
Chapter 1

“Well I think the teenage mind only consist of being popular or being really pretty and to my conclusion I think it’s just disgusting to think you might be pretty when actually you’re the ugly fuck in this story.” I looked over at Mrs. Phifer and she nodded at me to take my seat. She is my favorite teacher only because she really doesn’t give a shit about being pretty or not (don’t get me wrong she is one of the hottest teachers at this school apparently). Brittany shot me one of those dirty looks but I just blew her a kiss. She shook with fury at that, but I just laughed.
Ok, first off I am a girl and I’m also not gay, just very sarcastic. Hey, as long as nobody messes with me they can live. I don’t ask much just some space.
The bell rang for the day and everyone retreated to they’re dorms. Oh, and may I also add I’m stuck in a stinking boarding school. I was originally adopted but that was for political reasons like wanting to be governor. Which by the way my bastard of a “dad” won because of me. Saying how they found me all alone without love and support so he decided to adopt me and give me a loving family and blah, blah, blah. And so after he won he dumped me here at Vista Academy. God I could crush his skull.
One of the girls looked at me startled and scared…………. Crap, did I just growl again. The look on the girl’s face said I did. I cursed softly and hurried to my room. I slammed it shut and locked it. What the hell? I rushed to my desk and pulled out my real mother’s journal. I flipped through the pages and stopped.

My poor girl still can’t control her growling. She came home crying today because some girls at school thought she was strange and they didn’t want to talk with her anymore. She will learn soon that her growl is important to him. Oh, I will dread the day he comes. But I will be proud of her it is a curse yet a blessing. Well I could never imagine life without her father. He seemed to be a part of me when we first met, even though he seemed like such a creep I found out what we were and I knew I couldn’t hide my feels for him any longer. I found out from my mother when my father first saw him. It was fate beautiful fate and then we had our little girl. She may hate her life now but it will soon get better she is very beautiful. A lot of boys like her because of it but I don’t want her to be confident on her looks because one day that will all disappear. Oh she’ll learn one day what she is.

“What am I mom?” I sighed and closed the journal. I sat down and meditated on things that really pissed me off and I held my growl for awhile until I remembered my past and I snarled. I covered my mouth with both my hands and cried for awhile. Thank god I had the room for myself. I held myself together, plugged in my iPod, played the angriest music I had and put on my blindfold. I waited and held my being together though my soul was screaming to let it go wild and howl and roar along with the music. But I shook my head and breath in and out like in yoga, but only my music is screaming and hollering.
“Puck?” I wanted to yell at my intruder but instead I held in my anger and let it out through the breathing. Anger will be right when the time comes, I repeated mentally in my head. I heard the door close behind me and I smiled at the control I had and so I kept concentrating. I heard footsteps get closer to my laptop. I heard the air of a hand about to touch my laptop I growled loudly at my intruder.
I smelled it the fear of two people it was seeping through them like a waterfall. As if trying to be the brave one the hand tried again to approach my laptop but I snarled in her direction. Even though the music was pretty loud I can tone it down in my head and listen to the two people. “I think you should stay with someone else honey I’ll ask the headmaster if she can switch you.”
“God, I can’t believe I’m roomed with a freak.” I laughed at this and got up and shut the music of myself. “Oh, my god mom did she hear us?” The girl whispered. I smiled at myself mentally and decided to play the creepy card. I sniffed the air and kept sniffing until I got to them, I nodded and headed to my bed and sat down and waited.
“Hey there Puck umm I’m Lori’s mom, Daisy, how are you?” I shrugged and took off my blind fold. They gasped as I wrapped the eye patch around my gone eye. I knew they must be looking at my neck and my other half of my face that was wrinkled like the ripples of a lake. “Oh, god I’m so very sorry I didn’t know….” She trailed off on some nonsense about her being helpful to handy capes. I didn’t listen but instead I examined the two of them.
Daisy was a sort of plump women but she was fat just big boned, didn’t wear too much make-up, and dressed like my real mother used to dress like, I liked it. I turned my attention to Lori she wasn’t fat either or skinny, just normal like me. Wore natural make-up, but by the way she was standing she was defiant, rebellious, didn’t take shit from anybody. I smiled at her direction, she gave a little “hmf” and turned away then I knew she would be one of the girls who follows the crowd. I sighed for trying to make friends.
“Mrs. Gehrman I’m sure I was clear on not going into the room yet.” I heard Ms. Rowan from the corridor rushing over to my room. “Puck I’m sorry for the late notice---”
“Don’t be, nothing to trip about just didn’t know we ran out of rooms.” I laid down on my bed as the head master ran through what happened and why it was necessary for Lori to stay with me. Once she was done I looked up at her, she just waited for my response. I sighed, “As long as she stays out of my way.” Ms. Rowan nodded and gesture for Lori to leave her stuff there so she could have a tour of the academy. She did and then left me to nap and dream. I got up to find Lori in the room with Brittany and they giggled as they went through my drawers. I was going to exploded, but instead I took a breath and cooled down. “Ooo Looky here,” Lori giggled as Brittany pulled out my mother’s journals.
“It’s a journal.” Brittany brightened, obviously thinking it was mine and probably think about using it to ruin my life or whatever it is she believes. I got up and in a second was right behind them. I snatched my mother’s journals and my parents’ special engraved box they left for me. The box had all the important things my parents had given me in their lifetime. I headed back to my bed and curled up with my things safe in my arms. “Bitch, I can’t believe they would ruin your life like this,” I could feel her gaze on my back as her and Lori talked about me like I wasn’t even there.
That really pissed me off. They didn’t know one thing about me. Nothing. Zip. “She is like a freak you think this will ruin my social status?” I rolled my eye at her comment. “Don’t worry Lori your status is safe as long as your with me.” I got up and stared Lori down. Brittany stood up and faced me. “Your intimidated by Lori and mine’s beauty, face it witch spells won’t work on anybody.” She spit on me and went back over with Lori and said good night and left.
I wiped the spit from my box and my face. Would I have cried when I was younger? Yea. Would I cry now? No. I got up and put my stuff under my mattress. I knew Lori was watching me. I shook my head and just smiled. I walked over to her and lightly touched her cheek. “ Lori, do you believe that I’m a witch?”
“You’re a horrible person and very rude.” She sneered at me. I nodded, “Yes that’s true but what do you know about me?” She paused and thought about it. She cringed when she knew nothing. I laughed, “Lori I suggest you chose your enemies wisely, if you tell Brittany where I put my stuff and I find something goes missing--” Lori spit on my face and said, “You’ll do what tell on me and Brittany, with what proof?” I smiled and grazed her cheek with my hand, “Who said I would go straight to Ms. R?” I wiped her spit off my face and went back to bed knowing that I just found myself another enemy.
I sighed and thought about the day I got my scars and knew that my dreams would be full of nightmares of my past. I cringed, rolled up in a ball and prepared for the tiring night that was waiting after I fell asleep.

