
Author's note


Hello dear readers!


So, I decided to write about a fantasy-Romance with a bit of Greek mythology though I made up some and altered some. So, if you're a fan of Greek myth please don't be mad if I did some alteration to fit the story that I want to tell. I hope you'll like this story and thank you for reading it. Though it is not yet complete, I will update it as soon as I could.


 Caution!!!: There will be some matured contents (Just a little..) ;)


Please feel free to leave a comment or message me if you think this book is not good enough or if you like this story. I will gladly appreciate your opinions and suggestions. You may add this to your favorites if you like. That would mean a lot to me and a great help. ;)


Warning!!!: Please do not copy/steal the story or concept of this story.


Copyright holder of this text: Kenzhie Addie

Images copyright holder: I do not own any of the image(s) I use in this story◆No copyright infringement intended ◆The image(s) is/are use solely for the purpose of making the story more vivid◆The author intended to use the image(s) only to describe the characters in this plot◆

Proofreading and editing is done by yours truly: Kenzhie Addie


Thank you and enjoy reading!


Don't forget to comment or suggest/add to your favorites if you come to like this story. It would be a great deal of help and means a lot to me. I love y'all ♥


Yours truly,


Kenzhie Addie xoxo


◆Feel free to follow or message me◆I'll gladly follow you back and reply to your messages as soon as I can◆



(If you see some grammatical errors, spelling errors, incorrect punctuation or any typo errors please do inform me as I am not perfect and might have overlooked some of the incorrect texts and I don't have the time in the world to proofread all the chapters. I would be greatly indebted to you if you will be so kind to inform me anything about the said errors above. ) ;)








2007, December 24th, England



I stared at the lifeless woman, lying on the cold marble floor, her eyes wide open, her pupils turned all white from once a vibrant blue specs. I covered her naked body that is now pale white, with a white cloth.

"Now, you are purified, my love..." I whispered coldly and smiled without humor at the cold body that was once warm with burning desire for me during our copulation. All humans were born to be filthy and sinful and this lifeless woman is no different. An adulterer. A lustful, dirty woman. The moment she saw my deceitful beauty, she did not hesitate and jump on my bait even when her husband loves her. She had gotten what she deserved. I do not feel pity or any remorse as I took her soul without mercy even when she begged. She should be grateful as I had freed her from this sinful world. For countless of decades, I have roamed the earth collecting souls of immoral women. I could not even remember how many had I collected and how long have I been doomed to do this hideous task. The only consolation I have is I do not feel anything, no pain, nothing, but a big empty hole inside me. I have no soul but I do not know if I have a heart. I do not feel it beating since a myriad years ago. However, I do detest mortals as they feel something whereas, I, could not. I specifically loathe women as I was once betrayed by a woman, not a mortal, but a Titanian Goddess of the moon, Selene. A very beautiful woman with a pale face and long, lustrous black hair, with long wings and a golden diadem and she shines the brightest. I do not feel anything for her, though I had once when I was a mortal. I was her lover and I did adore her but her greed was boundless and made me an immortal without my knowledge as she thought she wanted to be with me for eternity but then she is arrogant as she is a Goddess. She got tired of me and had a tryst with different men and Gods. She has forgotten that what she had asked has a consequence which I have to bear alone for eternity, my soul, is bound to sleep somewhere in the dark abyss in return for my immortality which I had not asked for. I did not hate Selene as I thought it was a rare present to have for a mere human like myself but as time goes by, all my family, the people I knew, disappeared one by one and all was left was me without a soul. I grew to hate her but I have no power to hate her and so I turned my hatred to mortal women as they are weak. As time goes by, I was lured to the darkness and was granted a power or a curse and doomed me for an eternity of collecting impure women's soul. 

