t his smell. Let’s get to work, shall we, Celia?” And the two went and washed him. When they were all done, they couldn’t believe their eyes. The sorry mop of a horse turned into a beautiful golden chestnut stallion with a white blaze on his face. The sun was shining on him and added to his brilliance. “He’s the most beautiful horse in all of Andria!” exclaimed Celia, looking at Ahern. She then burst out laughing. Ahern was covered head to toe in all the muck from the horse. “What’s so funny?” he asked, turning his gaze from the horse to Celia, and immediately burst out laughing. Celia looked down; she too, was covered in muck. “Come, Giggles, let’s put him in a stall and go wash up in the river real quick.


Eva was at her window, looking out at the blurry ground, all muddy and brown. She sighed while she twiddled away with her short blond hair. Ever since her family moved to the country, far away from all her friends, she had been feeling lonely. None of the girls at her new school were friendly in fact they just seemed to ignore her. Eva’s teacher, Miss Benson, tried to make the girls on more friendly terms, but her attempts were in vain. Eva stared out to the old barn in her backyard, which was a sturdy building, even though it was old. She tried to play in it sometimes with her little twin sisters, Deborah and Liberty, but she kept on getting bored. One of Eva’s few joys was horses. Her new room was empty and white when she first moved in. It was now covered from the floor to the ceiling in posters of horses and ponies, and all her shelves either had figurine horses or books about horses and ponies. She knew everything about horses, like how fast a Thoroughbred can go, what to do if a horse is giving birth to a foal, and how small can a Shetland get. There was just one thing missing from Eva’s vast knowledge of horses and her huge collection of horse books and figurines, a real horse. Eva had asked her Mom if she could have a horse or a pony at least, but her Mom said “We’ll see” which usually means no. Christmas Eve was two days away, and it hadn’t even snowed yet. Eva heard a voice behind her, “Eva, can you help me with something?” said Liberty, Eva turned her head to her dark haired sister. “What do you need help with?” she asked, Liberty was holding a pink flowered cloth, “I want to make a doll dress for Debby as a present, but I need some help sewing it, and Mom is busy.” She said, her puppy dog eyes flashing. “Sure, it’s not like I have anything else to do.” Eva said, getting up.


Later that night, the doll dress was half done, and Liberty was content with that, saying that we can finish the rest tomorrow. In the morning Eva was helping her Mom make pancakes when her Dad came into the kitchen. “ Hmm, I smell pancakes!” he said with a smile. Mom swatted playfully at him with the spatula, “Shoo! They aren't done yet!” Liberty and Debby were busy making some orange juice at the table, which was becoming a bit of a mess. “Go help the twins please, Danny.” Mom said, going back to flipping pancakes. “Ok.” Dad said meekly, winking at Eva. While Dad was helping the twins, he said to Mom “I was just over at the Denver’s Ranch.” He said casually looking over to Mom. Mom froze little bit, then continued flipping pancakes “Oh, and what happened?” Dad squashed an orange in the juicer. “Oh, just seeing if he will sell any of his cattle to me.” Mom expertly flipped a pancake “How much per a head?” Dad said “Depending on some, 200 dollars per a head to 700 dollars per a head. The expensive ones were prettier or more gentle and docile, and better around children and small animals.” Dad scratched his head “Heck, you could almost call them perfectly well trained!” Mom was now putting the pancakes on a plate and Eva was getting out the butter and syrup. The orange juice was finished and the table clean of orange juice and the tableware was on. “Did you buy any?” Mom asked as she sat down for dinner. Dad was cutting into his pancakes as he replied “Yes, I sure did. I bought the 700 dollar ones, real pretty and docile too. Glad I did it too.” Eva got excited “Daddy, can the twins and I pick out some we like and name them? Kind of will be like our own little pets.” At first Mom was shocked, but Dad was handling it well. “Sure you can.” Mom glanced at him, but he nodded, so she went back eating. “When are they coming?” asked Debby. “Right on Christmas Day, little one, won’t that be great?” Liberty clapped her hands, which were full of syrup “Yay! Christmas cows!” Eva was happy, although she would have preferred a horse. Still, a cow for a present wasn't so bad.


A cool breeze entered the room. It blew against the ribbons on the pinboard. 3 blue ribbons. 1 red. Ali touched the ribbons with her bare fingers and shivered. She remembered that brown pony. KiKi. She remembered his little stripe and blue eyes. Ali felt tears wipe down her eyes. So many memories. Now KiKi was sold. It was the hardest decision Ali ever had to make. KiKi was happier now. In his home at Texas. Ali climbed onto her bed and layed down, staring at the ceiling. A faint neigh came from outside. Ali's house with her mom and dad was by a horse barn. Except she doesn't think her heart will heal. Ali crawled to her door and opened it, scrambling. Outside was warm. The warm air was coming into the car window. Ali felt the rumble of the engine under her. "So." Her mom tried to make a awkward conversation. She looked into the mirror and glanced at Ali then to the road. "Are you excited to go to the barn? I hope it reminds you of KiKi and makes you happier." Ali opened the door when the car stopped in front of a giant barn. She stepped outside and felt her stomach nauseous. She rambled about stuff in her head. The doors opened. A horse came out. A beautiful one.


Ali blinked. The gelding was a chestnut with a star down his face. Her mom walked on, not realizing the gelding. She instead, walked to the barn and exchanged hands with the instructor. A blond-haired teenager was leading him. She glanced at Ali and walked toward her. "Hi! I'm Holly. Your 'young instructor'. " Holly laughed at her own joke and realized Ali was moon-blinked toward the chestnut. "So your giving eyes to old Ollie here, huh?" She smiled and patted Ollie's neck. "Old Ollie?" Ali asked. He didn't look old. More like a young adult. "Can I ride him?" Ali asked quickly, staring into Holly's eyes. "Um, well sure. Mrs Hailey already said your riding him. Mrs Hailey is my mom by the way." Holly handed Ali the lead rope and adjusted her helmet. "Go take him inside. I will tack him up for you." Ali nodded and walked him inside. Fans surrounded the stalls to cool the horses down. It smelled like barn. The best smell in the world. Holly took the rope and cross-tied the gelding. He raised his head high and yawned. "Don't get tricked by his yawning, OK? He's just playing with you." Holly said and got the saddle. Ali nodded and patted his neck."Kick him more! I know you can make him trot!" Holly walked along the rail giving directions to Ali. Ali kicked Ollie and he started to trot perfectly. It was super well balanced. She patted him and looked up. "Heels down, look up. Heels down, look up." She repeated in her head. But it was already perfect. "OK now were going to try a little canter is that OK?" Holly asked. Ali gasped. She smiled instantly and nodded. "OK, well kick him with you right le-" Ali was already cantering. It felt like flying. Ali smiled so huge she thought her face would rip off. It was truly a perfect canter. Until Holly said to jump an "X".