Chapter 2

“Mom guess what,” I was giddy and excited to tell my mom the news about how Matt asked me out to trick-or-treat with him. I couldn’t believe that I, the outcast, actually got a date with Matt. Well it’s not like we don’t talk or anything, we do. He’s just been getting distant for awhile because he’s in the “in” crowd. I’m just happy we can hang out like we use to. My mother laughed, her smile just brightened my mood. “I’m guessing something wonderful happened to you, am I right?” I nodded not able to contain my happiness. “Matt asked me to go trick-or-treating with him today that is if you’ll let me go.” I waited for her answer. “I don’t know if I should, I haven’t even met this so called Matt.” She smiled that sneaky smile I always loved. “Please, I really want to go.” My mom laughed again, “A dark girl with a boy of light, how very ironic,” she winked and then said, “Yes you can go.”
I leaped with joy, “I’m gonna go get ready and call Matt.” I ran to my room and put on my red mini-dress and black cloak to be an ancient witch of medieval times. I called up Matt excited for the evening.
“Hello is Matt there?”
“Yea just hold up a minute?” I waited. “Hello?”
“Puck, oh hey how goes it?”
“Nothing just asked my mom she said yes, see I told you she would.” He chuckled, god it was hot. “Alright I’ll come over right now and we’ll stock up in candies, good with you?”
“Yea--” I heard a scream from my living room. “MOM!” I ran down stairs to see three people looking down at my mother’s body lying in a pool of blood. One of them looked up at me and started to run up the stairs. I slammed my door shut and locked it. I huddled up in my closet as the person banged on the door. “Puck are you ok? Puck! Answer me!” Matt was yelling through the phone.
I swallowed down my tears, “Matt,” was the only thing I could get through my sorrow. The banging stopped and I heard my dad in the living room cursing loudly. “Oh, god Matt I’m scared.”
“Puck don’t worry I’ll call the cops, just hold on ok?” I sniffled and then the door finally gave away. I gasped as the hooded person grabbed my arm, I screamed and kick at the person, while Matt was yelling through the phone again, “Leave her alone! Puck! Puck!” The hooded person crushed the phone and cut the line. It laughed and carried me back to my living room.
“We got her,” He said. I looked down at my parents’ bodies. I growled and kicked the man that was carrying me. He grabbed me again but this time he struck a knife in my eye I screamed in pain. I fell on my knees and held my injured eye, he sliced and carved the left side of my face where my eye used to be. All I could do was scream and cry at all the torture, they strapped me onto a table. They cut my throat. I coughed and choked on something warm and liquidy in my mouth.
“You didn’t cut deep enough.” The knife went through my neck 1…..2…..3…..4….5. I lost count then cause I could feel something rippling through my body. Something roared, and I felt a lot of puncturing on the left side of my stomach. The thing roared again………..I felt my mouth open for another roar. I tried to break loose of the chains. I look over at the people as they started at me in horror. I finally broke loose and ran away. And everything went black.

× × × × × × × ×

I woke up panting, sucking in air as if I was drowning. The nightmares always felt real. The pain, sadness, everything about it just felt horrible I swallowed one of my cries, remembering that I now had a roommate. I moaned softly and headed to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to find my scars glowing in the dark. I laughed softly, “Guess I really am a freak,” I smiled half-heartedly at myself. I grabbed my mother’s journals and jumped out of my window. I landed gracefully on my feet like always. I looked up at my window three stories away.
I got up and ran into the woods, lightening speed as the trees flashed passed my view. I ended up at the waterfall; I relaxed and set the journals on a rock. I slipped out of my clothes and set them with the journals. I dived into the lake from the top of the waterfall. Deep in the water I stayed, I could feel the burn of my scars cool down. I twisted around in the beautiful lake.
“My black backpack is stocked with broken dreams; Twenty bucks should get me through the week; Never said a word of discontentment,” I began to sing. That always happens, I sing when I most relaxed, “Here in the shadows I’m safe, I’m free, I don’t know where else to go but I can’t stay where I don’t belong.” I let my voice flow throw my mouth like musical notes.
I let my hands flow with the music I was singing, the water flowed with my voice. Then I heard a rustle of leaves, I kept singing the song, if someone wanted to get their blood sucked on well it’s their choice. I sang as a boy emerged from the woods he came closer, mesmerized by my singing. I created an illusion for the boy, I concentrated very hard. Making the water sparkle against the rocks and echoing my voice so it would sound mystical.
“Who are you?” The boy asked. “Who are you,” I purred, “Come closer.” He did, he kneels over the water to look at me. I couldn’t hide my scars, that was more difficult to do, drains my energy. But my scars seemed to mesmerize him even more. I placed my hand on his cheek and leaned in to kiss him but pulled back. He leaned in even further and finally his neck was exposed. I wanted to eat him so much just munch on his organs. I licked his neck and I could feel him tingle with delight. His skin tasted delicious.
“I want your blood boy.” I let my voice go to its monstrous state. I knew the boy snapped out of his trance when he heard it. But I already had a firm grip on his neck I let my teeth sharpened like a sharks and I bite down on his neck. I let the blood fill me, oh so delicious. I wanted to just bite out his neck but I couldn’t risk killing him. I may be a monster, a witch even but I’m not a murder.
The boy moaned, for some strange reason when I suck on their blood they seem to find something sexual about it. If I took that illusion from him I knew he would scream with pain and try to fight me. He gently took me out of the water and cradled me in his arms as I took my fill. I stopped and he fell onto my shoulders, unconscious. I laid his head on my lap and look at his face. I narrowed my eyes to see if I knew him. He didn’t look like anybody at the academy. But Vista Academy is pretty far out in the woods for anybody to just walk here. He was pretty cute too, actually he was hot I could feel his arm muscles and his face was baby like yet manly. Well defined cheeks, jet-black hair that ran down to his shoulders and sun tan skin. One piercing on his lip and another on his right eyebrow.
He seemed familiar. I think I’ve seen him before. Maybe I’ve taken blood from him before. Oh well, no use messing around with the thought. I laid him down gently on the floor. I got dressed and left. I read another one of my mother’s journal entries.

Oct. 30
Oh, my baby is finally singing to draw in prey. How adorable, her father is very proud of her. He practically leaped into the ceiling when he heard the news. Soon she will start to drink blood and be able to rip and animal apart for food. Oh, it’s just wonderful to know we have a daughter that’s so gifted. Whoever ends up with her will be blessed to have her. Once she finds the one she’ll never forget him. She’ll dream about him as I dreamt about her father when we first met. I was aware of my abilities at the time but my mother never told me what I actually was until I met her father. The man is very strange, but he is my strange man. I just hope our little Puck well be able to cope with her being for a little longer. Once she finds the one I will tell her what she is just like my mother told me.

God, the woman never makes any sense. I laughed, because that’s what I loved about my parents the most. They always made something interesting and mysterious. I wonder if leaving the poor boy there alone was the best decision. Well he be safe out there alone? What if I weakened him too much and now he can’t get out woods? I shook my head. What am I worrying for?
Maybe you should go back.

I jumped with surprise at the voice in my head, it sounded like mine but it’s talking to me. Go back he needs you.

“No, he was food that’s it.” I growled at my voice. That’s not very nice. What if he heard you he could be hurt.

“He’s nowhere near me.” Guess again. “What do you want me to do about it?” I growled. The voice laughed, just go to him and check on him.

I went back and he was still laying there. “See he’s fine.” Go wake him up

. “What no, he’ll find out,” I hissed. No he won’t just lie say you were taking a stroll and found him here.

“No I didn’t mean that I meant my sanctuary.” Ah, the waterfall, well drag his body someplace else.

I nodded in agreement with my voice. So I carried his body far enough away from my sanctuary. What was I thinking leaving him there to discover my hiding place, I growled at myself for not being careful. I placed him on the floor near a bush. “Now what?” Leave him here he’ll wake up soon he’s safe so you have no need in waking him up.

I sighed in relief and flashed to the outside of my dorms.
My nails grew into long claws (kinda the reason why I always leave bare foot). I scaled the wall and crawled through the window to my bed and fell sound asleep.