"Pardon me, My lord, shall I dispose the body of that woman?" Lucas, my loyal servant, interrupted me. I nodded impassively. Lucas already know what to do as he has done it countless times. He is bound to be my servant as what his ancestors once were and so will his descendants. Lucas bowed and walked away without delay. I went to the big, old window of my enormous manor and stared down the garden which is now covered with thick snow. My brow furrowed as my gold eyes came across a girl with long dark hair, pulling a very young boy with her. The boy is giggling while making a ball out of the snow then he threw it to the dark-haired girl. I could not see her face as her back is on me. I then heard her hearty laugh. I was appalled as her laugh made me curious. I went to the glass door of the balcony and opened it. I slowly went down the brick stairs, staring intently at the girl who is now throwing a snow ball at the young boy who seems to be enjoying it. As I got nearer, I finally could see her beautiful, innocent face. She looks so young, probably fifteen or sixteen. I do not understand myself as to why I am fascinated by this little girl. Is it her blue vibrant eyes, beaming brightly as she giggles? Or is it her cheerful laugh that is slowly warming my cold heart? My eyes squinted as I come to realize that absurdity. I am heartless. It is impossible to feel anything and to this mortal girl at that. My thoughts were disrupted when something cold and soft hit my face. I touched my wet face as the snow slowly melted. I heard giggles and I shot them my cold stare.

"Oh! We are very sorry, Sir!"

The girl ran towards me but stumbled on something and fell on her face. I just stared at her lying on the snow with her face partly buried in the snow. Then again I was astounded when she raised her head, looked up at me and laughed. I could not apprehend why I did not get mad but instead, I looked at her with curiosity as I surprisingly offered my hand to her to help her stand.

"Thank you, Sir." She smiled at me. A pure smile like an angel while she took my hand. I felt a brief warmth and something I cannot comprehend with that brief contact.

"What are you doing on my yard?" I asked her with a serious look. She then stared at me, finally taking in my beauty, with a mixture of fear, wonder, and admiration. My eyes became more cold as I realized she is a mortal girl and can easily be charmed by my deceitful handsome face even at such a young age. There is no difference. However, I was surprised when she smiled at me innocently while staring at me.

"You have beautiful eyes, Sir. They look so kind." She said naively and I do not know how to react to her unusual remark. My eyes are nothing but kind. They look ruthless and cold.

"You are talking nonsense, little girl." I said coldly.

"My name is Dahlia not little girl." She pouted. I gazed at her with awe. This girl is talking to me fearlessly even when I gave her my dangerous stare. The young boy went to her, suddenly grabbed her long skirt and wept, looking scared by my dark stare. "Hey, hush now, Angelo. Why are you crying?" 

"H-he s-carry..." The little brat sniffed and pointed his small finger at me. 

"Don't be scared. He is not bad. Look, he has gold eyes. Aren't they beautiful?" The girl cajoled and the boy stopped crying. He then stared at my eyes, looking amazed.

"Waaah... Gold! I want gold!" The boy jumped and clapped his tiny hands.

"I'm sorry, Sir. We didn't mean to trespass in your property. We got a bit lost. We will go now." The girl smiled at me once more and started to walk away. I do not know why, but I felt lonely when she disappeared from my eyesight.



"Dahlia..." I whispered her name out of the blue.

"What is it, My lord?" Lucas eyed me curiously.

"Nothing. Leave me." I ordered him and he left me on the long dining table, thinking of the little girl but then he came back few minutes later. I scowled at him.

"My lord, there was a girl looking for you outside. I told her to go away but she insisted to give these to you before she left." Lucas said uncomfortably and handed me a basket. I stared at it nonchalantly.


"Yes, My lord. She said to tell you to read her message."

"What message?"

"She put a note in the basket." I idly took the basket and found a folded white note. I opened it curiously.

Dear Sir with beautiful golden eyes,

I apologize again for our misbehaviour.

My aunt scolded me already so I guess

you don't need to be angry with me and my 

baby cousin. I baked you some cookies to

show that I am really sorry and also Merry 

Christmas! I made you a cheap present. I

made it so it's priceless. Hope you like it.

Remember my name is Dahlia, the beautiful 

flower that means Dignity and Elegance.

