
My Note

The following sketches/paintings from pages 3-9 are my dear cousins' Artwork which are great, I believe. :)


Uzziel Harder and Mikneiah Harder.



They're so much better than me of course. LOL XDDD



PS-I added mine on pages 54-68. I'll update when I made a new one or my cousins or brother did make new sketches.




Enjoy and thanks for taking a peek. ;)




Black horse

By Miknieah Harder (I love the tinge of mystery this painting emits.) :)

The tears

By Uzziel Harder

Blue flower

Watercolor by Uzziel Harder


By Miknieah Harder

Random sketch

If I can remember correctly, this was Uzziel's first art when she was 10 or 11. Not sure. XD


By Uzziel Harder


I'll add my bro's amazing artwork later or tomorrow. He's really good. :)


Hope you check them out!


Thanks for your time taking a peek. (^u^)

My big bro's old drawings :) (Lee Nikko A.)

 Wolverine by Lee Nikko A.

Ninja Turtles (love turtles!lol)

This is like one of my bro's old old stuffs but I still like it. XD

Is this Conan? (not so sure) XD

This is also one of his oldie but goodie. (gotta love the vintage stuffs.haha He probably drew this few years back when he was still a teen. Dunno exactly. :p)

Gotta love the Dino! (well that's if they're not trying to eat yah! haha) XD

My brother just love dinosaurs and robots so that's probably the reason for why this Dino-slash-robot-thingy ended up looking like this. XD

Thought it's Iron man, guess I was wrong. lol

Machines machines... not so much my fave but WTH gotta share them still. )

another machine -_-

Why do men like machines so much it bothers me? They're destructive... My dad likes them too. I dunno 'bout other guys out there... Though I love transformers. Gotta love Bumble beeeeeee! <3

Pikachuuuuuu! I love Pikachu! <3

I know this isn't a mind-boggling art, I can even draw it better or my lil cousin can as well but I just like this since it's my fave anime character coz his yellow. Yellow is one of my many favorites.LOL XD

Now the Robot mania will begin... <(@v@<)

The following photos that I'll post will be Robots. My brother is so into them. So yeah if you enjoy Transformer movies, take a peek. This is my big bro's version of his Transformer characters or so I thought... There'll be other machines too.. Whatever that is.. XDDD

Robot #2











#13-OMG! Is this Tyrannosaurus Rex or what? Hardcore T-Rex robot.XD




Next following pics, Random (With some cartoon characters)

Scary guy... Tsk tsk.. You've gotta smile dude or you aint gonna get yourself a girlfriend. :pLOL

#2-Sniper (Another scary dude)

Don't shoot me will yah? XD

#3-Holla, Spidey!

You naughty spidey... Are you hanging upside-down on someone's window again? It better be not my window or I'll spray pesticide to your face. You're a spider after all. XDLOL

#4-Ducky ducky


What's with the finger kid?

#6-Hey Mickey!

Oh Mickey You're so fine

 You're so fine 

You blow my mind 

Hey Mickey! Hey! Hey! XD

That's it for now. :)

Thanks for dropping by guys and gals. Hope you've enjoyed the Artwork of my lovely cousins and my not so lovely brother.HAHA Also, my apologies for my bro's a bit dusty art. His artwork is kinda vintage after all like really old stuffs but I liked it nonetheless. XD I just took some random pics on the wall of his room, full of his drawings and I couldn't take a better pick since they're just too many and in addition, I just sneak in.hahaha 


I'll add up some more next time. Next will be my sisters. They can draw too and well last will be mine if I've already enhanced my rusty skill, that is. XD LOL



Once again, thanks for your time. Till next time. :)





Kenzhie A. <(*u*<) (>*v*)> -->I learned this emoticon from Sage Raven Crow, by the way. XD

The next following sketches were created by yours truly :)

 I dunno what anime is he from. I just saw him through the net and decided to sketch him since he's kawaii!!!!!!!!!!! XD

By Kenzhie A.


By Kenzhie A. 

PS.He looks like someone I got a crush XD


 By Kenzhie A.

Gothic girl

By Kenzhie A

PS. I'm really bad at coloring pictures so I should stick with just using a 

My dream pink electric guitar :)

 By Kenzhie A.

I wish for this on Christmas.hehe

Emogirl with peircing

By Kenzhie A.

PS-The left lashes look uneven so forgive

My guitar boy <3

By Kenzhie A.

The guy that I'm crushing on plays a guitar/electric guitar darn well and he looks pretty cool so I dedicate this to him. :)

My beloved pet..

 By Kenzhie A.

I dedicate this to my adorable and sweet puppy that had passed away not so long ago that got me so depressed for a couple of weeks. I miss chu "Coco" and I love you sooo much!




The End... My sketches aren't the best, but I wanna share them with u. Thanks for dropping by! xoxo

Halloween special

Victorian Vamp girl

by Kenzhie Addie


This is my original art, but her tribal tattoo was inspired by "House of night." 


PS-Hope you liked it even though it's not that good. :D

My brother let me post his new work XD

 Watercolor Landscape by Lee Nikko A.

Post Halloween? XD

 Scary werewolf vs. Ugly vamp lol XD


Charcoal art by Lee Nikko A.


PS-I really think the vamp is so friggin ugly. Ahem! cough cough! Sorry mah bruh. I love the werewolf though. haha :D

(One of his really old drawings) 

Saxon woman warrior and her fierce lioness. Roar! XD

 By Lee Nikko A.


I love her sword! It looks heavy though. I need to pump iron if I want to wield it. lol XD

Dashing Stallion

 By Lee Nikko A.


Sigh... I wanna ride on this gorgeous horse, if only he won't throw me off or worse kick me and send me flying ino the horizon. lol XD



PS-Hope you liked the artwork and thanks for dropping by. :) x


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.09.2014

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