Chapter 3

I woke up to screaming from my alarm on my iPod. I got up yawning and heading over to shut it off. Lori woke up too, mad at my alarm. “Don’t you ever thing of putting in a less angry song as an alarm?” I shrugged, “If I used a less angry song then it will be more difficult to wake up, think about it if it were soft and nice would you want to get up and turn it off?” Lori laughed, “Good point.”
“You go ahead take a shower first, I’m gonna bump some music and don’t worry I have all kinds of music on there.”
“Alright I’ll be out in a sec.” She got her stuff and headed into the shower.
I decided to play my rap playlist starting with “Mr. Happy” by ICP. I nodded my head to beat. I made my bed and got all my shit together. Soon there was knock on the door. I opened to find the welcome crew in the hall the three jerk-offs of the school. “Hey is Lori in?” I just gave them my death squint. “Hey look we just want to welcome her to the academy.”
“Look Lori is a pretty good girl but I warn you now if one of you jerk-offs try to play her she ain’t gonna cry about but she’ll get back at you guys and I’ll be there to help you got it?”
“Awww, it’s cute when girls try to act tough.” I growled at Joe. “Oh, feisty I like that kind.” I kicked his shin and he let out a cry and rubbed his knee. “You bitch!”I smirked. “Thee bitch, you know that’s funny I thought I was a witch, but you people never make up your minds, do you now?” I smiled sweetly at them. “Nobody likes someone with a used up face like yours, you can never get a guy.” It was Roy the leader of the pack. I cringed at the comment, ouch, that hurt more than I thought it would.
“Hey, Puck, you can go ahead and shower now,” Lori called from the bathroom. “Remember what I said Roy.” I flipped them off and slammed the door on them. “Who was that?” I shook my head. “Lori just promise me you’ll watch out for a pack of three guys hitting on girls I’d hate to see them take another girl away into their stupidity.” Lori looked confused at me. “Whatever just don’t talk to me when we’re in school you know how I feel about my social status.”
I frowned. My attempts at making friends suck such monkey balls. I sighed exhausted of the day already. Tomorrow you can rest don’t worry about it, just another Friday in this shit hole.

I took my original seat in the back, and I set my head on the desk. Nobody likes me, just because I’m different but I’m not complaining. I have weirdly white hair. I have big, ugly scars going down the left side of my body, a piercing on my eyebrow, tongue, and lip, and I have tattoos on my arms, sides, back and my collarbone area. I don’t see the difference a lot of people have tattoos and piercings at the academy. I guess the dragon heads on my collar bone can really freak someone out. The dragons come up from each side of my shoulder onto my collarbone and they’re breathing fire in the direction of my cuts and burns on my neck. The third dragon wraps around my neck as it also fires at my injures. Is that what freaks them out? Or is it the fact that I have an eye tattooed on my back right below my neck?
Hey don’t get me wrong I have nice tattoos like a rose tree growing from my back to the side of my stomach. I also have a vine of thorns spelling out my mom and dad’s name with a rose at the end of the name. And the little crescent moon and stars on my left wrist. I have a lot of tattoos I guess but they all have a meaning. I don’t know about the snake around my right middle finger, I just like that one.
“Puck!” I looked up to find everyone staring at me. Crap I fell asleep again! “What’s up Mr. Ernst,” I smiled. “Are you paying attention to the class?”
“I don’t know Mr. Ernst it seems the class is pay attention to me at the moment.” “So it seems, yet I find the defendant guilty.” I put up my hands in surrender, “Whatever floats your boat sir.” He chuckled and got back to notes and I quickly flashed written all the notes I need for the next test. Hell, if I wanted to I could just get the answer right from his head but I don’t want to seem like I’m cheating so I’d get one or two answers wrong. It’s not a debate class but a science class. We just debate over different theories.
The door opened and the headmaster walked in………with the boy I feed from last night. Crap! He doesn’t know it was you so just act cool.

Oh, God the voice came back. Hey, didn’t I help you the other day?

I could hear it pouting in my mind. I growled lightly at the voice. Oh, I do hope he seats here.

Are you crazy I don’t need his delicious blood anywhere near me. Ah, see you do like him.

What?! No! I don’t even know the guy. But you could get to know him.

“Students this is Matt Damonz he is new and I hope you can all help him be welcomed here.” She smiled and gestured for Mr. Ernst to go ahead and finish for her and then she left. “Well you heard the headmaster class, say hello to Matt.” The class said hello. “So Matt tell us a little about yourself.” He shrugged, “I enjoy music and art.” Mr. Ernst nodded and smiled, “Well Matt you can go seat yourself over at Puck’s table, and she does need a lab partner.” I stood up, “I object your honor!” Everyone looked over at me startled. “I believe the court would like it to be so that Matt should sit with Brittany.” Everyone gasped at my request. Some even applauded, “All in favor say ‘aye’.”
“Aye,” said half of the class. “Mr. Ernst I do believe the people have spoken,” I smiled sweetly at him. “But I do believe the judge can over-rule that and so Mr. Damonz sits next to you case dismissed.” Everyone groaned and said they’re sorry to Matt for getting a seat next to the evil witch. I sat back down and pouted and stopped when I saw Mr. Ernst do the same thing. I giggled cause he is the coolest goofy teacher ever.
Matt took his seat next to me and the class resumed. “Hey, so your name’s Puck right?” I bowed my head, “At your serves my league.” He laughed, “Hey your funny, I don’t know why nobody likes you.” I shrugged, “I guess I seem dangerous with my, well this.” I gesture to all of myself. “Well, I like you your pretty cool.” I tsted at him, “Oh, you poor boy didn’t you know I’m too sarcastic and just a social disaster,” I said in the best hair dresser voice I can pull off. He laughed and smiled, my heart fluttered.
See, don’t deny it you like him.

I growled at the voice and covered my mouth too late. I looked over at Matt and his eyes widened. Shit! I turned away and we didn’t speak for the rest of the period. The bell finally rang at my mercy and I was the first to be out.

I survived half of day, and I headed to lunch. The food here was, well, ok I guess. I usually pay the lunch lady extra so I could get two raw, bloody slices of steak. She doesn’t ask any questions. I got my double baggie of goods and thanked the lunch lady. She simply nodded like she always does. I smiled and walked off to my favorite place in the woods. “Sanctuary,” my tongue savored every letter of the word.
Crunch, Crunch! I turned around to see someone in the distance and they’re headed my way. I quickly scaled one of the trees and jumped to where the person was. I looked down in curiosity. They were looking around, so obviously they were looking for something. But what? I looked at the direction they were headed to.
I screeched like a hawk, and banged on the tree with fury. They’re headed to my sanctuary. I had to stop them! They looked in my direction trying to find the source of the noise. I growled in their direction, slipped out of my clothes and I tucked all my stuff in a hole the tree had. And turned myself into a wolf. I dropped out of the tree and turned to their direction. I bounced on them, blinded by fury. The person cried out in pain as I bite down on their arm. I cackled at their pain.
The person pushed me off. I crushed on a tree and cried out in pain. “Nice doggie, good doggie.” That voice, Matt? I finally stopped to look at him and he was bloody because of what I did. I whined and cringed at what I did to him. He smiled and walked over to pet me I ducked and growled at him again. What was I thinking? He’s going to invade my sanctuary. I charged forward to attack again, but he grabbed me by my collar in a flash and pinned me down in the floor. I scratched at his hand and tried to bite his arm again, but he was too strong. Nobody can be stronger than me, unless--- no! He can’t be like me.
I gave up and stopped struggling under his grip. I quickly concentrated on hiding anything supernatural about me. I’m just a wolf to him. He let go of me and I whined and licked his hand in apology. He patted my head and I smiled at him. He got up and said, “Why is your hair white and not brown or black.” I tilted my head at him confused. “You remind me of a girl I used to like, but she disappeared out of my life.”
I tilted my head confused. He chuckled, “Well we were suppose to go trick-or-treat and then well, I miss her a lot, she just left without saying good-bye.” He then looked closely at me. Gently he touches my forever gone eye, “What happened to your eye girl?” I cringed and put my paws over my face. “It’s ok it’s your business, can you help me find a lake, I know it’s around here somewhere.” He then flashed out of my view. Crap! I followed his flash and was right behind him. He stopped at the base of the woods. A couple more trees and he’ll be at my sanctuary. I tugged on his pants with my teeth begging him not to go. I wouldn’t want to kill him.
“What’s up girl?” I shook my head rapidly. But he went in anyways. “NO!” I bark. I turned back into my original self. And I ran into him, he looked at me, baffled. But I grabbed him and threw him far away and I flash back to the tree where I left my stuff. I stuffed my food down my throat, and flashed myself back to school. I looked around and saw him on the floor near some bushes. The bell rang and I headed to my last class P.E.