I saw Lucas staring at me, awed as for the first time, I smiled, a genuine smile after reading the note with a flower scribbled at the end of the note that maybe is a dahlia by the shape of it. That girl is definitely not elegant but her name is as beautiful as her.

"Let her in." I commanded.

"Ah, S-she left already, My lord." Lucas looked baffled when he realized he did something that might anger me. I stood up and hurriedly went out. I could not help but sigh a relief when I saw her not very far away. I moved inhumanely fast and she was surprised to see me in front of her.

"Whoa! You scared me, Mister."

"My name is Endymion."

"Endymion..." She whispered my name softly like she is thinking deeply. "Your name sound familiar... Aw, crap! I can't remember it." She slapped her forehead in frustration.

"Do you want to come to my house?" I cannot understand why I am being drawn to this little girl. Her innocence and honesty is making me want her. 

"Um, I'm sorry but I can't. My aunt will be worried. She doesn't know I went here." She giggled and stared at me with those innocent bright blue eyes. My heart beat again for the first time after countless years and I suddenly lost my control. I forcefully grabbed her waist and pushed her on the tree nearby. She gasped, looking surprised but I did not give her an opportunity to protest or to think, I roughly claimed her mouth like a savage who had captured his young prey. She was appalled but then I heard her moan then I felt her mouth opened and her sweet tongue met mine. I am more drawn to her as her kiss is innocent and inexperienced. I wanted to teach her more as her lips kissed me back with fervent desire and full of innocent curiosity. I have never felt this hungry for any woman but this girl. I roamed my rough hands on her young body, her blossoming breasts are reacting to my warm fondling. I ran my fingers down her thigh and massaged it gently then I touched her already wet core. I grabbed both of her thighs and raised them up so they are locked on my waist. I cannot contain it anymore as my arousal is aching to take her innocence.

That's right Endymion. Take her innocence and take her young soul... The evil within me whispered and I was thankful as that made me wake up. I stared at Dahlia and then I closed my eyes tightly calming myself and when I opened them, my eyes are glowing bright gold. I stared at her surprised blue eyes as I willed her to forget everything.

"Forget what has happened here and forget about me. Go and live a cheerful life as you shine bright like the moon when you smile." I said gravely and stared at her dazed expression while she slowly drifted away from me... I turned my back on her, afraid that I might lose to my evil self and take her and her soul. She is young  and innocent and I cannot take her soul.

I went back to my empty house and stared at the bracelet made of black beads with a silver star pendant hanging to the clasp. I clasped the cheap bracelet on my wrist, smiling bitterly, as I realized I am not human and I should not feel the way they feel...

"Endymion, I am disappointed. Why did you let that girl's soul come to waste?" The dark lord which I have a contract, appeared in front of me, giving me a menacing smile.

"I cannot take it as she is pure." I smiled at him.

"How long can you control yourself, boy? I know you lust for her body. I will watch you suffer as you control your cravings for her body and soul." He sneered and disappeared. I was left furious and unsure as what he said was true. I now crave for that girl and I do not know how long will I last controlling my lust...




How do you like the story so far guys? Please comment/suggest. It would be a great deal of help for me to make my story much better. Thanks in advance!




Kenzhie A.


Chapter one: Fiery golden eyes




2013, December 24th, France




"Dahlia... I want you... I want your body... I want you, my beloved little girl... and I want your soul..." I heard a raspy, haunting voice whispering in my head, hypnotizing and seducing my body and soul.

"Who are you?" I whispered back, looking around the cold, dark, empty field. I can't see anything but snowflakes falling from the sky, clouding my peripheral vision. My bared feet are numb from walking on the thick snow yet strangely I don't feel cold but my mind knows it's cold. My eyesight suddenly caught a familiar old oak tree but oddly I can't remember why it looks familiar. I roamed my eyes to the vast surroundings, searching for that beautiful, enthralling voice. Nothing. I continued to walk and then out of nowhere, I saw an enormous manor, appeared out of nowhere, standing grotesquely, few meters away from me. My feet started towards the monstrous house but a strong gust of air and snow whisked harshly in front of me, scraping my fragile skin like a blade cutting through my cheeks, stopping me from moving forward. I winced not from pain but from the rusty taste of my blood which streamed down my cheeks and into the corner of my mouth.