Ali remembered the last time she was told to jump. The horse tripped really badly and almost fell. Ali got out of control and the horse reared and she was swung from the saddle right in the wall. It flashed in her mind. "Ali? Earth to Ali?" Holly asked. Ali realized she was daydreaming and then she kicked Ollie. She knew this wouldn't happen again. Ollie was a good boy and she knew it. He started a nice trot and launched off from the ground. For a second, Ali felt like she was flying. A thump hit the ground. She was alive. "Amazing. Isn't Ollie great?" Holly was surprised. Ali slowly trotted to Holly and nodded toward her. Ali was already putting Ollie back in the dirty coral he stays in, when she remembered she had some carrots in her back pocket. She took one out and secretly fed Ollie one then put the rest in his empty bucket that was hanging on a hook on the fence. She smiled. When Ali and her mom were home, Ali asked, " Mom, since were only 5 minutes away from the barn can I visit there after school?" Ali's mom was thinking pretty hard, cause she was doing the look. One eyebrow up with eyes up. "I guess so. By the way, which horse did you ride? I was talking to Mrs. Hailey the whole time." Her mom said. Inside Ali was so excited. But then she had to answer her question. "Ollie." Ali said trying to hold her happiness inside. "Was he nice?" Mom asked. "Definitely! He has a amazing walk, trot and canter. And the best jump ever!" Ali realized she was yelling then quieted down. The next day at school, Ali was shaking so much that she was asked to go to the nurse! She had to go home for no reason. One of the reasons, was she looked moon blinked. And the nurse was crept out by her. Ali ran home and went to the barn. She remembered to pack carrots and peppermints in her lunch box. Ollie was staring at a bird when he heard the rustle of the bag. Except when he trotted toward her he fell to the ground instantly.


Ali jumped over the fence quickly and fell to Ollie's side. He whinnied in pain. Ali started to panic wildly. Finally, she rushed inside the barn and screamed, "Help Ollie's hurt! Ollie's Hurt!" Everyone listened to her. The owner heard her and ran to Ollie. Holly came as well holding a phone. "Should I call the vet?" Holly asked quickly. Mrs. Hailey nodded, closely examining Ollie's leg and the hoofprints he made. Holly started to dial the vet's number. When she answered Holly spoke words Ali didn't even understand. All she could think about is if he was going to make it. The vet came in 5 minutes and Ollie was laying in the sick horse stall at the back, nice and cozy. Ali sat on one of the chests. She tried to hold back tears. Finally Jamie one of the riders, told Ali she could go see Ollie. Ali took one breath and held the rest in. Every step she took felt like a 100 miles. She slowly pushed through the crowd and gasped. Ollie, the once beautiful chestnut was in a sling, holding most of his body weight. His eyes were closed and his chest only went up a second and then down very slowly. Ali cried. She cried like she never cried . Everywhere she looked Ollie had some sort of wire connected to him. "Is, is he dead?" Ali said, struggling to find her voice. "No. He's in a very deep sleep. He might not wake up for a while." Mrs. Hailey said. Ali looked down. She couldn't find words. Not even one.When everybody left Ali pulled out a flower and peppermint from her pocket. She put it next to him and kissed his head. Then she left. She said nothing else for the rest of the day when she got home. At night, Ali's heart ached. When she finally fell asleep, things got even worse. In her dream, she was rewinding everything that happened when she jumped an X. Everything that happened when she met Ollie. Even the time she last saw his eyes glimmer into hers. Then things got terrible. Ollie broke his back and neck. And died. He got shot. He got killed. He is dead. It all rewinded into fast motion into Ali. Goodbye Ollie. Ali finally woke up from that worse than a nightmare horror movie. She was crying and trembling. Is that really the end for her beautiful chestnut?

Ali looked outside her window. She was pacing in her mind. The dream last night haunted her strongly. She broke out in tears every time she thought about what was going to happen to Ollie. "Ali! Come down here, sweetie!" Ali's mom called from downstairs. Ali managed to crawl out her bed. Her heart ached terribly. It felt worse than when she lost Kiki. Kiki. Ali looked at the ribbons. Then at the picture she kept on her wall. Kiki. His soft brown fur. Blue eyes and stripe. Then it all rewinded in her. Jumping. Galloping. Bareback. Painting him. Even the funny things he did. Like smile when Ali gave him a treat and beg. And responding to her whenever she said him name. Ali walked downstairs. Heartbroken once again. She saw her mom outside and opened the door. She looked up and stood frozen. Kiki. He was in her front yard. She ran toward him and tightly hugged his neck. She cried into his shoulder. "Mom. What is he doing here!?" She asked. Barely speaking. She was so happy. She didn't even think about Ollie.

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Ollie - Chapter 6

by Caroline (Kildeer, IL)

"Well, Kiki is staying here for 2 days then he's going ba-." Ali's mom was interrupted by her phone. It was a new text. She replied and kept talking. "Make that until tomorrow that he's going to back to Texas." She smiled. "Oh." Ali mumbled, hiding disappointment. "You get to ride this weekend though! Also, Ollie's better!" Her mom added on. Suddenly her daughter cheered up instantly. She put on the brightest smile she could. But first she wanted to spend time with Kiki. "Can I ride him bareback?" Ali asked pointing at the brown pony. Her mom nodded and she took the lead rope. Ali walked him to the backyard. Put him in the empty corral they used for him and tied him there. She still had a bridle and saddle in the shed. But she was going bareback so she only needed the bridle. Ali took Kiki's halter and rope off and slipped in the bit. She stretched it through his ears and fastened the straps. Ali slowly led him out of the corral and climbed on from the fence. She comfortable slumped down but straightened up again. She squeezed him and he accidently cantered. suddenly Ali pulled on the reins. "What's gotten into you? You never canter when I squeeze!" Ali said. She squeezed again and this time he galloped! She fell off and landed on the grass. Kiki cantered a 6 feet away and bucked high in the sky. She backed up crawling. Kiki never acted like this. She stood up and grabbed the pony's hanging reins. Ali saddled him up and got on. She put her heels down and sat up straight. She kicked him this time and he cantered a nice straight line. Ali was really confused. After an hour of riding she got off and put him in the corral. The next day, Ali saw Kiki go in the trailer and ride away. But it was Saturday. Riding until Tuesday. She got dressed and drove there. "Bye sweetie!" Her mom called from the car. "Bye!" Ali smiled and walked toward the barn. She smiled so bright. "Hi Holly! " She greeted when she saw Holly tacking up Ollie. "Hi kiddo? You ready to ride?" She asked as she finished buckling the straps for the bridle. Ali nodded quickly. She strapped on her helmet and took Ollie's reins. "Oh, didn't you hear? Your not riding him." Holly got the reins again. "Who is then?" Ali asked. She got all her excitement up for nothing. "Maya is." She said as a blonde haired girl took his reins. She had an evil look on her face and was holding a crop that said her name. "Hi." Maya said as she walked away in the arena. "who am I riding then?" She asked. " Duncan." Holly pointed to the last horse on the cross ties. He was a nice buckskin color with a cute bald face. He was ground tied though. "Are you sure he wont run away? " Ali asked, looking at Duncan then Holly. Holly shook her head. Ali walked toward him walked him to the arena. She checked her girth and got on.