Chapter 4

“Ok, time to team up!”Coach hollered. “Time for football.” I stood in line with the rest of the class. Roy was one of the captains. So was Matt. “Lori,” Roy winked at her she smiled and flipped her hair. I shook my head in shame. “Puck.” I looked around to find who was calling my name. “Puck over here.” I turned over to Matt. “Me?” He shook his head. I was the last one to be chosen for a team, like always. I turned to look at Roy. He winked at me and I flipped him off and headed over to coach, “Coach, I don’t feel so good.” I grabbed my stomach and I made a heaving noise. Coach backed away, “Head over to the nurse’s office and I’ll dismiss you for the day.” I nodded, “Here coach, since she’s really sick I’ll carry her to the nurse unless, she really isn’t sick.” Roy grinned evilly, I growled and nodded. “Alright then Roy.”
He swiftly picked me up and carried me bridal style. “You dickhead.” I growled softly. “You know you love it.” He winked and he carried me off the field.
“Wait, I’m gonna get my stuff.” I opened the locker room to find some stoners smoking, they bobbed their head in greeting, and I giggled and did the same. I took the joint they passed on and I took a big swag at it. I sighed in relief and I quickly got my stuff. “Hey don’t stay too long the teachers will come by here soon.” They nodded their thanks and I left.
I took the back side and headed to the nurses myself. I giggled at the image of Roy standing there, still waiting for me. I walked down the hall and got all my stuff from my locker. I slammed the locker and turned over to find Roy standing there angry as hell. I shook my head and walked away to the nurses. I could hear Roy’s steps right behind me. Then he picked me up again. “God, Roy I can walk I’m not crippled.” He chuckled, “Then what’s up with that eye?” I shook my head and laid it on Roy’s chest. I could hear his beating and breathed along with it.
“What’s your story Puck?” I was startled, “What?”
“What’s your story, come on you can tell me.” I laugh out loud at this, “I could never trust you with my past Roy. You should know that.” He shrugged, “Well, if not the past what about the future?” I shrugged, “I don’t know, I’ll just go with the flow of my own beat.” We were at my room door now. Roy put me down and we just stood there. “Roy, can I ask you something?”
“Go ahead.”
“Why are you so scared of Brittany?” I could feel his hands tense around me, and he set his head on the back of my shoulder. “What are you talking about?” He laughed at my remark. “I’ll tell you my story once I’m ready, and you’ll tell me yours once you’re ready as well.” I opened my door and walked in. I turned around to face Roy, “And don’t worry I won’t tell anybody about our friendship.” I smiled and Roy took me into a big bear hug. And then I closed the door. I set my stuff on my desk and blasted my music. I took off my uniform and put on some shorts and my guns n’ roses band shirt on. “Woah!” I laughed as I sang along with Guns N’ Roses. “Take me down to paradise city!”
“Hey what’s going on?” Lori cried over my 80’s rock. She smiled at me, “I love this song.”
“Me too.” We started to sing together. Doing the wacky 80’s dancing. We both tumbled to the floor laughing. “Didn’t know you were this much fun.” I laughed, “Most people just judge a book by their cover here.”
“Sorry I didn’t get to know you better.” I shrugged, “Don’t trip, and hey sorry I growled at you and your mom, just thought you were one of Brittany’s zombie slaves.” She hesitated at this. I smiled, “Don’t worry I won’t tell Brittany that we actually talk.” She jumped with joy, “Really?” I nodded.
The door knocked and I got up to answer it. Matt walked in, “We need to talk.” Crap! Yey!

What the hell this isn’t a “yey” moment. He sat down on my bed, “Alone.” His gazed turned over to Lori, he growled for her to get out. She got up quickly and I followed her to door assuring her I would be ok.
Once I closed the door I flashed punched him in the face. He rubbed his face, “Ow, what the hell was that for?” I nodded, “So you are like me, I knew it.” No wonder his blood tasted extra good. I lick my lips at the reminder of it. “If I hit a normal person with that kind of force I would have snapped their neck.” He nodded in agreement. Then I was against the wall with him cornering me. He pinned my hands against the wall and I hissed at him. He simply crushed his lips against mine, I melt right there in that very spot. His lips felt so right, being in his arms felt so complete.
I woke up from my daze and slapped him with my full force. He stood there astonished. I pushed him off then and jumped out of the (open) window. I landed on one of the poles and swung myself to the nearest tree. I darted from one tree to another. Trying to get away from the misery. I got to my sanctuary and sat in the cave that the waterfall hide from sight. “Puck!!” Matt screeched. He had the demon screech that I had. I cringed in went further in the cave. Don’t let him find me. Don’t let him find me please. What are you talking about? You should be with him and calm his misery.

What kind of misery could he possibly have? The misery of losing you not once but twice now that you ran from him.

What? Just talk to him and you’ll find out.

Then something pulled me, not physically but I was drawn to it.
Go with it, trust me.

I sighed and decided to go out. I stood at the mouth of the cave. Matt turned around mad, but relieved to see me. He dived in the water and swam to me. I sat down on the stone floor and put my feet in the water. The chill of it sort of reminded me that I was still there. “Matt?” He was at my side by now. “Puck, god I missed you.” He grabbed me in a tight hug. I didn’t move though. Great, you hurt his feels now.

I sighed and hugged him back. “Puck, don’t you remember me?” I nodded, “Couldn’t believe it was you, until you told me about the date we were suppose to go on.” I giggled.
“What happened to you?” he caressed my face and kissed my lost eye. “Who did this to you?” He tensed up at this. I knew he would get mad. I sighed, “Didn’t you hear it all happen.” His face went blank, and he got furious now. “How could you joke about this, who would ever try to injure you?” I shrugged.
“I visited you at the hospital every day, and then you were gone. I thought you died. Why would have just leave without saying good-bye?” I laughed, “You would be surprise at my answer.”
“Well, you see, I didn’t want to say good-bye because they mean forever and I didn’t want you to get sad.” I laughed at my own foolishness, “Sorry for the misery.” He shook his head, “Don’t worry about it, so about your parents, they didn’t tell you did they?” I shook my head, “Yours did, didn’t they?” He nodded, “You have no idea how much I missed you, I always did like you.” I smiled, “Yeah, I did too. But I only had nightmares of the night it all happened.”
Matt kissed me again and I went with it this time. Melting into it, but I pulled away. Matt just looked disappointed, “Matt I can’t.”
“Why not, I’ve missed you so much I just want to be with you right now.” I shook my head, “We have to take this slowly, please, for me?” He nodded and set me on his lap and we just sat there in each other’s arms watching the sky darken before us. “We were meant for each other Puck.” His hug around me tightened. I soon realized that I was sharing my sanctuary with him. Its ok he won’t tell anybody, make him pinky-swear.