"Stop! Do not come close! If you do I might not be able to control myself anymore... Go!"  The stranger's mysterious voice spoke again in a fiery, angry tone.

"But why? I don't understand..." I asked curiously and forced myself to move forward again. There was no answer. Then the strong wind disappeared and I was surprised as I am now facing the big antique door with iron hinges. I grabbed the iron door handle and pushed it open. The door creaked menacingly loud as it heavily opened. I entered the dark yet attractive interior of the manor. The ceiling is very high with artistic curves of dark wood, paneled marble walls with gold intricate designs. All the furniture are exquisitely charming and medieval. The dark red curtains draping on the huge windows are made of fine silk. Everything I see is screaming elegance and royalty like a a prince or a king is residing in this beautiful yet lonely enormous manor. "Hello? Anybody here? I am lost and came across your house.. Can you please tell me where am I?" I shouted yet only the cold silence answered me back. I walked and walked but I didn't see anyone then I saw a dark door is ajar from the west wing, tempting me to come and take a peek. As I am facing the front of the door, I hold my breath and slowly pushed the door wide open and my eyes beamed of fervent curiosity as I saw a very tall dark haired man with broad shoulders, facing his back to me. The room is dark with only a single vintage wall lighting sconce dimly lit.


"I told you not to come." The mysterious man spoke in a clipped, raspy voice. 

"It was you!" I exclaimed incredulously as I came to recognize his familiar voice. The man slowly turned his head like a slow motion, to face me. I can't contain a gasp of pure awe and admiration as I met his golden eyes. I can't perfectly see his features as he is covered in the darkness of the room. However, just by gazing at those bewitching gold eyes, I am mesmerized. I slowly walked towards him like I was hypnotized. His golden eyes are oddly familiar like I once stared at those beautiful golden specs, admiring them. I am an artist and I am always captivated with anything beautiful and this man here is beyond beautiful.

"Do not come near me, human! I can smell your lustful desire!" He said in pure disgust and I don't know why I felt hurt by his harsh tone. My eyes slowly watered uncontrollably as his words pierced through my heart. Human? Isn't he human? Or simply because I'm just a plain looking human unlike him who has a superior beauty beyond any human such as myself? I felt insulted as I know I am no beauty. I'm not ugly yet my beauty is of any ordinary human girl. I also felt embarrassed as it seems my desire is quite transparent to him.

"I'm sorry I know I'm out of your league but you don't have to spit it on my face how ordinary I look." I lowered my head and was surprised to feel his warm rough hand touched my chin. How can he be in front of me so fast without hearing his footsteps? He walked stealthily like a panther targeting his prey. He raised my chin up and stared at my glistening eyes from tears. I gazed at him in wonder. I was completely awestruck. He is godly beautiful like a Greek god. His eyes are more beautiful in close distance, shimmering with a mixture of emotions I can't comprehend. His face is like, it was sculptured to perfection. A chiseled jaw that looks so strong, perfect straight nose, alluring lips that look like it will bring you to nirvana if it will brush your lips.