 Bang! I ran blindly in the dark night, looking, searching... Hopeing. I whinnied into the dark, then waited for a response. Nothing. No animals were moving. I was alone. I tried to call again, and again, and again. But no response ever came.All I remember was my mother telling me to run, run as fast and hard as I could. She told me not to look back, keep looking forward. I did as she told me to, but I do t think she was as lucky as me. I continued to walk, looking at the ground, hoping that I might suddenly run into another horse. I wandered for hours till my legs were numb and I fell to the ground with raspy breathing and an empty feeling. I eventually fell asleep and when I woke the sun was bright and the skies were clear. It was nearly half day, or at least I presumed it was. I slowly got up, and realized how sore my muscles were. I shook out my mane and the. Remembered what happens that night. I looked around with ears pricked and my eyes alert. Since its daytime it will be easier to try and find my herd, I told myself. I started out slowly walking, stopping every now and then to eat some green grass. Today the birds were singing and flying out in the sky, but I didn't pay attention to them. All I cared about was trying to find other horses. A little filly like me could never survive out here by myself. There are coyotes and other dangerous animals that are looking for an easy Dinner. I herd a sudden clashing noise. One I haven't heard before. I flick my ears toward to try and understand it. I look around but nothing is in sight. I then hear faint but terrified whinnies. I turn my whole body towards the sounds, I never heard horses sound that terrified, ever! I took a chance and started galloping full speed as fast and hard as I could to get to them. I followed the sounds. I ran up a small hill, but skidded to a stop at the top of it. I looked out on the valley, the place my herd and I had grazed. I didn't just see my herd, but other herds. Surround by tall silver fencing. I looked harder and closer, trying to spot my mother or any other horses I knew. There were humans too. Not just a few, but many. So many I could count. There were some on top of horses. And those horse weren't trying to buck them off or escape. I was confused whether or not I should stay on the ridge, try to help, or to run away and never come back. Before I could make any decision, I heard hoofbeats coming quickly towards me. I turned hoping it was part of my herd, but I tried to run right as I had a hard right rope thrown around my neck. I tried running but I wasn't strong enough and I was tired. I whinnied knowing no one could help me but I still did. I reared and bucked and spun around. But the human and horse just dragged me behind them not caring. I whinnied as we came closer to the pens and horses. Humans were staring at me. I panicked even more and started thrashing my head side to side thinking it would help somehow or other. The human's horse looked back at me and pinned its ears. I looked back at it and snorted. The horse turned back and bit at me and kicked me. I shied back and didn't dare stand up against it for a second longer. I was led into the place with all the horses, but I was out in a small square pen by myself. Humans started crowding all four sides of the pen trying to look at me. I didn't know what to do so I stood and stared back at them. I turned when heard a bang and a deep throated loud cry from a big black stallion. I recognized him from somewhere but I couldn't remember. There were three humans surround him with ropes in their hands pulling in the stallion and trying to make him submit. He reared high and spun around pulling the humans with him and he started running to the sides if the pen. I watched everything. The stallion didn't give up, he couldn't. Another human came in and started yelling at the ones holding the stallion tryi g to control him. The new man flings around a long stick and every time he brought it down, it made a loud crack! He started cracking the stick down on the stallion. My breath caught in my throat. All I could do was stare and hope the humans would stop soon enough. It was hours before the black horse started to tire out and a huge group of humans started to crowd him. He was bleeding all over from being beaten by the man's stick and was drenched in sweat. He slowed down his nostrils flaring and lags shaking. But the humans kept on beating and pulling on him. The powerful stallion collapsed to the ground and latex on his side. I whinnied to him wondering if i would get an answer. The stallion sat up slowly and stared in my direction. I whinnied again. He whinnied back to me loud and strongly. That's when I remembered who he was! He was the leader of my herd! My father!  

While quietly trotting down the silent and abandoned dirt road, I listened carefully. I knew that this place may be dangerous. I halted and looked toward the deep, dark forest. Then I gingerly turned and stared down the path that I just came. I promised to myself that I would never go that way again. I turned around again, then I started trotting again, trying to be as cautious and silent as I could. The road went a long way, almost two miles, until it stopped to a dead end. I turned half-ways, staring down the path I just came from. Still, I promised myself I would never go there again, and the dead end was in front of the forest, so I decided instead of going down the scary path, I would go into the forest. So I did. The forest was full of twigs and sticks, so every time I'd step on a twig or stick, it would snap, it startled me. I wasn't a pure wild horse, so I wasn't used to all these noises. The rustling of the leaves, birds singing, squirrels chattering, and dandelions brushing against my legs. Even though it wouldn't sound dark, if you look at it closely, it would be very dark. I was not used to dark places, what I wanted was to feel the bright, hot sun shining on my glossy, bright bay coat, and the beautiful smell of the flowers crowding my nose. That's all I wanted. But in this forest, all was dark. I was finding my way through the forest, when I heard a twig snap. And it wasn't me. It was something else. I snorted and backed off as soon as I heard the startling noise. I heard leaves rustling behind me, so without looking back, I bolted, and ran as fast as I could go, trying to get out of that dark forest. I was going pretty far, when I felt some snake-like thing coil itself around my neck. I was jerked backwards, and I took a hard fall. I stood up and reared. I felt another thing coil itself around my left front leg, and another around my other front leg. I collapsed, and I felt something touch me, it felt like a human hand. The thing tied my four legs together, and I was helpless.


Hey everyone! Thanks for the comments. Love it if u would tell me your story so I could check it out! maybe we could swap some ideas! Summer. Our ranch was small, and quiet. In the back lots was where I usually hung out. Long, green grass flowed with the soft wind and a small stream trickled. I spent hours there writing and thinking. Dad was always on business trips and my older brother Derek was mostly dating a girl. My family wasn't close. Mom always tried to pull us together but my brother and dad mostly shrugged it all off. I felt especially alone after her death. I didn't have any friends, well, I was weird to everyone. I was quiet. Shy. Loved horses. Didn't care about the latest style. Dad let a neighbor keep Storm. He said I obviously couldn't keep him in my condition. He forbid me to see him. So this week I was thinking of how to sneak onto Mr. Smith's farm. One day, I finally had my chance. Derek was out and so was dad. Mr. Smith was stopping by to pick up some supplies and I was thinking of hitching a ride to his place. Sweet talking him was my bait. He pulled up on the long dirt driveway with his battered pick up truck. I had a cup of coffee waiting for him as he got out of his truck. "Good morning Mr. Smith," I called out, hoping I was smiling brightly. He squinted at me and smiled. "How are you doing Aimee?" I folded my hands as I leaned over the front porch's rail. "Well, thank you. The feed is back at the barn. If you like, I have some coffee inside." He strode over to me, laughing. "Look who's being polite. You'll be as nice as your mom. Sorry, can't take your offer. I have my ranch hand with me." I craned my neck to see what he meant. My heart sank as I saw a boy in the pick up truck. He looked about 16 and looked at me as if he might laugh. I blushed(I hate when I do!!) and turned away quickly. I started toward the front door. "Oh, that's too bad. I'll be inside if you need anything." Mr. Smith laughed. "Come on Aimee. Spit it out. What do you want?" I paused, then said causally, "How's Storm doing?" He turned away. "As soon as I get the feed your dad offered me, You can climb in the truck and see for yourself." I grinned, than it slowly faded away. What about the guy?