“Pinky-swear on your life you won’t tell anybody about this place.” I put up my pinky as he entwined his with mine. “I pinky-swear I won’t tell anybody about our little sanctuary.” He winked, but I was just annoyed, “Not OUR, just mine if you ask I’ll let you in but not so easily.” I growled and he just chuckled and kissed my head, “God, I missed that.” I sighed and surrender. “Why, did you want to go trick-or-treating with me and not that one girl everyone said you were crushing on?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” I laughed, “We are dark creatures, what can’t I believe?” He chuckled, “Well, it was like a voice was tell me to go out with you cause you were more and everything I wanted.” I stopped. He had the same thing going on like me. I didn’t tell him anything about mine. What if he was lying to me? I couldn’t take that chance.
My stomach then growled. “God all of the shit that happened has gotten me hungry, well we gotta go and check in the dorms.” I got up and flashed to the front of my dorms. I looked around expecting Matt to be right next to me, but he wasn’t. I shrugged to myself and headed to my room.
“Lori, hey I’m back, did you get any--” I froze at Lori and Roy making out with each other. I walked over to Roy and slapped him. Lori and Roy just sat there shocked by what happened, “Oh my god, Puck I didn’t know you were into Roy, I’m so sorry.” I ignored Lori and looked Roy into his eyes, “Roy that was a warning of how merciful I am right now, if she gets hurt you’ll pay with your head on a platter.” He laughed and just nodded his head. I kissed Lori on the head and patted it. She just stood there amazed and astonished at what just happened.
I sighed, “Lori, please be careful I’m not a lesbian but do you know how it feels to lose everything that’s important to you, you’re an important person to me. Like Roy and I’m sad that you guys would let Brittany manipulate you guys like that but as long as you guys are happy I’m happy.” I got my towel and turned up the music on my laptop and headed into the shower. I let the water run and wash away my exhaustion, I sighed when I thought of Matt. My destiny can’t be written like this, my story is mine and not anybody else’s.
I got out the shower to find Lori sitting on my bed, waiting for me. I sighed, “What’s up?” She shook her head and grabbed me in a tight hug, “Thanks Puck for showing you cared but I got a mother for that.” I laughed, “Well she’s not here right now so I might as well look after you.” She giggled, “Yeah, I didn’t know you and Roy were friends,” I shrugged, “It just kinda happened, he was a really big mess one day and I told him ‘hey you kid, stop moping and start living’ and well I guess he took my advice.”
“Yeah, he told about that you looked amazingly……….dangerous.” We both laughed and fell over on the bed. We stared at the ceiling and I gripped Lori’s hand. “Lori, have I ever told my story?”
“No, why, what happened?” I shook my head, “Some other time maybe, but not now.” She sighed, “Ok, I’ll wait.” I smiled and we fell asleep.

Chapter 5

I was woken up by the same memory that has turned into my nightmare at night. I sighed, tired of the blood, of the flashes of memory I have of my black out in my neighborhood. I felt my bloody tears come down on my cheek staining my face with it. I don’t mean to cry, it just comes and I can’t control it. I got up and took my mom’s journals to my sanctuary with me. I sighed in relief when I saw how beautiful something can be after dark. I went into the cave the waterfall hide and read my mom’s entries again, keeping a close picture of her and dad next to me.

Oct. 31
My little Pucket has found someone to go out with how adorable, although I doubt it’s him, but then again nothing is certain, fate can sometimes surprise us. Oh, she was jumping at the fact that she might have made a friend. Her father is obviously not gonna be as enthusiastic as his daughter. But I will try and convince him into letting her go. But what is worrying me the most is that they’re back. And they have found an interest in my little girl. They believe she is the source to opening the gates that I and all of our kind guard. The religious humans believe they can fix the world by destroying our very home, but they are quite wrong. They believe if they kill us peace can be restored, or whatever it is they believe in. I worry for my families safety thought I really want to tell Puck that we are noble creatures that just follow the orders we are given. She will be proud of being

I screeched in pain to know that those were her last words, and that those religious humans believed they were doing well in slaughtering my family. What was it that we ever did to them, if we took blood from a human we made sure we didn’t kill them and that is rare for us to do cause we prefer animal meat over human. That is what my mother told me, said we were the devil’s kind and that most people would call us demons on the earth but we were just here cause we didn’t go rogue like others of our kind did. Although I wasn’t quite sure what she meant by that, she never really told me what our purpose here was for.
I wanted to kill the people who did that to us. I wanted to make them suffer through everything I suffered through. Make them feel how losing everything feels like losing your very life in a fire. I screeched one more time and silently cried in the darkness. I slipped out of my clothes and dove into the water going deeper and deeper ‘til I reached the bottom. I sat there and cried, letting the blood of my tears mix in with the lake turning it crimson red. You should stop it before he gets worried.

I snarled at my little voice, Go to hell. He will come soon to see if you’re here, his voice will tell him you’re here.

How? Well we’re connected to him, so if you’re in trouble some day he will find you and help.

So he knows I’m balling my eye out right now? Well, not specifically but more like he feels that you are troubled with something.

I sighed and just sat in the red water my tears have made. He’ll be here soon.

I swam to the surface and started to sing “The Catalyst” by Linkin Park. I let my surroundings turn into the music I sang along with letting my voice flow with every note that followed it. The water rose and danced with me as I sang. I let the electric current of the song run through my body. I screeched as I ended the song. I heard another person screech a monster cry. I turned into a white bird. I flew over the woods and spotted Mat making his way to my sanctuary. I flew down and turned into a wolf.
Matt stopped and stared at me, “How can you do that?” I ran back to my sanctuary and slipped my clothes back on. “Why did you put your clothes back on, I liked you like that.” I flashed kicked his leg and laughed, “You pervert.” He tackled me and pinned me to the ground and kissed me. He slowly let go my hands and I ran my fingers through his hair. “Your not resisting.” He mumbled through the kiss. We finally parted and I pushed him off, “Nope I’m off limits.”
He chuckled, “Well, for now at least,” I growled at him and his childish comment. “Puck, how did you turn into an animal?” I shrugged, “I’m not quite sure, but when my parents………….. while let’s just say I learned a lot of things by myself, except that is the reason of why I exist.” He nodded taking it all in, “Why, can’t you turn into an animal too.” He shook his head, “No, ever since my parents told me of my purpose I’ve been training everyday to get stronger, I can turn into a fog, but that’s it.” Hmmmmmmm, I wonder. “Hey what do you do when you turn into fog?”
“I don’t know, turn into fog.” I smack him for being annoying, “No like what do you think of or whatever to turn into fog?”
“Oh, well my dad told me clear my mind and think of how fog would feel like or how it would feel like to be fog.”
“Well, I think I know the problem.” I smiled at Matt, and the look on his face told me I was scaring him. “Puck, what are you think?” I couldn’t hold back my smile of excitement, “Puck, you still have that crazy, wild look on your face like when we were kids.”
“I know and do you remember what I did when I put up that look?” He sat and thought about it. His look turned into utter terror, I giggled at the look on his face. “Puck, when you made that face our 6th grade teacher was sent to the hospital for trying to chase you down in the halls for dress code violations and…….”
“She climbed the tree and when I shook it really hard that fat ass clown fell!” I laughed at the memory of how I ended it with a swift blow. Victory was mine! Hey stop it your acting like a wild animal.

I laughed at my voice, that’s what I am.
“Ok, Matt, get up I’m gonna teach ya how to turn into and animal.” I smiled at him, and he just hesitated like always. “Come on it starts now.” I turned into half bred of a wolf and person. “Matt, your first lesson is hide and go seek.” I winked at him and I flashed myself as deep into the woods as I can. I cover myself in dirt and rubbed myself all in mud. Now that I covered up my scent, I have to cover up my little voice. Hey, how come?