"Forgive my harsh words, my sweet Dahlia...I did not mean it that way... You are not ordinary. You are beautiful beyond comparison. I cannot take my eyes off you. For years I have been watching you everywhere even in your dreams. I cannot let you go even if I must..." He whispered gravely while caressing my wet cheeks. Strangely, my face has no trace of blood or scar from earlier, when my eyes accidentally glared at my reflection through the mirror that I now noticed is in front of me, the lighting became more illuminated as I saw some other vintage wall lighting sconces have been lit. He rested his forehead on the top of my head. He then gently kissed my forehead, my closed eyes, the tip of my nose, and the corner of my mouth. I heard him heaved a sigh. I looked up and met his burning gold eyes. I don't know why I can't open my mouth and let out a smart remark as I usually do in an awkward situation such as this. I'm just utterly speechless as I take in his blinding beauty. I wonder how can a man be this perfect, almost inhuman. His words also puzzling me. "Please forgive me, my lovely Dahlia as I cannot control it anymore." He spoke again in a husky tone and captured my mouth, kissing me passionately and hungrily like he was starved for a long time. His tongue forced my lips apart, asking for entrance and I willingly parted my lips, giving him complete access to the inside of my mouth.  My mind is  getting hazy as his tongue skillfully teased and urged me to kiss him back and I did, more than willing. I curled them with his and returned his hot kiss with the same intensity. I moaned in pleasure as I felt his warm touch roaming my body. "Oh you have grown into a beautiful woman, Dahlia..." He croaked enchantingly as his eyes devoured my already naked body. My eyes widen as I didn't notice that he'd already peeled off my cotton night dress and now I'm sprawled naked on his antique four-poster bed with red velvet bed cover tickling my bared back. I shyly covered my naked breast with my arms and looked away from his hot stare. "No, let me see you, love. Do not be embarrassed as you are perfect..." He whispered and took my hands away from my body. He kissed my every knuckles tenderly then slowly brushed his lips on my elbow, arms, neck, and gently nibbled my earlobe. My body is already burning like I'm having a high fever when I felt his rough hands skimmed my thighs and my upper body, leaving every skin he touches ablaze. My blue eyes are burning with fire as I took in his naked chest. This man is incredibly fast. I didn't notice his every move and now he is naked from his chest down to his waist. I hungrily touched his broad shoulders, his muscled chest, and his toned abdomen with bulging abs. I want to go lower but I felt suddenly shy and my cheeks burned when I gazed up and met his eyes, visible of lust and desire.

"You are perfect." I whispered and kissed his abdomen, feeling my shyness disappeared. This man is just so irresistibly gorgeous and oozing with carnal sex appeal. I can't stop myself as I brushed kisses to his stone-hard chest. I heard him groaned and then I felt his fingers raked through my messy hair, forcing my head up to meet his hungry mouth. He claimed my mouth once again fervently while I felt his strong arms parted my legs, raised me up, and placed me on his lap. My legs clamped on his waist as he grabbed my bottom, kneading them. Damn! I'm losing my sanity... "Oh Dahlia, my Dahlia! I want you now..." He rasped in a hurried tone.

"I want you too..." I whispered back and lowered my other hand to feel his arousal. He closed his eyes momentarily and when he opened them, they were glowing bright yellow, literally glowing like a car's headlight. I felt a bit scared as he looks inhuman and dangerous but beautiful nonetheless. I felt a mixture of fear and strong wantonness to this mysteriously handsome and somewhat dangerously inhuman man right before me, looking like he wants to eat me...

"No!" He screamed angrily like a thunder and I flew three feet away from the bed, banging on the wall yet strangely I don't feel any pain. Then I remember I am just dreaming but this seems so real. I looked up at him. His eyes look fierce as they bore onto mine. I stood up and walked towards him again like a moth attracted to his burning light. His eyes shone more brightly and angrily. "I shouldn't touch you... Go!" He roared and my body was thrown into darkness as I screamed soundlessly then my eyes opened, I sat up straight and gasped for air. I raked my hands through my sweaty hair as I woke up from my sensual dream and is now looking a bit disoriented. I roamed my eyes around and saw a young man sitting beside me, staring and looking amused.

"Bad dream or good dream?" He asked smiling. I almost forgot that I'm on my way to London by train and I kinda regretted why I chose Economy seat. I should have chosen Standard Premier class or Business Premier in that case I can daydream without getting bothered and embarrassed by the person sitting next to me. Being too thrifty can be a little disadvantageous at times.

"Both." I smiled politely. "Where are we now?" I asked and looked outside the glass window of the train. I can't tell just by looking at the scenery where we are. I'm not good at telling directions that's why I'll  never gonna be a tour guide which I've never dreamt of becoming one by the way.