hello there

 Mom, where are we going?” I asked as I sat in the passenger side of the car. “It’s a surprise, honey.” She said. I slumped down in my seat and watched out of my window. I was always prepared when mom said something was a surprise, so I brought my $1,000 dollars with me that I had saved up.When the car stopped, mom said, “Honey, welcome to the horse rescue center.” I climbed out of the car and smelled the sweet hay from the horses. “So, you mean I’m getting a horse?” I asked. “Yes. Each horse here is worth $100. So, you can buy tack, and a horse with the money you have saved up.” My mother said. I just smiled. We walked into the building. I looked at each horse, and every stall. There were grey horses, black horses, bay horses, and paint horses! But, there was a beautiful mare in the very last stall. She was a shiny sorrel mare, with a blaze, and 2 long socks on her back feet. I read the name plate on her stall. It read: Monte Carlo. She looked like a fancy horse. “Mom, I want this one.” I said, sighing at the mare’s beauty. “Ok. We will get everything for her at the tack store.” She said happily. “I’ll take Monte Carlo.” I said to the lady at the front desk. “Ok! Here are her papers. And, here is the list of thing you will need for her.” She said, handing me papers. Mom loaded Monte into the trailer. I was Jittery with excitement. As I got in the car, mom drove to the tack shop across the street from our house. Mom parked the car in a large space. We climbed out of the car, and I charged through the doors to the tack shop. I got a light blue halter, a bridle, a saddle, saddle pad, boots (for the horse), and bell boots (for the horse). I even got a bag of carrots without mom knowing. I picked out a Breyer that looked similar to Monte, and I rushed out the door. “Mom! Hurry up!” I yelled. “I’m coming!” She said as she scrambled into the car. She drove out of the parking lot, and entered our drive way. We had 200 acres of land. Mostly, we had barns, paddocks, ponds, and even round pens. Mom parked the car in it’s usual spot. I scrambled out of the car, and clutched a carrot in my hand. I walked to the trailer door.  



I grew up on the mountains of Colorado with my family. My herd was small, but every horse was sweet and kind, especially to me. I was the youngest foal in the herd, all of the other foals were either more than eight months, or a yearling. I had a great life as a foal, prancing and playing with the other foals, and having such great fun. I liked every horse in my herd, but the horse I liked most was my mother. She was the kindest and the sweetest horse in all the land. She would never pick a fight with another horse, nor will she bite or kick at another horse. She was the kindest horse I ever knew. I had stayed with my herd until I was two years old. At two years, I had grown taller, and far handsomer. My dun coat had grown silkier and shinier. I stayed with my herd only a few months after my second b-day, until my father was starting to get uneasy. I couldn't understand my father's anxiousness. I had ignored my father's uneasiness until one day he snapped and kicked at me. I knew something was wrong. He snapped at me more, this time he bit me, making me bleed. He snapped and bit me even more, bossed and chased me around, till he had chased me out of the herd. I figured out that my father didn't want me anymore, for whatever reason, so I just walked off, without picking a fight. I had gotten a few yards away from the herd when I heard a buzzing sound above my head.....


My tiny horse hooves thudded against the ground as I joyfully played with a little grulla filly. I nipped the filly's hindquarters, whinnying in delight. The filly kicked at me, giving a nice scratch on the face, but I kept playing. My playing shortly turned into harassment. I did not know I was harassing the little filly. She had enough of it, so she knocked me off my feet, and pounded on me with her little baby hooves. I finally got the hint. I stood up and looked around. I saw 2 mares, a golden dun and a black pinto. I also saw my father, a bright bay stallion. I trotted over to him, and nickered. He turned his head, and ran his soft muzzle down my back. I stood there, enjoying the warm, April sun. I left my father and walked around, my dark bay coat glistening in the sunlight. I nibbled at the sweet grass, and nosed at dandelions. I lifted my head up and looked around, my small eyes darting back and forth. I was bored. Very bored. What could I do? The little filly was nowhere to be seen, and I was the only foal in my small herd. Since I had no horse to play with, I decided to explore the meadow. I trotted over to a group of fir trees, and nibbled at their leaves. While I was pawing at the tree bark, and biting at the leaves, I heard a twig snap. I spun around, whinnying in fright. I saw nothing. Where did that noise come from? I heard a twig snap again, and I did a half-rear, and spun around again. This time, I saw something. It was a horse. It wasn't my father. It was a black horse, with a big black saddle on his back, and a black bridle on his head. He carried a person, a man. The horse raced toward me, and the man lifted his rope. I whinnied in fear and headed for the middle of the meadow, where my herd was. I was almost to my herd when a snake-like thing coiled itself around my neck, holding me fast. I whinnied and neighed for my father, who was only 100 yards away. He heard my frightened screams, and dashed after me. He reared up, and kicked with all his might at the man and the horse. He half-reared and kicked again, this time barely missing the horse's cheekbone. He snorted and kicked again, this time failing miserably. The man let me go, but the rope curled around my father's neck. My father whinnied angrily, and tried to get away, but he rope held him fast. As the black horse and the man lead my father away, I stared. Just stared. My eyes filled with tears. I knew I would never see my father again.



I watched out the window of the car as my dad drove down the highway. Kentucky was beautiful, but it wasn't home. I had a good life back home... Straight A student, lots of friends and I was even about to move up to prelim in eventing with my thoroughbred Oscar, but we had to sell him before we moved. After my mom passed away 2 years ago my dad had a hard time coping and lost his previous job in Harrisburg Illinois. He recently got one in Kentucky and would be working as an assistant trainer at a place called Lane's End and maybe, just maybe, become a full time trainer there. "Alright honey, here we are!" My dad's voice deep and strong rung through the car. He looked at me with a huge grin and I stared at the new house. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. It was a much nicer house then what I thought we would be getting. It was two stories high, had a dark brown wood finish, a porch matching the color of the house wrapped around the whole house. "It's amazing!" I said. "You haven't even seen all of it yet! It gets better!" I could tell my dad was eager to let me explore the rest of the place. "Go on! We'll unpack later check out the rest of the house but I want to take u somewhere in about an hour ok?" I nodded eagerly and jumped out of the car a walked around the house and what I saw was better than anything I ever imagined! There was a barn! It was a six stall barn with an exterior that matched te same color of the house. I sprinted to the inside and stopped and took it all in. 6 huge stalls, a hay loft. I walked into a smaller room, a tack room! It already had saddle racks and bridle hooks put in. I walked out of the tack room and exited the back of the barn. There was 4 big pastures. Each one large enough to allow 3-4 horses enough space to run and play together. I couldn't believe it! My father was the best man ever! "I'm guessing you like it?""Like it? I love it!! It's amazing! Why'd you buy it? I don't have a horse, let alone six!" I laughed a little. "Well, part of the job I've been given is to help ex-race horses to find a new home or recover from an injury etcetera and so forth, so my employers pulled a couple strings and I got the barn and pastures with the house withouht extra charge! "Well it's the best deal that you've ever even given!" I laughed and ran to my father and wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you dad." I said quietly."Ok!" He said pretending I didn't say anything,"I have somewhere to take you! It's not boring I promise! Because it involves your favorite things... Horses!"