Oh, shh, god this for his own good. This time my voice growled, I chuckled at it. Shh, I hauled myself up on one of the branches of the tree and wait. This was like when I was 7 and nobody could find me. I smiled, remembering how fun it was to win.
I straightened my pose of attack when I heard the crunch of some leaves. He was near I could smell him, I sighed, he’s not very good at this game. Well, it is his first time actually testing his abilities.

Well you got a point. I waited for him to be right under my tree so I can attack. I licked my lips enjoying the moment of being in power. He was scanning the trees but I knew he couldn’t find me. He finally walked under the tree and I pounced on him. He yelped when I started to nibble on his neck, “Your dead.” I jumped off his back and kicked him to get up. Be gentle on him

. I growled at my voice to shut it. I’m in my teaching mode so don’t bother me.
“Get up already.” I barked. Matt immediately jumped off. “If your gonna learn how to turn into an animal, you got to first learn how to be one. Got it!” I barked again. He nodded, “So how are we going to do it?” I smiled at him and this seemed to scare him. “Do you know how to fight or at least defend yourself?” He nodded, “Alrite then let’s start.”
“Wait start wha-” I didn’t really let him finish cause I was already on him, my wolf teeth bared. I slashed at his stomach but he blocked it with his arm. He cried out in pain and kicked me off. We circled each other waiting for the next round. Matt held onto his arm ignoring the pain. I was impressed, “Rule number one. Never let your guard down, if you weren’t quick to block that fatal blow you would have been dead. Understand?” He nodded. “Rule number two.” I flashed myself behind him and slashed his back. “Always anticipate your opponents next move, act quickly.” He was on his knees now. Healing at a quick rate like I do, but still in pain. I shook my head in disapproval and phased back into my normal self. “Rule number three, your opponent isn’t gonna be as merciful as I am right now.” I sat next to him and let him rest his head on my lap.
He touched my cheek gently, “The stars are as bright as your eyes, or erm your eye.”
“You mean, my eyes are as bright as the stars,” He shook his head, “Nope, cause your bright eyes will always come first.” He winked at me and kissed my hand. I laughed at how he hadn’t changed his goofy self. I ruffled his hair and we laughed as he tried to ruffle mine. “Are you better now?” He got up but winced at the pain on his back. “It hasn’t healed yet?” He shook his head. I sighed, and tossed my hair to the other side of my shoulder. “Here I’m sure you’re hungry.”
His eyes widened at my offer. “You mean just me and you’re not gonna take some from me when I’m feeding, right?”
“Yea, don’t worry.” He nodded, “Ok.” He lifted himself up and I sat in his lap as he sank his fangs into my skin. It was like I exploded, and I became the stars in the sky. I tightened my grip on his arm, and I moaned. He felt so close to me but not close enough. I could feel my blood flow into his mouth with passion. I gripped his hair and this time he moaned. I know I wanted to do more than just that. I immediately mentally slapped myself and screamed to get a grip.
Matt stops and kisses me gently but demanding. I gently push him off my lips, he seemed disappoint but he didn’t complain. He licked the rest of the blood off my neck and we sat there, silent. I sighed and finally got up and flashed back to the cave. I looked down at my clothes and my jeans were torn up (still usable) and my shirt was completely in ruins. I shrugged I’ll find a way to make it work. As I was gathering my stuff I heard Matt come in and he silently hugged me from behind. I turned around to face him. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, “Night kid.” He chuckled and gently stroke my cheek, “Night Puck.” I stepped out of his arms and flashed back to my dorm. I scaled the wall again and silently crept back into my room. I sighed, tired of me already weekend. I slumped into my bed, caring less if Lori finds me with my clothes all torn up. I closed my eyes to find myself thinking of Matt’s face. How natural it is and how much I would want to kiss his lips. For just that moment I gave into the feeling of actually liking the guy. I sighed and finally fell asleep.

Chapter 6

I smashed the counter where my phone was ringing. I growled at the ring tone of “No Love” by Eminem and Lil’ Wayne. I thought it was a suitable ringtone for my foster mom. I drowsily reach for it. “Nice ringtone.” I chuckled at Lori’s opinion. “Reject.” I said as I pressed the button. They decided up until now to have little contact with me. Lori just stared at me, I shrugged. “Me and Carrie aren’t very close.”
“Wait you mean that’s your mom, right?” I nodded and felt my phone vibrate with a new message. I growled, the damn woman won’t quit so easily. I check my messages and read the one Carrie just sent me: Why won’t you answer me. Call me once you get this message, Love u.
I repressed the urge to throw up in my mouth. I shook my head annoyed. I dialed in her number and waited as it started to ring. “Hello? Pucket?” I sighed, “Yeah it’s me what did you need?”
“Oh, yes, well I just wanted to know if you could come into town and we can go out?” I could feel the vein in my forehead pulsing with anger. “What for you never asked me this……….. Ok. What’s the catch?” I could hear her hesitate. “Well, um, your father was gonna have a press conference today in town and I just wanted you to be there.” I knew they were going to exploit me for the sympathy of others and they’re votes. I sighed, I also knew I was gonna have to go because they do give me everything I needed and wanted. “Ok, I’ll be there.”
“Great! I’ll just call up the headmaster to let you go. See you then bye.”
I hung up, and went straight to my wardrobe to look for a dress. It was hard to look for a dress because I usually dressed like a gang member after school or on the weekend. Well, at least that’s what I hear I look like, I honestly couldn’t care less. The teachers have already given me crap for wearing my uniform incorrectly. All I did was undo the first two buttons of the white collar shirt and undo the tie so I could breath. The Green wool V-neck long sleeve went over it with a checkered black and green mini skirt. I also wore my black web leggings with that or a pair of fishnets. I finally found a black, satin spaghetti strap dress.
I quickly jumped into the shower and slipped on the dress. I put on a thin line of black liner on my eye and put on my black mid-calf boot heels. I did a quick view in the mirror. I turned to Lori, “Looks good, well on you it does.” I couldn’t help but smile slightly at her comment. “Wait one minute.” She rummaged through my coats and finally came up from behind and put my leather coat over my shoulders. She took in my view and pretended to faint at the sight. I shook my head laughing with her. “Hey, where are you going anyways?”
“John’s press conference.” She raised an eyebrow at my answer. I exhaled and said, “The Governor John Miller, he’s my foster dad.” Her eyes widened at my news. “Oh, my god, why aren’t you popular or at least a little social?” I shrugged, “No one else knows except for you and Roy.”
“But why?” I shrugged, “You guys were the only ones who asked.”
“Oh, well what happened to your really parents?” I laughed lightly, “Roy asked me the same thing.”
“What did you say?” I looked out the window into the sky. “I told him when the time feels right I’ll tell him but until that time I’m not gonna say shit.” I turned back at Lori and grinned. “Well, I gotta go and make the best of this already boring conference, later.” I moved fast to the parking lot.
There it was my beautiful baby. I strode over to my night black bike. I sat down and turned it on. It purred underneath me, my love had 350 mph. It was amazing. My phone rang. I took it out of my purse to check who it was. “Jesus Christ woman when will you just stop bothering me.” I whispered to myself. I suddenly felt arms around me and someone’s familiar lips whispered in my ears. “Who won’t stop bothering you?” I sighed, “No one important, now can you give me some space?” He gently kissed my cheek, I could feel my blood go up to my cheeks. “What if I don’t wanna let go?” I elbowed him in the ribs and he backed away gagging. “Did I not say to get off?” I shook my head at him. My phone rang again, I answered, “Hey what now?”
“The press conference will start at 7 am.” I sighed, “Ok, don’t worry I’ll be there.”
“Oh, and if you could bring a date with you it’s sort of like a dinner party.” I was shocked, “Who the hell do you think I am, I’m not a goddess you know.”
“Just pay the boy anything he wants, we’ll pay it.”
“NO!” Everything seemed to stop. I felt the blood of both my sockets trickle onto my bike. “I won’t buy people’s love like you do, I agreed with this cause I had no other choice, you gave none what so ever!”
I heard Carrie laugh sadly on the other end of the phone. “Honey you are the only one who can protect him and me, you’re special.” I sighed, “I don’t wanna live like this anymore, this secret.”
“Oh, honey its ok at least you can make some money.” I can hear her smiles, that bitch. “Just get what we asked from you and don’t act like an actual soldier when you’re with us, pretend like we do.” At that instant I crushed the phone in my hand. I looked down at my other hand and found someone else’s hand in mine. I squeezed it tightly and Matt whispered in my ear, “I’ll go with you, don’t worry.” I nodded and sniffled. “Your gonna have to wear something formal though.” He chuckled, his abs trembling with his laughter. “I’ll do it for you.” He kissed my cheek again and we headed up to his room.