"Still in France. We've just been traveling for thirty minutes." He informed still smiling. 

"Oh, I see. Thanks." I glanced at my wristwatch. It's just eight-thirty in the morning and travelling by train from Paris to London is about two hours and a half. My arrival time will be at ten-thirty. I sighed a mouthful of air, feeling infuriated. I have been dreaming about the same mysterious but gorgeous man with fiery golden eyes, hearing his voice and haunting me for years especially every Christmas eve, night or day. I don't know why. I have no memory of meeting anyone who has golden eyes but in my dreams they look vividly real like this man is real. My shrink had told me before during one of our sessions, that it is just my unconscious mind full of curiosity about the opposite sex for I've been virgin since birth. He said dreams are like an escape from the real world for which I can't express myself well so in my dreams my unconscious mind brought the desire hidden and suppressed within me that I can't express in reality. I sighed. Maybe I should just grab a guy and get it over with and be done with this friggin sexual curiosity. I'm twenty-one for christ's sake and still a friggin virgin! I'm not that conservative but I don't know why I can't. It's like someone will be mad if I'll have sex with just any guy. It's crazy but that's how I feel or maybe I'm crazy. If I sleep with someone maybe this crazy dream will disappear. But do I want it to disappear? It pierces my heart thinking about that. Strangely, I don't want it to disappear. I want to linger to this insane dream for quite some time, I think. I lazily got up, excused myself from the man beside me who is still staring at me with keen interest and went towards the direction of the bathroom and splash a cold water on my face. If I was still in my studio type apartment in Paris, I would have taken a cold shower to ease up the hot and sticky feeling I have right now because of that sensual dream. It's winter break and I'm packed for a short vacation at my aunt's home in England. My parents got divorced when I was in first grade and have their new family excluding me. I sometimes visit them but I can't stay longer as I felt out of place whenever I'm with either of my parents home. They looked happy without me so I usually stay with my aunt's home in England every vacation. She's my mother's older sister and has one son which by now is already thirteen years old. I can feel that my aunt loves me more than my own parents. She always tells me to visit whenever I like. She once said that she really wishes to have a daughter, not that she doesn't love her son, in fact, she loves him so much since he's such an adorable boy, but after giving birth to Angelo, she wasn't lucky to have another child. So, she treats me like her own daughter. I'm in my last year in Paris College of Art (PCA), taking Fine Arts. I'm just glad both of my parents didn't mind my decision in taking this course and provides for my every needs. I guess, it's there way of showing their guilt as they never a parent to me. At a young age, I grew up with my parents tossing me from time to time about who will take care of me, where will I sleep, and who will pick me up at school. My parents both lived in New York but in different houses with their new family and I've stayed with them, interchanging by schedule, like they don't have a choice until I turned eighteen and decided to study in Paris and lived alone. I sighed once more and went back to my seat. I'm glad the man was busy reading a magazine when I got back. I'm in no mood for a chit-chat.



"Oh darling welcome back!" Aunt Rosemarie hugged me as soon as she saw me. Her husband, uncle Augustine smiled at me and patted my shoulder.

"Dahlia!" Angelo's excited voice boomed in the entryway, running towards me and hugged me tightly.

"Hey, hey, hey! Aren't you a big boy now to scream like that? You sound like a girl squeaking loudly." I teased and laughed when I saw his cheeks turned beet red. He is such a handsome young boy with fair skin and hair and clear blue eyes almost similar to mine. My aunt has blue eyes as well as my mom. I feel a bit sad thinking about my mom all of a sudden.

"I am not a girl. Can't you see I've grown into a fine young man?" He mopped, looking annoyed at my humor. I grabbed the collar of his shirt so his head is leaning low. I reached up and ruffled his honey-blond hair and saw him frown. I smiled at him.

"I see you've grown so tall just over a year, my dear handsome cousin." I said and let go of his shirt. A year ago, I was taller than him an inch or two and I'm 5'6" tall and by looking at Angelo now, he seems to be almost 6 feet, probably 5'10' and he is just thirteen.

