

~Chapter 1~
Dear Reader,
If your reading this then i am dead. It wasn't just any normal death, it wasn't a tragedy it was amazing! You may ask why, well it's because not everyday you get to be me and then not everyday a virus breaks out. So this is my story and with this information I hope all of you the best and that our society will grow back and will have a better government than ever.

Meeting Him

~Chapter 2~

I sit here fighting back my tears. The love of my life just left me for the second time. I don’t know why he does this to me. He comes and goes as he please making my life an emotional rollercoaster. There is only one place in the world I would want to be right now and I fell in love with it as soon as I got there. It’s this park in Virginia Beach, Virginia. It has a little kid jungle gym and slides in the middle. To the right is a dock. And next to it is a trail into a forest that I like to walk on. To the left is a lock, where they raise or lower water depending if ships are coming in or out. If you keep walking you find an old timey bathroom made of brick and past that is a bbq pit. Perfect right? Well none of the above is what made me fall in love with the place. It’s the fact that it’s absolutely perfect for a zombie apocalypse.

As I was lost in my thoughts I didn’t realized I had walked to the park. I started walking along the trail with my tears flowing now. I tripped over a tree and saw the carving in it. ACH+JHD in a heart. This was where we first met. James doesn’t come over here anymore but I still do every day. Then I saw my favorite thinking place. A broken tree hanging over the edge of the water. I walked over it and sat at the end. That’s when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was a short guy, about 5 foot 5 standing over my 4 foot 11 figure.

“Hey, I’m Andy.” He said

“Umm I’m Amy but I was just leaving so bye.” I said running away. That’s when my heart said stay. I stopped in my tracks turned around and hugged Andy. I don’t know, there was something about him I automatically loved. Maybe it was his scent, maybe it was his hazel eyes, maybe it was the fact he had long black hair. I don’t know, just something about him. That’s when I felt something graze my neck, what was that, teeth? Then I blacked out.

I woke up in my room not remembering anything just a big headache. I looked to the clock, Shit! I was late for school. I got up, took a quick shower, changed into some skinny jeans and a hoodie with a tank underneath.

*beep beep*

My phone received a text. I checked to see who it was from. James <3 was the contact, then tears threatened to fill my eyes, I suddenly remember everything from yesterday, the strange guy named Andy, then I went to the mirror and looked at my neck. Two small holes on the right side. Then I felt light headed and fainted.

I woke up in my bed again, it was around midnight and I saw a figure in the corner of my room. Thinking it was my imagination I hid under my covers and curled up into a ball. Then my light turned on. I made a hole for my eye and saw the guy from the park, Andy.

“Rise and shine sleepy head” He said.

“Wha….what happened?” I asked confused by the past two days.

“Well we met at the park, on my favorite tree, and then I introduced myself to my mate.” He said making it sound normal.

“Um I don’t know who you are but get out of my room!” I yelled

That’s when my dad came running in my room and asked what was wrong. I looked back and Andy, and was gone.

“Nothing, just a bad dream.” I told him.

“Okay sweetie, try and get some sleep you’re going to school tomorrow.” He said.

I rested my head on my pillow trying to figure out what has been happening then I thought what if it’s just a giant dream. Yeah it’s just a dream I told myself.

*beep* *beep*

I woke up and took a quick shower, put a tank top on, put a hoodie over it, and pulled on my skin tight skinny jeans. I looked in the mirror, brushed out my curly brown hair that I didn’t feel like straightening today and grabbed my jack the skeleton backpack. Childish right, well I love jack and I will never be too old for him. I said bye to my mom and walked out the door. I walked all the way to school and entered my first period class. We all sat down and I took my assigned seat in the middle of the classroom. Mr. Tate handed us a work sheet that we needed to work on until the end of the bell. That’s all he does is hand out worksheets and expects us to know everything while he sits at his desk and stares at his fancy iphone. I looked up to see we had a whole hour and forty five minutes until the bell ended. Then I dropped my pencil when I saw Andy walk into the classroom. Mr. Tate looked up and said you must be Andy Davidson. Andy nodded in agreement and looked around. He caught a glimpse of me and my heart skipped a beat when he saw me. I thought I could only feel like this when I was around James.