“So you’re a soldier?” I sighed, “In training.” He nodded, “So you are partially guarding the Governor. Do they know what you can do?” I shook my head. “No they only know about my strength and speed. Actually that’s all they need to know for someone to be a soldier.” He rose in eyebrow in confusion. “Look, you know how they tell you about how they pick soldiers carefully and they are trained before anything and are highly educated?” He nodded. “Well it’s true but only because we soldiers are all orphans.” Well, the pyramid of social status was always rich on top, people who can get by in the middle, and the servants and soldiers on the bottom. And then there was a different pyramid that was higher than the other the bottom was the governors, the middle was the high council, and on the top was the Magister. It was always that way in this country. But nobody ever knew I was in training to be a soldier.
“But I don’t get I thought they didn’t accept any girls in the program?”
“Your right they don’t, I was originally a servant in the senators house. But then one day they saw my physical ability.” He narrowed his eyes as if trying to see if I was telling the truth. I sighed, “They decided to use me to their advantage, but since I was a girl I had to be hidden. They brought me a special trainer everyday so I can be stronger and more flexible then I already was. They want to present me to the high council to the Magister and get a place in the high council.” Matt’s face was one of disgust. “But all soldiers have to have specific training and education.”
“I’ve already had my training and I am doing my education as we speak.”
“But to use you as a tool, why would you agree to such a thing?” Matt stared into my eyes, his as sad as I felt at remembering. “I agreed to it because they would have killed me. I found out that the Governor was going to kill someone, but I wasn’t sure who. Either way I heard something I shouldn’t have and Carrie found out from some other servants that I was eavesdropping. So she decided to finish off the burning from where they started and made me swear to be quiet. Afterwards they found out my abilities and now well I have to go to every meeting to make sure there aren’t any people trying to harm the Governor.”
Matt went to his wardrobe and headed to his bathroom. “Well I guess I get to meet your caretakers.” He said through the wall.
Yeah but he’s not gonna like them. I stared out the window trying hard not to think of the evening that awaited us. Frowning I looked up at the sky and whispered, “I miss you guys.”

Chapter 7

The ride over to the conference was quiet, well I was quiet Matt wouldn’t stop asking questions. When we got there I handed the valet my keys and the helmets. Matt gazed up at the building. A very fancy hotel for rich people, inside the ceiling was painted with angels on harps and there was a fountain in the middle of the lobby. I whistled at everything, “Wow,” I exhaled, “I wish.” Matt walked beside me, hands entwined together.
I looked around for Carrie, shaking hands with a lot of people I remember being presented to. I lead Matt to the bar and we sat down on the stools, I sighed. I didn’t want to be here I just wanted to be in bed, hell I’d take the streets as my bed any day if I wasn’t in this stupid contract. “Pucket, is that you child?” I turned around to find Antonio behind me, arms extended ready for I big hug. My eyes lit up to see him here, I jumped into his arms and he gave me a big squeeze. I laughed, tears swelling up into my eyes, “Where have you been kid?” We let go of each other, “Well, school trying to graduate and finally get out of this mess.”
Antonia smiled, wrinkles at the side of his eyes. I always loved that smile. Matt cleared his voice, as if to say, ‘Hey did you forget about me’. “Oh, yeah. Antonio, this is Matt, he’s--”
“I’m her boyfriend.” He smiled menacingly at Antonio and shook his hand. He looked ready to break it. I took his hand and he held mine with a strong grip. Antonio looked about 20 or so. “Like I was saying, Antonio was my trainer, haven’t seen him since I turned 15.” Antonio took me into his arms again. “Kid you’ve grown a lot. You look beautiful now.” He winked at me and I blushed, I mean Antonio always knew how to make me blush. Matt just smiled at him, but I knew he was angry. I could see a slit pulse from a vein on his forehead.
I got out of his arms and got serious. Antonio wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for work. “So, who is it and what are they packing?” Antonio stopped smiling and looked over at Matt. “Don’t tell me he knows,” He took me by the elbow and started to lead me away, but Matt caught my wrist. Antonio gave him his death stare, I waved Matt away and nodding to tell him it was ok. He looks at Antonio once over and then looked at me letting go of my wrist reluctantly.
Antonio took me over to a garden the hotel had, leading me into a maze. “Toni, what’s wrong?” He turned to look at me, he seemed exhausted, looking older then he really was. “You know if you told him you’re going to have to kill him, right?” I nodded, gulping down my fear. Antonio was an awesome guy, great trainer, but whenever he got this serious it always scared me. He put both of his hands on my arms and squeezed a little too tightly. I let out a little yelp. “It’s either you kill him or I will.” It took a lot of my balls that I didn’t have to calm myself and look him in the eyes. “No, I didn’t tell him anything nothing at all.”
“Is he really your boyfriend?” I shook my head, “Carrie told me to bring a date so it wouldn’t seem so weird.” He nodded and loosened his hands and started to rub my arms in affection. I could feel myself shaking just slightly. I was hoping he couldn’t hear my heart thumping loudly underneath my chest.
“Puck, I could make you feel better. We could get married and I could make that stupid contract go away.” His hands went to my waist, memories rushing back to me.
Antonio told me he loved me but I rejected him, I told him surviving was most important to me. And then he promised me that he would do anything in his power to free me from my contract.
I smiled at Antonio, “You have no idea how many times I’ve heard that. I’m sorry Toni but marriage just isn’t going to cut it.” He pulled me closer closing the tiny gap between us. Then I saw it, there it was his vein pulsing for me to take it. My teeth turn sharp again, shark like. “Toni, don’t do this. Please.” I turned away so he wouldn’t see my teeth and mouth extending. He gently placed a kiss on my neck and he did it over and over again. I squeezed my eyes shut, concentrating on putting my teeth back in place. But every time his kiss got lower my teeth extended a little more.
I pushed him away. And slapped him, “Toni get it together you’re here because someone wants to kill the Governor, right?” He took in a breath and exhaled, disappointed at my move. “Yes, he is up stairs apparently, he is armed and very dangerous. This is the chance you’ve got to show what your training did for you.” I nodded and started to walk away. “Puck, I love you please be careful.” His eyes were a mixture of affection and fear for me. I smiled, “Toni, I love you too, just not the way you want me to.” I laughed, “And don’t worry, this is me we’re talking about.”
My phone buzzed in my purse(I always have a back up phone). I took it out, “Hello?”
“Hey where did you go?” Relief washed over me. I immediately shook my head, what am I thinking he is here so my mission won’t look as weird. But you love him the way Toni loves you.