Raindrops fell softly outside my window. I was a jockey. Racing was my life. Until my beautiful black gelding, Shooting Star, died of a cannon bone accident. I still blamed myself for his death. His end caused no more ridding for me. I believed that there was not a better horse in the world. After six months I still would not leave my house except to go to school. Homeschooling would be ideal, but I didn't have the guts to say anything about it to my Mom or Dad. In fact I didn't have the guts for anything any more. “Can I come in?” My Mom asked through the door. “Sure.” I yelled back. The door squeaked as she opened it. Mom cleared her throat. “Brooke, I know you miss Star. I also know that deep down inside you miss riding.” She pushed my long ebony hair out of my eyes. “I propose that you you take a lesson tomorrow morning.” Although her voice held complete gentleness I knew that it wasn't my choice. “Okay.” “Thank you honey.” Mom whispered. After she left I curled up on my blue bed and looked at my silvery walls. “I just don't know if I’ll be able to stand being around other horses without my Shooting Star.” Then I gazed at the poster of a jockey. I had ripped it when my beautiful boy died.*** My alarm bleeped loudly. “Arrg.” Teenagers like me had a perfect right to sleep in on Saturdays. I rolled over and rubbed my sleepily green eyes. I grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a blue t-shirt.*** I stepped out of the car and smelled fresh rain and horse. When my Mom drove away I crept into the barn. Then I noticed a new, Palomino, thoroughbred, horse laying in the shadows. I peered into the dark stall. I noticed her cannon bone was broken. I was sure as shootin’ that this girl wasn't going to make it.


It was a cool, crisp morning when I, Audrey Z, was about to enter a scare of my life. I just exited the halter class. When I was eating my breakfast I saw a girl named Crystal, she went into her Showmanship class with no chain or lead line. Grandma said I should do that. In return, I said really, cool, I will, what do I have to do? Well stop, pivot, back, and trot. Grandma said.I can do it, I said. I practiced after a while. There were two more classes in front of me. We started putting on the details on Just My Jazz, an AQHA horse, otherwise Jazz is her barn name. It was my turn now and I took my chain off and I entered. Me and Jazz were having a great time in the arena. We did awesome and did a perfect job. I got first place, but I've got to be honest, I was the only one in there but it was still pretty awesome. Jazz got plenty of treats and hugs.


I nudged Prancer into a canter. The sun shone through the leaves. The cold frosty air found its way through my jodphurs and t-shirt. The morning misty dew sat lightly upon the colourful flowers. I loved willow creek. A small river ran through the middle of the forest. I came here every day! When I wanted to be alone with Prancer I would bring a book and ride into the middle and sit under the huge oak tree. Today i just wanted to have a bit of free time before breakfast. Mum didn't know I was here. I thought i would go for a 15 minute ride and go home before anyone noticed. I started to head back when I noticed a sheet stuck on the big oak. I stared at the sheet horrified!Willow creek is to be cut downby tomorrow so we can hunt for the willow creek ponies. Anyonewith sightings of this mystical herd please report to Harry Hunter.As I read the last line I was filled with anger. Why did they have to cut down Willow Creek. I started to read Harry Hunter's contact info and reached for my phone to call him. I realised I had left it at home.I stared at my watch. I had to be at home in 2 minutes before my alarm went off. Mum would walk into my room any second now and I wouldn't be allowed to ride for a week! I galloped through the fields and led Prancer into his stable. I ran inside and got changed before running downstairs."You're up early" my mum said. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't reply."So whats the plan for today?" She questioned.As I snapped back to reality, I heard mum's question.


What happened, where am I? It all starts coming back to me in flashes. The ropes, pain, terror, all of it. My vision is blurry and my legs are chained together. I hear a noise and my ears perk hoping for a familiar buffer or even a snort, but all that I hear are unfamiliar footsteps. A dark shape comes into view, I whinny in fear and try to rear but the chains on my hoofs hold me back. The two-legged drops something and runs over to me with his hands in front of him. Easy girl, he says, but I am beyond soothing words. He's so close, I can see his face and smell his rancid odor. I can't get away from him, he comes closer until he grabs the rope contraption that is stuck to my face and pulls. I can't fight, I can only brace for the pain I know must come next. He is speaking quietly and gently stroking my muzzle. My quivering muscles relax and I feel my eyes droop. I give in to the overwhelming tiredness.


Just then I heard a click-click. It was coming from the wall! Suddenly the wall sprang open and a sandy haired boy that looked about twelve walked through. I could hardly believe my eyes. He walked over and quickly untied us. He pulled my gag off and smiled at me. “Hi. My name is Jake.” I blushed and said, “Thanks for rescuing us!” “No problem! We better get out of here!” “Ok!” I said. We went through the wall and ended up in Mrs Plum’s hallway. Alana was walking behind us and when I turned around she was gone! I was about to tell Jake that Alana was gone but someone pulled me back! The person held my mouth so I couldn’t speak. I was going to pull away but right in front of me was a black pistol. I heard Jake yell out “Hey! Where are you guys?” He walked back around and saw Bob holding me and Alana. He gasped. “If you move any closer I will pull this trigger” said Bob “Now get into the cellar!” Jake took a few steps backwards and gave a shrill whistle. The ghost horse that I had seen walked into the hallway and Jake hopped on its back!