“Go take a seat next Amy, Amy please raise your hand.” Mr. Tate said.

Andy nodded and sat next to my right. All the girls were staring at him giving him ugly stares, except for a couple who were trying to get his attention by waving at him. He ignored them thankfully. That’s when another guy walked into the room. He was 5 foot 11 with short styled blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes, he looked familiar but I couldn’t place it.

“You must be Andrew Jefferson” Mr. Tate said.

That’s when Andrew took his seat in the front of the class, and then it clicked. I knew him because he’s my cousin. My last name is Jefferson and I hear my dad talking about him sometimes. Then the bell rang. The rest of the day went by like a breeze. Its so weird though because Andrew and Andy are both in all of my classes. Then I felt a hand graze by my hand and I felt butterflies, I knew immediately it was Andy. He looked back and flashed a sexy half smile my way. I felt my legs go like jello and my heart melted. Somehow it already knew that we were ment to be. Then Andrew walked up to me.

“Hey, do you remember me?” He asked.

“Uuuuhhmm, I don’t actually but I do know you’re my cousin on my dad’s side.” I said feeling like I was supposed to answer the question no matter what.

“Correct, but do you know about your dad or his side of the family?” He asked.

“Umm no but I have to go back to my house, I’ll talk to you tomorrow” I said feeling scared. I don’t know why I felt like this in front of him but I knew nothing good could happen from him being here.

“Okay bye” He said.

I walked away quickly and saw Andy waiting for me. I thought that was sweet and started smiling.

“Are you that glad to see me babe?” He asked.

Gaahhh he called me babe, even James wouldn’t call me that. I was falling for this guy and didn’t mind it because when I was around him I felt like nothing bad could happen. That’s when the lead cheerleader walked up to us.

“Excuse me bitch what the hell are you doing with my boyfriend?” She asked.

I felt my eyes swell up with tears. I ran away and went straight to my house, ran to my bedroom and cried my heart out. Why would he do all of that if he had a girlfriend. Could he really be that type of guy that cheats and lies? No he can’t. Why do guys do this to me? Why can’t I find the right guy? All these thoughts were swarming in my head that when I heard my phone buzz. It was an unknown number. I answer it.

“Hey it’s Andrew” He said. I felt relief.

“Hey.” I said.

“Look I know you and Andy have a thing and I see the way you look at him and I could hear your heart when he came anywhere near you. I know you are his mate.” He said.

“What are you talking about? What’s a mate and why do I feel like this around him?” I asked

“Your dad never told you then. Well ill explain now. You are part werewolf. I’m a lycan, only because I’m an alpha I’m the leader of the Jefferson pack because my dad is too sick to even think straight. I came here to tell you not to get with Andy because he is a vampire. I thought he would hurt you but I read his mind and he’s crazy in love with but he just doesn’t know how to say it.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” I screamed through the phone not listening to him. I hung up and walked to the steps.

“I’m going to bed!” I screamed to my parents who were downstairs.

I got in my bed and started analyzing what Andrew told me. If Andy was a vampire that would explain the teeth grazing, the black outs, and the speed. If my dad was really a wolf and my parents were wolves then that would explain the undying love and my dads mysteries get a ways. I guess it all does make sense, but does that make me a werewolf? Or a vampire?

I fell asleep on that thought.

*beep* *beep*

I got up took a shower, today I felt pretty. Instead of skinny jeans I put on these nice shorts that made me look like I had an ass. I still wore my tank top and hoodie though. I said bye to my mom and walked to school. That’s when I saw Andrew walking behind me.