"But of course, I ate well and did some stretching so I'll grow taller than you." He said smugly. I've never thought he took my jokes seriously. I often tease him whenever I visit their house every winter vacation, that he looks like a midget and no girls will like him if he will not grow taller..

"Well, that's great. Maybe girls will like you now." I teased and I saw him blushed again while staring at me.

"Dahlia stop teasing your cousin and he is still young to have a girlfriend." Aunt Rosemarie lectured but I can see her smiling. She gestured me inside the living room while Angelo took my small luggage and went up the stairs to the room which I always occupy whenever I visit.



"Hey Angelo! Wait up! Where are we going?" I shouted at him since he is getting far from me. My winter boots are already drenched because of the thick snow and it's hard to walk steadily. It's past five in the afternoon and Angelo urged me to go for a stroll at the usual place we usually hangout since I can't remember when and play or take pictures. I actually carried my Canon DSLR camera with me, an advance Christmas present from my dad. I took some pictures from time to time as we walked.

"Move your bloody arse faster, shorty!" Angelo shouted back with a grin. I widen my eyes at him exaggeratedly and he laughed.

"What did you just say you cocky kid?" I put both of my hands on my hips acting serious but can't keep my face from smiling.

"Shorty!" He taunted while smirking at me.

"You arrogant kid! Wait till I catch you!" I barked at him and started running towards him.

"I bet you can't catch me with your short legs." He said laughing while running away from me.

"What! Don't underestimate me you little brat!" I shouted but then he disappeared from my vision. I ran more fast to catch up with him but I still can't see his tall figure. "Angelo?!" I called for him but there was no answer. Where did that brat go? I looked around and was astounded to see a familiar enormous manor from afar. "Shit! Am I dreaming again?"

"No little lady. You are not." I heard a chilly voice and I instantly shot my eyes from my left where I heard the voice and there I saw a tall and  very pale man with long raven black hair hanging loosely on his pale face, leaning on the big oak tree. This is definitely a dream. That monstrous manor and that big oak tree are completely identical from my dream! I pinched my arm and winced as I felt the pain. "I told you little one. You are not dreaming... Untrusting girl you are..." He slowly glided towards me and I just stood there like a statue looking aghast as the pale man continued walking and stopped a meter away from me. A gasp escaped my mouth when I saw his eyes. Golden eyes! Just like the man in my dreams! How many men are there with gold eyes and at the same place? I stared at him. He looks painstakingly handsome too but why do I feel different or rather I don't feel any spark which I always feel whenever I see him in my dreams. Is it because this is not a dream anymore? I feel bad as I can't remember perfectly what the man in my dreams looks like every time I wake up. The only thing I can remember are his fiery golden eyes.

I saw him grin like he knows what I'm thinking and it showed his perfectly white teeth though his two canine teeth on both sides are a bit elongated but it's not like those of a vampire fangs that I saw in the movies which are pretty scary. His are kinda sexy.

"Who are you?" I asked when I finally found my voice. 

"Stay away from her, Lucien!" I heard an angry voice from behind me. A familiar voice... 

"It is effective indeed." The so called Lucien spoke mostly to himself while giving me a satisfied smile. I curiously turned my head to look at the new stranger when a I saw a blur moved so fast then I felt a pain on the back of my neck like something hard hit it. I felt dizzy and staggered then I slowly begin to fall but before my head hit the bed of snow someone caught me. I blinked my fuzzy eyes to see who it is but all I can see is his golden eyes and his short dark hair.

"Dahlia..." I heard his worried voice whispered my name like he knew me then I heard Angelo's voice from afar.

"Oh my God! Dahlia! What happened?" Angelo craned my head on his lap. I opened my eyes to stare at Angelo's worried eyes and looked for another pair of golden eyes but it's only the two of us.

"Golden eyes..." I whispered before my consciousness completely faded...




I hope you like this chapter.


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Texte: Kenzhie Addie
Lektorat: Kenzhie Addie
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.07.2014

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