The first time I saw her was in a animal rescue centre. She was standing in a small enclosure. Her ocat was caked with mud. She nuzzled me when I held out my hand. I knew straight away that she was the one I wanted! "I want her dad" I said, smiling at the grey gelding. The horse trailer wasn't big but it was suitable for the new horse. I realised I had to give her a name. Her eyes sparkled like stars. I smiled and said stardust. "Stardust?" asked dad. "Well then, welcome stardust, to our family." He patted Stardust. She flinched ever so slightly. "A bit on the thin side" said Dad."Might want to fatten her up, a bit" He said as he loaded her out of the trailer. Mum came out into the paddock. "Maria, why don't you go and get the barn ready for the new horses arrival. I'll let her out into to the paddock for a while. I ran into the barn carefully stepping over Misty, our white cat! It was almost dinner time by the time I finished. I grabbed a halter and an apple slowly walking into the big field. I talked to Stardust as i approached from behind. She turned her head around and snorted, trotting further away from me. Her back looked smooth and shiny. It wasn't dirty any more. Dad must have washed it! I couldn't help but wanting to ride her. I grabbed a saddle and bridle quickly and tacked up tTardust. As I mounted I forgot about everything and let Stardust's smooth canter carry me away. Before I knew it we were in the forest behind my house. Water trickled down all the leaves and the air was cold and cool. My hair flew in the breeze as Stardust changed into a gallop. We headed straight for a low branch. As I bent down I lost my grip and slipped from the saddle. My eyes suddenly went black. 2 hours later.I woke up, my arm was in pain. Stardust was nowhere in sight. I was late for dinner but worst of all I was lost! As i walked further into the forest the sun started to fall faster under the distant hills. I heard a loud shrill cry!!!


I sat comfortably on my saddle as Misty trotted into the arena.Mum was there, in the background, cheering me on. I stared at the first jump. It wasn't high. Misty cleared it easily, she also went over the 2nd and the 3rd jump. As we approached the oxer I began to get nervous- but as we got closer i felt more at ease. We were over! My happiness didn't last long as the 5th and final jump came close. The ditch was a 1m long hole in the ground. Misty snorted and lifted her front legs. She whinnied as she soared through the air. I closed my eyes and felt the air rush through my hair. With a grin on my face i opened my eyes and saw the ground rush towards my face. "Ellie, Ellie" said my mum.I opened my eyes to find myself back in my bedroom. I tried to stand up but I fell back down. My sister handed me a pair of crutches. As i hauled myself up i began to worry."What about Misty" I cried.My mum stared out of the window, I looked at the stables outside. Misty was in the field but she was limping."Tomorrow..." said mum, "Misty will be put down,""No" I cried. I tried to run fast with my sore legs but I fell back down. I hopped over to the field. My face was wet with tears, my eyes stung whilst I was trying to hold back my tears.I opened the gates to the field and hopped over to misty. She stared at me with her wide open eyes.I dug my face into her grey coat. I couldn't let her go. The next morning they came for her. I tried to stop them. They just laughed and pushed me away. After loading Misty into the horse carriage they drove away. I thought that was the last time I would see Misty. But boy was I wrong...


I, Jasmine, sat in the middle of a field, under a large, gnarled up willow tree. I drew many horse pictures in my journal, and began wondering what it would be like to own one? Racing through the wind with my long blonde hair blowing behind me, the horse breathing at a steady pace, her hoofs beating along with my heart like a drum. I flipped toward the back of my journal and looked at a particular horse picture I had drawn a few days ago. I knew in my heart that I wanted that horse. I had seen him down the road, jumping gracefully, with a young girl on his back, his long, slender frame never missing a beat. His ears perked, and his tail swished. I could picture myself riding him through a meadow, and the whole world stopping, for just an instant, to watch us. “Jasmine,” My mother called. “Dinner is ready.” I packed up my things and raced toward the large farm house, with a sleeping dog, Marvin, on the front steps. I raced inside, just quickly enough to where I wouldn’t be late. I sat down in my usual seat, and began making my plate. My mom and dad did the same. After dinner, I began thinking about the horse again. Man… that horse could jump. He was as swift and graceful as a fox. Mom must have noticed how spaced out I was because, being her usual self, cared to ask about what I was thinking. “I’m thinking about the horse down the road, mother. You know the one? The gelding,” I smiled, thinking that they would understand that I wanted him. When neither mom, nor dad answered, I continued on, “I would like to own him.” “Are you sure he’s even safe to ride?” Mom asked. “I mean, he could be a wild thing, and he could hurt you.” “He’s not wild. A young girl was riding him the other day.” “Well, I agree with your mother,” Dad said. “I don’t want you to get hurt, and neither your mother, nor I want to care for it our selves if he would be yours.” “I will care for him by myself. That’s the best way to become friends with him… And I even have enough money from allowance to buy him.” After a while, mom and dad finally caved in and said yes. “We will go tomorrow to ask about him.” I rushed to the old barn out back to clean out a nice stall for him. I’m finally going to have a horse, I thought. Night time came fast. I had finished cleaning up the barn, and headed inside. I rushed upstairs, put pajamas on, and went to bed. After all, tomorrow was going to be a good day. I woke up as soon as the sun rose. I did my chores first thing, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and made breakfast for my parents. They walked downstairs just as I was pulling it out of the oven. “Good heavens, Jasmine,” my mom said. “You must be very happy about this horse.” I nodded, and made them a plate of food. When we got done, I clutched my allowance in my hand, and waited for dad to start the truck. He did, and we drove down the road with a small two-horse trailer hitched to the back. I took a quick nap in the passenger seat of the truck so I wouldn’t look sleepy when we were talking to the horse’s owners. We arrived as soon as I woke up, and I jumped out of the car, rang the doorbell, and smiled a huge smile. The door opened as dad had his hands on my shoulders. The young girl was at the door with her mom. I was no longer grinning. Neither was the girl. My dad was the first to speak. “Hello. I’m John, and this is Jasmine. We were here to ask you if the grey horse was for sale.” The girl’s mom smiled. “Yes, Atlas is for sale.” She said. “How much is he?” “He is five-hundred dollars even. But, I could do a discount, if you would like. Considering I only had four-fifty, I handed to her, and hoped that it was enough. She smiled, counted the money, and walked my dad and I to the back of the house, where a large barn sat. We walked inside slowly, as if in a trance. The woman stopped in front of a nice stall that held Atlas, the horse I bought. He was even better up close. His muscles rippled at every movement he made, and his coat was as shiny as silk. The lady led him out of his stall with a nice leather halter that had a name plate with the horse’s name on it. I led her to our small trailer, feeling ashamed because of how grand everything she owned was compared to our stuff. But, the horse was going to be mine. After we loaded Atlas into the trailer, we drove home.