“So I thought about it and it all makes sense and I believe you. But doesn’t that mean I’m going to get killed by Andy?” I asked Andrew

“No, I read his thoughts and yesterday-“He said

“Yesterday he screwed me over and is going out with that blonde cheerleader!” I shouted remembering the events of last night.

“No it’s not like that, I saw the whole thing.” He said

“Then please explain to me why Andy would do that to his so called mate?” I asked.

“After the cheerleader, whose name is Tori, if you were interested, said that little statement she kissed Andy. He then pulled away immediately and slapped her. He called her a whore and admitted he loved you to at least half the school. That’s when he caught my eye and I looked at him and then ran after you but you were too far ahead of me and I didn’t want to show off in front of normal people.”

“So he really does love me and I’m not a crazy little teenager?” I asked still a little unsure.

Then I heard the bell rang I ran to class and saw Andy. His head was in his arms looking down at the desk. I sat down next to him not saying anything. I never know what to say. That’s when I heard Andy’s voice.

“So do you forgive me?” He asked with his sexy half smirk raising his arm stretching.

I smiled and nodded my head.

He then kissed me. I didn’t know what to do, he was my first kiss, and then I started kissing back. I guess I did know what to do but was just panicking. He licked my bottom lip for entrance but I didn’t grant it. I pulled away.

“You have to take me on a date first so we can actually get to know each other” I whispered to him.

Then I saw Andrew looking at me. I winked at him letting know everything was okay. Then the bell ring. All three of us were walking down the hall to our next class. Me hand in hand with Andy, and Andrew hand in hand with Megan. Megan was Andrew’s girlfriend, he still hasn’t found his mate but I”m going to find him his. They kissed goodbye and me and Andy walked into class laughing and smiling at each other. That class went by quickly and so did the rest of the day.

I found myself in my bed talking to Andy on the phone.

“Okay, I’ll meet you there tomorrow and is it okay if I bring Andrew? I asked.

“Anything you want babe” Gaahh he called me babe again. I giggle and told him goodnight and he hung up the phone.

*beep* *beep*

I woke up did my normal routine and walked to school with Andy on my mind. I got to my first class, smiled at Andrew and Andy then sat down. Andy and I were just confirming our little get together after school and I started doing the worksheets. The entire day went by really fast and before I knew it I was at ihop with Andrew and Andy. I chose this place because I love pancakes and ihop. We took our seat when I saw Andrew with lust in his eyes. I looked to see who he was staring at. It was a waiter with short black hair and bright green eyes. I then looked at Andy and smiled. We started kissing, that’s when the waiter cleared his throat while staring at Andrew asking for our drinks. I ordered sweet tea while Andy ordered Pepsi and Andrew ordered Sprite.

“So Mr. Vampire how was your day?”I asked Andy.

“How…how’d you know?” He asked shocked.

“Andrew told me he’s a lycan”

Just then the waiter came back. I cleared my throat and asked him, “Can I have your number?”

“Umm sure, but only if you give it to …”

“Andrew, Andrew Jefferson” Andrew interrupted him shaking his hand.

I smiled and he wrote down his number. I knew this was Andrew’s mate. Even if it was a guy. Andrew didn’t seem to mind that his mate was a guy. Just that he found one. I was so happy for him.

“Wait! Andrews a lycan? What does that make you? A werewolf?” Andy started freaking out.

“Calm down hun.” I told him.

“Calm down? You want me to calm down? How about no, ill see you later.” He said.

I felt my heart sank. It felt like he was rejecting me. I got up and followed him outside, but time I got there he was gone. I didn’t know what to do. I ran to my house, tears falling everywhere to point where my vision was blurry. I opened my door and ran to my room. I let my tears fall freely by now. I was about to fall asleep when I felt a buzzing in my back pocket. The caller ID read Andrew. I awnsered it.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hey I need to tell you about my day, maybe it will cheer you up.” He said.