Don’t you ever take a vacation? The voice sighed, not really, I mean I am you.

“Puck, you there?” Woops, left him hanging. “Yeah, I’m right here. Hey can you stay put I’ve got to do something real quick.” A pause. “Yeah sure see you at the bar then, ok?”
“Yeah ok.” Well that matter was done with, time to pay an assassin a little visit.

I went up the second floor like Antonio told me. I went to the recipients table and took a glance at the visitors’ list and the rooms. It leads me to room 13. I knocked on the door and a man yelled back, “House cleaning later please.” So they were inside. I waited for a few minutes until some people got out of the room, all dressed in black and one female figure in the middle of the two bulking males. I walk over making sure I made no sounds and wrenched the door open with my hands.
When I looked around I spotted weapons of all sorts in there. All of which were pointing down at the floor as if ready to fire. I put my ear to the floor and heard the conference about to get started. They were going to shot through the floor and hit the Governor.
“Relax, housekeeping isn’t for another hour and if we do find housing in there will kill them.” A male voice whispered from outside the door. “I don’t like it what if they find us out, I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for the fact that they give those monsters hospitality.” The female said. They opened the door and I hide inside the closet. “What the hell, why is the door broken?” Crap!Should have thought that one through. "Somebody's here, find them!" I needed to arrest them for treason but hell I would have loved to see that fat bastard die. I sighed, but then i won't get paid.
I was ready to spring out of the door until I felt my stomach growl. Damn! I didn't feed, hmmmmm, maybe if I-- No Puck you don't have the ok.

Well jeez tanks for killing my hopes. I could hear them going through hiding place,things were crashing all over the place obviously.I grunted and growled, I guess I'm gonna have to do it. I sprang from the closet and watch their eyes widen in utter shock. I had to be quick about this if i wanted to have enough time to feed.
"What the hell is she doing here Bruce?!" The lady that was yelling was in all black like the rest of them and she seemed like around 40, but you know without all the make-up and botox. Bleh, how unappatizing. The other two were big bulking men, that would seem they would drive a motorbike or something. "I don't know." Wow what kind'a lame answer was that. I was guessing the bald one was Bruce. "Well, then kill her!"
There was no hestitation, they sprinted towards me. And when they collided i hit the mirror, it shattered over me, cutting my skin once they fell on me. They were ontop of me then, I easliy pushed them off. I grabbed their heads and knocked them together. I let go and they both slumped on the floor."Ok, you old hag we can do this the easy way, or" I pointed at her twice-my-size-henchmen, "or we could do it the hard way, your choice."
"It's you." She said in awe, I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Excuse me?"
"Your the demon they foolishly tried to summon." Ok, this lady was seriously beginning to freak me out. "I came here to right a wrong, so now i have to kill you!" She took out what looked like a glass knife and lunged towards me. I dodged her and got behind her, "Look i really like this dress and i'd hate to ruin whatever is left of what your goons recked." But she didn't stop and she threw the knife, clearly aiming for my heart. It caught me off gaurd and i threw up my hand and it went right threw my arm I screamed, remembering the hot sensation of when those religious people cut my throat.
"This blade is poisonous to your kind." The old hag walked over and took her knife right out of me. I fell to the grounding cradling my arm into my chest. God the pain was unnormal. "This time i won't miss." The lady brought down the knife and I sat there for the first time since the incident I was terrified.Matt!!

I screamed in my mind as the knife came down. It's strange how life threating things come to you in slow motion. I closed my eyes and took my last breath waiting for the harsh pain to hit.........Nothing. I looked up to find Matt choking the old woman. He looked completely maddened, "desire to kill" was written all over his face. I reached out and pushed him off of her. She slumped onto the floor, I checked her pulse and found her breathing. Oh, thank god, I sighed exhausted and looked over at Matt. He was wide eyed and obviously scared, "Don't worry she's alive." This calmed him a little but he was still seemed shooken up by it. I understood all too well, that animal part of us that is a killer. It was hard to live with something running wild inside of you all the time.
"We can talk about it later ok, but right now you gotta go before Toni gets here." Matt nodded and walked out. I got up and handcuffed the criminals. I went downstairs to find the confrence was over. I watched as Toni walked over and dragged me to the garden again. "So how did it go?" I shrugged and grinned. Toni grinned back, "Amazing are they cuffed and ready to go?" I nodded, "Well I better go?"
"Carrie will call you for the next assignment ok?" I nodded. "Also," Toni narrowed his eyes at me and whispered, very harshly, "If I find out that boy knows anything I'll make sure he is sleeping with the fishs if you don't, got it?" I gulped back a gasp and nodded stiffly. He smiled and kissed my cheek letting his hand rest on my thigh. "I love you Puck." I sighed, "I do to, but not the same way." I got up and walked over to my bike. I could see Matt waiting for me right next to it. Two of your loves.

No, don't even say something like that. Matt handed me my helmet and we got on. " Awww, I didn't even get to meet your mom." I laughed, "Trust me I am saving you in a way." He laughed and then froze. I was guessing it was the near-killing-experience that he had. I knew we'd talk about it later.

Chapter 8

I stood still in the shower letting all the warm water drop onto my back, I was so tired and then I could see the flashes of the past like a movie a very confusing one. I can see blood and I'm hungry it won't stop, it WON'T STOP!!!!! A loud banging at the bathroom door brought me back to reality. I was on my knees and I looked down at my hands expecting blood but found none. Don't cry, I told myself, don't cry. But the tears came out, as much as I commaned them to stay back they slipped through. The bathroom was red now because of my tears. "Puck! Are you okay?" It was Lori, I felt bad for causing her such concern. "Yeah, I'm fine just give me a minute." I waited at the water rained over my bloody tears erase any evidence possible of me crying blood. Wow, I was real fucking monster. There is really no need for those kind of words

, the voice argued. Whatever, I thought.
I got out quick and saw complete concern stamped on Lori's face. "I'm fine I swear." I said smiling gently at her. "You know it wouldn't hurt to trust in someone for once in your life." She turned, obviously irritated and pissed. "Sorry, but it's alot to ask for when your me." Lori turned and faced me agian and this time she was crying. "What the hell you know more about me then I know about you! Seriously puck I want to be good best friends but your always pushing everyone away! You say your not scared of anything, but I've seen and heard you in the middle of the night you always cry and shaking with fear! I'M FUCKING WORRIED PUCK!!!" I stood there stunned, nobody has ever been this concerned over me, but then again she is my roommate.
"Look,Lori, maybe your just concerned cause I'm your roommate you don't have to--" Lori was shaking her head and crying harder, "When are you going to fucking get it, we are best friends now and your like and older sister to me. I told brittany not to hang around me anymore because you were me best friend." My eyes widened in shock, "WHAT!"
"You heard me." I shook my head, "No Lori how could you." Lori's eyes got even sadder. "You don't wanna be me friend?" I shook my head, "No, I do i really do but you've just left yourself defensless against her. I don't want to see you hurt"
"Well, I don't care, i wanna know you the really you." I couldn't take it anymore I crushed her into my arms and started to cry. She was wearing a very beautful white shirt that was now stained in blood. "Lori are you ready for your about to see?" Lori stiffened and nodded. I back away and let her see me cry. "Oh my god your bleeding, stay there I'll get the nurse!!" Before Lori could get to the door I flashed in front of her and she stopped. Her face turned into a horrid one, "How the hell did you do that?" I sat down on my bed and hung my head in shame of what I was. Lori sat on her bed opposite of mine. "Tell me." I wiped away my tears and began my story, I couldn't honestly believe I was telling this girl that I was actually a horrible monster, but then again when was the last time anybody asked even after they've seen what I could do.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.08.2011

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