last chapter


I watched out the window of the car as my dad drove down the highway. Kentucky was beautiful, but it wasn't home. I had a good life back home... Straight A student, lots of friends and I was even about to move up to prelim in eventing with my thoroughbred Oscar, but we had to sell him before we moved. After my mom passed away 2 years ago my dad had a hard time coping and lost his previous job in Harrisburg Illinois. He recently got one in Kentucky and would be working as an assistant trainer at a place called Lane's End and maybe, just maybe, become a full time trainer there. "Alright honey, here we are!" My dad's voice deep and strong rung through the car. He looked at me with a huge grin and I stared at the new house. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. It was a much nicer house then what I thought we would be getting. It was two stories high, had a dark brown wood finish, a porch matching the color of the house wrapped around the whole house. "It's amazing!" I said. "You haven't even seen all of it yet! It gets better!" I could tell my dad was eager to let me explore the rest of the place. "Go on! We'll unpack later check out the rest of the house but I want to take u somewhere in about an hour ok?" I nodded eagerly and jumped out of the car a walked around the house and what I saw was better than anything I ever imagined! There was a barn! It was a six stall barn with an exterior that matched te same color of the house. I sprinted to the inside and stopped and took it all in. 6 huge stalls, a hay loft. I walked into a smaller room, a tack room! It already had saddle racks and bridle hooks put in. I walked out of the tack room and exited the back of the barn. There was 4 big pastures. Each one large enough to allow 3-4 horses enough space to run and play together. I couldn't believe it! My father was the best man ever! "I'm guessing you like it?""Like it? I love it!! It's amazing! Why'd you buy it? I don't have a horse, let alone six!" I laughed a little. "Well, part of the job I've been given is to help ex-race horses to find a new home or recover from an injury etcetera and so forth, so my employers pulled a couple strings and I got the barn and pastures with the house withouht extra charge! "Well it's the best deal that you've ever even given!" I laughed and ran to my father and wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you dad." I said quietly."Ok!" He said pretending I didn't say anything,"I have somewhere to take you! It's not boring I promise! Because it involves your favorite things... Horses!"


Raindrops fell softly outside my window. I was a jockey. Racing was my life. Until my beautiful black gelding, Shooting Star, died of a cannon bone accident. I still blamed myself for his death. His end caused no more ridding for me. I believed that there was not a better horse in the world. After six months I still would not leave my house except to go to school. Homeschooling would be ideal, but I didn't have the guts to say anything about it to my Mom or Dad. In fact I didn't have the guts for anything any more. “Can I come in?” My Mom asked through the door. “Sure.” I yelled back. The door squeaked as she opened it. Mom cleared her throat. “Brooke, I know you miss Star. I also know that deep down inside you miss riding.” She pushed my long ebony hair out of my eyes. “I propose that you you take a lesson tomorrow morning.” Although her voice held complete gentleness I knew that it wasn't my choice. “Okay.” “Thank you honey.” Mom whispered. After she left I curled up on my blue bed and looked at my silvery walls. “I just don't know if I’ll be able to stand being around other horses without my Shooting Star.” Then I gazed at the poster of a jockey. I had ripped it when my beautiful boy died.*** My alarm bleeped loudly. “Arrg.” Teenagers like me had a perfect right to sleep in on Saturdays. I rolled over and rubbed my sleepily green eyes. I grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a blue t-shirt.*** I stepped out of the car and smelled fresh rain and horse. When my Mom drove away I crept into the barn. Then I noticed a new, Palomino, thoroughbred, horse laying in the shadows. I peered into the dark stall. I noticed her cannon bone was broken. I was sure as shootin’ that this girl wasn't going to make it.


It was a cool, crisp morning when I, Audrey Z, was about to enter a scare of my life. I just exited the halter class. When I was eating my breakfast I saw a girl named Crystal, she went into her Showmanship class with no chain or lead line. Grandma said I should do that. In return, I said really, cool, I will, what do I have to do? Well stop, pivot, back, and trot. Grandma said.I can do it, I said. I practiced after a while. There were two more classes in front of me. We started putting on the details on Just My Jazz, an AQHA horse, otherwise Jazz is her barn name. It was my turn now and I took my chain off and I entered. Me and Jazz were having a great time in the arena. We did awesome and did a perfect job. I got first place, but I've got to be honest, I was the only one in there but it was still pretty awesome. Jazz got plenty of treats and hugs.


I nudged Prancer into a canter. The sun shone through the leaves. The cold frosty air found its way through my jodphurs and t-shirt. The morning misty dew sat lightly upon the colourful flowers. I loved willow creek. A small river ran through the middle of the forest. I came here every day! When I wanted to be alone with Prancer I would bring a book and ride into the middle and sit under the huge oak tree. Today i just wanted to have a bit of free time before breakfast. Mum didn't know I was here. I thought i would go for a 15 minute ride and go home before anyone noticed. I started to head back when I noticed a sheet stuck on the big oak. I stared at the sheet horrified!Willow creek is to be cut downby tomorrow so we can hunt for the willow creek ponies. Anyonewith sightings of this mystical herd please report to Harry Hunter.As I read the last line I was filled with anger. Why did they have to cut down Willow Creek. I started to read Harry Hunter's contact info and reached for my phone to call him. I realised I had left it at home.I stared at my watch. I had to be at home in 2 minutes before my alarm went off. Mum would walk into my room any second now and I wouldn't be allowed to ride for a week! I galloped through the fields and led Prancer into his stable. I ran inside and got changed before running downstairs."You're up early" my mum said. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't reply."So whats the plan for today?" She questioned.As I snapped back to reality, I heard mum's question.


What happened, where am I? It all starts coming back to me in flashes. The ropes, pain, terror, all of it. My vision is blurry and my legs are chained together. I hear a noise and my ears perk hoping for a familiar buffer or even a snort, but all that I hear are unfamiliar footsteps. A dark shape comes into view, I whinny in fear and try to rear but the chains on my hoofs hold me back. The two-legged drops something and runs over to me with his hands in front of him. Easy girl, he says, but I am beyond soothing words. He's so close, I can see his face and smell his rancid odor. I can't get away from him, he comes closer until he grabs the rope contraption that is stuck to my face and pulls. I can't fight, I can only brace for the pain I know must come next. He is speaking quietly and gently stroking my muzzle. My quivering muscles relax and I feel my eyes droop. I give in to the overwhelming tiredness.


Just then I heard a click-click. It was coming from the wall! Suddenly the wall sprang open and a sandy haired boy that looked about twelve walked through. I could hardly believe my eyes. He walked over and quickly untied us. He pulled my gag off and smiled at me. “Hi. My name is Jake.” I blushed and said, “Thanks for rescuing us!” “No problem! We better get out of here!” “Ok!” I said. We went through the wall and ended up in Mrs Plum’s hallway. Alana was walking behind us and when I turned around she was gone! I was about to tell Jake that Alana was gone but someone pulled me back! The person held my mouth so I couldn’t speak. I was going to pull away but right in front of me was a black pistol. I heard Jake yell out “Hey! Where are you guys?” He walked back around and saw Bob holding me and Alana. He gasped. “If you move any closer I will pull this trigger” said Bob “Now get into the cellar!” Jake took a few steps backwards and gave a shrill whistle. The ghost horse that I had seen walked into the hallway and Jake hopped on its back!