Every sense Andrew got here we have been inseparable. We talked about anything and everything and had total trust in each other. I didn’t mind him wanting to tell me about his new found mate.

“Go ahead.” I told him.

“Okayy so after you went chasing Andy, Angello told me to walk him home sense he was off in about half an hour. I agreed and walked home with him. That’s when he explained he was from Texas and moved to Virginia because he was kicked out of his pack. He was still a lone wolf but I didn’t mind that. He was my mate and I accepted him. I asked him if he wanted to join our pack and become an alpha with me. He agreed and by then we were at his house. He had a beautiful brick house that looked well maintained. It looked a lot like your actually except it was only a one story house. Anyway, before he left me he gave me a kiss on my cheek and I felt my legs go like jello. I asked him if I could meet him at school but he said no. He said he wants to keep his reputation as a foot team captain. Tomorrow I’m going to try out for football.” He said explaining what had happened.

“Well congratulations, I think my mate just rejected me and I feel like shit. I don’t know if I’m going to school tomorrow.” I told him.

“Yes you are going to school and showing him you don’t need him. “ Andrew said.

“Okayy but I need my beauty sleep.” I told him laughing.

“Night night sleep tight.” He said.

*beep* *beep*

I woke up with red puffy eyes because I had been crying all night. That’s when I heard a tapping on my window. I looked and saw Andy.

“Let me in babe?” He asked..

As much as I wanted to I didn’t. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I came out with just a towel on and saw Andy on my bed.

“Get out I’m changing!” I shouted while lifting my arms up pointing to the door.

That’s when I saw his eyes go wide with lust. I looked to see what he was staring at and I was naked. My whole body naked in front of my mate. I thought. I picked up my towel from the floor wrapped it back around my body.

“Please get out so I can change.” I said with an embarrassed tone.

He finally walked out and I got changed. I walked out of my bedroom door ignoring Andy and walked to school. That’s when I saw Andrew walking alone with tears about to break in his eyes.

“Who am I punching?” I asked him.

He smiled and responded, “No one, it’s just a little jealousy, like when you got jealous of Andy.”

“Oh.” I said.

Andrew and I walked to class together and sat down. Nothing happened. Before I knew it, the lunch bell was ringing and I entered the cafeteria, only to be greeted by Andy kissing another girl. I saw that, dropped my empty tray and ran. I didn’t want to go home so I ran to the forest right next to my school. That’s when I saw my dad. He was in human form, with other humans. Then he gave an order. I wondered why was he giving orders when Andrew was the alpha. Then I thought what if this was a whole other pack. That would be the only explanation. Then he saw me. He looked right into my eyes and then whispered to his friend. They all looked at me. I wanted to run but I couldn’t.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” They all shouted.

I ran to my dad letting the tears out.

“Whats wrong hunny?” He asked

“It…its my….mate” I said between cries.

“What happened?”

“Well yesterday we went to ihop with Andrew and Andy, that’s his name. I told Andy I knew he was a vampire and he asked how he knew. I told him its because Andrew was a lycan and Andy flipped out and ran out the doors. I tried chasing him but he was gone. I felt like he rejected me. I was crying all night last night and then this morning Andy showed up in my room. I told him to get out and then I walked to school ignoring him. I was ignoring him for the rest of the day and when I wasked into the lunch room Andy was….” I broke into tears again.

“He was what?” my father insisted.

“He wsa kissing another girl, her name was Tori, they were going out before and I thought they broke up but apparently they haven’t.” I said.

Then I blacked out.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

I kept hearing my alarm go off. Only it wasn’t my alarm, It was a hospital bed. I lifted my head up and Andy was there. Of all people why did he have to be there? I asked myself.

“Can you go get Andrew?” I asked him.

All he did was nod and a few moments later Andrew ran into the door. Soon after, Angello was there. I smiled at the thought of them being together. They didn’t make a bad couple.

“There is so much I have to tell you.” Andrew said with a smile on his face, “but first, I need to tell you about what happened to you. You probably want to know why you blacked out. Its because you need blood, but the doctor doesn’t know that. On top of the vampire transformation, your werewolf transformation his happening.” He said with concern in his eyes.

“So I’m a hybrid of the two?” I asked.

“Well, yes, basically but if your body cant handle the transformations on top of each other, well lets just say bad things will happen.”

I knew what he meant.

“Can I talk to Andy? Alone please?” I asked Andrew.

He nodded and got Andy.

Andy walked in, I looked him up and down, He was wearing his favorite vans, followed by his black skinny jeans, an asking Alexandria shirt, his hazel eyes that looked almost green now, all topped off my his sexy black hair that he flipped. He saw me looking at him and smiling and he smiled back. Then I remembered Tori.

“What’s your relationship with Tori?” I asked

“Well you see, I know we are meant to be mates but, I honestly don’t want a werewolf as my mate” He said with no sympathy.

I started tearing up. Before I knew it the tears were coming down like rivers.

“I want to be mates with a beautiful girl, who is one in a million, and can make me smile by looking at her.”

I couldn’t hold back, all my tears fell and before I knew it Andy’s lips came crashing onto mine. After some confusion I couldn’t fight him anymore. I gave in and started kissing him. He licked my bottom lip and I let him explore my mouth as I did his.

“There is nothing between me and Tori as off right now.” He said sending a text message.

I kissed him again passionately and that’s when I asked him the million dollar question.

“What does that make us?” I knew he was going to say friends and I prepared myself for the answer.

“That makes us mates. I get a beautiful brunette with beautiful brown eyes, and a small petite body that I can hold and call my own.” He said

I smiled and then I started screaming. I felt my bones shifting, I heard them crack and right before i blacked out I saw Andy’s worried face.

Andrew’s P.O.V

I got Andy and let them talk alone. While they were talking I was checking out Angello. I saw his short cut black hair that was styled just like mine, I saw his deep green eyes that would just take my breath away, then his tight muscle shirt showing off every muscle in his arms, his cargo shorts, and finally his favorite pairs of shoes, his green converses to match his eyes. He saw me check him out and he did the same to me. I looked at myself and saw a tall skinny blonde with blue eyes and ugly clothing. I wondered how he could pick me.

“I know we just met but do you even want me as your mate?” I asked him being unsure of us.

“Yes Andrew, I know we just met but I know you are the one, I don’t even care that you’re a guy, as long as were together.” He said.

I smiled and kissed him. I was a deep passionate kiss and he asked for entrance, I granted and we explored each others mouth for the first time. That’s when I remembered him talking about his reputation.

“What about your reputation?” I asked him.

“Well the coach will kick me off the team if he found out I was gay, and football is my life. I’m sorry, but we can hang out after school, and I will go anywhere whenever you want.”

“Okay, sounds even.” I responded. That’s when I heard a bunch of beeping from Amy’s room. I rushed in to check what was going on.

I saw her lying in the bed having a seizure. I guess her body couldn’t handle the transformation. Then the beeping turned into one giant beep. She was dead. I walked outside of the room and ran into Angello’s arms. After I bid him good day, I walked home and went to bed.

Amy’s P.O.V

I wake up and everyone around me is asleep. Then a doctor comes in and everyone wakes up.

“You were dead for about a whole hour.” The doctor said.

That’s when I could hear her heart beat, I could smell scents I never smelled before, then my body craved for food.

“Food.” I said.

My dad got up and gave me oatmeal with a side of what looked like grape juice. I ate the oatmeal but the hunger didn’t go away. That’s when I tried the grape juice and almost immediately the hunger was subsiding. That’s when I realized I didn’t just drink grape juice, but I just drank blood. I had a look of fear on my face.

“Is everything alright Mr. Jefferson?” the nurse asked.

“Umm yeah, can I go home?” I asked her.