The first time I saw her was in a animal rescue centre. She was standing in a small enclosure. Her ocat was caked with mud. She nuzzled me when I held out my hand. I knew straight away that she was the one I wanted! "I want her dad" I said, smiling at the grey gelding. The horse trailer wasn't big but it was suitable for the new horse. I realised I had to give her a name. Her eyes sparkled like stars. I smiled and said stardust. "Stardust?" asked dad. "Well then, welcome stardust, to our family." He patted Stardust. She flinched ever so slightly. "A bit on the thin side" said Dad."Might want to fatten her up, a bit" He said as he loaded her out of the trailer. Mum came out into the paddock. "Maria, why don't you go and get the barn ready for the new horses arrival. I'll let her out into to the paddock for a while. I ran into the barn carefully stepping over Misty, our white cat! It was almost dinner time by the time I finished. I grabbed a halter and an apple slowly walking into the big field. I talked to Stardust as i approached from behind. She turned her head around and snorted, trotting further away from me. Her back looked smooth and shiny. It wasn't dirty any more. Dad must have washed it! I couldn't help but wanting to ride her. I grabbed a saddle and bridle quickly and tacked up tTardust. As I mounted I forgot about everything and let Stardust's smooth canter carry me away. Before I knew it we were in the forest behind my house. Water trickled down all the leaves and the air was cold and cool. My hair flew in the breeze as Stardust changed into a gallop. We headed straight for a low branch. As I bent down I lost my grip and slipped from the saddle. My eyes suddenly went black. 2 hours later.I woke up, my arm was in pain. Stardust was nowhere in sight. I was late for dinner but worst of all I was lost! As i walked further into the forest the sun started to fall faster under the distant hills. I heard a loud shrill cry!!!


I sat comfortably on my saddle as Misty trotted into the arena.Mum was there, in the background, cheering me on. I stared at the first jump. It wasn't high. Misty cleared it easily, she also went over the 2nd and the 3rd jump. As we approached the oxer I began to get nervous- but as we got closer i felt more at ease. We were over! My happiness didn't last long as the 5th and final jump came close. The ditch was a 1m long hole in the ground. Misty snorted and lifted her front legs. She whinnied as she soared through the air. I closed my eyes and felt the air rush through my hair. With a grin on my face i opened my eyes and saw the ground rush towards my face. "Ellie, Ellie" said my mum.I opened my eyes to find myself back in my bedroom. I tried to stand up but I fell back down. My sister handed me a pair of crutches. As i hauled myself up i began to worry."What about Misty" I cried.My mum stared out of the window, I looked at the stables outside. Misty was in the field but she was limping."Tomorrow..." said mum, "Misty will be put down,""No" I cried. I tried to run fast with my sore legs but I fell back down. I hopped over to the field. My face was wet with tears, my eyes stung whilst I was trying to hold back my tears.I opened the gates to the field and hopped over to misty. She stared at me with her wide open eyes.I dug my face into her grey coat. I couldn't let her go. The next morning they came for her. I tried to stop them. They just laughed and pushed me away. After loading Misty into the horse carriage they drove away. I thought that was the last time I would see Misty. But boy was I wrong...


I, Jasmine, sat in the middle of a field, under a large, gnarled up willow tree. I drew many horse pictures in my journal, and began wondering what it would be like to own one? Racing through the wind with my long blonde hair blowing behind me, the horse breathing at a steady pace, her hoofs beating along with my heart like a drum. I flipped toward the back of my journal and looked at a particular horse picture I had drawn a few days ago. I knew in my heart that I wanted that horse. I had seen him down the road, jumping gracefully, with a young girl on his back, his long, slender frame never missing a beat. His ears perked, and his tail swished. I could picture myself riding him through a meadow, and the whole world stopping, for just an instant, to watch us. “Jasmine,” My mother called. “Dinner is ready.” I packed up my things and raced toward the large farm house, with a sleeping dog, Marvin, on the front steps. I raced inside, just quickly enough to where I wouldn’t be late. I sat down in my usual seat, and began making my plate. My mom and dad did the same. After dinner, I began thinking about the horse again. Man… that horse could jump. He was as swift and graceful as a fox. Mom must have noticed how spaced out I was because, being her usual self, cared to ask about what I was thinking. “I’m thinking about the horse down the road, mother. You know the one? The gelding,” I smiled, thinking that they would understand that I wanted him. When neither mom, nor dad answered, I continued on, “I would like to own him.” “Are you sure he’s even safe to ride?” Mom asked. “I mean, he could be a wild thing, and he could hurt you.” “He’s not wild. A young girl was riding him the other day.” “Well, I agree with your mother,” Dad said. “I don’t want you to get hurt, and neither your mother, nor I want to care for it our selves if he would be yours.” “I will care for him by myself. That’s the best way to become friends with him… And I even have enough money from allowance to buy him.” After a while, mom and dad finally caved in and said yes. “We will go tomorrow to ask about him.” I rushed to the old barn out back to clean out a nice stall for him. I’m finally going to have a horse, I thought. Night time came fast. I had finished cleaning up the barn, and headed inside. I rushed upstairs, put pajamas on, and went to bed. After all, tomorrow was going to be a good day. I woke up as soon as the sun rose. I did my chores first thing, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and made breakfast for my parents. They walked downstairs just as I was pulling it out of the oven. “Good heavens, Jasmine,” my mom said. “You must be very happy about this horse.” I nodded, and made them a plate of food. When we got done, I clutched my allowance in my hand, and waited for dad to start the truck. He did, and we drove down the road with a small two-horse trailer hitched to the back. I took a quick nap in the passenger seat of the truck so I wouldn’t look sleepy when we were talking to the horse’s owners. We arrived as soon as I woke up, and I jumped out of the car, rang the doorbell, and smiled a huge smile. The door opened as dad had his hands on my shoulders. The young girl was at the door with her mom. I was no longer grinning. Neither was the girl. My dad was the first to speak. “Hello. I’m John, and this is Jasmine. We were here to ask you if the grey horse was for sale.” The girl’s mom smiled. “Yes, Atlas is for sale.” She said. “How much is he?” “He is five-hundred dollars even. But, I could do a discount, if you would like. Considering I only had four-fifty, I handed to her, and hoped that it was enough. She smiled, counted the money, and walked my dad and I to the back of the house, where a large barn sat. We walked inside slowly, as if in a trance. The woman stopped in front of a nice stall that held Atlas, the horse I bought. He was even better up close. His muscles rippled at every movement he made, and his coat was as shiny as silk. The lady led him out of his stall with a nice leather halter that had a name plate with the horse’s name on it. I led her to our small trailer, feeling ashamed because of how grand everything she owned was compared to our stuff. But, the horse was going to be mine. After we loaded Atlas into the trailer, we drove home.




Texte: dalton
Bildmaterialien: google
Lektorat: noah
Übersetzung: google translate
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.11.2014

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hi i like this book i hoe you enjoy it Fun-to-perform plays, ideal for the classroom. Everybody loves the BFG. Now children can bring him to life! David Wood has created seven short playlets to read and perform. This also includes notes on simple staging, props and costumes, the plays can be produced with the minimum of experience and resources. Similar in format for The Twits and The Witches: Plays for Children Children will have a phizzwizardly good time - and their friends won't believe their goggle rs!

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