“Not until tomorrow, that way we can make sure you vitals are okay.” She replied.

*beep* *beep*

I woke up in my bed. Today was the first day I could go to school sense all the black outs. I got up my body still aching from the changes. I walked into the bathroom to take a shower and examine my body. I’ve grown at least three inches and my body has matured in a big way too. Basically I hit puberty. I got into the shower did my daily routine and got out. I decided to wear a dress today and show off my new body. I found a black skin thought dress that showed my cleavage. I then felt to arms wrap around my waist. I knew it was by the feeling my body gets when he touches me, sparks fly, my belly gets an entire zoo. This can only be caused my my one and only mate Andy. I turned around and kissed him. Then I saw the clock out of the corner of my eye. I was going to be late for class. I ran out the door while Andy laughing at me.

I got in class just in time for the bell to ring. I saw Andrew at his normal desk humming, Andy staring a tme smiling, and Angello in the corner flirting with the cheerleaders. Nothing has changed. Then I looked around at everyone else and they were all staring at me. This was new. Then I saw Andy’s eyes flash black. I quickly walked over to him and started kissing him. When we were done his eyes were back to normal. After that event the day flew by.

********************TWO MONTHS LATER********************

*beep* *beep*

I woke up to a call from Andy <3

“Hey babe?” He said.

“Heey, are we still having that big conference meeting with both Jefferson packs and your family?” I asked getting out of bed.

“Yeahh, I can’t wait to see you.” He said.

“Okay, ill see you at school, I gotta get ready.” That’s when the phone started beeping because he ended the call. I instantly smiled knowing he was going to be at my window in a few minutes trying to surprise me. I turned around to face by double window but Andy wasn’t there. I stopped smiling thinking something was actually wrong. Then I felt his hands around my waist. I kissed him and he picked my up. I wrapped my legs around him and he laid me on the bed deepening the kiss. We were both smiling in between everything. Then my alarm clock beeped again. We both started laughing and he let me go take a shower. I walked back in and he was laying on my bed waiting for me. I quickly got dressed and we walked to school hand in hand.

I walked into class and Angello and Andrew were actually talking. Mainly because Andrew made the football team and got his body together. I know he’s my cousin but he got really fit, almost as fit as Angello. Angello was still keeping their relationship a secret.

“Hey babe, is Angello coming to the big conference thing?” I asked Andy.

“Umm, I don’t know if he’s a wolf or not. I’ll go smell him, hold on”

Andy walked off and the three of them started talking. The bell rang and we all took a seat. Andy came back and nodded yes. And he said he would talk to him after the bell because its more than meeting each others families. There is an important matter at hand. Then we got handed our worksheets to work on. After that the day passed quickly. Andy was talking to Angello the entire day asking him lots of questions so I was talking with Andrew all day and he was saying how we might go into war or something like that. 

A War?

~Chapter 3~

I arrive at the meeting and everyone is in deep conversation with each other when everyone lifted up their heads and started sniffing the air. I smelled it too; it was the smell of a decaying body. I looked around but saw nothing. That’s when Andrew heard a bang at the door. My dad got up along with Andrew and Andy and I. That’s when my dad opened the door and we saw a walking man with tattered clothing, pale skin, a broken ankle, a bunch of scabs everywhere, and a chunk of his brain missing. We all looked each other stunned.

“ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!!” I screamed with a smile. Ever sense I was a little girl I predicted this moment and its actually happening.

That’s when I walked past the dumbfounded zombie to see at least 20 more out wondering the streets. I wondered how this could have happened so fast and how we didn’t sense it before. It was too late now as Andy grabbed my hand and brought me inside just as a zombie came to bite me.

We went inside and both Jefferson packs looked at me like I was there commander. I gave a questioning look back.

“Amy, I know you are a zombie freak and well no one else knows what to do.” He said.

“Well I want to know if the vampires can suck there blood?” I said looking at Andy’s dad named





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.04.2012

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